release -sources jars for java, when available (#301)

see #300, does not solve it entirely since scala sources are still
not present
This commit is contained in:
Francesco Mazzoli 2019-04-09 09:35:44 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2e08e2a9d7
commit 685904d9f2
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -222,12 +222,6 @@ data ReleaseType =
| Zip
deriving (Eq, Show)
isJar :: ReleaseType -> Bool
isJar = \case
Jar{} -> True
ProtoJar -> True
_ -> False
isProtoJar :: ReleaseType -> Bool
isProtoJar = \case
ProtoJar -> True
@ -320,71 +314,110 @@ buildArtifact ::
-> PomArtifact
-> BuildArtifactT m ()
buildArtifact platfDep os comp releaseType releaseDir targ pomArt@(PomArtifact gid aid _ vers) = do
outDir <- parseRelDir $ unpack $
T.intercalate "/" gid #"/"# aid #"/"# vers #"/"
createDirIfMissing True (releaseDir </> outDir)
let tellArtifact platfDep' fp =
-- NOTE(MH): We release the platform _independent_ artifacts on Linux,
-- in particular .pom files.
when (getPlatformDependent platfDep' || os == Linux) $
tell [(comp, vers, outDir </> fp)]
let ostxt = if getPlatformDependent platfDep then "-" <> renderOS os else ""
let ext = case releaseType of
TarGz -> ".tar.gz"
Jar{} -> ".jar"
Zip -> ".zip"
ProtoJar -> ".jar"
outJar <- parseRelFile (unpack (aid #"-"# vers # ostxt # ext))
lift $ do
bazelBin <- parseAbsDir =<< (T.unpack . T.strip . T.unlines <$> loggedProcess "bazel" ["info", "bazel-bin"] C.sourceToList)
bazelGenfiles <- parseAbsDir =<< (T.unpack . T.strip . T.unlines <$> loggedProcess "bazel" ["info", "bazel-genfiles"] C.sourceToList)
$logInfo $ "Building " <> targ
loggedProcess_ "bazel" ["build", targ]
(directory, name) <- case T.split (':' ==) <$> T.stripPrefix "//" targ of
Just [x, y] -> return (x, y)
_ -> throwIO $ CIException $ "malformed bazel target: " <> targ
absArtFile <- if isProtoJar releaseType
then do
-- NOTE: we rely on the proto libraries to have only one jar output here,
-- which is actually not always the case. specifically, multiple jars are
-- generated if a java_proto_library depends on multiple source deps.
-- we should mechanically check this somehow. see also comment to 'ProtoJar'
relArtFile <- (</>)
<$> parseRelDir (T.unpack directory)
-- bazel seems to strip the _java from proto targets.
<*> (parseRelFile (T.unpack ("lib" <> T.replace "_java" "" name <> "-speed")) >>= addFileExtension ".jar")
return (bazelBin </> relArtFile)
else do
let prefix = case releaseType of
TarGz -> ""
Jar{jarPrefix} -> jarPrefix
Zip -> ""
ProtoJar -> error "IMPOSSIBLE see isProtoJar above"
relArtFile <- (</>) <$> parseRelDir (T.unpack directory) <*> (parseRelFile (T.unpack (prefix <> name)) >>= addFileExtension (T.unpack ext))
artInBin <- doesFileExist (bazelBin </> relArtFile)
return (if artInBin then bazelBin </> relArtFile else bazelGenfiles </> relArtFile)
copyFile absArtFile (releaseDir </> outDir </> outJar)
tellArtifact platfDep outJar
when (isJar releaseType) $ do
outPom <- parseRelFile (unpack (aid #"-"# vers #".pom"))
mavenDeps <- get
-- proto jars contain references to internal proto targets these won't resolve, since we
-- do not (and cannot in their raw form) publish them to maven. however, we know
-- that they only depend on external stuff. so just look up external stuff.
let whichPomDependencies = case releaseType of
Jar{jarOnly3rdPartyDependencies = True} -> WPDOnlyThirdParty
_ -> if isProtoJar releaseType
then WPDOnlyThirdParty
else WPDAll
-- TODO(FM): I'm positive that for ProtoJars we need to include the grpc dependency explicitly,
-- since java_proto_library does not.
deps <- lift (bazelPomDependencies whichPomDependencies mavenDeps targ)
let txt = renderPom pomArt deps releaseType
$logInfo ("Writing pom file to "# pathToText (releaseDir </> outDir </> outPom))
liftIO (BS.writeFile (toFilePath (releaseDir </> outDir </> outPom)) $ T.encodeUtf8 txt)
tellArtifact (PlatformDependent False) outPom
modify (HMS.insert targ pomArt)
outDir <- parseRelDir $ unpack $
T.intercalate "/" gid #"/"# aid #"/"# vers #"/"
createDirIfMissing True (releaseDir </> outDir)
let tellArtifact platfDep' fp =
-- NOTE(MH): We release the platform _independent_ artifacts on Linux,
-- in particular .pom files.
when (getPlatformDependent platfDep' || os == Linux) $
tell [(comp, vers, outDir </> fp)]
let ostxt = if getPlatformDependent platfDep then "-" <> renderOS os else ""
$logInfo $ "Building " <> targ
lift (loggedProcess_ "bazel" ["build", targ])
-- we look for the bazel outputs in bazelBin and bazelGenfiles
bazelBin <- lift $
parseAbsDir =<<
(T.unpack . T.strip . T.unlines <$> loggedProcess "bazel" ["info", "bazel-bin"] C.sourceToList)
bazelGenfiles <- lift $
parseAbsDir =<<
(T.unpack . T.strip . T.unlines <$> loggedProcess "bazel" ["info", "bazel-genfiles"] C.sourceToList)
-- the main artifact has the same structure for all release types.
let ext = case releaseType of
TarGz -> ".tar.gz"
Jar{} -> ".jar"
Zip -> ".zip"
ProtoJar -> ".jar"
mainArtifactOut <- parseRelFile (unpack (aid #"-"# vers # ostxt # ext))
-- for many targets, the file we're looking for is the same
(directory, name) <- case T.split (':' ==) <$> T.stripPrefix "//" targ of
Just [x, y] -> return (x, y)
_ -> throwIO $ CIException $ "malformed bazel target: " <> targ
let normalArtifactRelFile prefix = (</>)
<$> parseRelDir (T.unpack directory)
<*> (parseRelFile (T.unpack (prefix <> name)) >>= addFileExtension (T.unpack ext))
-- common function to tell an artifact given some relative file
let copyAndTellArtifact platfDep_ (relFile :: Path Rel File) out = do
artInBin <- doesFileExist (bazelBin </> relFile)
let absFile = if artInBin then bazelBin </> relFile else bazelGenfiles </> relFile
absFileExists <- doesFileExist absFile
unless absFileExists $
throwIO (CIException ("Could not find "# pathToText relFile #" in "# pathToText bazelBin #" or "# pathToText bazelGenfiles))
tellArtifact platfDep_ out
copyFile absFile (releaseDir </> outDir </> out)
-- for jars and proto jars, we factor out how to release the pom
let releasePom = do
outPom <- parseRelFile (unpack (aid #"-"# vers #".pom"))
mavenDeps <- get
-- proto jars contain references to internal proto targets these won't resolve, since we
-- do not (and cannot in their raw form) publish them to maven. however, we know
-- that they only depend on external stuff. so just look up external stuff.
let whichPomDependencies = case releaseType of
Jar{jarOnly3rdPartyDependencies = True} -> WPDOnlyThirdParty
_ -> if isProtoJar releaseType
then WPDOnlyThirdParty
else WPDAll
-- TODO(FM): I'm positive that for ProtoJars we need to include the grpc dependency explicitly,
-- since java_proto_library does not.
deps <- lift (bazelPomDependencies whichPomDependencies mavenDeps targ)
let txt = renderPom pomArt deps releaseType
$logInfo ("Writing pom file to "# pathToText (releaseDir </> outDir </> outPom))
liftIO (BS.writeFile (toFilePath (releaseDir </> outDir </> outPom)) $ T.encodeUtf8 txt)
tellArtifact (PlatformDependent False) outPom
-- insert the pom file so that later packages can depend on it
modify (HMS.insert targ pomArt)
case releaseType of
ProtoJar -> do
-- NOTE: we rely on the proto libraries to have only one jar output here,
-- which is actually not always the case. specifically, multiple jars are
-- generated if a java_proto_library depends on multiple source deps.
-- we should mechanically check this somehow. see also comment to 'ProtoJar'
relFile <- (</>)
<$> parseRelDir (T.unpack directory)
-- bazel seems to strip the _java from proto targets.
<*> parseRelFile (T.unpack ("lib" <> T.replace "_java" "" name <> "-speed.jar"))
copyAndTellArtifact platfDep relFile mainArtifactOut
-- release the pom
Jar{jarPrefix} -> do
relFile <- normalArtifactRelFile jarPrefix
copyAndTellArtifact platfDep relFile mainArtifactOut
-- check if a src jar exists, and if it does, tell that too
let srcTarget = "//"# directory #":lib"# name #"-src.jar"
srcTargetExists <- lift (targetExists srcTarget)
when srcTargetExists $ do
$logInfo ("Building " <> srcTarget)
lift (loggedProcess_ "bazel" ["build", srcTarget])
relSrcFile <- (</>)
<$> parseRelDir (T.unpack directory)
<*> parseRelFile (T.unpack ("lib"# name #"-src.jar"))
srcOut <- parseRelFile (unpack (aid #"-"# vers # ostxt # "-sources"# ext))
copyAndTellArtifact (PlatformDependent False) relSrcFile srcOut
-- release the pom
TarGz -> do
relFile <- normalArtifactRelFile ""
copyAndTellArtifact platfDep relFile mainArtifactOut
Zip -> do
relFile <- normalArtifactRelFile ""
copyAndTellArtifact platfDep relFile mainArtifactOut
targetExists :: MonadCI m => Text -> m Bool
targetExists target = do
mbErr <- E.try (loggedProcess_ "bazel" ["query", target])
case mbErr of
Left (_ :: Proc.ProcessExitedUnsuccessfully) -> return False
Right () -> return True
buildAllComponents ::
MonadCI m