Publish DAML on SQL Docs (#8191)

This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2020-12-08 13:49:37 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0ee2159218
commit 880d290285
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 86 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ da_haskell_binary(

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import qualified Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.List.Split as Split
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Ord
import qualified Data.SemVer
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status
import qualified Network.URI
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import Safe (headMay)
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.IO.Extra as IO
@ -96,12 +98,16 @@ http_get url = do
_ -> Exit.die $ unlines ["GET \"" <> url <> "\" returned status code " <> show status <> ".",
show $ HTTP.responseBody response]
build_and_push :: FilePath -> [Version] -> IO ()
build_and_push temp versions = do
s3Path :: DocOptions -> FilePath -> String
s3Path DocOptions{s3Subdir} file =
"s3://docs-daml-com" </> fromMaybe "" s3Subdir </> file
build_and_push :: DocOptions -> FilePath -> [Version] -> IO ()
build_and_push opts@DocOptions{build} temp versions = do
restore_sha $ do
Data.Foldable.for_ versions (\version -> do
putStrLn $ "Building " <> show version <> "..."
build version
build temp version
putStrLn $ "Pushing " <> show version <> " to S3 (as subfolder)..."
push version
putStrLn "Done.")
@ -110,35 +116,32 @@ build_and_push temp versions = do
Control.Exception.bracket (init <$> shell "git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse HEAD")
(\cur_sha -> shell_ $ "git checkout " <> cur_sha)
(const io)
build version = do
shell_ $ "git checkout v" <> show version
shell_ $ "DAML_SDK_RELEASE_VERSION=" <> show version <> " bazel build //docs:docs"
shell_ $ "mkdir -p " <> temp </> show version
shell_ $ "tar xzf bazel-bin/docs/html.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C" <> temp </> show version
push version =
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> (temp </> show version) </> " " <> "s3://docs-daml-com" </> show version </> " --recursive --acl public-read"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <>
(temp </> show version) <> " " <>
s3Path opts (show version) <>
" --recursive --acl public-read"
fetch_if_missing :: FilePath -> Version -> IO ()
fetch_if_missing temp v = do
fetch_if_missing :: DocOptions -> FilePath -> Version -> IO ()
fetch_if_missing opts temp v = do
missing <- not <$> Directory.doesDirectoryExist (temp </> show v)
if missing then do
putStrLn $ "Downloading " <> show v <> "..."
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp s3://docs-daml-com" </> show v <> " " <> temp </> show v <> " --recursive"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> s3Path opts (show v) <> " " <> temp </> show v <> " --recursive"
putStrLn "Done."
else do
putStrLn $ show v <> " already present."
update_s3 :: FilePath -> Versions -> IO ()
update_s3 temp vs = do
update_s3 :: DocOptions -> FilePath -> Versions -> IO ()
update_s3 opts temp vs = do
putStrLn "Updating versions.json & hidden.json..."
create_versions_json (dropdown vs) (temp </> "versions.json")
let hidden = Data.List.sortOn Data.Ord.Down $ Set.toList $ all_versions vs `Set.difference` (Set.fromList $ dropdown vs)
create_versions_json hidden (temp </> "hidden.json")
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> "versions.json s3://docs-daml-com/versions.json --acl public-read"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> "hidden.json s3://docs-daml-com/hidden.json --acl public-read"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> "versions.json " <> s3Path opts "versions.json" <> " --acl public-read"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> "hidden.json " <> s3Path opts "hidden.json" <> " --acl public-read"
-- FIXME: remove after running once (and updating the reading bit in this file)
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> "hidden.json s3://docs-daml-com/snapshots.json --acl public-read"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> "hidden.json " <> s3Path opts "snapshots.json" <> " --acl public-read"
putStrLn "Done."
create_versions_json versions file = do
@ -151,18 +154,21 @@ update_s3 temp vs = do
& \s -> "{" <> s <> "}"
writeFile file versions_json
update_top_level :: FilePath -> Version -> Version -> IO ()
update_top_level temp new old = do
update_top_level :: DocOptions -> FilePath -> Version -> Maybe Version -> IO ()
update_top_level opts temp new mayOld = do
new_files <- Set.fromList <$> Directory.listDirectory (temp </> show new)
old_files <- Set.fromList <$> Directory.listDirectory (temp </> show old)
old_files <- case mayOld of
Nothing -> pure Set.empty
Just old -> Set.fromList <$> Directory.listDirectory (temp </> show old)
let to_delete = Set.toList $ old_files `Set.difference` new_files
Control.when (not $ null to_delete) $ do
putStrLn $ "Deleting top-level files: " <> show to_delete
Data.Foldable.for_ to_delete (\f -> do
shell_ $ "aws s3 rm s3://docs-daml-com" </> f <> " --recursive")
shell_ $ "aws s3 rm " <> s3Path opts f <> " --recursive")
putStrLn "Done."
putStrLn $ "Pushing " <> show new <> " to top-level..."
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> show new </> " s3://docs-daml-com/ --recursive --acl public-read"
let path = s3Path opts "" <> "/"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> show new </> " " <> path <> " --recursive --acl public-read"
putStrLn "Done."
reset_cloudfront :: IO ()
@ -213,7 +219,7 @@ instance Show Version where
version :: Text.Text -> Version
version t = Version $ (\case Left s -> (error s); Right v -> v) $ Data.SemVer.fromText t
data Versions = Versions { top :: Version, all_versions :: Set.Set Version, dropdown :: [Version] }
data Versions = Versions { top :: Maybe Version, all_versions :: Set.Set Version, dropdown :: [Version] }
deriving Eq
versions :: [GitHubRelease] -> Versions
@ -224,25 +230,23 @@ versions vs =
& map tag
& filter (>= version "1.0.0")
& Data.List.sortOn Data.Ord.Down
top = head dropdown
top = headMay dropdown
in Versions {..}
fetch_gh_versions :: IO Versions
fetch_gh_versions = do
fetch_gh_versions :: (Version -> Bool) -> IO Versions
fetch_gh_versions pred = do
response <- fetch_gh_paginated ""
-- versions prior to 0.13.10 cannot be built anymore and are not present in
-- the repo.
return $ versions $ filter (\v -> tag v >= version "0.13.10") response
return $ versions $ filter (\v -> pred (tag v)) response
fetch_s3_versions :: IO Versions
fetch_s3_versions = do
fetch_s3_versions :: DocOptions -> IO Versions
fetch_s3_versions opts = do
dropdown <- fetch "versions.json" False
-- TODO: read hidden.json after this has run once
hidden <- fetch "snapshots.json" True
return $ versions $ dropdown <> hidden
where fetch file prerelease = do
temp <- shell "mktemp"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp s3://docs-daml-com/" <> file <> " " <> temp
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> s3Path opts file <> " " <> temp
s3_raw <- shell $ "cat " <> temp
let type_annotated_value :: Maybe JSON.Object
type_annotated_value = JSON.decode $ LBS.fromString s3_raw
@ -250,11 +254,44 @@ fetch_s3_versions = do
Just s3_json -> return $ map (\s -> GitHubRelease prerelease (version s) []) $ H.keys s3_json
Nothing -> Exit.die "Failed to get versions from s3"
docs :: IO ()
docs = do
data DocOptions = DocOptions
{ s3Subdir :: Maybe FilePath
, includedVersion :: Version -> Bool
-- Exclusive minimum version bound for which we build docs
, build :: FilePath -> Version -> IO ()
sdkDocOpts :: DocOptions
sdkDocOpts = DocOptions
{ s3Subdir = Nothing
-- versions prior to 0.13.10 cannot be built anymore and are not present in
-- the repo.
, includedVersion = \v -> v >= version "0.13.10"
, build = \temp version -> do
shell_ $ "git checkout v" <> show version
shell_ $ "DAML_SDK_RELEASE_VERSION=" <> show version <> " bazel build //docs:docs"
shell_ $ "mkdir -p " <> temp </> show version
shell_ $ "tar xzf bazel-bin/docs/html.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C" <> temp </> show version
damlOnSqlDocOpts :: DocOptions
damlOnSqlDocOpts = DocOptions
{ s3Subdir = Just "daml-driver-for-postgresql"
, includedVersion = \v -> v > version "1.8.0-snapshot.20201201.5776.0.4b91f2a6"
, build = \temp version -> do
shell_ $ "git checkout v" <> show version
shell_ $ "DAML_SDK_RELEASE_VERSION=" <> show version <> " bazel build //ledger/daml-on-sql:docs"
shell_ $ "mkdir -p " <> temp </> show version
shell_ $ "tar xzf bazel-bin/ledger/daml-on-sql/html.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C" <> temp </> show version
docs :: DocOptions -> IO ()
docs opts@DocOptions{includedVersion} = do
putStrLn "Checking for new version..."
gh_versions <- fetch_gh_versions
s3_versions <- fetch_s3_versions
gh_versions <- fetch_gh_versions includedVersion
s3_versions <- fetch_s3_versions opts
if s3_versions == gh_versions
then do
putStrLn "Versions match, nothing to do."
@ -263,14 +300,16 @@ docs = do
let added = Set.toList $ all_versions gh_versions `Set.difference` all_versions s3_versions
IO.withTempDir $ \temp_dir -> do
putStrLn $ "Versions to build: " <> show added
build_and_push temp_dir added
Control.when (top gh_versions /= top s3_versions) $ do
build_and_push opts temp_dir added
-- If there is no version on GH, we dont have to do anything.
Control.Monad.Extra.whenJust (top gh_versions) $ \gh_top ->
Control.when (Just gh_top /= top s3_versions) $ do
putStrLn $ "Updating top-level version from " <> (show $ top s3_versions) <> " to " <> (show $ top gh_versions)
fetch_if_missing temp_dir (top gh_versions)
fetch_if_missing temp_dir (top s3_versions)
update_top_level temp_dir (top gh_versions) (top s3_versions)
fetch_if_missing opts temp_dir gh_top
Control.Monad.Extra.whenJust (top s3_versions) (fetch_if_missing opts temp_dir)
update_top_level opts temp_dir gh_top (top s3_versions)
putStrLn "Updating versions.json & hidden.json"
update_s3 temp_dir gh_versions
update_s3 opts temp_dir gh_versions
download_assets :: FilePath -> GitHubRelease -> IO ()
@ -414,5 +453,7 @@ main = do
\h -> IO.hSetBuffering h IO.LineBuffering
opts <- Opt.execParser parser
case opts of
Docs -> docs
Docs -> do
docs sdkDocOpts
docs damlOnSqlDocOpts
Check { bash_lib, gcp_credentials, max_releases } -> check_releases gcp_credentials bash_lib max_releases