DAML-LF add Type Representation value (#3326)

* daml-lf: update spec with type-rep

* daml-lf: update proto with type-rep

* daml-lf: update scala side with TypeRep

* daml-lf: update compiler side with TypeRep

* Get triggers to compile

* Add featureTypeRep to allFeatures

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-Authored-By: Moritz Kiefer <moritz.kiefer@purelyfunctional.org>

* daml-lf: add builtin for TypeRep equality

* Address Andrea's comments

* formatting

* Fix triggers

* Fix template typerep tests
This commit is contained in:
Remy 2019-11-04 18:00:55 +01:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent edb2d15cec
commit 7c427119e1
47 changed files with 260 additions and 190 deletions

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@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ data BuiltinType
| BTMap
| BTArrow
| BTAny
| BTTypeRep
deriving (Eq, Data, Generic, NFData, Ord, Show)
-- | Type as used in typed binders.
@ -448,7 +449,7 @@ data Expr
{ fromAnyType :: !Type
, fromAnyBody :: !Expr
| EToTextTypeConName !(Qualified TypeConName)
| ETypeRep !Type
-- | Update expression.
| EUpdate !Update
-- | Scenario expression.

View File

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ instance Pretty BuiltinType where
BTMap -> "Map"
BTArrow -> "(->)"
BTAny -> "Any"
BTTypeRep -> "TypeRep"
prettyRecord :: (Pretty a) =>
PrettyLevel -> Doc ann -> [(FieldName, a)] -> Doc ann
@ -449,7 +450,7 @@ instance Pretty Expr where
ENone typ -> prettyAppKeyword lvl prec "none" [TyArg typ]
EToAny ty body -> prettyAppKeyword lvl prec "to_any" [TyArg ty, TmArg body]
EFromAny ty body -> prettyAppKeyword lvl prec "from_any" [TyArg ty, TmArg body]
EToTextTypeConName tycon -> prettyAppKeyword lvl prec "to_text_type_con_name" [tplArg tycon]
ETypeRep ty -> prettyAppKeyword lvl prec "type_rep" [TyArg ty]
instance Pretty DefDataType where
pPrintPrec lvl _prec (DefDataType mbLoc tcon (IsSerializable serializable) params dataCons) =

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ data ExprF expr
| ESomeF !Type !expr
| EToAnyF !Type !expr
| EFromAnyF !Type !expr
| EToTextTypeConNameF !(Qualified TypeConName)
| ETypeRepF !Type
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Traversable)
data BindingF expr = BindingF !(ExprVarName, Type) !expr
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ instance Recursive Expr where
ESome a b -> ESomeF a b
EToAny a b -> EToAnyF a b
EFromAny a b -> EFromAnyF a b
EToTextTypeConName a -> EToTextTypeConNameF a
ETypeRep a -> ETypeRepF a
instance Corecursive Expr where
embed = \case
@ -207,4 +207,4 @@ instance Corecursive Expr where
ESomeF a b -> ESome a b
EToAnyF a b -> EToAny a b
EFromAnyF a b -> EFromAny a b
EToTextTypeConNameF a -> EToTextTypeConName a
ETypeRepF a -> ETypeRep a

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@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ infixr 1 :->
pattern (:->) :: Type -> Type -> Type
pattern a :-> b = TArrow `TApp` a `TApp` b
pattern TUnit, TBool, TInt64, TDecimal, TText, TTimestamp, TParty, TDate, TArrow, TNumeric10, TAny, TNat10 :: Type
pattern TUnit, TBool, TInt64, TDecimal, TText, TTimestamp, TParty, TDate, TArrow, TNumeric10, TAny, TNat10, TTypeRep :: Type
pattern TUnit = TBuiltin BTUnit
pattern TBool = TBuiltin BTBool
pattern TInt64 = TBuiltin BTInt64
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ pattern TParty = TBuiltin BTParty
pattern TDate = TBuiltin BTDate
pattern TArrow = TBuiltin BTArrow
pattern TAny = TBuiltin BTAny
pattern TTypeRep = TBuiltin BTTypeRep
pattern TList, TOptional, TMap, TUpdate, TScenario, TContractId, TNumeric :: Type -> Type
pattern TList typ = TApp (TBuiltin BTList) typ

View File

@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ featureAnyType = Feature
, featureCppFlag = "DAML_ANY_TYPE"
featureTemplateTypeRep :: Feature
featureTemplateTypeRep = Feature
{ featureName = "templateTypeRep builtin"
featureTypeRep :: Feature
featureTypeRep = Feature
{ featureName = "TypeRep type"
, featureMinVersion = versionDev
, featureCppFlag = "DAML_TEMPLATE_TYPE_REP"
, featureCppFlag = "DAML_TYPE_REP"
featureStringInterning :: Feature
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ allFeatures :: [Feature]
allFeatures =
[ featureNumeric
, featureAnyType
, featureTypeRep
, featureStringInterning

View File

@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ decodeBuiltinFunction = pure . \case
LF1.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_DATE -> BEEqual BTDate
LF1.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_PARTY -> BEEqual BTParty
LF1.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_BOOL -> BEEqual BTBool
LF1.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_TYPE_REP -> BEEqual BTTypeRep
LF1.BuiltinFunctionLEQ_INT64 -> BELessEq BTInt64
LF1.BuiltinFunctionLEQ_DECIMAL -> BELessEq BTDecimal
@ -506,9 +507,8 @@ decodeExprSum exprSum = mayDecode "exprSum" exprSum $ \case
type' <- mayDecode "expr_FromAnyType" mbType decodeType
expr <- mayDecode "expr_FromAnyExpr" mbExpr decodeExpr
return (EFromAny type' expr)
LF1.ExprSumToTextTypeConName tycon -> do
con <- decodeTypeConName tycon
return (EToTextTypeConName con)
LF1.ExprSumTypeRep typ ->
ETypeRep <$> decodeType typ
decodeUpdate :: LF1.Update -> Decode Expr
decodeUpdate LF1.Update{..} = mayDecode "updateSum" updateSum $ \case
@ -678,6 +678,7 @@ decodePrim = pure . \case
LF1.PrimTypeMAP -> BTMap
LF1.PrimTypeARROW -> BTArrow
LF1.PrimTypeANY -> BTAny
LF1.PrimTypeTYPE_REP -> BTTypeRep
decodeTypeLevelNat :: Integer -> Decode TypeLevelNat
decodeTypeLevelNat m =

View File

@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ encodeBuiltinType = P.Enumerated . Right . \case
BTArrow -> P.PrimTypeARROW
BTNumeric -> P.PrimTypeNUMERIC
BTAny -> P.PrimTypeANY
BTTypeRep -> P.PrimTypeTYPE_REP
encodeType' :: Type -> Encode P.Type
encodeType' typ = fmap (P.Type . Just) $ case typ ^. _TApps of
@ -354,6 +355,7 @@ encodeBuiltinExpr = \case
BTDate -> builtin P.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_DATE
BTParty -> builtin P.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_PARTY
BTBool -> builtin P.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_BOOL
BTTypeRep -> builtin P.BuiltinFunctionEQUAL_TYPE_REP
other -> error $ "BEEqual unexpected type " <> show other
BELessEq typ -> case typ of
@ -579,8 +581,8 @@ encodeExpr' = \case
expr_FromAnyType <- encodeType ty
expr_FromAnyExpr <- encodeExpr body
pureExpr $ P.ExprSumFromAny P.Expr_FromAny{..}
EToTextTypeConName tycon -> do
expr . P.ExprSumToTextTypeConName <$> encodeQualTypeConName' tycon
ETypeRep ty -> do
expr . P.ExprSumTypeRep <$> encodeType' ty
expr = P.Expr Nothing . Just
pureExpr = pure . expr

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ freeVarsStep = \case
ESomeF _ s -> s
EToAnyF _ s -> s
EFromAnyF _ s -> s
EToTextTypeConNameF _ -> mempty
ETypeRepF _ -> mempty
EUpdateF u ->
case u of
UPureF _ s -> s
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ safetyStep = \case
EFromAnyF _ s
| Safe _ <- s -> Safe 0
| otherwise -> Unsafe
EToTextTypeConNameF _ -> Safe 0
ETypeRepF _ -> Safe 0
infoStep :: ExprF Info -> Info

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@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ kindOfBuiltin = \case
BTMap -> KStar `KArrow` KStar
BTArrow -> KStar `KArrow` KStar `KArrow` KStar
BTAny -> KStar
BTTypeRep -> KStar
kindOf :: MonadGamma m => Type -> m Kind
kindOf = \case
@ -502,29 +503,33 @@ typeOf = \case
ESome bodyType bodyExpr -> checkSome bodyType bodyExpr $> TOptional bodyType
ENone bodyType -> checkType bodyType KStar $> TOptional bodyType
EToAny ty bodyExpr -> do
checkAnyType ty
checkGroundType ty
checkExpr bodyExpr ty
pure $ TBuiltin BTAny
EFromAny ty bodyExpr -> do
checkAnyType ty
checkGroundType ty
checkExpr bodyExpr (TBuiltin BTAny)
pure $ TOptional ty
EToTextTypeConName tycon -> do
-- Ensure that the type is known.
_ <- inWorld (lookupDataType tycon)
pure $ TBuiltin BTText
ETypeRep ty -> do
checkGroundType ty
pure $ TBuiltin BTTypeRep
EUpdate upd -> typeOfUpdate upd
EScenario scen -> typeOfScenario scen
ELocation _ expr -> typeOf expr
-- Check that the type contains no type variables or quantifiers
checkAnyType :: MonadGamma m => Type -> m ()
checkAnyType ty =
checkGroundType' :: MonadGamma m => Type -> m ()
checkGroundType' ty =
when (para (\t children -> or (isForbidden t : children)) ty) $ throwWithContext $ EExpectedAnyType ty
where isForbidden (TVar _) = True
isForbidden (TForall _ _) = True
isForbidden _ = False
checkGroundType :: MonadGamma m => Type -> m ()
checkGroundType ty = do
_ <- checkType ty KStar
checkGroundType' ty
checkExpr' :: MonadGamma m => Expr -> Type -> m Type
checkExpr' expr typ = do
exprType <- typeOf expr

View File

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ data UnserializabilityReason
| URNumericOutOfRange !Natural
| URTypeLevelNat
| URAny -- ^ It contains a value of type Any.
| URTypeRep -- ^ It contains a value of type TypeRep.
data Error
= EUnknownTypeVar !TypeVarName
@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ instance Pretty UnserializabilityReason where
URNumericOutOfRange n -> "Numeric scale " <> integer (fromIntegral n) <> " is out of range (needs to be between 0 and 38)"
URTypeLevelNat -> "type-level nat"
URAny -> "Any"
URTypeRep -> "TypeRep"
instance Pretty Error where
pPrint = \case

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@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ serializabilityConditionsType world0 _version mbModNameTpls vars = go
BTArrow -> Left URFunction
BTNumeric -> Left URNumeric -- 'Numeric' is used as a higher-kinded type constructor.
BTAny -> Left URAny
BTTypeRep -> Left URTypeRep
TForall{} -> Left URForall
TTuple{} -> Left URTuple

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@ -538,6 +538,8 @@ generateSrcFromLf (Qualify qualify) thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
LF.BTNumeric -> mkGhcType "Numeric"
-- TODO see https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/issues/2876
LF.BTAny -> error "Any type not yet supported in upgrades"
LF.BTTypeRep -> error "TypeRep type not yet supported in upgrades"
mkGhcType =
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted .
noLoc . mkOrig gHC_TYPES . mkOccName varName
@ -646,6 +648,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf (Qualify qualify) thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
LF.BTNumeric -> (primUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["GHC", "Types"])
-- TODO: see https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/issues/2876
LF.BTAny -> error "Any type not yet supported in upgrades"
LF.BTTypeRep -> error "TypeRep type not yet supported in upgrades"
translateModName ::
forall a. NamedThing a

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@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
resField = mkField "getTemplateTypeRep"
ETyLam (proxyName, KStar `KArrow` KStar) $!
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureTemplateTypeRep
then ETmLam (arg, argType) $ ERecCon resType [(resField, EToTextTypeConName monoTyCon)]
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureTypeRep
then ETmLam (arg, argType) $ ERecCon resType [(resField, ETypeRep (TCon monoTyCon))]
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` (argType :-> typeConAppToType resType) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "templateTypeRep is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
tyArgs <- mapM (convertType env) tyArgs
-- NOTE(MH): The additional lambda is DICTIONARY SANITIZATION step (3).
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ convertBind env (name, x)
-- during conversion to DAML-LF together with their constructors since we
-- deliberately remove 'GHC.Types.Opaque' as well.
internalTypes :: UniqSet FastString
internalTypes = mkUniqSet ["Scenario","Update","ContractId","Time","Date","Party","Pair", "TextMap", "Any"]
internalTypes = mkUniqSet ["Scenario","Update","ContractId","Time","Date","Party","Pair", "TextMap", "Any", "TypeRep"]
internalFunctions :: UniqFM (UniqSet FastString)
internalFunctions = listToUFM $ map (bimap mkModuleNameFS mkUniqSet)
@ -1375,6 +1375,13 @@ convertTyCon env t
pure $ if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
then TAny
else TUnit
"TypeRep" ->
-- We just translate this to TUnit when it is not supported.
-- We cant get rid of it completely since the template desugaring uses
-- this and we do not want to make that dependent on the DAML-LF version.
pure $ if envLfVersion env `supports` featureTypeRep
then TTypeRep
else TUnit
_ -> defaultTyCon
| isBuiltinName "Optional" t = pure (TBuiltin BTOptional)
| otherwise = defaultTyCon

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-unused-binds #-} -- the opaque constructors are not exported
@ -41,8 +42,6 @@ module DA.Internal.LF
, AnyChoice
, TemplateTypeRep
, templateTypeRepToText
, templateTypeRepFromText
) where
import GHC.Types (Opaque, Symbol)
@ -221,12 +220,17 @@ newtype AnyTemplate = AnyTemplate { getAnyTemplate : Any }
-- | Existential choice type that can wrap an arbitrary chice.
newtype AnyChoice = AnyChoice { getAnyChoice : Any }
-- | Value-level representation of a type.
-- We do not expose this directly and instead only expose TemplateTypeRep.
data TypeRep = TypeRep Opaque
-- | Unique textual representation of a template Id.
newtype TemplateTypeRep = TemplateTypeRep { getTemplateTypeRep : Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype TemplateTypeRep = TemplateTypeRep { getTemplateTypeRep : TypeRep }
deriving Eq
templateTypeRepToText : TemplateTypeRep -> Text
templateTypeRepToText = getTemplateTypeRep
templateTypeRepFromText : Text -> Optional TemplateTypeRep
templateTypeRepFromText = Some . TemplateTypeRep
instance Eq TypeRep where
(==) = primitive @"BEEqual"
(==) = error "TYPE_REP not supported in this version of DAML-LF"

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@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ instance MapKey Party where
keyToText = partyToText
keyFromText = fromSome . partyFromText
instance MapKey TemplateTypeRep where
keyToText = templateTypeRepToText
keyFromText = fromSome . templateTypeRepFromText
instance MapKey Int where
keyToText = show
keyFromText = fromSome . parseInt

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-- @SINCE-LF 1.dev
daml 1.2 module TemplateTypeRep where
import DA.Assert
import DA.Action
import qualified TemplateTypeRep2
template T1
@ -31,12 +31,21 @@ template Template t => GenericT t
template instance GT1 = GenericT T1
template instance GT2 = GenericT T2
main = scenario do
templateTypeRep @T1 === templateTypeRep @T1
templateTypeRep @T2 === templateTypeRep @T2
templateTypeRep @GT1 === templateTypeRep @GT1
templateTypeRep @GT2 === templateTypeRep @GT2
assertTypeRepEq : CanAbort m => TemplateTypeRep -> TemplateTypeRep -> m ()
assertTypeRepEq a b =
unless (a == b) $ abort "TypeReps are not equal"
templateTypeRep @T1 =/= templateTypeRep @T2
templateTypeRep @GT1 =/= templateTypeRep @GT2
templateTypeRep @T1 =/= templateTypeRep @TemplateTypeRep2.T1
assertTypeRepNeq : CanAbort m => TemplateTypeRep -> TemplateTypeRep -> m ()
assertTypeRepNeq a b =
unless (a /= b) $ abort "TypeReps are equal"
main = scenario do
assertTypeRepEq (templateTypeRep @T1) (templateTypeRep @T1)
assertTypeRepEq (templateTypeRep @T2) (templateTypeRep @T2)
assertTypeRepEq (templateTypeRep @GT1) (templateTypeRep @GT1)
assertTypeRepEq (templateTypeRep @GT2) (templateTypeRep @GT2)
assertTypeRepNeq (templateTypeRep @T1) (templateTypeRep @T2)
assertTypeRepNeq (templateTypeRep @GT1) (templateTypeRep @GT2)
assertTypeRepNeq (templateTypeRep @T1) (templateTypeRep @TemplateTypeRep2.T1)

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@ -274,6 +274,10 @@ enum PrimType {
// Builtin type 'Any'
// *Available in versions >= 1.dev*
ANY = 18;
// Builtin type 'TypeRep'
// *Available in versions >= 1.dev*
TYPE_REP = 19;
// Types
@ -483,6 +487,8 @@ enum BuiltinFunction {
TRACE = 88;
@ -490,7 +496,7 @@ enum BuiltinFunction {
TEXT_FROM_CODE_POINTS = 105; // *Available in versions >= 1.6*
TEXT_TO_CODE_POINTS = 106; // *Available in versions >= 1.6*
// Next id is 123. 122 is SHIFT_NUMERIC.
// Next id is 124. 123 is EQUAL_TYPE_REP.
// Builtin literals
@ -878,9 +884,9 @@ message Expr {
// *Available in versions >= 1.dev*
FromAny from_any = 31;
// Obtain a unique textual representation of a type constructor
// A type representation
// *Available in versions >= 1.dev*
TypeConName to_text_type_con_name = 32;
Type type_rep = 32;
reserved 19; // This was equals. Removed in favour of BuiltinFunction.EQUAL_*

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@ -842,9 +842,9 @@ private[archive] class DecodeV1(minor: LV.Minor) extends Decode.OfPackage[PLF.Pa
decodeExpr(lfExpr.getFromAny.getExpr, definition))
case PLF.Expr.SumCase.TO_TEXT_TYPE_CON_NAME =>
assertSince(LV.Features.toTextTypeConName, "Expr.ToTextTypeConName")
case PLF.Expr.SumCase.TYPE_REP =>
assertSince(LV.Features.typeRep, "Expr.type_rep")
case PLF.Expr.SumCase.SUM_NOT_SET =>
throw ParseError("Expr.SUM_NOT_SET")
@ -1223,7 +1223,8 @@ private[lf] object DecodeV1 {
BuiltinTypeInfo(MAP, BTMap, minVersion = optional),
BuiltinTypeInfo(ARROW, BTArrow, minVersion = arrowType),
BuiltinTypeInfo(NUMERIC, BTNumeric, minVersion = numeric),
BuiltinTypeInfo(ANY, BTAny, minVersion = anyType)
BuiltinTypeInfo(ANY, BTAny, minVersion = anyType),
BuiltinTypeInfo(TYPE_REP, BTTypeRep, minVersion = typeRep)
@ -1404,6 +1405,7 @@ private[lf] object DecodeV1 {
BuiltinFunctionInfo(EQUAL_BOOL, BEqualBool),
BuiltinFunctionInfo(EQUAL_LIST, BEqualList),
BuiltinFunctionInfo(EQUAL_CONTRACT_ID, BEqualContractId),
BuiltinFunctionInfo(EQUAL_TYPE_REP, BEqualTypeRep),
BuiltinFunctionInfo(TRACE, BTrace),
BuiltinFunctionInfo(COERCE_CONTRACT_ID, BCoerceContractId, minVersion = coerceContractId)

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@ -141,23 +141,7 @@ object Ref {
/* A fully-qualified identifier pointing to a definition in the
* specified package. */
case class Identifier(packageId: PackageId, qualifiedName: QualifiedName) {
override def toString: String = packageId.toString + ":" + qualifiedName.toString
object Identifier {
type T = Identifier
def fromString(s: String): Either[String, Identifier] = {
val segments = split(s, ':')
if (segments.length != 3)
Left(s"Expecting three segments in $s, but got ${segments.length}")
for {
packageId <- PackageId.fromString(segments(0))
qualifiedName <- QualifiedName.fromString(segments(1) + ":" + segments(2))
} yield Identifier(packageId, qualifiedName)
case class Identifier(packageId: PackageId, qualifiedName: QualifiedName)
/* Choice name in a template. */
val ChoiceName: Name.type = Name

View File

@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ object InterfaceReader {
s"Unserializable primitive type: $a must be applied to one and only one TNat")
case Ast.BTUpdate | Ast.BTScenario | Ast.BTArrow | Ast.BTAny =>
case Ast.BTUpdate | Ast.BTScenario | Ast.BTArrow | Ast.BTAny | Ast.BTTypeRep =>
unserializableDataType(ctx, s"Unserializable primitive type: $a")
(arity, primType) = ab

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@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class TypeSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
case Pkg.BTOptional => TypePrim(PrimTypeOptional, ImmArraySeq(assertOneArg(args)))
case Pkg.BTArrow => sys.error("cannot use arrow in interface type")
case Pkg.BTAny => sys.error("cannot use any in interface type")
case Pkg.BTTypeRep => sys.error("cannot use type representation in interface type")
case Pkg.TTyCon(tycon) => TypeCon(TypeConName(tycon), args.toImmArray.toSeq)
case Pkg.TNat(_) => sys.error("cannot use nat type in interface type")

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@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ final case class Compiler(packages: PackageId PartialFunction Package) {
case BEqualParty => SBEqual
case BEqualBool => SBEqual
case BEqualContractId => SBEqual
case BEqualTypeRep => SBEqual
// Map
@ -598,8 +599,8 @@ final case class Compiler(packages: PackageId PartialFunction Package) {
case EFromAny(ty, e) =>
SEApp(SEBuiltin(SBFromAny(ty)), Array(translate(e)))
case EToTextTypeConName(tyCon) =>
case ETypeRep(typ) =>
@ -1038,7 +1039,7 @@ final case class Compiler(packages: PackageId PartialFunction Package) {
def goV(v: SValue): Unit = {
v match {
case _: SPrimLit | STNat(_) =>
case _: SPrimLit | STNat(_) | STypeRep(_) =>
case SList(a) => a.iterator.foreach(goV)
case SOptional(x) => x.foreach(goV)
case SMap(map) => map.values.foreach(goV)

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@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ object SBuiltin {
case SParty(p) => p
case SUnit => s"<unit>"
case SDate(date) => date.toString
case SContractId(_) | SNumeric(_) => crash("litToText: literal not supported")
case SContractId(_) | SNumeric(_) | STypeRep(_) => crash("litToText: literal not supported")

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@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ sealed trait SValue {
case SAny(_, _) =>
throw SErrorCrash("SValue.toValue: unexpected SAny")
case STypeRep(_) =>
throw SErrorCrash("SValue.toValue: unexpected STypeRep")
case STNat(_) =>
throw SErrorCrash("SValue.toValue: unexpected STNat")
case _: SPAP =>
@ -78,6 +80,8 @@ sealed trait SValue {
def mapContractId(f: V.ContractId => V.ContractId): SValue =
this match {
case SContractId(coid) => SContractId(f(coid))
case SEnum(_, _) | _: SPrimLit | SToken | STNat(_) | STypeRep(_) => this
case SPAP(prim, args, arity) =>
val prim2 = prim match {
case PClosure(expr, vars) =>
@ -98,9 +102,6 @@ sealed trait SValue {
case SMap(value) =>
SMap(value.transform((_, v) => v.mapContractId(f)))
case SContractId(coid) =>
case SEnum(_, _) | _: SPrimLit | SToken | STNat(_) => this
case SAny(ty, value) =>
SAny(ty, value.mapContractId(f))
@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ object SValue {
final case object SUnit extends SPrimLit
final case class SDate(value: Time.Date) extends SPrimLit
final case class SContractId(value: V.ContractId) extends SPrimLit
final case class STypeRep(ty: Type) extends SPrimLit
// The "effect" token for update or scenario builtin functions.
final case object SToken extends SValue

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@ -508,8 +508,8 @@ object Speedy {
case SContractId(_) | SDate(_) | SNumeric(_) | SInt64(_) | SParty(_) | SText(_) |
STimestamp(_) | STuple(_, _) | SMap(_) | SRecord(_, _, _) | SAny(_, _) | STNat(_) |
_: SPAP | SToken =>
STimestamp(_) | STuple(_, _) | SMap(_) | SRecord(_, _, _) | SAny(_, _) | STypeRep(_) |
STNat(_) | _: SPAP | SToken =>
crash("Match on non-matchable value")

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@ -1121,6 +1121,30 @@ class SBuiltinTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers with TableDrivenPropertyChecks
val values = Table(
"(type_rep @Mod:T)",
"(type_rep @Mod:R)",
"(type_rep @Int64)",
"(type_rep @(Mod:Tree (List Text)))",
"(type_rep @((ContractId Mod:T) -> Mod:Color))",
"is reflexive" in {
forEvery(values)(v => {
val e = e"EQUAL_TYPE_REP $v $v"
eval(e) shouldBe Right(SBool(true))
"works as expected" in {
forEvery(values)(v1 =>
forEvery(values)(v2 => eval(e"EQUAL_TYPE_REP $v1 $v2") shouldBe Right(SBool(v1 == v2))))
"Debugging builtins" - {
"TRACE" - {

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@ -202,11 +202,15 @@ class SpeedyTest extends WordSpec with Matchers {
"to_text_type_con_name" should {
"type_rep" should {
"produces expected output" in {
eval(e"""to_text_type_con_name @Test:T1""", anyPkgs) shouldBe Right(SText("-pkgId-:Test:T1"))
eval(e"""to_text_type_con_name @Test:T2""", anyPkgs) shouldBe Right(SText("-pkgId-:Test:T2"))
eval(e"""type_rep @Test:T1""", anyPkgs) shouldBe Right(STypeRep(t"Test:T1"))
eval(e"""type_rep @Test2:T2""", anyPkgs) shouldBe Right(STypeRep(t"Test2:T2"))
eval(e"""type_rep @(Mod:Tree (List Text))""", anyPkgs) shouldBe Right(
STypeRep(t"Mod:Tree (List Text)"))
eval(e"""type_rep @((ContractId Mod:T) -> Mod:Color)""", anyPkgs) shouldBe Right(
STypeRep(t"(ContractId Mod:T) -> Mod:Color"))

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@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ object Ast {
final case class EFromAny(ty: Type, body: Expr) extends Expr
/** Unique textual representation of template Id **/
final case class EToTextTypeConName(tyCon: TypeConName) extends Expr
final case class ETypeRep(typ: Type) extends Expr
// Kinds
@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ object Ast {
case object BTContractId extends BuiltinType
case object BTArrow extends BuiltinType
case object BTAny extends BuiltinType
case object BTTypeRep extends BuiltinType
// Primitive literals
@ -422,6 +423,7 @@ object Ast {
final case object BEqualBool extends BuiltinFunction(2) // : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
final case object BEqualList extends BuiltinFunction(3) // : a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a -> Bool
final case object BEqualContractId extends BuiltinFunction(2) // : a. ContractId a -> ContractId a -> Bool
final case object BEqualTypeRep extends BuiltinFunction(2) // : TypeRep -> TypeRep -> Bool
final case object BCoerceContractId extends BuiltinFunction(1) // : a b. ContractId a -> ContractId b

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ object LanguageVersion {
val internedDottedNames = v1_dev
val numeric = v1_dev
val anyType = v1_dev
val toTextTypeConName = v1_dev
val typeRep = v1_dev
/** See <https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/issues/1866>. To not break backwards
* compatibility, we introduce a new DAML-LF version where this restriction is in

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ object Util {
val TDate = TBuiltin(BTDate)
val TParty = TBuiltin(BTParty)
val TAny = TBuiltin(BTAny)
val TTypeRep = TBuiltin(BTTypeRep)
val TNumeric = new ParametricType1(BTNumeric)
val TList = new ParametricType1(BTList)

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@ -71,8 +71,7 @@ private[digitalasset] class AstRewriter(
x match {
case EVar(_) | EBuiltin(_) | EPrimCon(_) | EPrimLit(_) | EContractId(_, _) |
EToTextTypeConName(_) =>
case EVar(_) | EBuiltin(_) | EPrimCon(_) | EPrimLit(_) | EContractId(_, _) | ETypeRep(_) =>
case EVal(ref) =>

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@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ private[parser] class ExprParser[P](parserParameters: ParserParameters[P]) {
private lazy val eToTextTypeConName: Parser[Expr] =
`to_text_type_con_name` ~! `@` ~> fullIdentifier ^^ EToTextTypeConName
`type_rep` ~>! argTyp ^^ ETypeRep
private lazy val pattern: Parser[CasePat] =
primCon ^^ CPPrimCon |
@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ private[parser] class ExprParser[P](parserParameters: ParserParameters[P]) {
"EQUAL_BOOL" -> BEqualBool,
"EQUAL_LIST" -> BEqualList,
"EQUAL_CONTRACT_ID" -> BEqualContractId,
"EQUAL_TYPE_REP" -> BEqualTypeRep,
"COERCE_CONTRACT_ID" -> BCoerceContractId,

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ private[parser] object Lexer extends RegexParsers {
"to" -> `to`,
"to_any" -> `to_any`,
"from_any" -> `from_any`,
"to_text_type_con_name" -> `to_text_type_con_name`
"type_rep" -> `type_rep`
val token: Parser[Token] =

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ private[parser] object Token {
case object `to` extends Token
case object `to_any` extends Token
case object `from_any` extends Token
case object `to_text_type_con_name` extends Token
case object `type_rep` extends Token
final case class Id(s: String) extends Token
final case class ContractId(s: String) extends Token

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ private[parser] class TypeParser[P](parameters: ParserParameters[P]) {
"Arrow" -> BTArrow,
"Map" -> BTMap,
"Any" -> BTAny,
"TypeRep" -> BTTypeRep,
private[parser] def fullIdentifier: Parser[Ref.Identifier] =

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@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ class ParsersSpec extends WordSpec with TableDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers
"EQUAL_BOOL" -> BEqualBool,
"EQUAL_LIST" -> BEqualList,
"EQUAL_CONTRACT_ID" -> BEqualContractId,
"EQUAL_TYPE_REP" -> BEqualTypeRep,
"COERCE_CONTRACT_ID" -> BCoerceContractId,

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@ -245,8 +245,7 @@ Version: 1.dev
``from_any`` and ``to_any`` functions to convert from/to
an arbitrary ground type (i.e. a type with no free type variables) to ``Any``.
* **Add** ``to_text_type_con_name`` to generate a unique textual representation
of a type constructor.
* **Add** ``type_rep``, a value presenting a type.
Abstract syntax
@ -544,6 +543,7 @@ Then we can define our kinds, types, and expressions::
| 'Update' -- BTyUpdate
| 'ContractId' -- BTyContractId
| 'Any' -- BTyAny
| 'TypeRep' -- BTTypeRep
Types (mnemonic: tau for type)
τ, σ
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ Then we can define our kinds, types, and expressions::
| u -- ExpUpdate: Update expression
| 'to_any' @τ t -- ExpToAny: Wrap a value of the given type in Any
| 'from_any' @τ t -- ExpToAny: Extract a value of the given from Any or return None
| 'to_text_type_con_name' @Mod:T -- ExpToTextTypeConName: Generate a unique textual representation of the given TypeConName
| 'type_rep' @τ -- ExpToTypeRep: A type representation
@ -807,6 +807,9 @@ First, we formally defined *well-formed types*. ::
————————————————————————————————————————————— TyAny
Γ ⊢ 'Any' : ⋆
————————————————————————————————————————————— TyTypeRep
Γ ⊢ 'TypeRep' : ⋆
'record' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
————————————————————————————————————————————— TyRecordCon
Γ ⊢ Mod:T : k₁ → … → kₙ → ⋆
@ -893,17 +896,9 @@ Then we define *well-formed expressions*. ::
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpFromAny
Γ ⊢ 'from_any' @τ e : 'Optional' τ
'record' (x : T) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpToTextTypeConNameRecord
Γ ⊢ 'to_text_type_con_name' @Mod:T : 'Text'
'variant' (x : T) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpToTextTypeConNameVariant
Γ ⊢ 'to_text_type_con_name' @Mod:T : 'Text'
'enum' (x : T) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpToTextTypeConNameEnum
Γ ⊢ 'to_text_type_con_name' @Mod:T : 'Text'
ε ⊢ τ : * τ contains no quantifiers
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpTypeRep
Γ ⊢ 'type_rep' @τ : 'TypeRep'
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpBuiltin
Γ ⊢ F : 𝕋(F)
@ -1508,11 +1503,13 @@ need to be evaluated further. ::
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpTupleCon
⊢ᵥ ⟨ f₁ = e₁, …, fₘ = eₘ ⟩
⊢ᵥ e
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpToAny
⊢ᵥ 'to_any' @τ e
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpTypeRep
⊢ᵥ 'type_rep' @τ
⊢ᵥ e
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpUpdPure
⊢ᵥ 'pure' e
@ -1683,10 +1680,6 @@ exact output.
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpFromAnyFail
'from_any' @τ₂ e ‖ E₀ ⇓ 'None' ‖ E₁
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpToTextTypeConName
'to_text_type_con_name' @Mod:T ‖ E₀ ⇓ "Mod:T" ‖ E₀
e₁ ‖ E₀ ⇓ Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
v 'matches' p₁ ⇝ Succ (x₁ ↦ v₁ · … · xₘ ↦ vₘ · ε)
e₁[x₁ ↦ v₁, …, xₘ ↦ vₘ] ‖ E₁ ⇓ r ‖ E₂
@ -2570,6 +2563,16 @@ Map functions
[*Available in versions >= 1.3*]
Type Representation function
* ``EQUAL_TYPE_REP`` : 'TypeRep' → 'TypeRep' → 'Bool'``
Returns ``'True'`` if the first type representation is syntactically equal to
the second one, ``'False'`` otherwise.
[*Available in versions >= 1.dev*]
Conversions functions

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@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ private[validation] object Serializability {
case BTAny =>
case BTTypeRep =>
case TForall(_, _) =>

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@ -113,7 +113,9 @@ private[validation] case class TypeSubst(map: Map[TypeVarName, Type], private va
def apply(expr0: Expr): Expr = expr0 match {
case EVar(_) | EVal(_) | EBuiltin(_) | EPrimCon(_) | EPrimLit(_) | EContractId(_, _) |
EEnumCon(_, _) | EToTextTypeConName(_) =>
EEnumCon(_, _)
// Type checking ensures there is no type variables in the arg of ETypeRep
| ETypeRep(_) =>
case ERecCon(tycon, fields) =>
ERecCon(apply(tycon), fields.transform { (_, x) =>

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ private[validation] object Typing {
private def kindOfBuiltin(bType: BuiltinType): Kind = bType match {
case BTInt64 | BTText | BTTimestamp | BTParty | BTBool | BTDate | BTUnit | BTAny =>
case BTInt64 | BTText | BTTimestamp | BTParty | BTBool | BTDate | BTUnit | BTAny | BTTypeRep =>
case BTNumeric => KArrow(KNat, KStar)
case BTList | BTUpdate | BTScenario | BTContractId | BTOptional | BTMap => KArrow(KStar, KStar)
@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ private[validation] object Typing {
(alpha ->: alpha ->: TBool) ->: TList(alpha) ->: TList(alpha) ->: TBool),
BEqualContractId ->
TForall(alpha.name -> KStar, TContractId(alpha) ->: TContractId(alpha) ->: TBool),
BEqualTypeRep -> (TTypeRep ->: TTypeRep ->: TBool),
BCoerceContractId ->
alpha.name -> KStar,
@ -727,34 +728,19 @@ private[validation] object Typing {
checkExpr(exp, TScenario(typ))
private def checkAnyType(typ: Type): Unit = {
// we check that typ contains neither variables nor quantifiers
// we check that typ contains neither variables nor quantifiers
private def checkGroundType_(typ: Type): Unit = {
typ match {
case TVar(_) | TForall(_, _) =>
throw EExpectedAnyType(ctx, typ)
case _ =>
private def typeOfToAny(ty: Type, body: Expr): Type = {
checkType(ty, KStar)
checkExpr(body, ty)
private def typeOfFromAny(ty: Type, body: Expr): Type = {
checkType(ty, KStar)
checkExpr(body, TAny)
private def typeOfToTextTypeConName(tpl: TypeConName): Type = {
lookupDataType(ctx, tpl)
private def checkGroundType(typ: Type): Unit = {
checkType(typ, KStar)
def typeOf(expr0: Expr): Type = expr0 match {
@ -820,12 +806,17 @@ private[validation] object Typing {
checkType(typ, KStar)
val _ = checkExpr(body, typ)
case EToAny(ty, body) =>
typeOfToAny(ty, body)
case EFromAny(ty, body) =>
typeOfFromAny(ty, body)
case EToTextTypeConName(tyCon) =>
case EToAny(typ, body) =>
checkExpr(body, typ)
case EFromAny(typ, body) =>
checkExpr(body, TAny)
case ETypeRep(typ) =>
def checkExpr(expr: Expr, typ: Type): Type = {

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@ -141,6 +141,9 @@ case object URUninhabitatedType extends UnserializabilityReason {
case object URAny extends UnserializabilityReason {
def pretty: String = "Any"
case object URTypeRep extends UnserializabilityReason {
def pretty: String = "TypeRep"
abstract class ValidationError extends java.lang.RuntimeException with Product with Serializable {
def context: Context

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ private[validation] object ExprTraversable {
private[traversable] def foreach[U](x: Expr, f: Expr => U): Unit = {
x match {
case EVar(_) | EBuiltin(_) | EPrimCon(_) | EPrimLit(_) | EVal(_) | EContractId(_, _) |
EEnumCon(_, _) | EToTextTypeConName(_) =>
EEnumCon(_, _) | ETypeRep(_) =>
case ELocation(_, expr) =>
case ERecCon(tycon @ _, fields) =>

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@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ private[validation] object TypeTraversable {
case EFromAny(typ, expr) =>
foreach(expr, f)
case EToTextTypeConName(tyCon) =>
case ETypeRep(tyCon) =>
case ENil(typ) =>
case ECons(typ, front, tail) =>

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@ -166,32 +166,32 @@ class TypingSpec extends WordSpec with TableDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {
E"Λ (τ : ⋆) (σ : ⋆). λ (e₁ : τ) (e₂: σ) → (( case e₁ of _ → e₂ ))" ->
T"∀ (τ : ⋆) (σ : ⋆). τ → σ → (( σ ))",
// ExpToAny
E"""λ (t : Mod:T) -> (( to_any @Mod:T t ))""" ->
T"Mod:T -> Any",
E"""λ (t : Mod:R Text) -> (( to_any @(Mod:R Text) t ))""" ->
T"Mod:R Text -> Any",
E"""λ (t : Text) -> (( to_any @Text t ))""" ->
T"Text -> Any",
E"""λ (t : Int64) -> (( to_any @Int64 t ))""" ->
E"""λ (t : Mod:T) (( to_any @Mod:T t ))""" ->
T"Mod:T Any",
E"""λ (t : Mod:R Text) (( to_any @(Mod:R Text) t ))""" ->
T"Mod:R Text Any",
E"""λ (t : Text) (( to_any @Text t ))""" ->
T"Text Any",
E"""λ (t : Int64) (( to_any @Int64 t ))""" ->
T"Int64 -> Any",
// ExpFromAny
E"""λ (t: Any) -> (( from_any @Mod:T t ))""" ->
E"""λ (t: Any) (( from_any @Mod:T t ))""" ->
T"Any → Option Mod:T",
E"""λ (t: Any) -> (( from_any @(Mod:R Text) t ))""" ->
E"""λ (t: Any) (( from_any @(Mod:R Text) t ))""" ->
T"Any → Option (Mod:R Text)",
E"""λ (t: Any) -> (( from_any @Text t ))""" ->
E"""λ (t: Any) (( from_any @Text t ))""" ->
T"Any → Option Text",
E"""λ (t: Any) -> (( from_any @Int64 t ))""" ->
E"""λ (t: Any) (( from_any @Int64 t ))""" ->
T"Any → Option Int64",
// ExpToTextTypeConName
E"""(( to_text_type_con_name @Mod:T ))""" ->
E"""(( to_text_type_con_name @Mod:R ))""" ->
E"""(( to_text_type_con_name @Mod:Tree ))""" ->
E"""(( to_text_type_con_name @Mod:Color ))""" ->
// ExpTypeRep
E"""(( type_rep @Mod:T ))""" ->
E"""(( type_rep @Int64 ))""" ->
E"""(( type_rep @(Mod:Tree (List Text)) ))""" ->
E"""(( type_rep @((ContractId Mod:T) → Mod:Color) ))""" ->
forEvery(testCases) { (exp: Expr, expectedType: Type) =>
@ -377,8 +377,10 @@ class TypingSpec extends WordSpec with TableDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {
E"λ (t: Mod:T) → (( from_any @Mod:T t ))",
E"Λ (τ : *). λ (t: Any) → (( to_any @(∀ (α : ⋆). Int64) t ))",
E"Λ (τ : *). λ (t: Any) → (( to_any @(List (Optional (∀ (α : ⋆). Int64))) t ))",
// ExpToTextTypeConName
E"to_text_type_con_name @Mod:NoSuchType",
// ExpTypeRep
E"(( type_rep @Mod:NoSuchType ))",
E"Λ (τ : *). (( type_rep @τ ))",
E"(( type_rep @(∀(τ : *) . Int64) ))",
// ScnPure
E"Λ (τ : ⋆ → ⋆). λ (e: τ) → (( spure @τ e ))",
E"Λ (τ : ⋆) (σ : ⋆). λ (e: τ) → (( spure @σ e ))",

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@ -38,13 +38,15 @@ import qualified Daml.Trigger.LowLevel as LowLevel
-- | Active contract set, you can use `getTemplates` to access the templates of
-- a given type.
newtype ACS = ACS (Map TemplateTypeRep [(AnyContractId, AnyTemplate)])
-- This will change to a Map once we have proper maps in DAML-LF
newtype ACS = ACS [(AnyContractId, AnyTemplate)]
-- | Extract the templates of a given type from the ACS.
getTemplates : forall a. Template a => ACS -> [(AbsoluteContractId a, a)]
getTemplates (ACS tpls) = map fromAny $ fromOptional [] $ Map.lookup (templateTypeRep @a) tpls
getTemplates (ACS tpls) = mapOptional fromAny tpls
fromAny (cid, tpl) = (fromSome (fromAnyContractId cid), fromSome (fromAnyTemplate tpl))
fromAny (cid, tpl) = (,) <$> fromAnyContractId cid <*> fromAnyTemplate tpl
-- | This is the type of your trigger. `s` is the user-defined state type which
-- you can often leave at `()`.
@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ runTrigger userTrigger = LowLevel.Trigger
initialState party (ActiveContracts createdEvents) =
let acs = foldl (\acs created -> applyEvent (CreatedEvent created) acs) (ACS Map.empty) createdEvents
let acs = foldl (\acs created -> applyEvent (CreatedEvent created) acs) (ACS []) createdEvents
userState = userTrigger.initialize acs
state = TriggerState acs party userState Map.empty 0
in runRule userTrigger.rule state
@ -149,21 +151,14 @@ addCommands : Map CommandId [Command] -> Commands -> Map CommandId [Command]
addCommands m (Commands cid cmds) = Map.insert cid cmds m
insertTpl : AnyContractId -> AnyTemplate -> ACS -> ACS
insertTpl cid tpl (ACS acs) =
case Map.lookup cid.templateId acs of
None -> ACS (Map.insert cid.templateId [(cid, tpl)] acs)
Some items -> ACS (Map.insert cid.templateId ((cid, tpl) :: items) acs)
insertTpl cid tpl (ACS acs) = ACS ((cid, tpl) :: acs)
deleteTpl : AnyContractId -> ACS -> ACS
deleteTpl cid (ACS acs) =
case Map.lookup cid.templateId acs of
None -> ACS acs
Some items -> ACS (Map.insert cid.templateId (filter (\(cid', _) -> cid /= cid') items) acs)
deleteTpl cid (ACS acs) = ACS (filter (\(cid', _) -> cid /= cid') acs)
lookupTpl : Template a => AnyContractId -> ACS -> Optional a
lookupTpl cid (ACS acs) = do
items <- Map.lookup cid.templateId acs
(_, tpl) <- find ((cid ==) . fst) items
(_, tpl) <- find ((cid ==) . fst) acs
fromAnyTemplate tpl
applyEvent : Event -> ACS -> ACS

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@ -37,7 +37,15 @@ import DA.Next.Map (MapKey(..))
data AnyContractId = AnyContractId
{ templateId : TemplateTypeRep
, contractId : Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
} deriving Eq
-- We cant derive the Show instance since TemplateTypeRep does not have a Show instance
-- but it is useful for debugging so we add one that omits the type.
instance Show AnyContractId where
showsPrec d (AnyContractId _ cid) = showParen (d > app_prec) $
showString "AnyContractId " . showsPrec (app_prec +1) cid
where app_prec = 10
-- | An absolute contract id on the ledger.
-- Contrary to the `ContractId` type which is used

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@ -110,12 +110,13 @@ object Converter {
private def fromIdentifier(id: value.Identifier): SValue = {
private def fromTransactionId(triggerIds: TriggerIds, transactionId: String): SValue = {
@ -283,8 +284,8 @@ object Converter {
private def toIdentifier(v: SValue): Either[String, Identifier] = {
v match {
case SText(s) => Identifier.fromString(s)
case _ => Left(s"Expected Identifier but got $v")
case STypeRep(TTyCon(id)) => Right(id)
case _ => Left(s"Expected STypeRep but got $v")