Simplify template desugaring (#3670)

* Introduce a simpler template desugaring without support for generic templates

This adapts the LF conversion to the new template desugaring
introduced in our GHC fork. The guiding principle is that we use the
typeclasses directly to avoid generating, typechecking and converting
redundant code caused by indirections. I updated the template
desugaring documentation so that is probably a good starting point for
reviewing this.

* Address review comments

* Fix daml doc tests

* Fix data dependency tests

* Switch to new ghc-lib release
This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2019-11-29 16:13:15 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5dd38d54e8
commit 75c9b1bf91
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 403 additions and 541 deletions

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@ -123,9 +123,14 @@ extractDocs extractOpts diagsLogger ideOpts fp = do
(adts, md_templateInstances) =
partitionEithers . flip map filteredTyCons $ \adt ->
case getTemplateInstanceDoc adt of
case find (\td -> td_name td == ad_name adt) md_templates of
Nothing -> Left adt
Just ti -> Right ti
Just td -> Right TemplateInstanceDoc
{ ti_anchor = td_anchor td
, ti_name = ad_name adt
, ti_descr = Nothing
, ti_rhs = TypeApp Nothing (ad_name adt) []
md_adts = mapMaybe (filterTypeByExports ctx) adts
@ -274,6 +279,7 @@ getFctDocs ctx@DocCtx{..} (DeclData decl docs) = do
fct_descr = docs
guard (exportsFunction dc_exports fct_name)
guard (not $ "_choice_" `T.isPrefixOf` packRdrName name)
Just FunctionDoc {..}
getClsDocs :: DocCtx -> DeclData -> Maybe ClassDoc
@ -523,34 +529,6 @@ getTemplateDocs DocCtx{..} typeMap templateInstanceMap =
[] -> [] -- catching the dummy case here, see above
_other -> error "getFields: found multiple constructors"
-- | A template instance is desugared to a type synonym with a doc marker.
-- For example,
-- @template instance ProposalIou = Proposal Iou@
-- leads to the `type` declaration
-- @type ProposalIou = Proposal Iou@
-- This function looks for the "TEMPLATE_INSTANCE" doc marker around a type
-- synonym and, if it finds it, creates the relevant doc structure.
getTemplateInstanceDoc :: ADTDoc -> Maybe TemplateInstanceDoc
getTemplateInstanceDoc tyConDoc
| TypeSynDoc{..} <- tyConDoc
, Just (DocText doc) <- ad_descr
, Just realDoc <- T.stripSuffix "TEMPLATE_INSTANCE" doc
= Just TemplateInstanceDoc
{ ti_name = ad_name
, ti_anchor = ad_anchor
, ti_descr = Just (DocText realDoc)
, ti_rhs = ad_rhs
| otherwise
= Nothing
-- recognising Template and Choice instances

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ data ModuleDoc = ModuleDoc
, md_descr :: Maybe DocText
, md_templates :: [TemplateDoc]
, md_templateInstances :: [TemplateInstanceDoc]
-- TODO This doesnt make sense anymore now that we killed generic templates.
, md_adts :: [ADTDoc]
, md_functions :: [FunctionDoc]
, md_classes :: [ClassDoc]

View File

@ -204,8 +204,9 @@ generateRawDalfRule =
setPriority priorityGenerateDalf
-- Generate the map from package names to package hashes
pkgMap <- useNoFile_ GeneratePackageMap
DamlEnv{envIsGenerated} <- getDamlServiceEnv
-- GHC Core to DAML LF
case convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file core of
case convertModule lfVersion pkgMap envIsGenerated file core of
Left e -> return ([e], Nothing)
Right v -> return ([], Just $ LF.simplifyModule v)
@ -340,7 +341,8 @@ generateSerializedDalfRule options =
Just core -> fmap (first (diags ++)) $ do
-- lf conversion
pkgMap <- useNoFile_ GeneratePackageMap
case convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file core of
DamlEnv{envIsGenerated} <- getDamlServiceEnv
case convertModule lfVersion pkgMap envIsGenerated file core of
Left e -> pure ([e], Nothing)
Right rawDalf -> do
-- LF postprocessing

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ data DamlEnv = DamlEnv
-- This is used to avoid unnecessary GC calls.
, envDamlLfVersion :: LF.Version
, envSkipScenarioValidation :: SkipScenarioValidation
, envIsGenerated :: Bool
instance IsIdeGlobal DamlEnv
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ mkDamlEnv opts scenarioService = do
, envPreviousScenarioContexts = previousScenarioContextsVar
, envDamlLfVersion = optDamlLfVersion opts
, envSkipScenarioValidation = optSkipScenarioValidation opts
, envIsGenerated = optIsGenerated opts
getDamlServiceEnv :: Action DamlEnv

View File

@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ import Data.Data hiding (TyCon)
import qualified Data.Decimal as Decimal
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Int
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.List.Extra hiding (for)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.NameMap as NM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Ratio
import "ghc-lib" GHC
@ -161,8 +162,21 @@ data Env = Env
,envLfVersion :: LF.Version
,envTypeSynonyms :: [(GHC.Type, TyCon)]
,envInstances :: [(TyCon, [GHC.Type])]
,envChoiceData :: MS.Map TypeConName [ChoiceData]
,envTemplateKeyData :: MS.Map TypeConName TemplateKeyData
,envIsGenerated :: Bool
data ChoiceData = ChoiceData
{ _choiceDatTy :: GHC.Type
, _choiceDatExpr :: GHC.Expr GHC.CoreBndr
data TemplateKeyData = TemplateKeyData
{ _templateKeyType :: GHC.Type
, _templateKeyDict :: GHC.Var
-- v is an alias for x
envInsertAlias :: Var -> LF.Expr -> Env -> Env
envInsertAlias v x env = env{envAliases = MS.insert v x (envAliases env)}
@ -263,10 +277,11 @@ convertRationalNumericMono env scale num denom
:: LF.Version
-> MS.Map UnitId DalfPackage
-> Bool
-> NormalizedFilePath
-> CoreModule
-> Either FileDiagnostic LF.Module
convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv file Nothing) $ do
convertModule lfVersion pkgMap isGenerated file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv file Nothing) $ do
definitions <- concatMapM (convertBind env) binds
types <- concatMapM (convertTypeDef env) (eltsUFM (cm_types x))
pure (LF.moduleFromDefinitions lfModName (Just $ fromNormalizedFilePath file) flags (types ++ definitions))
@ -296,6 +311,18 @@ convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv file Nothing)
, DFunId _ <- [idDetails name]
, TypeCon c ts <- [varType name]
choiceData = MS.fromListWith (++)
[ (mkTypeCon [getOccText tplTy], [ChoiceData ty v])
| (name, v) <- binds
, "_choice_" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
, ty@(TypeCon _ [_, _, TypeCon _ [TypeCon tplTy _]]) <- [varType name]
templateKeyData = MS.fromList
[ (mkTypeCon [getOccText tplTy], TemplateKeyData keyTy name)
| (name, _) <- binds
, "$fTemplateKey" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
, ty@(TypeCon _ [TypeCon tplTy _, keyTy]) <- [varType name]
env = Env
{ envLFModuleName = lfModName
, envGHCModuleName = ghcModName
@ -305,213 +332,11 @@ convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv file Nothing)
, envLfVersion = lfVersion
, envTypeSynonyms = typeSynonyms
, envInstances = instances
, envChoiceData = choiceData
, envTemplateKeyData = templateKeyData
, envIsGenerated = isGenerated
-- TODO(MH): We should run this on an `LF.Expr` instead of a `GHC.Expr`.
-- This will avoid a fair bit of repetition.
convertGenericTemplate :: Env -> GHC.Expr Var -> ConvertM (Template, LF.Expr)
convertGenericTemplate env x
| (Var dictCon, args) <- collectArgs x
, Just m <- nameModule_maybe $ varName dictCon
, Just dictCon <- isDataConId_maybe dictCon
, (tyArgs, args) <- span isTypeArg args
, Just tyArgs <- mapM isType_maybe tyArgs
, (superClassDicts, args) <- span isSuperClassDict args
, Just (signatories : observers : ensure : agreement : create : _fetch : archive : _toAnyTemplate : _fromAnyTemplate : _templateTypeRep : keyAndChoices) <- mapM isVar_maybe args
, Just (polyType@(TypeCon polyTyCon _), _) <- splitFunTy_maybe (varType create)
, Just monoTyCon <- findMonoTyp polyType
= do
let tplLocation = convNameLoc monoTyCon
fields = ctorLabels (tyConSingleDataCon polyTyCon)
polyType@(TConApp polyTyCon polyTyArgs) <- convertType env polyType
let polyTCA = TypeConApp polyTyCon polyTyArgs
monoType@(TCon monoTyCon) <- convertTyCon env monoTyCon
let monoTCA = TypeConApp monoTyCon []
let coerceRec fromType toType fromExpr =
ELet (Binding (rec, typeConAppToType fromType) fromExpr) $
ERecCon toType $ map (\field -> (field, ERecProj fromType field (EVar rec))) fields
let (unwrapTpl, wrapTpl, unwrapCid, wrapCid)
| null polyTyArgs = (id, id, id, id)
| otherwise =
( coerceRec monoTCA polyTCA
, coerceRec polyTCA monoTCA
, ETmApp $ mkETyApps (EBuiltin BECoerceContractId) [monoType, polyType]
, ETmApp $ mkETyApps (EBuiltin BECoerceContractId) [polyType, monoType]
stdlibRef <- packageNameToPkgRef env damlStdlib
let tplTypeCon = qualObject monoTyCon
let tplParam = this
let applyThis e = ETmApp e $ unwrapTpl $ EVar this
tplSignatories <- applyThis <$> convertExpr env (Var signatories)
tplObservers <- applyThis <$> convertExpr env (Var observers)
tplPrecondition <- applyThis <$> convertExpr env (Var ensure)
tplAgreement <- applyThis <$> convertExpr env (Var agreement)
archive <- convertExpr env (Var archive)
(tplKey, key, choices) <- case keyAndChoices of
hasKey : key : maintainers : _fetchByKey : _lookupByKey : _toAnyContractKey : _fromAnyContractKey : choices
| TypeCon (Is "HasKey") _ <- varType hasKey -> do
_ :-> keyType <- convertType env (varType key)
hasKey <- convertExpr env (Var hasKey)
key <- convertExpr env (Var key)
maintainers <- convertExpr env (Var maintainers)
let selfField = FieldName "contractId"
let thisField = FieldName "contract"
tupleTyCon <- qDA_Types env $ mkTypeCon ["Tuple2"]
let tupleType = TypeConApp tupleTyCon [TContractId polyType, polyType]
let fetchByKey =
ETmLam (mkVar "key", keyType) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, TStruct [(selfField, TContractId monoType), (thisField, monoType)]) $ EUpdate $ UFetchByKey $ RetrieveByKey monoTyCon $ EVar $ mkVar "key") $
EUpdate $ UPure (typeConAppToType tupleType) $ ERecCon tupleType
[ (FieldName "_1", unwrapCid $ EStructProj selfField $ EVar res)
, (FieldName "_2", unwrapTpl $ EStructProj thisField $ EVar res)
let lookupByKey =
ETmLam (mkVar "key", keyType) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, TOptional (TContractId monoType)) $ EUpdate $ ULookupByKey $ RetrieveByKey monoTyCon $ EVar $ mkVar "key") $
EUpdate $ UPure (TOptional (TContractId polyType)) $ ECase (EVar res)
[ CaseAlternative CPNone $ ENone (TContractId polyType)
, CaseAlternative (CPSome self) $ ESome (TContractId polyType) $ unwrapCid $ EVar self
let toAnyContractKey =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETyLam
(mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar)
(mkVar "_", TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType)
(ETmLam (mkVar "key", keyType) $ EToAny keyType $ EVar $ mkVar "key"))
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> keyType :-> TUnit) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyContractKey is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let fromAnyContractKey =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETyLam
(mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar)
(mkVar "_", TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType)
(ETmLam (mkVar "any", TAny) $ EFromAny keyType $ EVar $ mkVar "any"))
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> TUnit :-> TOptional keyType) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "fromAnyContractKey is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
pure (Just $ TemplateKey keyType (applyThis key) (ETmApp maintainers hasKey), [hasKey, key, maintainers, fetchByKey, lookupByKey, toAnyContractKey, fromAnyContractKey], choices)
choices -> pure (Nothing, [], choices)
let convertGenericChoice :: [Var] -> ConvertM (TemplateChoice, [LF.Expr])
convertGenericChoice [consumption, controllers, action, _exercise, _toAnyChoice, _fromAnyChoice] = do
(argType, argTCon, resType) <- convertType env (varType action) >>= \case
TContractId _ :-> _ :-> argType@(TConApp argTCon _) :-> TUpdate resType -> pure (argType, argTCon, resType)
t -> unhandled "Choice action type" (varType action)
let chcLocation = Nothing
let chcName = ChoiceName $ T.intercalate "." $ unTypeConName $ qualObject argTCon
consumptionType <- case varType consumption of
TypeCon (Is "NonConsuming") _ -> pure NonConsuming
TypeCon (Is "PreConsuming") _ -> pure PreConsuming
TypeCon (Is "PostConsuming") _ -> pure PostConsuming
t -> unhandled "choice consumption type" t
let chcConsuming = consumptionType == PreConsuming
let chcSelfBinder = self
let applySelf e = ETmApp e $ unwrapCid $ EVar self
let chcArgBinder = (arg, argType)
let applyArg e = e `ETmApp` EVar (fst chcArgBinder)
let chcReturnType = resType
consumption <- convertExpr env (Var consumption)
chcControllers <- applyArg . applyThis <$> convertExpr env (Var controllers)
update <- applyArg . applyThis . applySelf <$> convertExpr env (Var action)
let chcUpdate
| consumptionType /= PostConsuming = update
| otherwise =
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, resType) update) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "_", TUnit) $ ETmApp archive $ EVar self) $
EUpdate $ UPure resType $ EVar res
controllers <- convertExpr env (Var controllers)
action <- convertExpr env (Var action)
let exercise =
mkETmLams [(self, TContractId polyType), (arg, argType)] $
EUpdate $ UExercise monoTyCon chcName (wrapCid $ EVar self) Nothing (EVar arg)
let toAnyChoice =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETyLam
(mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar)
(mkVar "_", TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType)
(ETmLam chcArgBinder $ EToAny argType $ EVar arg))
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> argType :-> TUnit) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyChoice is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let fromAnyChoice =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETyLam
(mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar)
(mkVar "_", TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType)
(ETmLam (mkVar "any", TAny) $ EFromAny argType $ EVar $ mkVar "any"))
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> TUnit :-> TOptional argType) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "fromAnyChoice is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
pure (TemplateChoice{..}, [consumption, controllers, action, exercise, toAnyChoice, fromAnyChoice])
convertGenericChoice es = unhandled "generic choice" es
(tplChoices, choices) <- first NM.fromList . unzip <$> mapM convertGenericChoice (chunksOf 6 choices)
superClassDicts <- mapM (convertExpr env) superClassDicts
signatories <- convertExpr env (Var signatories)
observers <- convertExpr env (Var observers)
ensure <- convertExpr env (Var ensure)
agreement <- convertExpr env (Var agreement)
let create = ETmLam (this, polyType) $ EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (self, TContractId monoType) $ EUpdate $ UCreate monoTyCon $ wrapTpl $ EVar this) $ EUpdate $ UPure (TContractId polyType) $ unwrapCid $ EVar self
let fetch = ETmLam (self, TContractId polyType) $ EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (this, monoType) $ EUpdate $ UFetch monoTyCon $ wrapCid $ EVar self) $ EUpdate $ UPure polyType $ unwrapTpl $ EVar this
let anyTemplateTy = anyTemplateTyFromStdlib stdlibRef
let anyTemplateField = mkField "getAnyTemplate"
let toAnyTemplate =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETmLam (this, polyType) $ ERecCon anyTemplateTy [(anyTemplateField, EToAny (TCon monoTyCon) (wrapTpl $ EVar this))]
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` (polyType :-> typeConAppToType anyTemplateTy) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyTemplate is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let fromAnyTemplate =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETmLam (anyTpl, typeConAppToType anyTemplateTy) $
ECase (EFromAny (TCon monoTyCon) (ERecProj anyTemplateTy anyTemplateField (EVar anyTpl)))
[ CaseAlternative CPNone $ ENone polyType
, CaseAlternative (CPSome self) $ ESome polyType $ unwrapTpl $ EVar self
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` (typeConAppToType anyTemplateTy :-> TOptional polyType) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "fromAnyTemplate is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let templateTypeRep =
let proxyName = mkTypeVar "proxy"
argType = TVar proxyName `TApp` polyType
resType = TypeConApp (Qualified stdlibRef (mkModName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"]) (mkTypeCon ["TemplateTypeRep"])) []
resField = mkField "getTemplateTypeRep"
ETyLam (proxyName, KStar `KArrow` KStar) $!
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureTypeRep
then ETmLam (arg, argType) $ ERecCon resType [(resField, ETypeRep (TCon monoTyCon))]
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` (argType :-> typeConAppToType resType) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "templateTypeRep is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
tyArgs <- mapM (convertType env) tyArgs
-- NOTE(MH): The additional lambda is DICTIONARY SANITIZATION step (3).
let tmArgs = map (ETmLam (mkVar "_", TUnit)) $ superClassDicts ++ [signatories, observers, ensure, agreement, create, fetch, archive, toAnyTemplate, fromAnyTemplate, templateTypeRep] ++ key ++ concat choices
qTCon <- qualify env m $ mkTypeCon [getOccText $ dataConTyCon dictCon]
let tcon = TypeConApp qTCon tyArgs
let fldNames = ctorLabels dictCon
let dict = ERecCon tcon (zip fldNames tmArgs)
pure (Template{..}, dict)
isVar_maybe :: GHC.Expr Var -> Maybe Var
isVar_maybe = \case
Var v -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
isSuperClassDict :: GHC.Expr Var -> Bool
-- NOTE(MH): We need the `$f` and `$d` cases since GHC inlines super class
-- dictionaries without running the simplifier under some circumstances.
isSuperClassDict (Var v) = any (`T.isPrefixOf` getOccText v) ["$cp", "$f", "$d"]
-- For things like Numeric 10 we can end up with superclass dictionaries
-- of the form `dict @10`.
isSuperClassDict (App t _) = isSuperClassDict t
isSuperClassDict _ = False
findMonoTyp :: GHC.Type -> Maybe TyCon
findMonoTyp t = case t of
TypeCon tcon [] -> Just tcon
t -> snd <$> find (eqType t . fst) (envTypeSynonyms env)
this = mkVar "this"
self = mkVar "self"
arg = mkVar "arg"
res = mkVar "res"
rec = mkVar "rec"
convertGenericTemplate env x = unhandled "generic template" x
data Consuming = PreConsuming
| NonConsuming
| PostConsuming
@ -636,6 +461,16 @@ convertVariantConDef env tycon tyVars con =
tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
ctorName = mkVariantCon (getOccText con)
this, self, arg, res :: ExprVarName
this = mkVar "this"
self = mkVar "self"
arg = mkVar "arg"
res = mkVar "res"
proxyVar :: TypeVarName
proxyVar = mkTypeVar "proxy"
mkProxy :: LF.Type -> LF.Type
mkProxy = TApp (TVar proxyVar)
-- | Instantiate and inline the generic template record definition
-- for a template instance.
convertTemplateInstanceDef :: Env -> Name -> TyCon -> [GHC.Type] -> ConvertM [Definition]
@ -654,13 +489,233 @@ convertTemplateInstanceDef env tname templateTyCon args = do
convertBind :: Env -> (Var, GHC.Expr Var) -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertBind env (name, x)
| DFunId _ <- idDetails name
, TypeCon (Is tplInst) _ <- varType name
, "Instance" `T.isSuffixOf` fsToText tplInst
= withRange (convNameLoc name) $ do
(tmpl, dict) <- convertGenericTemplate env x
name' <- convValWithType env name
pure [DTemplate tmpl, defValue name name' dict]
| "$fTemplateKey" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
, not (envIsGenerated env)
, TypeCon classTyCon [tplTy, keyTy] <- varType name = withRange (convNameLoc name) $ do
TCon classTyConLf <- convertTyCon env classTyCon
tplTyLf@(TCon tplTyConLf) <- convertType env tplTy
keyTyLf <- convertType env keyTy
ERecCon _
( (_, tplSuperDict)
: (_, key)
: _lookupByKey
: _fetchByKey
: (_, maintainer)
: _toAnyContractKey
: _fromAnyContractKey
: []
) <- convertExpr env x
tupleTyCon <- qDA_Types env $ mkTypeCon ["Tuple2"]
let tupleType = TypeConApp tupleTyCon [TContractId tplTyLf, tplTyLf]
let selfField = FieldName "contractId"
let thisField = FieldName "contract"
let retrieveByKey = RetrieveByKey tplTyConLf (EVar $ mkVar "key")
let lookupByKey =
ETmLam (mkVar "key", keyTyLf) $
EUpdate $ ULookupByKey retrieveByKey
let fetchByKey =
ETmLam (mkVar "key", keyTyLf) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, TStruct [(selfField, TContractId tplTyLf), (thisField, tplTyLf)]) $ EUpdate $ UFetchByKey retrieveByKey) $
EUpdate $ UPure (typeConAppToType tupleType) $ ERecCon tupleType
[ (mkIndexedField 1, EStructProj selfField $ EVar res)
, (mkIndexedField 2, EStructProj thisField $ EVar res)
let toAnyContractKey =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
ETyLam (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) $
(mkVar "_", mkProxy tplTyLf) $
ETmLam (mkVar "arg", keyTyLf) $
EToAny keyTyLf (EVar $ mkVar "arg")
EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) (mkProxy tplTyLf :-> keyTyLf :-> TUnit) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyContractKey is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let fromAnyContractKey =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
ETyLam (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) $
(mkVar "_", mkProxy tplTyLf) $
ETmLam (mkVar "any", TAny) $
EFromAny keyTyLf (EVar $ mkVar "any")
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) (mkProxy tplTyLf :-> TUnit :-> TOptional keyTyLf) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "fromAnyContractKey is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let dict = ERecCon (TypeConApp classTyConLf [tplTyLf, keyTyLf]) $
map (second (ETmLam (mkVar "_", TUnit))) $
[ (mkIndexedField 1, tplSuperDict)
, (mkIndexedField 2, key)
, (mkIndexedField 3, lookupByKey)
, (mkIndexedField 4, fetchByKey)
, (mkIndexedField 5, maintainer)
, (mkIndexedField 6, toAnyContractKey)
, (mkIndexedField 7, fromAnyContractKey)
name' <- convValWithType env name
pure [defValue name name' dict]
| "$fTemplate" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
, TypeCon classTyCon [tplTy@(TypeCon tplTyCon _)] <- varType name
, not (envIsGenerated env) = withRange (convNameLoc name) $ do
TCon classTyConLf <- convertTyCon env classTyCon
tplTyLf@(TCon tplTyConLf) <- convertType env tplTy
ERecCon _
( (_, signatory)
: (_, observer)
: (_, ensure)
: (_, agreement)
: _create
: _fetch
: (_, archive)
: _)
<- convertExpr env x
stdlibRef <- packageNameToPkgRef env damlStdlib
let anyTemplateTy = anyTemplateTyFromStdlib stdlibRef
let templateTypeRepTy = templateTypeRepTyFromStdlib stdlibRef
let create = ETmLam (this, tplTyLf) $ EUpdate $ UCreate tplTyConLf (EVar (this))
let fetch = ETmLam (this, TContractId tplTyLf) $ EUpdate $ UFetch tplTyConLf (EVar this)
let toAnyTemplate =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETmLam (this, tplTyLf) $ ERecCon anyTemplateTy [(anyTemplateField, EToAny tplTyLf (EVar (this)))]
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` (tplTyLf :-> typeConAppToType anyTemplateTy) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyTemplate is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let fromAnyTemplate =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then ETmLam
(mkVar "any", typeConAppToType anyTemplateTy) $
EFromAny tplTyLf (ERecProj anyTemplateTy anyTemplateField (EVar $ mkVar "any"))
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` (typeConAppToType anyTemplateTy :-> TOptional tplTyLf) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "fromAnyTemplate is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let templateTypeRep =
ETyLam (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) $
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureTypeRep
then ETmLam
(mkVar "_", mkProxy tplTyLf) $
ERecCon templateTypeRepTy [(templateTypeRepField, ETypeRep tplTyLf)]
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` (mkProxy tplTyLf :-> typeConAppToType templateTypeRepTy) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "templateTypeRep is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let dict = ERecCon (TypeConApp classTyConLf [tplTyLf]) $
map (second (ETmLam (mkVar "_", TUnit)))
[ (mkIndexedField 1, signatory)
, (mkIndexedField 2, observer)
, (mkIndexedField 3, ensure)
, (mkIndexedField 4, agreement)
, (mkIndexedField 5, create)
, (mkIndexedField 6, fetch)
, (mkIndexedField 7, archive)
, (mkIndexedField 8, toAnyTemplate)
, (mkIndexedField 9, fromAnyTemplate)
, (mkIndexedField 10, templateTypeRep)
let choiceData = MS.findWithDefault [] (qualObject tplTyConLf) (envChoiceData env)
let convertChoice :: ChoiceData -> ConvertM TemplateChoice
convertChoice (ChoiceData ty expr) = do
TConApp _ [_, _ :-> _ :-> choiceTy@(TConApp choiceTyCon _) :-> TUpdate choiceRetTy, consumingTy] <- convertType env ty
let choiceName = ChoiceName (T.intercalate "." $ unTypeConName $ qualObject choiceTyCon)
ERecCon _ [(_, controllers), (_, action), _] <- convertExpr env expr
consuming <- case consumingTy of
TConApp (Qualified { qualObject = TypeConName con }) _
| con == ["NonConsuming"] -> pure NonConsuming
| con == ["PreConsuming"] -> pure PreConsuming
| con == ["PostConsuming"] -> pure PostConsuming
_ -> unhandled "choice consumption type" (show consumingTy)
let update = action `ETmApp` EVar self `ETmApp` EVar this ` ETmApp` EVar (arg)
update <- pure $ if consuming /= PostConsuming
then update
else EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, choiceRetTy) update) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "_", TUnit) $ archive `ETmApp` EVar self) $
EUpdate $ UPure choiceRetTy $ EVar res
pure TemplateChoice
{ chcLocation = Nothing
, chcName = choiceName
, chcConsuming = consuming == PreConsuming
, chcControllers = controllers `ETmApp` EVar this `ETmApp` EVar (arg)
, chcSelfBinder = self
, chcArgBinder = (arg, choiceTy)
, chcReturnType = choiceRetTy
, chcUpdate = update
choices <- NM.fromList <$> traverse convertChoice choiceData
key <- for (MS.lookup (qualObject tplTyConLf) (envTemplateKeyData env)) $ \(TemplateKeyData keyTy keyDict) -> do
keyTyLf <- convertType env keyTy
(dictName, TConApp dictTy dictTyArgs) <- convValWithType env keyDict
let dictTyConApp = TypeConApp dictTy dictTyArgs
Just m <- pure $ nameModule_maybe $ varName keyDict
qualDictName <- qualify env m dictName
pure TemplateKey
{ tplKeyType = keyTyLf
, tplKeyBody =
ERecProj dictTyConApp (mkIndexedField 2) (EVal qualDictName)
`ETmApp` EUnit
`ETmApp` EVar this
, tplKeyMaintainers =
ERecProj dictTyConApp (mkIndexedField 5) (EVal qualDictName)
`ETmApp` EUnit
`ETyApp` TBuiltin BTList
`ETmApp` ENil tplTyLf
let template = Template
{ tplLocation = convNameLoc tplTyCon
, tplTypeCon = qualObject tplTyConLf
, tplParam = this
, tplPrecondition = ensure `ETmApp` EVar this
, tplSignatories = signatory `ETmApp` EVar this
, tplObservers = observer `ETmApp` EVar this
, tplAgreement = agreement `ETmApp` EVar this
, tplChoices = choices
, tplKey = key
name' <- convValWithType env name
pure [defValue name name' dict, DTemplate template]
| "$fChoice" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
, not (envIsGenerated env)
, TypeCon tyCon [tplTy, choiceArgTy, choiceRetTy] <- varType name = withRange (convNameLoc name) $ do
TConApp choiceTyLf _ <- convertTyCon env tyCon
ERecCon _ [(_, tplSuperDict), _, _, _] <- convertExpr env x
tplTyLf@(TCon tplTyConLf) <- convertType env tplTy
choiceArgTyLf@(TConApp choiceTyCon _) <- convertType env choiceArgTy
let choiceName = ChoiceName (T.intercalate "." $ unTypeConName $ qualObject choiceTyCon)
choiceRetTyLf <- convertType env choiceRetTy
let exercise =
ETmLam (this, TContractId tplTyLf) $
ETmLam (arg, choiceArgTyLf) $
EUpdate $ UExercise
(EVar this)
(EVar arg)
let toAnyChoice =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
ETyLam (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) $
(mkVar "_", mkProxy tplTyLf) $
ETmLam (mkVar "arg", choiceArgTyLf) $
EToAny choiceArgTyLf (EVar arg)
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) (mkProxy tplTyLf :-> choiceArgTyLf :-> TUnit) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyChoice is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let fromAnyChoice =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
ETyLam (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) $
(mkVar "_", mkProxy tplTyLf) $
ETmLam (mkVar "any", TAny) $
EFromAny choiceArgTyLf (EVar $ mkVar "any")
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
TForall (proxyVar, KArrow KStar KStar) (mkProxy tplTyLf :-> TUnit :-> TOptional choiceArgTyLf) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "fromAnyChoice is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let dict = ERecCon (TypeConApp choiceTyLf [tplTyLf, choiceArgTyLf, choiceRetTyLf]) $
map (second (ETmLam (mkVar "_", TUnit)))
[ (mkIndexedField 1, tplSuperDict)
, (mkIndexedField 2, exercise)
, (mkIndexedField 3, toAnyChoice)
, (mkIndexedField 4, fromAnyChoice)
name' <- convValWithType env name
pure [defValue name name' dict]
-- This is inlined in the choice in the template so we can just drop this.
| "_choice_" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name = pure []
| Just internals <- lookupUFM internalFunctions (envGHCModuleName env)
, getOccFS name `elementOfUniqSet` internals
= pure []
@ -1748,6 +1803,18 @@ anyTemplateTyFromStdlib stdlibRef =
anyTemplateField :: FieldName
anyTemplateField = mkField "getAnyTemplate"
templateTypeRepTyFromStdlib :: PackageRef -> TypeConApp
templateTypeRepTyFromStdlib stdlibRef =
(mkModName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
(mkTypeCon ["TemplateTypeRep"]))
templateTypeRepField :: FieldName
templateTypeRepField = mkField "getTemplateTypeRep"
anyTpl :: ExprVarName
anyTpl = mkVar "anyTpl"

View File

@ -105,11 +105,15 @@ class Template t => TemplateKey t k | t -> k where
-- getting the contract instance.
-- | The list of maintainers of a contract key.
maintainer : k -> [Party]
_maintainer : proxy t -> k -> [Party]
_toAnyContractKey : proxy t -> k -> Any
_fromAnyContractKey : proxy t -> Any -> Optional k
-- | The list of maintainers of a contract key.
maintainer : forall t k. TemplateKey t k => k -> [Party]
maintainer = _maintainer ([] : [t])
toAnyContractKey : forall t k. TemplateKey t k => k -> AnyContractKey
toAnyContractKey k =
@ -148,8 +152,6 @@ data PostConsuming t = PostConsuming {}
data Archive = Archive {}
deriving (Eq, Show)
data HasKey t = HasKey {}
-- | Accepted ways to specify a list of parties: either a single party, or a list of parties.
class IsParties a where
-- | Convert to list of parties.

View File

@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ startFromUpdate seen world update = case update of
startFromExpr :: Set.Set (LF.Qualified LF.ExprValName) -> LF.World -> LF.Expr -> Set.Set Action
startFromExpr seen world e = case e of
LF.EVar _ -> Set.empty
-- NOTE(MH/RJR): Do not explore the `$fXInstance` dictionary because it
-- contains all the ledger actions and therefore creates too many edges
-- NOTE(MH/RJR): Do not explore the `$fChoice`/`$fTemplate` dictionaries because
-- they contain all the ledger actions and therefore creates too many edges
-- in the graph. We instead detect calls to the `create`, `archive` and
-- `exercise` methods from `Template` and `Choice` instances.
LF.EVal (LF.Qualified _ _ (LF.ExprValName ref))
| "$f" `T.isPrefixOf` ref && "Instance" `T.isSuffixOf` ref -> Set.empty
| any (`T.isPrefixOf` ref) ["$fChoice", "$fTemplate"] -> Set.empty
LF.EVal ref -> case LF.lookupValue ref world of
Right LF.DefValue{..}
| ref `Set.member` seen -> Set.empty

View File

@ -629,7 +629,8 @@ execInspect inFile outFile jsonOutput lvl =
if jsonOutput
then do
archive :: PLF.ArchivePayload <- errorOnLeft "Cannot decode archive" (PS.fromByteString bytes)
payloadBytes <- PLF.archivePayload <$> errorOnLeft "Cannot decode archive" (PS.fromByteString bytes)
archive :: PLF.ArchivePayload <- errorOnLeft "Cannot decode archive payload" $ PS.fromByteString payloadBytes
writeOutputBSL outFile
$ Aeson.Pretty.encodePretty
$ Proto.JSONPB.toAesonValue archive

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- uses actors as a sanity check.
-- @SINCE-LF 1.5
-- @QUERY-LF [.modules[] | .values[] | select(.name_with_type | lf::get_value_name($pkg) == ["$$fFooInstance"]) | .expr | .. | objects | select(has("exercise")) | .exercise | has("actor") | not] | (length > 0 and all)
-- @QUERY-LF [.modules[] | .values[] | select(.name_with_type | lf::get_value_name($pkg) == ["$$fChoiceFooBar$u0028$u0029"]) | .expr | .. | objects | select(has("exercise")) | .exercise | has("actor") | not] | (length > 0 and all)
daml 1.2
module ExerciseWithoutActors where

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- @ERROR range=12:24-12:32; Generic templates are not supported anymore.
-- @ERROR range=34:10-34:16; Generic templates are not supported anymore.
-- @ERROR range=11:24-11:34; Generic templates are no longer supported
daml 1.2
module GenericTemplateError where

View File

@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ visualDamlTests = Tasty.testGroup "Visual Tests"
setFilesOfInterest [fetchTest]
expectedGraph fetchTest ( ExpectedGraph {expectedSubgraphs =
[ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive","ReducedCoin"]
[ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","ReducedCoin","Archive"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner","amount"]
, expectedTemplate = "Coin"}]
, expectedEdges = []})
@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ visualDamlTests = Tasty.testGroup "Visual Tests"
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "Coin"
, ExpectedSubGraph { expectedNodes = ["Create", "Archive", "Consume"]
, ExpectedSubGraph { expectedNodes = ["Create", "Consume", "Archive"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "TT"}]
@ -1224,12 +1224,13 @@ visualDamlTests = Tasty.testGroup "Visual Tests"
setFilesOfInterest [createTest]
expectedGraph createTest (ExpectedGraph
{expectedSubgraphs = [ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive"]
{expectedSubgraphs = [ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","CreateCoin","Archive"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "TT"}
,ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "Coin"}
, ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive","CreateCoin"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "TT"}]
, expectedEdges = [(ExpectedChoiceDetails {expectedConsuming = True, expectedName = "CreateCoin"}
,ExpectedChoiceDetails {expectedConsuming = False, expectedName = "Create"})]})

View File

@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ template Iou
issuer : Party
owner : Party
amount : Float
amount : Decimal
regulators : [Party]
ensure amount > 0
ensure amount > 0.0
signatory issuer, owner
observer regulators
agreement issuer <> " will pay " <> owner <> " " <> show amount
agreement show issuer <> " will pay " <> show owner <> " " <> show amount
choice Transfer : ContractId Iou
@ -67,70 +67,31 @@ data Transfer = Transfer with
deriving (Eq, Show)
Next we have a `class IouInstance` with the bulk of the definitions we will need.
Next we have the instance of the `Template` typeclass:
class IouInstance where
_signatoryIou : Iou -> [Party]
_signatoryIou this@Iou{..} = [issuer, owner]
_observerIou : Iou -> [Party]
_observerIou this@Iou{..} = regulators
_ensureIou : Iou -> Bool
_ensureIou this@Iou{..} = amount > 0.0
_agreementIou : Iou -> Text
_agreementIou this@Iou{..} = show issuer <> " will pay " <> show owner <> " " <> show amount
_createIou : Iou -> Update (ContractId Iou)
_createIou = magic @"create"
_fetchIou : ContractId Iou -> Update Iou
_fetchIou = magic @"fetch"
_archiveIou : ContractId Iou -> Update ()
_archiveIou cid = exerciseIouArchive cid Archive
_toAnyTemplateIou : Iou -> AnyTemplate
_toAnyTemplateIou = magic @"toAnyTemplate"
_fromAnyTemplateIou : AnyTemplate -> Optional Iou
_fromAnyTemplateIou = magic @"fromAnyTemplate"
_consumptionIouArchive : PreConsuming Iou
_consumptionIouArchive = PreConsuming
_controllerIouArchive : Iou -> Archive -> [Party]
_controllerIouArchive this@Iou{..} arg@Archive = signatoryIou this
_actionIouArchive : ContractId Iou -> Iou -> Archive -> Update ()
_actionIouArchive self this@Iou{..} arg@Archive = pure ()
_exerciseIouArchive : ContractId Iou -> Archive -> Update ()
_exerciseIouArchive = magic @"archive"
_toAnyChoiceIouArchive : proxy Iou -> Archive -> Any
_toAnyChoiceIouArchive = magic @"toAnyChoice"
_fromAnyChoiceIouArchive : proxy Iou -> Any -> Optional Archive
_fromAnyChoiceIouArchive = magic @"fromAnyChoice"
_consumptionIouTransfer : PreConsuming Iou
_consumptionIouTransfer = PreConsuming
_controllerIouTransfer : Iou -> Transfer -> [Party]
_controllerIouTransfer this@Iou{..} arg@Transfer{..} = [owner]
_actionIouTransfer : ContractId Iou -> Iou -> Transfer -> Update (ContractId Iou)
_actionIouTransfer self this@Iou{..} arg@Transfer{..} = create this with owner = newOwner
_exerciseIouTransfer : ContractId Iou -> Transfer -> Update (ContractId Iou)
_exerciseIouTransfer = magic @"exercise"
_toAnyChoiceIouTransfer : proxy Iou -> Transfer -> Any
_toAnyChoiceIouTransfer = magic @"toAnyChoice"
_fromAnyChoiceIouTransfer : proxy Iou -> Any -> Optional Transfer
_fromAnyChoiceIouTransfer = magic @"fromAnyChoice"
With that class defined, we can define an `instance` declaration for `Iou` to declare its membership in `Template`:
instance IouInstance => Template Iou where
signatory = _signatoryIou
observer = _observerIou
ensure = _ensureIou
agreement = _agreementIou
create = _createIou
fetch = _fetchIou
archive = _archiveIou
toAnyTemplate = _toAnyTemplate
fromAnyTemplate = _fromAnyTemplate
instance IouInstance
instance Template Iou where
ensure this@Iou {..} = amount > 0.0
agreement this@Iou {..}
= show issuer <> " will pay " <> show owner <> " " <> show amount
signatory this@Iou {..}
= concat
[toParties (owner),
toParties (issuer)]]
observer this@Iou {..}
= concat
[toParties (regulators)]]]
archive cid
= exercise cid Archive
create = magic @"create"
fetch = magic @"fetch"
toAnyTemplate = magic @"toAnyTemplate"
fromAnyTemplate = magic @"fromAnyTemplate"
_templateTypeRep = magic @"_templateTypeRep"
When a type `t` is a `Template` instance, `class Choice` (defined by the DAML standard library) defines a (multi-parameter type class) relation on types `t`, `c` and `r` such that `r` is uniquely determined by the pair `(t, c)`:
@ -148,9 +109,32 @@ The `instance` declaration establishes the triple `(Iou, Transfer, ContractId Io
instance Choice Iou Transfer (ContractId Iou) where
exercise = _exerciseIouTransfer
_toAnyChoice = _toAnyChoiceIouTransfer
_fromAnyChoice = _fromAnyChoiceIouTransfer
exercise = magic @"exerciseIouTransfer"
_toAnyChoice = magic @"toAnyChoiceIouTransfer"
= magic @"fromAnyChoiceIouTransfer"
Information about a choice that is not part of the `Choice` typeclass is recorded in a
separate top-level identifier. Specifically, this is a tuple containing the controller,
the choice body and information on whether the choice is pre-, post- or nonconsuming:
_choice_IouTransfer :
(Iou -> Transfer -> [Party],
ContractId Iou
-> Iou -> Transfer -> Update (ContractId Iou),
PreConsuming Iou)
= (\ this@Iou {..} arg@Transfer {..}
-> let
[toParties (owner)],
\ self this@Iou {..} arg@Transfer {..}
-> let
in do create (DA.Internal.Record.setField @"owner" newOwner this),
### Example (2)
@ -163,6 +147,7 @@ class Template t => TemplateKey t k | t -> k where
key : t -> k
fetchByKey : k -> Update (ContractId t, t)
lookupByKey : k -> Update (Optional (ContractId t))
_maintainer : proxy t -> k -> [Party]
_toAnyContractKey : proxy t -> k -> Any
_fromAnyContractKey : proxy t -> Any -> Optional ks
@ -200,211 +185,37 @@ data Enrollment =
reg : Registration
deriving (Show, Eq)
class EnrollmentInstance where
_signatoryEnrollment : Enrollment -> [Party]
_signatoryEnrollment this@Enrollment{..} = [reg.student, reg.course.institution]
_observerEnrollment : Enrollment -> [Party]
_observerEnrollment this@Enrollment{..} = []
_ensureEnrollment : Enrollment -> Bool
_ensureEnrollment this@Enrollment{..} = True
_agreementEnrollment : Enrollment -> Text
_agreementEnrollment this@Enrollment{..} = ""
_createEnrollment : Enrollment -> Update (ContractId Enrollment)
_createEnrollment = magic @"create"
_fetchEnrollment : ContractId Enrollment -> Update Enrollment
_fetchEnrollment = magic @"fetch"
_archiveEnrollment : ContractId Enrollment -> Update ()
_archiveEnrollment cid = exerciseEnrollmentArchive cid Archive
_toAnyTemplateEnrollment : Enrollment -> AnyTemplate
_toAnyTemplateEnrollment = magic @"toAnyTemplate"
_fromAnyTemplateEnrollment : AnyTemplate -> Optional Enrollment
_fromAnyTemplateEnrollment = magic @"fromAnyTemplate"
_hasKeyEnrollment : HasKey Enrollment
_hasKeyEnrollment = HasKey
_keyEnrollment : Enrollment -> Registration
_keyEnrollment this@Enrollment{..} = reg
_maintainerEnrollment : HasKey Enrollment -> Registration -> [Party]
_maintainerEnrollment HasKey key = [key.course.institution]
_fetchByKeyEnrollment : Registration -> Update (ContractId Enrollment, Enrollment)
_fetchByKeyEnrollment = magic @"fetchByKey"
_lookupByKeyEnrollment : Registration -> Update (Optional (ContractId Enrollment))
_lookupByKeyEnrollment = magic @"lookupByKey"
_consumptionEnrollmentArchive : PreConsuming Enrollment
_consumptionEnrollmentArchive = PreConsuming
_controllerEnrollmentArchive : Enrollment -> Archive -> [Party]
_controllerEnrollmentArchive this@Enrollment{..} arg@Archive = signatoryEnrollment this
_actionEnrollmentArchive : ContractId Enrollment -> Enrollment -> Archive -> Update ()
_actionEnrollmentArchive self this@Enrollment{..} arg@Archive = pure ()
_exerciseEnrollmentArchive : ContractId Enrollment -> Archive -> Update ()
_exerciseEnrollmentArchive = magic @"archive"
_toAnyChoiceEnrollmentArchive : proxy Enrollment -> Archive -> Any
_toAnyChoiceEnrollmentArchive = magic @"toAnyChoice"
_fromAnyChoiceEnrollmentArchive : proxy Enrollment -> Any -> Optional Archive
_fromAnyChoiceEnrollmentArchive = magic @"fromAnyChoice"
instance EnrollmentInstance
instance EnrollmentInstance => Template Enrollment where
signatory = _signatoryEnrollment
observer = _observerEnrollment
ensure = _ensureEnrollment
agreement = _agreementEnrollment
create = _createEnrollment
fetch = _fetchEnrollment
archive = _archiveEnrollment
toAnyTemplate = _toAnyTemplateEnrollment
fromAnyTemplate = _fromAnyTemplateEnrollment
instance Template Enrollment where
signatory this@Enrollment {..}
= concat
@"institution" (DA.Internal.Record.getField @"course" reg))),
((DA.Internal.Record.getField @"student" reg))]]
observer this@Enrollment {..} = concat []
ensure this@Enrollment {..} = True
agreement this@Enrollment {..} = ""
archive cid
= exercise cid Archive
create = magic @"create"
fetch = magic @"fetch"
toAnyTemplate = magic @"toAnyTemplate"
fromAnyTemplate = magic @"fromAnyTemplate"
_templateTypeRep = magic @"_templateTypeRep"
instance TemplateKey Enrollment Registration where
key = _keyEnrollment
fetchByKey = _fetchByKeyEnrollment
lookupByKey = _lookupByKeyEnrollment
maintainer = _maintainerEnrollment (_hasKeyEnrollment : HasKey Enrollment)
_fromAnyContractKey = _fromAnyContractKeyEnrollment
_toAnyContractKey = _toAnyContractKeyEnrollment
key this@Enrollment {..} = reg
_maintainer _ key
= concat
@"institution" (DA.Internal.Record.getField @"course" key)))]]
fetchByKey = magic @"fetchByKey"
lookupByKey = magic @"lookupByKey"
_toAnyContractKey = magic @"_toAnyContractKey"
= magic @"_fromAnyContractKey"
### Example (3)
The final example shows a generic proposal template.
template Template t => Proposal t with
asset : t
receivers : [Party]
name : Text
signatory (signatory asset \\ receivers)
observer receivers
key (signatory this, name)
maintainer (fst key)
choice Accept : ContractId t
controller receivers
create asset
Notice that the `Proposal` template has a type argument `t` with a `Template` constraint preceding it.
We also specify a primary key for the Proposal template by combining data from the underlying template as well as the proposal.
This desugars to the following declarations.
data Proposal t = Proposal with
asset : t
receivers : [Party]
name : Party
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Accept = Accept with
deriving (Eq, Show)
class Template t => ProposalInstance t where
_signatoryProposal : Proposal t -> [Party]
_signatoryProposal this@Proposal{..} = signatory asset \\ receivers
_observerProposal : Proposal t -> [Party]
_observerProposal this@Proposal{..} = receivers
_ensureProposal : Proposal t -> Bool
_ensureProposal this@Proposal{..} = True
_agreementProposal : Proposal t -> Text
_agreementProposal this@Proposal{..} = ""
_createProposal : Proposal t -> Update (ContractId (Proposal t))
_createProposal = magic @"create"
_fetchProposal : ContractId (Proposal t) -> Update (Proposal t)
_fetchProposal = magic @"fetch"
_archiveProposal : ContractId (Proposal t) -> Update ()
_archiveProposal cid = exerciseProposalArchive cid Archive
_toAnyTemplateProposal : Proposal t -> AnyTemplate
_toAnyTemplateProposal = magic @"toAnyTemplate"
_fromAnyTemplateProposal : AnyTemplate -> Optional (Proposal t)
_fromAnyTemplateProposal = magic @"fromAnyTemplate"
_hasKeyProposal : HasKey (Proposal t)
_hasKeyProposal = HasKey
_keyProposal : Proposal t -> ([Party], Text)
_keyProposal this@Proposal{..} = (signatory this, name)
_maintainerProposal : HasKey (Proposal t) -> ([Party], Text) -> [Party]
_maintainerProposal HasKey key = fst key
_fetchByKeyProposal : ([Party], Text) -> Update (ContractId (Proposal t), Proposal t)
_fetchByKeyProposal = magic @"fetchByKey"
_lookupByKeyProposal : ([Party], Text) -> Update (Optional (ContractId (Proposal t)))
_lookupByKeyProposal = magic @"lookupByKey"
_consumptionProposalArchive : PreConsuming (Proposal t)
_consumptionProposalArchive = PreConsuming
_controllerProposalArchive : Proposal t -> Archive -> [Party]
_controllerProposalArchive this@Proposal{..} arg@Archive = signatoryProposal this
_actionProposalArchive : ContractId (Proposal t) -> Proposal t -> Archive -> Update ()
_actionProposalArchive self this@Proposal{..} arg@Archive = pure ()
_exerciseProposalArchive : ContractId (Proposal t) -> Archive -> Update ()
_exerciseProposalArchive = magic @"archive"
_toAnyChoiceProposalArchive : proxy (Proposal t) -> Archive -> Any
_toAnyChoiceProposalArchive = magic @"toAnyChoice"
_fromAnyChoiceProposalArchive : proxy (Proposal t) -> Any -> Optional Archive
_fromAnyChoiceProposalArchive = magic @"fromAnyChoice"
_consumptionProposalAccept : PreConsuming (Proposal t)
_consumptionProposalAccept = PreConsuming
_controllerProposalAccept : Proposal t -> Accept -> [Party]
_controllerProposalAccept this@Proposal{..} arg@Accept = receivers
_actionProposalAccept : ContractId (Proposal t) -> Proposal t -> Accept -> Update (ContractId t)
_actionProposalAccept self this@Proposal{..} arg@Accept = do
create asset
_exerciseProposalAccept : ContractId (Proposal t) -> Accept -> Update (ContractId t)
_exerciseProposalAccept = magic @"exercise"
_toAnyChoiceProposalAccept : proxy (Proposal t) -> Accept -> Any
_toAnyChoiceProposalAccept = magic @"toAnyChoice"
_fromAnyChoiceProposalAccept : proxy (Proposal t) -> Any -> Optional Accept
_fromAnyChoiceProposalAccept = magic @"fromAnyChoice"
instance ProposalInstance t => Template (Proposal t) where
signatory = _signatoryProposal
observer = _observerProposal
ensure = _ensureProposal
agreement = _agreementProposal
create = _createProposal
fetch = _fetchProposal
archive = _archiveProposal
toAnyTemplate = _toAnyTemplate
fromAnyTemplate = _fromAnyTemplate
instance ProposalInstance t => TemplateKey (Proposal t) ([Party], Text) where
key = _keyProposal
fetchByKey = _fetchByKeyProposal
lookupByKey = _lookupByKeyProposal
_toAnyContractKey = _toAnyContractKeyProposal
_fromAnyContractKey = _fromAnyContractKeyProposal
instance ProposalInstance t => Choice (Proposal t) Accept (ContractId t) where
exercise = _exerciseProposalAccept
_toAnyChoice = _toAnyChoiceProposalAccept
_fromAnyChoice = _fromAnyChoiceProposalAccept
instance ProposalInstance t => Choice (Proposal t) Archive () where
exercise = exerciseProposalArchive
_toAnyChoice = _toAnyChoiceProposalArchive
_fromAnyChoice = _fromAnyChoiceProposalArchive
### Example (3)(cont)
We showed the generic proposal template above, but have not showed what an instance looks like.
Let's instantiate the `Proposal` template with the `Iou` (concrete) template from Example 1.
This is done using the syntax below.
template instance ProposalIou = Proposal Iou
This allows us to create and exercise choices on a proposal contract instantiated to an Iou contract.
The name `ProposalIou` is not needed in DAML code but is required when creating contracts via the Ledger API
(as client languages may not be able to express generic template and type instantiation).
The `template instance` desugars to the following declarations.
type ProposalIou = Proposal Iou
instance ProposalInstance Iou
The `instance` here simply leverages the implementation of the `ProposalInstance` class.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
resolver: lts-14.1
- archive:
sha256: "89e5e8eadd66a90970b866a0669da28b1cd4fff2511a2dc09151a5b269bc0bc1"
size: 1574480
- archive:
sha256: "2433176141caffd066313876ef756e2fcb34dc96a809d40eec753a4248ba016e"
size: 2716868
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sha256: "c4a322af6a89d83b1b40038c9877ce7e02b2970c9aae22c1bc7b0b04d0c95ed5"
- archive:
sha256: "d71eec8f281967a82501ec887187ebfbcda87c5486cc1d8f631247bc537e5102"
- github: digital-asset/hlint
commit: "951fdb6d28d7eed8ea1c7f3be69da29b61fcbe8f"
sha256: "f5fb4cf98cde3ecf1209857208369a63ba21b04313d570c41dffe9f9139a1d34"