Refactoring the handling of data types in LFConversion.hs (#3251)

* Add some type signatures to make MonoLocalBinds happy

* Extract applyDataCon function

* rename applyDataCon

* Refactor convertDataCon

* ß reduction

* Delint

* Refactor convertTypeDef

* Rewrite convertTemplateInstanceDef

* pass sanitization function to convertRecordFields

* Extract out the newtype worker definition

* Move mkWorkerName to UtilLF

* Simplify getTag conversion

* Simplify tagToEnum# conversion

* Eliminate Ctors and toCtors

* Reviewer comments
This commit is contained in:
associahedron 2019-10-31 13:46:48 +00:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 8baeaf59a1
commit 8c8cd5f433
2 changed files with 270 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-overlapping-patterns #-} -- Because the pattern match checker is garbage
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Ratio
import "ghc-lib" GHC
import "ghc-lib" GhcPlugins as GHC hiding ((<>))
import "ghc-lib" GhcPlugins as GHC hiding ((<>), notNull)
import "ghc-lib-parser" Pair hiding (swap)
import "ghc-lib-parser" PrelNames
import "ghc-lib-parser" TysPrim
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ conversionError msg = do
, _message = T.pack msg
, _code = Nothing
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
} where
unsupported :: (HasCallStack, Outputable a) => String -> a -> ConvertM e
unsupported typ x = conversionError errMsg
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
, Just monoTyCon <- findMonoTyp polyType
= do
let tplLocation = convNameLoc monoTyCon
Ctors{_cCtors = [Ctor _ fields _]} <- toCtors env polyTyCon
fields = ctorLabels (tyConSingleDataCon polyTyCon)
polyType@(TConApp polyTyCon polyTyArgs) <- convertType env polyType
let polyTCA = TypeConApp polyTyCon polyTyArgs
monoType@(TCon monoTyCon) <- convertTyCon env monoTyCon
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
(mkVar "_", TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType)
(ETmLam chcArgBinder $ ERecCon anyChoiceTy [(anyChoiceField, EToAny argType $ EVar arg)]))
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
(TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> argType :-> typeConAppToType anyChoiceTy)) `ETmApp`
TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> argType :-> typeConAppToType anyChoiceTy) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyChoice is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
let fromAnyChoice =
if envLfVersion env `supports` featureAnyType
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
(mkVar "_", TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType)
(ETmLam (mkVar "any", typeConAppToType anyChoiceTy) $ EFromAny argType $ ERecProj anyChoiceTy anyChoiceField $ EVar $ mkVar "any"))
else EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp`
(TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> typeConAppToType anyChoiceTy :-> TOptional argType)) `ETmApp`
TForall (mkTypeVar "proxy", KArrow KStar KStar) (TApp (TVar $ mkTypeVar "proxy") polyType :-> typeConAppToType anyChoiceTy :-> TOptional argType) `ETmApp`
EBuiltin (BEText "toAnyChoice is not supported in this DAML-LF version")
pure (TemplateChoice{..}, [consumption, controllers, action, exercise, toAnyChoice, fromAnyChoice])
convertGenericChoice es = unhandled "generic choice" es
@ -497,70 +497,135 @@ data Consuming = PreConsuming
deriving (Eq)
convertTypeDef :: Env -> TyThing -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertTypeDef env (ATyCon t)
| GHC.moduleNameFS (GHC.moduleName (nameModule (getName t))) == "DA.Internal.LF"
, getOccFS t `elementOfUniqSet` internalTypes
= pure []
convertTypeDef env (ATyCon t)
convertTypeDef env o@(ATyCon t) = withRange (convNameLoc t) $ if
-- Internal types (i.e. already defined in LF)
| GHC.moduleNameFS (GHC.moduleName (nameModule (getName t))) == "DA.Internal.LF"
, getOccFS t `elementOfUniqSet` internalTypes
-> pure []
-- NOTE(MH): We detect type synonyms produced by the desugaring
-- of `template instance` declarations and inline the record definition
-- of the generic template.
-- TODO(FM): Precompute a map of possible template instances in Env
-- instead of checking every closed type synonym against every class
-- instance (or improve this some other way to subquadratic time).
| Just ([], TypeCon tpl args) <- synTyConDefn_maybe t
, any (\(c, args') -> getOccFS c == getOccFS tpl <> "Instance" && eqTypes args args') $ envInstances env
= do
ctors0 <- toCtors env tpl
args <- mapM (convertType env) args
let subst = MS.fromList $ zipExact (map fst (_cParams ctors0)) args
let ctors1 = ctors0
{ _cTypeName = getName t
, _cParams = []
, _cCtors = map (\(Ctor n fs ts) -> Ctor n fs $ map (LF.substitute subst) ts) (_cCtors ctors0)
convertCtors env ctors1
convertTypeDef env o@(ATyCon t) = withRange (convNameLoc t) $
case tyConFlavour t of
fl | fl `elem` [ClassFlavour,DataTypeFlavour,NewtypeFlavour] -> convertCtors env =<< toCtors env t
TypeSynonymFlavour -> pure []
_ -> unsupported ("Data definition, of type " ++ prettyPrint (tyConFlavour t)) o
-> convertTemplateInstanceDef env (getName t) tpl args
-- Type synonyms get expanded out during conversion (see 'convertType').
| isTypeSynonymTyCon t
-> pure []
-- Enum types. These are algebraic types without any type arguments,
-- with two or more constructors that have no arguments.
| isEnumTyCon t
-> convertEnumDef env t
-- Simple record types. This includes newtypes, typeclasses, and
-- single constructor algebraic types with no fields or with
-- labelled fields.
| isSimpleRecordTyCon t
-> convertSimpleRecordDef env t
-- Variants are algebraic types that are not enums and not simple
-- record types. This includes most 'data' types.
| isVariantTyCon t
-> convertVariantDef env t
| otherwise
-> unsupported ("Data definition, of type " ++ prettyPrint (tyConFlavour t)) o
convertTypeDef env x = pure []
convertCtors :: Env -> Ctors -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertCtors env (Ctors name flavour tys [o@(Ctor ctor fldNames fldTys)])
| isRecordCtor o
= pure $ [defDataType tconName tys $ DataRecord flds] ++
[ defValue name (mkVal $ "$W" <> getOccText ctor, mkTForalls tys $ mkTFuns fldTys (typeConAppToType tcon)) expr
| flavour == NewtypeFlavour
flds = zipExact fldNames fldTys
tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText name]
tcon = TypeConApp (Qualified PRSelf (envLFModuleName env) tconName) $ map (TVar . fst) tys
expr = mkETyLams tys $ mkETmLams (map (first fieldToVar ) flds) $ ERecCon tcon [(l, EVar $ fieldToVar l) | l <- fldNames]
convertCtors env o@(Ctors name _ _ cs) | isEnumCtors o = do
let ctorNames = map (\(Ctor ctor _ _) -> mkVariantCon $ getOccText ctor) cs
convertEnumDef :: Env -> TyCon -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertEnumDef env t =
pure [defDataType tconName [] $ DataEnum ctorNames]
tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText name]
convertCtors env (Ctors name _ tys cs) = do
(constrs, funs) <- mapAndUnzipM convertCtor cs
pure $ [defDataType tconName tys $ DataVariant constrs] ++ concat funs
tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText name]
convertCtor :: Ctor -> ConvertM ((VariantConName, LF.Type), [Definition])
convertCtor o@(Ctor ctor fldNames fldTys) =
case (fldNames, fldTys) of
([], []) -> pure ((ctorName, TUnit), [])
([], [typ]) -> pure ((ctorName, typ), [])
([], _:_:_) -> unsupported "Data constructor with multiple unnamed fields" (prettyPrint name)
(_:_, _) ->
let recName = synthesizeVariantRecord ctorName tconName
recData = defDataType recName tys $ DataRecord (zipExact fldNames fldTys)
recTCon = TypeConApp (Qualified PRSelf (envLFModuleName env) recName) $ map (TVar . fst) tys
in pure ((ctorName, typeConAppToType recTCon), [recData])
ctorName = mkVariantCon (getOccText ctor)
tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText t]
ctorNames = map (mkVariantCon . getOccText) (tyConDataCons t)
convertSimpleRecordDef :: Env -> TyCon -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertSimpleRecordDef env tycon = do
let con = tyConSingleDataCon tycon
flavour = tyConFlavour tycon
sanitize -- DICTIONARY SANITIZATION step (1)
| flavour == ClassFlavour = (TUnit :->)
| otherwise = id
tyVars <- mapM convTypeVar (tyConTyVars tycon)
fields <- convertRecordFields env con sanitize
let tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
typeDef = defDataType tconName tyVars (DataRecord fields)
workerDef = defNewtypeWorker env tycon tconName con tyVars fields
pure $ typeDef : [workerDef | flavour == NewtypeFlavour]
defNewtypeWorker :: NamedThing a => Env -> a -> TypeConName -> DataCon
-> [(TypeVarName, LF.Kind)] -> [(FieldName, LF.Type)] -> Definition
defNewtypeWorker env loc tconName con tyVars fields =
let tcon = TypeConApp
(Qualified PRSelf (envLFModuleName env) tconName)
(map (TVar . fst) tyVars)
workerName = mkWorkerName (getOccText con)
workerType = mkTForalls tyVars $ mkTFuns (map snd fields) $ typeConAppToType tcon
workerBody = mkETyLams tyVars $ mkETmLams (map (first fieldToVar) fields) $
ERecCon tcon [(label, EVar (fieldToVar label)) | (label,_) <- fields]
in defValue loc (workerName, workerType) workerBody
convertRecordFields :: Env -> DataCon -> (LF.Type -> t) -> ConvertM [(FieldName, t)]
convertRecordFields env con wrap = do
let labels = ctorLabels con
(_, theta, args, _) = dataConSig con
types <- mapM (convertType env) (theta ++ args)
pure $ zipExact labels (map wrap types)
convertVariantDef :: Env -> TyCon -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertVariantDef env tycon = do
tyVars <- mapM convTypeVar (tyConTyVars tycon)
(constrs, moreDefs) <- mapAndUnzipM
(convertVariantConDef env tycon tyVars)
(tyConDataCons tycon)
let tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
typeDef = defDataType tconName tyVars (DataVariant constrs)
pure $ [typeDef] ++ concat moreDefs
convertVariantConDef :: Env -> TyCon -> [(TypeVarName, LF.Kind)] -> DataCon -> ConvertM ((VariantConName, LF.Type), [Definition])
convertVariantConDef env tycon tyVars con =
case (ctorLabels con, dataConOrigArgTys con) of
([], []) ->
pure ((ctorName, TUnit), [])
([], [argTy]) -> do
argTy' <- convertType env argTy
pure ((ctorName, argTy'), [])
([], _:_:_) ->
unsupported "Data constructor with multiple unnamed fields" (prettyPrint (getName tycon))
(labels, args) -> do
fields <- zipExact labels <$> mapM (convertType env) args
let recName = synthesizeVariantRecord ctorName tconName
recDef = defDataType recName tyVars (DataRecord fields)
recType = TConApp
(Qualified PRSelf (envLFModuleName env) recName)
(map (TVar . fst) tyVars)
pure ((ctorName, recType), [recDef])
tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
ctorName = mkVariantCon (getOccText con)
-- | Instantiate and inline the generic template record definition
-- for a template instance.
convertTemplateInstanceDef :: Env -> Name -> TyCon -> [GHC.Type] -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertTemplateInstanceDef env tname templateTyCon args = do
when (tyConFlavour templateTyCon /= DataTypeFlavour) $
unhandled "template type with unexpected flavour"
(prettyPrint $ tyConFlavour templateTyCon)
lfArgs <- mapM (convertType env) args
let templateCon = tyConSingleDataCon templateTyCon
tyVarNames = map convTypeVarName (tyConTyVars templateTyCon)
subst = MS.fromList (zipExact tyVarNames lfArgs)
fields <- convertRecordFields env templateCon (LF.substitute subst)
let tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tname]
typeDef = defDataType tconName [] (DataRecord fields)
pure [typeDef]
convertBind :: Env -> (Var, GHC.Expr Var) -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertBind env (name, x)
@ -728,17 +793,18 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
-- conversion of bodies of $con2tag functions
go env (VarIs "getTag") (LType (TypeCon t _) : LExpr x : args) = fmap (, args) $ do
ctors@(Ctors _ _ _ cs) <- toCtors env t
x' <- convertExpr env x
t' <- convertQualified env t
let mkCasePattern con
-- Note that tagToEnum# can also be used on non-enum types, i.e.,
-- types where not all constructors are nullary.
| isEnumCtors ctors = CPEnum t' con
| isEnumTyCon t = CPEnum t' con
| otherwise = CPVariant t' con (mkVar "_")
pure $ ECase x'
[ CaseAlternative (mkCasePattern (mkVariantCon (getOccText variantName))) (EBuiltin $ BEInt64 i)
| (Ctor variantName _ _, i) <- zip cs [0..]
[ CaseAlternative
(mkCasePattern (mkVariantCon (getOccText con)))
(EBuiltin $ BEInt64 i)
| (con, i) <- zip (tyConDataCons t) [0..]
go env (VarIs "tagToEnum#") (LType (TypeCon (Is "Bool") []) : LExpr (op0 `App` x `App` y) : args)
| VarIs "==#" <- op0 = go BEEqual
@ -754,16 +820,17 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
pure $ EBuiltin (BEEqual BTInt64) `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEInt64 1) `ETmApp` x'
go env (VarIs "tagToEnum#") (LType tt@(TypeCon t _) : LExpr x : args) = fmap (, args) $ do
-- FIXME: Should generate a binary tree of eq and compare
ctors@(Ctors _ _ _ cs@(c1:_)) <- toCtors env t
tt' <- convertType env tt
x' <- convertExpr env x
let mkCtor (Ctor c _ _)
let cs = tyConDataCons t
c1 = head cs -- FIXME: handle the empty variant more gracefully.
mkCtor con
-- Note that tagToEnum# can also be used on non-enum types, i.e.,
-- types where not all constructors are nullary.
| isEnumCtors ctors
= EEnumCon (tcaTypeCon (fromTCon tt')) (mkVariantCon (getOccText c))
| isEnumTyCon t
= EEnumCon (tcaTypeCon (fromTCon tt')) (mkVariantCon (getOccText con))
| otherwise
= EVariantCon (fromTCon tt') (mkVariantCon (getOccText c)) EUnit
= EVariantCon (fromTCon tt') (mkVariantCon (getOccText con)) EUnit
mkEqInt i = EBuiltin (BEEqual BTInt64) `ETmApp` x' `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEInt64 i)
pure (foldr ($) (mkCtor c1) [mkIf (mkEqInt i) (mkCtor c) | (i,c) <- zipFrom 0 cs])
@ -805,6 +872,7 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
TBuiltin BTScenario -> mkBind EScenario SBind
_ -> fmap (, allArgs) $ convertExpr env bind
mkBind :: (m -> LF.Expr) -> (Binding -> LF.Expr -> m) -> ConvertM (LF.Expr, [LArg Var])
mkBind inj bind = fmap (, args) $ do
x' <- convertExpr env x
y' <- convertExpr env y
@ -817,6 +885,7 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
TBuiltin BTScenario -> mkSeq EScenario SBind
_ -> fmap (, allArgs) $ convertExpr env semi
mkSeq :: (m -> LF.Expr) -> (Binding -> LF.Expr -> m) -> ConvertM (LF.Expr, [LArg Var])
mkSeq inj bind = fmap (, args) $ do
t' <- convertType env t
x' <- convertExpr env x
@ -848,84 +917,11 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
| getOccFS x == "True" = fmap (, args) $ pure $ mkBool True
| getOccFS x == "False" = fmap (, args) $ pure $ mkBool False
| getOccFS x == "I#" = fmap (, args) $ pure $ mkIdentity TInt64 -- we pretend Int and Int# are the same thing
-- NOTE(MH): Handle data constructors. Fully applied record
-- constructors are inlined. This is required for contract keys to
-- work. Constructor workers are not handled (yet).
| Just m <- nameModule_maybe $ varName x
, Just con <- isDataConId_maybe x
= do
let qual f t
| Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "(," t
, T.dropWhile (== ',') xs == ")" = qDA_Types env $ f $ "Tuple" <> T.pack (show $ T.length xs + 1)
| Just t' <- T.stripPrefix "$W" t = qualify env m $ f t'
| otherwise = qualify env m $ f t
ctor@(Ctor _ fldNames fldTys) <- toCtor env con
let tycon = dataConTyCon con
if -- Fully applied record constructor:
| isRecordCtor ctor && isSingleConType tycon
, let n = length (dataConUnivTyVars con)
, let (tyArgs, tmArgs) = splitAt n (map snd args)
, length tyArgs == n && length tmArgs == length fldTys
, Just tyArgs <- mapM isType_maybe tyArgs
, all (isNothing . isType_maybe) tmArgs
-> fmap (, []) $ do
tyArgs <- mapM (convertType env) tyArgs
tmArgs <- mapM (convertExpr env) tmArgs
qTCon <- qual (mkTypeCon . pure) $ getOccText (dataConTyCon con)
let tcon = TypeConApp qTCon tyArgs
pure $ ERecCon tcon (zipExact fldNames tmArgs)
-- Partially aplied record constructor:
| isRecordCtor ctor && isSingleConType tycon
-> fmap (, args) $ fmap EVal $ qual (\x -> mkVal $ "$W" <> x) $ getOccText x
-- Enum constructor (necessarily fully applied):
| isEnumerationTyCon tycon && tyConArity tycon == 0
-> fmap (, []) $ do
unless (null args) $ unhandled "enum constructor with args" (x, args)
tcon <- qualify env m $ mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
pure $ EEnumCon tcon $ mkVariantCon $ getOccText x
-- Variant constructor without payload (necessarily fully applied):
| null fldTys
, Just tyArgs <- mapM (isType_maybe . snd) args
-> fmap (, []) $ do
lfTyArgs <- mapM (convertType env) tyArgs
qTCon <- qual (mkTypeCon . pure) $ getOccText (dataConTyCon con)
let tcon = TypeConApp qTCon lfTyArgs
let ctorName = mkVariantCon (getOccText con)
pure $ EVariantCon tcon ctorName EUnit
-- Fully applied variant constructor with non-record payload:
| null fldNames
, [_] <- fldTys
, let n = length (dataConUnivTyVars con)
, (tyArgs, [tmArg]) <- splitAt n (map snd args)
, Just tyArgs <- mapM isType_maybe tyArgs
-> fmap (, []) $ do
lfTmArg <- convertExpr env tmArg
lfTyArgs <- mapM (convertType env) tyArgs
qTCon <- qual (mkTypeCon . pure) $ getOccText (dataConTyCon con)
let tcon = TypeConApp qTCon lfTyArgs
let ctorName = mkVariantCon (getOccText con)
pure $ EVariantCon tcon ctorName lfTmArg
-- Fully applied variant constructor with record payload:
| isRecordCtor ctor
, let n = length (dataConUnivTyVars con)
, let (tyArgs, tmArgs) = splitAt n (map snd args)
, length tyArgs == n && length tmArgs == length fldTys
, Just tyArgs <- mapM isType_maybe tyArgs
, all (isNothing . isType_maybe) tmArgs
-> fmap (, []) $ do
lfTyArgs <- mapM (convertType env) tyArgs
lfTmArgs <- mapM (convertExpr env) tmArgs
let ctorName = mkVariantCon (getOccText con)
varTCon <- qual (mkTypeCon . pure) $ getOccText (dataConTyCon con)
let recTCon = fmap (synthesizeVariantRecord ctorName) varTCon
pure $
EVariantCon (TypeConApp varTCon lfTyArgs) ctorName $
ERecCon (TypeConApp recTCon lfTyArgs) (zipExact fldNames lfTmArgs)
-- Partially applied variant constructor:
| otherwise
-> fmap (, args) $ fmap EVal $ qual (\x -> mkVal $ "$W" <> x) $ getOccText x
| Just m <- nameModule_maybe $ varName x = fmap (, args) $
fmap EVal $ qualify env m $ convVal x
= convertDataCon env m con args
| Just m <- nameModule_maybe $ varName x =
fmap ((, args) . EVal) $ qualify env m $ convVal x
| isGlobalId x = fmap (, args) $ do
pkgRef <- nameToPkgRef env $ varName x
pure $ EVal $ Qualified pkgRef (envLFModuleName env) $ convVal x
@ -985,8 +981,7 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
Just vsFlds -> convertLet env bind scrutinee $ \env -> do
bindRef <- convertExpr env (Var bind)
x' <- convertExpr env x
projBinds <- mkProjBindings env bindRef (fromTCon tcon) vsFlds x'
pure projBinds
mkProjBindings env bindRef (fromTCon tcon) vsFlds x'
asLet = convertLet env bind scrutinee $ \env -> convertExpr env x
go env (Case scrutinee bind typ []) args = fmap (, args) $ do
@ -1011,6 +1006,124 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
go env o@(Coercion _) args = unhandled "Coercion" o
go _ x args = unhandled "Expression" x
-- | Is this an enum type?
isEnumTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isEnumTyCon tycon =
isEnumerationTyCon tycon
&& (tyConArity tycon == 0)
&& (length (tyConDataCons tycon) >= 2)
-- | Is this a simple record type?
isSimpleRecordTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isSimpleRecordTyCon tycon =
maybe False isSimpleRecordCon (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tycon)
-- | Is this a variant type?
isVariantTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isVariantTyCon tycon =
(tyConFlavour tycon == DataTypeFlavour)
&& not (isEnumTyCon tycon)
&& not (isSimpleRecordTyCon tycon)
conIsSingle :: DataCon -> Bool
conIsSingle = isSingleConType . dataConTyCon
conHasNoArgs :: DataCon -> Bool
conHasNoArgs = null . dataConOrigArgTys
conHasLabels :: DataCon -> Bool
conHasLabels = notNull . ctorLabels
isEnumCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isEnumCon = isEnumTyCon . dataConTyCon
isSimpleRecordCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isSimpleRecordCon con = (conHasLabels con || conHasNoArgs con) && conIsSingle con
isVariantRecordCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isVariantRecordCon con = conHasLabels con && not (conIsSingle con)
-- | The different classes of data cons with respect to LF conversion.
data DataConClass
= EnumCon -- ^ constructor for an enum type
| SimpleRecordCon -- ^ constructor for a record type
| SimpleVariantCon -- ^ constructor for a variant type with no synthetic record type
| VariantRecordCon -- ^ constructor for a variant type with a synthetic record type
deriving (Eq, Show)
classifyDataCon :: DataCon -> DataConClass
classifyDataCon con
| isEnumCon con = EnumCon
| isSimpleRecordCon con = SimpleRecordCon
| isVariantRecordCon con = VariantRecordCon
| otherwise = SimpleVariantCon
-- in which case, daml-preprocessor ensures that the
-- constructor cannot have more than one argument
-- | Split args into type args and non-type args of the expected length
-- for a particular DataCon.
splitConArgs_maybe :: DataCon -> [LArg Var] -> Maybe ([GHC.Type], [GHC.Arg Var])
splitConArgs_maybe con args = do
let (conTypes, conTheta, conArgs, _) = dataConSig con
numTypes = length conTypes
numVals = length conTheta + length conArgs
(typeArgs, valArgs) = splitAt numTypes (map snd args)
guard (length typeArgs == numTypes)
guard (length valArgs == numVals)
typeArgs <- mapM isType_maybe typeArgs
guard (all (isNothing . isType_maybe) valArgs)
Just (typeArgs, valArgs)
-- NOTE(MH): Handle data constructors. Fully applied record
-- constructors are inlined. This is required for contract keys to
-- work. Constructor workers are not handled (yet).
convertDataCon :: Env -> GHC.Module -> DataCon -> [LArg Var] -> ConvertM (LF.Expr, [LArg Var])
convertDataCon env m con args
-- Fully applied
| Just (tyArgs, tmArgs) <- splitConArgs_maybe con args = do
tyArgs <- mapM (convertType env) tyArgs
tmArgs <- mapM (convertExpr env) tmArgs
let tycon = dataConTyCon con
qTCon <- qual (\x -> mkTypeCon [x]) (getOccText tycon)
let tcon = TypeConApp qTCon tyArgs
ctorName = mkVariantCon (getOccText con)
fldNames = ctorLabels con
xargs = (dataConName con, args)
fmap (, []) $ case classifyDataCon con of
EnumCon -> do
unless (null args) $ unhandled "enum constructor with arguments" xargs
pure $ EEnumCon qTCon ctorName
SimpleVariantCon ->
fmap (EVariantCon tcon ctorName) $ case tmArgs of
[] -> pure EUnit
[tmArg] -> pure tmArg
_ -> unhandled "constructor with more than two unnamed arguments" xargs
SimpleRecordCon ->
pure $ ERecCon tcon (zipExact fldNames tmArgs)
VariantRecordCon -> do
let recTCon = fmap (synthesizeVariantRecord ctorName) qTCon
pure $
EVariantCon tcon ctorName $
ERecCon (TypeConApp recTCon tyArgs) (zipExact fldNames tmArgs)
-- Partially applied
| otherwise = do
fmap (\op -> (EVal op, args)) (qual mkWorkerName (getOccText con))
qual :: (T.Text -> n) -> T.Text -> ConvertM (Qualified n)
qual f t
| Just xs <- T.stripPrefix "(," t
, T.dropWhile (== ',') xs == ")" = qDA_Types env $ f $ "Tuple" <> T.pack (show $ T.length xs + 1)
| Just t' <- T.stripPrefix "$W" t = qualify env m $ f t'
| otherwise = qualify env m $ f t
convertArg :: Env -> GHC.Arg Var -> ConvertM LF.Arg
convertArg env = \case
Type t -> TyArg <$> convertType env t
@ -1066,11 +1179,10 @@ convertAlt env ty (DataAlt con, [a], x)
| isBuiltinName "Some" con
= CaseAlternative (CPSome (convVar a)) <$> convertExpr env x
convertAlt env (TConApp tcon targs) alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x) = do
ctors <- toCtors env $ dataConTyCon con
Ctor (mkVariantCon . getOccText -> variantName) fldNames fldTys <- toCtor env con
let patVariant = variantName
| isEnumCtors ctors ->
| isEnumCon con ->
CaseAlternative (CPEnum patTypeCon patVariant) <$> convertExpr env x
| null fldNames ->
case zipExactMay vs fldTys of
@ -1352,22 +1464,6 @@ defValue loc binder@(name, lftype) body =
data Ctors = Ctors
{ _cTypeName :: Name
, _cFlavour :: TyConFlavour
, _cParams :: [(TypeVarName, LF.Kind)]
, _cCtors :: [Ctor]
data Ctor = Ctor Name [FieldName] [LF.Type]
toCtors :: Env -> GHC.TyCon -> ConvertM Ctors
toCtors env t = Ctors (getName t) (tyConFlavour t) <$> mapM convTypeVar (tyConTyVars t) <*> cs
cs = case algTyConRhs t of
DataTyCon cs' _ _ -> mapM (toCtor env) cs'
NewTyCon{..} -> sequence [toCtor env data_con]
x -> unsupported "Data definition, with unexpected RHS" t
-- NOTE(MH):
-- * Dictionary types contain multiple unnamed fields in general. Thus, it is
@ -1400,6 +1496,8 @@ ctorLabels con =
flv = tyConFlavour (dataConTyCon con)
lbls = dataConFieldLabels con
data Ctor = Ctor Name [FieldName] [LF.Type]
toCtor :: Env -> DataCon -> ConvertM Ctor
toCtor env con =
let (_, thetas, tys,_) = dataConSig con
@ -1413,9 +1511,6 @@ toCtor env con =
isRecordCtor :: Ctor -> Bool
isRecordCtor (Ctor _ fldNames fldTys) = not (null fldNames) || null fldTys
isEnumCtors :: Ctors -> Bool
isEnumCtors (Ctors _ _ params ctors) = null params && all (\(Ctor _ _ tys) -> null tys) ctors
@ -1425,7 +1520,10 @@ convFieldName = mkField . fsToText . flLabel
convTypeVar :: Var -> ConvertM (TypeVarName, LF.Kind)
convTypeVar t = do
k <- convertKind $ tyVarKind t
pure (mkTypeVar $ T.pack $ show (varUnique t), k)
pure (convTypeVarName t, k)
convTypeVarName :: Var -> TypeVarName
convTypeVarName = mkTypeVar . T.pack . show . varUnique
convVar :: Var -> ExprVarName
convVar = mkVar . varPrettyPrint

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@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ mkVar = ExprVarName
mkVal :: T.Text -> ExprValName
mkVal = ExprValName
mkWorkerName :: T.Text -> ExprValName
mkWorkerName name = ExprValName ("$W" <> name)
mkTypeVar :: T.Text -> TypeVarName
mkTypeVar = TypeVarName