Add an ide-debug-driver to make it easier to find leaks (#2472)

This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2019-08-09 12:48:05 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent e9e96be3da
commit 491d13a276
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 158 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("//bazel_tools:haskell.bzl", "da_haskell_binary")
name = "ide-debug-driver",
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.hs"]),
hazel_deps = [
main_function = "IdeDebugDriver.main",
src_strip_prefix = "src",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# ide-debug-driver
`ide-debug-driver` can be used to automate an IDE session. This is
particularly useful for profiling where you often want to test
long-running sessions to ensure that there are no leaks.
Sessions are configured using a YAML file, see
[sample-config.yaml](sample-config.yaml) for an example.
You can then run `ide-debug-driver` as `ide-debug-driver -c sample-config.yaml`.

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
ide-cmd: daml-head ide --debug
project-root: /home/moritz/quickstart-java
- cmd: repeat
count: 100
- cmd: open
file: daml/Iou.daml
- cmd: wait
- cmd: open
file: daml/Main.daml
- cmd: wait
- cmd: close
file: daml/Iou.daml
- cmd: wait
- cmd: close
file: daml/Main.daml
- cmd: wait

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module IdeDebugDriver (main) where
import Control.Applicative.Combinators
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Test as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types hiding (Command)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Options.Applicative
-- | We all love programming in YAML, dont we? :)
data Command
= OpenFile FilePath
| CloseFile FilePath
| WaitForCompletion
| Repeat Int [Command]
deriving Show
instance FromJSON Command where
parseJSON = withObject "Command" $ \o -> do
cmd <- o .: "cmd"
case cmd :: T.Text of
"open" -> OpenFile <$> o .: "file"
"close" -> CloseFile <$> o.: "file"
"wait" -> pure WaitForCompletion
"repeat" -> Repeat <$> o .: "count" <*> o .: "cmds"
_ -> fail $ "Unknown command " <> show cmd
data SessionConfig = SessionConfig
{ ideShellCommand :: String
, ideRoot :: FilePath
, ideCommands :: [Command]
} deriving Show
instance FromJSON SessionConfig where
parseJSON = withObject "SessionConfig" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "ide-cmd"
<*> o .: "project-root"
<*> o .: "commands"
data Opts = Opts
{ optConfigPath :: FilePath
, optVerbose :: Verbose
} deriving Show
newtype Verbose = Verbose Bool
deriving Show
optsInfo :: ParserInfo Opts
optsInfo = info (parser <**> helper) fullDesc
parser = Opts
<$> strOption (long "config" <> short 'c' <> metavar "FILE" <> help "Path to config file")
<*> flag (Verbose False) (Verbose True) (long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Enable verbose output")
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser optsInfo
conf <- Yaml.decodeFileThrow (optConfigPath opts)
runSession (optVerbose opts) (conf :: SessionConfig)
damlLanguageId :: String
damlLanguageId = "daml"
runSession :: Verbose -> SessionConfig -> IO ()
runSession (Verbose verbose) SessionConfig{..} =
LSP.runSessionWithConfig cnf ideShellCommand LSP.fullCaps ideRoot $ traverse_ interpretCommand ideCommands
where cnf = LSP.defaultConfig { LSP.logStdErr = verbose, LSP.logMessages = verbose }
progressStart :: LSP.Session ProgressStartNotification
progressStart = do
NotProgressStart msg <- LSP.satisfy $ \case
NotProgressStart _ -> True
_ -> False
pure msg
progressDone :: LSP.Session ProgressDoneNotification
progressDone = do
NotProgressDone msg <- LSP.satisfy $ \case
NotProgressDone _ -> True
_ -> False
pure msg
interpretCommand :: Command -> LSP.Session ()
interpretCommand = \case
OpenFile f -> void $ LSP.openDoc f damlLanguageId
CloseFile f -> do
uri <- LSP.getDocUri f
LSP.closeDoc (TextDocumentIdentifier uri)
WaitForCompletion -> do
start <- progressStart
skipManyTill LSP.anyMessage $ do
done <- progressDone
guard $ done ^. params . == start ^. params .
Repeat count cmds -> replicateM_ count $ traverse_ interpretCommand cmds

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@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ setHandlersNotifications = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x
{LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidOpenTextDocumentParams TextDocumentItem{_uri,_version}) -> do
updatePositionMapping ide (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier _uri (Just _version)) (List [])
setSomethingModified ide
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> do
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.insert file)
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Opened text document: " <> getUri _uri
@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ setHandlersNotifications = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x
,LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidCloseTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> do
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.delete file)
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Closed text document: " <> getUri _uri