Daml ide multi ide (#17345)

* add -fobject-code to fix da-ghci[d]

* stage everything for Sam :-)

* Staging up last changes for Sam - track pending requests & SMethod types

* Some cleanup, get vscode working again with full parsing

* Cleanup

* Add TODO notes

* First multiple SubIDE support

* Cleanup and polish initial multi-ide

* First version of cross IDE goto definition

* Small cleanup

* Update TODO

* Linting

* Fix shutdown logic for windows

* Update ghcide, fix merge warning

* Read multi-package.yaml

* First review comments addressed

* Second batch of fixes

* Penultimate batch of changes

* Add errors as shown messages

* Add client progress token prefixing

* Review/ci fixes

* Update ghcide to main

* Update comment


Co-authored-by: Dylan Thinnes <dylan.thinnes@digitalasset.com>
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Williams 2024-03-27 10:49:23 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 75b748198b
commit 714b0c7f4f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
17 changed files with 1779 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ load("@dadew//:dadew.bzl", "dadew_tool_home")
load("@rules_haskell//haskell:cabal.bzl", "stack_snapshot")
load("//bazel_tools/ghc-lib:repositories.bzl", "ghc_lib_and_dependencies")
GHCIDE_REV = "223e571d3cac214d131b85330bf09a1762e88671"
GHCIDE_SHA256 = "5604a0e30f6e0a2ca8b2d8f9883698d4c97efdcf7d84d27539d433a49d40cf74"
GHCIDE_REV = "96d92b9b5b5abea5e1d3df2ae06e26094d986139"
GHCIDE_SHA256 = "a1a4b9157f81491d9dc580b638fec61e42c6c1b44e30d7ceee8c38a57e308ab6"
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ haskell_cabal_library(
patch_args = ["-p1"],
patches = [
sha256 = LSP_TYPES_SHA256,
strip_prefix = "lsp-types-{}".format(LSP_TYPES_VERSION),
@ -463,6 +464,7 @@ exports_files(["stack.exe"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/lsp-types.cabal b/lsp-types.cabal
index 1af6907..1443cc0 100644
--- a/lsp-types.cabal
+++ b/lsp-types.cabal
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ library
, Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities
, Language.LSP.Types.Lens
, Language.LSP.Types.SMethodMap
+ , Language.LSP.Types.Utils
, Language.LSP.VFS
, Data.IxMap
other-modules: Language.LSP.Types.CallHierarchy
@@ -63,7 +64,6 @@ library
, Language.LSP.Types.TextDocument
, Language.LSP.Types.TypeDefinition
, Language.LSP.Types.Uri
- , Language.LSP.Types.Utils
, Language.LSP.Types.Window
, Language.LSP.Types.WatchedFiles
, Language.LSP.Types.WorkspaceEdit

View File

@ -111,7 +111,12 @@
"type": "string",
"default": "",
"description": "Extra arguments passed to `damlc ide`. This can be used to enable additional warnings via `--ghc-option -W`"
"daml.multiPackageIdeSupport": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"description": "VERY EXPERIMENTAL: Enables the incomplete and experimental multi-ide feature."
"menus": {

View File

@ -87,6 +87,26 @@ export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
(event: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) => {
if (event.affectsConfiguration("daml.multiPackageIdeSupport")) {
const enabled = vscode.workspace
let msg = "VSCode must be reloaded for this change to take effect.";
if (enabled)
msg =
msg +
"\nWARNING - The Multi-IDE support is experimental, has bugs, and will likely change without warning. Use at your own risk.";
.showInformationMessage(msg, { modal: true }, "Reload now")
.then((option: string | undefined) => {
if (option == "Reload now")
@ -242,8 +262,10 @@ export function createLanguageClient(
documentSelector: ["daml"],
const multiIDESupport = config.get("multiPackageIdeSupport");
let command: string;
let args: string[] = ["ide", "--"];
let args: string[] = [multiIDESupport ? "multi-ide" : "ide", "--"];
try {
command = which.sync("daml");

View File

@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ da_haskell_library(
hackage_deps = [
@ -195,15 +197,18 @@ da_haskell_library(

View File

@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ da_haskell_library(
@ -25,9 +29,11 @@ da_haskell_library(
@ -35,9 +41,12 @@ da_haskell_library(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Default
import qualified DA.Daml.LanguageServer.CodeLens as VirtualResource
import qualified DA.Daml.LanguageServer.SplitGotoDefinition as SplitGotoDefinition
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ setHandlersKeepAlive :: Plugin c
setHandlersKeepAlive = Plugin
{ pluginCommands = mempty
, pluginRules = mempty
, pluginHandlers = pluginHandler (SCustomMethod "daml/keepAlive") $ \_ _ -> pure (Right Aeson.Null)
, pluginHandlers = pluginHandler (SCustomMethod "daml/keepAlive") $ \_ _ -> pure (Right Aeson.Null)
, pluginNotificationHandlers = mempty
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ runLanguageServer
-> (LSP.LanguageContextEnv c -> VFSHandle -> Maybe FilePath -> IO IdeState)
-> IO ()
runLanguageServer lgr plugins conf getIdeState = SessionTelemetry.withPlugin lgr $ \sessionHandlerPlugin -> do
let allPlugins = plugins <> setHandlersKeepAlive <> setHandlersVirtualResource <> VirtualResource.plugin <> sessionHandlerPlugin
let allPlugins = plugins <> setHandlersKeepAlive <> setHandlersVirtualResource <> VirtualResource.plugin <> sessionHandlerPlugin <> SplitGotoDefinition.plugin
let onConfigurationChange c _ = Right c
let options = def { LSP.executeCommandCommands = Just (commandIds allPlugins) }
LS.runLanguageServer options conf onConfigurationChange allPlugins getIdeState

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Custom methods for interupting the usual goto definition flow for multi-ide deferring
module DA.Daml.LanguageServer.SplitGotoDefinition
( GotoDefinitionByNameParams (..)
, GotoDefinitionByNameResult
, TryGetDefinitionName (..)
, TryGetDefinitionNameSpace (..)
, TryGetDefinitionParams (..)
, TryGetDefinitionResult (..)
, fromTryGetDefinitionNameSpace
, plugin
, toTryGetDefinitionNameSpace
) where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (..), runExceptT, throwE, except)
import DA.Daml.Compiler.Dar (getDamlFiles)
import DA.Daml.Package.Config (PackageConfigFields (pSrc), parseProjectConfig)
import DA.Daml.Project.Config (readProjectConfig)
import DA.Daml.Project.Types (ProjectPath (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List (find, isSuffixOf, sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules.Daml
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Core.Service.Daml
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (IdeRule, use)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Error (srcSpanToLocation)
import Development.IDE.Plugin
import Development.IDE.Spans.Type (getNameM, spaninfoSource, spansExprs)
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.Shake (Action)
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import Language.LSP.Types
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Utils as LSP
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import "ghc-lib" GhcPlugins (
import "ghc-lib-parser" Name (
data TryGetDefinitionParams = TryGetDefinitionParams
{ tgdpTextDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier
, tgdpPosition :: Position
deriving Show
deriveJSON LSP.lspOptions ''TryGetDefinitionParams
data TryGetDefinitionNameSpace
= VariableName
| DataName
| TypeVariableName
| TypeCnstrOrClassName
deriving Show
deriveJSON LSP.lspOptions ''TryGetDefinitionNameSpace
fromTryGetDefinitionNameSpace :: TryGetDefinitionNameSpace -> NameSpace
fromTryGetDefinitionNameSpace = \case
VariableName -> varName
DataName -> dataName
TypeVariableName -> tvName
TypeCnstrOrClassName -> tcClsName
toTryGetDefinitionNameSpace :: NameSpace -> TryGetDefinitionNameSpace
toTryGetDefinitionNameSpace ns = if
| isDataConNameSpace ns -> DataName
| isTcClsNameSpace ns -> TypeCnstrOrClassName
| isTvNameSpace ns -> TypeVariableName
| otherwise -> VariableName
data TryGetDefinitionName = TryGetDefinitionName
{ tgdnModuleName :: String
, tgdnPackageUnitId :: String
, tgdnIdentifierName :: String
, tgdnIdentifierNameSpace :: TryGetDefinitionNameSpace
deriving Show
deriveJSON LSP.lspOptions ''TryGetDefinitionName
data TryGetDefinitionResult = TryGetDefinitionResult
{ tgdrLocation :: Location
, tgdrName :: Maybe TryGetDefinitionName
deriving Show
deriveJSON LSP.lspOptions ''TryGetDefinitionResult
data GotoDefinitionByNameParams = GotoDefinitionByNameParams
{ gdnpBackupLocation :: Location
, gdnpName :: TryGetDefinitionName
deriving Show
deriveJSON LSP.lspOptions ''GotoDefinitionByNameParams
type GotoDefinitionByNameResult = Location
2 methods:
tryGotoDefinition :: position -> location + Maybe (name + package)
-- locationsAtPoint but if its an unhelpful name, we provide that too
gotoDefinitionByName :: name -> location
-- try to lookup the name (by its module) in own modules, give back the source
call tryGotoDefinition on package of given location
if no (name + package), or we don't have an ide/source for that package, return the location immediately
call gotoDefinitionByName on returned package
plugin :: Plugin c
plugin = Plugin
{ pluginCommands = mempty
, pluginRules = mempty
, pluginHandlers =
customMethodHandler "tryGetDefinition" tryGetDefinition
<> customMethodHandler "gotoDefinitionByName" gotoDefinitionByName
, pluginNotificationHandlers = mempty
:: forall req res c
. (Aeson.FromJSON req, Aeson.ToJSON res)
=> T.Text
-> (IdeState -> req -> LSP.LspM c (Either LSP.ResponseError res))
-> PluginHandlers c
customMethodHandler name f = pluginHandler (SCustomMethod $ "daml/" <> name) $ \ideState value ->
let (!params :: req) =
(\err -> error $ "Failed to parse message of daml/" <> T.unpack name <> ": " <> err) id
$ Aeson.parseEither Aeson.parseJSON value
in fmap Aeson.toJSON <$> f ideState params
nameSortExternalModule :: Name -> Maybe Module
nameSortExternalModule m | isExternalName m = nameModule_maybe m
nameSortExternalModule _ = Nothing
-- daml/tryGetDefinition :: TryGetDefinitionParams -> Maybe TryGetDefinitionResult
tryGetDefinition :: IdeState -> TryGetDefinitionParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (Maybe TryGetDefinitionResult))
tryGetDefinition ideState params = Right <$>
case uriToFilePath' $ tgdpTextDocument params ^. LSP.uri of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (toNormalizedFilePath' -> file) ->
liftIO $ runActionSync ideState $ runMaybeT $ do
(loc, mName) <- MaybeT $ getDefinitionWithName file $ tgdpPosition params
let tgdName = do
name <- mName
m <- nameSortExternalModule name
pure $ TryGetDefinitionName
(moduleNameString $ moduleName m)
(unitIdString $ moduleUnitId m)
(occNameString $ nameOccName name)
(toTryGetDefinitionNameSpace $ occNameSpace $ nameOccName name)
pure $ TryGetDefinitionResult loc tgdName
replaceChar :: Char -> Char -> String -> String
replaceChar val replacement = fmap (\c -> if c == val then replacement else c)
-- daml/gotoDefinitionByName :: GotoDefinitionByNameParams -> GotoDefinitionByNameResult
gotoDefinitionByName :: IdeState -> GotoDefinitionByNameParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError GotoDefinitionByNameResult)
gotoDefinitionByName ideState params = do
mRoot <- LSP.getRootPath
liftIO $ runActionSync ideState $ exceptTToResult $ do
-- Working out the file by getting the IDE root and pSrc from daml.yaml, getting all the source files for it, then searching for our module
-- We search rather than explicitly building the path to account for pSrc being a daml file, whereby file discovery logic is via dependencies
-- I tried to do this better, by looking up the module name in IDE state, but it seems the IDE doesn't load
-- modules until you open the file, so it doesn't hold any context about "all" modules.
-- (trust me I tried so hard to make this work)
root <- hoistMaybe (Just "Failed to get IDE root") mRoot
projectConfig <- liftIO $ readProjectConfig (ProjectPath root)
config <- except $ first (Just . show) $ parseProjectConfig projectConfig
srcFiles <- maybeTToExceptT "Failed to get source files" $ getDamlFiles $ root </> pSrc config
-- Must be sorted shorted to longest, since we always want the shortest path that matches our suffix
-- to avoid accidentally picking Main.A.B.C if we're just looking for A.B.C
-- We also prefix all paths with "/" and search for our suffix starting with "/"
-- This is avoid incorrectly picking MA.B.C if we were looking for A.B.C and it didnt exist
let sortedSrcFiles = sortOn (Prelude.length . fromNormalizedFilePath) srcFiles
moduleSuffix = "/" <> replaceChar '.' '/' (tgdnModuleName $ gdnpName params) <> ".daml"
file <-
hoistMaybe (Just "Failed to find module") $
find (isSuffixOf moduleSuffix . ("/" <> ) . fromNormalizedFilePath) sortedSrcFiles
-- It might be better to get the typechecked module and look for the identifier in there?
spans <- useOrThrow "Failed to get span info" GetSpanInfo file
let expectedOccName = mkOccName (fromTryGetDefinitionNameSpace $ tgdnIdentifierNameSpace $ gdnpName params) (tgdnIdentifierName $ gdnpName params)
locations =
[ srcSpanToLocation $ nameSrcSpan name
| Just name <- getNameM . spaninfoSource <$> spansExprs spans
, expectedOccName == nameOccName name && isGoodSrcSpan (nameSrcSpan name)
hoistMaybe Nothing $ listToMaybe locations
-- A Nothing error means no location, a string error means a response error
exceptTToResult :: ExceptT (Maybe String) Action GotoDefinitionByNameResult -> Action (Either ResponseError GotoDefinitionByNameResult)
exceptTToResult t = fmap (either (maybe (Right $ gdnpBackupLocation params) (\msg -> Left $ ResponseError ParseError (T.pack msg) Nothing)) Right) $ runExceptT t
useOrThrow :: IdeRule k v => String -> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT (Maybe String) Action v
useOrThrow msg k path = ExceptT $ maybe (Left $ Just msg) Right <$> use k path
hoistMaybe :: Monad m => x -> Maybe a -> ExceptT x m a
hoistMaybe err = maybe (throwE err) pure
maybeTToExceptT :: String -> MaybeT Action a -> ExceptT (Maybe String) Action a
maybeTToExceptT err m = ExceptT $ maybe (Left $ Just err) Right <$> runMaybeT m

View File

@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ getDamlGhcSession = do
-- | Find the daml.yaml given a starting file or directory.
findProjectRoot :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findProjectRoot file = do
-- TODO[SW]: This logic appears to be wrong, doesFileExist (takeDirectory file) will always be false for wellformed paths.
isFile <- doesFileExist (takeDirectory file)
let dir = if isFile then takeDirectory file else file
findM hasProjectConfig (ascendants dir)

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | Main entry-point of the Daml compiler
module DA.Cli.Damlc (main, Command (..), fullParseArgs) where
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ module DA.Cli.Damlc (main, Command (..), fullParseArgs) where
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as ZipArchive
import Control.Exception (bracket, catch, displayException, handle, throwIO, throw)
import Control.Exception.Safe (catchIO)
import Control.Monad.Except (forM, forM_, liftIO, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Extra (allM, mapMaybeM, whenM, whenJust)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT (..), evalContT)
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles (setRunfilesEnv)
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ import DA.Cli.Options (Debug(..),
import DA.Cli.Damlc.BuildInfo (buildInfo)
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde (runMultiIde)
import qualified DA.Daml.Dar.Reader as InspectDar
import qualified DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.Damldoc as Damldoc
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Packaging (createProjectPackageDb, mbErr)
@ -294,9 +296,19 @@ data CommandName =
| MergeDars
| Package
| Test
| MultiIde
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)
data Command = Command CommandName (Maybe ProjectOpts) (IO ())
cmdMultiIde :: Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdMultiIde _numProcessors =
command "multi-ide" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
"Start the Daml language server on standard input/output."
<> fullDesc
cmd = pure $ Command MultiIde Nothing runMultiIde
cmdIde :: SdkVersion.Class.SdkVersioned => Int -> Mod CommandFields Command
cmdIde numProcessors =
command "ide" $ info (helper <*> cmd) $
@ -853,7 +865,6 @@ execBuild projectOpts opts mbOutFile incrementalBuild initPkgDb enableMultiPacka
withMultiPackageConfig multiPackageConfigPath $ \multiPackageConfig ->
multiPackageBuildEffect relativize mPkgConfig multiPackageConfig projectOpts opts mbOutFile incrementalBuild initPkgDb noCache
-- TODO: This throws if you have the sdk-version only daml.yaml, ideally it should return Nothing
mPkgConfig <- ContT $ withMaybeConfig $ withPackageConfig defaultProjectPath
liftIO $ if getEnableMultiPackage enableMultiPackage then do
mMultiPackagePath <- getMultiPackagePath multiPackageLocation
@ -1471,6 +1482,7 @@ options :: SdkVersion.Class.SdkVersioned => Int -> Parser Command
options numProcessors =
( cmdIde numProcessors
<> cmdMultiIde numProcessors
<> cmdLicense
-- cmdPackage can go away once we kill the old assistant.
<> cmdPackage numProcessors
@ -1657,6 +1669,7 @@ cmdUseDamlYamlArgs = \case
MergeDars -> False -- just reads the dars
Package -> False -- deprecated
Test -> True
MultiIde -> False
withProjectRoot' :: ProjectOpts -> ((FilePath -> IO FilePath) -> IO a) -> IO a
withProjectRoot' ProjectOpts{..} act =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde (runMultiIde) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, cancel, pollSTM)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception(AsyncException, handle, throwIO)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Forwarding
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Prefixing
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Parsing
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import DA.Daml.LanguageServer.SplitGotoDefinition
import DA.Daml.Package.Config (MultiPackageConfigFields(..), findMultiPackageConfig, withMultiPackageConfig)
import DA.Daml.Project.Types (ProjectPath (..))
import Data.Either (lefts)
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.List (find, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Process (getPid)
import System.Process.Typed (
-- Spin-up logic
-- add IDE, send initialize, do not send further messages until we get the initialize response and have sent initialized
-- we can do this by locking the sending thread, but still allowing the channel to be pushed
-- we also atomically send a message to the channel, without dropping the lock on the subIDEs var
:: MultiIdeState
-> FilePath
-> LSP.FromClientMessage
-> IO SubIDE
addNewSubIDEAndSend miState home msg = do
debugPrint "Trying to make a SubIDE"
ides <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ subIDEsVar miState
let mExistingIde = Map.lookup home $ onlyActiveSubIdes ides
case mExistingIde of
Just ide -> do
debugPrint "SubIDE already exists"
unsafeSendSubIDE ide msg
atomically $ putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) ides
pure ide
Nothing -> do
debugPrint "Making a SubIDE"
unitId <- either (\cErr -> error $ "Failed to get unit ID from daml.yaml: " <> show cErr) id <$> unitIdFromDamlYaml home
subIdeProcess <- runSubProc home
let inHandle = getStdin subIdeProcess
outHandle = getStdout subIdeProcess
-- Handles blocking the sender thread until the IDE is initialized.
sendBlocker <- newEmptyMVar @()
let unblock = putMVar sendBlocker ()
onceUnblocked = (readMVar sendBlocker >>)
-- ***** -> SubIDE
toSubIDEChan <- atomically newTChan
toSubIDE <- async $ onceUnblocked $ forever $ do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan toSubIDEChan
debugPrint "Pushing message to subIDE"
putChunk inHandle msg
-- Coord <- SubIDE
subIDEToCoord <- async $ do
-- Wait until our own IDE exists then pass it forward
ide <- atomically $ fromMaybe (error "Failed to get own IDE") . Map.lookup home . onlyActiveSubIdes <$> readTMVar (subIDEsVar miState)
chunks <- getChunks outHandle
mapM_ (subIDEMessageHandler miState unblock ide) chunks
pid <- fromMaybe (error "SubIDE has no PID") <$> getPid (unsafeProcessHandle subIdeProcess)
mInitParams <- tryReadMVar (initParamsVar miState)
let !initParams = fromMaybe (error "Attempted to create a SubIDE before initialization!") mInitParams
initId = LSP.IdString $ T.pack $ show pid
(initMsg :: LSP.FromClientMessage) = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialize LSP.RequestMessage
{ _id = initId
, _method = LSP.SInitialize
, _params = initParams
{ LSP._rootPath = Just $ T.pack home
, LSP._rootUri = Just $ LSP.filePathToUri home
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
ide =
{ ideInhandleAsync = toSubIDE
, ideInHandle = inHandle
, ideInHandleChannel = toSubIDEChan
, ideOutHandleAsync = subIDEToCoord
, ideProcess = subIdeProcess
, ideHomeDirectory = home
, ideMessageIdPrefix = T.pack $ show pid
, ideActive = True
, ideUnitId = unitId
putReqMethodSingleFromClient (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) initId LSP.SInitialize
putChunk inHandle $ Aeson.encode initMsg
-- Dangerous call is okay here because we're already holding the subIDEsVar lock
unsafeSendSubIDE ide msg
atomically $ putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) $ Map.insert home ide ides
pure ide
runSubProc :: FilePath -> IO (Process Handle Handle ())
runSubProc home = do
assistantPath <- getEnv "DAML_ASSISTANT"
startProcess $
proc assistantPath ["ide"] &
setStdin createPipe &
setStdout createPipe &
-- setStderr (useHandleOpen stderr) &
setStderr nullStream &
setWorkingDir home
-- Spin-down logic
-- Sends a shutdown message and sets active to false, disallowing any further messages to be sent to the subIDE
-- given queue nature of TChan, all other pending messages will be sent first before handling shutdown
shutdownIde :: MultiIdeState -> SubIDE -> IO ()
shutdownIde miState ide = do
ides <- atomically $ takeTMVar (subIDEsVar miState)
let shutdownId = LSP.IdString $ ideMessageIdPrefix ide <> "-shutdown"
(shutdownMsg :: LSP.FromClientMessage) = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SShutdown LSP.RequestMessage
{ _id = shutdownId
, _method = LSP.SShutdown
, _params = LSP.Empty
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
putReqMethodSingleFromClient (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) shutdownId LSP.SShutdown
unsafeSendSubIDE ide shutdownMsg
atomically $ putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) $ Map.adjust (\ide' -> ide' {ideActive = False}) (ideHomeDirectory ide) ides
-- To be called once we receive the Shutdown response
-- Safe to assume that the sending channel is empty, so we can end the thread and send the final notification directly on the handle
handleExit :: MultiIdeState -> SubIDE -> IO ()
handleExit miState ide = do
let (exitMsg :: LSP.FromClientMessage) = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SExit LSP.NotificationMessage
{ _method = LSP.SExit
, _params = LSP.Empty
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
-- This will cause the subIDE process to exit
putChunk (ideInHandle ide) $ Aeson.encode exitMsg
atomically $ modifyTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) $ Map.delete (ideHomeDirectory ide)
cancel $ ideInhandleAsync ide
cancel $ ideOutHandleAsync ide
-- Communication logic
-- Dangerous as does not hold the subIDEsVar lock. If a shutdown is called whiled this is running, the message may not be sent.
unsafeSendSubIDE :: SubIDE -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
unsafeSendSubIDE ide = atomically . writeTChan (ideInHandleChannel ide) . Aeson.encode
sendClient :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
sendClient miState = atomically . writeTChan (toClientChan miState) . Aeson.encode
sendAllSubIDEs :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO [FilePath]
sendAllSubIDEs miState msg = atomically $ do
idesUnfiltered <- takeTMVar (subIDEsVar miState)
let ides = onlyActiveSubIdes idesUnfiltered
when (null ides) $ error "Got a broadcast to nothing :("
homes <- forM (Map.elems ides) $ \ide -> ideHomeDirectory ide <$ writeTChan (ideInHandleChannel ide) (Aeson.encode msg)
putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) idesUnfiltered
pure homes
sendAllSubIDEs_ :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendAllSubIDEs_ miState = void . sendAllSubIDEs miState
sendSubIDEByPath :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendSubIDEByPath miState path msg = do
mHome <- sendSubIDEByPath_ path msg
-- Lock is dropped then regained here for new IDE. This is acceptable as it's impossible for a shutdown
-- of the new ide to be sent before its created.
-- Note that if sendSubIDEByPath is called multiple times concurrently for a new IDE, addNewSubIDEAndSend may be called twice for the same home
-- addNewSubIDEAndSend handles this internally with its own checks, so this is acceptable.
forM_ mHome $ \home -> addNewSubIDEAndSend miState home msg
-- If a SubIDE is needed, returns the path out of the STM transaction
sendSubIDEByPath_ :: FilePath -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
sendSubIDEByPath_ path msg = atomically $ do
idesUnfiltered <- takeTMVar (subIDEsVar miState)
let ides = onlyActiveSubIdes idesUnfiltered
-- Map.keys gives keys in ascending order, so first match will be the shortest.
-- No possibility to accidentally pick a nested package.
mHome = find (`isPrefixOf` path) $ Map.keys ides
mIde = mHome >>= flip Map.lookup ides
case mIde of
Just ide -> do
writeTChan (ideInHandleChannel ide) (Aeson.encode msg)
unsafeIOToSTM $ debugPrint $ "Found relevant SubIDE: " <> ideHomeDirectory ide
putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) idesUnfiltered
pure Nothing
Nothing -> do
putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) idesUnfiltered
-- Safe as findHome only does reads
mHome <- unsafeIOToSTM $ findHome path
case mHome of
-- Returned out of the transaction to be handled in IO
Just home -> pure $ Just home
Nothing -> do
-- We get here if we cannot find a daml.yaml file for a file mentioned in a request
-- if we're sending a response, ignore it, as this means the server that sent the request has been killed already.
-- if we're sending a request, respond to the client with an error.
-- if we're sending a notification, ignore it - theres nothing the protocol allows us to do to signify notification failures.
let replyError :: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request). LSP.SMethod m -> LSP.LspId m -> STM ()
replyError method id =
writeTChan (toClientChan miState) $ Aeson.encode $
LSP.FromServerRsp method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just id) $ Left $
LSP.ResponseError LSP.InvalidParams ("Could not find daml.yaml for package containing " <> T.pack path) Nothing
case msg of
LSP.FromClientMess method params ->
case (LSP.splitClientMethod method, params) of
(LSP.IsClientReq, LSP.RequestMessage {_id}) -> Nothing <$ replyError method _id
(LSP.IsClientEither, LSP.ReqMess (LSP.RequestMessage {_id})) -> Nothing <$ replyError method _id
_ -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
parseCustomResult :: Aeson.FromJSON a => String -> Either LSP.ResponseError Aeson.Value -> Either LSP.ResponseError a
parseCustomResult name =
fmap $ either (\err -> error $ "Failed to parse response of " <> name <> ": " <> err) id
. Aeson.parseEither Aeson.parseJSON
-- Handlers
subIDEMessageHandler :: MultiIdeState -> IO () -> SubIDE -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
subIDEMessageHandler miState unblock ide bs = do
debugPrint "Called subIDEMessageHandler"
-- Decode a value, parse
let val :: Aeson.Value
val = er "eitherDecode" $ Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict bs
mMsg <- either error id <$> parseServerMessageWithTracker (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) (ideHomeDirectory ide) val
-- Adds the various prefixes needed for from server messages to not clash with those from other IDEs
mPrefixedMsg <-
( addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage (progessTokenPrefixesVar miState) (ideHomeDirectory ide) (ideMessageIdPrefix ide)
. addLspPrefixToServerMessage ide
forM_ mPrefixedMsg $ \msg -> do
-- If its a request (builtin or custom), save it for response handling.
putServerReq (fromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) (ideHomeDirectory ide) msg
debugPrint "Message successfully parsed and prefixed."
case msg of
LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.SInitialize LSP.ResponseMessage {_result} -> do
debugPrint "Got initialization reply, sending initialized and unblocking"
-- Dangerous call here is acceptable as this only happens while the ide is booting, before unblocking
unsafeSendSubIDE ide $ LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialized $ LSP.NotificationMessage "2.0" LSP.SInitialized (Just LSP.InitializedParams)
LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.SShutdown _ -> handleExit miState ide
-- See STextDocumentDefinition in client handle for description of this path
LSP.FromServerRsp (LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/tryGetDefinition") LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} -> do
debugPrint "Got tryGetDefinition response, handling..."
let parsedResult = parseCustomResult @(Maybe TryGetDefinitionResult) "daml/tryGetDefinition" _result
reply :: Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult 'LSP.TextDocumentDefinition) -> IO ()
reply rsp = do
debugPrint $ "Replying directly to client with " <> show rsp
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.STextDocumentDefinition $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (castLspId <$> _id) rsp
replyLocations :: [LSP.Location] -> IO ()
replyLocations = reply . Right . LSP.InR . LSP.InL . LSP.List
case parsedResult of
-- Request failed, forwrd error
Left err -> reply $ Left err
-- Request didn't find any location information, forward "nothing"
Right Nothing -> replyLocations []
-- SubIDE containing the reference also contained the definition, so returned no name to lookup
-- Simply forward this location
Right (Just (TryGetDefinitionResult loc Nothing)) -> replyLocations [loc]
-- SubIDE containing the reference did not contain the definition, it returns a fake location in .daml and the name
-- Send a new request to a new SubIDE to find the source of this name
Right (Just (TryGetDefinitionResult loc (Just name))) -> do
debugPrint $ "Got name in result! Backup location is " <> show loc
let mHome = Map.lookup (tgdnPackageUnitId name) $ multiPackageMapping miState
case mHome of
-- Didn't find a home for this name, we do not know where this is defined, so give back the (known to be wrong)
-- .daml data-dependency path
-- This is the worst case, we'll later add logic here to unpack and spinup an SubIDE for the read-only dependency
Nothing -> replyLocations [loc]
-- We found a daml.yaml for this definition, send the getDefinitionByName request to its SubIDE
Just home -> do
debugPrint $ "Found unit ID in multi-package mapping, forwarding to " <> home
let method = LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/gotoDefinitionByName"
lspId = maybe (error "No LspId provided back from tryGetDefinition") castLspId _id
putReqMethodSingleFromClient (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) lspId method
sendSubIDEByPath miState home $ LSP.FromClientMess method $ LSP.ReqMess $
LSP.RequestMessage "2.0" lspId method $ Aeson.toJSON $
GotoDefinitionByNameParams loc name
-- See STextDocumentDefinition in client handle for description of this path
LSP.FromServerRsp (LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/gotoDefinitionByName") LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} -> do
debugPrint "Got gotoDefinitionByName response, handling..."
let parsedResult = parseCustomResult @GotoDefinitionByNameResult "daml/gotoDefinitionByName" _result
reply :: Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult 'LSP.TextDocumentDefinition) -> IO ()
reply rsp = do
debugPrint $ "Replying directly to client with " <> show rsp
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.STextDocumentDefinition $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (castLspId <$> _id) rsp
case parsedResult of
Left err -> reply $ Left err
Right loc -> reply $ Right $ LSP.InR $ LSP.InL $ LSP.List [loc]
LSP.FromServerMess method _ -> do
debugPrint $ "Backwarding request " <> show method
sendClient miState msg
LSP.FromServerRsp method _ -> do
debugPrint $ "Backwarding response to " <> show method
sendClient miState msg
clientMessageHandler :: MultiIdeState -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
clientMessageHandler miState bs = do
debugPrint "Called clientMessageHandler"
-- Decode a value, parse
let castFromClientMessage :: LSP.FromClientMessage' (Product LSP.SMethod (Const FilePath)) -> LSP.FromClientMessage
castFromClientMessage = \case
LSP.FromClientMess method params -> LSP.FromClientMess method params
LSP.FromClientRsp (Pair method _) params -> LSP.FromClientRsp method params
val :: Aeson.Value
val = er "eitherDecode" $ Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict bs
unPrefixedMsg <- either error id <$> parseClientMessageWithTracker (fromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) val
msg <- addProgressTokenPrefixToClientMessage (progessTokenPrefixesVar miState) unPrefixedMsg
case msg of
-- Store the initialize params for starting subIDEs, respond statically with what ghc-ide usually sends.
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialize LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method, _params} -> do
putMVar (initParamsVar miState) _params
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp _method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just _id) (Right initializeResult)
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel notif -> do
(newNotif, mHome) <- removeWorkDoneProgressCancelTokenPrefix (progessTokenPrefixesVar miState) notif
let newMsg = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel newNotif
case mHome of
Nothing -> void $ sendAllSubIDEs miState newMsg
Just home -> void $ sendSubIDEByPath miState home newMsg
-- Special handing for STextDocumentDefinition to ask multiple IDEs (the W approach)
-- When a getDefinition is requested, we cast this request into a tryGetDefinition
-- This is a method that will take the same logic path as getDefinition, but will also return an
-- identifier in the cases where it knows the identifier wasn't defined in the package that referenced it
-- When we receive this name, we lookup against the multi-package.yaml for a package that matches where the identifier
-- came from. If we find one, we ask (and create if needed) the SubIDE that contains the identifier where its defined.
-- (this is via the getDefinitionByName message)
-- We also send the backup known incorrect location from the tryGetDefinition, such that if the subIDE containing the identifier
-- can't find the definition, it'll fall back to the known incorrect location.
-- Once we have this, we return it as a response to the original STextDocumentDefinition request.
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.STextDocumentDefinition req@LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method, _params} -> do
let path = filePathFromParamsWithTextDocument req
lspId = castLspId _id
method = LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/tryGetDefinition"
putReqMethodSingleFromClient (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) lspId method
sendSubIDEByPath miState path $ LSP.FromClientMess method $ LSP.ReqMess $
LSP.RequestMessage "2.0" lspId method $ Aeson.toJSON $
TryGetDefinitionParams (_params ^. LSP.textDocument) (_params ^. LSP.position)
LSP.FromClientMess meth params ->
case getMessageForwardingBehaviour meth params of
ForwardRequest mess (Single path) -> do
debugPrint $ "single req on method " <> show meth <> " over path " <> path
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = mess
putReqMethodSingleFromClient (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) _id _method
sendSubIDEByPath miState path (castFromClientMessage msg)
ForwardRequest mess (AllRequest combine) -> do
debugPrint $ "all req on method " <> show meth
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = mess
ides <- sendAllSubIDEs miState (castFromClientMessage msg)
putReqMethodAll (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) _id _method ides combine
ForwardNotification _ (Single path) -> do
debugPrint $ "single not on method " <> show meth <> " over path " <> path
sendSubIDEByPath miState path (castFromClientMessage msg)
ForwardNotification _ AllNotification -> do
debugPrint $ "all not on method " <> show meth
sendAllSubIDEs_ miState (castFromClientMessage msg)
ExplicitHandler handler -> do
handler (sendClient miState) (sendSubIDEByPath miState)
LSP.FromClientRsp (Pair method (Const home)) rMsg ->
sendSubIDEByPath miState home $ LSP.FromClientRsp method $
rMsg & LSP.id %~ fmap removeLspPrefix
getMultiPackageYamlMapping :: IO MultiPackageYamlMapping
getMultiPackageYamlMapping = do
-- TODO: this will find the "closest" multi-package.yaml, but in a case where we have multiple referring to each other, we'll not see the outer one
-- in that case, code jump won't work. Its unclear which the user would want, so we may want to prompt them with either closest or furthest (that links up)
mPkgConfig <- findMultiPackageConfig $ ProjectPath "."
case mPkgConfig of
Nothing ->
Map.empty <$ debugPrint "No multi-package.yaml found"
Just path -> do
debugPrint "Found multi-package.yaml"
withMultiPackageConfig path $ \multiPackage -> do
eUnitIds <- traverse unitIdFromDamlYaml (mpPackagePaths multiPackage)
let eMapping = Map.fromList . flip zip (mpPackagePaths multiPackage) <$> sequence eUnitIds
either throwIO pure eMapping
Expect a multi-package.yaml at the workspace root
If we do not get one, we continue as normal (no popups) until the user attempts to open/use files in a different package to the first one
When this occurs, this send a popup:
Make a multi-package.yaml at the root and reload the editor please :)
OR tell me where the multi-package.yaml(s) is
if the user provides multiple, we union that lookup, allowing "cross project boundary" jumps
-- Main loop logic
runMultiIde :: IO ()
runMultiIde = do
multiPackageMapping <- getMultiPackageYamlMapping
miState <- newMultiIdeState multiPackageMapping
debugPrint "Listening for bytes"
-- Client <- *****
toClientThread <- async $ forever $ do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan $ toClientChan miState
debugPrint "Pushing message to client"
-- BSLC.hPutStrLn stderr msg
putChunk stdout msg
-- Client -> Coord
clientToCoordThread <- async $ do
chunks <- getChunks stdin
mapM_ (clientMessageHandler miState) chunks
let killAll :: IO ()
killAll = do
debugPrint "Killing subIDEs"
subIDEs <- atomically $ onlyActiveSubIdes <$> readTMVar (subIDEsVar miState)
forM_ subIDEs (shutdownIde miState)
handle (\(_ :: AsyncException) -> killAll) $ do
atomically $ do
unsafeIOToSTM $ debugPrint "Running main loop"
subIDEs <- readTMVar $ subIDEsVar miState
let asyncs = concatMap (\subIDE -> [ideInhandleAsync subIDE, ideOutHandleAsync subIDE]) subIDEs
errs <- lefts . catMaybes <$> traverse pollSTM (asyncs ++ [toClientThread, clientToCoordThread])
when (not $ null errs) $
unsafeIOToSTM $ debugPrint $ "A thread handler errored with: " <> show (head errs)
let procs = ideProcess <$> subIDEs
exits <- catMaybes <$> traverse getExitCodeSTM (Map.elems procs)
when (not $ null exits) $
unsafeIOToSTM $ debugPrint $ "A subIDE finished with code: " <> show (head exits)
when (null exits && null errs) retry
-- If we get here, something failed/stopped, so stop everything

View File

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- We generate missing instances for SignatureHelpParams
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Forwarding (
Forwarding (..),
ForwardingBehaviour (..),
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Lens as Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules.Daml (uriToVirtualResource)
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes.Daml (VirtualResource (..))
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import qualified Network.URI as URI
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Avoid restricted flags" :: String) #-}
-- SignatureHelpParams has no lenses from Language.LSP.Types.Lens
-- We just need this one, so we'll write it ourselves
makeLensesFor [("_textDocument", "signatureHelpParamsTextDocumentLens")] ''LSP.SignatureHelpParams
instance LSP.HasTextDocument LSP.SignatureHelpParams LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier where
textDocument = signatureHelpParamsTextDocumentLens
pullMonadThroughTuple :: Monad m => (a, m b) -> m (a, b)
pullMonadThroughTuple (a, mb) = (a,) <$> mb
-- Takes a natural transformation of responses and lifts it to forward the first error
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. ([(FilePath, LSP.ResponseResult m)] -> LSP.ResponseResult m)
-> ResponseCombiner m
assumeSuccessCombiner f res = f <$> mapM pullMonadThroughTuple res
ignore :: Forwarding m
ignore = ExplicitHandler $ \_ _ -> pure ()
showError :: T.Text -> Forwarding m
showError err = ExplicitHandler $ \sendClient _ ->
sendClient $ LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SWindowShowMessage
$ LSP.NotificationMessage "2.0" LSP.SWindowShowMessage
$ LSP.ShowMessageParams LSP.MtError err
showFatal :: T.Text -> Forwarding m
showFatal err = showError $ "FATAL ERROR:\n" <> err <> "\nPlease report this on the daml forums."
handleElsewhere :: T.Text -> Forwarding m
handleElsewhere name = showFatal $ "Got unexpected " <> name <> " message in forwarding handler, this message should have been handled elsewhere."
unsupported :: T.Text -> Forwarding m
unsupported name = showFatal $ "Attempted to call a method that is unsupported by the underlying IDEs: " <> name
uriFilePathPrism :: Prism' LSP.Uri FilePath
uriFilePathPrism = prism' LSP.filePathToUri LSP.uriToFilePath
:: forall t (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient t)
. LSP.SMethod m
-> LSP.Message m
-> Forwarding m
getMessageForwardingBehaviour meth params =
case meth of
LSP.SInitialize -> handleElsewhere "Initialize"
LSP.SInitialized -> ignore
-- send to all then const reply
LSP.SShutdown -> ForwardRequest params $ AllRequest (assumeSuccessCombiner @m $ const LSP.Empty)
LSP.SExit -> ForwardNotification params AllNotification
LSP.SWorkspaceDidChangeWorkspaceFolders -> ForwardNotification params AllNotification
LSP.SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration -> ForwardNotification params AllNotification
LSP.SWorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles -> ForwardNotification params AllNotification
LSP.STextDocumentDidOpen -> ForwardNotification params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentDidChange -> ForwardNotification params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentWillSave -> ForwardNotification params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentDidSave -> ForwardNotification params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentDidClose -> ForwardNotification params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentCompletion -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentHover -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentSignatureHelp -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentDeclaration -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentDefinition -> handleElsewhere "TextDocumentDefinition"
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentSymbol -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentCodeAction -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentCodeLens -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentLink -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentColorPresentation -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.STextDocumentOnTypeFormatting -> ForwardRequest params $ forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params
LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/keepAlive" ->
case params of
LSP.ReqMess LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method, _params} -> ExplicitHandler $ \sendClient _ ->
sendClient $ LSP.FromServerRsp _method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just _id) (Right Aeson.Null)
_ -> showFatal "Got unpexpected daml/keepAlive response type from client"
-- Other custom messages are notifications from server
LSP.SCustomMethod _ -> ignore
-- We only add the typesignature.add command, which simply sends a WorkspaceEdit with a single file modification
-- We can take the file path from that modification
LSP.SWorkspaceExecuteCommand ->
case params ^. LSP.params . LSP.command of
"typesignature.add" ->
-- Fun lens:
-- RequestMessage -> ExecuteCommandParams -> Aeson.Value -> WorkspaceEdit -> WorkspaceEditMap -> Uri
let path =
fromMaybe "Invalid arguments from typesignature.add" $
^? LSP.params
. LSP.arguments
. _Just
. to (\(LSP.List a) -> a)
. _head
. Aeson._JSON @Aeson.Value @LSP.WorkspaceEdit
. LSP.changes
. _Just
. to HM.keys
. _head
. uriFilePathPrism
in ForwardRequest params $ Single path
cmd -> showFatal $ "Unknown execute command: " <> cmd
LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel -> handleElsewhere "WindowWorkDoneProgressCancel"
LSP.SCancelRequest -> ForwardNotification params AllNotification
-- Unsupported by GHCIDE:
LSP.SWorkspaceSymbol -> unsupported "WorkspaceSymbol"
LSP.STextDocumentTypeDefinition -> unsupported "TextDocumentTypeDefinition"
LSP.STextDocumentImplementation -> unsupported "TextDocumentImplementation"
LSP.STextDocumentReferences -> unsupported "TextDocumentReferences"
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentHighlight -> unsupported "TextDocumentDocumentHighlight"
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentColor -> unsupported "TextDocumentDocumentColor"
LSP.SDocumentLinkResolve -> unsupported "DocumentLinkResolve"
LSP.STextDocumentFormatting -> unsupported "TextDocumentFormatting"
LSP.STextDocumentRangeFormatting -> unsupported "TextDocumentRangeFormatting"
LSP.STextDocumentRename -> unsupported "TextDocumentRename"
LSP.STextDocumentPrepareRename -> unsupported "TextDocumentPrepareRename"
LSP.STextDocumentFoldingRange -> unsupported "TextDocumentFoldingRange"
LSP.STextDocumentSelectionRange -> unsupported "TextDocumentSelectionRange"
LSP.STextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchy -> unsupported "TextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchy"
LSP.SCompletionItemResolve -> unsupported "CompletionItemResolve"
LSP.SCodeLensResolve -> unsupported "CodeLensResolve"
LSP.SCallHierarchyIncomingCalls -> unsupported "CallHierarchyIncomingCalls"
LSP.SCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls -> unsupported "CallHierarchyOutgoingCalls"
LSP.STextDocumentSemanticTokens -> unsupported "TextDocumentSemanticTokens"
LSP.STextDocumentSemanticTokensFull -> unsupported "TextDocumentSemanticTokensFull"
LSP.STextDocumentSemanticTokensFullDelta -> unsupported "TextDocumentSemanticTokensFullDelta"
LSP.STextDocumentSemanticTokensRange -> unsupported "TextDocumentSemanticTokensRange"
LSP.SWorkspaceSemanticTokensRefresh -> unsupported "WorkspaceSemanticTokensRefresh"
filePathFromParamsWithTextDocument :: (LSP.HasParams p a, LSP.HasTextDocument a t, LSP.HasUri t LSP.Uri) => p -> FilePath
filePathFromParamsWithTextDocument params =
let uri = params ^. LSP.params . LSP.textDocument . LSP.uri
in fromMaybe (error $ "Failed to extract path: " <> show uri) $ filePathFromURI uri
forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument :: (LSP.HasParams p a, LSP.HasTextDocument a t, LSP.HasUri t LSP.Uri) => p -> ForwardingBehaviour m
forwardingBehaviourFromParamsWithTextDocument params = Single $ filePathFromParamsWithTextDocument params
-- Attempts to convert the URI directly to a filepath
-- If the URI is a virtual resource, we instead parse it as such and extract the file from that
filePathFromURI :: LSP.Uri -> Maybe FilePath
filePathFromURI uri =
LSP.uriToFilePath uri
<|> do
parsedUri <- URI.parseURI $ T.unpack $ LSP.getUri uri
vr <- uriToVirtualResource parsedUri
pure $ LSP.fromNormalizedFilePath $ vrScenarioFile vr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Parsing (
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.STM
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as Attoparsec
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (defaultChunkSize)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import Data.Functor.Product
import qualified Data.IxMap as IM
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import System.IO.Extra
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
{-# ANN allBytes ("HLint: ignore Avoid restricted function" :: String) #-}
-- unsafeInterleaveIO used to create a chunked lazy bytestring over IO for a given Handle
allBytes :: Handle -> IO BSL.ByteString
allBytes hin = fmap BSL.fromChunks go
go :: IO [B.ByteString]
go = do
first <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ B.hGetSome hin defaultChunkSize
rest <- unsafeInterleaveIO go
pure (first : rest)
-- Missing from Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy, copied from Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
decimal :: Attoparsec.Parser Int
decimal = B.foldl' step 0 `fmap` Attoparsec.takeWhile1 (\w -> w - 48 <= 9)
where step a w = a * 10 + fromIntegral (w - 48)
contentChunkParser :: Attoparsec.Parser B.ByteString
contentChunkParser = do
_ <- Attoparsec.string "Content-Length: "
len <- decimal
_ <- Attoparsec.string "\r\n\r\n"
Attoparsec.take len
getChunks :: Handle -> IO [B.ByteString]
getChunks handle =
let loop bytes =
case Attoparsec.parse contentChunkParser bytes of
Attoparsec.Done leftovers result -> result : loop leftovers
_ -> []
loop <$> allBytes handle
putChunk :: Handle -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
putChunk handle payload = do
let fullMessage = "Content-Length: " <> BSLC.pack (show (BSL.length payload)) <> "\r\n\r\n" <> payload
BSL.hPut handle fullMessage
hFlush handle
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromServer 'LSP.Request)
. MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer -> FilePath -> LSP.LspId m -> LSP.SMethod m -> IO ()
putReqMethodSingleFromServer tracker home id method = putReqMethod tracker id $ TrackedSingleMethodFromServer method home
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient -> LSP.LspId m -> LSP.SMethod m -> IO ()
putReqMethodSingleFromClient tracker id method = putReqMethod tracker id $ TrackedSingleMethodFromClient method
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient
-> LSP.LspId m
-> LSP.SMethod m
-> [FilePath]
-> ResponseCombiner m
-> IO ()
putReqMethodAll tracker id method ides combine =
putReqMethod tracker id $ TrackedAllMethod method id combine ides []
:: forall (f :: LSP.From) (m :: LSP.Method f 'LSP.Request)
. MethodTrackerVar f -> LSP.LspId m -> TrackedMethod m -> IO ()
putReqMethod tracker id method = atomically $ modifyTVar' tracker $ \im ->
fromMaybe im $ IM.insertIxMap id method im
:: forall (f :: LSP.From) r
. MethodTrackerVar f
-> ((forall (m :: LSP.Method f 'LSP.Request)
. LSP.LspId m
-> (Maybe (TrackedMethod m), MethodTracker f)
) -> (r, Maybe (MethodTracker f)))
-> IO r
pickReqMethodTo tracker handler = atomically $ do
im <- readTVar tracker
let (r, mayNewIM) = handler (flip IM.pickFromIxMap im)
forM_ mayNewIM $ writeTVar tracker
pure r
-- We're forced to give a result of type `(SMethod m, a m)` by parseServerMessage and parseClientMessage, but we want to include the updated MethodTracker
-- so we use Product to ensure our result has the SMethod and our MethodTracker
:: forall (f :: LSP.From) (m :: LSP.Method f 'LSP.Request)
. (Maybe (TrackedMethod m), MethodTracker f)
-> Maybe
( LSP.SMethod m
, Product TrackedMethod (Const (MethodTracker f)) m
wrapParseMessageLookup (mayTM, newIM) =
fmap (\tm -> (tmMethod tm, Pair tm (Const newIM))) mayTM
-- Parses a message from the server providing context about previous requests from client
-- allowing the server parser to reconstruct typed responses to said requests
-- Handles TrackedAllMethod by returning Nothing for messages that do not have enough replies yet.
parseServerMessageWithTracker :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient -> FilePath -> Aeson.Value -> IO (Either String (Maybe LSP.FromServerMessage))
parseServerMessageWithTracker tracker selfIde val = pickReqMethodTo tracker $ \extract ->
case Aeson.parseEither (LSP.parseServerMessage (wrapParseMessageLookup . extract)) val of
Right (LSP.FromServerMess meth mess) -> (Right (Just $ LSP.FromServerMess meth mess), Nothing)
Right (LSP.FromServerRsp (Pair (TrackedSingleMethodFromClient method) (Const newIxMap)) rsp) -> (Right (Just (LSP.FromServerRsp method rsp)), Just newIxMap)
-- Multi reply logic, for requests that are sent to all IDEs with responses unified. Required for some queries
Right (LSP.FromServerRsp (Pair tm@TrackedAllMethod {} (Const newIxMap)) rsp) -> do
-- Haskell gets a little confused when updating existential records, so we need to build a new one
let tm' = TrackedAllMethod
{ tamMethod = tamMethod tm
, tamLspId = tamLspId tm
, tamCombiner = tamCombiner tm
, tamResponses = (selfIde, LSP._result rsp) : tamResponses tm
, tamRemainingResponseIDERoots = delete selfIde $ tamRemainingResponseIDERoots tm
if null $ tamRemainingResponseIDERoots tm'
then let msg = LSP.FromServerRsp (tamMethod tm) $ rsp {LSP._result = tamCombiner tm' (tamResponses tm')}
in (Right $ Just msg, Just newIxMap)
else let insertedIxMap = fromMaybe newIxMap $ IM.insertIxMap (tamLspId tm) tm' newIxMap
in (Right Nothing, Just insertedIxMap)
Left msg -> (Left msg, Nothing)
-- Similar to parseServerMessageWithTracker but using Client message types, and checking previous requests from server
-- Also does not include the multi-reply logic
-- For responses, gives the ide that sent the initial request
:: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer
-> Aeson.Value
-> IO (Either String (LSP.FromClientMessage' (Product LSP.SMethod (Const FilePath))))
parseClientMessageWithTracker tracker val = pickReqMethodTo tracker $ \extract ->
case Aeson.parseEither (LSP.parseClientMessage (wrapParseMessageLookup . extract)) val of
Right (LSP.FromClientMess meth mess) -> (Right (LSP.FromClientMess meth mess), Nothing)
Right (LSP.FromClientRsp (Pair (TrackedSingleMethodFromServer method home) (Const newIxMap)) rsp) ->
(Right (LSP.FromClientRsp (Pair method (Const home)) rsp), Just newIxMap)
Left msg -> (Left msg, Nothing)
-- Takes a message from server and stores it if its a request, so that later messages from the client can deduce response context
putServerReq :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer -> FilePath -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
putServerReq tracker home msg =
case msg of
LSP.FromServerMess meth mess ->
case LSP.splitServerMethod meth of
LSP.IsServerReq ->
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = mess
in putReqMethodSingleFromServer tracker home _id _method
LSP.IsServerEither ->
case mess of
LSP.ReqMess LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} -> putReqMethodSingleFromServer tracker home _id _method
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()

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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- This module handles prefixing of identifiers generated by the SubIDEs, so that they are unique to the client, but are returned in the same form to the servers.
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Prefixing (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable (find)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
-- ProgressToken Prefixing
-- Progress tokens are created in 2 ways:
-- The subIDE sends a CreateToken
-- In this case, we need to prefix the token, as multiple subIDEs might use the same name
-- The client sends any message with a progress token attached
-- In this case, we can assume the token is unique to the client, and not modify it
-- There are then 2 messages that can use these tokens:
-- Progress message from the subIDE
-- This includes the token id, but we don't know if said token id was created by the subIDE (so needs prefixing) or client
-- Therefore, whenever we see a token created by the server, we store it in a var (along with the subIde it came from)
-- Then when we see a progress message with a token, if the token is in the var, we know it needs the prefix, otherwise its unmodified
-- Cancel message from the client
-- This has a token id, but again we dont know where it came from, so if it needs its prefix removed
-- We again lookup in the map, if we find it, we remove the prefix, and send it to the subIDE that created it
-- If we don't find it, we know its unique to the client, and only exists on one of the SubIDEs
-- We are then safe to broadcast the cancel message to all IDEs, as those that don't have it will ignore the message
-- TODO: Verify what happens if the client creates a token and sends to SUbIDE1, then subIDE tries to create one with the same name
-- This gets prefixed and submitted to client
-- after this, the client tries to cancel the token it created for SubIDE1, which gets submitted to all SubIDEs
-- will this cancel the one subIDE2 made - yes
-- So, can the server and client create clashing token names? Likely :(
-- GHCIDE generates essentially counting numbers from 1
-- vscode generates full UUIDs
-- Neither will clash if we prefix with `client`
-- All requests from client with the workdone or partial result token will get prefixed with `client` (using addProgressTokenPrefix)
-- On cancel request, if we dont have the token in our mapping, we prefix with client and broadcast as usual
-- on Progress notification from server, if we dont have the token, we drop the client prefix and forward it - implying the prefix is reversible, which it isn't
-- might instead want to store the prefixing, with the FilePath changed to a Maybe FilePath, Nothing = from client?
-- Also, listing all the methods with the HasToken thing will be annoying and potentially wrong, check if we can achieve it with overlapping instances (and look up if thats safe)
-- Adds the prefix, doesn't need to be reversible as we'll keep a backwards lookup
-- Just needs to be unique
addProgressTokenPrefix :: T.Text -> LSP.ProgressToken -> LSP.ProgressToken
addProgressTokenPrefix prefix (LSP.ProgressNumericToken t) = LSP.ProgressTextToken $ prefix <> "-" <> T.pack (show t)
addProgressTokenPrefix prefix (LSP.ProgressTextToken t) = LSP.ProgressTextToken $ prefix <> "-" <> t
-- Added to WindowWorkDoneProgressCreate and Progress
-- If its create, add the prefix and store the change (and source IDE) in the mapping var
-- if its progress, attempt to read the correct prefixed name from the mapping var, on failure, call back to the initial token id
-- Safe as we assume this was created by client, so is already unique.
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage :: ProgressTokenPrefixesVar -> FilePath -> T.Text -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO LSP.FromServerMessage
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage tokensVar home prefix (LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate req) = do
let unPrefixedToken = req ^. LSP.params . LSP.token
prefixedToken = addProgressTokenPrefix prefix unPrefixedToken
modifyMVar_ tokensVar (pure . Map.insert (unPrefixedToken, Just home) prefixedToken)
pure $ LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate $ req & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ prefixedToken
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage tokensVar home _ (LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SProgress notif) = do
let unPrefixedToken = notif ^. LSP.params . LSP.token
-- for lookup and delete, try no home then given home, abstract as a function. This ensures the progress lookup still works for client created tokens
prefixedToken <- fromMaybe unPrefixedToken . lookupHomeAndNot (unPrefixedToken, home) <$> readMVar tokensVar
case notif ^. LSP.params . LSP.value of
LSP.End _ -> modifyMVar_ tokensVar (pure . Map.delete (unPrefixedToken, Just home) . Map.delete (unPrefixedToken, Nothing))
_ -> pure ()
pure $ LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SProgress $ notif & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ prefixedToken
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage _ _ _ msg = pure msg
lookupHomeAndNot :: (LSP.ProgressToken, FilePath) -> ProgressTokenPrefixes -> Maybe LSP.ProgressToken
lookupHomeAndNot (t, home) m = Map.lookup (t, Nothing) m <|> Map.lookup (t, Just home) m
-- Adds the "client" prefix to all workDone and partial result Progress tokens
addProgressTokenPrefixToClientMessage :: ProgressTokenPrefixesVar -> LSP.FromClientMessage' a -> IO (LSP.FromClientMessage' a)
addProgressTokenPrefixToClientMessage tokensVar = \case
mess@(LSP.FromClientMess method params) ->
case LSP.splitClientMethod method of
LSP.IsClientReq -> do
let progressLenses = getProgressLenses method
params' <-
maybe pure (\lens -> runLens lens $ traverse addClientProgressTokenPrefix) (workDoneLens progressLenses) params
>>= maybe pure (\lens -> runLens lens $ traverse addClientProgressTokenPrefix) (partialResultLens progressLenses)
pure $ LSP.FromClientMess method params'
_ -> pure mess
rsp@LSP.FromClientRsp {} -> pure rsp
addClientProgressTokenPrefix :: LSP.ProgressToken -> IO LSP.ProgressToken
addClientProgressTokenPrefix unPrefixedToken = do
let prefixedToken = addProgressTokenPrefix "client" unPrefixedToken
-- We insert to the mapping backwards, as the mapping goes from server token to client token, and for client -> server messages, this should add, not remove, the prefix.
modifyMVar_ tokensVar (pure . Map.insert (prefixedToken, Nothing) unPrefixedToken)
pure prefixedToken
data ProgressLenses (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request) = ProgressLenses
{ workDoneLens :: Maybe (ReifiedLens' (LSP.RequestMessage m) (Maybe LSP.ProgressToken))
, partialResultLens :: Maybe (ReifiedLens' (LSP.RequestMessage m) (Maybe LSP.ProgressToken))
getProgressLenses :: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request). LSP.SMethod m -> ProgressLenses m
getProgressLenses = \case
LSP.SInitialize -> workDone
LSP.SWorkspaceSymbol -> both
LSP.SWorkspaceExecuteCommand -> workDone
LSP.STextDocumentCompletion -> both
LSP.STextDocumentHover -> workDone
LSP.STextDocumentDeclaration -> both
LSP.STextDocumentDefinition -> both
LSP.STextDocumentTypeDefinition -> both
LSP.STextDocumentImplementation -> both
LSP.STextDocumentReferences -> both
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentHighlight -> both
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentSymbol -> both
LSP.STextDocumentCodeAction -> both
LSP.STextDocumentCodeLens -> both
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentLink -> both
LSP.STextDocumentDocumentColor -> both
LSP.STextDocumentColorPresentation -> both
LSP.STextDocumentFormatting -> workDone
LSP.STextDocumentRangeFormatting -> workDone
LSP.STextDocumentRename -> workDone
LSP.STextDocumentFoldingRange -> both
LSP.STextDocumentSelectionRange -> both
LSP.STextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchy -> workDone
LSP.SCallHierarchyIncomingCalls -> both
LSP.SCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls -> both
LSP.STextDocumentSemanticTokensFull -> both
LSP.STextDocumentSemanticTokensFullDelta -> both
LSP.STextDocumentSemanticTokensRange -> both
_ -> ProgressLenses Nothing Nothing
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. LSP.HasWorkDoneToken (LSP.MessageParams m) (Maybe LSP.ProgressToken)
=> ProgressLenses m
workDone = ProgressLenses (Just $ Lens $ LSP.params . LSP.workDoneToken) Nothing
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. ( LSP.HasWorkDoneToken (LSP.MessageParams m) (Maybe LSP.ProgressToken)
, LSP.HasPartialResultToken (LSP.MessageParams m) (Maybe LSP.ProgressToken)
=> ProgressLenses m
both = ProgressLenses (Just $ Lens $ LSP.params . LSP.workDoneToken) (Just $ Lens $ LSP.params . LSP.partialResultToken)
findKeyByValue :: Eq v => v -> Map.Map k v -> Maybe k
findKeyByValue val = fmap fst . find ((==val) . snd) . Map.toList
-- Remove the prefix from WindowWorkDoneProgressCancel, and return the source SubIDE if we knew it.
:: ProgressTokenPrefixesVar
-> LSP.NotificationMessage 'LSP.WindowWorkDoneProgressCancel
-> IO (LSP.NotificationMessage 'LSP.WindowWorkDoneProgressCancel, Maybe FilePath)
removeWorkDoneProgressCancelTokenPrefix tokensVar notif = do
let token = notif ^. LSP.params . LSP.token
mKey <- findKeyByValue token <$> readMVar tokensVar
case mKey of
Nothing -> error "Got a cancel request for a ProgressToken that was never created."
Just key@(unPrefixedToken, mHome) -> do
modifyMVar_ tokensVar (pure . Map.delete key)
pure (notif & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ unPrefixedToken, mHome)
-- LspId Prefixing
-- We need to ensure all IDs from different subIDEs are unique to the client, so we prefix them.
-- Given IDs can be int or text, we encode them as text as well as a tag to say if the original was an int
-- Such that IdInt 10 -> IdString "iPREFIX-10"
-- and IdString "hello" -> IdString "tPREFIX-hello"
:: forall (f :: LSP.From) (m :: LSP.Method f 'LSP.Request)
. T.Text
-> LSP.LspId m
-> LSP.LspId m
addLspPrefix prefix (LSP.IdInt t) = LSP.IdString $ "i" <> prefix <> "-" <> T.pack (show t)
addLspPrefix prefix (LSP.IdString t) = LSP.IdString $ "t" <> prefix <> "-" <> t
:: forall (f :: LSP.From) (m :: LSP.Method f 'LSP.Request)
. LSP.LspId m
-> LSP.LspId m
removeLspPrefix (LSP.IdString (T.unpack -> ('i':rest))) = LSP.IdInt $ read $ tail $ dropWhile (/='-') rest
removeLspPrefix (LSP.IdString (T.uncons -> Just ('t', rest))) = LSP.IdString $ T.tail $ T.dropWhile (/='-') rest
-- Maybe this should error? This method should only be called on LspIds that we know have been prefixed
removeLspPrefix t = t
addLspPrefixToServerMessage :: SubIDE -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> LSP.FromServerMessage
addLspPrefixToServerMessage _ res@(LSP.FromServerRsp _ _) = res
addLspPrefixToServerMessage ide res@(LSP.FromServerMess method params) =
case LSP.splitServerMethod method of
LSP.IsServerReq -> LSP.FromServerMess method $ params & LSP.id %~ addLspPrefix (ideMessageIdPrefix ide)
LSP.IsServerNot -> res
LSP.IsServerEither ->
case params of
LSP.ReqMess params' -> LSP.FromServerMess method $ LSP.ReqMess $ params' & LSP.id %~ addLspPrefix (ideMessageIdPrefix ide)
LSP.NotMess _ -> res

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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types (
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.IxMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Process.Typed (Process)
data TrackedMethod (m :: LSP.Method from 'LSP.Request) where
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. LSP.SMethod m
-> TrackedMethod m
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromServer 'LSP.Request)
. LSP.SMethod m
-> FilePath -- Also store the IDE that sent the request
-> TrackedMethod m
TrackedAllMethod :: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request).
{ tamMethod :: LSP.SMethod m
-- ^ The method of the initial request
, tamLspId :: LSP.LspId m
, tamCombiner :: ResponseCombiner m
-- ^ How to combine the results from each IDE
, tamRemainingResponseIDERoots :: [FilePath]
-- ^ The IDES that have not yet replied to this message
, tamResponses :: [(FilePath, Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult m))]
} -> TrackedMethod m
:: forall (from :: LSP.From) (m :: LSP.Method from 'LSP.Request)
. TrackedMethod m
-> LSP.SMethod m
tmMethod (TrackedSingleMethodFromClient m) = m
tmMethod (TrackedSingleMethodFromServer m _) = m
tmMethod (TrackedAllMethod {tamMethod}) = tamMethod
type MethodTracker (from :: LSP.From) = IM.IxMap @(LSP.Method from 'LSP.Request) LSP.LspId TrackedMethod
type MethodTrackerVar (from :: LSP.From) = TVar (MethodTracker from)
data SubIDE = SubIDE
{ ideInhandleAsync :: Async ()
, ideInHandle :: Handle
, ideInHandleChannel :: TChan BSL.ByteString
, ideOutHandleAsync :: Async ()
-- ^ For sending messages to that SubIDE
, ideProcess :: Process Handle Handle ()
, ideHomeDirectory :: FilePath
, ideMessageIdPrefix :: T.Text
-- ^ Some unique string used to prefix message ids created by the SubIDE, to avoid collisions with other SubIDEs
-- We use the stringified process ID
, ideActive :: Bool
, ideUnitId :: String
-- ^ Unit ID of the package this SubIDE handles
-- Of the form "daml-script-0.0.1"
-- SubIDEs placed in a TMVar. The emptyness representents a modification lock.
-- The lock unsures the following properties:
-- If multiple messages are sent to a new IDE at the same time, the first will create and hold a lock, while the rest wait on that lock (avoid multiple create)
-- We never attempt to send messages on a stale IDE. If we ever read SubIDEsVar with the intent to send a message on a SubIDE, we must hold the so a shutdown
-- cannot be sent on that IDE until we are done. This ensures that when a shutdown does occur, it is impossible for non-shutdown messages to be added to the
-- queue after the shutdown.
type SubIDEs = Map.Map FilePath SubIDE
type SubIDEsVar = TMVar SubIDEs
onlyActiveSubIdes :: SubIDEs -> SubIDEs
onlyActiveSubIdes = Map.filter ideActive
-- Stores the initialize messages sent by the client to be forwarded to SubIDEs when they are created.
type InitParams = LSP.InitializeParams
type InitParamsVar = MVar InitParams
-- Stores the mapping of progress tokens and their IDEs home (or Nothing if client created) to their prefixed counterpart
-- We need this so we know which of the Progress messages from the server need to be prefixed
-- since ProgressTokens created by the client are prefixed differently
-- This is a Bimap, keys and values are unique
type ProgressTokenPrefixes = Map.Map (LSP.ProgressToken, Maybe FilePath) LSP.ProgressToken
type ProgressTokenPrefixesVar = MVar ProgressTokenPrefixes
-- Maps a packages unit id to its source file path, for all packages listed in a multi-package.yaml
type MultiPackageYamlMapping = Map.Map String FilePath
data MultiIdeState = MultiIdeState
{ fromClientMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient
-- ^ The client will track its own IDs to ensure they're unique, so no worries about collisions
, fromServerMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer
-- ^ We will prefix LspIds before they get here based on their SubIDE messageIdPrefix, to avoid collisions
, progessTokenPrefixesVar :: ProgressTokenPrefixesVar
, subIDEsVar :: SubIDEsVar
, initParamsVar :: InitParamsVar
, toClientChan :: TChan BSL.ByteString
, multiPackageMapping :: MultiPackageYamlMapping
newMultiIdeState :: MultiPackageYamlMapping -> IO MultiIdeState
newMultiIdeState multiPackageMapping = do
(fromClientMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient) <- newTVarIO IM.emptyIxMap
(fromServerMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer) <- newTVarIO IM.emptyIxMap
progessTokenPrefixesVar <- newMVar @ProgressTokenPrefixes mempty
subIDEsVar <- newTMVarIO @SubIDEs mempty
initParamsVar <- newEmptyMVar @InitParams
toClientChan <- atomically newTChan
pure MultiIdeState {..}
-- Forwarding
Types of behaviour we want:
Regularly handling by a single IDE - works for requests and notifications
e.g. TextDocumentDidOpen
Ignore it
e.g. Initialize
Forward a notification to all IDEs
e.g. workspace folders changed, exit
Forward a request to all IDEs and somehow combine the result
symbol lookup -> combine monoidically
shutdown -> response is empty, so identity after all responses
This is the hard one as we need some way to define the combination logic
which will ideally wait for all IDEs to reply to the request and apply this function over the (possibly failing) result
This mostly covers FromClient requests that we can't pull a filepath from
Previously thought we would need this more, now we only really use it for shutdown - ensuring all SubIdes shutdown before replying.
We'll keep it in though since we'll likely get more capabilities supported when we upgrade ghc/move to HLS
-- TODO: Consider splitting this into one data type for request and one for notification
-- rather than reusing the Single constructor over both and restricting via types
data ForwardingBehaviour (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient t) where
:: forall t (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient t)
. FilePath
-> ForwardingBehaviour m
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. ResponseCombiner m
-> ForwardingBehaviour m
:: ForwardingBehaviour (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Notification)
-- Akin to ClientNotOrReq tagged with ForwardingBehaviour, and CustomMethod realised to req/not
data Forwarding (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient t) where
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. LSP.RequestMessage m
-> ForwardingBehaviour m
-> Forwarding m
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Notification)
. LSP.NotificationMessage m
-> ForwardingBehaviour m
-> Forwarding m
:: ( (LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ())
-> (FilePath -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ())
-> IO ()
-> Forwarding (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient t)
type ResponseCombiner (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request) =
[(FilePath, Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult m))] -> Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult m)

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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util (
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Exception (handle)
import Control.Monad.STM
import DA.Daml.Project.Config (readProjectConfig, queryProjectConfigRequired)
import DA.Daml.Project.Types (ConfigError, ProjectPath (..))
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities as LSP
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory)
import System.IO.Extra
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-- Stop mangling my prints! >:(
{-# ANN printLock ("HLint: ignore Avoid restricted function" :: String) #-}
{-# NOINLINE printLock #-}
printLock :: MVar ()
printLock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
debugPrint :: String -> IO ()
debugPrint msg = withMVar printLock $ \_ -> do
hPutStrLn stderr msg
hFlush stderr
er :: Show x => String -> Either x a -> a
er _msg (Right a) = a
er msg (Left e) = error $ msg <> ": " <> show e
modifyTMVar :: TMVar a -> (a -> a) -> STM ()
modifyTMVar var f = do
x <- takeTMVar var
putTMVar var (f x)
-- Taken directly from the Initialize response
initializeResult :: LSP.InitializeResult
initializeResult = LSP.InitializeResult
{ _capabilities = LSP.ServerCapabilities
{ _textDocumentSync = Just $ LSP.InL $ LSP.TextDocumentSyncOptions
{ _openClose = Just True
, _change = Just LSP.TdSyncIncremental
, _willSave = Nothing
, _willSaveWaitUntil = Nothing
, _save = Just (LSP.InR (LSP.SaveOptions {_includeText = Nothing}))
, _hoverProvider = true
, _completionProvider = Just $ LSP.CompletionOptions
{ _workDoneProgress = Nothing
, _triggerCharacters = Nothing
, _allCommitCharacters = Nothing
, _resolveProvider = Just False
, _signatureHelpProvider = Nothing
, _declarationProvider = false
, _definitionProvider = true
, _typeDefinitionProvider = false
, _implementationProvider = false
, _referencesProvider = false
, _documentHighlightProvider = false
, _documentSymbolProvider = true
, _codeActionProvider = true
, _codeLensProvider = Just (LSP.CodeLensOptions {_workDoneProgress = Just False, _resolveProvider = Just False})
, _documentLinkProvider = Nothing
, _colorProvider = false
, _documentFormattingProvider = false
, _documentRangeFormattingProvider = false
, _documentOnTypeFormattingProvider = Nothing
, _renameProvider = false
, _foldingRangeProvider = false
, _executeCommandProvider = Just (LSP.ExecuteCommandOptions {_workDoneProgress = Nothing, _commands = LSP.List ["typesignature.add"]})
, _selectionRangeProvider = false
, _callHierarchyProvider = false
, _semanticTokensProvider = Just $ LSP.InR $ LSP.SemanticTokensRegistrationOptions
{ _documentSelector = Nothing
, _workDoneProgress = Nothing
, _legend = LSP.SemanticTokensLegend
{ _tokenTypes = LSP.List
[ LSP.SttType
, LSP.SttClass
, LSP.SttEnum
, LSP.SttInterface
, LSP.SttStruct
, LSP.SttTypeParameter
, LSP.SttParameter
, LSP.SttVariable
, LSP.SttProperty
, LSP.SttEnumMember
, LSP.SttEvent
, LSP.SttFunction
, LSP.SttMethod
, LSP.SttMacro
, LSP.SttKeyword
, LSP.SttModifier
, LSP.SttComment
, LSP.SttString
, LSP.SttNumber
, LSP.SttRegexp
, LSP.SttOperator
, _tokenModifiers = LSP.List
[ LSP.StmDeclaration
, LSP.StmDefinition
, LSP.StmReadonly
, LSP.StmStatic
, LSP.StmDeprecated
, LSP.StmAbstract
, LSP.StmAsync
, LSP.StmModification
, LSP.StmDocumentation
, LSP.StmDefaultLibrary
, _range = Nothing
, _full = Nothing
, _id = Nothing
, _workspaceSymbolProvider = Just False
, _workspace = Just $ LSP.WorkspaceServerCapabilities
{ _workspaceFolders =
Just (LSP.WorkspaceFoldersServerCapabilities {_supported = Just True, _changeNotifications = Just (LSP.InR True)})
, _experimental = Nothing
, _serverInfo = Nothing
true = Just (LSP.InL True)
false = Just (LSP.InL False)
castLspId :: LSP.LspId m -> LSP.LspId m'
castLspId (LSP.IdString s) = LSP.IdString s
castLspId (LSP.IdInt i) = LSP.IdInt i
-- Given a file path, move up directory until we find a daml.yaml and give its path (if it exists)
findHome :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findHome path = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist path
if exists then aux path else aux (takeDirectory path)
aux :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
aux path = do
hasDamlYaml <- elem "daml.yaml" <$> listDirectory path
if hasDamlYaml
then pure $ Just path
else do
let newPath = takeDirectory path
if path == newPath
then pure Nothing
else aux newPath
unitIdFromDamlYaml :: FilePath -> IO (Either ConfigError String)
unitIdFromDamlYaml path = do
handle (\(e :: ConfigError) -> return $ Left e) $ do
project <- readProjectConfig $ ProjectPath path
pure $ do
name <- queryProjectConfigRequired ["name"] project
version <- queryProjectConfigRequired ["version"] project
pure $ name <> "-" <> version

View File

@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ commands:
- name: ide
path: damlc/damlc
args: ["ide"]
- name: multi-ide
path: damlc/damlc
args: ["lax", "multi-ide"]
- name: script
path: daml-helper/daml-helper
args: ["run-jar", "--logback-config=daml-sdk/script-logback.xml", "daml-sdk/daml-sdk.jar", "script"]