language: cross sdk dalf/dar imports (#3358)

* language: cross sdk dalf/dar imports

The final piece for cross sdk imports. With this PR we can import the
data types of packages and dalfs that were created with different sdks.

This is done by generating interface files from dalfs and an 'instances'
package that contains the template instance definitions of template data
types. The instances itself are defined via the `external` keyword,
which is inlined to proper daml-lf instance definitions given in the
respective dalf package.

We test that cross sdk imports work by importing the `simple-dalf` in
the daml-assistant integation tests and running a scenario.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Krom 2019-11-06 19:35:40 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8a7c6cd94d
commit 6943165c84
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 408 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ da_haskell_repl(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ da_haskell_library(
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.hs"]),
hackage_deps = [

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
module DA.Daml.LF.Ast.World(
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import DA.Pretty
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import Data.List
import qualified Data.NameMap as NM
@ -53,6 +55,14 @@ data ExternalPackage = ExternalPackage PackageId Package
instance NFData ExternalPackage
data DalfPackage = DalfPackage
{ dalfPackageId :: PackageId
, dalfPackagePkg :: ExternalPackage
, dalfPackageBytes :: BS.ByteString
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance NFData DalfPackage
-- | Rewrite all `PRSelf` references to `PRImport` references.
rewriteSelfReferences :: PackageId -> Package -> ExternalPackage
rewriteSelfReferences pkgId = ExternalPackage pkgId . rewrite

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ buildDar service pkgConf@PackageConfigFields {..} ifDir dalfInput = do
-- get all dalf dependencies.
dalfDependencies0 <- getDalfDependencies files
let dalfDependencies =
[ (T.pack $ unitIdString unitId, dalfPackageBytes pkg)
[ (T.pack $ unitIdString unitId, LF.dalfPackageBytes pkg)
| (unitId, pkg) <- Map.toList dalfDependencies0
let dataFiles = [mkConfFile pkgConf pkgModuleNames (T.unpack pkgId)]

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module DA.Daml.Compiler.Upgrade
, generateTemplateInstance
, generateSrcFromLf
, generateSrcPkgFromLf
, generateTemplateInstancesPkgFromLf
, generateGenInstancesPkgFromLf
, Env(..)
, DiffSdkVers(..)
@ -85,6 +86,68 @@ upgradeTemplates n =
, " convert B." <> n <> "{..} = A." <> n <> " {..}"
-- | Generate the source for a package containing template instances for all templates defined in a
-- package. It _only_ contains the instance stubs. The correct implementation happens in the
-- conversion to daml-lf, where `extenal` calls are inlined to daml-lf contained in the dalf of the
-- external package.
generateTemplateInstancesPkgFromLf ::
(LF.PackageRef -> UnitId)
-> LF.PackageId
-> LF.Package
-> [(NormalizedFilePath, String)]
generateTemplateInstancesPkgFromLf getUnitId pkgId pkg =
[ generateTemplateInstanceModule
{ envGetUnitId = getUnitId
, envQualify = False
, envMod = mod
| mod <- NM.toList $ LF.packageModules pkg
-- | Generate a module containing template/generic instances for all the contained templates.
-- Return Nothing if there are no instances, so no unnecessary modules are created.
generateTemplateInstanceModule ::
Env -> LF.PackageId -> Maybe (NormalizedFilePath, String)
generateTemplateInstanceModule env externPkgId
| not $ null instances =
( toNormalizedFilePath modFilePath
, unlines $
header ++
nubSort imports ++
map (showSDocForUser fakeDynFlags alwaysQualify . ppr) instances)
| otherwise = Nothing
instances = templInstances
templInstances = templateInstances env externPkgId
mod = envMod env
modFilePath = (joinPath $ splitOn "." modName) ++ "Instances" ++ ".daml"
modName = T.unpack $ LF.moduleNameString $ LF.moduleName mod
header =
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NoDamlSyntax #-}"
, "{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}"
, "module " <> modName <> "Instances" <> " where"
imports =
[ "import qualified " <> modName
, "import qualified DA.Internal.Template"
, "import qualified GHC.Types"
templateInstances :: Env -> LF.PackageId -> [HsDecl GhcPs]
templateInstances env externPkgId =
[ generateTemplateInstance env dataTypeCon dataParams externPkgId
| dataTypeCon <- NM.names $ LF.moduleTemplates mod
, Just LF.DefDataType {..} <-
[NM.lookup dataTypeCon (LF.moduleDataTypes mod)]
mod = envMod env
generateGenInstancesPkgFromLf ::
(LF.PackageRef -> UnitId)
-> LF.PackageId
@ -128,6 +191,7 @@ generateGenInstanceModule env externPkgId qual
genInstances = snd genImportsAndInstances
mod = envMod env
modFilePath = (joinPath $ splitOn "." modName) ++ qual ++ "GenInstances" ++ ".daml"
modName = T.unpack $ LF.moduleNameString $ LF.moduleName mod
modNameQual = modName <> qual
@ -296,7 +360,6 @@ generateTemplateInstance env typeCon typeParams externPkgId =
, fun_tick = []
-- | Generate the full source for a daml-lf package.
generateSrcPkgFromLf ::
(LF.PackageRef -> UnitId)

View File

@ -53,15 +53,8 @@ type instance RuleResult GeneratePackage = WhnfPackage
type instance RuleResult GenerateRawPackage = WhnfPackage
type instance RuleResult GeneratePackageDeps = WhnfPackage
data DalfPackage = DalfPackage
{ dalfPackageId :: LF.PackageId
, dalfPackagePkg :: LF.ExternalPackage
, dalfPackageBytes :: BS.ByteString
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance NFData DalfPackage
type instance RuleResult GeneratePackageMap = Map UnitId DalfPackage
type instance RuleResult GeneratePackageMap = Map UnitId LF.DalfPackage
-- | Runs all scenarios in the given file (but not scenarios in imports).
type instance RuleResult RunScenarios = [(VirtualResource, Either SS.Error SS.ScenarioResult)]

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ ideErrorPretty :: Pretty.Pretty e => NormalizedFilePath -> e -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorPretty fp = ideErrorText fp . T.pack . HughesPJPretty.prettyShow
getDalfDependencies :: [NormalizedFilePath] -> MaybeT Action (Map.Map UnitId DalfPackage)
getDalfDependencies :: [NormalizedFilePath] -> MaybeT Action (Map.Map UnitId LF.DalfPackage)
getDalfDependencies files = do
unitIds <- concatMap transitivePkgDeps <$> usesE GetDependencies files
pkgMap <- useNoFileE GeneratePackageMap
@ -181,9 +181,8 @@ generateRawDalfRule =
setPriority priorityGenerateDalf
-- Generate the map from package names to package hashes
pkgMap <- useNoFile_ GeneratePackageMap
let pkgMap0 = (LF.unPackageId . dalfPackageId) pkgMap
-- GHC Core to DAML LF
case convertModule lfVersion pkgMap0 file core of
case convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file core of
Left e -> return ([e], Nothing)
Right v -> return ([], Just $ LF.simplifyModule v)
@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ generateDalfRule =
lfVersion <- getDamlLfVersion
WhnfPackage pkg <- use_ GeneratePackageDeps file
pkgMap <- useNoFile_ GeneratePackageMap
let pkgs = map dalfPackagePkg $ Map.elems pkgMap
let pkgs = map LF.dalfPackagePkg $ Map.elems pkgMap
let world = LF.initWorldSelf pkgs pkg
rawDalf <- use_ GenerateRawDalf file
setPriority priorityGenerateDalf
@ -216,7 +215,7 @@ generateDocTestModuleRule =
-- filename to match the package name.
-- TODO (drsk): We might want to change this to load only needed packages in the future.
generatePackageMap ::
[FilePath] -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Map.Map UnitId DalfPackage)
[FilePath] -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Map.Map UnitId LF.DalfPackage)
generatePackageMap fps = do
(diags, pkgs) <-
fmap (partitionEithers . concat) $
@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ generatePackageMap fps = do
mapLeft (ideErrorPretty $ toNormalizedFilePath dalf) $
Archive.decodeArchive dalfBS
let unitId = stringToUnitId $ dropExtension $ takeFileName dalf
Right (unitId, DalfPackage pkgId (LF.rewriteSelfReferences pkgId package) dalfBS)
Right (unitId, LF.DalfPackage pkgId (LF.rewriteSelfReferences pkgId package) dalfBS)
return (diags, Map.fromList pkgs)
generatePackageMapRule :: Options -> Rules ()
@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ contextForFile file = do
DamlEnv{..} <- getDamlServiceEnv
pure SS.Context
{ ctxModules = Map.fromList encodedModules
, ctxPackages = [(dalfPackageId pkg, dalfPackageBytes pkg) | pkg <- Map.elems pkgMap]
, ctxPackages = [(LF.dalfPackageId pkg, LF.dalfPackageBytes pkg) | pkg <- Map.elems pkgMap]
, ctxDamlLfVersion = lfVersion
, ctxSkipValidation = SS.SkipValidation (getSkipScenarioValidation envSkipScenarioValidation)
@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ worldForFile :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action LF.World
worldForFile file = do
WhnfPackage pkg <- use_ GeneratePackage file
pkgMap <- useNoFile_ GeneratePackageMap
let pkgs = map dalfPackagePkg $ Map.elems pkgMap
let pkgs = map LF.dalfPackagePkg $ Map.elems pkgMap
pure $ LF.initWorldSelf pkgs pkg
data ScenarioBackendException = ScenarioBackendException

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ onCommand ide execParsms = case execParsms of
WhnfPackage package <- runAction ide (use_ GeneratePackage mod)
pkgMap <- runAction ide (useNoFile_ GeneratePackageMap)
let modules = NM.toList $ LF.packageModules package
let extpkgs = map dalfPackagePkg $ Map.elems pkgMap
let extpkgs = map LF.dalfPackagePkg $ Map.elems pkgMap
let wrld = LF.initWorldSelf extpkgs package
let dots = T.pack $ Visual.dotFileGen modules wrld
return $ Aeson.String dots

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ unsupported typ x = conversionError errMsg
typ ++ ".\n" ++
prettyPrint x
unknown :: HasCallStack => GHC.UnitId -> MS.Map GHC.UnitId T.Text -> ConvertM e
unknown :: HasCallStack => GHC.UnitId -> MS.Map GHC.UnitId DalfPackage -> ConvertM e
unknown unitId pkgMap = conversionError errMsg
where errMsg =
"Unknown package: " ++ GHC.unitIdString unitId
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ data Env = Env
,envGHCModuleName :: GHC.ModuleName
,envModuleUnitId :: GHC.UnitId
,envAliases :: MS.Map Var LF.Expr
,envPkgMap :: MS.Map GHC.UnitId T.Text
,envPkgMap :: MS.Map GHC.UnitId LF.DalfPackage
,envLfVersion :: LF.Version
,envTypeSynonyms :: [(GHC.Type, TyCon)]
,envInstances :: [(TyCon, [GHC.Type])]
@ -266,7 +266,12 @@ convertRationalNumericMono env scale num denom
double = (fromInteger num / fromInteger denom) :: Double
maxPower = fromIntegral numericMaxPrecision - scale
convertModule :: LF.Version -> MS.Map UnitId T.Text -> NormalizedFilePath -> CoreModule -> Either FileDiagnostic LF.Module
:: LF.Version
-> MS.Map UnitId DalfPackage
-> NormalizedFilePath
-> CoreModule
-> Either FileDiagnostic LF.Module
convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv file Nothing) $ do
definitions <- concatMapM (convertBind env) binds
types <- concatMapM (convertTypeDef env) (eltsUFM (cm_types x))
@ -439,7 +444,7 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
agreement <- convertExpr env (Var agreement)
let create = ETmLam (this, polyType) $ EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (self, TContractId monoType) $ EUpdate $ UCreate monoTyCon $ wrapTpl $ EVar this) $ EUpdate $ UPure (TContractId polyType) $ unwrapCid $ EVar self
let fetch = ETmLam (self, TContractId polyType) $ EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (this, monoType) $ EUpdate $ UFetch monoTyCon $ wrapCid $ EVar self) $ EUpdate $ UPure polyType $ unwrapTpl $ EVar this
let anyTemplateTy = TypeConApp (Qualified stdlibRef (mkModName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"]) (mkTypeCon ["AnyTemplate"])) []
let anyTemplateTy = anyTemplateTyFromStdlib stdlibRef
let anyTemplateField = mkField "getAnyTemplate"
let toAnyTemplate =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
@ -493,7 +498,6 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
arg = mkVar "arg"
res = mkVar "res"
rec = mkVar "rec"
anyTpl = mkVar "anyTpl"
convertGenericTemplate env x = unhandled "generic template" x
data Consuming = PreConsuming
@ -751,6 +755,14 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
mkFieldProj i (name, _typ) = (mkField ("_" <> T.pack (show i)), ETupleProj name (EVar varV1))
go env (VarIs "primitive") (LType (isStrLitTy -> Just y) : LType t : args)
= fmap (, args) $ convertPrim (envLfVersion env) (unpackFS y) <$> convertType env t
go env var@(Var f) (LType (isStrLitTy -> Just y) : LType t : args)
| VarIs "external" <- var
, Just m <- nameModule_maybe (getName f)
, GHC.moduleNameString (GHC.moduleName m) == "GHC.Types"
, GHC.moduleUnitId m == primUnitId
= do
stdlibRef <- packageNameToPkgRef env damlStdlib
fmap (, args) $ convertExternal env stdlibRef (unpackFS y) <$> convertType env t
go env (VarIs "getFieldPrim") (LType (isStrLitTy -> Just name) : LType record : LType _field : args) = do
record' <- convertType env record
withTmArg env (varV1, record') args $ \x args ->
@ -1169,12 +1181,12 @@ convertLet env binder bound mkBody = do
pure $ ELet (Binding binder bound) body
-- | Convert ghc package unit id's to LF package references.
convertUnitId :: GHC.UnitId -> MS.Map GHC.UnitId T.Text -> UnitId -> ConvertM LF.PackageRef
convertUnitId :: GHC.UnitId -> MS.Map GHC.UnitId DalfPackage -> UnitId -> ConvertM LF.PackageRef
convertUnitId thisUnitId _pkgMap unitId | unitId == thisUnitId = pure LF.PRSelf
convertUnitId _thisUnitId pkgMap unitId = case unitId of
IndefiniteUnitId x -> unsupported "Indefinite unit id's" x
DefiniteUnitId _ -> case MS.lookup unitId pkgMap of
Just hash -> pure $ LF.PRImport $ PackageId hash
Just DalfPackage{..} -> pure $ LF.PRImport dalfPackageId
Nothing -> unknown unitId pkgMap
convertAlt :: Env -> LF.Type -> Alt Var -> ConvertM CaseAlternative
@ -1528,6 +1540,176 @@ toCtor env con =
| otherwise = ty
in Ctor (getName con) (ctorLabels con) <$> mapM (fmap sanitize . convertType env) (thetas ++ tys)
-- External instance methods
convertExternal :: Env -> LF.PackageRef -> String -> LF.Type -> LF.Expr
convertExternal env stdlibRef primId lfType
| [pkgId, modStr, templName, method] <- splitOn ":" primId
, Just LF.Template {..} <- lookup pkgId modStr templName =
let pkgRef = PRImport $ PackageId $ T.pack pkgId
mod = ModuleName $ map T.pack $ splitOn "." modStr
qualify tconName =
{ qualPackage = pkgRef
, qualModule = mod
, qualObject = tconName
templateDataType = TCon . qualify
in case method of
"signatory" ->
(tplParam, templateDataType tplTypeCon)
"observer" ->
ETmLam (tplParam, templateDataType tplTypeCon) tplObservers
"agreement" ->
ETmLam (tplParam, templateDataType tplTypeCon) tplAgreement
"ensure" ->
(tplParam, templateDataType tplTypeCon)
"create" ->
(tplParam, templateDataType tplTypeCon)
(EUpdate $ UCreate (qualify tplTypeCon) (EVar tplParam))
"fetch" ->
let coid = mkVar "$coid"
in ETmLam
( coid
, TApp
(TBuiltin BTContractId)
(templateDataType tplTypeCon))
(EUpdate $ UFetch (qualify tplTypeCon) (EVar coid))
"archive" ->
let archiveChoice = ChoiceName "Archive"
in case NM.lookup archiveChoice tplChoices of
Nothing ->
EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` lfType `ETmApp`
(BEText $
"convertExternal: archive is not implemented in external package")
Just TemplateChoice {..} ->
case chcArgBinder of
(_, LF.TCon tcon) ->
let coid = mkVar "$coid"
archiveChoiceArg =
{ LF.recTypeCon =
LF.TypeConApp tcon []
, LF.recFields = []
in ETmLam
( coid
, TApp
(TBuiltin BTContractId)
(EUpdate $
(qualify tplTypeCon)
(EVar coid)
otherwise ->
"convertExternal: Archive choice exists but has the wrong type."
| envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType ->
ETmLam (tplParam, templateDataType tplTypeCon) $
[ ( anyTemplateField
, EToAny
(templateDataType tplTypeCon)
(EVar tplParam))
| otherwise ->
EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` lfType `ETmApp`
"toAnyTemplate is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
| envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType ->
ETmLam (anyTpl, typeConAppToType anyTemplateTy) $
(templateDataType tplTypeCon)
(EVar anyTpl)))
[ CaseAlternative CPNone $
ENone $ templateDataType tplTypeCon
, CaseAlternative (CPSome tplParam) $
ESome (templateDataType tplTypeCon) $
EVar tplParam
| otherwise ->
EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` lfType `ETmApp`
"fromAnyTemplate is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
| envLfVersion env `supports` featureTypeRep ->
let resType =
(mkModName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
(mkTypeCon ["TemplateTypeRep"]))
resField = mkField "getTemplateTypeRep"
in ERecCon
[ ( resField
, ETypeRep $ templateDataType tplTypeCon)
| otherwise ->
EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` lfType `ETmApp`
"templateTypeRep is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
other -> error "convertExternal: Unknown external method"
| [pkgId, modStr, templName, method] <- splitOn ":" primId
, Nothing <- lookup pkgId modStr templName =
error $ "convertExternal: external template not found " <> primId
| otherwise =
error $ "convertExternal: malformed external template string" <> primId
anyTemplateTy = anyTemplateTyFromStdlib stdlibRef
lookup pId modName temName = do
mods <- MS.lookup pId pkgIdToModules
mod <- NM.lookup (LF.ModuleName $ map T.pack $ splitOn "." modName) mods
NM.lookup (LF.TypeConName [T.pack temName]) $ LF.moduleTemplates mod
pkgIdToModules =
[ (T.unpack $ LF.unPackageId dalfPackageId, LF.packageModules pkg)
| (_uId, DalfPackage {..}) <- MS.toList $ envPkgMap env
, let ExternalPackage _pid pkg = dalfPackagePkg
-- AnyTemplate constant names
anyTemplateTyFromStdlib :: PackageRef -> TypeConApp
anyTemplateTyFromStdlib stdlibRef =
(mkModName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
(mkTypeCon ["AnyTemplate"]))
anyTemplateField :: FieldName
anyTemplateField = mkField "getAnyTemplate"
anyTpl :: ExprVarName
anyTpl = mkVar "anyTpl"
@ -1547,7 +1729,6 @@ convVar = mkVar . varPrettyPrint
convVarWithType :: Env -> Var -> ConvertM (ExprVarName, LF.Type)
convVarWithType env v = (convVar v,) <$> convertType env (varType v)
convVal :: Var -> ExprValName
convVal = mkVal . varPrettyPrint

View File

@ -221,8 +221,6 @@ convertPrim _ "BEToTextNumeric" (TNumeric n :-> TText) =
ETyApp (EBuiltin BEToTextNumeric) n
convertPrim _ "BENumericFromText" (TText :-> TOptional (TNumeric n)) =
ETyApp (EBuiltin BENumericFromText) n
convertPrim _ x ty = error $ "Unknown primitive " ++ show x ++ " at type " ++ renderPretty ty
-- | Some builtins are only supported in specific versions of DAML-LF.

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module GHC.Types (
Text, Decimal,
primitive, magic,
primitive, magic, external,
@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ data TyCon = TyCon Word# Word# -- Fingerprint
KindRep -- A representation of the type's kind
-- | HIDE A DAML-LF call to an external package
external : forall (f : Symbol) b. b
external = external --deleted by the compiler
-- | HIDE A DAML-LF primitive
primitive : forall (f : Symbol) b. b
primitive = primitive -- deleted by the compiler

View File

@ -563,18 +563,24 @@ createProjectPackageDb opts fps = do
let getUid = getUnitId unitId pkgMap
let src = generateSrcPkgFromLf getUid pkgId dalf
let templInstSrc =
( (src, unitId, dalf, bs)
( (src, templInstSrc, unitId, dalf, bs)
, pkgId
, pkgRefs)
let pkgIdsTopoSorted = reverse $ topSort depGraph
dbPathAbs <- makeAbsolute dbPath
projectPackageDatabaseAbs <- makeAbsolute projectPackageDatabase
forM_ pkgIdsTopoSorted $ \vertex -> do
let ((src, uid, dalf, bs), pkgId, _) =
let ((src, templInstSrc, uid, dalf, bs), pkgId, _) =
vertexToNode vertex
when (uid /= primUnitId) $ do
let unitIdStr = unitIdString uid
let instancesUnitIdStr = "instances-" <> unitIdStr
let pkgIdStr = T.unpack $ LF.unPackageId pkgId
let (pkgName, mbPkgVersion) =
fromMaybe (unitIdStr, Nothing) $ do
@ -583,7 +589,7 @@ createProjectPackageDb opts fps = do
Just (uId, Just ver)
let deps =
[ unitIdString uId <.> "dalf"
| ((_src, uId, _dalf, _bs), pId, _) <-
| ((_src, _templSrc, uId, _dalf, _bs), pId, _) <-
map vertexToNode $ reachable depGraph vertex
, pkgId /= pId
@ -606,6 +612,18 @@ createProjectPackageDb opts fps = do
unless (null templInstSrc) $
| length uniqSdkVersions <= 1 -> forM_ dars $
\ExtractedDar{..} -> installDar dbPath edConfFiles edDalfs edSrcs
| otherwise ->
@ -672,6 +690,62 @@ createProjectPackageDb opts fps = do
, "--expand-pkgroot"
-- generate a package containing template instances and install it in the package database
generateAndInstallInstancesPkg ::
[(NormalizedFilePath, String)]
-> Options
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> String
-> String
-> String
-> Maybe String
-> [String]
-> IO ()
generateAndInstallInstancesPkg templInstSrc opts dbPathAbs projectPackageDatabaseAbs unitIdStr instancesUnitIdStr pkgName mbPkgVersion deps =
withTempDir $ \tempDir ->
withCurrentDirectory tempDir $ do
loggerH <- getLogger opts "generate instances package"
mapM_ writeSrc templInstSrc
sdkVersion <- getSdkVersion
let pkgConfig =
{ pName = "instances-" <> pkgName
, pSrc = "."
, pExposedModules = Nothing
, pVersion = mbPkgVersion
, pDependencies = (unitIdStr <.> "dalf") : deps
, pSdkVersion = sdkVersion
, cliOpts = Nothing
opts' <-
mkOptions $
{ optWriteInterface = True
, optPackageDbs = projectPackageDatabaseAbs : optPackageDbs opts
, optIfaceDir = Just "./"
, optIsGenerated = True
, optDflagCheck = False
, optMbPackageName = Just instancesUnitIdStr
, optHideAllPkgs = False
, optPackageImports = [(unitIdStr, []) | pkgName /= "daml-stdlib"]
mbDar <-
withDamlIdeState opts' loggerH diagnosticsLogger $ \ide ->
(toNormalizedFilePath $
fromMaybe ifaceDir $ optIfaceDir opts')
(FromDalf False)
dar <- mbErr "ERROR: Creation of instances DAR file failed." mbDar
-- TODO (drsk) switch to different zip library so we don't have to write
-- the dar.
let darFp = instancesUnitIdStr <.> "dar"
Zip.createArchive darFp dar
ExtractedDar{..} <- extractDar darFp
installDar dbPathAbs edConfFiles edDalfs edSrcs
-- | Write generated source files
writeSrc :: (NormalizedFilePath, String) -> IO ()
writeSrc (fp, content) = do

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ noassistantTests damlDir = testGroup "no assistant"
packagingTests :: TestTree
packagingTests = testGroup "packaging"
[ testCaseSteps "Build package with dependency" $ \step -> withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
([ testCaseSteps "Build package with dependency" $ \step -> withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
let projectA = tmpDir </> "a"
let projectB = tmpDir </> "b"
let aDar = projectA </> ".daml" </> "dist" </> "a-1.0.dar"
@ -399,7 +399,10 @@ packagingTests = testGroup "packaging"
, "dependencies: [daml-prim, daml-stdlib]"
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callCommandQuiet "daml build"
, testCase "Dalf imports" $ withTempDir $ \projDir -> do
] <> do
withArchiveChoice <- [False,True] -- run two variations of the test
return $ testCase ("Dalf imports (withArchiveChoice=" <> show withArchiveChoice <> ")") $ withTempDir $ \projDir -> do
let genSimpleDalfExe
| isWindows = "generate-simple-dalf.exe"
| otherwise = "generate-simple-dalf"
@ -412,36 +415,63 @@ packagingTests = testGroup "packaging"
, "version: 0.1.0"
, "source: ."
, "dependencies: [daml-prim, daml-stdlib, simple-dalf-0.0.0.dalf]"
, "build-options:"
, "- --generated-src"
writeFileUTF8 (projDir </> "A.daml") $ unlines
[ "daml 1.2"
, "module A where"
, "import qualified \"simple-dalf\" Module"
, "import qualified Module"
, "import qualified ModuleInstances"
, "import DA.Internal.Template (toAnyTemplate, fromAnyTemplate)"
, "newTemplate : Party -> Party -> Module.Template"
, "newTemplate p1 p2 = Module.Template with Module.this = p1, Module.arg = p2"
, "newChoice : Module.Choice"
, "newChoice = Module.Choice ()"
--, "createTemplate : Party -> Party -> Update (ContractId Module.Template)"
--, "createTemplate p1 p2 = create $ newTemplate p1 p2"
--, "fetchTemplate : ContractId Module.Template -> Update Module.Template"
--, "fetchTemplate = fetch"
--, "archiveTemplate : ContractId Module.Template -> Update ()"
--, "archiveTemplate = archive"
--, "signatoriesTemplate : Module.Template -> [Party]"
--, "signatoriesTemplate = signatory"
--, "observersTemplate : Module.Template -> [Party]"
--, "observersTemplate = observer"
--, "ensureTemplate : Module.Template -> Bool"
--, "ensureTemplate = ensure"
--, "agreementTemplate : Module.Template -> Text"
--, "agreementTemplate = agreement"
, "createTemplate : Party -> Party -> Update (ContractId Module.Template)"
, "createTemplate p1 p2 = create $ newTemplate p1 p2"
, "fetchTemplate : ContractId Module.Template -> Update Module.Template"
, "fetchTemplate = fetch"
, "archiveTemplate : ContractId Module.Template -> Update ()"
, "archiveTemplate = archive"
, "signatoriesTemplate : Module.Template -> [Party]"
, "signatoriesTemplate = signatory"
, "observersTemplate : Module.Template -> [Party]"
, "observersTemplate = observer"
, "ensureTemplate : Module.Template -> Bool"
, "ensureTemplate = ensure"
, "agreementTemplate : Module.Template -> Text"
, "agreementTemplate = agreement"
, "toAnyTemplateTemplate : Module.Template -> AnyTemplate"
, "toAnyTemplateTemplate = toAnyTemplate"
, "fromAnyTemplateTemplate : AnyTemplate -> Optional Module.Template"
, "fromAnyTemplateTemplate = fromAnyTemplate"
, "test_methods = scenario do"
, " alice <- getParty \"Alice\""
, " bob <- getParty \"Bob\""
, " let t = newTemplate alice bob"
, " assert $ signatory t == [alice, bob]"
, " assert $ observer t == []"
, " assert $ ensure t"
, " assert $ agreement t == \"\""
, " coid <- submit alice $ createTemplate alice alice"
, " " <> (if withArchiveChoice then "submit" else "submitMustFail") <> " alice $ archive coid"
, " coid1 <- submit bob $ createTemplate bob bob"
, " t1 <- submit bob $ fetch coid1"
, " assert $ signatory t1 == [bob, bob]"
, " let anyTemplate = toAnyTemplate t1"
, " let (Some t2 : Optional Module.Template) = fromAnyTemplate anyTemplate"
, " pure ()"
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callCommandQuiet $ genSimpleDalf <> " simple-dalf-0.0.0.dalf"
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callCommandQuiet "daml build"
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callCommandQuiet $ genSimpleDalf
<> (if withArchiveChoice then " --with-archive-choice" else "")
<> " simple-dalf-0.0.0.dalf"
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callCommandQuiet "daml build --target"
let dar = projDir </> ".daml/dist/proj-0.1.0.dar"
assertBool "proj-0.1.0.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist dar
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callCommandQuiet "daml test --target"
, testCaseSteps "Build migration package" $ \step -> withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
<> [ testCaseSteps "Build migration package" $ \step -> withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
-- it's important that we have fresh empty directories here!
let projectA = tmpDir </> "a-1.0"
let projectB = tmpDir </> "a-2.0"
@ -724,7 +754,7 @@ packagingTests = testGroup "packaging"
, bWithUpgradesDar
assertBool "a-0.2-with-upgrades.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist bWithUpgradesDar
quickstartTests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir = testGroup "quickstart"