Fix LF conversion and typechecker #12051 TODOs (#14890)

* Add per interface choice context in serializability checks

* Update expected errors in daml-test-files

* Drop done todo

* Keep TyCon in InterfaceBinds

* Move convertInterface to top level

* convertInterface now returns a list of definitions

* Refactor convertInterface

* Create interface data type def in convertInterface

* Check for featureSimpleInterfaces in convertInterface

* Check for featureSimpleInterfaces in convertInterfaceInstance

* cleanup convertRequires

* Validate that an interface type constructor has no parameters

This commit is contained in:
Moisés Ackerman 2022-09-01 12:43:04 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9985873bb4
commit 91dabdee69
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 87 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -176,10 +176,9 @@ checkTemplate mod0 tpl = do
-- | Check whether a template satisfies all serializability constraints.
checkInterface :: MonadGamma m => Module -> DefInterface -> m ()
checkInterface _mod0 iface = do
-- Add per interface choice context.
checkInterface mod0 iface = do
for_ (intChoices iface) $ \ch -> do
withContext (ContextDefInterface mod0 iface (IPChoice ch)) $ do
checkType SRChoiceArg (snd (chcArgBinder ch))
checkType SRChoiceRes (chcReturnType ch)

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
@ -487,9 +488,9 @@ modInstanceInfoFromDetails ModDetails{..} = MS.fromList
-- | Represents the contents of some interface instance
data InterfaceBinds = InterfaceBinds
{ ibLoc :: Maybe SourceLoc
-- ^ Location associated to the type declaration, which should
-- point to the @interface X@ line in the daml file.
{ ibTyCon :: TyCon
-- ^ Type constructor associated to the interface declaration. Its location
-- should point to the @interface X@ line in the daml file.
, ibViewType :: Maybe GHC.Type
-- ^ The view type associated with this interface.
, ibMethods :: MS.Map MethodName (GHC.Type, Maybe SourceLoc)
@ -499,9 +500,9 @@ data InterfaceBinds = InterfaceBinds
-- ^ The interfaces required by this interface.
emptyInterfaceBinds :: Maybe SourceLoc -> InterfaceBinds
emptyInterfaceBinds ibLoc = InterfaceBinds
{ ibLoc
emptyInterfaceBinds :: TyCon -> InterfaceBinds
emptyInterfaceBinds ibTyCon = InterfaceBinds
{ ibTyCon
, ibViewType = Nothing
, ibMethods = MS.empty
, ibRequires = []
@ -532,22 +533,20 @@ scrapeInterfaceBinds ::
-> [TyThing]
-> [(Var, GHC.Expr Var)]
-> MS.Map TypeConName InterfaceBinds
scrapeInterfaceBinds lfVersion tyThings binds
| lfVersion `supports` featureSimpleInterfaces =
{- drop bind funcs without interfaces -}
{- keep interfaces without bind funcs -}
{- apply bind funcs to interfaces -}
(MMS.zipWithMatched (const ($!)))
| otherwise = MS.empty
scrapeInterfaceBinds lfVersion tyThings binds =
{- drop bind funcs without interfaces -}
{- keep interfaces without bind funcs -}
{- apply bind funcs to interfaces -}
(MMS.zipWithMatched (const ($!)))
interfaces :: MS.Map TypeConName InterfaceBinds
interfaces = MS.fromList
[ (mkTypeCon [getOccText t], emptyInterfaceBinds (convNameLoc t))
[ (mkTypeCon [getOccText t], emptyInterfaceBinds t)
| ATyCon t <- tyThings
, hasDamlInterfaceCtx t
@ -652,18 +651,16 @@ scrapeInterfaceInstanceBinds ::
-> [(Var, GHC.Expr CoreBndr)]
-> MS.Map TypeConName InterfaceInstanceGroup
scrapeInterfaceInstanceBinds env binds
| envLfVersion env `supports` featureSimpleInterfaces =
{- drop group funcs without interface instances -}
{- keep interface instances without group funcs -}
{- apply group funcs to interface instances -}
(MMS.zipWithMatched (const ($!)))
| otherwise = MS.empty
scrapeInterfaceInstanceBinds env binds =
{- drop group funcs without interface instances -}
{- keep interface instances without group funcs -}
{- apply group funcs to interface instances -}
(MMS.zipWithMatched (const ($!)))
interfaceInstanceGroups :: MS.Map TypeConName InterfaceInstanceGroup
interfaceInstanceGroups = MS.fromListWith iigUnion
@ -726,38 +723,59 @@ convertTemplateTyCon :: Env -> (GHC.TyCon -> String) -> GHC.TyCon -> ConvertM (L
convertTemplateTyCon = convertDamlTyCon hasDamlTemplateCtx "template type"
convertInterfaces :: Env -> ModuleContents -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertInterfaces env mc = interfaceDefs
interfaceDefs :: ConvertM [Definition]
interfaceDefs = sequence
[ DInterface <$> convertInterface name ib
| (name, ib) <- MS.toList (mcInterfaceBinds mc)
convertInterfaces env mc =
(\(name, binds) -> convertInterface env mc name binds)
(MS.toList (mcInterfaceBinds mc))
convertInterface :: LF.TypeConName -> InterfaceBinds -> ConvertM DefInterface
convertInterface intName ib = do
intLocation = ibLoc ib
intParam = this
withRange intLocation $ do
intRequires <- convertRequires (ibRequires ib)
intMethods <- convertMethods (ibMethods ib)
intChoices <- convertChoices env mc intName emptyTemplateBinds
intCoImplements <- convertCoImplements intName
intView <- case ibViewType ib of
Nothing -> conversionError $ "No view found for interface " <> renderPretty intName
Just viewType -> convertType env viewType
pure DefInterface {..}
convertInterface :: Env -> ModuleContents -> LF.TypeConName -> InterfaceBinds -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertInterface env mc intName ib =
withRange intLocation do
unless (envLfVersion env `supports` featureSimpleInterfaces) do
unsupported "Daml interfaces are only available with --target=1.15 or higher" ()
defInterfaceDataType <- convertDefInterfaceDataType
defInterface <- convertDefInterface
[ defInterfaceDataType
, defInterface
tyCon = ibTyCon ib
intLocation = convNameLoc tyCon
convertDefInterfaceDataType :: ConvertM Definition
convertDefInterfaceDataType = do
unless (null (tyConTyVars tyCon)) do
unhandled "interface type constructor with type parameters" tyCon
pure $ DDataType DefDataType
{ dataLocation = Nothing
, dataTypeCon = intName
, dataSerializable = IsSerializable False
, dataParams = []
, dataCons = DataInterface
convertDefInterface :: ConvertM Definition
convertDefInterface = do
intParam = this
intRequires <- convertRequires (ibRequires ib)
intMethods <- convertMethods (ibMethods ib)
intChoices <- convertChoices env mc intName emptyTemplateBinds
intCoImplements <- convertCoImplements intName
intView <- case ibViewType ib of
Nothing -> conversionError $ "No view found for interface " <> renderPretty intName
Just viewType -> convertType env viewType
pure $ DInterface DefInterface {..}
convertRequires :: [(GHC.TyCon, Maybe SourceLoc)] -> ConvertM (S.Set (Qualified TypeConName))
convertRequires requires = S.fromList <$> sequence
[ withRange mloc $ guardSupportsInterfaceRequires $ convertInterfaceTyCon env handleIsNotInterface iface
| (iface, mloc) <- requires
convertRequires requires = S.fromList <$>
forM requires \(iface, mloc) ->
withRange mloc do
unless (envLfVersion env `supports` featureExtendedInterfaces) do
unsupported "Requires in Daml interfaces are only available with" ()
convertInterfaceTyCon env handleIsNotInterface iface
guardSupportsInterfaceRequires action
| envLfVersion env `supports` featureExtendedInterfaces = action
| otherwise = unsupported "Requires in Daml interfaces are only available with" ()
handleIsNotInterface tyCon =
"cannot require '" ++ prettyPrint tyCon ++ "' because it is not an interface"
@ -859,22 +877,9 @@ convertTypeDef env o@(ATyCon t) = withRange (convNameLoc t) $ if
, n `elementOfUniqSet` desugarTypes
-> pure []
-- The type declarations for interfaces are generated by 'convertInterface'
| hasDamlInterfaceCtx t
-> if envLfVersion env `supports` featureSimpleInterfaces then
pure [ DDataType DefDataType
{ dataLocation = Nothing
, dataTypeCon = mkTypeCon [getOccText t]
, dataSerializable = IsSerializable False
-- validate that the type has no parameters.
, dataParams = []
, dataCons = DataInterface
unsupported "Daml interfaces are only available with --target=1.15 or higher" ()
-- Change when interfaces are released.
-> pure []
-- Remove guarded exercise instances when Extended Interfaces are unsupported
| not (envLfVersion env `supports` featureExtendedInterfaces)
@ -1228,7 +1233,9 @@ convertInterfaceInstance ::
-> Env
-> InterfaceInstanceBinds
-> ConvertM r
convertInterfaceInstance parent mkR env iib = withRange (iibLoc iib) $ do
convertInterfaceInstance parent mkR env iib = withRange (iibLoc iib) do
unless (envLfVersion env `supports` featureSimpleInterfaces) do
unsupported "Daml interfaces are only available with --target=1.15 or higher" ()
interfaceQualTypeCon <- qualifyInterfaceCon (iibInterface iib)
templateQualTypeCon <- qualifyTemplateCon (iibTemplate iib)
checkParent interfaceQualTypeCon templateQualTypeCon

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- @ERROR range=17:11-17:12; error type checking interface InterfaceSerializabilityArgument.I : expected serializable type: * reason: choice argument * found: InterfaceSerializabilityArgument:NonSerializableArgument * problem: unserializable data type InterfaceSerializabilityArgument:NonSerializableArgument
-- @ERROR range=17:11-17:12; error type checking interface InterfaceSerializabilityArgument.I choice NonSerializableArgument: expected serializable type: * reason: choice argument * found: InterfaceSerializabilityArgument:NonSerializableArgument * problem: unserializable data type InterfaceSerializabilityArgument:NonSerializableArgument
module InterfaceSerializabilityArgument where
data NonSerializable = NonSerializable (() -> ())

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- @ERROR range=8:11-8:19; error type checking interface InterfaceSerializabilityPayload.Gettable : expected serializable type: * reason: choice result * found: InterfaceSerializabilityPayload:Gettable * problem: unserializable data type InterfaceSerializabilityPayload:Gettable
-- @ERROR range=8:11-8:19; error type checking interface InterfaceSerializabilityPayload.Gettable choice Get: expected serializable type: * reason: choice result * found: InterfaceSerializabilityPayload:Gettable * problem: unserializable data type InterfaceSerializabilityPayload:Gettable
module InterfaceSerializabilityPayload where
-- Test that the interface serializability payload itself is not serializable.

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- @ERROR range=17:11-17:12; error type checking interface InterfaceSerializabilityResult.I : expected serializable type: * reason: choice result * found: InterfaceSerializabilityResult:NonSerializable * problem: unserializable data type InterfaceSerializabilityResult:NonSerializable
-- @ERROR range=17:11-17:12; error type checking interface InterfaceSerializabilityResult.I choice NonSerializableResult: expected serializable type: * reason: choice result * found: InterfaceSerializabilityResult:NonSerializable * problem: unserializable data type InterfaceSerializabilityResult:NonSerializable
module InterfaceSerializabilityResult where
data NonSerializable = NonSerializable (() -> ())