Map shortened scala test suite names to long names on Windows (#10628)

* Generate short to long name mapping in aspect

Maps shortened test names in da_scala_test_suite on Windows to their
long name on Linux and MacOS.

Names are shortened on Windows to avoid exceeding MAX_PATH.

* Script to generate scala test name mapping

* Generate scala-test-suite-name-map.json on Windows


* Generate UTF-8 with Unix line endings

Otherwise the file will be formatted using UTF-16 with CRLF line
endings, which confuses `jq` on Linux.

* Apply Scala test name remapping before ES upload

* Pipe bazel output into intermediate file

Bazel writes the output of --experimental_show_artifacts to stderr
instead of stdout. In Powershell this means that these outputs are not
plain strings, but instead error objects. Simply redirecting these to
stdout and piping them into further processing will lead to
indeterministically missing items or indeterministically introduced
additional newlines which may break paths.

To work around this we extract the error message from error objects,
introduce appropriate newlines, and write the output to a temporary file
before further processing.

This solution is taken and adapted from

* Add copyright header

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <>
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Herrmann 2021-08-24 17:03:45 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6e4a24c28c
commit 7b94b0674e
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 145 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ load(
load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala/private:common.bzl", "sanitize_string_for_usage")
@ -730,3 +731,53 @@ def da_scala_benchmark_jmh(
deps = resolve_scala_deps(deps, scala_deps, versioned_deps, versioned_scala_deps)
runtime_deps = resolve_scala_deps(runtime_deps, scala_runtime_deps)
_wrap_rule_no_plugins(scala_benchmark_jmh, deps, runtime_deps, **kwargs)
def _da_scala_test_short_name_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
is_scala_test = ctx.rule.kind == "scala_test"
srcs = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "srcs", [])
has_single_src = type(srcs) == "list" and len(srcs) == 1
split ="_", 1)
is_numbered = len(split) == 2 and split[1].isdigit()
if is_numbered:
[name, number] = split
is_relevant = is_scala_test and has_single_src and is_numbered
if not is_relevant:
return []
src_name = srcs[0]
long_name = "%s_test_suite_%s" % (name, sanitize_string_for_usage(src_name))
long_label = target.label.relative(long_name)
info_json = json.encode(struct(
short_label = str(target.label),
long_label = str(long_label),
# Aspect generated providers are not available to Starlark cquery output,
# so we write the information to a file from where it can be collected in a
# separate step.
# See
info_out = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}_scala_test_info.json".format(
ctx.actions.write(info_out, content = info_json, is_executable = False)
return [OutputGroupInfo(scala_test_info = depset([info_out]))]
da_scala_test_short_name_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _da_scala_test_short_name_aspect_impl,
doc = """\
Maps shortened test names in da_scala_test_suite test-cases to long names.
Test cases in da_scala_test_suite have shortened Bazel labels on Windows to
avoid exceeding the MAX_PATH length limit on Windows. For the purposes of CI
monitoring this makes it difficult to determine how a particular test case
behaves across different platforms, since the name is different on Windows than
on Linux and MacOS.
This aspect generates a JSON file in the scala_test_info output group that
describes a mapping from the shortened name to the regular long name.
Such an output will be generated for any scala_test target that has a single
source file and who's name follows the pattern `<name>_<number>`.

View File

@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ bazel build //... `
bazel shutdown
if ($env:SKIP_TESTS -ceq "False") {
# Generate mapping from shortened scala-test names on Windows to long names on Linux and MacOS.
./ci/remap-scala-test-short-names.ps1 `
| Out-File -Encoding UTF8 -NoNewline scala-test-suite-name-map.json
bazel test //... `
`-`-profile test-profile.json `
`-`-experimental_profile_include_target_label `

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' causes the script to fail because Bazel writes to stderr.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
[string[]]$scala_test_targets = bazel.exe query "kind(scala_test, deps(kind(test_suite, //...), 1))"
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
throw "bazel query returned non-zero exit code: $lastexitcode"
if ($scala_test_targets.count -gt 0) {
try {
# Bazel writes the output of --experimental_show_artifacts to stderr
# instead of stdout. In Powershell this means that these outputs are not
# plain strings, but instead error objects. Simply redirecting these to
# stdout and piping them into further processing will lead to
# indeterministically missing items or indeterministically introduced
# additional newlines which may break paths.
# To work around this we extract the error message from error objects,
# introduce appropriate newlines, and write the output to a temporary file
# before further processing.
# This solution is taken and adapted from
$bazelexitcode = 0
$tmp = New-TemporaryFile
try {
$append = $false
$out = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($tmp, $append)
bazel.exe build `
"--aspects=//bazel_tools:scala.bzl%da_scala_test_short_name_aspect" `
"--output_groups=scala_test_info" `
"--experimental_show_artifacts" `
@scala_test_targets `
2>&1 | % {
if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
if ($_.TargetObject -ne $null) {
} else {
$bazelexitcode = $lastexitcode
} finally {
if ($bazelexitcode -ne 0) {
$errmsg = Get-Content $tmp
Write-Error -Message "$errmsg"
throw "bazel build returned non-zero exit code: $lastexitcode"
Get-Content $tmp |
% { if ( $_ -match ">>>(?<filename>.*)" ) { Get-Content $Matches.filename } } |
jq -acsS "map({key:.short_label,value:.long_label})|from_entries"
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
throw "jq returned non-zero exit code: $lastexitcode"
} finally {
Remove-Item $tmp

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ steps:
mkdir -p "$target_dir"
cp "job-md.json" "$target_dir/job-md.json"
for log_file in 'build-profile.json' 'build-events.json' 'test-profile.json' 'test-events.json'; do
for log_file in 'build-profile.json' 'build-events.json' 'test-profile.json' 'test-events.json' 'scala-test-suite-name-map.json'; do
[[ -f "$log_file" ]] && cp "$log_file" "$target_dir/$log_file" || echo "$log_file not found"
cd "$(Build.StagingDirectory)"

View File

@ -781,6 +781,23 @@ bulk_upload() {
echo "$res"
patch() {
local job map
# Replace shortened Scala test names by their long names.
# See //bazel_tools:scala.bzl%da_scala_test_short_name_aspect.
if ! [[ -f "$job/$map" ]]; then
echo "$job: no $map"
echo "$job: applying $map"
# Generates a sed command to replace short labels by long labels.
jq_command='to_entries | map("s|\(.key)\\b|\(.value)|g") | join(";")'
sed_command="$(jq -r "$jq_command" <"$job/$map")"
sed -i "$sed_command" "$job"/{build-events,build-profile,test-events,test-profile}.json
push() {
local job f pids
@ -852,6 +869,7 @@ for tar in $todo; do
ensure_index "$job" "$(index "$job" jobs)"
ensure_index "$job" "$(index "$job" events)"
tar --force-local -x -z -f "$(basename "$tar")"
patch "$job"
push "$job"
rm -rf $job
r=$(curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \