Generic templates: support contract keys and fetchByKey (#1444)

* Generic templates: support contract keys and fetchByKey

`lookupByKey` will be done in a separate PR.

This is part of #1387.

* Run generic templates compatability test only for DAML-LF >= 1.4
This commit is contained in:
Martin Huschenbett 2019-05-29 13:00:47 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 70f748379a
commit 8202df8201
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 96 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ convertGenericTemplate :: Env -> GHC.Expr Var -> ConvertM (Template, LF.Expr)
convertGenericTemplate env x
| (dictCon, args) <- collectArgs x
, (tyArgs, args) <- span isTypeArg args
, Just (superClassDicts, signatories : observers : ensure : agreement : create : fetch : archive : choices) <- span isSuperClassDict <$> mapM isVar_maybe (dropWhile isTypeArg args)
, Just (superClassDicts, signatories : observers : ensure : agreement : create : _fetch : archive : keyAndChoices) <- span isSuperClassDict <$> mapM isVar_maybe (dropWhile isTypeArg args)
, Just (polyType, _) <- splitFunTy_maybe (varType create)
, Just (monoTyCon, unwrapCo) <- findMonoTyp polyType
= do
@ -348,10 +348,29 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
tplObservers <- applyThis <$> convertExpr env (Var observers)
let tplPrecondition = ETrue
let tplAgreement = mkEmptyText
let tplKey = Nothing
archive <- convertExpr env (Var archive)
(tplKey, key, choices) <- case keyAndChoices of
hasKey : key : maintainers : _fetchByKey : choices
| TypeCon (Is "HasKey") _ <- varType hasKey -> do
_ :-> keyType <- convertType env (varType key)
hasKey <- convertExpr env (Var hasKey)
key <- convertExpr env (Var key)
maintainers <- convertExpr env (Var maintainers)
let selfField = FieldName "contractId"
let thisField = FieldName "contract"
tupleTyCon <- qDA_Types env $ mkTypeCon ["Tuple2"]
let tupleType = TypeConApp tupleTyCon [TContractId polyType, polyType]
let fetchByKey =
ETmLam (mkVar "key", keyType) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (res, TTuple [(selfField, TContractId monoType), (thisField, monoType)]) $ EUpdate $ UFetchByKey $ RetrieveByKey monoTyCon $ EVar $ mkVar "key") $
EUpdate $ UPure (typeConAppToType tupleType) $ ERecCon tupleType
[ (FieldName "_1", unwrapCid $ ETupleProj selfField $ EVar res)
, (FieldName "_2", unwrapTpl $ ETupleProj thisField $ EVar res)
pure (Just $ TemplateKey keyType (applyThis key) (ETmApp maintainers hasKey), [hasKey, key, maintainers, fetchByKey], choices)
choices -> pure (Nothing, [], choices)
let convertGenericChoice :: [Var] -> ConvertM (TemplateChoice, [LF.Expr])
convertGenericChoice [consumption, controllers, action, exercise] = do
convertGenericChoice [consumption, controllers, action, _exercise] = do
TContractId _ :-> _ :-> argType@(TConApp argTCon _) :-> TUpdate resType <- convertType env (varType action)
let chcLocation = Nothing
let chcName = ChoiceName $ T.intercalate "." $ unTypeConName $ qualObject argTCon
@ -398,7 +417,7 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
dictCon <- convertExpr env dictCon
tyArgs <- mapM (convertArg env) tyArgs
-- NOTE(MH): The additional lambda is DICTIONARY SANITIZATION step (3).
let tmArgs = map (TmArg . ETmLam (mkVar "_", TUnit)) $ superClassDicts ++ [signatories, observers, ensure, agreement, create, fetch, archive] ++ concat choices
let tmArgs = map (TmArg . ETmLam (mkVar "_", TUnit)) $ superClassDicts ++ [signatories, observers, ensure, agreement, create, fetch, archive] ++ key ++ concat choices
let dict = mkEApps dictCon $ tyArgs ++ tmArgs
pure (Template{..}, dict)
@ -587,6 +606,26 @@ convertBind env (NonRec name x)
| DFunId _ <- idDetails name
, TypeCon (QIsTpl "Template") [t] <- varType name
= withRange (convNameLoc name) $ liftA2 (++) (convertTemplate env x) (convertBind2 env (NonRec name x))
-- NOTE(MH, #1387): If we decide to do the rewriting of maintainers from
-- `this` to `key` for generic templates as well, this code will do
-- some part of the job. Currently, it would only work for non-generic
-- templates though. I'd like to leave it here until we've made a
-- decision so I don't have to figure it out again.
-- | Just tplName <- stripPrefix "$dmmaintainerFromKey" (is name)
-- = do
-- name'@(_, splitTForalls -> (tvs, _dictType :-> hasKeyType :-> keyType :-> _)) <- convValWithType env name
-- key <- envFindBindString env ("$dmkey" ++ tplName)
-- maintainer <- envFindBindString env ("$dmmaintainer" ++ tplName)
-- case (key, maintainer) of
-- (Lam keyDict (Lam keyThis keyExpr), Lam maintainerDict (Lam maintainerThis maintainerExpr)) -> do
-- unless (keyDict == maintainerDict) $
-- unhandled "generic template key with different dict binders" (keyDict, maintainerDict)
-- keyExpr <- convertKeyExpr env keyThis keyExpr
-- maintainerExpr <- convertKeyExpr env maintainerThis maintainerExpr
-- maintainerExpr <- rewriteMaintainer env keyExpr maintainerExpr
-- maintainerDict <- convVarWithType env maintainerDict
-- pure [defValue name name' $ mkETyLams tvs $ mkETmLams [maintainerDict, (mkVar "_", hasKeyType), (mkVar "$key", keyType)] maintainerExpr]
-- _ -> unhandled "generic template key definition" name
| DFunId _ <- idDetails name
, TypeCon (Is tplInst) _ <- varType name
, "Instance" `isSuffixOf` tplInst

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
-- Check that non-generic templates work with the new de/re-sugaring of
-- templates for DAML-LF < 1.5 as well. This test can be deleted when
-- generic templates (#1387) land in master.
-- Since we need complex contract keys for this, it only works for
-- DAML-LF >= 1.4.
-- @SINCE-LF 1.4
daml 1.2
module GenTemplCompat where
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, archive, exercise)
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), TemplateKey (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, fetchByKey, archive, exercise)
import DA.Assert
import GenericTemplates
@ -26,6 +29,10 @@ instance FactInstance => Template Fact where
fetch = fetchFact
archive = archiveFact
instance FactInstance => TemplateKey Fact (Party, Text) where
key = keyFact
fetchByKey = fetchByKeyFact
instance FactInstance => Choice Fact Archive () where
exercise = exerciseFactArchive
@ -58,6 +65,15 @@ class FactInstance where
archiveFact : ContractId Fact -> Update ()
archiveFact cid = exerciseFactArchive cid Archive
hasKeyFact : HasKey Fact
hasKeyFact = HasKey
keyFact : Fact -> (Party, Text)
keyFact this@Fact{..} = (owner, name)
maintainerFact : HasKey Fact -> (Party, Text) -> [Party]
maintainerFact HasKey key = [fst key]
fetchByKeyFact : (Party, Text) -> Update (ContractId Fact, Fact)
fetchByKeyFact = error "code will be injected by the compiler"
consumptionFactArchive : PreConsuming Fact
consumptionFactArchive = PreConsuming
controllerFactArchive : Fact -> Archive -> [Party]
@ -95,11 +111,14 @@ test = scenario do
alice <- getParty "Alice"
let fact = Fact with owner = alice; name = "Answer"; value = 42
-- Check that create, fetch and exercising non- and pre-consuming choices work.
-- Check that create, fetch, fetchByKey and exercising non- and pre-consuming choices work.
factId <- submit alice do create fact
submit alice do exercise factId Touch
fact' <- submit alice do fetch factId
fact' === fact
(factId', fact') <- submit alice do fetchByKey @Fact (alice, "Answer")
factId' === factId
fact' === fact
submit alice do archive factId
submitMustFail alice do fetch factId

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
daml 1.2
module GenericTemplates where
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, archive, exercise)
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), TemplateKey (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, fetchByKey, archive, exercise)
class Template t where
signatory : t -> [Party]
@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ class Template t where
fetch : ContractId t -> Update t
archive : ContractId t -> Update ()
class Template t => TemplateKey t k | t -> k where
key : t -> k
fetchByKey : k -> Update (ContractId t, t)
class Template t => Choice t c r | t c -> r where
exercise : ContractId t -> c -> Update r
@ -29,3 +34,5 @@ data NonConsuming t = NonConsuming {}
data PreConsuming t = PreConsuming {}
data PostConsuming t = PostConsuming {}
data HasKey t = HasKey {}

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
daml 1.2
module IouDSL where
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, archive, exercise)
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), TemplateKey (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, fetchByKey, archive, exercise)
import DA.Assert
import GenericTemplates
import ProposalDSL
@ -86,12 +87,17 @@ test = scenario do
alice <- getParty "alice"
bank <- getParty "bank"
let iou = Iou with issuer = bank; owner = alice; amount = 10.0
let prop = Proposal with asset = iou; receivers = [alice]; name = "present"
propId <- submit bank do
create Proposal with asset = iou; receivers = [alice]
create prop
(propId', prop') <- submit bank do
fetchByKey @(Proposal Iou) ([bank], "present")
propId' === propId
prop' === prop
iouId <- submit alice do
exercise propId Accept
iou' <- submit alice do
fetch iouId
assert $ iou' == iou
iou' === iou
submit alice do
exercise iouId Burn

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module ProposalDSL
, ProposalInstance
) where
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, archive, exercise)
import Prelude hiding (Template (..), TemplateKey (..), Choice (..), Archive (..), create, fetch, fetchByKey, archive, exercise)
import DA.List
import DA.Text
import GenericTemplates
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import GenericTemplates
data Proposal t = Proposal with
asset : t
receivers : [Party]
name : Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ProposalInstance t => Template (Proposal t) where
@ -31,6 +32,10 @@ instance ProposalInstance t => Template (Proposal t) where
fetch = fetchProposal
archive = archiveProposal
instance ProposalInstance t => TemplateKey (Proposal t) ([Party], Text) where
key = keyProposal
fetchByKey = fetchByKeyProposal
data Accept = Accept{}
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -62,6 +67,15 @@ class Template t => ProposalInstance t where
archiveProposal : ContractId (Proposal t) -> Update ()
archiveProposal cid = exerciseProposalArchive cid Archive
hasKeyProposal : HasKey (Proposal t)
hasKeyProposal = HasKey
keyProposal : Proposal t -> ([Party], Text)
keyProposal this@Proposal{..} = (signatory this, name)
maintainerProposal : HasKey (Proposal t) -> ([Party], Text) -> [Party]
maintainerProposal HasKey key = fst key
fetchByKeyProposal : ([Party], Text) -> Update (ContractId (Proposal t), Proposal t)
fetchByKeyProposal = error "code will be injected by the compiler"
consumptionProposalArchive : PreConsuming (Proposal t)
consumptionProposalArchive = PreConsuming
controllerProposalArchive : Proposal t -> Archive -> [Party]