stop filtering "phantom archives" when it won't work; reenable it on request (#5003)

* ContractKeyStreamRequest with different types for whether offset-preceded or not

- should replace EnrichedContractKey as the WS StreamQuery type

* add the ContractKeyStreamRequest layer everywhere

* split StreamQuery parse from the other steps

* make StreamQuery type depend on the input JsValue

* only StreamQueryReader is a typeclass now

* scalafmt

* wrong type arg

* letting the request data and phantom archive removal choice flow

- from work with @leo-da

* finish threading request-derived phantom state to removal flow

- from work with @leo-da

* make it clear that hints are contract IDs in StreamQuery

- from work with @leo-da

* treat StreamQueryReader's type parameter fully as a phantom

- from work with @leo-da

* remove unused type alias

- from work with @leo-da

* test fetch resume, with and without various offsetHints

* document offsetHints

* missing ` in rst

- thanks @hurryabit

* rename offsetHint to contractIdAtOffset

- [JSON API - Experimental] New field ``contractIdAtOffset`` for fetch-by-key streams
  to restore proper archive filtering.
  See `issue #4511 <>`_.

* we never unify the two ContractKeyStreamRequest types

* doc update for contractIdAtOffset
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Compall 2020-03-26 15:31:27 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent b950692db1
commit 332d35a347
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 282 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -1295,4 +1295,32 @@ Example:
{"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": {"_1": "Alice", "_2": "def345"}}
The output stream has the same format as the output from the `Contracts Query Stream`_. We further guarantee that for every ``archived`` event appearing on the stream there has been a matching ``created`` event earlier in the stream.
The output stream has the same format as the output from the `Contracts
Query Stream`_. We further guarantee that for every ``archived`` event
appearing on the stream there has been a matching ``created`` event
earlier in the stream, except in the case of missing
``contractIdAtOffset`` fields in the case described below.
You may supply an optional ``offset`` for the stream, exactly as with
query streams. However, you should supply with each ``{templateId,
key}`` pair a ``contractIdAtOffset``, which is the contract ID currently
associated with that pair at the point of the given offset, or ``null``
if no contract ID was associated with the pair at that offset. For
example, with the above keys, if you had one ``"abc123"`` contract but
no ``"def345"`` contract, you might specify:
.. code-block:: json
{"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": {"_1": "Alice", "_2": "abc123"},
"contractIdAtOffset": "#1:0"},
{"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": {"_1": "Alice", "_2": "def345"},
"contractIdAtOffset": null}
If every ``contractIdAtOffset`` is specified, as is so in the example
above, you will not receive any ``archived`` events for contracts
created before the offset *unless* those contracts are identified in a
``contractIdAtOffset``. By contrast, if any ``contractIdAtOffset`` is
missing, ``archived`` event filtering will be disabled, and you will
receive "phantom archives" as with query streams.

View File

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import json.JsonProtocol.LfValueCodec.{apiValueToJsValue => lfValueToJsValue}
import query.ValuePredicate.{LfV, TypeLookup}
import com.digitalasset.jwt.domain.Jwt
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import scalaz.{Liskov, NonEmptyList}
import Liskov.<~<
import com.digitalasset.http.query.ValuePredicate
import scalaz.syntax.bifunctor._
import scalaz.syntax.std.boolean._
@ -28,8 +26,9 @@ import
import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.std.set._
import scalaz.std.tuple._
import scalaz.{-\/, \/, \/-}
import spray.json.{JsArray, JsObject, JsValue}
import scalaz.{-\/, Foldable, Liskov, NonEmptyList, Tag, \/, \/-}
import Liskov.<~<
import spray.json.{JsArray, JsObject, JsValue, JsonReader}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
@ -134,14 +133,17 @@ object WebSocketService {
)(_ append _)
trait StreamQuery[A] {
sealed abstract class StreamQueryReader[A] {
case class Query[Q](q: Q, alg: StreamQuery[Q])
def parse(resumingAtOffset: Boolean, decoder: DomainJsonDecoder, jv: JsValue): Error \/ Query[_]
sealed trait StreamQuery[A] {
/** Extra data on success of a predicate. */
type Positive
def parse(decoder: DomainJsonDecoder, jv: JsValue): Error \/ A
def allowPhantonArchives: Boolean
def removePhantomArchives(request: A): Option[Set[domain.ContractId]]
def predicate(
request: A,
@ -151,19 +153,21 @@ object WebSocketService {
def renderCreatedMetadata(p: Positive): Map[String, JsValue]
implicit val SearchForeverRequestWithStreamQuery: StreamQuery[domain.SearchForeverRequest] =
new StreamQuery[domain.SearchForeverRequest] {
implicit val SearchForeverRequestWithStreamQuery: StreamQueryReader[domain.SearchForeverRequest] =
new StreamQueryReader[domain.SearchForeverRequest]
with StreamQuery[domain.SearchForeverRequest] {
type Positive = NonEmptyList[Int]
override def parse(decoder: DomainJsonDecoder, jv: JsValue): Error \/ SearchForeverRequest = {
override def parse(resumingAtOffset: Boolean, decoder: DomainJsonDecoder, jv: JsValue) = {
import JsonProtocol._
.map(Query(_, this))
override def allowPhantonArchives: Boolean = true
override def removePhantomArchives(request: SearchForeverRequest) = None
override def predicate(
request: SearchForeverRequest,
@ -206,56 +210,81 @@ object WebSocketService {
implicit val EnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery
: StreamQuery[NonEmptyList[domain.EnrichedContractKey[LfV]]] =
new StreamQuery[NonEmptyList[domain.EnrichedContractKey[LfV]]] {
type Positive = Unit
: StreamQueryReader[domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[_, _]] =
new StreamQueryReader[domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[_, _]] {
import JsonProtocol._
override def parse(
decoder: DomainJsonDecoder,
jv: JsValue): Error \/ NonEmptyList[domain.EnrichedContractKey[LfV]] =
for {
as <- SprayJson
bs = => decodeWithFallback(decoder, a))
} yield bs
override def parse(resumingAtOffset: Boolean, decoder: DomainJsonDecoder, jv: JsValue) = {
type NelCKRH[Hint, V] = NonEmptyList[domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Hint, V]]
def go[Hint](alg: StreamQuery[NelCKRH[Hint, LfV]])(
implicit ev: JsonReader[NelCKRH[Hint, JsValue]]) =
for {
as <- SprayJson
.decode[NelCKRH[Hint, JsValue]](jv)
bs = => decodeWithFallback(decoder, a))
} yield Query(bs, alg)
if (resumingAtOffset) go(ResumingEnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery)
else go(InitialEnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery)
private def decodeWithFallback(
private def decodeWithFallback[Hint](
decoder: DomainJsonDecoder,
a: domain.EnrichedContractKey[JsValue]): domain.EnrichedContractKey[LfV] =
a: domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Hint, JsValue]) =
.valueOr(_ => => com.digitalasset.daml.lf.value.Value.ValueUnit)) // unit will not match any key
override def allowPhantonArchives: Boolean = false
override def predicate(
request: NonEmptyList[domain.EnrichedContractKey[LfV]],
resolveTemplateId: PackageService.ResolveTemplateId,
lookupType: TypeLookup): StreamPredicate[Positive] = {
import util.Collections._
val (resolvedWithKey, unresolved) =
request.toSet.partitionMap { x: domain.EnrichedContractKey[LfV] =>
resolveTemplateId(x.templateId).map((_, x.key)).toLeftDisjunction(x.templateId)
val q: Map[domain.TemplateId.RequiredPkg, LfV] = resolvedWithKey.toMap
val fn: domain.ActiveContract[LfV] => Option[Positive] = { a =>
if (q.get(a.templateId).exists(k => domain.ActiveContract.matchesKey(k)(a)))
else None
(q.keySet, unresolved, fn)
override def renderCreatedMetadata(p: Unit) = Map.empty
private[this] sealed abstract class EnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery[Cid]
extends StreamQuery[NonEmptyList[domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Cid, LfV]]] {
type Positive = Unit
protected type CKR[+V] = domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Cid, V]
override def predicate(
request: NonEmptyList[CKR[LfV]],
resolveTemplateId: PackageService.ResolveTemplateId,
lookupType: TypeLookup): StreamPredicate[Positive] = {
import util.Collections._
val (resolvedWithKey, unresolved) =
request.toSet.partitionMap { x: CKR[LfV] =>
.map((_, x.ekey.key))
val q: Map[domain.TemplateId.RequiredPkg, LfV] = resolvedWithKey.toMap
val fn: domain.ActiveContract[LfV] => Option[Positive] = { a =>
if (q.get(a.templateId).exists(k => domain.ActiveContract.matchesKey(k)(a)))
else None
(q.keySet, unresolved, fn)
override def renderCreatedMetadata(p: Unit) = Map.empty
private[this] object InitialEnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery
extends EnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery[Unit] {
override def removePhantomArchives(request: NonEmptyList[CKR[LfV]]) = Some(Set.empty)
private[this] object ResumingEnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery
extends EnrichedContractKeyWithStreamQuery[Option[Option[domain.ContractId]]] {
override def removePhantomArchives(request: NonEmptyList[CKR[LfV]]) = {
val NelO = Foldable[NonEmptyList].compose[Option]
request traverse (_.contractIdAtOffset) map NelO.toSet
class WebSocketService(
@ -276,7 +305,7 @@ class WebSocketService(
private val numConns = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0)
private[http] def transactionMessageHandler[A: StreamQuery](
private[http] def transactionMessageHandler[A: StreamQueryReader](
jwt: Jwt,
jwtPayload: JwtPayload,
): Flow[Message, Message, _] =
@ -309,11 +338,11 @@ class WebSocketService(
private def wsMessageHandler[A: StreamQuery](
private def wsMessageHandler[A: StreamQueryReader](
jwt: Jwt,
jwtPayload: JwtPayload,
): Flow[Message, Message, NotUsed] = {
val Q = implicitly[StreamQuery[A]]
val Q = implicitly[StreamQueryReader[A]]
.mapAsync(1) {
case msg: TextMessage =>
@ -332,12 +361,14 @@ class WebSocketService(
for {
offPrefix <- oeso.sequence
jv <- ejv
a <- Q.parse(decoder, jv)
a <- Q.parse(resumingAtOffset = offPrefix.isDefined, decoder, jv)
} yield (offPrefix, a)
.map {
_.flatMap {
case (offPrefix, a) => getTransactionSourceForParty[A](jwt, jwtPayload, offPrefix, a)
case (offPrefix, qq: Q.Query[q]) =>
implicit val SQ: StreamQuery[q] = qq.alg
getTransactionSourceForParty[q](jwt, jwtPayload, offPrefix, qq.q: q)
.takeWhile(_.isRight, inclusive = true) // stop after emitting 1st error
@ -361,7 +392,7 @@ class WebSocketService(
.insertDeleteStepSource(jwt,, resolved.toList, offPrefix, Terminates.Never)
.via(removePhantomArchives(remove = !Q.allowPhantonArchives))
.via(removePhantomArchives(remove = Q.removePhantomArchives(request)))
.via(renderEventsAndEmitHeartbeats) // wrong place, see
@ -390,15 +421,14 @@ class WebSocketService(
case Some((_, a)) => renderEvents(a._1, a._2)
private def removePhantomArchives[A, B](remove: Boolean) =
if (remove) removePhantomArchives_[A, B]
else Flow[StepAndErrors[A, B]]
private def removePhantomArchives[A, B](remove: Option[Set[domain.ContractId]]) =
remove cata (removePhantomArchives_[A, B], Flow[StepAndErrors[A, B]])
private def removePhantomArchives_[A, B]
private def removePhantomArchives_[A, B](initialState: Set[domain.ContractId])
: Flow[StepAndErrors[A, B], StepAndErrors[A, B], NotUsed] = {
import ContractStreamStep.{LiveBegin, Txn, Acs}
Flow[StepAndErrors[A, B]]
.scan((Set.empty[String], Option.empty[StepAndErrors[A, B]])) {
.scan((Tag unsubst initialState, Option.empty[StepAndErrors[A, B]])) {
case ((s0, _), a0 @ StepAndErrors(_, Txn(idstep, _))) =>
val newInserts: Vector[String] =

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.refinements.{ApiTypes => lar}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import scalaz.syntax.std.boolean._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.{NonEmptyList, \/}
import scalaz.\/
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import EndpointsCompanion._
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class WebsocketEndpoints(
payload <- preconnect(decodeJwt, upgradeReq, wsProtocol)
(jwt, jwtPayload) = payload
} yield
handleWebsocketRequest[domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[_, _]](
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class WebsocketEndpoints(
def handleWebsocketRequest[A: WebSocketService.StreamQuery](
def handleWebsocketRequest[A: WebSocketService.StreamQueryReader](
jwt: Jwt,
jwtPayload: domain.JwtPayload,
req: UpgradeToWebSocket,

View File

@ -86,6 +86,11 @@ object domain {
contractId: domain.ContractId,
) extends ContractLocator[Nothing]
final case class ContractKeyStreamRequest[+Cid, +LfV](
contractIdAtOffset: Cid,
ekey: EnrichedContractKey[LfV],
case class GetActiveContractsRequest(
templateIds: Set[TemplateId.OptionalPkg],
query: Map[String, JsValue],
@ -416,6 +421,19 @@ object domain {
object ContractKeyStreamRequest {
implicit def covariantR[Off]: Traverse[ContractKeyStreamRequest[Off, ?]] = {
type F[A] = ContractKeyStreamRequest[Off, A]
new Traverse[F] {
override def traverseImpl[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]] =
fa.ekey traverse f map (ekey => fa copy (ekey = ekey))
implicit def hasTemplateId[Off]: HasTemplateId[ContractKeyStreamRequest[Off, ?]] =[ContractKeyStreamRequest[Off, ?]](_.ekey)
private[this] implicit final class ErrorOps[A](private val o: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
def required(label: String): Error \/ A =
o toRightDisjunction Error('ErrorOps_required, s"Missing required field $label")
@ -435,6 +453,25 @@ object domain {
): Error \/ LfType
object HasTemplateId {
def by[F[_]]: By[F] = new By[F](0)
final class By[F[_]](private val ign: Int) extends AnyVal {
def apply[G[_]](nt: F[_] => G[_])(implicit basis: HasTemplateId[G]): HasTemplateId[F] =
new HasTemplateId[F] {
override def templateId(fa: F[_]) = basis templateId nt(fa)
override def lfType(
fa: F[_],
templateId: TemplateId.RequiredPkg,
f: PackageService.ResolveTemplateRecordType,
g: PackageService.ResolveChoiceArgType,
h: PackageService.ResolveKeyType,
) = basis lfType (nt(fa), templateId, f, g, h)
object CreateCommand {
implicit val traverseInstance: Traverse[CreateCommand] = new Traverse[CreateCommand] {
override def traverseImpl[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](

View File

@ -43,6 +43,21 @@ object JsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit def NonEmptyListWriter[A: JsonWriter]: JsonWriter[NonEmptyList[A]] =
nela => JsArray(
/** This intuitively pointless extra type is here to give it specificity
* so this instance will beat [[CollectionFormats#listFormat]].
* You would normally achieve the conflict resolution by putting this
* instance in a parent of [[CollectionFormats]], but that kind of
* extension isn't possible here.
final class JsonReaderList[A: JsonReader] extends JsonReader[List[A]] {
override def read(json: JsValue) = json match {
case JsArray(elements) =>[A]).toList
case _ => deserializationError(s"must be a list, but got $json")
implicit def `List reader only`[A: JsonReader]: JsonReaderList[A] = new JsonReaderList
implicit val PartyDetails: JsonFormat[domain.PartyDetails] =
@ -155,6 +170,31 @@ object JsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val EnrichedContractIdFormat: RootJsonFormat[domain.EnrichedContractId] =
private[this] val contractIdAtOffsetKey = "contractIdAtOffset"
implicit val InitialContractKeyStreamRequest
: RootJsonReader[domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Unit, JsValue]] = { jsv =>
val ekey = jsv.convertTo[domain.EnrichedContractKey[JsValue]]
jsv match {
case JsObject(fields) if fields contains contractIdAtOffsetKey =>
s"$contractIdAtOffsetKey is not allowed for WebSocket streams starting at the beginning")
case _ =>
domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest((), ekey)
implicit val ResumingContractKeyStreamRequest: RootJsonReader[
domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Option[Option[domain.ContractId]], JsValue]] = { jsv =>
val off = jsv match {
case JsObject(fields) => fields get contractIdAtOffsetKey map (_.convertTo[Option[String]])
case _ => None
val ekey = jsv.convertTo[domain.EnrichedContractKey[JsValue]]
type OO[+A] = Option[Option[A]]
domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest(domain.ContractId.subst[OO, String](off), ekey)
implicit val ContractLocatorFormat: RootJsonFormat[domain.ContractLocator[JsValue]] =
new RootJsonFormat[domain.ContractLocator[JsValue]] {
override def write(obj: domain.ContractLocator[JsValue]): JsValue = obj match {

View File

@ -94,14 +94,15 @@ class WebsocketServiceIntegrationTest
.collect { case m: TextMessage => m.getStrictText }
private def singleClientQueryStream(
private def singleClientWSStream(
path: String,
serviceUri: Uri,
query: String,
offset: Option[domain.Offset] = None): Source[Message, NotUsed] = {
offset: Option[domain.Offset]): Source[Message, NotUsed] = {
import spray.json._, json.JsonProtocol._
val uri = serviceUri.copy(scheme = "ws").withPath(Uri.Path("/v1/stream/query"))
val uri = serviceUri.copy(scheme = "ws").withPath(Uri.Path(s"/v1/stream/$path"))
s"---- singleClientQueryStream uri: ${uri.toString}, query: $query, offset: ${offset.toString}")
s"---- singleClientWSStream uri: ${uri.toString}, query: $query, offset: ${offset.toString}")
val webSocketFlow =
Http().webSocketClientFlow(WebSocketRequest(uri = uri, subprotocol = validSubprotocol))
@ -114,17 +115,17 @@ class WebsocketServiceIntegrationTest
private def singleClientQueryStream(
serviceUri: Uri,
query: String,
offset: Option[domain.Offset] = None): Source[Message, NotUsed] =
singleClientWSStream("query", serviceUri, query, offset)
private def singleClientFetchStream(
serviceUri: Uri,
request: String): Source[Message, NotUsed] = {
val uri = serviceUri.copy(scheme = "ws").withPath(Uri.Path("/v1/stream/fetch"))"---- singleClientFetchStream uri: ${uri.toString}, request: $request")
val webSocketFlow =
Http().webSocketClientFlow(WebSocketRequest(uri = uri, subprotocol = validSubprotocol))
request: String,
offset: Option[domain.Offset] = None): Source[Message, NotUsed] =
singleClientWSStream("fetch", serviceUri, request, offset)
private def initialIouCreate(serviceUri: Uri) = {
val payload = TestUtil.readFile("it/iouCreateCommand.json")
@ -353,7 +354,14 @@ class WebsocketServiceIntegrationTest
"fetch should receive deltas as contracts are archived/created, filtering out phantom archives" in withHttpService {
(uri, encoder, _) =>
val templateId = domain.TemplateId(None, "Account", "Account")
val fetchRequest = """[{"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": ["Alice", "abc123"]}]"""
def fetchRequest(contractIdAtOffset: Option[Option[domain.ContractId]] = None) = {
import spray.json._, json.JsonProtocol._
Map("templateId" -> "Account:Account".toJson, "key" -> List("Alice", "abc123").toJson)
++ contractIdAtOffset
.map(ocid => contractIdAtOffsetKey -> ocid.toJson)
val f1 =
postCreateCommand(accountCreateCommand(domain.Party("Alice"), "abc123"), encoder, uri)
val f2 =
@ -415,16 +423,29 @@ class WebsocketServiceIntegrationTest
_ = r2._1 shouldBe 'success
cid2 = getContractId(getResult(r2._2))
lastState <- singleClientFetchStream(uri, fetchRequest).via(parseResp) runWith resp(
lastState <- singleClientFetchStream(uri, fetchRequest())
.via(parseResp) runWith resp(cid1, cid2)
} yield
inside(lastState) {
liveOffset = inside(lastState) {
case ShouldHaveEnded(liveStart, 0, lastSeen) =>
import domain.Offset.ordering
lastSeen should be > liveStart
// check contractIdAtOffsets' effects on phantom filtering
resumes <- Future.traverse(Seq((None, 2L), (Some(None), 0L), (Some(Some(cid1)), 1L))) {
case (abcHint, expectArchives) =>
(singleClientFetchStream(uri, fetchRequest(abcHint), Some(liveOffset))
via parseResp runWith remainingDeltas)
.map {
case (creates, archives, _) =>
creates shouldBe empty
archives should have size expectArchives
} yield resumes.foldLeft(1 shouldBe 1)((_, a) => a)
"fetch should should return an error if empty list of (templateId, key) pairs is passed" in withHttpService {
@ -444,6 +465,45 @@ class WebsocketServiceIntegrationTest
}: Future[Assertion]
"ContractKeyStreamRequest" - {
import spray.json._, json.JsonProtocol._
val baseVal =
domain.EnrichedContractKey(domain.TemplateId(Some("ab"), "cd", "ef"), JsString("42"): JsValue)
val baseMap = baseVal.toJson.asJsObject.fields
val withSome = JsObject(baseMap + (contractIdAtOffsetKey -> JsString("hi")))
val withNone = JsObject(baseMap + (contractIdAtOffsetKey -> JsNull))
"initial JSON reader" - {
type T = domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Unit, JsValue]
"shares EnrichedContractKey format" in {
JsObject(baseMap).convertTo[T] should ===(domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest((), baseVal))
"errors on contractIdAtOffset presence" in {
a[DeserializationException] shouldBe thrownBy {
a[DeserializationException] shouldBe thrownBy {
"resuming JSON reader" - {
type T = domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest[Option[Option[domain.ContractId]], JsValue]
"shares EnrichedContractKey format" in {
JsObject(baseMap).convertTo[T] should ===(domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest(None, baseVal))
"distinguishes null and string" in {
withSome.convertTo[T] should ===(domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest(Some(Some("hi")), baseVal))
withNone.convertTo[T] should ===(domain.ContractKeyStreamRequest(Some(None), baseVal))
private def wsConnectRequest[M](
uri: Uri,
subprotocol: Option[String],
@ -524,6 +584,8 @@ object WebsocketServiceIntegrationTest {
.collect { case \/-(t) => t }
private val contractIdAtOffsetKey = "contractIdAtOffset"
private case class SimpleScenario(
id: String,
path: Uri.Path,