interface fixed choices: LFConversion support (#11206)

* interface fixed choices: LFConversion support

Part of #11137


* Update experimental primitives name, invoke UExerciseInterface
This commit is contained in:
Sofia Faro 2021-10-12 18:06:52 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 73d9ebfe0d
commit 7a02e7c440
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 138 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ data Env = Env
,envImplements :: MS.Map TypeConName [GHC.TyCon]
,envInterfaceInstances :: MS.Map (GHC.Module, TypeConName, TypeConName) (GHC.Expr GHC.CoreBndr)
,envInterfaceChoiceData :: MS.Map TypeConName [ChoiceData]
,envInterfaces :: S.Set TypeConName
,envInterfaces :: MS.Map TypeConName GHC.TyCon
,envIsGenerated :: Bool
,envTypeVars :: !(MS.Map Var TypeVarName)
-- ^ Maps GHC type variables in scope to their LF type variable names
@ -411,37 +411,41 @@ modInstanceInfoFromDetails :: ModDetails -> ModInstanceInfo
modInstanceInfoFromDetails ModDetails{..} = MS.fromList
[ (is_dfun, overlapMode is_flag) | ClsInst{..} <- md_insts ]
interfaceNames :: LF.Version -> [TyThing] -> S.Set TypeConName
interfaceNames :: LF.Version -> [TyThing] -> MS.Map TypeConName TyCon
interfaceNames lfVersion tyThings
| lfVersion `supports` featureInterfaces =
S.fromList [ mkTypeCon [getOccText t] | ATyCon t <- tyThings, hasDamlInterfaceCtx t ]
| otherwise = S.empty
| lfVersion `supports` featureInterfaces = MS.fromList
[ (mkTypeCon [getOccText t], t)
| ATyCon t <- tyThings
, hasDamlInterfaceCtx t
| otherwise = MS.empty
convertInterfaces :: Env -> [TyThing] -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertInterfaces env tyThings = interfaceClasses
interfaceClasses :: ConvertM [Definition]
interfaceClasses = sequence
[ DInterface <$> convertInterface interface cls choiceData
[ DInterface <$> convertInterface name tycon cls
| ATyCon t <- tyThings
, Just cls <- [tyConClass_maybe t]
, Just interface <- [T.stripPrefix "Is" (getOccText t)]
, TypeConName [interface] `S.member` (envInterfaces env)
, choiceData <- [MS.findWithDefault [] (TypeConName [interface]) $ envInterfaceChoiceData env]
, let name = TypeConName [interface]
, Just tycon <- [MS.lookup name (envInterfaces env)]
convertInterface :: T.Text -> Class -> [ChoiceData] -> ConvertM DefInterface
convertInterface name cls choiceData = do
methods <- mapM convertMethod (drop 4 $ classMethods cls)
choices <- mapM convertChoice choiceData
pure DefInterface
{ intLocation = Nothing
, intName = mkTypeCon [name]
, intParam = ExprVarName "this"
, intVirtualChoices = NM.fromList choices
, intFixedChoices = NM.empty -- TODO
, intMethods = NM.fromList methods
convertChoice :: ChoiceData -> ConvertM InterfaceChoice
convertChoice (ChoiceData ty _expr) = do
convertInterface :: LF.TypeConName -> GHC.TyCon -> Class -> ConvertM DefInterface
convertInterface intName tyCon cls = do
let intLocation = convNameLoc (GHC.tyConName tyCon)
let intParam = this
withRange intLocation $ do
intMethods <- NM.fromList <$> mapM convertMethod (drop 4 $ classMethods cls)
intVirtualChoices <- NM.fromList <$> mapM convertVirtualChoice
(MS.findWithDefault [] intName (envInterfaceChoiceData env))
intFixedChoices <- convertChoices env intName emptyTemplateBinds
pure DefInterface {..}
convertVirtualChoice :: ChoiceData -> ConvertM InterfaceChoice
convertVirtualChoice (ChoiceData ty _expr) = do
TConApp _ [_ :-> _ :-> arg@(TConApp choiceTyCon _) :-> TUpdate res, consumingTy] <- convertType env ty
let choiceName = ChoiceName (T.intercalate "." $ unTypeConName $ qualObject choiceTyCon)
consuming <- convertConsuming consumingTy
@ -452,6 +456,7 @@ convertInterfaces env tyThings = interfaceClasses
, ifcArgType = arg
, ifcRetType = res
convertMethod :: Var -> ConvertM InterfaceMethod
convertMethod method = do
retTy <- convertType env (varType method) >>= \case
@ -812,7 +817,7 @@ convertTemplate env tplTypeCon tbinds@TemplateBinds{..}
pure Template {..}
| otherwise =
unhandled "Missing required instances in template definition." (show tplTypeCon)
unhandled ("Missing required instances in template definition for " <> show tplTypeCon) ()
wrapPrecondition b
@ -910,8 +915,7 @@ convertChoices env tplTypeCon tbinds =
(MS.findWithDefault [] tplTypeCon (envChoiceData env))
convertChoice :: Env -> TemplateBinds -> ChoiceData -> ConvertM TemplateChoice
convertChoice env tbinds (ChoiceData ty expr)
| Just fArchive <- tbArchive tbinds = do
convertChoice env tbinds (ChoiceData ty expr) = do
TConApp _ [_, _ :-> _ :-> choiceTy@(TConApp choiceTyCon _) :-> TUpdate choiceRetTy, consumingTy, _] <- convertType env ty
let choiceName = ChoiceName (T.intercalate "." $ unTypeConName $ qualObject choiceTyCon)
ERecCon _ [ (_, controllers)
@ -928,17 +932,22 @@ convertChoice env tbinds (ChoiceData ty expr)
consuming <- convertConsuming consumingTy
let update = action `ETmApp` EVar self `ETmApp` EVar this `ETmApp` EVar arg
archiveSelf <- useSingleMethodDict env fArchive (`ETmApp` EVar self)
update <- pure $
case consuming of
Consuming -> update
NonConsuming -> update
PreConsuming ->
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "_", TUnit) archiveSelf) update
PostConsuming ->
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, choiceRetTy) update) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "_", TUnit) archiveSelf) $
EUpdate $ UPure choiceRetTy $ EVar res
update <- case consuming of
Consuming -> pure update
NonConsuming -> pure update
PreConsuming | Just fArchive <- tbArchive tbinds -> do
archiveSelf <- useSingleMethodDict env fArchive (`ETmApp` EVar self)
pure $ EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "_", TUnit) archiveSelf) update
PreConsuming | otherwise ->
unsupported "preconsuming choice for interface" ()
PostConsuming | Just fArchive <- tbArchive tbinds -> do
archiveSelf <- useSingleMethodDict env fArchive (`ETmApp` EVar self)
pure $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, choiceRetTy) update) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "_", TUnit) archiveSelf) $
EUpdate $ UPure choiceRetTy $ EVar res
PostConsuming | otherwise ->
unsupported "postconsuming choice for interface" ()
pure TemplateChoice
{ chcLocation = Nothing
, chcName = choiceName
@ -975,7 +984,7 @@ convertBind env (name, x)
-- Reconsider once we have a constructor for existential interfaces
-- in LF.
| Just iface <- T.stripPrefix "$W" (getOccText name)
, mkTypeCon [iface] `S.member` (envInterfaces env) = pure []
, mkTypeCon [iface] `MS.member` envInterfaces env = pure []
-- NOTE(MH): Our inline return type syntax produces a local letrec for
-- recursive functions. We currently don't support local letrecs.

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@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ module Interface where
import DA.Assert ((===))
interface Token where
getOwner : Party
getAmount : Int
setAmount : Int -> Token
choice Split : (ContractId Token, ContractId Token)
@ -22,6 +24,37 @@ interface Token where
nothing : ()
-- Add HasCreate, HasSignatory, HasObserver instances in GHC parser
instance HasCreate Token where
create x = GHC.Types.primitive @"$RESOLVE_VIRTUAL_CREATE" x x
instance HasObserver Token where
observer x = GHC.Types.primitive @"$RESOLVE_VIRTUAL_OBSERVERS" x x
-- Instance disabled until issue is resolved.
-- instance HasSignatory Token where
-- signatory x = GHC.Types.primitive @"$RESOLVE_VIRTUAL_SIGNATORIES" x x
-- Implement fixed choices in GHC parser.
data GetRich = GetRich { byHowMuch : Int }
_choice_TokenGetRich :
( Token -> GetRich -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party]
, DA.Internal.Desugar.ContractId Token -> Token -> GetRich -> DA.Internal.Desugar.Update (ContractId Token)
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Consuming Token
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Optional (Token -> GetRich -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party])
_choice_TokenGetRich =
( \this _ -> [getOwner this]
, \self this GetRich{byHowMuch} -> do
assert (byHowMuch > 0)
create $ setAmount this (getAmount this + byHowMuch)
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Consuming
, DA.Internal.Desugar.None
instance IsToken t => HasExercise t GetRich (ContractId Token) where
exercise cid = GHC.Types.primitive @"UExerciseInterface" (toTokenContractId cid)
template Asset
issuer : Party
@ -30,7 +63,11 @@ template Asset
signatory issuer, owner
implements Token where
let getOwner = owner
let getAmount = amount
let setAmount = \x -> toToken (this with amount = x)
-- (maybe) support `let setAmount x = ...` syntax.
choice Split : (ContractId Token, ContractId Token)
@ -79,4 +116,15 @@ main = scenario do
None -> abort "expected Asset"
Some Asset {amount} ->
amount === 5
-- uncomment once speedy supports fixed choices
-- cidToken4 <- exercise cidToken3 (GetRich 20)
-- token4 <- fetch cidToken4
-- getAmount token4 === 25
-- case fromToken token4 of
-- None -> abort "expected Asset"
-- Some Asset {amount} ->
-- amount === 25
pure ()

View File

@ -28,7 +28,18 @@ class
fromToken : Token -> Optional t
toTokenContractId : ContractId t -> ContractId Token
fromTokenContractId : ContractId Token -> Update (Optional (ContractId t))
getOwner : t -> Party
getAmount : t -> Int
setAmount : t -> Int -> Token
instance HasCreate Token where
create x = GHC.Types.primitive @"$RESOLVE_VIRTUAL_CREATE" x x
instance HasObserver Token where
observer x = GHC.Types.primitive @"$RESOLVE_VIRTUAL_OBSERVERS" x x
-- Instance disabled until issue is resolved.
-- instance HasSignatory Token where
-- signatory x = GHC.Types.primitive @"$RESOLVE_VIRTUAL_SIGNATORIES" x x
instance HasFetch Token where
fetch = GHC.Types.primitive @"UFetchInterface"
@ -47,7 +58,9 @@ instance IsToken Token where
fromToken = GHC.Types.primitive @"EFromInterface"
toTokenContractId = GHC.Types.primitive @"EToInterfaceContractId"
fromTokenContractId = GHC.Types.primitive @"UFromInterfaceContractId"
getOwner = GHC.Types.primitiveInterface @"getOwner"
getAmount = GHC.Types.primitiveInterface @"getAmount"
setAmount = GHC.Types.primitiveInterface @"setAmount"
_interface_choice_TokenTransfer :
(DA.Internal.Desugar.ContractId Token
@ -73,6 +86,24 @@ _interface_choice_TokenNoop :
= (error "", DA.Internal.Desugar.NonConsuming)
data GetRich = GetRich { byHowMuch : Int }
_choice_TokenGetRich :
( Token -> GetRich -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party]
, DA.Internal.Desugar.ContractId Token -> Token -> GetRich -> DA.Internal.Desugar.Update (ContractId Token)
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Consuming Token
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Optional (Token -> GetRich -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party])
_choice_TokenGetRich =
( \this _ -> [getOwner this]
, \self this GetRich{byHowMuch} -> do
assert (byHowMuch > 0)
create $ setAmount this (getAmount this + byHowMuch)
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Consuming
, DA.Internal.Desugar.None
instance IsToken t => HasExercise t GetRich (ContractId Token) where
exercise cid = GHC.Types.primitive @"UExerciseInterface" (toTokenContractId cid)
data Asset = Asset { amount : Int, issuer : Party, owner : Party }
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -81,7 +112,9 @@ instance IsToken Asset where
fromToken = GHC.Types.primitive @"EFromInterface"
toTokenContractId = GHC.Types.primitive @"EToInterfaceContractId"
fromTokenContractId = GHC.Types.primitive @"UFromInterfaceContractId"
getOwner Asset{..} = owner
getAmount Asset{..} = amount
setAmount this x = toToken (this with amount = x)
_implements_AssetToken : DA.Internal.Desugar.Implements Asset Token
_implements_AssetToken = DA.Internal.Desugar.Implements
@ -199,4 +232,15 @@ main = scenario do
None -> abort "expected Asset"
Some Asset {amount} ->
amount === 5
-- uncomment once speedy supports fixed choices
-- cidToken4 <- exercise cidToken3 (GetRich 20)
-- token4 <- fetch cidToken4
-- getAmount token4 === 25
-- case fromToken token4 of
-- None -> abort "expected Asset"
-- Some Asset {amount} ->
-- amount === 25
pure ()