Support Exercise and Create commands in DAML triggers (#2864)

* Support Exercise and Create commands in DAML triggers

This is a bit rough but I want something to experiment with before we
settle on a design and start making the LF changes required to make it

It does already allow you to use the original template and choice types.

* Update triggers/runner/src/main/scala/com/daml/trigger/Runner.scala

Co-Authored-By: Martin Huschenbett <>
This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2019-09-10 17:31:36 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 07d1930fdc
commit 77225af6da
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 397 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
daml 1.2
module Daml.Trigger
( Message(..)
@ -11,12 +11,17 @@ module Daml.Trigger
, Archived(..)
, Trigger(..)
, ActiveContracts(..)
, Commands(..)
, TemplateId(..)
, Command
, exerciseCmd
, createCmd
) where
data Identifier = Identifier
{ packageId : Text
, moduleName : Text
, name : Text
, entityName : Text
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Transaction = Transaction
@ -51,6 +56,49 @@ data ActiveContracts = ActiveContracts { activeContracts : [Created] }
-- | Trigger is (approximately) a left-fold over `Message` with
-- an accumulator of type `s`.
data Trigger s = Trigger
{ initialState : ActiveContracts -> s
, update : Message -> s -> (s, Text)
{ initialState : Party -> ActiveContracts -> s
, update : Message -> s -> (s, Optional Commands, Text)
-- | We implicitly assume that the package id corresponds to the package the trigger is part of.
-- This type is temporary until we have a builtin in LF for identifiers.
data TemplateId = TemplateId
{ moduleName : Text
, entityName : Text
-- | This is an internal hack until we have this as a builtin in DAML-LF.
-- You can think of this as an existential `data Dynamic = forall a. Dynamic a`
-- that you cant convert back from.
data LedgerValue = LedgerValue {}
-- | At runtime we turn this into the identity function
-- and convert the result to ledger values.
toLedgerValue : a -> LedgerValue
toLedgerValue = error "toLedgerValue should be removed."
data Command
= CreateCommand
{ templateId : TemplateId
, templateArg : LedgerValue
| ExerciseCommand
{ templateId : TemplateId
, contractId : Text
, choiceName : Text
, choiceArg : LedgerValue
createCmd : Template t => TemplateId -> t -> Command
createCmd templateId templateArg =
CreateCommand templateId (toLedgerValue templateArg)
exerciseCmd : Choice t c r => TemplateId -> Text -> Text -> c -> Command
exerciseCmd templateId contractId choiceName choiceArg =
ExerciseCommand templateId contractId choiceName (toLedgerValue choiceArg)
data Commands = Commands
{ commandId : Text
, commands : [Command]

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ da_scala_library(

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@ -4,17 +4,25 @@
package com.daml.trigger
import java.time.Instant
import java.util
import com.digitalasset.grpc.adapter.AkkaExecutionSequencerPool
import scalaz.syntax.tag._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
import scalaz.std.either._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.domain.LedgerId
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.refinements.ApiTypes.{ApplicationId}
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.command_submission_service.SubmitRequest
import com.digitalasset.api.util.TimestampConversion.fromInstant
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.event._
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.event.Event.Event.{Archived, Created}
@ -23,17 +31,24 @@ import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.transaction_filter.{Filters, TransactionFi
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.value
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.refinements.ApiTypes.{ApplicationId}
import com.digitalasset.ledger.client.LedgerClient
import com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.commands.{Commands, Command, CreateCommand, ExerciseCommand}
import com.digitalasset.ledger.client.configuration.{
import com.digitalasset.platform.participant.util.LfEngineToApi.{
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.PureCompiledPackages
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive.Dar
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive.Dar._
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive.DarReader
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive.Decode
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.value.Value.{AbsoluteContractId, RelativeContractId}
import com.digitalasset.daml_lf.DamlLf
@ -94,7 +109,35 @@ object RunnerConfig {
// Convert from a Ledger API transaction to an SValue corresponding to a Message from the Daml.Trigger module
case class Converter(fromTransaction: Transaction => SValue, fromACS: Seq[CreatedEvent] => SValue)
case class Converter(
fromTransaction: Transaction => SValue,
fromACS: Seq[CreatedEvent] => SValue,
toCommands: SValue => Either[String, (String, Seq[Command])]
// Helper to create identifiers pointing to the DAML.Trigger module
case class TriggerIds(
triggerPackageId: PackageId,
triggerModuleName: ModuleName,
mainPackageId: PackageId) {
def getId(n: String): Identifier =
Identifier(triggerPackageId, QualifiedName(triggerModuleName, DottedName.assertFromString(n)))
object TriggerIds {
def fromDar(dar: Dar[(PackageId, Package)]): TriggerIds = {
val triggerModuleName = DottedName.assertFromString("Daml.Trigger")
// We might want to just fix this at compile time at some point
// once we ship the trigger lib with the SDK.
val triggerPackageId: PackageId = dar.all
.find {
case (pkgId, pkg) => pkg.modules.contains(triggerModuleName)
TriggerIds(triggerPackageId, triggerModuleName, dar.main._1)
object Converter {
// Helper to make constructing an SRecord more convenient
@ -104,24 +147,25 @@ object Converter {
SRecord(ty, fieldNames, args)
// Helper to create identifiers pointing to the DAML.Trigger module
private case class TriggerIds(triggerPackageId: PackageId, triggerModuleName: ModuleName) {
def getId(n: String): Identifier =
Identifier(triggerPackageId, QualifiedName(triggerModuleName, DottedName.assertFromString(n)))
private def toLedgerRecord(v: SValue) = {
v.toValue.mapContractId {
case rcoid: RelativeContractId =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected contract id $rcoid")
case acoid: AbsoluteContractId => acoid
private object TriggerIds {
def fromDar(dar: Dar[(PackageId, Package)]): TriggerIds = {
val triggerModuleName = DottedName.assertFromString("Daml.Trigger")
// We might want to just fix this at compile time at some point
// once we ship the trigger lib with the SDK.
val triggerPackageId: PackageId = dar.all
.find {
case (pkgId, pkg) => pkg.modules.contains(triggerModuleName)
TriggerIds(triggerPackageId, triggerModuleName)
private def toLedgerValue(v: SValue) = {
v.toValue.mapContractId {
case rcoid: RelativeContractId =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected contract id $rcoid")
case acoid: AbsoluteContractId => acoid
private def fromIdentifier(triggerIds: TriggerIds, id: value.Identifier): SValue = {
@ -189,6 +233,91 @@ object Converter {
private def toText(v: SValue): Either[String, String] = {
v match {
case SText(t) => Right(t)
case _ => Left(s"Expected Text but got $v")
private def toTemplateId(triggerIds: TriggerIds, v: SValue): Either[String, Identifier] = {
v match {
case SRecord(_, _, vals) => {
assert(vals.size == 2)
for {
moduleName <- toText(vals.get(0)).flatMap(DottedName.fromString)
entityName <- toText(vals.get(1)).flatMap(DottedName.fromString)
} yield Identifier(triggerIds.mainPackageId, QualifiedName(moduleName, entityName))
case _ => Left(s"Expected TemplateId but got $v")
private def toCreate(triggerIds: TriggerIds, v: SValue): Either[String, CreateCommand] = {
v match {
case SRecord(_, _, vals) => {
assert(vals.size == 2)
for {
templateId <- toTemplateId(triggerIds, vals.get(0))
templateArg <- toLedgerRecord(vals.get(1))
} yield CreateCommand(Some(toApiIdentifier(templateId)), Some(templateArg))
case _ => Left(s"Expected CreateCommand but got $v")
private def toExercise(triggerIds: TriggerIds, v: SValue): Either[String, ExerciseCommand] = {
v match {
case SRecord(_, _, vals) => {
assert(vals.size == 4)
for {
templateId <- toTemplateId(triggerIds, vals.get(0))
contractId <- toText(vals.get(1))
choiceName <- toText(vals.get(2))
choiceArg <- toLedgerValue(vals.get(2))
} yield
case _ => Left(s"Expected ExerciseCommand but got $v")
private def toCommand(triggerIds: TriggerIds, v: SValue): Either[String, Command] = {
v match {
case SVariant(_, "CreateCommand", createVal) =>
for {
create <- toCreate(triggerIds, createVal)
} yield Command().withCreate(create)
case SVariant(_, "ExerciseCommand", exerciseVal) =>
for {
exercise <- toExercise(triggerIds, exerciseVal)
} yield Command().withExercise(exercise)
case _ => Left("Expected CreateCommand or ExerciseCommand but got $v")
private def toCommands(
triggerIds: TriggerIds,
v: SValue): Either[String, (String, Seq[Command])] = {
v match {
case SRecord(_, _, vals) => {
assert(vals.size == 2)
for {
commandId <- toText(vals.get(0))
commands <- vals.get(1) match {
case SList(cmdValues) => cmdValues.traverseU(v => toCommand(triggerIds, v))
case _ => Left("Expected List but got ${vals.get(1)}")
} yield (commandId, commands.toImmArray.toSeq)
case _ => Left("Expected Commands but got $v")
private def fromACS(triggerIds: TriggerIds, createdEvents: Seq[CreatedEvent]): SValue = {
val activeContractsTy = triggerIds.getId("ActiveContracts")
@ -198,24 +327,49 @@ object Converter {
def fromDar(dar: Dar[(PackageId, Package)]): Converter = {
val triggerIds = TriggerIds.fromDar(dar)
Converter(fromTransaction(triggerIds, _), fromACS(triggerIds, _))
fromTransaction(triggerIds, _),
fromACS(triggerIds, _),
toCommands(triggerIds, _)
case class Runner(getTriggerSink: Seq[CreatedEvent] => Sink[Transaction, Future[SExpr]])
class Runner(
ledgerId: LedgerId,
applicationId: ApplicationId,
party: String,
dar: Dar[(PackageId, Package)],
submit: SubmitRequest => Unit) {
object Runner {
def fromDar(dar: Dar[(PackageId, Package)], triggerId: Identifier): Runner = {
val converter = Converter.fromDar(dar)
val compiledPackages = PureCompiledPackages(dar.all.toMap).right.get
val compiler = Compiler(compiledPackages.packages)
private val converter = Converter.fromDar(dar)
private val triggerIds = TriggerIds.fromDar(dar)
private val darMap: Map[PackageId, Package] = dar.all.toMap
private val compiler = Compiler(darMap)
// We overwrite the definition of toLedgerValue with an identity function.
// This is a type error but Speedy doesnt care about the types and the only thing we do
// with the result is convert it to ledger values/record so this is safe.
private val definitionMap =
compiler.compilePackages(darMap.keys) +
DottedName.assertFromString("toLedgerValue")))) ->
SEMakeClo(Array(), 1, SEVar(1)))
private val compiledPackages = PureCompiledPackages(darMap, definitionMap).right.get
def getTriggerSink(
triggerId: Identifier,
acs: Seq[CreatedEvent]): Sink[Transaction, Future[SExpr]] = {
val triggerExpr = EVal(triggerId)
val (tyCon: TypeConName, stateTy) =
dar.main._2.lookupIdentifier(triggerId.qualifiedName).right.get match {
case DValue(TApp(TTyCon(tcon), stateTy), _, _, _) => (tcon, stateTy)
dar.main._2.lookupIdentifier(triggerId.qualifiedName).toOption match {
case Some(DValue(TApp(TTyCon(tcon), stateTy), _, _, _)) => (tcon, stateTy)
case _ => {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Identifier does not point to trigger")
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Identifier ${triggerId.qualifiedName} does not point to trigger")
val triggerTy: TypeConApp = TypeConApp(tyCon, ImmArray(stateTy))
@ -223,11 +377,27 @@ object Runner {
val getInitialState =
compiler.compile(ERecProj(triggerTy, Name.assertFromString("initialState"), triggerExpr))
def getSink(acs: Seq[CreatedEvent]): Sink[Transaction, Future[SExpr]] = {
val machine = Speedy.Machine.fromSExpr(null, false, compiledPackages)
val createdExpr: SExpr = SEValue(converter.fromACS(acs))
val initialState = SEApp(getInitialState, Array(createdExpr))
machine.ctrl = Speedy.CtrlExpr(initialState)
val machine = Speedy.Machine.fromSExpr(null, false, compiledPackages)
val createdExpr: SExpr = SEValue(converter.fromACS(acs))
val initialState =
SEApp(getInitialState, Array(SEValue(SParty(Party.assertFromString(party))), createdExpr))
machine.ctrl = Speedy.CtrlExpr(initialState)
while (!machine.isFinal) {
machine.step() match {
case SResultContinue => ()
case SResultError(err) => {
throw new RuntimeException(err)
case res => {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected speedy result $res")
val evaluatedInitialState = machine.toSValue
println(s"Initial state: $evaluatedInitialState")
Sink.fold[SExpr, Transaction](SEValue(evaluatedInitialState))((state, transaction) => {
val message = converter.fromTransaction(transaction)
machine.ctrl = Speedy.CtrlExpr(SEApp(update, Array(SEValue(message), state)))
while (!machine.isFinal) {
machine.step() match {
case SResultContinue => ()
@ -239,37 +409,47 @@ object Runner {
val evaluatedInitialState = machine.toSValue
println(s"Initial state: $evaluatedInitialState")
Sink.fold[SExpr, Transaction](SEValue(evaluatedInitialState))((state, transaction) => {
val message = converter.fromTransaction(transaction)
machine.ctrl = Speedy.CtrlExpr(SEApp(update, Array(SEValue(message), state)))
while (!machine.isFinal) {
machine.step() match {
case SResultContinue => ()
case SResultError(err) => {
throw new RuntimeException(err)
case res => {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected speed result $res")
machine.toSValue match {
case SRecord(recordId, _, values)
if recordId.qualifiedName ==
DottedName.assertFromString("Tuple3")) => {
val newState = values.get(0)
val commandOpt = values.get(1)
val logMessage = values.get(2) match {
case SText(t) => t
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Log message should be text but was ${values.get(2)}")
println(s"New state: $newState")
println(s"Emitted log message: ${logMessage}")
commandOpt match {
case SOptional(Some(commandsVal)) =>
converter.toCommands(commandsVal) match {
case Left(err) => throw new RuntimeException(err)
case Right((commandId, commands)) => {
val commandsArg = Commands(
ledgerId = ledgerId.unwrap,
applicationId = applicationId.unwrap,
commandId = commandId,
party = party,
ledgerEffectiveTime = Some(fromInstant(Instant.EPOCH)),
maximumRecordTime = Some(fromInstant(Instant.EPOCH.plusSeconds(5))),
commands = commands
submit(SubmitRequest(commands = Some(commandsArg)))
case _ => {}
machine.toSValue match {
case SRecord(_, _, values) => {
val newState = values.get(0)
val command = values.get(1)
println(s"Emitted log message: $command")
println(s"New state: $newState")
case v => {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Expected Tuple2 but got $v")
case v => {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Expected Tuple3 but got $v")
@ -288,7 +468,6 @@ object RunnerMain {
val triggerId: Identifier =
Identifier(dar.main._1, QualifiedName.assertFromString(config.triggerIdentifier))
val runner = Runner.fromDar(dar, triggerId)
val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("TriggerRunner")
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()(system)
@ -309,6 +488,11 @@ object RunnerMain {
client <- LedgerClient.singleHost(config.ledgerHost, config.ledgerPort, clientConfig)(
runner <- Future {
new Runner(client.ledgerId, applicationId, config.ledgerParty, dar, submitRequest => {
val _ = client.commandClient.submitSingleCommand(submitRequest)
acsResponses <- client.activeContractSetClient
.getActiveContracts(filter, verbose = true)
@ -324,7 +508,7 @@ object RunnerMain {
TransactionFilter(List((config.ledgerParty, Filters.defaultInstance)).toMap))
.runWith(runner.getTriggerSink(acsResponses.flatMap(x => x.activeContracts)))
.runWith(runner.getTriggerSink(triggerId, acsResponses.flatMap(x => x.activeContracts)))
} yield ()
flow.onComplete(_ => system.terminate())

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@ -9,27 +9,56 @@ import qualified DA.TextMap as TM
import Daml.Trigger
type ACS = TextMap Identifier
data TriggerState = TriggerState
{ activeAssets : TextMap Identifier
, nextCommandId : Int
, party : Party
test : Trigger (TextMap Identifier)
initState : Party -> ActiveContracts -> TriggerState
initState party (ActiveContracts events) = TriggerState (foldl updateAcs TM.empty events) 0 party
updateAcs : TextMap Identifier -> Created -> TextMap Identifier
updateAcs acs (Created _ cId tId)
| tId.entityName == "Asset" = TM.insert cId tId acs
| otherwise = acs
-- | This is a very silly trigger for testing purposes:
-- We track the active Asset contracts (we make no attempts to distinguish different things called Asset)
-- and we create a new AssetMirror contract whenever an Asset contract is created (but we do not archive them).
test : Trigger TriggerState
test = Trigger
{ initialState = init
{ initialState = initState
, update = update
init : ActiveContracts -> TextMap Identifier
init (ActiveContracts events) = foldl updateAcs TM.empty events
updateAcs : TextMap Identifier -> Created -> TextMap Identifier
updateAcs acs (Created _ cId tId) = TM.insert cId tId acs
update : Message -> TextMap Identifier -> (TextMap Identifier, Text)
update (MTransaction t) acs = (foldl updateEvent acs (events t), transactionId t)
updateEvent : TextMap Identifier -> Event -> TextMap Identifier
updateEvent acs ev = case ev of
CreatedEvent (Created _ cId tId) -> TM.insert cId tId acs
ArchivedEvent (Archived _ cId _) -> TM.delete cId acs
update : Message -> TriggerState -> (TriggerState, Optional Commands, Text)
update (MTransaction t) (TriggerState acs nextId party) = case foldl updateEvent ([], acs) (events t) of
([], acs) -> (TriggerState acs nextId party, None, "No command")
(cmds, acs) ->
( TriggerState acs (nextId + 1) party
, Some $ Commands ("command_" <> show nextId) cmds
, "Submitted " <> show (length cmds) <> " commands"
updateEvent : ([Command], TextMap Identifier) -> Event -> ([Command], TextMap Identifier)
updateEvent (cmds, acs) ev = case ev of
CreatedEvent (Created _ cId tId)
| tId.entityName == "Asset" ->
let createMirror : Command = createCmd (TemplateId "ACS" "AssetMirror") (AssetMirror { issuer = party })
in (createMirror :: cmds, TM.insert cId tId acs)
ArchivedEvent (Archived _ cId tId)
| tId.entityName == "Asset" -> (cmds, TM.delete cId acs)
_ -> (cmds, acs)
template Asset
issuer : Party
signatory issuer
template AssetMirror
issuer : Party
signatory issuer

View File

@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ object AcsMain {
private val applicationId = ApplicationId("AscMain test")
case class ActiveAssetMirrors(num: Int)
case class NumTransactions(num: Long)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
configParser.parse(args, Config(0, null)) match {
case None =>
@ -86,7 +89,6 @@ object AcsMain {
val triggerId: Identifier =
Identifier(dar.main._1, QualifiedName.assertFromString("ACS:test"))
val runner = Runner.fromDar(dar, triggerId)
val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("TriggerRunner")
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()(system)
@ -194,7 +196,9 @@ object AcsMain {
def test(transactions: Long, commands: (LedgerClient, String) => Future[Set[String]]) = {
def test(
transactions: NumTransactions,
commands: (LedgerClient, String) => Future[(Set[String], ActiveAssetMirrors)]) = {
val party = getNewParty()
val clientF =
LedgerClient.singleHost("localhost", config.ledgerPort, clientConfig)(ec, sequencer)
@ -210,19 +214,25 @@ object AcsMain {
.fold(LedgerOffset().withBoundary(LedgerOffset.LedgerBoundary.LEDGER_BEGIN))(resp =>
runner <- Future {
new Runner(client.ledgerId, applicationId, party, dar, submitRequest => {
val _ = client.commandClient.submitSingleCommand(submitRequest)
finalState <- client.transactionClient
.getTransactions(offset, None, filter)
.runWith(runner.getTriggerSink(acsResponses.flatMap(x => x.activeContracts)))
runner.getTriggerSink(triggerId, acsResponses.flatMap(x => x.activeContracts)))
} yield finalState
val commandsFlow: Future[Set[String]] = for {
val commandsFlow: Future[(Set[String], ActiveAssetMirrors)] = for {
client <- clientF
activeContracts <- commands(client, party)
} yield activeContracts
r <- commands(client, party)
} yield r
// We want to error out if either of the futures fails so Future.sequence
// does not do the trick and we have to hack around it using a Promise
val p = Promise[(SExpr, Set[String])]()
val p = Promise[(SExpr, (Set[String], ActiveAssetMirrors))]()
triggerFlow.onComplete(r =>
r match {
case Success(_) => ()
@ -253,38 +263,60 @@ object AcsMain {
val r = Await.result(p.future, Duration.Inf)
r._1 match {
case SEValue(SMap(v)) =>
case SEValue(SRecord(_, _, vals)) => {
assert(vals.size == 3, s"Expected record with 3 fields but got ${r._1}")
val activeAssets = vals.get(0) match {
case SMap(v) => v.keySet
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Expected a map but got ${vals.get(0)}")
assert(activeAssets == r._2._1, s"Expected ${r._2._1} but got $activeAssets")
val activeMirrorContractsF: Future[Int] = for {
client <- clientF
acsResponses <- client.activeContractSetClient
.getActiveContracts(filter, verbose = true)
} yield
.flatMap(x => x.activeContracts)
.filter(x => x.getTemplateId.entityName == "AssetMirror")
val activeMirrorContracts = Await.result(activeMirrorContractsF, Duration.Inf)
v.keySet == r._2,
"Expected " + r._2.toString + " but got " + v.keySet.toString)
case _ => assert(false, "Expected a map but got " + r._1.toString)
activeMirrorContracts == r._2._2.num,
s"Expected ${r._2._2.num} but got $activeMirrorContracts")
case _ => assert(false, "Expected a map but got ${r._1.toString}")
try {
test(1, (client, party) => {
test(NumTransactions(2), (client, party) => {
for {
contractId <- create(client, party, "1.0")
} yield Set(contractId)
test(2, (client, party) => {
for {
contractId1 <- create(client, party, "2.0")
contractId2 <- create(client, party, "2.1")
} yield Set(contractId1, contractId2)
} yield (Set(contractId), ActiveAssetMirrors(1))
(client, party) => {
for {
contractId1 <- create(client, party, "2.0")
contractId2 <- create(client, party, "2.1")
} yield (Set(contractId1, contractId2), ActiveAssetMirrors(2))
(client, party) => {
for {
contractId1 <- create(client, party, "3.0")
contractId2 <- create(client, party, "3.1")
_ <- archive(client, party, "3.2", contractId1)
_ <- archive(client, party, "3.3", contractId2)
} yield Set()
} yield (Set(), ActiveAssetMirrors(2))