Moving the duplicated code

This commit is contained in:
Anup Kalburgi 2019-08-28 16:23:20 -04:00
parent 62b804da3e
commit 520b5d9b0d
3 changed files with 21 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ module DA.Daml.LF.Ast.World(
) where
import DA.Pretty
@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Base
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Optics (moduleModuleRef)
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Pretty ()
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Version
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Util
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | The 'World' contains all imported packages together with (a subset of)
-- the modules of the current package. The latter shall always be closed under
@ -127,6 +130,22 @@ lookupChoice (tplRef, chName) world = do
Nothing -> Left (LEChoice tplRef chName)
Just choice -> Right choice
labledField :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
labledField fname "" = fname
labledField fname label = fname <> "." <> label
typeConFieldsNames :: World -> (FieldName, Type) -> [T.Text]
typeConFieldsNames world (FieldName fName, TConApp tcn _) = map (labledField fName) (typeConFields tcn world)
typeConFieldsNames _ (FieldName fName, _) = [fName]
typeConFields :: Qualified TypeConName -> World -> [T.Text]
typeConFields qName world = case lookupDataType qName world of
Right dataType -> case dataCons dataType of
DataRecord re -> concatMap (typeConFieldsNames world) re
DataVariant _ -> [""]
DataEnum _ -> [""]
Left _ -> error "malformed template constructor"
instance Pretty LookupError where
pPrint = \case
LEPackage pkgId -> "unknown package:" <-> pretty pkgId

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@ -153,23 +153,6 @@ addCreateChoice :: TemplateChoices -> Map.Map LF.ChoiceName ChoiceDetails -> Cho
addCreateChoice TemplateChoices {..} lookupData = nodeIdForChoice lookupData tplNameCreateChoice
where tplNameCreateChoice = LF.ChoiceName $ T.pack $ DAP.renderPretty (headNote "addCreateChoice" (LF.unTypeConName (LF.tplTypeCon template))) ++ "_Create"
-- This is copied from PrettyScenarios but depending on SS for visual seems odd
labledField :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
labledField fname "" = fname
labledField fname label = fname <> "." <> label
typeConFieldsNames :: LF.World -> (LF.FieldName, LF.Type) -> [T.Text]
typeConFieldsNames world (LF.FieldName fName, LF.TConApp tcn _) = map (labledField fName) (typeConFields tcn world)
typeConFieldsNames _ (LF.FieldName fName, _) = [fName]
typeConFields :: LF.Qualified LF.TypeConName -> LF.World -> [T.Text]
typeConFields qName world = case LF.lookupDataType qName world of
Right dataType -> case LF.dataCons dataType of
LF.DataRecord re -> concatMap (typeConFieldsNames world) re
LF.DataVariant _ -> [""]
LF.DataEnum _ -> [""]
Left _ -> error "malformed template constructor"
constructSubgraphsWithLables :: LF.World -> Map.Map LF.ChoiceName ChoiceDetails -> TemplateChoices -> SubGraph
constructSubgraphsWithLables wrld lookupData tpla@TemplateChoices {..} = SubGraph nodesWithCreate fieldsInTemplate template
where choicesInTemplate = map internalChcName choiceAndActions

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@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import ScenarioService
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text as Blaze
data Error = ErrorMissingNode NodeId
type M = ExceptT Error (Reader (MS.Map NodeId Node, LF.World))
@ -810,28 +809,12 @@ templateConName (Identifier mbPkgId (TL.toStrict -> qualName)) = LF.Qualified pk
Just (PackageIdentifier Nothing) -> error "unidentified package reference"
Nothing -> error "unidentified package reference"
labledField :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
labledField fname "" = fname
labledField fname label = fname <> "." <> label
typeConFieldsNames :: LF.World -> (LF.FieldName, LF.Type) -> [T.Text]
typeConFieldsNames world (LF.FieldName fName, LF.TConApp tcn _) = map (labledField fName) (typeConFields tcn world)
typeConFieldsNames _ (LF.FieldName fName, _) = [fName]
typeConFields :: LF.Qualified LF.TypeConName -> LF.World -> [T.Text]
typeConFields qName world = case LF.lookupDataType qName world of
Right dataType -> case LF.dataCons dataType of
LF.DataRecord re -> concatMap (typeConFieldsNames world) re
LF.DataVariant _ -> [""]
LF.DataEnum _ -> [""]
Left _ -> error "malformed template constructor"
renderHeader :: LF.World -> Identifier -> S.Set T.Text -> H.Html
renderHeader world identifier parties = $ mconcat
[ foldMap ( . (H.div H.! A.class_ "observer") . H.text) parties
, "id"
, "status"
, foldMap ( . H.text) (typeConFields (templateConName identifier) world)
, foldMap ( . H.text) (LF.typeConFields (templateConName identifier) world)
renderRow :: LF.World -> S.Set T.Text -> NodeInfo -> H.Html