Multi-ide structure change handling (#19194)

* Better support for package structure changes

* Rename some handlers
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Williams 2024-05-23 16:55:26 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent b0ee597a61
commit 894ac3855b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
3 changed files with 120 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import qualified DA.Service.Logger as Logger
import Data.Either (lefts)
import Data.Either.Extra (eitherToMaybe)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List (find, isInfixOf)
import Data.List (find, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -357,65 +357,55 @@ sendAllSubIDEs miState msg = holdingIDEsAtomic miState $ \ides ->
sendAllSubIDEs_ :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendAllSubIDEs_ miState = void . sendAllSubIDEs miState
getSourceFileHome :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> STM (Maybe PackageHome)
getDirectoryIfFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getDirectoryIfFile path = do
isFile <- doesFileExist path
pure $ if isFile then takeDirectory path else path
getSourceFileHome :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> STM PackageHome
getSourceFileHome miState path = do
-- If the path is a file, we only care about the directory, as all files in the same directory share the same home
dirPath <- unsafeIOToSTM $ getDirectoryIfFile path
sourceFileHomes <- takeTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState)
case Map.lookup path sourceFileHomes of
case Map.lookup dirPath sourceFileHomes of
Just home -> do
putTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) sourceFileHomes
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "Found cached home for " <> path
pure $ Just home
pure home
Nothing -> do
-- Safe as repeat prints are acceptable
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "No cached home for " <> path
-- Read only operation, so safe within STM
mHome <- unsafeIOToSTM $ findHome path
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "File system yielded " <> show (unPackageHome <$> mHome)
putTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ maybe sourceFileHomes (\home -> Map.insert path home sourceFileHomes) mHome
pure mHome
home <- unsafeIOToSTM $ fromMaybe (defaultPackagePath miState) <$> findHome dirPath
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "File system yielded " <> unPackageHome home
putTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.insert dirPath home sourceFileHomes
pure home
sourceFileHomeDeleted :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> IO ()
sourceFileHomeDeleted miState path = atomically $ modifyTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.delete path
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> STM ()
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState path = do
dirPath <- unsafeIOToSTM $ getDirectoryIfFile path
modifyTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.delete dirPath
-- When a daml.yaml changes, all files pointing to it are invalidated in the cache
sourceFileHomeDamlYamlChanged :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
sourceFileHomeDamlYamlChanged miState home = atomically $ modifyTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.filter (/=home)
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> STM ()
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged miState home = modifyTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.filter (/=home)
sendSubIDEByPath :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendSubIDEByPath miState path msg = do
mHome <- atomically $ getSourceFileHome miState path
home <- atomically $ getSourceFileHome miState path
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home msg
case mHome of
Just home -> do
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home msg
withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
-- Here we already have a subIDE, so we forward our message to it before dropping the lock
Just ide -> do
unsafeSendSubIDE ide msg
logDebug miState $ "Found relevant SubIDE: " <> unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData)
pure ides
-- This path will create a new subIDE at the given home
Nothing -> do
unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides home $ Just msg
Nothing -> do
-- We get here if we cannot find a daml.yaml file for a file mentioned in a request
-- if we're sending a response, ignore it, as this means the server that sent the request has been killed already.
-- if we're sending a request, respond to the client with an error.
-- if we're sending a notification, ignore it - theres nothing the protocol allows us to do to signify notification failures.
let replyError :: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request). LSP.SMethod m -> LSP.LspId m -> IO ()
replyError method id =
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just id) $ Left
$ LSP.ResponseError LSP.InvalidParams ("Could not find daml.yaml for package containing " <> T.pack path) Nothing
case msg of
LSP.FromClientMess method params ->
case (LSP.splitClientMethod method, params) of
(LSP.IsClientReq, LSP.RequestMessage {_id}) -> replyError method _id
(LSP.IsClientEither, LSP.ReqMess (LSP.RequestMessage {_id})) -> replyError method _id
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
-- Here we already have a subIDE, so we forward our message to it before dropping the lock
Just ide -> do
unsafeSendSubIDE ide msg
logDebug miState $ "Found relevant SubIDE: " <> unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData)
pure ides
-- This path will create a new subIDE at the given home
Nothing -> do
unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides home $ Just msg
parseCustomResult :: Aeson.FromJSON a => String -> Either LSP.ResponseError Aeson.Value -> Either LSP.ResponseError a
parseCustomResult name =
@ -439,6 +429,61 @@ removeOpenFile miState home file = do
unsafeIOToSTM $ logInfo miState $ "Removed open file " <> unDamlFile file <> " from " <> unPackageHome home
onOpenFiles miState home $ Set.delete file
-- Logic for moving open files between subIDEs when packages are created/destroyed
-- When a daml.yaml is removed, its openFiles need to be distributed to another SubIDE, else we'll forget that the client opened them
-- We handle this by finding a new home (using getSourceFileHome) for each open file of the current subIDE, and assigning to that
-- We also send the open file notification to the new subIDE(s) if they're already running
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles miState home = withIDEsAtomic_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
moveOpenFile :: SubIDEs -> DamlFile -> STM SubIDEs
moveOpenFile ides openFile = do
-- getSourceFileHome caches on a directory level, so won't do that many filesystem operations
newHome <- getSourceFileHome miState $ unDamlFile openFile
let newHomeIdeData = lookupSubIde newHome ides
newHomeIdeData' = newHomeIdeData {ideDataOpenFiles = Set.insert openFile $ ideDataOpenFiles newHomeIdeData}
-- If we're moving the file to a disabled IDE, it should get the new warning
when (ideDataDisabled newHomeIdeData') $ traverse_ (sendClientSTM miState) $ disableIdeDiagnosticMessages newHomeIdeData'
forM_ (ideDataMain newHomeIdeData) $ \ide -> do
-- Acceptable IO as read only operation
content <- unsafeIOToSTM $ TE.readFileUtf8 $ unDamlFile openFile
unsafeSendSubIDESTM ide $ openFileNotification openFile content
pure $ Map.insert newHome newHomeIdeData' ides
ides' <- foldM moveOpenFile ides $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData
pure $ Map.insert home (ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = mempty}) ides'
-- When a daml.yaml is created, we potentially move openFiles from other subIDEs to this one
-- We do this by finding all SubIDEs that sit above this package in the directory
-- (plus the default package, which is said to sit above all other packages)
-- We iterate their open files for any that sit below this package
-- i.e. this package sits between a daml file and its daml.yaml
-- We move these open files to the new package, sending Closed file messages to their former IDE
-- We also assume no subIDE for this package existed already, as its daml.yaml was just created
-- so there is no need to send Open file messages to it
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles miState home = withIDEsAtomic_ miState $ \ides -> do
-- Iterate ides, return a list of open files, update ides and run monadically
let shouldConsiderIde :: PackageHome -> Bool
shouldConsiderIde oldHome =
oldHome == defaultPackagePath miState ||
unPackageHome oldHome `isPrefixOf` unPackageHome home && oldHome /= home
shouldMoveFile :: DamlFile -> Bool
shouldMoveFile (DamlFile damlFilePath) = unPackageHome home `isPrefixOf` damlFilePath
handleIde :: (SubIDEs, Set.Set DamlFile) -> (PackageHome, SubIDEData) -> STM (SubIDEs, Set.Set DamlFile)
handleIde (ides, damlFiles) (oldHome, oldIdeData) | shouldConsiderIde oldHome = do
let openFilesToMove = Set.filter shouldMoveFile $ ideDataOpenFiles oldIdeData
updatedOldIdeData = oldIdeData {ideDataOpenFiles = ideDataOpenFiles oldIdeData Set.\\ openFilesToMove}
forM_ (ideDataMain oldIdeData) $ \ide -> forM_ openFilesToMove $ unsafeSendSubIDESTM ide . closeFileNotification
pure (Map.insert oldHome updatedOldIdeData ides, openFilesToMove <> damlFiles)
handleIde (ides, damlFiles) (oldHome, oldIdeData) =
pure (Map.insert oldHome oldIdeData ides, damlFiles)
(ides', movedFiles) <- foldM handleIde mempty $ Map.toList ides
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
-- Invalidate the home cache for every moved file
traverse_ (sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState . unDamlFile) movedFiles
pure $ Map.insert home (ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = movedFiles <> ideDataOpenFiles ideData}) ides'
resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation :: MultiIdeState -> PackageSourceLocation -> IO PackageHome
resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation miState pkgSource = do
(pkgPath, mDarPath) <- resolveSourceLocation miState pkgSource
@ -547,8 +592,14 @@ handleOpenFilesNotification
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
handleOpenFilesNotification miState mess path = atomically $ case (mess ^. LSP.method, takeExtension path) of
(LSP.STextDocumentDidOpen, ".daml") -> getSourceFileHome miState path >>= traverse_ (\home -> addOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path)
(LSP.STextDocumentDidClose, ".daml") -> getSourceFileHome miState path >>= traverse_ (\home -> removeOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path)
(LSP.STextDocumentDidOpen, ".daml") -> do
home <- getSourceFileHome miState path
addOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path
(LSP.STextDocumentDidClose, ".daml") -> do
home <- getSourceFileHome miState path
removeOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path
-- Also remove from the source mapping, in case project structure changes while we're not tracking the file
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState path
_ -> pure ()
clientMessageHandler :: MultiIdeState -> IO () -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
@ -625,9 +676,17 @@ clientMessageHandler miState unblock bs = do
"daml.yaml" -> do
let home = PackageHome $ takeDirectory changedPath
logInfo miState $ "daml.yaml change in " <> unPackageHome home <> ". Shutting down IDE"
sourceFileHomeDamlYamlChanged miState home
rebootIdeByHome miState home
atomically $ sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged miState home
case changeType of
LSP.FcDeleted -> do
shutdownIdeByHome miState home
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles miState home
LSP.FcCreated -> do
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles miState home
rebootIdeByHome miState home
LSP.FcChanged -> rebootIdeByHome miState home
void $ updatePackageData miState
"multi-package.yaml" -> do
logInfo miState "multi-package.yaml change."
void $ updatePackageData miState
@ -640,7 +699,7 @@ clientMessageHandler miState unblock bs = do
void $ updatePackageData miState
-- for .daml, we remove entry from the sourceFileHome cache if the file is deleted (note that renames/moves are sent as delete then create)
_ | takeExtension changedPath == ".daml" && changeType == LSP.FcDeleted -> sourceFileHomeDeleted miState changedPath
_ | takeExtension changedPath == ".daml" && changeType == LSP.FcDeleted -> atomically $ sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState changedPath
_ -> pure ()
logDebug miState "all not on filtered DidChangeWatchedFilesParams"
-- Filter down to only daml files and send those

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@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ withIDEsAtomic miState f = atomically $ do
holdingIDEsAtomic :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> STM a) -> IO a
holdingIDEsAtomic miState f = withIDEsAtomic miState $ \ides -> (ides,) <$> f ides
withIDEsAtomic_ :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> STM SubIDEs) -> IO ()
withIDEsAtomic_ miState f = void $ withIDEsAtomic miState $ fmap (, ()) . f
withIDEs :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> IO (SubIDEs, a)) -> IO a
withIDEs miState f = do
ides <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ subIDEsVar miState

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@ -177,7 +177,15 @@ openFileNotification path content = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.STextDocumentDidOpen
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
closeFileNotification :: DamlFile -> LSP.FromClientMessage
closeFileNotification path = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.STextDocumentDidClose LSP.NotificationMessage
{_method = LSP.STextDocumentDidClose
, _params = LSP.DidCloseTextDocumentParams $ LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier $
LSP.filePathToUri $ unDamlFile path
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
registerFileWatchersMessage :: LSP.RequestMessage 'LSP.ClientRegisterCapability
registerFileWatchersMessage =