Refactor daml start options, add true/false to yes/no/auto flags. (#12169)

* Refactor daml start & add true/false to yesNoAuto.

- Refactor the way we pass arguments to daml start. We were relying on
  positional arguments with newtypes, but this is super cumbersome. I
  changed it to a RecordWildCards-style approach, where we don't need
  quite so many newtypes, and no more positional arguments.

- "--start-navigator" flag had some custom logic to accept "true" and
  "false". I don't see why we can't just accept "true" and "false"
  anywhere we use the "yes/no/auto" flags, so I just changed that and
  got rid of the custom logic.

- The way "auto" was handled for this flag was incorrect, since "auto"
  is supposed to be equivalent the default, i.e. not passing any
  flag. I changed it so auto is equivalent to not passing an argument.
  (I.e. it looks in daml.yaml for the start-navigator option).


* dont pass in shutdownStdinClose to runStart
This commit is contained in:
Sofia Faro 2021-12-16 14:40:36 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1ed02369eb
commit 8b05a533ce
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 61 additions and 120 deletions

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@ -61,19 +61,8 @@ data Command
| Init { targetFolderM :: Maybe FilePath }
| ListTemplates
| Start
{ sandboxPortM :: Maybe SandboxPortSpec
, openBrowser :: OpenBrowser
, startNavigator :: Maybe StartNavigator
, navigatorPort :: NavigatorPort
, jsonApiCfg :: JsonApiConfig
, onStartM :: Maybe String
, waitForSignal :: WaitForSignal
, sandboxOptions :: SandboxOptions
, navigatorOptions :: NavigatorOptions
, jsonApiOptions :: JsonApiOptions
, scriptOptions :: ScriptOptions
{ startOptions :: StartOptions
, shutdownStdinClose :: Bool
, sandboxClassic :: SandboxClassic
| Deploy { flags :: LedgerFlags }
| LedgerListParties { flags :: LedgerFlags, json :: JsonFlag }
@ -166,37 +155,21 @@ commandParser = subparser $ fold
initCmd = Init
<$> optional (argument str (metavar "TARGET_PATH" <> help "Project folder to initialize."))
startCmd = Start
<$> optional (option (maybeReader (toSandboxPortSpec <=< readMaybe)) (long "sandbox-port" <> metavar "PORT_NUM" <> help "Port number for the sandbox"))
<*> (OpenBrowser <$> flagYesNoAuto "open-browser" True "Open the browser after navigator" idm)
<*> optional navigatorFlag
<*> navigatorPortOption
<*> jsonApiCfg
<*> optional (option str (long "on-start" <> metavar "COMMAND" <> help "Command to run once sandbox and navigator are running."))
<*> (WaitForSignal <$> flagYesNoAuto "wait-for-signal" True "Wait for Ctrl+C or interrupt after starting servers." idm)
<*> (SandboxOptions <$> many (strOption (long "sandbox-option" <> metavar "SANDBOX_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to sandbox")))
<*> (NavigatorOptions <$> many (strOption (long "navigator-option" <> metavar "NAVIGATOR_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to navigator")))
<*> (JsonApiOptions <$> many (strOption (long "json-api-option" <> metavar "JSON_API_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to HTTP JSON API")))
<*> (ScriptOptions <$> many (strOption (long "script-option" <> metavar "SCRIPT_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to Daml script interpreter")))
<*> stdinCloseOpt
<*> (SandboxClassic <$> switch (long "sandbox-classic" <> help "Deprecated. Run with Sandbox Classic."))
navigatorFlag =
-- We do not use flagYesNoAuto here since that doesnt allow us to differentiate
-- if the flag was passed explicitly or not.
StartNavigator <$>
option reader (long "start-navigator" <> help helpText <> completeWith ["true", "false"] <> idm)
reader = eitherReader $ \case
-- We allow for both yes and true since we want a boolean in daml.yaml
"true" -> Right True
"yes" -> Right True
"false" -> Right False
"no" -> Right False
"auto" -> Right True
s -> Left ("Expected \"yes\", \"true\", \"no\", \"false\" or \"auto\" but got " <> show s)
-- To make things less confusing, we do not mention yes, no and auto here.
helpText = "Start navigator as part of daml start. Can be set to true or false. Defaults to true."
startCmd = do
sandboxPortM <- optional (option (maybeReader (toSandboxPortSpec <=< readMaybe)) (long "sandbox-port" <> metavar "PORT_NUM" <> help "Port number for the sandbox"))
shouldOpenBrowser <- flagYesNoAuto "open-browser" True "Open the browser after navigator" idm
shouldStartNavigator <- flagYesNoAuto' "start-navigator" "Start navigator as part of daml start. Can be set to true or false. Defaults to true." idm
navigatorPort <- navigatorPortOption
jsonApiConfig <- jsonApiCfg
onStartM <- optional (option str (long "on-start" <> metavar "COMMAND" <> help "Command to run once sandbox and navigator are running."))
shouldWaitForSignal <- flagYesNoAuto "wait-for-signal" True "Wait for Ctrl+C or interrupt after starting servers." idm
sandboxOptions <- many (strOption (long "sandbox-option" <> metavar "SANDBOX_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to sandbox"))
navigatorOptions <- many (strOption (long "navigator-option" <> metavar "NAVIGATOR_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to navigator"))
jsonApiOptions <- many (strOption (long "json-api-option" <> metavar "JSON_API_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to HTTP JSON API"))
scriptOptions <- many (strOption (long "script-option" <> metavar "SCRIPT_OPTION" <> help "Pass option to Daml script interpreter"))
shutdownStdinClose <- stdinCloseOpt
sandboxClassic <- SandboxClassic <$> switch (long "sandbox-classic" <> help "Deprecated. Run with Sandbox Classic.")
pure $ Start StartOptions{..} shutdownStdinClose
navigatorPortOption = NavigatorPort <$> option auto
(long "navigator-port"
@ -475,19 +448,7 @@ runCommand = \case
ListTemplates -> runListTemplates
Start {..} ->
(if shutdownStdinClose then withCloseOnStdin else id) $
runStart startOptions
Deploy {..} -> runDeploy flags
LedgerListParties {..} -> runLedgerListParties flags json
PackagesList {..} -> runLedgerListPackages0 flags

View File

@ -8,19 +8,13 @@ module DA.Daml.Helper.Start
, withSandbox
, withNavigator
, StartOptions(..)
, NavigatorPort(..)
, SandboxPort(..)
, SandboxPortSpec(..)
, toSandboxPortSpec
, JsonApiPort(..)
, JsonApiConfig(..)
, OpenBrowser(..)
, StartNavigator(..)
, WaitForSignal(..)
, SandboxOptions(..)
, NavigatorOptions(..)
, JsonApiOptions(..)
, ScriptOptions(..)
, SandboxClassic(..)
) where
@ -46,6 +40,8 @@ import Web.Browser
import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
import Data.Aeson
import Options.Applicative.Extended (YesNoAuto, determineAutoM)
import DA.Daml.Helper.Codegen
import DA.Daml.Helper.Ledger
import DA.Daml.Helper.Util
@ -153,23 +149,10 @@ withJsonApi (SandboxPort sandboxPort) (JsonApiPort jsonApiPort) extraArgs a = do
waitForHttpServer (putStr "." *> threadDelay 500000) ("http://localhost:" <> show jsonApiPort <> "/v1/query") headers
a ph
-- | Whether `daml start` should open a browser automatically.
newtype OpenBrowser = OpenBrowser Bool
-- | Whether `daml start` should start the navigator automatically.
newtype StartNavigator = StartNavigator Bool
data JsonApiConfig = JsonApiConfig
{ mbJsonApiPort :: Maybe JsonApiPort -- If Nothing, dont start the JSON API
-- | Whether `daml start` should wait for Ctrl+C or interrupt after starting servers.
newtype WaitForSignal = WaitForSignal Bool
newtype SandboxOptions = SandboxOptions [String]
newtype NavigatorOptions = NavigatorOptions [String]
newtype JsonApiOptions = JsonApiOptions [String]
newtype ScriptOptions = ScriptOptions [String]
newtype SandboxClassic = SandboxClassic { unSandboxClassic :: Bool }
withOptsFromProjectConfig :: T.Text -> [String] -> ProjectConfig -> IO [String]
@ -180,35 +163,24 @@ withOptsFromProjectConfig fieldName cliOpts projectConfig = do
queryProjectConfig [fieldName] projectConfig
pure (optsYaml ++ cliOpts)
data StartOptions = StartOptions
{ sandboxPortM :: Maybe SandboxPortSpec
, shouldOpenBrowser :: Bool
, shouldStartNavigator :: YesNoAuto
, navigatorPort :: NavigatorPort
, jsonApiConfig :: JsonApiConfig
, onStartM :: Maybe String
, shouldWaitForSignal :: Bool
, sandboxOptions :: [String]
, navigatorOptions :: [String]
, jsonApiOptions :: [String]
, scriptOptions :: [String]
, sandboxClassic :: SandboxClassic
:: Maybe SandboxPortSpec
-> Maybe StartNavigator
-> NavigatorPort
-> JsonApiConfig
-> OpenBrowser
-> Maybe String
-> WaitForSignal
-> SandboxOptions
-> NavigatorOptions
-> JsonApiOptions
-> ScriptOptions
-> SandboxClassic
-> IO ()
(JsonApiConfig mbJsonApiPort)
(OpenBrowser shouldOpenBrowser)
(WaitForSignal shouldWaitForSignal)
(SandboxOptions sandboxOpts)
(NavigatorOptions navigatorOpts)
(JsonApiOptions jsonApiOpts)
(ScriptOptions scriptOpts)
= withProjectRoot Nothing (ProjectCheck "daml start" True) $ \_ _ -> do
runStart :: StartOptions -> IO ()
runStart StartOptions{..} =
withProjectRoot Nothing (ProjectCheck "daml start" True) $ \_ _ -> do
projectConfig <- getProjectConfig Nothing
darPath <- getDarPath
mbScenario :: Maybe String <-
@ -217,17 +189,15 @@ runStart
mbInitScript :: Maybe String <-
requiredE "Failed to parse init-script" $
queryProjectConfig ["init-script"] projectConfig
shouldStartNavigator :: Bool <- case mbStartNavigator of
-- If an option is passed explicitly, we use it, otherwise we read daml.yaml.
Nothing ->
fmap (fromMaybe True) $
shouldStartNavigator :: Bool <-
determineAutoM (fmap (fromMaybe True) $
requiredE "Failed to parse start-navigator" $
queryProjectConfig ["start-navigator"] projectConfig
Just (StartNavigator explicit) -> pure explicit
sandboxOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "sandbox-options" sandboxOpts projectConfig
navigatorOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "navigator-options" navigatorOpts projectConfig
jsonApiOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "json-api-options" jsonApiOpts projectConfig
scriptOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "script-options" scriptOpts projectConfig
queryProjectConfig ["start-navigator"] projectConfig)
sandboxOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "sandbox-options" sandboxOptions projectConfig
navigatorOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "navigator-options" navigatorOptions projectConfig
jsonApiOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "json-api-options" jsonApiOptions projectConfig
scriptOpts <- withOptsFromProjectConfig "script-options" scriptOptions projectConfig
doCodegen projectConfig
let scenarioArgs = maybe [] (\scenario -> ["--scenario", scenario]) mbScenario
@ -266,7 +236,7 @@ runStart
then withNavigator
else (\_ _ _ f -> f sandboxPh)
withJsonApi' sandboxPh sandboxPort args f =
case mbJsonApiPort of
case mbJsonApiPort jsonApiConfig of
Nothing -> f sandboxPh
Just jsonApiPort -> withJsonApi sandboxPort jsonApiPort args f
doCodegen projectConfig =

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Options.Applicative.Extended
, flagYesNoAuto
, flagYesNoAuto'
, determineAuto
, determineAutoM
) where
import Options.Applicative
@ -25,16 +26,25 @@ determineAuto b = \case
Auto -> b
Yes -> True
-- | Convert YesNoAuto value to Bool by specifying how default value for Auto should be determined, in a monad.
determineAutoM :: Monad m => m Bool -> YesNoAuto -> m Bool
determineAutoM m = \case
No -> pure False
Auto -> m
Yes -> pure True
-- | This constructs flags that can be set to yes, no, or auto, with auto being the default.
-- This maps yes to "Just true", no to "Just False" and auto to "Nothing"
flagYesNoAuto' :: String -> String -> Mod OptionFields YesNoAuto -> Parser YesNoAuto
flagYesNoAuto' flagName helpText mods =
option reader (long flagName <> value Auto <> help helpText <> completeWith ["yes", "no", "auto"] <> mods)
option reader (long flagName <> value Auto <> help helpText <> completeWith ["true", "false", "yes", "no", "auto"] <> mods)
where reader = eitherReader $ \case
"yes" -> Right Yes
"true" -> Right Yes
"no" -> Right No
"false" -> Right No
"auto" -> Right Auto
s -> Left ("Expected \"yes\", \"no\" or \"auto\" but got " <> show s)
s -> Left ("Expected \"yes\", \"true\", \"no\", \"false\", or \"auto\" but got " <> show s)
-- | This constructs flags that can be set to yes, no, or auto to control a boolean value
-- with auto using the default.