Check script output in damlc integration tests (#17380)

* Refactor damlc integration test input into datatype

* Factor out 'withLog' helper function

* Reduce scope of 'service' in 'testCase'

* Use 'testPassed' helper for ignored test files

* Reduce scope of 'TestCase' and 'log' in 'testCase'

* Use guards instead of nested if-then-else in 'testCase'

* Extract 'testSetup' from 'testCase' using 'withResource'

* {testCase=>damlFileTestTree} now produces a test tree

* Split jq queries into individual tests

* whitespace

* Add ledger expectation tests

* Avoid double inversion-of-control
This commit is contained in:
Moisés Ackerman 2023-09-20 20:07:28 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7d74dc0aa9
commit 84ca088b2c
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 276 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
- DA.Daml.Desugar.Tests
- DA.Daml.Doc.Tests
- DA.Test.DamlRenamer
- DA.Test.DamlcIntegration
- DA.Signals
- Development.IDE.Core.Compile
- Development.IDE.GHC.Compat

View File

@ -109,10 +109,14 @@ da_haskell_test(
name = "integration-lib",
srcs = ["src/DA/Test/DamlcIntegration.hs"],
compiler_flags = [
hackage_deps = [
@ -129,10 +133,15 @@ da_haskell_library(
toolchains = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
@ -146,6 +155,7 @@ da_haskell_library(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Script execution failed:
Unhandled exception: DA.Exception.GeneralError:GeneralError with
message = "ohno"
Ledger time: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
hello world

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2023, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
module LedgerTestException where
import Daml.Script
-- @ERROR ohno
-- @LEDGER test LedgerTestException.EXPECTED.ledger
test : Script (Int, Bool)
test = do
debugRaw "hello world"
error "ohno"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
TX 0 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (LedgerTestOk:23:5)
│ referenced by #1:0
│ disclosed to (since): 'alice' (0)
└─> 'alice' creates LedgerTestOk:T
p = 'alice'
TX 1 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (LedgerTestOk:27:5)
│ disclosed to (since): 'alice' (1)
└─> 'alice' exercises Noop on #0:0 (LedgerTestOk:T)
Active contracts: #0:0
Return value:
DA.Types:Tuple2 with
_1 = 42; _2 = false
hello world

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2023, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
module LedgerTestOk where
import Daml.Script
template T
p : Party
signatory p
nonconsuming choice Noop : ()
controller p
do pure ()
-- @LEDGER test LedgerTestOk.EXPECTED.ledger
test : Script (Int, Bool)
test = do
debugRaw "hello world"
alice <- allocateParty "alice"
cid <-
alice `submit`
createCmd T with
p = alice
() <-
alice `submit`
exerciseCmd cid Noop
pure (42, False)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
-- | Test driver for Daml-GHC CompilerService.
-- For each file, compile it with GHC, convert it,
-- typecheck with LF, test it. Test annotations are documented as 'Ann'.
@ -26,6 +29,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import DA.Daml.LF.PrettyScenario (prettyScenarioError, prettyScenarioResult)
import DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.EncodeV1
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.Archive.Encode as Archive
import DA.Pretty hiding (first)
@ -58,11 +62,16 @@ import System.IO
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Info.Extra (isWindows)
import Text.Read
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Time.Extra
import Development.IDE.Core.API
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules.Daml
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes.Daml (VirtualResource (..))
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics as D
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..))
@ -72,12 +81,12 @@ import Outputable (ppr, showSDoc)
import qualified Proto3.Suite.JSONPB as JSONPB
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Golden (goldenVsStringDiff)
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HUnit
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?=))
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Providers
import Test.Tasty.Providers.ConsoleFormat (noResultDetails)
import Test.Tasty.Runners (Outcome(..), Result(..))
import Test.Tasty.Runners (Result(..))
import DA.Daml.Package.Config (PackageSdkVersion (..))
import DA.Cli.Damlc.DependencyDb (installDependencies)
@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ type ScriptPackageData = (FilePath, [PackageFlag])
-- | Creates a temp directory with daml script v1 installed, gives the database db path and package flag
withDamlScriptDep :: Maybe Version -> (ScriptPackageData -> IO a) -> IO a
withDamlScriptDep mLfVer =
lfVerStr = maybe "" (\lfVer -> "-" <> renderVersion lfVer) mLfVer
darPath = "daml-script" </> "daml" </> "daml-script" <> lfVerStr <> ".dar"
in withVersionedDamlScriptDep ("daml-script-" <> sdkPackageVersion) darPath mLfVer []
@ -145,7 +154,7 @@ withDamlScriptV2Dep =
darPath = "daml-script" </> "daml3" </> "daml3-script.dar"
in withVersionedDamlScriptDep
("daml3-script-" <> sdkPackageVersion)
(Just version2_dev) -- daml-script only supports for now
@ -256,29 +265,51 @@ uniqueUniques = HUnit.testCase "Uniques" $
let n = length $ nubOrd $ concat results
n @?= 10000
getDamlTestFiles :: FilePath -> IO [(String, FilePath, [Ann])]
data DamlTestInput = DamlTestInput
{ name :: String
, path :: FilePath
, anns :: [Ann]
getDamlTestFiles :: FilePath -> IO [DamlTestInput]
getDamlTestFiles location = do
-- test files are declared as data in BUILD.bazel
testsLocation <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> location
files <- filter (".daml" `isExtensionOf`) <$> listFiles testsLocation
forM files $ \file -> do
anns <- readFileAnns file
pure (makeRelative testsLocation file, file, anns)
pure DamlTestInput
{ name = makeRelative testsLocation file
, path = file
, anns
getBondTradingTestFiles :: IO [(String, FilePath, [Ann])]
getBondTradingTestFiles :: IO [DamlTestInput]
getBondTradingTestFiles = do
-- only run Test.daml (see
bondTradingLocation <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> "compiler/damlc/tests/bond-trading"
let file = bondTradingLocation </> "Test.daml"
anns <- readFileAnns file
pure [("bond-trading/Test.daml", file, anns)]
[ DamlTestInput
{ name = "bond-trading/Test.daml"
, path = file
, anns
getCantSkipPreprocessorTestFiles :: IO [(String, FilePath, [Ann])]
getCantSkipPreprocessorTestFiles :: IO [DamlTestInput]
getCantSkipPreprocessorTestFiles = do
cantSkipPreprocessorLocation <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> "compiler/damlc/tests/cant-skip-preprocessor"
let file = cantSkipPreprocessorLocation </> "DA" </> "Internal" </> "Hack.daml"
anns <- readFileAnns file
pure [("cant-skip-preprocessor/DA/Internal/Hack.daml", file, anns)]
[ DamlTestInput
{ name = "cant-skip-preprocessor/DA/Internal/Hack.daml"
, path = file
, anns
getIntegrationTests :: (TODO -> IO ()) -> SS.Handle -> ScriptPackageData -> IO TestTree
getIntegrationTests registerTODO scenarioService (packageDbPath, packageFlags) = do
@ -286,7 +317,7 @@ getIntegrationTests registerTODO scenarioService (packageDbPath, packageFlags) =
do n <- getNumCapabilities; putStrLn $ "getNumCapabilities: " ++ show n
damlTests <-
mconcat @(IO [(String, FilePath, [Ann])])
mconcat @(IO [DamlTestInput])
[ getDamlTestFiles "compiler/damlc/tests/daml-test-files"
, getBondTradingTestFiles
, getCantSkipPreprocessorTestFiles
@ -331,7 +362,7 @@ getIntegrationTests registerTODO scenarioService (packageDbPath, packageFlags) =
$ \service ->
testGroup ("Tests for Daml-LF " ++ renderPretty version) $
map (testCase version isScriptV2Opt evalOrder service outdir registerTODO) damlTests
map (damlFileTestTree version isScriptV2Opt evalOrder service outdir registerTODO) damlTests
pure tree
@ -339,43 +370,98 @@ newtype TestCase = TestCase ((String -> IO ()) -> IO Result)
instance IsTest TestCase where
run _ (TestCase r) _ = do
logger <- newIORef DList.empty
let log msg = modifyIORef logger (`DList.snoc` msg)
res <- r log
msgs <- readIORef logger
let desc
| null (resultDescription res) = unlines (DList.toList msgs)
| otherwise = unlines (DList.toList (msgs `DList.snoc` resultDescription res))
pure $ res { resultDescription = desc }
(res, log) <- withLog \log -> do
res <- r log
log (resultDescription res)
pure res
pure res { resultDescription = log }
testOptions = Tagged []
testCase :: LF.Version -> IsScriptV2Opt -> EvaluationOrder -> IO IdeState -> FilePath -> (TODO -> IO ()) -> (String, FilePath, [Ann]) -> TestTree
testCase version (IsScriptV2Opt isScriptV2Opt) evalOrderOpt getService outdir registerTODO (name, file, anns) = singleTest name . TestCase $ \log -> do
-- | 'withLog' takes a function 'f :: (String -> IO ()) -> IO a'
-- (that is, a function such that given a logger function ':: String -> IO ()'
-- returns (in an IO context) a value of type 'a'), so that 'withLog f' is an
-- IO action that performs all the actions of 'f' and returns the
-- final value of type 'a' together with the final log.
withLog :: ((String -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> IO (a, String)
withLog action = do
logger <- newIORef DList.empty
let log msg = unless (null msg) $ modifyIORef logger (`DList.snoc` msg)
r <- action log
msgs <- readIORef logger
pure (r, unlines (DList.toList msgs))
data DamlOutput = DamlOutput
{ diagnostics :: [D.FileDiagnostic]
, jsonPackagePath :: Maybe FilePath
, buildLog :: String
, scriptResults :: HashMap.HashMap T.Text T.Text
testSetup :: IO IdeState -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO DamlOutput
testSetup getService outdir path = do
service <- getService
if any (`notElem` supportedOutputVersions) [v | UntilLF v <- anns] then
pure (testFailed "Unsupported Daml-LF version in UNTIL-LF annotation")
else if any (ignoreVersion version) anns
then pure $ Result
{ resultOutcome = Success
, resultDescription = ""
, resultShortDescription = "IGNORE"
, resultTime = 0
, resultDetailsPrinter = noResultDetails
else do
-- FIXME: Use of unsafeClearDiagnostics is only because we don't naturally lose them when we change setFilesOfInterest
unsafeClearDiagnostics service
ex <- try $ mainProj service outdir log (toNormalizedFilePath' file) :: IO (Either SomeException (Package, FilePath))
diags <- getDiagnostics service
for_ [file ++ ", " ++ x | Todo x <- anns] (registerTODO . TODO)
resDiag <- checkDiagnostics log [fields | DiagnosticFields fields <- anns] $
[ideErrorText "" $ T.pack $ show e | Left e <- [ex], not $ "_IGNORE_" `isInfixOf` show e] ++ diags
resQueries <- runJqQuery log (eitherToMaybe $ snd <$> ex) [(q, isStream) | QueryLF q isStream <- anns]
let failures = catMaybes $ resDiag : resQueries
case failures of
err : _others -> pure $ testFailed err
[] -> pure $ testPassed ""
(ex, buildLog) <- withLog \log ->
try @SomeException $ mainProj service outdir log (toNormalizedFilePath' path)
diags0 <- getDiagnostics service
pure DamlOutput
{ diagnostics =
[ ideErrorText "" $ T.pack $ show e
| Left e <- [ex]
, not $ "_IGNORE_" `isInfixOf` show e
] ++ diags0
, jsonPackagePath = (\(_, x, _) -> x) <$> eitherToMaybe ex
, scriptResults = either (const HashMap.empty) (\(_, _, x) -> x) ex
, buildLog
damlFileTestTree :: LF.Version -> IsScriptV2Opt -> EvaluationOrder -> IO IdeState -> FilePath -> (TODO -> IO ()) -> DamlTestInput -> TestTree
damlFileTestTree version (IsScriptV2Opt isScriptV2Opt) evalOrderOpt getService outdir registerTODO input
| any (`notElem` supportedOutputVersions) [v | UntilLF v <- anns] =
singleTest name $ TestCase \_ ->
pure $ testFailed "Unsupported Daml-LF version in UNTIL-LF annotation"
| any (ignoreVersion version) anns =
singleTest name $ TestCase \_ ->
pure (testPassed "") { resultShortDescription = "IGNORE" }
| otherwise =
(testSetup getService outdir path)
(\_ ->
-- FIXME: Use of unsafeClearDiagnostics is only because we don't naturally lose them when we change setFilesOfInterest
getService >>= unsafeClearDiagnostics
\getDamlOutput -> do
testGroup name
[ singleTest "Build log" $ TestCase \_ -> do
for_ [path ++ ", " ++ x | Todo x <- anns] (registerTODO . TODO)
testPassed . buildLog <$> getDamlOutput
, singleTest "Check diagnostics" $ TestCase \log -> do
diags <- diagnostics <$> getDamlOutput
resDiag <- checkDiagnostics log [fields | DiagnosticFields fields <- anns] diags
pure $ maybe (testPassed "") testFailed resDiag
, testGroup "jq Queries"
[ singleTest ("#" <> show @Integer ix) $ TestCase \log -> do
mJsonFile <- jsonPackagePath <$> getDamlOutput
r <- runJqQuery log mJsonFile q isStream
pure $ maybe (testPassed "") testFailed r
| (ix, QueryLF q isStream) <- zip [1..] anns
, testGroup "Ledger expectation tests"
[ goldenVsStringDiff
("Script: " <> scriptName <> ", file: " <> expectedFile)
(takeDirectory path </> expectedFile)
scriptResult <-
fromMaybe (error $ "Ledger expectation test failure: the script '" <> scriptName <> "' did not run")
. HashMap.lookup (T.pack scriptName)
. scriptResults
<$> getDamlOutput
pure $ BSL.fromStrict $ TE.encodeUtf8 scriptResult
| Ledger scriptName expectedFile <- anns
DamlTestInput { name, path, anns } = input
ignoreVersion version = \case
Ignore -> True
SinceLF minVersion -> version < minVersion
@ -383,25 +469,24 @@ testCase version (IsScriptV2Opt isScriptV2Opt) evalOrderOpt getService outdir re
ScriptV2 -> not isScriptV2Opt
EvaluationOrder evalOrder -> evalOrder /= evalOrderOpt
_ -> False
diff ref new = [POSIX_DIFF, "--strip-trailing-cr", ref, new]
runJqQuery :: (String -> IO ()) -> Maybe FilePath -> [(String, Bool)] -> IO [Maybe String]
runJqQuery log mJsonFile qs = do
runJqQuery :: (String -> IO ()) -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> Bool -> IO (Maybe String)
runJqQuery log mJsonFile q isStream = do
case mJsonFile of
Just jsonPath ->
forM qs $ \(q, isStream) -> do
log $ "running jq query: " ++ q
let jqKey = "external" </> "jq_dev_env" </> "bin" </> if isWindows then "jq.exe" else "jq"
jq <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> jqKey
queryLfDir <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> "compiler/damlc/tests/src"
let fullQuery = "import \"./query-lf\" as lf; inputs as $pkg | " ++ q
out <- readProcess jq (["--stream" | isStream] <> ["-n", "-L", queryLfDir, fullQuery, jsonPath]) ""
case trim out of
"true" -> pure Nothing
other -> pure $ Just $ "jq query failed: got " ++ other
_ | not $ null qs -> do
log $ "jq query failed: " ++ show (length qs) ++ " queries failed to run as test errored"
pure [Just "Couldn't run jq"]
_ -> pure []
Just jsonPath -> do
log $ "running jq query: " ++ q
let jqKey = "external" </> "jq_dev_env" </> "bin" </> if isWindows then "jq.exe" else "jq"
jq <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> jqKey
queryLfDir <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> "compiler/damlc/tests/src"
let fullQuery = "import \"./query-lf\" as lf; inputs as $pkg | " ++ q
out <- readProcess jq (["--stream" | isStream] <> ["-n", "-L", queryLfDir, fullQuery, jsonPath]) ""
case trim out of
"true" -> pure Nothing
other -> pure $ Just $ "jq query failed: got " ++ other
_ | otherwise -> do
log "jq query failed to run as test errored"
pure (Just "Couldn't run jq")
data DiagnosticField
= DFilePath !FilePath
@ -456,14 +541,25 @@ checkDiagnostics log expected got
-- functionality
data Ann
= Ignore -- Don't run this test at all
| SinceLF LF.Version -- Only run this test since the given Daml-LF version (inclusive)
| UntilLF LF.Version -- Only run this test until the given Daml-LF version (exclusive)
| DiagnosticFields [DiagnosticField] -- I expect a diagnostic that has the given fields
| QueryLF String Bool -- The jq query against the produced Daml-LF returns "true". Includes a boolean for is stream
| ScriptV2 -- Run only in daml script V2
| Todo String -- Just a note that is printed out
= Ignore
-- ^ Don't run this test at all
| SinceLF LF.Version
-- ^ Only run this test since the given Daml-LF version (inclusive)
| UntilLF LF.Version
-- ^ Only run this test until the given Daml-LF version (exclusive)
| DiagnosticFields [DiagnosticField]
-- ^ I expect a diagnostic that has the given fields
| QueryLF String Bool
-- ^ The jq query against the produced Daml-LF returns "true". Includes a boolean for is stream
| ScriptV2
-- ^ Run only in daml script V2
| Todo String
-- ^ Just a note that is printed out
| Ledger String FilePath
-- ^ I expect the output of running the script named <first argument> to match the golden file <second argument>.
-- The path of the golden file is relative to the `.daml` test file.
| EvaluationOrder EvaluationOrder
-- ^ Only run this test with the given evaluation order.
readFileAnns :: FilePath -> IO [Ann]
readFileAnns file = do
@ -484,6 +580,7 @@ readFileAnns file = do
("QUERY-LF-STREAM", x) -> Just $ QueryLF x True
("SCRIPT-V2", _) -> Just ScriptV2
("TODO",x) -> Just $ Todo x
("LEDGER", words -> [script, path]) -> Just $ Ledger script path
("EVALUATION-ORDER", x) -> EvaluationOrder <$> readMaybe x
_ -> error $ "Can't understand test annotation in " ++ show file ++ ", got " ++ show x
f _ = Nothing
@ -519,7 +616,7 @@ parseRange s =
(Position (rowEnd - 1) (colEnd - 1))
_ -> error $ "Failed to parse range, got " ++ s
mainProj :: IdeState -> FilePath -> (String -> IO ()) -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO (LF.Package, FilePath)
mainProj :: IdeState -> FilePath -> (String -> IO ()) -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO (LF.Package, FilePath, HashMap.HashMap T.Text T.Text)
mainProj service outdir log file = do
let proj = takeBaseName (fromNormalizedFilePath file)
@ -542,9 +639,9 @@ mainProj service outdir log file = do
corePrettyPrint core
lf <- lfTypeCheck log file
lfSave lf
lfRunScripts log file
scriptResults <- lfRunScripts log file
jsonSave lf
pure (lf, jsonPath)
pure (lf, jsonPath, scriptResults)
unjust :: Action (Maybe b) -> Action b
unjust act = do
@ -567,8 +664,30 @@ lfConvert log file = timed log "LF convert" $ unjust $ getRawDalf file
lfTypeCheck :: (String -> IO ()) -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action LF.Package
lfTypeCheck log file = timed log "LF type check" $ unjust $ getDalf file
lfRunScripts :: (String -> IO ()) -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action ()
lfRunScripts log file = timed log "LF scripts execution" $ void $ unjust $ runScripts file
lfRunScripts :: (String -> IO ()) -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (HashMap.HashMap T.Text T.Text)
lfRunScripts log file = timed log "LF scripts execution" $ do
world <- worldForFile file
results <- unjust $ runScripts file
pure $ HashMap.fromList
[ (vrScenarioName k, format world res)
| (k, res) <- results
, vrScenarioFile k == file
format world
= renderPlain
. ($$ text "") -- add a newline at the end to appease git
. \case
Right res ->
let activeContracts = S.fromList (V.toList (SS.scenarioResultActiveContracts res))
in prettyScenarioResult lvl world activeContracts res
Left (SS.ScenarioError err) ->
prettyScenarioError lvl world err
Left e ->
shown e
lvl =
-- hide package ids
PrettyLevel (-1)
timed :: MonadIO m => (String -> IO ()) -> String -> m a -> m a
timed log msg act = do