interfaces: lf typechecker implementation (#10843)

* interfaces: lf typechecker implementation


* review suggestions
This commit is contained in:
Robin Krom 2021-09-13 14:58:33 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent d9178d2ac2
commit 6dc769b7ad
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 90 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ module DA.Daml.LF.Ast.World(
) where
import DA.Pretty
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ data LookupError
| LETemplate !(Qualified TypeConName)
| LEException !(Qualified TypeConName)
| LEChoice !(Qualified TypeConName) !ChoiceName
| LEInterface !(Qualified TypeConName)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
lookupModule :: Qualified a -> World -> Either LookupError Module
@ -136,6 +138,9 @@ lookupValue = lookupDefinition moduleValues LEValue
lookupTemplate :: Qualified TypeConName -> World -> Either LookupError Template
lookupTemplate = lookupDefinition moduleTemplates LETemplate
lookupInterface :: Qualified TypeConName -> World -> Either LookupError DefInterface
lookupInterface = lookupDefinition moduleInterfaces LEInterface
lookupException :: Qualified TypeConName -> World -> Either LookupError DefException
lookupException = lookupDefinition moduleExceptions LEException
@ -157,3 +162,4 @@ instance Pretty LookupError where
LETemplate tplRef -> "unknown template:" <-> pretty tplRef
LEException exnRef -> "unknown exception:" <-> pretty exnRef
LEChoice tplRef chName -> "unknown choice:" <-> pretty tplRef <> ":" <> pretty chName
LEInterface ifaceRef -> "unknown interface" <-> pretty ifaceRef

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@ -536,8 +536,7 @@ typeOfCase scrut alts = do
DataEnum cons -> (,,) (length cons) (\k -> CPEnum scrutTCon (cons !! k))
<$> typeOfAltsEnum scrutTCon cons alts
DataRecord{} -> (,,) 1 (const CPDefault) <$> typeOfAltsOnlyDefault scrutType alts
DataInterface -> error "interfaces are not implemented"
DataInterface -> (,,) 1 (const CPDefault) <$> typeOfAltsOnlyDefault scrutType alts
TUnit -> (,,) 1 (const CPUnit) <$> typeOfAltsUnit alts
TBool -> (,,) 2 (CPBool . toEnum) <$> typeOfAltsBool alts
TList elemType -> (,,) 2 ([CPNil, CPCons wildcard wildcard] !!) <$> typeOfAltsList elemType alts
@ -773,9 +772,20 @@ checkDefTypeSyn DefTypeSyn{synParams,synType} = do
base = checkType synType KStar
checkIface :: MonadGamma m => DefInterface -> m ()
checkIface DefInterface{intName, intChoices} = do
checkUnique (EDuplicateInterfaceChoiceName intName) $ NM.names intChoices
forM_ intChoices checkIfaceChoice
checkIfaceChoice :: MonadGamma m => InterfaceChoice -> m ()
checkIfaceChoice InterfaceChoice{ifcArgType,ifcRetType} = do
checkType ifcArgType KStar
checkType ifcRetType KStar
-- | Check that a type constructor definition is well-formed.
checkDefDataType :: MonadGamma m => DefDataType -> m ()
checkDefDataType (DefDataType _loc _name _serializable params dataCons) = do
checkDefDataType :: MonadGamma m => Module -> DefDataType -> m ()
checkDefDataType m (DefDataType _loc name _serializable params dataCons) = do
checkUnique EDuplicateTypeParam $ map fst params
mapM_ (checkKind . snd) params
foldr (uncurry introTypeVar) base params
@ -788,8 +798,9 @@ checkDefDataType (DefDataType _loc _name _serializable params dataCons) = do
DataEnum names -> do
unless (null params) $ throwWithContext EEnumTypeWithParams
checkUnique EDuplicateConstructor names
DataInterface -> error "interfaces are not implemented"
DataInterface -> do
unless (null params) $ throwWithContext EInterfaceTypeWithParams
void $ inWorld $ lookupInterface (Qualified PRSelf (moduleName m) name)
checkDefValue :: MonadGamma m => DefValue -> m ()
checkDefValue (DefValue _loc (_, typ) _noParties (IsTest isTest) expr) = do
@ -813,8 +824,7 @@ checkTemplateChoice tpl (TemplateChoice _loc _ _ controllers mbObservers selfBin
checkExpr upd (TUpdate retType)
checkTemplate :: MonadGamma m => Module -> Template -> m ()
checkTemplate m t@(Template _loc tpl param precond signatories observers text choices mbKey _implements) = do
-- TODO check implements
checkTemplate m t@(Template _loc tpl param precond signatories observers text choices mbKey implements) = do
let tcon = Qualified PRSelf (moduleName m) tpl
DefDataType _loc _naem _serializable tparams dataCons <- inWorld (lookupDataType tcon)
unless (null tparams) $ throwWithContext (EExpectedTemplatableType tpl)
@ -826,9 +836,27 @@ checkTemplate m t@(Template _loc tpl param precond signatories observers text ch
withPart TPAgreement $ checkExpr text TText
for_ choices $ \c -> withPart (TPChoice c) $ checkTemplateChoice tcon c
whenJust mbKey $ checkTemplateKey param tcon
forM_ implements $ checkIfaceImplementation (moduleName m) tcon
withPart p = withContext (ContextTemplate m t p)
checkIfaceImplementation ::
MonadGamma m
=> ModuleName
-> Qualified TypeConName
-> Qualified TypeConName
-> m ()
checkIfaceImplementation modName tplTcon ifTcon
| Qualified PRSelf m _tconName <- ifTcon
, m == modName = do
DefInterface {intChoices} <- inWorld $ lookupInterface ifTcon
forM_ intChoices $ \InterfaceChoice {ifcName, ifcConsuming, ifcArgType, ifcRetType} -> do
TemplateChoice {chcConsuming, chcArgBinder, chcReturnType} <- inWorld $ lookupChoice (tplTcon, ifcName)
unless (chcConsuming == ifcConsuming) $ throwWithContext $ EBadInterfaceChoiceImplConsuming ifcName ifcConsuming chcConsuming
unless (alphaType (snd chcArgBinder) ifcArgType) $ throwWithContext $ EBadInterfaceChoiceImplArgType ifcName ifcArgType (snd chcArgBinder)
unless (alphaType chcReturnType ifcRetType) $ throwWithContext $ EBadInterfaceChoiceImplRetType ifcName ifcRetType chcReturnType
| otherwise = throwWithContext $ EForeignInterfaceImplementation ifTcon
_checkFeature :: MonadGamma m => Feature -> m ()
_checkFeature feature = do
version <- getLfVersion
@ -858,11 +886,11 @@ checkDefException m DefException{..} = do
-- The type checker for expressions relies on the fact that data type
-- definitions do _not_ contain free variables.
checkModule :: MonadGamma m => Module -> m ()
checkModule m@(Module _modName _path _flags synonyms dataTypes values templates exceptions _interfaces) = do
-- TODO check interfaces
checkModule m@(Module _modName _path _flags synonyms dataTypes values templates exceptions interfaces) = do
let with ctx f x = withContext (ctx x) (f x)
traverse_ (with (ContextDefTypeSyn m) checkDefTypeSyn) synonyms
traverse_ (with (ContextDefDataType m) checkDefDataType) dataTypes
traverse_ (with (ContextDefDataType m) $ checkDefDataType m) dataTypes
traverse_ (with (\t -> ContextTemplate m t TPWhole) $ checkTemplate m) templates
traverse_ (with (ContextDefException m) (checkDefException m)) exceptions
traverse_ (with (ContextDefValue m) checkDefValue) values
traverse_ (with (ContextDefInterface m) checkIface) interfaces

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ data Context
| ContextTemplate !Module !Template !TemplatePart
| ContextDefValue !Module !DefValue
| ContextDefException !Module !DefException
| ContextDefInterface !Module !DefInterface
data TemplatePart
= TPWhole
@ -128,6 +129,15 @@ data Error
| EForbiddenNameCollision !T.Text ![T.Text]
| ESynAppWrongArity !DefTypeSyn ![Type]
| ENatKindRightOfArrow !Kind
| EInterfaceTypeWithParams
| EMissingInterfaceDefinition !TypeConName
| EDuplicateInterfaceChoiceName !TypeConName !ChoiceName
| EUnknownInterface !TypeConName
| EMissingInterfaceChoice !ChoiceName
| EBadInterfaceChoiceImplConsuming !ChoiceName !Bool !Bool
| EBadInterfaceChoiceImplArgType !ChoiceName !Type !Type
| EBadInterfaceChoiceImplRetType !ChoiceName !Type !Type
| EForeignInterfaceImplementation !(Qualified TypeConName)
contextLocation :: Context -> Maybe SourceLoc
contextLocation = \case
@ -137,6 +147,7 @@ contextLocation = \case
ContextTemplate _ t _ -> tplLocation t
ContextDefValue _ v -> dvalLocation v
ContextDefException _ e -> exnLocation e
ContextDefInterface _ i -> intLocation i
errorLocation :: Error -> Maybe SourceLoc
errorLocation = \case
@ -156,6 +167,8 @@ instance Show Context where
"value " <> show (moduleName m) <> "." <> show (fst $ dvalBinder v)
ContextDefException m e ->
"exception " <> show (moduleName m) <> "." <> show (exnName e)
ContextDefInterface m i ->
"interface " <> show (moduleName m) <> "." <> show (intName i)
instance Show TemplatePart where
show = \case
@ -224,6 +237,7 @@ instance Pretty Error where
EDuplicateModule mname -> "duplicate module: " <> pretty mname
EDuplicateScenario name -> "duplicate scenario: " <> pretty name
EEnumTypeWithParams -> "enum type with type parameters"
EInterfaceTypeWithParams -> "interface type with type parameters"
EExpectedRecordType tapp ->
vcat [ "expected record type:", "* found: ", nest 4 $ string (show tapp) ]
EFieldMismatch tapp rexpr ->
@ -362,6 +376,34 @@ instance Pretty Error where
[ "Kind is invalid: " <> pretty k
, "Nat kind is not allowed on the right side of kind arrow."
EMissingInterfaceDefinition iface ->
"Missing interface definition for interface type: " <> pretty iface
EDuplicateInterfaceChoiceName iface choice ->
"Duplicate choice name '" <> pretty choice <> "' in interface definition for " <> pretty iface
EUnknownInterface tcon -> "Unknown interface: " <> pretty tcon
EMissingInterfaceChoice ch -> "Missing interface choice implementation for " <> pretty ch
EBadInterfaceChoiceImplConsuming ch ifaceConsuming tplConsuming ->
[ "Choice implementation and interface definition for " <> pretty ch <> " differ in consuming/non-consuming behaviour."
, "Expected: " <> prettyConsuming ifaceConsuming
, "But got: " <> prettyConsuming tplConsuming
EBadInterfaceChoiceImplArgType ch ifaceArgType tplArgType ->
[ "Choice implementation and interface definition for " <> pretty ch <> " differ in argument type."
, "Expected: " <> pretty ifaceArgType
, "But got: " <> pretty tplArgType
EBadInterfaceChoiceImplRetType ch ifaceRetType tplRetType ->
[ "Choice implementation and interface definition for " <> pretty ch <> " differ in return type."
, "Expected: " <> pretty ifaceRetType
, "But got: " <> pretty tplRetType
EForeignInterfaceImplementation tcon -> "The definition and implementation for the interface " <> pretty tcon <> " need to be in the same module."
prettyConsuming :: Bool -> Doc ann
prettyConsuming consuming = if consuming then "consuming" else "non-consuming"
instance Pretty Context where
pPrint = \case
@ -377,6 +419,8 @@ instance Pretty Context where
hsep [ "value", pretty (moduleName m) <> "." <> pretty (fst $ dvalBinder v) ]
ContextDefException m e ->
hsep [ "exception", pretty (moduleName m) <> "." <> pretty (exnName e) ]
ContextDefInterface m i ->
hsep [ "interface", pretty (moduleName m) <> "." <> pretty (intName i)]
toDiagnostic :: DiagnosticSeverity -> Error -> Diagnostic
toDiagnostic sev err = Diagnostic