Add a data-dependencies test for stdlib exceptions. (#9799)

* Add a data-dependencies test for stdlib exceptions.


* fix test and run damlc test
This commit is contained in:
Sofia Faro 2021-05-26 10:04:43 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 575bf04303
commit 7a7b5fee76
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -1232,6 +1232,117 @@ tests Tools{damlc,repl,validate,davlDar,oldProjDar} = testGroup "Data Dependenci
[ "build"
, "--project-root", tmpDir </> "main"
, ""]
, testCaseSteps "Standard library exceptions" $ \step -> withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
step "building project to be imported via data-dependencies"
createDirectoryIfMissing True (tmpDir </> "lib")
writeFileUTF8 (tmpDir </> "lib" </> "daml.yaml") $ unlines
[ "sdk-version: " <> sdkVersion
, "name: lib"
, "source: ."
, "version: 0.1.0"
, "dependencies: [daml-prim, daml-stdlib]"
writeFileUTF8 (tmpDir </> "lib" </> "Lib.daml") $ unlines
[ "module Lib where"
, "import DA.Assert"
, "import DA.Exception"
, "template TLib"
, " with"
, " p : Party"
, " where"
, " signatory p"
, " ensure False"
, ""
, "libFnThatThrowsGeneralError : Party -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatThrowsGeneralError _ = error \"thrown from lib\""
, "libFnThatThrowsArithmeticError : Party -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatThrowsArithmeticError _ = pure (1 / 0) >> pure ()"
, "libFnThatThrowsAssertionFailed : Party -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatThrowsAssertionFailed _ = assert False"
, "libFnThatThrowsPreconditionFailed : Party -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatThrowsPreconditionFailed p = create (TLib p) >> pure ()"
, ""
, "libFnThatCatchesGeneralError : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatCatchesGeneralError m = try m () catch (e: GeneralError) -> pure ()"
, "libFnThatCatchesArithmeticError : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatCatchesArithmeticError m = try m () catch (e: ArithmeticError) -> pure ()"
, "libFnThatCatchesAssertionFailed : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatCatchesAssertionFailed m = try m () catch (e: AssertionFailed) -> pure ()"
, "libFnThatCatchesPreconditionFailed : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "libFnThatCatchesPreconditionFailed m = try m () catch (e: PreconditionFailed) -> pure ()"
callProcessSilent damlc
[ "build"
, "--project-root", tmpDir </> "lib"
, "-o", tmpDir </> "lib" </> "lib.dar"
, ""]
step "building project that imports it via data-dependencies"
createDirectoryIfMissing True (tmpDir </> "main")
writeFileUTF8 (tmpDir </> "main" </> "daml.yaml") $ unlines
[ "sdk-version: " <> sdkVersion
, "name: main"
, "source: ."
, "version: 0.1.0"
, "dependencies: [daml-prim, daml-stdlib]"
, "data-dependencies: "
, " - " <> (tmpDir </> "lib" </> "lib.dar")
writeFileUTF8 (tmpDir </> "main" </> "Main.daml") $ unlines
[ "module Main where"
, "import DA.Assert"
, "import DA.Exception"
, "import Lib"
, "template TMain"
, " with"
, " p : Party"
, " where"
, " signatory p"
, " ensure False"
, ""
, "mainFnThatThrowsGeneralError : Party -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatThrowsGeneralError _ = error \"thrown from main\""
, "mainFnThatThrowsArithmeticError : Party -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatThrowsArithmeticError _ = pure (1 / 0) >> pure ()"
, "mainFnThatThrowsAssertionFailed : Party -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatThrowsAssertionFailed _ = assert False"
, "mainFnThatThrowsPreconditionFailed : Party -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatThrowsPreconditionFailed p = create (TMain p) >> pure ()"
, ""
, "mainFnThatCatchesGeneralError : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatCatchesGeneralError m = try m () catch (e: GeneralError) -> pure ()"
, "mainFnThatCatchesArithmeticError : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatCatchesArithmeticError m = try m () catch (e: ArithmeticError) -> pure ()"
, "mainFnThatCatchesAssertionFailed : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatCatchesAssertionFailed m = try m () catch (e: AssertionFailed) -> pure ()"
, "mainFnThatCatchesPreconditionFailed : (() -> Update ()) -> Update ()"
, "mainFnThatCatchesPreconditionFailed m = try m () catch (e: PreconditionFailed) -> pure ()"
, ""
, "mkScenario : ((() -> Update ()) -> Update ()) -> (Party -> Update ()) -> Scenario ()"
, "mkScenario catcher thrower = scenario do"
, " p <- getParty \"Alice\""
, " submit p (catcher (\\() -> thrower p))"
, ""
, "libThrow1 = mkScenario mainFnThatCatchesGeneralError libFnThatThrowsGeneralError"
, "libThrow2 = mkScenario mainFnThatCatchesArithmeticError libFnThatThrowsArithmeticError"
, "libThrow3 = mkScenario mainFnThatCatchesAssertionFailed libFnThatThrowsAssertionFailed"
, "libThrow4 = mkScenario mainFnThatCatchesPreconditionFailed libFnThatThrowsPreconditionFailed"
, ""
, "libCatch1 = mkScenario libFnThatCatchesGeneralError mainFnThatThrowsGeneralError"
, "libCatch2 = mkScenario libFnThatCatchesArithmeticError mainFnThatThrowsArithmeticError"
, "libCatch3 = mkScenario libFnThatCatchesAssertionFailed mainFnThatThrowsAssertionFailed"
, "libCatch4 = mkScenario libFnThatCatchesPreconditionFailed mainFnThatThrowsPreconditionFailed"
callProcessSilent damlc
[ "build"
, "--project-root", tmpDir </> "main"
, ""]
step "running damlc test"
callProcessSilent damlc
[ "test"
, "--project-root", tmpDir </> "main"
, ""]
simpleImportTest :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> TestTree