Implement daml init command. (#1080)

* Started working on daml init.

* Implement daml init.

* Nicer messages and nicer field generation.

* Cleaning up a duped definition.

* Review revisions
This commit is contained in:
A. F. Mota 2019-05-10 18:32:41 +02:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 7e2398ca7f
commit 2d682f489e
6 changed files with 247 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ da_haskell_library(
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ da_haskell_library(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module DamlHelper
( runDamlStudio
, runInit
, runNew
, runJar
, runListTemplates
@ -30,8 +31,11 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Text
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T (toStrict)
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import qualified Data.Yaml.Pretty as Y
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Network.Socket
@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ import System.IO.Extra
import DAML.Project.Config
import DAML.Project.Consts
import DAML.Project.Types (ProjectPath(..), parseVersion)
import DAML.Project.Types
import DAML.Project.Util
data DamlHelperError = DamlHelperError
@ -126,18 +130,227 @@ withJar jarPath args a = do
getTemplatesFolder :: IO FilePath
getTemplatesFolder = fmap (</> "templates") getSdkPath
-- | Initialize a daml project in the current or specified directory.
-- It will do the following (first that applies):
-- 1. If the target folder is actually a file, it will error out.
-- 2. If the target folder does not exist, it will error out and ask
-- the user if they meant to use daml new instead.
-- 3. If the target folder is a daml project root, it will do nothing
-- and let the user know the target is already a daml project.
-- 4. If the target folder is inside a daml project (transitively) but
-- is not the project root, it will do nothing and print out a warning.
-- 5. If the target folder is a da project root, it will create a
-- daml.yaml config file from the da.yaml config file, and let the
-- user know that it did that.
-- 6. If the target folder is inside a da project (transitively) but
-- is not the project root, it will error out with a message that lets
-- the user know what the project root is and suggests the user run
-- daml init on the project root.
-- 7. If none of the above, it will create a daml.yaml from scratch.
-- It will attempt to find a Main.daml source file in the project
-- directory tree, but if it does not it will use daml/Main.daml
-- as the default.
runInit :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
runInit targetFolderM = do
currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory
let targetFolder = fromMaybe currentDir targetFolderM
targetFolderRel = makeRelative currentDir targetFolder
projectConfigRel = normalise (targetFolderRel </> projectConfigName)
-- ^ for display purposes
-- cases 1 or 2
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist targetFolder) $ do
whenM (doesFileExist targetFolder) $ do
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "ERROR: daml init target should be a directory, but is a file."
, " target = " <> targetFolderRel
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "ERROR: daml init target does not exist."
, " target = " <> targetFolderRel
, ""
, "To create a project directory use daml new instead:"
, " daml new " <> escapePath targetFolderRel
targetFolderAbs <- makeAbsolute targetFolder -- necessary to find project roots
-- cases 3 or 4
damlProjectRootM <- findDamlProjectRoot targetFolderAbs
whenJust damlProjectRootM $ \projectRoot -> do
let projectRootRel = makeRelative currentDir projectRoot
hPutStrLn stderr $ "DAML project already initialized at " <> projectRootRel
when (targetFolderAbs /= projectRoot) $ do
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "WARNING: daml init target is not the DAML project root."
, " daml init target = " <> targetFolder
, " DAML project root = " <> projectRootRel
-- cases 5 or 6
daProjectRootM <- findDaProjectRoot targetFolderAbs
whenJust daProjectRootM $ \projectRoot -> do
when (targetFolderAbs /= projectRoot) $ do
let projectRootRel = makeRelative currentDir projectRoot
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "ERROR: daml init target is not DA project root."
, " daml init target = " <> targetFolder
, " DA project root = " <> projectRootRel
, ""
, "To proceed with da.yaml migration, please use the project root:"
, " daml init " <> escapePath projectRootRel
let legacyConfigPath = projectRoot </> legacyConfigName
legacyConfigRel = normalise (targetFolderRel </> legacyConfigName)
-- ^ for display purposes
daYaml <- requiredE ("Failed to parse " <> T.pack legacyConfigPath) =<<
Y.decodeFileEither (projectRoot </> legacyConfigName)
putStr $ unlines
[ "Detected DA project."
, "Migrating " <> legacyConfigRel <> " to " <> projectConfigRel
let getField :: Y.FromJSON t => T.Text -> IO t
getField name =
required ("Failed to parse project." <> name <> " from " <> T.pack legacyConfigPath) $
flip Y.parseMaybe daYaml $ \y -> do
p <- y Y..: "project"
p Y..: name
minimumSdkVersion <- getMinimumSdkVersion
projSdkVersion :: SdkVersion <- getField "sdk-version"
let newProjSdkVersion = max projSdkVersion minimumSdkVersion
when (projSdkVersion < minimumSdkVersion) $ do
putStr $ unlines
[ ""
, "WARNING: da.yaml SDK version " <> versionToString projSdkVersion <> " is too old for the new"
, "assistant, so daml.yaml will use SDK version " <> versionToString newProjSdkVersion <> " instead."
, ""
projSource :: T.Text <- getField "source"
projParties :: [T.Text] <- getField "parties"
projName :: T.Text <- getField "name"
projScenario :: T.Text <- getField "scenario"
BS.writeFile (projectRoot </> projectConfigName) . Y.encodePretty yamlConfig $ Y.object
[ ("sdk-version", Y.String (versionToText newProjSdkVersion))
, ("name", Y.String projName)
, ("source", Y.String projSource)
, ("scenario", Y.String projScenario)
, ("parties", Y.array (map Y.String projParties))
, ("version", Y.String "1.0.0")
, ("exposed-modules", Y.array [Y.String "Main"])
, ("dependencies", Y.array [Y.String "daml-prim", Y.String "daml-stdlib"])
putStrLn ("Done! Please verify " <> projectConfigRel)
-- case 7
putStrLn ("Generating " <> projectConfigRel)
currentSdkVersion <- getSdkVersion
projectFiles <- listFilesRecursive targetFolder
let isMainDotDaml = (== "Main.daml") . takeFileName
sourceM = listToMaybe (filter isMainDotDaml projectFiles)
source = fromMaybe "daml/Main.daml" sourceM
name = takeFileName (dropTrailingPathSeparator targetFolderAbs)
BS.writeFile (targetFolder </> projectConfigName) . Y.encodePretty yamlConfig $ Y.object
[ ("sdk-version", Y.String (T.pack currentSdkVersion))
, ("name", Y.String (T.pack name))
, ("source", Y.String (T.pack source))
, ("scenario", Y.String "Main:mainScenario")
, ("parties", Y.array [Y.String "Alice", Y.String "Bob"])
, ("version", Y.String "1.0.0")
, ("exposed-modules", Y.array [Y.String "Main"])
, ("dependencies", Y.array [Y.String "daml-prim", Y.String "daml-stdlib"])
putStr $ unlines
[ "Initialized project " <> name
, "Done! Please verify " <> projectConfigRel
legacyConfigName = "da.yaml"
findDamlProjectRoot :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findDamlProjectRoot = findAscendantWithFile projectConfigName
findDaProjectRoot :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findDaProjectRoot = findAscendantWithFile legacyConfigName
findAscendantWithFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findAscendantWithFile filename path =
findM (\p -> doesFileExist (p </> filename)) (ascendants path)
-- why don't any good filepath libraries have something like this?
escapePath :: FilePath -> FilePath
escapePath = concatMap $ \c ->
if c `elem` (" \\\"\'$" :: String)
then ['\\', c]
else [c]
getMinimumSdkVersion :: IO SdkVersion
getMinimumSdkVersion =
requiredE "BUG: Expected 0.12.15 to be valid SDK version" $
parseVersion "0.12.15"
fieldOrder :: [T.Text]
fieldOrder =
[ "sdk-version"
, "name"
, "version"
, "source"
, "scenario"
, "parties"
, "exposed-modules"
, "dependencies"
fieldNameCompare :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Ordering
fieldNameCompare a b = compare (elemIndex a fieldOrder) (elemIndex b fieldOrder)
yamlConfig :: Y.Config
yamlConfig = Y.setConfCompare fieldNameCompare Y.defConfig
runNew :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
runNew targetFolder templateName = do
templatesFolder <- getTemplatesFolder
let templateFolder = templatesFolder </> templateName
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist templateFolder) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "Template " <> show templateName <> " does not exist."
, "Use `daml new --list` to see a list of available templates"
whenM (doesDirectoryExist targetFolder) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "Directory " <> show targetFolder <> " already exists."
, "Please specify a new directory for creating a project."

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ data Command
= DamlStudio { replaceExtension :: ReplaceExtension, remainingArguments :: [String] }
| RunJar { jarPath :: FilePath, remainingArguments :: [String] }
| New { targetFolder :: FilePath, templateName :: String }
| Init { targetFolderM :: Maybe FilePath }
| ListTemplates
| Start
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ commandParser =
subparser $ fold
[ command "studio" (info (damlStudioCmd <**> helper) forwardOptions)
, command "new" (info (newCmd <**> helper) idm)
, command "init" (info (initCmd <**> helper) idm)
, command "start" (info (startCmd <**> helper) idm)
, command "run-jar" (info runJarCmd forwardOptions)
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ commandParser =
<$> argument str (metavar "TARGET_PATH" <> help "Path where the new project should be located")
<*> argument str (metavar "TEMPLATE" <> help "Name of the template used to create the project (default: skeleton)" <> value "skeleton")
initCmd = Init <$> optional (argument str (metavar "TARGET_PATH" <> help "Project folder to initialize."))
startCmd = pure Start
readReplacement :: ReadM ReplaceExtension
readReplacement = maybeReader $ \case
@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ runCommand :: Command -> IO ()
runCommand DamlStudio {..} = runDamlStudio replaceExtension remainingArguments
runCommand RunJar {..} = runJar jarPath remainingArguments
runCommand New {..} = runNew targetFolder templateName
runCommand Init {..} = runInit targetFolderM
runCommand ListTemplates = runListTemplates
runCommand Start = runStart

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module DAML.Project.Util
, fromMaybeM
, copyDirectory
, moveDirectory
, ascendants
) where
import Control.Exception.Safe
@ -43,3 +44,22 @@ moveDirectory src target =
(const $ do
copyDirectory src target
removePathForcibly src)
-- | Calculate the ascendants of a path, i.e. the successive parents of a path,
-- including the path itself, all the way to its root. For example:
-- ascendants "/foo/bar/baz" == ["/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/bar", "/foo", "/"]
-- ascendants "~/foo/bar/baz" == ["~/foo/bar/baz", "~/foo/bar", "~/foo", "~"]
-- ascendants "./foo/bar/baz" == ["./foo/bar/baz", "./foo/bar", "./foo", "."]
-- ascendants "../foo/bar/baz" == ["../foo/bar/baz", "../foo/bar", "../foo", ".."]
-- ascendants "foo/bar/baz" == ["foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar", "foo", "."]
ascendants :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
ascendants "" = ["."]
ascendants "~" = ["~"]
ascendants ".." = [".."]
ascendants p =
let p' = takeDirectory (dropTrailingPathSeparator p)
ps = if p == p' then [] else ascendants p'
in p : ps

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module DAML.Assistant.Util
( module DAML.Assistant.Util
, ascendants
, fromRightM
, fromMaybeM
) where
@ -10,29 +11,10 @@ module DAML.Assistant.Util
import DAML.Assistant.Types
import DAML.Project.Util
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Extra hiding (fromMaybeM)
-- | Calculate the ascendants of a path, i.e. the successive parents of a path,
-- including the path itself, all the way to its root. For example:
-- ascendants "/foo/bar/baz" == ["/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/bar", "/foo", "/"]
-- ascendants "~/foo/bar/baz" == ["~/foo/bar/baz", "~/foo/bar", "~/foo", "~"]
-- ascendants "./foo/bar/baz" == ["./foo/bar/baz", "./foo/bar", "./foo", "."]
-- ascendants "../foo/bar/baz" == ["../foo/bar/baz", "../foo/bar", "../foo", ".."]
-- ascendants "foo/bar/baz" == ["foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar", "foo", "."]
ascendants :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
ascendants "" = ["."]
ascendants "~" = ["~"]
ascendants ".." = [".."]
ascendants p =
let p' = takeDirectory (dropTrailingPathSeparator p)
ps = if p == p' then [] else ascendants p'
in p : ps
-- | Throw an assistant error.
throwErr :: Text -> IO a
throwErr msg = throwIO (assistantError msg)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ commands:
path: daml-helper/daml-helper
desc: "Create a new DAML project"
args: ["new"]
- name: init
path: daml-helper/daml-helper
desc: "Configure a folder as a DAML project"
args: ["init"]
- name: build
path: damlc/da-hs-damlc-app
args: ["build"]