Drop DA.Next.Set and DA.Next.Map (#11864)

* Drop DA.Next.Set and DA.Next.Map

Fixes #11527. Also removed a bunch of unnecessary CPP, though there's
still a lot more CPP to remove.


- [Daml Standard Library] DA.Next.Map and DA.Next.Set have been removed
  after being deprecated since Daml-LF 1.11


* Drop a deriving MapKey

* update unstable-types test
This commit is contained in:
Sofia Faro 2021-11-25 13:02:08 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5f3a4d2067
commit 2f8f69e7cb
No known key found for this signature in database
23 changed files with 17 additions and 637 deletions

View File

@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ module DA.Internal.LF
, TextMap
, Map
, Update
@ -125,26 +123,24 @@ instance Ord Time where (<=) = primitive @"BELessEq"
data TextMap a =
TextMap Opaque
-- | The `Map a b` type represents an associative array from keys of type `a`
-- to values of type `b`. It uses the built-in equality for keys. Import
-- `DA.Map` to use it.
data Map a b =
Map Opaque
-- | The `ContractId a` type represents an ID for a contract created from a template `a`.
-- You can use the ID to fetch the contract, among other things.
data ContractId a =
ContractId Opaque
instance Eq (ContractId a) where (==) = primitive @"BEEqualContractId"
instance Ord (ContractId a) where
(<) = primitive @"BELess"
(<=) = primitive @"BELessEq"
(>) = primitive @"BEGreater"
(>=) = primitive @"BEGreaterEq"
instance Show (ContractId a) where
show cid = case primitive @"BEContractIdToText" cid of
@ -267,13 +263,11 @@ data TypeRep = TypeRep Opaque
instance Eq TypeRep where
(==) = primitive @"BEEqual"
instance Ord TypeRep where
(<=) = primitive @"BELessEq"
(>=) = primitive @"BEGreaterEq"
(<) = primitive @"BELess"
(>) = primitive @"BEGreater"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -13,16 +12,12 @@
-- | MOVE Prelude Daml-LF primitives, just templates/contracts
module DA.Internal.Template.Functions where
import DA.Internal.Any
import DA.Internal.LF
import DA.Internal.Prelude
import DA.Internal.Template
import GHC.Types (primitive)
type TemplateOrInterface t =
( HasTemplateTypeRep t
@ -227,28 +222,19 @@ instance IsParties (Optional Party) where
toParties None = []
toParties (Some p) = [p]
instance Eq AnyTemplate where
(==) = primitive @"BEEqual"
instance Eq AnyChoice where
(==) = primitive @"BEEqual"
instance Eq AnyContractKey where
(==) = primitive @"BEEqual"
instance Ord AnyTemplate where
(<=) = primitive @"BELessEq"
instance Ord AnyChoice where
(<=) = primitive @"BELessEq"
instance Ord AnyContractKey where
(<=) = primitive @"BELessEq"
-- | Generate a unique textual representation of the template id.
templateTypeRep : forall t. HasTemplateTypeRep t => TemplateTypeRep
@ -257,11 +243,7 @@ templateTypeRep = TemplateTypeRep (_templateTypeRep ([] : [t]))
instance Eq TemplateTypeRep where
TemplateTypeRep a == TemplateTypeRep b = a == b
deriving instance Ord TemplateTypeRep
-- | Wrap the template in `AnyTemplate`.
@ -325,8 +307,6 @@ fromAnyContractKey (AnyContractKey any rep)
| Some k <- _fromAnyContractKey ([] : [t]) any
, templateTypeRep @t == rep = Some k
| otherwise = None
deriving instance Eq Archive
deriving instance Show Archive

View File

@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.List.BuiltinOrder where
-- | Note: This is only supported in DAML-LF 1.11 or later.
@ -151,4 +146,3 @@ goUniqueOn f m (x :: xs) =
in case Map.lookup (f x) m of
None -> goUniqueOn f (Map.insert k () m) xs
Some _ -> False

View File

@ -1,17 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- | HIDE
module DA.Map where
-- | Note: This is only supported in DAML-LF 1.11 or later.
-- This module exports the generic map type `Map k v` and associated
@ -240,5 +229,3 @@ instance Ord k => Foldable.Foldable (Map k) where
instance Ord k => Traversable.Traversable (Map k) where
mapA f x = fmap fromList $ mapA (\(k, v) -> fmap (k,) $ f v) $ toList x

View File

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- | `DA.Next.Map` is deprecated. Please use `DA.Map` instead.
module DA.Next.Map
{-# DEPRECATED "DA.Next.Map is deprecated. Please use DA.Map instead." #-}
-- | Map - A `Map` is an associative array data type composed of a
-- collection of key/value pairs such that each possible key appears
-- at most once in the collection.
module DA.Next.Map
( Map
, MapKey (..)
, empty
, size
, toList
, fromList
, fromListWith
, toTextMap
, fromTextMap
, null
, lookup
, member
, filter
, filterWithKey
, delete
, insert
, union
, merge
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, null, filter, empty)
import DA.Foldable qualified as Foldable
import DA.Text
import DA.TextMap (TextMap)
import DA.TextMap qualified as TextMap
import DA.Traversable qualified as Traversable
import DA.Tuple
-- | A `Map k v` is an associative array data type composed of a
-- collection of key/value pairs of key type `k` and value type `v`
-- such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection.
newtype Map k v = Map with textMap : TextMap v
deriving (Eq, Ord, Foldable.Foldable)
-- | A class for types that can be used as keys for the `Map` type.
-- All keys `k` must satisfy `keyFromText (keyToText k) == k`.
class Eq k => MapKey k where
-- | Turn a key into its textual representation. This function must be
-- injective.
keyToText : k -> Text
-- | Recover a key from its textual representation. `keyFromText x` is
-- allowed to fail whenever there is _no_ key `k` with `keyToText k == x`.
-- Whenever such a `k` does exist, then it must satisfy
-- `keyFromText x == k`.
keyFromText : Text -> k
instance MapKey Text where
keyToText x = x
keyFromText x = x
keyFromTextNote : Text -> Text -> Text
keyFromTextNote target t =
"keyFromText: could not parse " <> show t <> " as '" <> target <> "'"
instance MapKey Party where
keyToText = partyToText
keyFromText t =
case partyFromText t of
None -> error (keyFromTextNote "Party" t)
Some x -> x
instance MapKey Int where
keyToText = show
keyFromText t =
case parseInt t of
None -> error (keyFromTextNote "Int" t)
Some x -> x
instance MapKey Decimal where
keyToText = show
keyFromText t =
case parseDecimal t of
None -> error (keyFromTextNote "Decimal" t)
Some x -> x
-- | Create a map from a list of key/value pairs.
fromList : MapKey k => [(k, v)] -> Map k v
fromList kvs = Map $ TextMap.fromList $ map (first keyToText) kvs
-- | Create a map from a list of key/value pairs with a combining
-- function. Examples:
-- ```
-- fromListWith (<>) [(5,"a"), (5,"b"), (3,"b"), (3,"a"), (5,"c")] == fromList [(3, "ba"), (5, "abc")]
-- fromListWith (<>) [] == (empty : Map Int Text)
-- ```
fromListWith : MapKey k => (v -> v -> v) -> [(k, v)] -> Map k v
fromListWith f kvs = Map $ TextMap.fromListWith f $ map (first keyToText) kvs
-- | Convert the map to a list of key/value pairs where the keys are
-- in ascending order of their textual representation.
toList : MapKey k => Map k v -> [(k, v)]
toList (Map t) = map (first keyFromText) $ TextMap.toList t
-- | Create a `Map` from a `TextMap`.
fromTextMap : TextMap v -> Map Text v
fromTextMap = Map
-- | Convert a `Map` into a `TextMap`.
toTextMap : MapKey k => Map k v -> TextMap v
toTextMap (Map t) = t
-- | The empty map.
empty : Map k v
empty = Map TextMap.empty
-- | Number of elements in the map.
size : Map k v -> Int
size (Map t) = TextMap.size t
-- | Is the map empty?
null : Map k v -> Bool
null m = size m == 0
-- | Lookup the value at a key in the map.
lookup : MapKey k => k -> Map k v -> Optional v
lookup k (Map t) = TextMap.lookup (keyToText k) t
-- | Is the key a member of the map?
member : MapKey k => k -> Map k v -> Bool
member k (Map t) = TextMap.member (keyToText k) t
-- | Filter the `Map` using a predicate: keep only the entries where the
-- value satisfies the predicate.
filter : MapKey k => (v -> Bool) -> Map k v -> Map k v
filter p = filterWithKey (const p)
-- | Filter the `Map` using a predicate: keep only the entries which
-- satisfy the predicate.
filterWithKey : MapKey k => (k -> v -> Bool) -> Map k v -> Map k v
filterWithKey p (Map t) = Map $ TextMap.filterWithKey (p . keyFromText) t
-- | Delete a key and its value from the map. When the key is not a
-- member of the map, the original map is returned.
delete : MapKey k => k -> Map k v -> Map k v
delete k (Map t) = Map $ TextMap.delete (keyToText k) t
-- | Insert a new key/value pair in the map. If the key is already
-- present in the map, the associated value is replaced with the
-- supplied value.
insert : MapKey k => k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
insert k v (Map t) = Map $ TextMap.insert (keyToText k) v t
-- | The union of two maps, preferring the first map when equal
-- keys are encountered.
union : MapKey k => Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v
union (Map t1) (Map t2) = Map $ TextMap.union t1 t2
-- | Merge two maps. `merge f g h x y` applies `f` to all key/value pairs
-- whose key only appears in `x`, `g` to all pairs whose key only appears
-- in `y` and `h` to all pairs whose key appears in both `x` and `y`.
-- In the end, all pairs yielding `Some` are collected as the result.
: MapKey k
=> (k -> a -> Optional c)
-> (k -> b -> Optional c)
-> (k -> a -> b -> Optional c)
-> Map k a
-> Map k b
-> Map k c
merge f g h (Map xs) (Map ys) = Map $ TextMap.merge (f . keyFromText) (g . keyFromText) (h . keyFromText) xs ys
instance (MapKey k, Show k, Show v) => Show (Map k v) where
show m = "Map " <> show (toList m)
deriving instance MapKey k => Semigroup (Map k v)
-- TODO(MH): The converter to Daml-LF can't handle deriving this right now.
-- It fails with "Coercion with symco."
-- deriving instance MapKey k => Monoid (Map k v)
instance MapKey k => Monoid (Map k v) where
mempty = empty
deriving instance MapKey k => Functor (Map k)
instance MapKey k => Traversable.Traversable (Map k) where
mapA f (Map t) = fmap Map $ Traversable.mapA f t

View File

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- | `DA.Next.Set` is deprecated. Please use `DA.Set` instead.
module DA.Next.Set
{-# DEPRECATED "DA.Next.Set is deprecated. Please use DA.Set instead." #-}
-- | Set - The `Set a` type represents a set of elements of type
-- `a`. Most operations require that `a` be an instance of the `MapKey`
-- type class.
module DA.Next.Set
( Set
, empty
, size
, toList
, fromList
, toTextMap
, fromTextMap
, member
, null
, insert
, filter
, delete
, singleton
, union
, intersection
, difference
import Prelude hiding (filter, null, empty)
import DA.Next.Map (MapKey (..))
import DA.TextMap (TextMap)
import DA.TextMap qualified as TextMap
-- | The type of a set.
newtype Set a = Set with textMap : TextMap ()
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- NOTE(MH): This is not a newtype wrapper around the `Map` type such that
-- people using `Set` over the Ledger API don't have to wrap every set into
-- two layers of newtypes.
-- | The empty set.
empty : Set a
empty = Set TextMap.empty
-- | The number of elements in the set.
size : Set a -> Int
size (Set t) = TextMap.size t
-- | Convert the set to a list of elements.
toList : MapKey a => Set a -> [a]
toList (Set t) = map (keyFromText . fst) $ TextMap.toList t
-- | Create a set from a list of elements.
fromList : MapKey a => [a] -> Set a
fromList xs = Set $ TextMap.fromList $ map (\x -> (keyToText x, ())) xs
-- | Convert a `Set` into a `TextMap`.
toTextMap : Set Text -> TextMap ()
toTextMap (Set t) = t
-- | Create a `Set` from a `TextMap`.
fromTextMap : TextMap () -> Set Text
fromTextMap = Set
-- | Is the element in the set?
member : MapKey a => a -> Set a -> Bool
member x (Set t) = TextMap.member (keyToText x) t
-- | Is this the empty set?
null : Set a -> Bool
null (Set t) = TextMap.null t
-- | Insert an element in a set. If the set already contains an
-- element equal to the given value, it is replaced with the new
-- value.
insert : MapKey a => a -> Set a -> Set a
insert x (Set t) = Set $ TextMap.insert (keyToText x) () t
-- | Filter all elements that satisfy the predicate.
filter : MapKey a => (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> Set a
filter p (Set t) = Set $ TextMap.filterWithKey (\x () -> p (keyFromText x)) t
-- | Delete an element from a set.
delete : MapKey a => a -> Set a -> Set a
delete x (Set t) = Set $ TextMap.delete (keyToText x) t
-- | Create a singleton set.
singleton : MapKey a => a -> Set a
singleton x = insert x empty
-- | The union of two sets, preferring the first set when equal
-- elements are encountered.
union : MapKey a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
union (Set t1) (Set t2) = Set $ TextMap.union t1 t2
-- | The intersection of two sets. Elements of the result come from
-- the first set.
intersection : MapKey a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
intersection s1 s2 = filter (`member` s2) s1
-- | `difference x y` returns the set consisting of all
-- elements in `x` that are not in `y`.
-- >>> fromList [1, 2, 3] `difference` fromList [1, 4]
-- fromList [2, 3]
difference : MapKey a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
difference s1 s2 = filter (\x -> not (x `member` s2)) s1
instance (MapKey a, Show a) => Show (Set a) where
show s = "Set " <> show (toList s)
instance IsParties (Set Party) where
toParties = toList
instance MapKey a => Semigroup (Set a) where
(<>) = union
instance MapKey a => Monoid (Set a) where
mempty = empty

View File

@ -4,13 +4,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
-- | HIDE
module DA.Set where
-- | Note: This is only supported in DAML-LF 1.11 or later.
-- This module exports the generic set type `Set k` and associated
@ -159,4 +152,3 @@ instance Foldable.Foldable Set where
foldMap f xs = Foldable.foldMap f (DA.Set.toList xs)
length = size
null = DA.Set.null

View File

@ -3,13 +3,6 @@
-- | HIDE
module DA.Set.Types where
-- | MOVE DA.Set
module DA.Set.Types where
@ -18,5 +11,3 @@ import DA.Internal.LF (Map)
-- | The type of a set. This is a wrapper over the `Map` type.
data Set k = Set with
map : Map k ()

View File

@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ import DA.Math
import DA.Maybe.Total
import DA.Maybe
import DA.Monoid
import DA.Next.Map
import DA.Next.Set
import DA.NonEmpty
import DA.Numeric
import DA.Optional.Total

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-- We test for deprecations in NextMapDeprecated
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- Copyright (c) 2020, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
-- @ERROR could not parse ""notaparty"" as 'Party'
-- @ERROR could not parse "not-an-int" as 'Int'
-- @ERROR could not parse "not-a-decimal" as 'Decimal'
module NextMap where
import DA.Next.Map as M
import DA.Assert
testEmpty = scenario do
0 === size M.empty
[] === toList (M.empty : Map Int Decimal)
testSize = scenario do
0 === size (fromList ([] : [(Int, Decimal)]))
3 === size (fromList ([(1, 2.0), (2, 9.0), (3, 2.2)] : [(Int, Decimal)]))
testToList = scenario do
[(1, "c"), (2, "a"), (5, "b")] === toList (fromList [(2, "a"), (5, "b"), (1, "c")])
testFromList = scenario do
False === member 2 (fromList [(1, "a"), (3, "b"), (4, "c")])
True === member 3 (fromList [(1, "a"), (3, "b"), (4, "c")])
[(1, "b")] === toList (fromList [(1, "a"), (1, "c"), (1, "b")])
testFromListWith = scenario do
fromListWith (<>) [(5,"a"), (5,"b"), (3,"b"), (3,"a"), (5,"c")] === fromList [(3, "ba"), (5, "abc")]
fromListWith (<>) [] === (M.empty : Map Int Text)
testMember = scenario do
False === member "a" (fromList ([("", 1.0), ("b", 2.0), ("c", 3.0)] : [(Text, Decimal)]))
True === member "" (fromList ([("", 1.0), ("b", 2.0), ("c", 3.0)] : [(Text, Decimal)]))
False === member 2 (fromList [])
testLookup = scenario do
None === M.lookup "a" (fromList ([("", 1.0), ("b", 2.0), ("c", 3.0)] : [(Text, Decimal)]))
Some 1.0 === M.lookup "" (fromList ([("", 1.0), ("b", 2.0), ("c", 3.0)] : [(Text, Decimal)]))
None === M.lookup 2 (fromList ([] : [(Int, Text)]))
testNull = scenario do
True === M.null M.empty
False === M.null (insert 5 "a" M.empty)
False === M.null (fromList [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")])
True === M.null (fromList ([] : [(Int, Party)]))
testInsert = scenario do
[(1, True), (2, False), (3, True), (4, False), (5, False)] === toList
(foldl (\a b -> uncurry insert b a) M.empty [(3, True), (1, False), (4, False), (2, True), (5, False), (2, False), (1, True)])
testFilterWithKey = scenario do
[(1, True), (2, False), (3, True)] === toList (M.filterWithKey (\k v -> k < 3 || v) (fromList [(3, True), (1, False), (4, False), (2, True), (5, False), (2, False), (1, True)]))
testDelete = scenario do
[(2, False), (3, True), (4, False), (5, False)] === toList (delete 1 (fromList [(3, True), (1, False), (4, False), (2, True), (5, False), (2, False), (1, True)]))
[(1, False), (2, True)] === toList (delete 3 (fromList [(2, False), (1, True), (2, True), (1, False)]))
testMerge = scenario do
let m1 = fromList [(3, "aa"), (1, "bb"), (4, "cc"), (2, "dd"), (6, "ee")]
let m2 = fromList [(1, "a"), (3, "b"), (2, "c"), (5, "d"), (0, "e")]
[] === toList (merge (\_ v -> Some v) (\_ v -> Some v) (\_ v _ -> Some v) M.empty (M.empty : Map Int Text))
[] === toList (merge (\_ v -> Some v) (\_ v -> Some v) (\_ _ _ -> None) m1 m1)
[(1, "bb"), (3, "aa")] === toList (merge (\_ v -> if v <= "bb" then Some v else None) (\_ v -> Some v) (\_ _ _ -> None) m1 M.empty)
[(1, "a"), (3, "b")] === toList (merge (\_ v -> Some v) (\_ v -> if v <= "bb" then Some v else None) (\_ _ _ -> None) M.empty m2)
[(1,"bb"), (2,"dd"), (3,"aa")] === toList (merge (\_ _ -> None) (\_ _ -> None) (\_ v _ -> Some v) m1 m2)
testMapKeyParty = scenario do
pure $ keyFromText @Party "\"notaparty\""
testMapKeyInt = scenario do
pure $ keyFromText @Int "not-an-int"
testMapKeyDecimal = scenario do
pure $ keyFromText @Decimal "not-a-decimal"

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
-- @SINCE-LF 1.11
-- @WARN DA.Next.Map is deprecated. Please use DA.Map instead.
module NextMapDeprecated where
import DA.Next.Map ()

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-- We test for deprecations in NextMapDeprecated
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- Copyright (c) 2020, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
module NextSet where
import DA.Next.Set as S
import DA.Assert
testEmpty = scenario do
0 === size S.empty
[] === toList (S.empty : Set Decimal)
testSize = scenario do
0 === size (fromList ([] : [Decimal]))
3 === size (fromList [1, 2, 3])
testToList = scenario do
[1, 2, 5] === toList (fromList [2, 5, 1])
testFromList = scenario do
False === member 2 (fromList [1, 3, 4])
True === member 3 (fromList [1, 3, 4])
[1] === toList (fromList [1, 1, 1, 1])
testMember = scenario do
False === member "a" (fromList ["", "b", "c"])
True === member "" (fromList ["", "b", "c"])
False === member 2 (fromList [])
testNull = scenario do
True === S.null S.empty
False === S.null (insert 5 S.empty)
False === S.null (fromList [1, 2, 3])
True === S.null (fromList ([] : [Int]))
testInsert = scenario do
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] === toList (foldl (\a b -> insert b a) S.empty [3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1])
testFilter = scenario do
[1, 2] === toList (S.filter (<3) (fromList [3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1]))
testDelete = scenario do
[2, 3, 4, 5] === toList (delete 1 (fromList [3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1]))
[1, 2] === toList (delete 3 (fromList [2, 1, 2, 1]))
testSingleton = scenario do
[1] === toList (singleton 1)
testUnion = scenario do
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] === toList (fromList [1, 5, 3] `union` fromList [4, 3, 2])
[2, 4] === toList (S.empty `union` fromList [4, 2])
[1, 3, 5] === toList (fromList [1, 5, 3] `union` S.empty)
[] === toList (S.empty `union` fromList ([] : [Int]))
testIntersection = scenario do
[3, 5, 9] === toList (intersection (fromList [9, 1, 5, 6, 8, 3]) (fromList [4, 3, 7, 2, 5, 9]))
[] === toList (intersection S.empty (fromList [4, 2]))
[] === toList (intersection (fromList [1, 5, 3]) S.empty)
[] === toList (intersection S.empty (fromList ([] : [Int])))
testDifference = scenario do
[1, 6] === toList (difference (fromList [1, 5, 3, 6]) (fromList [4, 3, 2, 5]))
[] === toList (difference S.empty (fromList [4, 2]))
[1, 3, 5] === toList (difference (fromList [1, 5, 3]) S.empty)
[] === toList (difference S.empty (fromList ([] : [Int])))

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
-- @SINCE-LF 1.11
-- @WARN DA.Next.Set is deprecated. Please use DA.Set instead.
module NextSetDeprecated where
import DA.Next.Set ()

View File

@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ damlStdlibTypes ver
types = map (bimap LF.ModuleName LF.TypeConName)
[ (["DA", "Random"], ["Minstd"])
, (["DA", "Next", "Set"], ["Set"])
, (["DA", "Next", "Map"], ["Map"])
, (["DA", "Generics"], ["DecidedStrictness"])
, (["DA", "Generics"], ["SourceStrictness"])
, (["DA", "Generics"], ["SourceUnpackedness"])
@ -80,4 +78,3 @@ damlStdlibTypes ver
, (["DA", "Generics"], ["U1"])
, (["DA", "Stack"], ["SrcLoc"])

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ TX #0 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:48] version: 14
│ referenced by #1:0
│ known to (since): Alice (#0), Bob (#0)
└─> create Test:KeyOps@XXXXXXXX
with: { signatories = DA.Next.Set:Set@XXXXXXXX{ textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) }, counterParty = 'Bob' }
with: { signatories = DA.Set.Types:Set@XXXXXXXX{ map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) }, counterParty = 'Bob' }
TX #1 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:49] version: 14
#1:0 version: 14
@ -17,30 +17,30 @@ TX #1 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:49] version: 14
│ referenced by #2:0, #3:0, #5:0
│ known to (since): Alice (#1), Bob (#1)
└─> create Test:KeyOps@XXXXXXXX
with: { signatories = DA.Next.Set:Set@XXXXXXXX{ textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>, Bob -> <unit>) }, counterParty = 'Bob' }
with: { signatories = DA.Set.Types:Set@XXXXXXXX{ map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>, 'Bob' -> <unit>) }, counterParty = 'Bob' }
TX #2 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:51] version: 14
#2:0 version: 14
│ known to (since): Alice (#2), Bob (#2)
└─> Alice exercises LookupGivenKey:Test:KeyOps@XXXXXXXX on 00420cfea44e4d7f536caf95c9a45394bdc0994e38cbff3b02c444d39bd3ba3d9a
with { actor = 'Alice', keyMaintainers = DA.Next.Set:Set@XXXXXXXX{ textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) } }
with { actor = 'Alice', keyMaintainers = DA.Set.Types:Set@XXXXXXXX{ map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) } }
#2:1 version: 14
│ known to (since): Alice (#2), Bob (#2)
└─> lookup by key Test:BasicKey@XXXXXXXX
key { textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) }
key { map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) }
not found
TX #3 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:54] version: 14
#3:0 version: 14
│ known to (since): Alice (#3), Bob (#3)
└─> Bob exercises LookupGivenKey:Test:KeyOps@XXXXXXXX on 00420cfea44e4d7f536caf95c9a45394bdc0994e38cbff3b02c444d39bd3ba3d9a
with { actor = 'Bob', keyMaintainers = DA.Next.Set:Set@XXXXXXXX{ textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) } }
with { actor = 'Bob', keyMaintainers = DA.Set.Types:Set@XXXXXXXX{ map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) } }
#3:1 version: 14
│ known to (since): Alice (#3), Bob (#3)
└─> lookup by key Test:BasicKey@XXXXXXXX
key { textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) }
key { map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) }
not found
TX #4 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:57] version: 14
@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ TX #4 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:57] version: 14
│ referenced by #5:1
│ known to (since): Alice (#4)
└─> create Test:BasicKey@XXXXXXXX
with: { owners = DA.Next.Set:Set@XXXXXXXX{ textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) } }
key { textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) }
with: { owners = DA.Set.Types:Set@XXXXXXXX{ map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) } }
key { map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) }
TX #5 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z [Test:59] version: 14
#5:0 version: 14
│ known to (since): Alice (#5), Bob (#5)
└─> Alice exercises LookupGivenKey:Test:KeyOps@XXXXXXXX on 00420cfea44e4d7f536caf95c9a45394bdc0994e38cbff3b02c444d39bd3ba3d9a
with { actor = 'Alice', keyMaintainers = DA.Next.Set:Set@XXXXXXXX{ textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) } }
with { actor = 'Alice', keyMaintainers = DA.Set.Types:Set@XXXXXXXX{ map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) } }
#5:1 version: 14
│ known to (since): Alice (#5), Bob (#5)
└─> lookup by key Test:BasicKey@XXXXXXXX
key { textMap = TextMap(Alice -> <unit>) }
key { map = GenMap('Alice' -> <unit>) }
found 003cb3efc384096d3804f43242d5a20876071b307e08fb06787cf6a3786ee833b2
mustFailAt actAs: {'Bob'} readAs: {} [Test:62]

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
module Test where
import qualified DA.Next.Set as S
import DA.Next.Set (Set)
import qualified DA.Set as S
import DA.Set (Set)
template BasicKey

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@ -6,11 +6,7 @@ module UpgradeTrigger where
import DA.Assert
import DA.Foldable
import qualified DA.Map as Map
import qualified DA.Next.Map as Map
import Daml.Trigger
import Daml.Trigger.Assert
import qualified Daml.Script as Script

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@ -52,13 +52,8 @@ import DA.Action
import DA.Action.State (execState)
import DA.Foldable (any)
import DA.Functor ((<&>))
import DA.Map (Map)
import qualified DA.Map as Map
import DA.Next.Map (Map)
import qualified DA.Next.Map as Map
import DA.Optional
import Daml.Trigger.Internal
@ -71,11 +66,8 @@ import qualified Daml.Trigger.LowLevel as LowLevel
getContracts : forall a. Template a => ACS -> [(ContractId a, a)]
getContracts acs@(ACS tpls _) = mapOptional fromAny
$ filter (\(cid, _) -> not $ cid `elem` allPending)
$ optional [] Map.toList
$ Map.lookup (templateTypeRep @a)
$ Map.lookup (templateTypeRep @a) tpls
fromAny (cid, tpl) = (,) <$> fromAnyContractId cid <*> fromAnyTemplate tpl
allPending = getPendingContracts acs
@ -86,11 +78,7 @@ getPendingContracts (ACS _ pending) = concatMap snd $ Map.toList pending
getContractById : forall a. Template a => ContractId a -> ACS -> Optional a
getContractById id (ACS tpls pending) = do
let aid = toAnyContractId id
implSpecific = Map.lookup aid <=< Map.lookup (templateTypeRep @a)
implSpecific = fmap snd . find ((aid ==) . fst)
aa <- implSpecific tpls
a <- fromAnyTemplate aa
if any (elem aid) pending then None else Some a

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@ -14,13 +14,8 @@ module Daml.Trigger.Assert
) where
import qualified DA.List as List
import DA.Map (Map)
import qualified DA.Map as Map
import DA.Next.Map (Map)
import qualified DA.Next.Map as Map
import qualified DA.Text as Text
import Daml.Trigger hiding (queryContractId)

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@ -24,14 +24,9 @@ module Daml.Trigger.Internal
import DA.Action.State
import DA.Functor ((<&>))
import DA.Map (Map)
import qualified DA.Map as Map
import DA.Optional (fromOptional)
import DA.Next.Map (Map)
import qualified DA.Next.Map as Map
import Daml.Trigger.LowLevel hiding (Trigger)
@ -42,13 +37,7 @@ import Daml.Trigger.LowLevel hiding (Trigger)
-- This will change to a Map once we have proper maps in Daml-LF
data ACS = ACS
{ activeContracts :
Map.Map TemplateTypeRep
(Map.Map AnyContractId AnyTemplate)
[(AnyContractId, AnyTemplate)]
{ activeContracts : Map.Map TemplateTypeRep (Map.Map AnyContractId AnyTemplate)
, pendingContracts : Map CommandId [AnyContractId]
@ -113,44 +102,27 @@ addCommands m (Commands cid cmds) = Map.insert cid cmds m
-- | HIDE
insertTpl : AnyContractId -> AnyTemplate -> ACS -> ACS
insertTpl cid tpl acs = acs { activeContracts = Map.alter addct cid.templateId acs.activeContracts }
where addct = Some . Map.insert cid tpl . fromOptional mempty
insertTpl cid tpl acs = acs { activeContracts = (cid, tpl) :: acs.activeContracts }
-- | HIDE
groupActiveContracts :
[(AnyContractId, AnyTemplate)] -> Map.Map TemplateTypeRep (Map.Map AnyContractId AnyTemplate)
groupActiveContracts = foldr (\v@(cid, _) -> Map.alter (addct v) cid.templateId) Map.empty
where addct (cid, tpl) = Some . Map.insert cid tpl . fromOptional mempty
groupActiveContracts : forall a. a -> a
groupActiveContracts a = a
-- | HIDE
deleteTpl : AnyContractId -> ACS -> ACS
deleteTpl cid acs = acs { activeContracts = Map.alter rmct cid.templateId acs.activeContracts }
where rmct om = do
m <- om
let m' = Map.delete cid m
if Map.null m' then None else Some m'
deleteTpl cid acs = acs { activeContracts = filter (\(cid', _) -> cid /= cid') acs.activeContracts }
-- | HIDE
lookupTpl : Template a => AnyContractId -> ACS -> Optional a
lookupTpl cid acs = do
tpl <- Map.lookup cid =<< Map.lookup cid.templateId acs.activeContracts
(_, tpl) <- find ((cid ==) . fst) acs.activeContracts
fromAnyTemplate tpl
-- | HIDE

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Daml.Trigger.LowLevel
@ -47,9 +46,6 @@ module Daml.Trigger.LowLevel
import DA.Action.State
import DA.Action.State.Class
import DA.Functor ((<&>))
import DA.Next.Map (MapKey(..))
import DA.Time (RelTime(..))
import Daml.Script.Free (Free(..), lift, foldFree)
@ -60,9 +56,7 @@ data AnyContractId = AnyContractId
, contractId : ContractId ()
} deriving Eq
deriving instance Ord AnyContractId
-- We cant derive the Show instance since TemplateTypeRep does not have a Show instance
-- but it is useful for debugging so we add one that omits the type.
@ -93,11 +87,7 @@ newtype EventId = EventId Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype CommandId = CommandId Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, MapKey)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Transaction = Transaction
{ transactionId : TransactionId
@ -272,7 +262,7 @@ liftStateT ma = StateT $ \s -> (,s) <$> ma
instance Action m => Applicative (StateT s m) where
pure a = StateT (\s -> pure (a, s))
f <*> x = f >>= (<$> x)
instance Action m => Action (StateT s m) where
StateT x >>= f = StateT $ \s -> do
(x', s') <- x s

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@ -5,11 +5,7 @@
module TemplateIdFilter where
import Prelude hiding (test)
import qualified DA.Map as Map
import qualified DA.Next.Map as Map
import Daml.Trigger
test : RegisteredTemplates -> Trigger ()

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@ -6,11 +6,7 @@ module Rule where
import DA.Action
import DA.Assert
import qualified DA.Map as Map
import qualified DA.Next.Map as Map
import Daml.Trigger
import Daml.Trigger.Assert
import qualified Daml.Script as Script