Fix issues with damlc with custom release version querying network (#17991)

Co-authored-by: Samuel Williams <>
This commit is contained in:
dylant-da 2023-12-06 19:35:10 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4d0ecd7285
commit 96485898f4
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 30 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
module DA.Cli.Damlc (main, Command (..), fullParseArgs) where
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as ZipArchive
import Control.Exception (bracket, catch, handle, throwIO)
import Control.Exception (bracket, catch, handle, throwIO, throw)
import Control.Exception.Safe (catchIO)
import Control.Monad.Except (forM, forM_, liftIO, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Extra (allM, mapMaybeM, whenM, whenJust)
@ -87,10 +87,12 @@ import DA.Daml.Compiler.Output (diagnosticsLogger, writeOutput, writeOutputBSL)
import DA.Daml.Project.Types
( UnresolvedReleaseVersion(..),
ProjectConfig )
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Version (resolveReleaseVersion)
import qualified DA.Daml.Compiler.Repl as Repl
import DA.Daml.Compiler.DocTest (docTest)
@ -152,7 +154,8 @@ import DA.Daml.Project.Consts (ProjectCheck(..),
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Env (getDamlEnv, getDamlPath, envUseCache)
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Types (LookForProjectPath(..))
import qualified DA.Pretty
@ -910,9 +913,13 @@ installDepsAndInitPackageDb opts (InitPkgDb shouldInit) =
when isProject $ do
projRoot <- getCurrentDirectory
withPackageConfig defaultProjectPath $ \PackageConfigFields {..} -> do
damlPath <- getDamlPath
damlEnv <- getDamlEnv damlPath (LookForProjectPath False)
releaseVersion <- resolveReleaseVersion (envUseCache damlEnv) pSdkVersion
damlAssistantIsSet <- damlAssistantIsSet
releaseVersion <- if damlAssistantIsSet
then do
damlPath <- getDamlPath
damlEnv <- getDamlEnv damlPath (LookForProjectPath False)
resolveReleaseVersion (envUseCache damlEnv) pSdkVersion
else pure (unsafeResolveReleaseVersion pSdkVersion)
(toNormalizedFilePath' projRoot)
@ -1110,7 +1117,7 @@ multiPackageBuildEffect relativize mPkgConfig multiPackageConfig projectOpts opt
cDir <- getCurrentDirectory
assistantPath <- getEnv "DAML_ASSISTANT"
-- Must drop DAML_PROJECT from env var so it can be repopulated based on `cwd`
assistantEnv <- filter ((/="DAML_PROJECT") . fst) <$> getEnvironment
assistantEnv <- filter (flip notElem ["DAML_PROJECT", "DAML_SDK_VERSION", "DAML_SDK"] . fst) <$> getEnvironment
buildableDataDepsMapping <- fmap Map.fromList $ for (mpPackagePaths multiPackageConfig) $ \path -> do
darPath <- darPathFromDamlYaml path
@ -1249,6 +1256,9 @@ getPackageIdIfFresh logger path BuildMultiPackageConfig {..} sourceDepPids = do
logDebug $ "Source files are " <> (if sourceFilesCorrect then "not " else "") <> "stale."
pure $ if sourceDepsCorrect && sourceFilesCorrect then getArchiveDalfPid bmName bmVersion else Nothing
damlMultiBuildVersion :: UnresolvedReleaseVersion
damlMultiBuildVersion = either throw id $ parseUnresolvedVersion "2.8.0-snapshot.20231018.0"
:: AssistantRunner
-> BuildableDataDeps
@ -1303,7 +1313,7 @@ buildMultiRule assistantRunner buildableDataDeps (MultiPackageNoCache noCache) m
-- Call build via daml assistant so it selects the correct SDK version.
-- TODO[SW]: Update this check to compare version to most recent snapshot, once a snapshot is released that won't error with --enable-multi-package.
runAssistant assistantRunner filePath $
["build"] <> (["--enable-multi-package=no" | isHeadVersion bmSdkVersion])
["build"] <> (["--enable-multi-package=no" | bmSdkVersion >= damlMultiBuildVersion || isHeadVersion bmSdkVersion])
darPath <- deriveDarPath filePath bmName bmVersion bmOutput
-- Extract the new package ID from the dar we just built, by reading the DAR and looking for the dalf that matches our package name/version
@ -1585,9 +1595,13 @@ execDocTest opts scriptDar (ImportSource importSource) files =
-- An approach of copying out the deps into a temporary location to build/run the tests has been considered
-- but the effort to build this, combined with the low number of users of this feature, as well as most projects
-- already using daml-script has led us to leave this as is. We'll fix this if someone is affected and notifies us.
damlPath <- getDamlPath
damlEnv <- getDamlEnv damlPath (LookForProjectPath False)
releaseVersion <- resolveReleaseVersion (envUseCache damlEnv) unresolvedBuiltinSdkVersion
damlAssistantIsSet <- damlAssistantIsSet
releaseVersion <- if damlAssistantIsSet
then do
damlPath <- getDamlPath
damlEnv <- getDamlEnv damlPath (LookForProjectPath False)
resolveReleaseVersion (envUseCache damlEnv) unresolvedBuiltinSdkVersion
else pure (unsafeResolveReleaseVersion unresolvedBuiltinSdkVersion)
installDependencies "." opts releaseVersion [scriptDar] []
createProjectPackageDb "." opts mempty

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module DA.Daml.Project.Consts
, sdkVersionLatestEnvVar
, damlAssistantEnvVar
, damlAssistantVersionEnvVar
, damlAssistantIsSet
, damlConfigName
, projectConfigName
, sdkConfigName
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import DA.Daml.Project.Types
@ -157,6 +159,9 @@ getSdkVersionMaybe = (fmap . fmap) (parseVersion . T.pack) $ lookupEnv sdkVersio
getDamlAssistant :: IO FilePath
getDamlAssistant = getEnv damlAssistantEnvVar
damlAssistantIsSet :: IO Bool
damlAssistantIsSet = isJust <$> lookupEnv damlAssistantEnvVar
-- | Whether we should check if a command is invoked inside of a project.
-- The string is the command name used in error messages
data ProjectCheck = ProjectCheck String Bool