Split up MultiIde.hs into many files (#19198)

* Split up MultiIde.hs into many files

* Further split SubIde
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Samuel Williams 2024-05-28 10:26:48 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent b44823df67
commit 9c6460827e
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GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
13 changed files with 1111 additions and 998 deletions

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@ -1,876 +1,43 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde (runMultiIde) where
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, cancel, pollSTM)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception(SomeException, displayException, fromException, try)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Exception(SomeException, fromException)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT, runStateT, gets, modify')
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Forwarding
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Prefixing
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Handlers
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.PackageData
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Parsing
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeManagement
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.DarDependencies (resolveSourceLocation, unpackDar, unpackedDarsLocation)
import DA.Daml.LanguageServer.SplitGotoDefinition
import DA.Daml.LF.Reader (DalfManifest(..), readDalfManifest)
import DA.Daml.Package.Config (MultiPackageConfigFields(..), findMultiPackageConfig, withMultiPackageConfig)
import DA.Daml.Project.Consts (projectConfigName)
import DA.Daml.Project.Types (ProjectPath (..))
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import qualified DA.Service.Logger as Logger
import Data.Either (lefts)
import Data.Either.Extra (eitherToMaybe)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List (find, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as TE
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import qualified SdkVersion.Class
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv, getEnvironment)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory, takeExtension, takeFileName, (</>))
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Info.Extra (isWindows)
import System.Process (getPid, terminateProcess)
import System.Process.Typed (
ExitCode (..),
-- Spin-up logic
-- add IDE, send initialize, do not send further messages until we get the initialize response and have sent initialized
-- we can do this by locking the sending thread, but still allowing the channel to be pushed
-- we also atomically send a message to the channel, without dropping the lock on the subIDEs var
-- Note that messages sent here should _already_ be in the fromClientMessage tracker
:: MultiIdeState
-> PackageHome
-> Maybe LSP.FromClientMessage
-> IO ()
addNewSubIDEAndSend miState home mMsg =
withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides home mMsg
-- Unsafe as does not acquire SubIDEsVar, instead simply transforms it
:: MultiIdeState
-> SubIDEs
-> PackageHome
-> Maybe LSP.FromClientMessage
-> IO SubIDEs
unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides home mMsg = do
logDebug miState "Trying to make a SubIDE"
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
Just ide -> do
logDebug miState "SubIDE already exists"
forM_ mMsg $ unsafeSendSubIDE ide
pure ides
Nothing | ideShouldDisable ideData || ideDataDisabled ideData -> do
when (ideShouldDisable ideData) $ logDebug miState $ "SubIDE failed twice within " <> show ideShouldDisableTimeout <> ", disabling SubIDE"
responses <- getUnrespondedRequestsFallbackResponses miState ideData home
logDebug miState $ "Found " <> show (length responses) <> " unresponded messages, sending empty replies."
-- Doesn't include mMsg, as if it was request, it'll already be in the tracker, so a reply for it will be in `responses`
-- As such, we cannot send this on every failed message,
let ideData' = ideData {ideDataDisabled = True, ideDataFailTimes = []}
-- Only add diagnostic messages for first fail to start.
-- Diagnostic messages trigger the client to send a codeAction request, which would create an infinite loop if we sent
-- diagnostics with its reply
messages = responses <> if ideShouldDisable ideData then disableIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData else []
atomically $ traverse_ (sendClientSTM miState) messages
pure $ Map.insert home ideData' ides
Nothing -> do
logInfo miState $ "Creating new SubIDE for " <> unPackageHome home
traverse_ (sendClient miState) $ clearIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData
unitId <- either (\cErr -> error $ "Failed to get unit ID from daml.yaml: " <> show cErr) fst <$> unitIdAndDepsFromDamlYaml home
subIdeProcess <- runSubProc miState home
let inHandle = getStdin subIdeProcess
outHandle = getStdout subIdeProcess
errHandle = getStderr subIdeProcess
ideErrText <- newTVarIO @T.Text ""
-- Handles blocking the sender thread until the IDE is initialized.
(onceUnblocked, unblock) <- makeIOBlocker
-- ***** -> SubIDE
toSubIDEChan <- atomically newTChan
let pushMessageToSubIDE :: IO ()
pushMessageToSubIDE = do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan toSubIDEChan
logDebug miState "Pushing message to subIDE"
putChunk inHandle msg
toSubIDE <- async $ do
-- Allow first message (init) to be sent before unblocked
onceUnblocked $ forever pushMessageToSubIDE
-- Coord <- SubIDE
subIDEToCoord <- async $ do
-- Wait until our own IDE exists then pass it forward
ide <- atomically $ fromMaybe (error "Failed to get own IDE") . ideDataMain . lookupSubIde home <$> readTMVar (subIDEsVar miState)
onChunks outHandle $ subIDEMessageHandler miState unblock ide
pid <- fromMaybe (error "SubIDE has no PID") <$> getPid (unsafeProcessHandle subIdeProcess)
ideErrTextAsync <- async $
let go = do
text <- T.hGetChunk errHandle
unless (text == "") $ do
atomically $ modifyTVar' ideErrText (<> text)
logDebug miState $ "[SubIDE " <> show pid <> "] " <> T.unpack text
in go
mInitParams <- tryReadMVar (initParamsVar miState)
let ide =
{ ideInhandleAsync = toSubIDE
, ideInHandle = inHandle
, ideInHandleChannel = toSubIDEChan
, ideOutHandle = outHandle
, ideOutHandleAsync = subIDEToCoord
, ideErrHandle = errHandle
, ideErrText = ideErrText
, ideErrTextAsync = ideErrTextAsync
, ideProcess = subIdeProcess
, ideHome = home
, ideMessageIdPrefix = T.pack $ show pid
, ideUnitId = unitId
ideData' = ideData {ideDataMain = Just ide}
!initParams = fromMaybe (error "Attempted to create a SubIDE before initialization!") mInitParams
initMsg = initializeRequest initParams ide
-- Must happen before the initialize message is added, else it'll delete that
unrespondedRequests <- getUnrespondedRequestsToResend miState ideData home
logDebug miState "Sending init message to SubIDE"
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home initMsg
unsafeSendSubIDE ide initMsg
-- Dangerous calls are okay here because we're already holding the subIDEsVar lock
-- Send the open file notifications
logDebug miState "Sending open files messages to SubIDE"
forM_ (ideDataOpenFiles ideData') $ \path -> do
content <- TE.readFileUtf8 $ unDamlFile path
unsafeSendSubIDE ide $ openFileNotification path content
-- Resend all pending requests
-- No need for re-prefixing or anything like that, messages are stored with the prefixes they need
-- Note that we want to remove the message we're sending from this list, to not send it twice
let mMsgLspId = mMsg >>= fromClientRequestLspId
requestsToResend = filter (\req -> fromClientRequestLspId req /= mMsgLspId) unrespondedRequests
logDebug miState $ "Found " <> show (length requestsToResend) <> " unresponded messages, resending:\n"
<> show (fmap (\r -> (fromClientRequestMethod r, fromClientRequestLspId r)) requestsToResend)
traverse_ (unsafeSendSubIDE ide) requestsToResend
logDebug miState $ "Sending intended message to SubIDE: " <> show ((\r -> (fromClientRequestMethod r, fromClientRequestLspId r)) <$> mMsg)
-- Send the intended message
forM_ mMsg $ unsafeSendSubIDE ide
pure $ Map.insert home ideData' ides
disableIdeDiagnosticMessages :: SubIDEData -> [LSP.FromServerMessage]
disableIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData =
( "Daml IDE environment failed to start with the following error:\n"
<> fromMaybe "No information" (ideDataLastError ideData)
<$> ((unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData) </> "daml.yaml") : fmap unDamlFile (Set.toList $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData))
clearIdeDiagnosticMessages :: SubIDEData -> [LSP.FromServerMessage]
clearIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData =
clearDiagnostics <$> ((unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData) </> "daml.yaml") : fmap unDamlFile (Set.toList $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData))
runSubProc :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO (Process Handle Handle Handle)
runSubProc miState home = do
assistantPath <- getEnv "DAML_ASSISTANT"
-- Need to remove some variables so the sub-assistant will pick them up from the working dir/daml.yaml
assistantEnv <- filter (flip notElem ["DAML_PROJECT", "DAML_SDK_VERSION", "DAML_SDK"] . fst) <$> getEnvironment
startProcess $
proc assistantPath ("ide" : subIdeArgs miState) &
setStdin createPipeNoClose &
setStdout createPipeNoClose &
setStderr createPipeNoClose &
setWorkingDir (unPackageHome home) &
setEnv assistantEnv
createPipeNoClose :: StreamSpec streamType Handle
createPipeNoClose = mkPipeStreamSpec $ \_ h -> pure (h, pure ())
-- Spin-down logic
rebootIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
rebootIdeByHome miState home = withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
ides' <- unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home
unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides' home Nothing
-- Version of rebootIdeByHome that only spins up IDEs that were either active, or disabled.
-- Does not spin up IDEs that were naturally shutdown/never started
lenientRebootIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
lenientRebootIdeByHome miState home = withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
shouldBoot = isJust (ideDataMain ideData) || ideDataDisabled ideData
ides' <- unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home
if shouldBoot
then unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides' home Nothing
else pure ides'
-- Checks if a shutdown message LspId originated from the multi-ide coordinator
isCoordinatorShutdownLspId :: LSP.LspId 'LSP.Shutdown -> Bool
isCoordinatorShutdownLspId (LSP.IdString str) = "-shutdown" `T.isSuffixOf` str
isCoordinatorShutdownLspId _ = False
-- Sends a shutdown message and moves SubIDEInstance to `ideDataClosing`, disallowing any further client messages to be sent to the subIDE
-- given queue nature of TChan, all other pending messages will be sent first before handling shutdown
shutdownIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
shutdownIdeByHome miState home = withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home
-- Unsafe as does not acquire SubIDEsVar, instead simply transforms it
unsafeShutdownIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> SubIDEs -> PackageHome -> IO SubIDEs
unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home = do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
Just ide -> do
let shutdownId = LSP.IdString $ ideMessageIdPrefix ide <> "-shutdown"
shutdownMsg :: LSP.FromClientMessage
shutdownMsg = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SShutdown LSP.RequestMessage
{ _id = shutdownId
, _method = LSP.SShutdown
, _params = LSP.Empty
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
logDebug miState $ "Sending shutdown message to " <> unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData)
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home shutdownMsg
unsafeSendSubIDE ide shutdownMsg
pure $ Map.adjust (\ideData' -> ideData'
{ ideDataMain = Nothing
, ideDataClosing = Set.insert ide $ ideDataClosing ideData
, ideDataFailTimes = []
, ideDataDisabled = False
}) home ides
Nothing ->
pure $ Map.adjust (\ideData -> ideData {ideDataFailTimes = [], ideDataDisabled = False}) home ides
-- To be called once we receive the Shutdown response
-- Safe to assume that the sending channel is empty, so we can end the thread and send the final notification directly on the handle
handleExit :: MultiIdeState -> SubIDEInstance -> IO ()
handleExit miState ide =
if isWindows
then do
-- On windows, ghc-ide doesn't close correctly on exit messages (even terminating the process leaves subprocesses behind)
-- Instead, we close the handle its listening on, and terminate the process.
logDebug miState $ "(windows) Closing handle and terminating " <> unPackageHome (ideHome ide)
hTryClose $ ideInHandle ide
terminateProcess $ unsafeProcessHandle $ ideProcess ide
else do
let (exitMsg :: LSP.FromClientMessage) = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SExit LSP.NotificationMessage
{ _method = LSP.SExit
, _params = LSP.Empty
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
logDebug miState $ "Sending exit message to " <> unPackageHome (ideHome ide)
-- This will cause the subIDE process to exit
-- Able to be unsafe as no other messages can use this IDE once it has been shutdown
unsafeSendSubIDE ide exitMsg
-- Communication logic
-- Dangerous as does not hold the subIDEsVar lock. If a shutdown is called whiled this is running, the message may not be sent.
unsafeSendSubIDE :: SubIDEInstance -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
unsafeSendSubIDE ide = atomically . unsafeSendSubIDESTM ide
unsafeSendSubIDESTM :: SubIDEInstance -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> STM ()
unsafeSendSubIDESTM ide = writeTChan (ideInHandleChannel ide) . Aeson.encode
sendClientSTM :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> STM ()
sendClientSTM miState = writeTChan (toClientChan miState) . Aeson.encode
sendClient :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
sendClient miState = atomically . sendClientSTM miState
-- Sends a message to the client, putting it at the start of the queue to be sent first
sendClientFirst :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
sendClientFirst miState = atomically . unGetTChan (toClientChan miState) . Aeson.encode
sendAllSubIDEs :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO [PackageHome]
sendAllSubIDEs miState msg = holdingIDEsAtomic miState $ \ides ->
let ideInstances = mapMaybe ideDataMain $ Map.elems ides
in forM ideInstances $ \ide -> ideHome ide <$ unsafeSendSubIDESTM ide msg
sendAllSubIDEs_ :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendAllSubIDEs_ miState = void . sendAllSubIDEs miState
getDirectoryIfFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getDirectoryIfFile path = do
isFile <- doesFileExist path
pure $ if isFile then takeDirectory path else path
getSourceFileHome :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> STM PackageHome
getSourceFileHome miState path = do
-- If the path is a file, we only care about the directory, as all files in the same directory share the same home
dirPath <- unsafeIOToSTM $ getDirectoryIfFile path
sourceFileHomes <- takeTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState)
case Map.lookup dirPath sourceFileHomes of
Just home -> do
putTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) sourceFileHomes
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "Found cached home for " <> path
pure home
Nothing -> do
-- Safe as repeat prints are acceptable
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "No cached home for " <> path
-- Read only operation, so safe within STM
home <- unsafeIOToSTM $ fromMaybe (defaultPackagePath miState) <$> findHome dirPath
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "File system yielded " <> unPackageHome home
putTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.insert dirPath home sourceFileHomes
pure home
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> STM ()
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState path = do
dirPath <- unsafeIOToSTM $ getDirectoryIfFile path
modifyTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.delete dirPath
-- When a daml.yaml changes, all files pointing to it are invalidated in the cache
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> STM ()
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged miState home = modifyTMVar (sourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.filter (/=home)
sendSubIDEByPath :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendSubIDEByPath miState path msg = do
home <- atomically $ getSourceFileHome miState path
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home msg
withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
-- Here we already have a subIDE, so we forward our message to it before dropping the lock
Just ide -> do
unsafeSendSubIDE ide msg
logDebug miState $ "Found relevant SubIDE: " <> unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData)
pure ides
-- This path will create a new subIDE at the given home
Nothing -> do
unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides home $ Just msg
parseCustomResult :: Aeson.FromJSON a => String -> Either LSP.ResponseError Aeson.Value -> Either LSP.ResponseError a
parseCustomResult name =
fmap $ either (\err -> error $ "Failed to parse response of " <> name <> ": " <> err) id
. Aeson.parseEither Aeson.parseJSON
onOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> (Set.Set DamlFile -> Set.Set DamlFile) -> STM ()
onOpenFiles miState home f = modifyTMVarM (subIDEsVar miState) $ \subIdes -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home subIdes
ideData' = ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = f $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData}
when (ideDataDisabled ideData') $ traverse_ (sendClientSTM miState) $ disableIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData'
pure $ Map.insert home ideData' subIdes
addOpenFile :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> DamlFile -> STM ()
addOpenFile miState home file = do
unsafeIOToSTM $ logInfo miState $ "Added open file " <> unDamlFile file <> " to " <> unPackageHome home
onOpenFiles miState home $ Set.insert file
removeOpenFile :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> DamlFile -> STM ()
removeOpenFile miState home file = do
unsafeIOToSTM $ logInfo miState $ "Removed open file " <> unDamlFile file <> " from " <> unPackageHome home
onOpenFiles miState home $ Set.delete file
-- Logic for moving open files between subIDEs when packages are created/destroyed
-- When a daml.yaml is removed, its openFiles need to be distributed to another SubIDE, else we'll forget that the client opened them
-- We handle this by finding a new home (using getSourceFileHome) for each open file of the current subIDE, and assigning to that
-- We also send the open file notification to the new subIDE(s) if they're already running
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles miState home = withIDEsAtomic_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
moveOpenFile :: SubIDEs -> DamlFile -> STM SubIDEs
moveOpenFile ides openFile = do
-- getSourceFileHome caches on a directory level, so won't do that many filesystem operations
newHome <- getSourceFileHome miState $ unDamlFile openFile
let newHomeIdeData = lookupSubIde newHome ides
newHomeIdeData' = newHomeIdeData {ideDataOpenFiles = Set.insert openFile $ ideDataOpenFiles newHomeIdeData}
-- If we're moving the file to a disabled IDE, it should get the new warning
when (ideDataDisabled newHomeIdeData') $ traverse_ (sendClientSTM miState) $ disableIdeDiagnosticMessages newHomeIdeData'
forM_ (ideDataMain newHomeIdeData) $ \ide -> do
-- Acceptable IO as read only operation
content <- unsafeIOToSTM $ TE.readFileUtf8 $ unDamlFile openFile
unsafeSendSubIDESTM ide $ openFileNotification openFile content
pure $ Map.insert newHome newHomeIdeData' ides
ides' <- foldM moveOpenFile ides $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData
pure $ Map.insert home (ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = mempty}) ides'
-- When a daml.yaml is created, we potentially move openFiles from other subIDEs to this one
-- We do this by finding all SubIDEs that sit above this package in the directory
-- (plus the default package, which is said to sit above all other packages)
-- We iterate their open files for any that sit below this package
-- i.e. this package sits between a daml file and its daml.yaml
-- We move these open files to the new package, sending Closed file messages to their former IDE
-- We also assume no subIDE for this package existed already, as its daml.yaml was just created
-- so there is no need to send Open file messages to it
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles miState home = withIDEsAtomic_ miState $ \ides -> do
-- Iterate ides, return a list of open files, update ides and run monadically
let shouldConsiderIde :: PackageHome -> Bool
shouldConsiderIde oldHome =
oldHome == defaultPackagePath miState ||
unPackageHome oldHome `isPrefixOf` unPackageHome home && oldHome /= home
shouldMoveFile :: DamlFile -> Bool
shouldMoveFile (DamlFile damlFilePath) = unPackageHome home `isPrefixOf` damlFilePath
handleIde :: (SubIDEs, Set.Set DamlFile) -> (PackageHome, SubIDEData) -> STM (SubIDEs, Set.Set DamlFile)
handleIde (ides, damlFiles) (oldHome, oldIdeData) | shouldConsiderIde oldHome = do
let openFilesToMove = Set.filter shouldMoveFile $ ideDataOpenFiles oldIdeData
updatedOldIdeData = oldIdeData {ideDataOpenFiles = ideDataOpenFiles oldIdeData Set.\\ openFilesToMove}
forM_ (ideDataMain oldIdeData) $ \ide -> forM_ openFilesToMove $ unsafeSendSubIDESTM ide . closeFileNotification
pure (Map.insert oldHome updatedOldIdeData ides, openFilesToMove <> damlFiles)
handleIde (ides, damlFiles) (oldHome, oldIdeData) =
pure (Map.insert oldHome oldIdeData ides, damlFiles)
(ides', movedFiles) <- foldM handleIde mempty $ Map.toList ides
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
-- Invalidate the home cache for every moved file
traverse_ (sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState . unDamlFile) movedFiles
pure $ Map.insert home (ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = movedFiles <> ideDataOpenFiles ideData}) ides'
resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation :: MultiIdeState -> PackageSourceLocation -> IO PackageHome
resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation miState pkgSource = do
(pkgPath, mDarPath) <- resolveSourceLocation miState pkgSource
forM_ mDarPath $ \darPath -> do
-- Must shutdown existing IDE first, since folder could be deleted
-- If no IDE exists, shutdown is a no-op
logDebug miState $ "Shutting down existing unpacked dar at " <> unPackageHome pkgPath
shutdownIdeByHome miState pkgPath
unpackDar miState darPath
pure pkgPath
-- Handlers
subIDEMessageHandler :: MultiIdeState -> IO () -> SubIDEInstance -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
subIDEMessageHandler miState unblock ide bs = do
logInfo miState $ "Got new message from " <> unPackageHome (ideHome ide)
-- Decode a value, parse
let val :: Aeson.Value
val = er "eitherDecode" $ Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict bs
mMsg <- either error id <$> parseServerMessageWithTracker (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) (ideHome ide) val
-- Adds the various prefixes needed for from server messages to not clash with those from other IDEs
let prefixer :: LSP.FromServerMessage -> LSP.FromServerMessage
prefixer =
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage (ideMessageIdPrefix ide)
. addLspPrefixToServerMessage ide
mPrefixedMsg :: Maybe LSP.FromServerMessage
mPrefixedMsg = prefixer <$> mMsg
forM_ mPrefixedMsg $ \msg -> do
-- If its a request (builtin or custom), save it for response handling.
putFromServerMessage miState (ideHome ide) msg
logDebug miState "Message successfully parsed and prefixed."
case msg of
LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.SInitialize LSP.ResponseMessage {_result} -> do
logDebug miState "Got initialization reply, sending initialized and unblocking"
-- Dangerous call here is acceptable as this only happens while the ide is booting, before unblocking
unsafeSendSubIDE ide $ LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialized $ LSP.NotificationMessage "2.0" LSP.SInitialized (Just LSP.InitializedParams)
LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.SShutdown (LSP.ResponseMessage {_id}) | maybe False isCoordinatorShutdownLspId _id -> handleExit miState ide
-- See STextDocumentDefinition in client handle for description of this path
LSP.FromServerRsp (LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/tryGetDefinition") LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} -> do
logInfo miState "Got tryGetDefinition response, handling..."
let parsedResult = parseCustomResult @(Maybe TryGetDefinitionResult) "daml/tryGetDefinition" _result
reply :: Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult 'LSP.TextDocumentDefinition) -> IO ()
reply rsp = do
logDebug miState $ "Replying directly to client with " <> show rsp
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.STextDocumentDefinition $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (castLspId <$> _id) rsp
replyLocations :: [LSP.Location] -> IO ()
replyLocations = reply . Right . LSP.InR . LSP.InL . LSP.List
case parsedResult of
-- Request failed, forward error
Left err -> reply $ Left err
-- Request didn't find any location information, forward "nothing"
Right Nothing -> replyLocations []
-- SubIDE containing the reference also contained the definition, so returned no name to lookup
-- Simply forward this location
Right (Just (TryGetDefinitionResult loc Nothing)) -> replyLocations [loc]
-- SubIDE containing the reference did not contain the definition, it returns a fake location in .daml and the name
-- Send a new request to a new SubIDE to find the source of this name
Right (Just (TryGetDefinitionResult loc (Just name))) -> do
logDebug miState $ "Got name in result! Backup location is " <> show loc
mSourceLocation <- Map.lookup (UnitId $ tgdnPackageUnitId name) <$> atomically (readTMVar $ multiPackageMappingVar miState)
case mSourceLocation of
-- Didn't find a home for this name, we do not know where this is defined, so give back the (known to be wrong)
-- .daml data-dependency path
-- This is the worst case, we'll later add logic here to unpack and spinup an SubIDE for the read-only dependency
Nothing -> replyLocations [loc]
-- We found a daml.yaml for this definition, send the getDefinitionByName request to its SubIDE
Just sourceLocation -> do
home <- resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation miState sourceLocation
logDebug miState $ "Found unit ID in multi-package mapping, forwarding to " <> unPackageHome home
let method = LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/gotoDefinitionByName"
lspId = maybe (error "No LspId provided back from tryGetDefinition") castLspId _id
msg = LSP.FromClientMess method $ LSP.ReqMess $
LSP.RequestMessage "2.0" lspId method $ Aeson.toJSON $
GotoDefinitionByNameParams loc name
sendSubIDEByPath miState (unPackageHome home) msg
-- See STextDocumentDefinition in client handle for description of this path
LSP.FromServerRsp (LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/gotoDefinitionByName") LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} -> do
logDebug miState "Got gotoDefinitionByName response, handling..."
let parsedResult = parseCustomResult @GotoDefinitionByNameResult "daml/gotoDefinitionByName" _result
reply :: Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult 'LSP.TextDocumentDefinition) -> IO ()
reply rsp = do
logDebug miState $ "Replying directly to client with " <> show rsp
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.STextDocumentDefinition $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (castLspId <$> _id) rsp
case parsedResult of
Left err -> reply $ Left err
Right loc -> reply $ Right $ LSP.InR $ LSP.InL $ LSP.List [loc]
LSP.FromServerMess method _ -> do
logDebug miState $ "Backwarding request " <> show method <> ":\n" <> show msg
sendClient miState msg
LSP.FromServerRsp method _ -> do
logDebug miState $ "Backwarding response to " <> show method <> ":\n" <> show msg
sendClient miState msg
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Notification)
. MultiIdeState
-> LSP.NotificationMessage m
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
handleOpenFilesNotification miState mess path = atomically $ case (mess ^. LSP.method, takeExtension path) of
(LSP.STextDocumentDidOpen, ".daml") -> do
home <- getSourceFileHome miState path
addOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path
(LSP.STextDocumentDidClose, ".daml") -> do
home <- getSourceFileHome miState path
removeOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path
-- Also remove from the source mapping, in case project structure changes while we're not tracking the file
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState path
_ -> pure ()
clientMessageHandler :: MultiIdeState -> IO () -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
clientMessageHandler miState unblock bs = do
logInfo miState "Got new message from client"
-- Decode a value, parse
let castFromClientMessage :: LSP.FromClientMessage' SMethodWithSender -> LSP.FromClientMessage
castFromClientMessage = \case
LSP.FromClientMess method params -> LSP.FromClientMess method params
LSP.FromClientRsp (SMethodWithSender method _) params -> LSP.FromClientRsp method params
val :: Aeson.Value
val = er "eitherDecode" $ Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict bs
unPrefixedMsg <- either error id <$> parseClientMessageWithTracker (fromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) val
let msg = addProgressTokenPrefixToClientMessage unPrefixedMsg
case msg of
-- Store the initialize params for starting subIDEs, respond statically with what ghc-ide usually sends.
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialize LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method, _params} -> do
putMVar (initParamsVar miState) _params
-- Send initialized out first (skipping the queue), then unblock for other messages
sendClientFirst miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp _method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just _id) (Right initializeResult)
-- Register watchers for daml.yaml, multi-package.yaml and *.dar files
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = registerFileWatchersMessage
putReqMethodSingleFromServerCoordinator (fromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) _id _method
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerMess _method registerFileWatchersMessage
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel notif -> do
let (newNotif, mPrefix) = stripWorkDoneProgressCancelTokenPrefix notif
newMsg = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel newNotif
-- Find IDE with the correct prefix, send to it if it exists. If it doesn't, the message can be thrown away.
case mPrefix of
Nothing -> void $ sendAllSubIDEs miState newMsg
Just prefix -> holdingIDEsAtomic miState $ \ides ->
let mIde = find (\ideData -> (ideMessageIdPrefix <$> ideDataMain ideData) == Just prefix) ides
in traverse_ (`unsafeSendSubIDESTM` newMsg) $ mIde >>= ideDataMain
-- Special handing for STextDocumentDefinition to ask multiple IDEs (the W approach)
-- When a getDefinition is requested, we cast this request into a tryGetDefinition
-- This is a method that will take the same logic path as getDefinition, but will also return an
-- identifier in the cases where it knows the identifier wasn't defined in the package that referenced it
-- When we receive this name, we lookup against the multi-package.yaml for a package that matches where the identifier
-- came from. If we find one, we ask (and create if needed) the SubIDE that contains the identifier where its defined.
-- (this is via the getDefinitionByName message)
-- We also send the backup known incorrect location from the tryGetDefinition, such that if the subIDE containing the identifier
-- can't find the definition, it'll fall back to the known incorrect location.
-- Once we have this, we return it as a response to the original STextDocumentDefinition request.
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.STextDocumentDefinition req@LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method, _params} -> do
let path = filePathFromParamsWithTextDocument miState req
lspId = castLspId _id
method = LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/tryGetDefinition"
msg = LSP.FromClientMess method $ LSP.ReqMess $
LSP.RequestMessage "2.0" lspId method $ Aeson.toJSON $
TryGetDefinitionParams (_params ^. LSP.textDocument) (_params ^. LSP.position)
logDebug miState "forwarding STextDocumentDefinition as daml/tryGetDefinition"
sendSubIDEByPath miState path msg
-- Watched file changes, used for restarting subIDEs and changing coordinator state
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles msg@LSP.NotificationMessage {_params = LSP.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams (LSP.List changes)} -> do
let changedPaths =
mapMaybe (\event -> do
path <- LSP.uriToFilePath $ event ^. LSP.uri
-- Filter out any changes to unpacked dars, no reloading logic should happen there
guard $ not $ unpackedDarsLocation miState `isInfixOf` path
pure (path ,event ^. LSP.xtype)
) changes
forM_ changedPaths $ \(changedPath, changeType) ->
case takeFileName changedPath of
"daml.yaml" -> do
let home = PackageHome $ takeDirectory changedPath
logInfo miState $ "daml.yaml change in " <> unPackageHome home <> ". Shutting down IDE"
atomically $ sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged miState home
case changeType of
LSP.FcDeleted -> do
shutdownIdeByHome miState home
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles miState home
LSP.FcCreated -> do
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles miState home
rebootIdeByHome miState home
LSP.FcChanged -> rebootIdeByHome miState home
void $ updatePackageData miState
"multi-package.yaml" -> do
logInfo miState "multi-package.yaml change."
void $ updatePackageData miState
_ | takeExtension changedPath == ".dar" -> do
let darFile = DarFile changedPath
logInfo miState $ ".dar file changed: " <> changedPath
idesToShutdown <- fromMaybe mempty . Map.lookup darFile <$> atomically (readTMVar $ darDependentPackagesVar miState)
logDebug miState $ "Shutting down following ides: " <> show idesToShutdown
traverse_ (lenientRebootIdeByHome miState) idesToShutdown
void $ updatePackageData miState
-- for .daml, we remove entry from the sourceFileHome cache if the file is deleted (note that renames/moves are sent as delete then create)
_ | takeExtension changedPath == ".daml" && changeType == LSP.FcDeleted -> atomically $ sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState changedPath
_ -> pure ()
logDebug miState "all not on filtered DidChangeWatchedFilesParams"
-- Filter down to only daml files and send those
let damlOnlyChanges = filter (maybe False (\path -> takeExtension path == ".daml") . LSP.uriToFilePath . view LSP.uri) changes
sendAllSubIDEs_ miState $ LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles $ LSP.params .~ LSP.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams (LSP.List damlOnlyChanges) $ msg
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SExit _ -> do
ides <- atomically $ readTMVar $ subIDEsVar miState
traverse_ (handleExit miState) $ Map.mapMaybe ideDataMain ides
-- Wait half a second for all the exit messages to be sent
threadDelay 500_000
LSP.FromClientMess meth params ->
case getMessageForwardingBehaviour miState meth params of
ForwardRequest mess (Single path) -> do
logDebug miState $ "single req on method " <> show meth <> " over path " <> path
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = mess
msg' = castFromClientMessage msg
sendSubIDEByPath miState path msg'
ForwardRequest mess (AllRequest combine) -> do
logDebug miState $ "all req on method " <> show meth
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = mess
msg' = castFromClientMessage msg
ides <- sendAllSubIDEs miState msg'
if null ides
then sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp _method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just _id) $ combine []
else putReqMethodAll (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) _id _method msg' ides combine
ForwardNotification mess (Single path) -> do
logDebug miState $ "single not on method " <> show meth <> " over path " <> path
handleOpenFilesNotification miState mess path
-- Notifications aren't stored, so failure to send can be ignored
sendSubIDEByPath miState path (castFromClientMessage msg)
ForwardNotification _ AllNotification -> do
logDebug miState $ "all not on method " <> show meth
sendAllSubIDEs_ miState (castFromClientMessage msg)
ExplicitHandler handler -> do
logDebug miState "calling explicit handler"
handler (sendClient miState) (sendSubIDEByPath miState)
-- Responses to subIDEs
LSP.FromClientRsp (SMethodWithSender method (Just home)) rMsg ->
-- If a response fails, failure is acceptable as the subIDE can't be expecting a response if its dead
sendSubIDEByPath miState (unPackageHome home) $ LSP.FromClientRsp method $
rMsg & LSP.id %~ fmap stripLspPrefix
-- Responses to coordinator
LSP.FromClientRsp (SMethodWithSender method Nothing) LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} ->
case (method, _id) of
(LSP.SClientRegisterCapability, Just (LSP.IdString "MultiIdeWatchedFiles")) ->
either (\err -> logError miState $ "Watched file registration failed with " <> show err) (const $ logDebug miState "Successfully registered watched files") _result
_ -> pure ()
TODO: refactor multi-package.yaml discovery logic
Expect a multi-package.yaml at the workspace root
If we do not get one, we continue as normal (no popups) until the user attempts to open/use files in a different package to the first one
When this occurs, this send a popup:
Make a multi-package.yaml at the root and reload the editor please :)
OR tell me where the multi-package.yaml(s) is
if the user provides multiple, we union that lookup, allowing "cross project boundary" jumps
-- Updates the unit-id to package/dar mapping, as well as the dar to dependent packages mapping
-- for any daml.yamls or dars that are invalid, the ide home paths are returned, and their data is not added to the mapping
updatePackageData :: MultiIdeState -> IO [PackageHome]
updatePackageData miState = do
logInfo miState "Updating package data"
let ideRoot = multiPackageHome miState
-- Take locks, throw away current data
atomically $ do
void $ takeTMVar (multiPackageMappingVar miState)
void $ takeTMVar (darDependentPackagesVar miState)
mPkgConfig <- findMultiPackageConfig $ ProjectPath ideRoot
case mPkgConfig of
Nothing -> do
logDebug miState "No multi-package.yaml found"
damlYamlExists <- doesFileExist $ ideRoot </> projectConfigName
if damlYamlExists
then do
logDebug miState "Found daml.yaml"
-- Treat a workspace with only daml.yaml as a multi-package project with only one package
deriveAndWriteMappings [PackageHome ideRoot] []
else do
logDebug miState "No daml.yaml found either"
-- Without a multi-package or daml.yaml, no mappings can be made. Passing empty lists here will give empty mappings
deriveAndWriteMappings [] []
Just path -> do
logDebug miState "Found multi-package.yaml"
(eRes :: Either SomeException [PackageHome]) <- try @SomeException $ withMultiPackageConfig path $ \multiPackage ->
(PackageHome . toPosixFilePath <$> mpPackagePaths multiPackage)
(DarFile . toPosixFilePath <$> mpDars multiPackage)
let multiPackagePath = toPosixFilePath $ unwrapProjectPath path </> "multi-package.yaml"
case eRes of
Right paths -> do
-- On success, clear any diagnostics on the multi-package.yaml
sendClient miState $ clearDiagnostics multiPackagePath
pure paths
Left err -> do
-- If the computation fails, the mappings may be empty, so ensure the TMVars have values
atomically $ do
void $ tryPutTMVar (multiPackageMappingVar miState) Map.empty
void $ tryPutTMVar (darDependentPackagesVar miState) Map.empty
-- Show the failure as a diagnostic on the multi-package.yaml
sendClient miState $ fullFileDiagnostic ("Error reading multi-package.yaml:\n" <> displayException err) multiPackagePath
pure []
-- Gets the unit id of a dar if it can, caches result in stateT
-- Returns Nothing (and stores) if anything goes wrong (dar doesn't exist, dar isn't archive, dar manifest malformed, etc.)
getDarUnitId :: DarFile -> StateT (Map.Map DarFile (Maybe UnitId)) IO (Maybe UnitId)
getDarUnitId dep = do
cachedResult <- gets (Map.lookup dep)
case cachedResult of
Just res -> pure res
Nothing -> do
mUnitId <- lift $ fmap eitherToMaybe $ try @SomeException $ do
archive <- Zip.toArchive <$> BSL.readFile (unDarFile dep)
manifest <- either fail pure $ readDalfManifest archive
-- Manifest "packageName" is actually unit id
maybe (fail $ "data-dependency " <> unDarFile dep <> " missing a package name") (pure . UnitId) $ packageName manifest
modify' $ Map.insert dep mUnitId
pure mUnitId
deriveAndWriteMappings :: [PackageHome] -> [DarFile] -> IO [PackageHome]
deriveAndWriteMappings packagePaths darPaths = do
packedMappingData <- flip runStateT mempty $ do
-- load cache with all multi-package dars, so they'll be present in darUnitIds
traverse_ getDarUnitId darPaths
fmap (bimap catMaybes catMaybes . unzip) $ forM packagePaths $ \packagePath -> do
mUnitIdAndDeps <- lift $ fmap eitherToMaybe $ unitIdAndDepsFromDamlYaml packagePath
case mUnitIdAndDeps of
Just (unitId, deps) -> do
allDepsValid <- isJust . sequence <$> traverse getDarUnitId deps
pure (if allDepsValid then Nothing else Just packagePath, Just (packagePath, unitId, deps))
_ -> pure (Just packagePath, Nothing)
let invalidHomes :: [PackageHome]
validPackageDatas :: [(PackageHome, UnitId, [DarFile])]
darUnitIds :: Map.Map DarFile (Maybe UnitId)
((invalidHomes, validPackageDatas), darUnitIds) = packedMappingData
packagesOnDisk :: Map.Map UnitId PackageSourceLocation
packagesOnDisk =
Map.fromList $ (\(packagePath, unitId, _) -> (unitId, PackageOnDisk packagePath)) <$> validPackageDatas
darMapping :: Map.Map UnitId PackageSourceLocation
darMapping =
Map.fromList $ fmap (\(packagePath, unitId) -> (unitId, PackageInDar packagePath)) $ Map.toList $ Map.mapMaybe id darUnitIds
multiPackageMapping :: Map.Map UnitId PackageSourceLocation
multiPackageMapping = packagesOnDisk <> darMapping
darDependentPackages :: Map.Map DarFile (Set.Set PackageHome)
darDependentPackages = foldr
(\(packagePath, _, deps) -> Map.unionWith (<>) $ Map.fromList $ (,Set.singleton packagePath) <$> deps
) Map.empty validPackageDatas
logDebug miState $ "Setting multi package mapping to:\n" <> show multiPackageMapping
logDebug miState $ "Setting dar dependent packages to:\n" <> show darDependentPackages
atomically $ do
putTMVar (multiPackageMappingVar miState) multiPackageMapping
putTMVar (darDependentPackagesVar miState) darDependentPackages
pure invalidHomes
import System.Process.Typed (ExitCode (..), getExitCodeSTM)
-- Main loop logic
createDefaultPackage :: SdkVersion.Class.SdkVersioned => IO (PackageHome, IO ())
createDefaultPackage = do
(toPosixFilePath -> defaultPackagePath, cleanup) <- newTempDir
writeFile (defaultPackagePath </> "daml.yaml") $ unlines
(toPosixFilePath -> misDefaultPackagePath, cleanup) <- newTempDir
writeFile (misDefaultPackagePath </> "daml.yaml") $ unlines
[ "sdk-version: " <> SdkVersion.Class.sdkVersion
, "name: daml-ide-default-environment"
, "version: 1.0.0"
@ -879,14 +46,14 @@ createDefaultPackage = do
, " - daml-prim"
, " - daml-stdlib"
pure (PackageHome defaultPackagePath, cleanup)
pure (PackageHome misDefaultPackagePath, cleanup)
runMultiIde :: SdkVersion.Class.SdkVersioned => Logger.Priority -> [String] -> IO ()
runMultiIde loggingThreshold args = do
homePath <- toPosixFilePath <$> getCurrentDirectory
(defaultPackagePath, cleanupDefaultPackage) <- createDefaultPackage
let subIdeArgs = if loggingThreshold <= Logger.Debug then "--debug" : args else args
miState <- newMultiIdeState homePath defaultPackagePath loggingThreshold subIdeArgs
(misDefaultPackagePath, cleanupDefaultPackage) <- createDefaultPackage
let misSubIdeArgs = if loggingThreshold <= Logger.Debug then "--debug" : args else args
miState <- newMultiIdeState homePath misDefaultPackagePath loggingThreshold misSubIdeArgs subIdeMessageHandler
invalidPackageHomes <- updatePackageData miState
-- Ensure we don't send messages to the client until it finishes initializing
@ -895,7 +62,7 @@ runMultiIde loggingThreshold args = do
logInfo miState $ "Running with logging threshold of " <> show loggingThreshold
-- Client <- *****
toClientThread <- async $ onceUnblocked $ forever $ do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan $ toClientChan miState
msg <- atomically $ readTChan $ misToClientChan miState
logDebug miState $ "Pushing message to client:\n" <> BSLC.unpack msg
putChunk stdout msg
@ -904,16 +71,16 @@ runMultiIde loggingThreshold args = do
onChunks stdin $ clientMessageHandler miState unblock
-- All invalid packages get spun up, so their errors are shown
traverse_ (\home -> addNewSubIDEAndSend miState home Nothing) invalidPackageHomes
traverse_ (\home -> addNewSubIdeAndSend miState home Nothing) invalidPackageHomes
let killAll :: IO ()
killAll = do
logDebug miState "Killing subIDEs"
holdingIDEs miState $ \ides -> foldM (unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState) ides (Map.keys ides)
logDebug miState "Killing subIdes"
holdingIDEs miState $ \ides -> foldM_ (unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState) ides (Map.keys ides)
logInfo miState "MultiIde shutdown"
-- Get all outcomes from a SubIDEInstance (process and async failures/completions)
subIdeInstanceOutcomes :: PackageHome -> SubIDEInstance -> STM [(PackageHome, SubIDEInstance, Either ExitCode SomeException)]
-- Get all outcomes from a SubIdeInstance (process and async failures/completions)
subIdeInstanceOutcomes :: PackageHome -> SubIdeInstance -> STM [(PackageHome, SubIdeInstance, Either ExitCode SomeException)]
subIdeInstanceOutcomes home ide = do
mExitCode <- getExitCodeSTM (ideProcess ide)
errs <- lefts . catMaybes <$> traverse pollSTM [ideInhandleAsync ide, ideOutHandleAsync ide, ideErrTextAsync ide]
@ -921,21 +88,21 @@ runMultiIde loggingThreshold args = do
errorOutcomes = (home, ide, ) . Right <$> errs
pure $ errorOutcomes <> maybeToList mExitOutcome
-- Function folded over outcomes to update SubIDEs, keep error list and list subIDEs to reboot
-- Function folded over outcomes to update SubIdes, keep error list and list subIdes to reboot
:: ([(PackageHome, SomeException)], SubIDEs, [PackageHome])
-> (PackageHome, SubIDEInstance, Either ExitCode SomeException)
-> IO ([(PackageHome, SomeException)], SubIDEs, [PackageHome])
handleOutcome (errs, subIDEs, toRestart) (home, ide, outcomeType) =
:: ([(PackageHome, SomeException)], SubIdes, [PackageHome])
-> (PackageHome, SubIdeInstance, Either ExitCode SomeException)
-> IO ([(PackageHome, SomeException)], SubIdes, [PackageHome])
handleOutcome (errs, subIdes, toRestart) (home, ide, outcomeType) =
case outcomeType of
-- subIDE process exits
-- subIde process exits
Left exitCode -> do
logDebug miState $ "SubIDE at " <> unPackageHome home <> " exited, cleaning up."
logDebug miState $ "SubIde at " <> unPackageHome home <> " exited, cleaning up."
traverse_ hTryClose [ideInHandle ide, ideOutHandle ide, ideErrHandle ide]
traverse_ cancel [ideInhandleAsync ide, ideOutHandleAsync ide, ideErrTextAsync ide]
stderrContent <- T.unpack <$> readTVarIO (ideErrText ide)
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
let ideData = lookupSubIde home subIDEs
let ideData = lookupSubIde home subIdes
isMainIde = ideDataMain ideData == Just ide
isCrash = exitCode /= ExitSuccess
ideData' = ideData
@ -951,15 +118,15 @@ runMultiIde loggingThreshold args = do
when (isCrash && isMainIde) $
logWarning miState $ "Proccess failed, stderr content:\n" <> stderrContent
pure (errs, Map.insert home ideData' subIDEs, toRestart')
pure (errs, Map.insert home ideData' subIdes, toRestart')
-- handler thread errors
Right exception -> pure ((home, exception) : errs, subIDEs, toRestart)
Right exception -> pure ((home, exception) : errs, subIdes, toRestart)
forever $ do
(outcomes, clientThreadExceptions) <- atomically $ do
subIDEs <- readTMVar $ subIDEsVar miState
subIdes <- readTMVar $ misSubIdesVar miState
outcomes <- fmap concat $ forM (Map.toList subIDEs) $ \(home, subIdeData) -> do
outcomes <- fmap concat $ forM (Map.toList subIdes) $ \(home, subIdeData) -> do
mainSubIdeOutcomes <- maybe (pure []) (subIdeInstanceOutcomes home) $ ideDataMain subIdeData
closingSubIdesOutcomes <- concat <$> traverse (subIdeInstanceOutcomes home) (Set.toList $ ideDataClosing subIdeData)
pure $ mainSubIdeOutcomes <> closingSubIdesOutcomes
@ -981,10 +148,10 @@ runMultiIde loggingThreshold args = do
unless (null outcomes) $ do
errs <- withIDEs miState $ \ides -> do
(errs, ides', idesToRestart) <- foldM handleOutcome ([], ides, []) outcomes
ides'' <- foldM (\ides home -> unsafeAddNewSubIDEAndSend miState ides home Nothing) ides' idesToRestart
ides'' <- foldM (\ides home -> unsafeAddNewSubIdeAndSend miState ides home Nothing) ides' idesToRestart
pure (ides'', errs)
when (not $ null errs) $ do
error $ "SubIDE handlers failed with following errors:\n" <> unlines ((\(home, err) -> unPackageHome home <> " => " <> show err) <$> errs)
error $ "SubIde handlers failed with following errors:\n" <> unlines ((\(home, err) -> unPackageHome home <> " => " <> show err) <$> errs)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.ClientCommunication (
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.ClientCommunication
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Monad.STM
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
sendClientSTM :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> STM ()
sendClientSTM miState = writeTChan (misToClientChan miState) . Aeson.encode
sendClient :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
sendClient miState = atomically . sendClientSTM miState
-- Sends a message to the client, putting it at the start of the queue to be sent first
sendClientFirst :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
sendClientFirst miState = atomically . unGetTChan (misToClientChan miState) . Aeson.encode

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import System.FilePath.Posix
import qualified Module as Ghc
-- Given a dar, attempts to recreate the package structure for the IDE, with all files set to read-only.
-- Note, this function deletes the previous folder for the same unit-id, ensure subIDE is not running in this directory
-- Note, this function deletes the previous folder for the same unit-id, ensure subIde is not running in this directory
-- before calling this function
unpackDar :: MultiIdeState -> DarFile -> IO ()
unpackDar miState darFile = do
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ extractPackageMetadataFromDalfPath path =
_ -> ("", "", "")
unpackedDarsLocation :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath
unpackedDarsLocation miState = multiPackageHome miState </> ".daml" </> "unpacked-dars"
unpackedDarsLocation miState = misMultiPackageHome miState </> ".daml" </> "unpacked-dars"
unpackedDarPath :: MultiIdeState -> String -> String -> PackageHome
unpackedDarPath miState pkgName pkgVersion = PackageHome $ unpackedDarsLocation miState </> pkgName <> "-" <> pkgVersion

View File

@ -3,14 +3,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- We generate missing instances for SignatureHelpParams
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
@ -190,5 +186,5 @@ filePathFromURI miState uri =
vr <- uriToVirtualResource parsedUri
pure $ LSP.fromNormalizedFilePath $ vrScenarioFile vr
"untitled:" ->
pure $ unPackageHome $ defaultPackagePath miState
pure $ unPackageHome $ misDefaultPackagePath miState
_ -> Nothing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Handlers (subIdeMessageHandler, clientMessageHandler) where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.ClientCommunication
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Forwarding
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.OpenFiles
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.PackageData
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Parsing
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Prefixing
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeManagement
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.DarDependencies (resolveSourceLocation, unpackDar, unpackedDarsLocation)
import DA.Daml.LanguageServer.SplitGotoDefinition
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List (find, isInfixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory, takeExtension, takeFileName)
parseCustomResult :: Aeson.FromJSON a => String -> Either LSP.ResponseError Aeson.Value -> Either LSP.ResponseError a
parseCustomResult name =
fmap $ either (\err -> error $ "Failed to parse response of " <> name <> ": " <> err) id
. Aeson.parseEither Aeson.parseJSON
resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation :: MultiIdeState -> PackageSourceLocation -> IO PackageHome
resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation miState pkgSource = do
(pkgPath, mDarPath) <- resolveSourceLocation miState pkgSource
forM_ mDarPath $ \darPath -> do
-- Must shutdown existing IDE first, since folder could be deleted
-- If no IDE exists, shutdown is a no-op
logDebug miState $ "Shutting down existing unpacked dar at " <> unPackageHome pkgPath
shutdownIdeByHome miState pkgPath
unpackDar miState darPath
pure pkgPath
-- Handlers
subIdeMessageHandler :: MultiIdeState -> IO () -> SubIdeInstance -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
subIdeMessageHandler miState unblock ide bs = do
logInfo miState $ "Got new message from " <> unPackageHome (ideHome ide)
-- Decode a value, parse
let val :: Aeson.Value
val = er "eitherDecode" $ Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict bs
mMsg <- either error id <$> parseServerMessageWithTracker (misFromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) (ideHome ide) val
-- Adds the various prefixes needed for from server messages to not clash with those from other IDEs
let prefixer :: LSP.FromServerMessage -> LSP.FromServerMessage
prefixer =
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage (ideMessageIdPrefix ide)
. addLspPrefixToServerMessage ide
mPrefixedMsg :: Maybe LSP.FromServerMessage
mPrefixedMsg = prefixer <$> mMsg
forM_ mPrefixedMsg $ \msg -> do
-- If its a request (builtin or custom), save it for response handling.
putFromServerMessage miState (ideHome ide) msg
logDebug miState "Message successfully parsed and prefixed."
case msg of
LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.SInitialize LSP.ResponseMessage {_result} -> do
logDebug miState "Got initialization reply, sending initialized and unblocking"
-- Dangerous call here is acceptable as this only happens while the ide is booting, before unblocking
unsafeSendSubIde ide $ LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialized $ LSP.NotificationMessage "2.0" LSP.SInitialized (Just LSP.InitializedParams)
LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.SShutdown (LSP.ResponseMessage {_id}) | maybe False isCoordinatorShutdownLspId _id -> handleExit miState ide
-- See STextDocumentDefinition in client handle for description of this path
LSP.FromServerRsp (LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/tryGetDefinition") LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} -> do
logInfo miState "Got tryGetDefinition response, handling..."
let parsedResult = parseCustomResult @(Maybe TryGetDefinitionResult) "daml/tryGetDefinition" _result
reply :: Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult 'LSP.TextDocumentDefinition) -> IO ()
reply rsp = do
logDebug miState $ "Replying directly to client with " <> show rsp
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.STextDocumentDefinition $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (castLspId <$> _id) rsp
replyLocations :: [LSP.Location] -> IO ()
replyLocations = reply . Right . LSP.InR . LSP.InL . LSP.List
case parsedResult of
-- Request failed, forward error
Left err -> reply $ Left err
-- Request didn't find any location information, forward "nothing"
Right Nothing -> replyLocations []
-- SubIde containing the reference also contained the definition, so returned no name to lookup
-- Simply forward this location
Right (Just (TryGetDefinitionResult loc Nothing)) -> replyLocations [loc]
-- SubIde containing the reference did not contain the definition, it returns a fake location in .daml and the name
-- Send a new request to a new SubIde to find the source of this name
Right (Just (TryGetDefinitionResult loc (Just name))) -> do
logDebug miState $ "Got name in result! Backup location is " <> show loc
mSourceLocation <- Map.lookup (UnitId $ tgdnPackageUnitId name) <$> atomically (readTMVar $ misMultiPackageMappingVar miState)
case mSourceLocation of
-- Didn't find a home for this name, we do not know where this is defined, so give back the (known to be wrong)
-- .daml data-dependency path
-- This is the worst case, we'll later add logic here to unpack and spinup an SubIde for the read-only dependency
Nothing -> replyLocations [loc]
-- We found a daml.yaml for this definition, send the getDefinitionByName request to its SubIde
Just sourceLocation -> do
home <- resolveAndUnpackSourceLocation miState sourceLocation
logDebug miState $ "Found unit ID in multi-package mapping, forwarding to " <> unPackageHome home
let method = LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/gotoDefinitionByName"
lspId = maybe (error "No LspId provided back from tryGetDefinition") castLspId _id
msg = LSP.FromClientMess method $ LSP.ReqMess $
LSP.RequestMessage "2.0" lspId method $ Aeson.toJSON $
GotoDefinitionByNameParams loc name
sendSubIdeByPath miState (unPackageHome home) msg
-- See STextDocumentDefinition in client handle for description of this path
LSP.FromServerRsp (LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/gotoDefinitionByName") LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} -> do
logDebug miState "Got gotoDefinitionByName response, handling..."
let parsedResult = parseCustomResult @GotoDefinitionByNameResult "daml/gotoDefinitionByName" _result
reply :: Either LSP.ResponseError (LSP.ResponseResult 'LSP.TextDocumentDefinition) -> IO ()
reply rsp = do
logDebug miState $ "Replying directly to client with " <> show rsp
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp LSP.STextDocumentDefinition $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (castLspId <$> _id) rsp
case parsedResult of
Left err -> reply $ Left err
Right loc -> reply $ Right $ LSP.InR $ LSP.InL $ LSP.List [loc]
LSP.FromServerMess method _ -> do
logDebug miState $ "Backwarding request " <> show method <> ":\n" <> show msg
sendClient miState msg
LSP.FromServerRsp method _ -> do
logDebug miState $ "Backwarding response to " <> show method <> ":\n" <> show msg
sendClient miState msg
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Notification)
. MultiIdeState
-> LSP.NotificationMessage m
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
handleOpenFilesNotification miState mess path = atomically $ case (mess ^. LSP.method, takeExtension path) of
(LSP.STextDocumentDidOpen, ".daml") -> do
home <- getSourceFileHome miState path
addOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path
(LSP.STextDocumentDidClose, ".daml") -> do
home <- getSourceFileHome miState path
removeOpenFile miState home $ DamlFile path
-- Also remove from the source mapping, in case project structure changes while we're not tracking the file
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState path
_ -> pure ()
clientMessageHandler :: MultiIdeState -> IO () -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
clientMessageHandler miState unblock bs = do
logInfo miState "Got new message from client"
-- Decode a value, parse
let castFromClientMessage :: LSP.FromClientMessage' SMethodWithSender -> LSP.FromClientMessage
castFromClientMessage = \case
LSP.FromClientMess method params -> LSP.FromClientMess method params
LSP.FromClientRsp (SMethodWithSender method _) params -> LSP.FromClientRsp method params
val :: Aeson.Value
val = er "eitherDecode" $ Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict bs
unPrefixedMsg <- either error id <$> parseClientMessageWithTracker (misFromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) val
let msg = addProgressTokenPrefixToClientMessage unPrefixedMsg
case msg of
-- Store the initialize params for starting subIdes, respond statically with what ghc-ide usually sends.
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialize LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method, _params} -> do
putMVar (misInitParamsVar miState) _params
-- Send initialized out first (skipping the queue), then unblock for other messages
sendClientFirst miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp _method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just _id) (Right initializeResult)
-- Register watchers for daml.yaml, multi-package.yaml and *.dar files
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = registerFileWatchersMessage
putReqMethodSingleFromServerCoordinator (misFromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) _id _method
sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerMess _method registerFileWatchersMessage
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel notif -> do
let (newNotif, mPrefix) = stripWorkDoneProgressCancelTokenPrefix notif
newMsg = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel newNotif
-- Find IDE with the correct prefix, send to it if it exists. If it doesn't, the message can be thrown away.
case mPrefix of
Nothing -> void $ sendAllSubIdes miState newMsg
Just prefix -> holdingIDEsAtomic miState $ \ides ->
let mIde = find (\ideData -> (ideMessageIdPrefix <$> ideDataMain ideData) == Just prefix) ides
in traverse_ (`unsafeSendSubIdeSTM` newMsg) $ mIde >>= ideDataMain
-- Special handing for STextDocumentDefinition to ask multiple IDEs (the W approach)
-- When a getDefinition is requested, we cast this request into a tryGetDefinition
-- This is a method that will take the same logic path as getDefinition, but will also return an
-- identifier in the cases where it knows the identifier wasn't defined in the package that referenced it
-- When we receive this name, we lookup against the multi-package.yaml for a package that matches where the identifier
-- came from. If we find one, we ask (and create if needed) the SubIde that contains the identifier where its defined.
-- (this is via the getDefinitionByName message)
-- We also send the backup known incorrect location from the tryGetDefinition, such that if the subIde containing the identifier
-- can't find the definition, it'll fall back to the known incorrect location.
-- Once we have this, we return it as a response to the original STextDocumentDefinition request.
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.STextDocumentDefinition req@LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method, _params} -> do
let path = filePathFromParamsWithTextDocument miState req
lspId = castLspId _id
method = LSP.SCustomMethod "daml/tryGetDefinition"
msg = LSP.FromClientMess method $ LSP.ReqMess $
LSP.RequestMessage "2.0" lspId method $ Aeson.toJSON $
TryGetDefinitionParams (_params ^. LSP.textDocument) (_params ^. LSP.position)
logDebug miState "forwarding STextDocumentDefinition as daml/tryGetDefinition"
sendSubIdeByPath miState path msg
-- Watched file changes, used for restarting subIdes and changing coordinator state
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles msg@LSP.NotificationMessage {_params = LSP.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams (LSP.List changes)} -> do
let changedPaths =
mapMaybe (\event -> do
path <- LSP.uriToFilePath $ event ^. LSP.uri
-- Filter out any changes to unpacked dars, no reloading logic should happen there
guard $ not $ unpackedDarsLocation miState `isInfixOf` path
pure (path ,event ^. LSP.xtype)
) changes
forM_ changedPaths $ \(changedPath, changeType) ->
case takeFileName changedPath of
"daml.yaml" -> do
let home = PackageHome $ takeDirectory changedPath
logInfo miState $ "daml.yaml change in " <> unPackageHome home <> ". Shutting down IDE"
atomically $ sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged miState home
case changeType of
LSP.FcDeleted -> do
shutdownIdeByHome miState home
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles miState home
LSP.FcCreated -> do
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles miState home
rebootIdeByHome miState home
LSP.FcChanged -> rebootIdeByHome miState home
void $ updatePackageData miState
"multi-package.yaml" -> do
logInfo miState "multi-package.yaml change."
void $ updatePackageData miState
_ | takeExtension changedPath == ".dar" -> do
let darFile = DarFile changedPath
logInfo miState $ ".dar file changed: " <> changedPath
idesToShutdown <- fromMaybe mempty . Map.lookup darFile <$> atomically (readTMVar $ misDarDependentPackagesVar miState)
logDebug miState $ "Shutting down following ides: " <> show idesToShutdown
traverse_ (lenientRebootIdeByHome miState) idesToShutdown
void $ updatePackageData miState
-- for .daml, we remove entry from the sourceFileHome cache if the file is deleted (note that renames/moves are sent as delete then create)
_ | takeExtension changedPath == ".daml" && changeType == LSP.FcDeleted -> atomically $ sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState changedPath
_ -> pure ()
logDebug miState "all not on filtered DidChangeWatchedFilesParams"
-- Filter down to only daml files and send those
let damlOnlyChanges = filter (maybe False (\path -> takeExtension path == ".daml") . LSP.uriToFilePath . view LSP.uri) changes
sendAllSubIdes_ miState $ LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SWorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles $ LSP.params .~ LSP.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams (LSP.List damlOnlyChanges) $ msg
LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SExit _ -> do
ides <- atomically $ readTMVar $ misSubIdesVar miState
traverse_ (handleExit miState) $ Map.mapMaybe ideDataMain ides
-- Wait half a second for all the exit messages to be sent
threadDelay 500_000
LSP.FromClientMess meth params ->
case getMessageForwardingBehaviour miState meth params of
ForwardRequest mess (Single path) -> do
logDebug miState $ "single req on method " <> show meth <> " over path " <> path
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = mess
msg' = castFromClientMessage msg
sendSubIdeByPath miState path msg'
ForwardRequest mess (AllRequest combine) -> do
logDebug miState $ "all req on method " <> show meth
let LSP.RequestMessage {_id, _method} = mess
msg' = castFromClientMessage msg
ides <- sendAllSubIdes miState msg'
if null ides
then sendClient miState $ LSP.FromServerRsp _method $ LSP.ResponseMessage "2.0" (Just _id) $ combine []
else putReqMethodAll (misFromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) _id _method msg' ides combine
ForwardNotification mess (Single path) -> do
logDebug miState $ "single not on method " <> show meth <> " over path " <> path
handleOpenFilesNotification miState mess path
-- Notifications aren't stored, so failure to send can be ignored
sendSubIdeByPath miState path (castFromClientMessage msg)
ForwardNotification _ AllNotification -> do
logDebug miState $ "all not on method " <> show meth
sendAllSubIdes_ miState (castFromClientMessage msg)
ExplicitHandler handler -> do
logDebug miState "calling explicit handler"
handler (sendClient miState) (sendSubIdeByPath miState)
-- Responses to subIdes
LSP.FromClientRsp (SMethodWithSender method (Just home)) rMsg ->
-- If a response fails, failure is acceptable as the subIde can't be expecting a response if its dead
sendSubIdeByPath miState (unPackageHome home) $ LSP.FromClientRsp method $
rMsg & LSP.id %~ fmap stripLspPrefix
-- Responses to coordinator
LSP.FromClientRsp (SMethodWithSender method Nothing) LSP.ResponseMessage {_id, _result} ->
case (method, _id) of
(LSP.SClientRegisterCapability, Just (LSP.IdString "MultiIdeWatchedFiles")) ->
either (\err -> logError miState $ "Watched file registration failed with " <> show err) (const $ logDebug miState "Successfully registered watched files") _result
_ -> pure ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.OpenFiles (
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.ClientCommunication
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeCommunication
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as TE
import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
onOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> (Set.Set DamlFile -> Set.Set DamlFile) -> STM ()
onOpenFiles miState home f = modifyTMVarM (misSubIdesVar miState) $ \subIdes -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home subIdes
ideData' = ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = f $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData}
when (ideDataDisabled ideData') $ traverse_ (sendClientSTM miState) $ disableIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData'
pure $ Map.insert home ideData' subIdes
addOpenFile :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> DamlFile -> STM ()
addOpenFile miState home file = do
unsafeIOToSTM $ logInfo miState $ "Added open file " <> unDamlFile file <> " to " <> unPackageHome home
onOpenFiles miState home $ Set.insert file
removeOpenFile :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> DamlFile -> STM ()
removeOpenFile miState home file = do
unsafeIOToSTM $ logInfo miState $ "Removed open file " <> unDamlFile file <> " from " <> unPackageHome home
onOpenFiles miState home $ Set.delete file
-- Logic for moving open files between subIdes when packages are created/destroyed
-- When a daml.yaml is removed, its openFiles need to be distributed to another SubIde, else we'll forget that the client opened them
-- We handle this by finding a new home (using getSourceFileHome) for each open file of the current subIde, and assigning to that
-- We also send the open file notification to the new subIde(s) if they're already running
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
handleRemovedPackageOpenFiles miState home = withIDEsAtomic_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
moveOpenFile :: SubIdes -> DamlFile -> STM SubIdes
moveOpenFile ides openFile = do
-- getSourceFileHome caches on a directory level, so won't do that many filesystem operations
newHome <- getSourceFileHome miState $ unDamlFile openFile
let newHomeIdeData = lookupSubIde newHome ides
newHomeIdeData' = newHomeIdeData {ideDataOpenFiles = Set.insert openFile $ ideDataOpenFiles newHomeIdeData}
-- If we're moving the file to a disabled IDE, it should get the new warning
when (ideDataDisabled newHomeIdeData') $ traverse_ (sendClientSTM miState) $ disableIdeDiagnosticMessages newHomeIdeData'
forM_ (ideDataMain newHomeIdeData) $ \ide -> do
-- Acceptable IO as read only operation
content <- unsafeIOToSTM $ TE.readFileUtf8 $ unDamlFile openFile
unsafeSendSubIdeSTM ide $ openFileNotification openFile content
pure $ Map.insert newHome newHomeIdeData' ides
ides' <- foldM moveOpenFile ides $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData
pure $ Map.insert home (ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = mempty}) ides'
-- When a daml.yaml is created, we potentially move openFiles from other subIdes to this one
-- We do this by finding all SubIdes that sit above this package in the directory
-- (plus the default package, which is said to sit above all other packages)
-- We iterate their open files for any that sit below this package
-- i.e. this package sits between a daml file and its daml.yaml
-- We move these open files to the new package, sending Closed file messages to their former IDE
-- We also assume no subIde for this package existed already, as its daml.yaml was just created
-- so there is no need to send Open file messages to it
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
handleCreatedPackageOpenFiles miState home = withIDEsAtomic_ miState $ \ides -> do
-- Iterate ides, return a list of open files, update ides and run monadically
let shouldConsiderIde :: PackageHome -> Bool
shouldConsiderIde oldHome =
oldHome == misDefaultPackagePath miState ||
unPackageHome oldHome `isPrefixOf` unPackageHome home && oldHome /= home
shouldMoveFile :: DamlFile -> Bool
shouldMoveFile (DamlFile damlFilePath) = unPackageHome home `isPrefixOf` damlFilePath
handleIde :: (SubIdes, Set.Set DamlFile) -> (PackageHome, SubIdeData) -> STM (SubIdes, Set.Set DamlFile)
handleIde (ides, damlFiles) (oldHome, oldIdeData) | shouldConsiderIde oldHome = do
let openFilesToMove = Set.filter shouldMoveFile $ ideDataOpenFiles oldIdeData
updatedOldIdeData = oldIdeData {ideDataOpenFiles = ideDataOpenFiles oldIdeData Set.\\ openFilesToMove}
forM_ (ideDataMain oldIdeData) $ \ide -> forM_ openFilesToMove $ unsafeSendSubIdeSTM ide . closeFileNotification
pure (Map.insert oldHome updatedOldIdeData ides, openFilesToMove <> damlFiles)
handleIde (ides, damlFiles) (oldHome, oldIdeData) =
pure (Map.insert oldHome oldIdeData ides, damlFiles)
(ides', movedFiles) <- foldM handleIde mempty $ Map.toList ides
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
-- Invalidate the home cache for every moved file
traverse_ (sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState . unDamlFile) movedFiles
pure $ Map.insert home (ideData {ideDataOpenFiles = movedFiles <> ideDataOpenFiles ideData}) ides'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.PackageData (updatePackageData) where
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Exception(SomeException, displayException, try)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT, runStateT, gets, modify')
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.ClientCommunication
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import DA.Daml.LF.Reader (DalfManifest(..), readDalfManifest)
import DA.Daml.Package.Config (MultiPackageConfigFields(..), findMultiPackageConfig, withMultiPackageConfig)
import DA.Daml.Project.Consts (projectConfigName)
import DA.Daml.Project.Types (ProjectPath (..))
import Data.Either.Extra (eitherToMaybe)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
TODO: refactor multi-package.yaml discovery logic
Expect a multi-package.yaml at the workspace root
If we do not get one, we continue as normal (no popups) until the user attempts to open/use files in a different package to the first one
When this occurs, this send a popup:
Make a multi-package.yaml at the root and reload the editor please :)
OR tell me where the multi-package.yaml(s) is
if the user provides multiple, we union that lookup, allowing "cross project boundary" jumps
-- Updates the unit-id to package/dar mapping, as well as the dar to dependent packages mapping
-- for any daml.yamls or dars that are invalid, the ide home paths are returned, and their data is not added to the mapping
updatePackageData :: MultiIdeState -> IO [PackageHome]
updatePackageData miState = do
logInfo miState "Updating package data"
let ideRoot = misMultiPackageHome miState
-- Take locks, throw away current data
atomically $ do
void $ takeTMVar (misMultiPackageMappingVar miState)
void $ takeTMVar (misDarDependentPackagesVar miState)
mPkgConfig <- findMultiPackageConfig $ ProjectPath ideRoot
case mPkgConfig of
Nothing -> do
logDebug miState "No multi-package.yaml found"
damlYamlExists <- doesFileExist $ ideRoot </> projectConfigName
if damlYamlExists
then do
logDebug miState "Found daml.yaml"
-- Treat a workspace with only daml.yaml as a multi-package project with only one package
deriveAndWriteMappings [PackageHome ideRoot] []
else do
logDebug miState "No daml.yaml found either"
-- Without a multi-package or daml.yaml, no mappings can be made. Passing empty lists here will give empty mappings
deriveAndWriteMappings [] []
Just path -> do
logDebug miState "Found multi-package.yaml"
(eRes :: Either SomeException [PackageHome]) <- try @SomeException $ withMultiPackageConfig path $ \multiPackage ->
(PackageHome . toPosixFilePath <$> mpPackagePaths multiPackage)
(DarFile . toPosixFilePath <$> mpDars multiPackage)
let multiPackagePath = toPosixFilePath $ unwrapProjectPath path </> "multi-package.yaml"
case eRes of
Right paths -> do
-- On success, clear any diagnostics on the multi-package.yaml
sendClient miState $ clearDiagnostics multiPackagePath
pure paths
Left err -> do
-- If the computation fails, the mappings may be empty, so ensure the TMVars have values
atomically $ do
void $ tryPutTMVar (misMultiPackageMappingVar miState) Map.empty
void $ tryPutTMVar (misDarDependentPackagesVar miState) Map.empty
-- Show the failure as a diagnostic on the multi-package.yaml
sendClient miState $ fullFileDiagnostic ("Error reading multi-package.yaml:\n" <> displayException err) multiPackagePath
pure []
-- Gets the unit id of a dar if it can, caches result in stateT
-- Returns Nothing (and stores) if anything goes wrong (dar doesn't exist, dar isn't archive, dar manifest malformed, etc.)
getDarUnitId :: DarFile -> StateT (Map.Map DarFile (Maybe UnitId)) IO (Maybe UnitId)
getDarUnitId dep = do
cachedResult <- gets (Map.lookup dep)
case cachedResult of
Just res -> pure res
Nothing -> do
mUnitId <- lift $ fmap eitherToMaybe $ try @SomeException $ do
archive <- Zip.toArchive <$> BSL.readFile (unDarFile dep)
manifest <- either fail pure $ readDalfManifest archive
-- Manifest "packageName" is actually unit id
maybe (fail $ "data-dependency " <> unDarFile dep <> " missing a package name") (pure . UnitId) $ packageName manifest
modify' $ Map.insert dep mUnitId
pure mUnitId
deriveAndWriteMappings :: [PackageHome] -> [DarFile] -> IO [PackageHome]
deriveAndWriteMappings packagePaths darPaths = do
packedMappingData <- flip runStateT mempty $ do
-- load cache with all multi-package dars, so they'll be present in darUnitIds
traverse_ getDarUnitId darPaths
fmap (bimap catMaybes catMaybes . unzip) $ forM packagePaths $ \packagePath -> do
mUnitIdAndDeps <- lift $ fmap eitherToMaybe $ unitIdAndDepsFromDamlYaml packagePath
case mUnitIdAndDeps of
Just (unitId, deps) -> do
allDepsValid <- isJust . sequence <$> traverse getDarUnitId deps
pure (if allDepsValid then Nothing else Just packagePath, Just (packagePath, unitId, deps))
_ -> pure (Just packagePath, Nothing)
let invalidHomes :: [PackageHome]
validPackageDatas :: [(PackageHome, UnitId, [DarFile])]
darUnitIds :: Map.Map DarFile (Maybe UnitId)
((invalidHomes, validPackageDatas), darUnitIds) = packedMappingData
packagesOnDisk :: Map.Map UnitId PackageSourceLocation
packagesOnDisk =
Map.fromList $ (\(packagePath, unitId, _) -> (unitId, PackageOnDisk packagePath)) <$> validPackageDatas
darMapping :: Map.Map UnitId PackageSourceLocation
darMapping =
Map.fromList $ fmap (\(packagePath, unitId) -> (unitId, PackageInDar packagePath)) $ Map.toList $ Map.mapMaybe id darUnitIds
multiPackageMapping :: Map.Map UnitId PackageSourceLocation
multiPackageMapping = packagesOnDisk <> darMapping
darDependentPackages :: Map.Map DarFile (Set.Set PackageHome)
darDependentPackages = foldr
(\(packagePath, _, deps) -> Map.unionWith (<>) $ Map.fromList $ (,Set.singleton packagePath) <$> deps
) Map.empty validPackageDatas
logDebug miState $ "Setting multi package mapping to:\n" <> show multiPackageMapping
logDebug miState $ "Setting dar dependent packages to:\n" <> show darDependentPackages
atomically $ do
putTMVar (misMultiPackageMappingVar miState) multiPackageMapping
putTMVar (misDarDependentPackagesVar miState) darDependentPackages
pure invalidHomes

View File

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Parsing (
@ -91,8 +88,8 @@ putReqMethodSingleFromServerCoordinator tracker id method = putReqMethod tracker
putFromServerMessage :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
putFromServerMessage miState home (LSP.FromServerMess method mess) =
case (LSP.splitServerMethod method, mess) of
(LSP.IsServerReq, _) -> putReqMethodSingleFromServer (fromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) home (mess ^. LSP.id) method
(LSP.IsServerEither, LSP.ReqMess mess) -> putReqMethodSingleFromServer (fromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) home (mess ^. LSP.id) method
(LSP.IsServerReq, _) -> putReqMethodSingleFromServer (misFromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) home (mess ^. LSP.id) method
(LSP.IsServerEither, LSP.ReqMess mess) -> putReqMethodSingleFromServer (misFromServerMethodTrackerVar miState) home (mess ^. LSP.id) method
_ -> pure ()
putFromServerMessage _ _ _ = pure ()
@ -105,8 +102,8 @@ putReqMethodSingleFromClient tracker id method message home = putReqMethod track
putSingleFromClientMessage :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home msg@(LSP.FromClientMess method mess) =
case (LSP.splitClientMethod method, mess) of
(LSP.IsClientReq, _) -> putReqMethodSingleFromClient (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) (mess ^. LSP.id) method msg home
(LSP.IsClientEither, LSP.ReqMess mess) -> putReqMethodSingleFromClient (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) (mess ^. LSP.id) method msg home
(LSP.IsClientReq, _) -> putReqMethodSingleFromClient (misFromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) (mess ^. LSP.id) method msg home
(LSP.IsClientEither, LSP.ReqMess mess) -> putReqMethodSingleFromClient (misFromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) (mess ^. LSP.id) method msg home
_ -> pure ()
putSingleFromClientMessage _ _ _ = pure ()
@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ adjustClientTrackers
-> (Maybe (TrackedMethod m), Maybe a)
-> IO [a]
adjustClientTrackers miState home adjuster = atomically $ stateTVar (fromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) $ \tracker ->
adjustClientTrackers miState home adjuster = atomically $ stateTVar (misFromClientMethodTrackerVar miState) $ \tracker ->
let doAdjust
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. [a]
@ -231,7 +228,7 @@ adjustClientTrackers miState home adjuster = atomically $ stateTVar (fromClientM
(TrackedSingleMethodFromClient _ _ home', LSP.SomeLspId lspId) | home == home' -> doAdjust accum (unsafeCoerce lspId) tracker
(TrackedAllMethod {tamRemainingResponsePackageHomes}, LSP.SomeLspId lspId) | home `elem` tamRemainingResponsePackageHomes -> doAdjust accum (unsafeCoerce lspId) tracker
_ -> (accum, Just someTracker)
-- We know that the fromClientMethodTrackerVar only contains Trackers for FromClient, but this information is lost in the `Some` inside the IxMap
-- We know that the misFromClientMethodTrackerVar only contains Trackers for FromClient, but this information is lost in the `Some` inside the IxMap
-- We define our `adjust` method safely, by having it know this `FromClient` constraint, then coerce it to bring said constraint into scope.
-- (trackerMap :: forall (from :: LSP.From). Map.Map SomeLspId (Some @(Lsp.Method from @LSP.Request) TrackedMethod))
-- where `from` is constrained outside the IxMap and as such, enforced weakly (using unsafeCoerce)
@ -239,14 +236,14 @@ adjustClientTrackers miState home adjuster = atomically $ stateTVar (fromClientM
in (accum, IM.IxMap trackerMap)
-- Checks if a given Shutdown or Initialize lspId is for an IDE that is still closing, and as such, should not be removed
isClosingIdeInFlight :: SubIDEData -> LSP.SMethod m -> LSP.LspId m -> Bool
isClosingIdeInFlight :: SubIdeData -> LSP.SMethod m -> LSP.LspId m -> Bool
isClosingIdeInFlight ideData LSP.SShutdown (LSP.IdString str) = any (\ide -> str == ideMessageIdPrefix ide <> "-shutdown") $ ideDataClosing ideData
isClosingIdeInFlight ideData LSP.SInitialize (LSP.IdString str) = any (\ide -> str == ideMessageIdPrefix ide <> "-init") $ ideDataClosing ideData
isClosingIdeInFlight _ _ _ = False
-- Reads all unresponded messages for a given home, gives back the original messages. Ignores and deletes Initialize and Shutdown requests
-- but only if no ideClosing ides are using them
getUnrespondedRequestsToResend :: MultiIdeState -> SubIDEData -> PackageHome -> IO [LSP.FromClientMessage]
getUnrespondedRequestsToResend :: MultiIdeState -> SubIdeData -> PackageHome -> IO [LSP.FromClientMessage]
getUnrespondedRequestsToResend miState ideData home = adjustClientTrackers miState home $ \lspId tracker -> case tmMethod tracker of
-- Keep shutdown/initialize messages that are in use, but don't return them
method | isClosingIdeInFlight ideData method lspId -> (Just tracker, Nothing)
@ -257,7 +254,7 @@ getUnrespondedRequestsToResend miState ideData home = adjustClientTrackers miSta
-- Gets fallback responses for all unresponded requests for a given home.
-- For Single IDE requests, we return noIDEReply, and delete the request from the tracker
-- For All IDE requests, we delete this home from the aggregate response, and if it is now complete, run the combiner and return the result
getUnrespondedRequestsFallbackResponses :: MultiIdeState -> SubIDEData -> PackageHome -> IO [LSP.FromServerMessage]
getUnrespondedRequestsFallbackResponses :: MultiIdeState -> SubIdeData -> PackageHome -> IO [LSP.FromServerMessage]
getUnrespondedRequestsFallbackResponses miState ideData home = adjustClientTrackers miState home $ \lspId tracker -> case tracker of
-- Keep shutdown/initialize messages that are in use, but don't return them
TrackedSingleMethodFromClient method _ _ | isClosingIdeInFlight ideData method lspId -> (Just tracker, Nothing)

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@ -3,15 +3,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- This module handles prefixing of identifiers generated by the SubIDEs, so that they are unique to the client, but are returned in the same form to the servers.
-- This module handles prefixing of identifiers generated by the SubIdes, so that they are unique to the client, but are returned in the same form to the servers.
-- It has been implemented to be stateless for simplicity
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Prefixing (
@ -30,38 +24,38 @@ import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
-- ProgressToken Prefixing
-- Progress tokens can be created on both client and subIDEs. They are then reported on by a subIDE, and cancelled by the client.
-- We need to avoid collisions between tokens created by different subIDEs.
-- Server created progress tokens use the SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate notification. We prefix these tokens uniquely to the subIDE that created them.
-- Progress tokens can be created on both client and subIdes. They are then reported on by a subIde, and cancelled by the client.
-- We need to avoid collisions between tokens created by different subIdes.
-- Server created progress tokens use the SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate notification. We prefix these tokens uniquely to the subIde that created them.
-- Handled in addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage
-- Client created progress tokens are created alongside requests, `getProgressLenses` creates lenses for these tokens. We prefix these with `client`
-- All prefixed tokens also include their original type, so the transformation can be safely reversed.
-- Handled in addProgressTokenPrefixToClientMessage
-- Progress messages
-- Sent from subIDEs, these are always forwarded to the client. However, depending on what created the Token, the prefix will need changing.
-- If the subIDE created the token, the progress message token will be unprefixed.
-- Sent from subIdes, these are always forwarded to the client. However, depending on what created the Token, the prefix will need changing.
-- If the subIde created the token, the progress message token will be unprefixed.
-- We check the first character of the token. Neither server or client can create tokens starting with non-hex character. Our prefixing starts with `i` or `t`
-- If there is no prefix, we add the prefix of the sending subIDE. No subIDE should ever give progress reports for tokens created by other subIDEs.
-- If there is no prefix, we add the prefix of the sending subIde. No subIde should ever give progress reports for tokens created by other subIdes.
-- If the client created the token, it will have the client prefix. We detect this and remove it, so the client sees the exact name it created.
-- Handled in addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage
-- Cancel messages
-- Sent by the client, forwarded to either all or a specific subIDE.
-- If the token was created by the client, it will have no prefix. We add the prefix and broadcast to all subIDEs
-- This is safe because it is impossible for a subIDE to generate a token matching the prefixed client token, so the correct subIDE will delete the token, and the rest will ignore
-- If the token was created by a subIDE, it will have the subIDE's unique prefix. We strip this from the message, and return it to MultiIde.hs.
-- Sent by the client, forwarded to either all or a specific subIde.
-- If the token was created by the client, it will have no prefix. We add the prefix and broadcast to all subIdes
-- This is safe because it is impossible for a subIde to generate a token matching the prefixed client token, so the correct subIde will delete the token, and the rest will ignore
-- If the token was created by a subIde, it will have the subIde's unique prefix. We strip this from the message, and return it to MultiIde.hs.
-- The message handling there will lookup the IDE matching this prefix and send the message to it. If no IDE exists, we can safely drop the message, as the IDE has been removed.
-- | Convenience type for prefixes
data ProgressTokenPrefix
= SubIDEPrefix T.Text
= SubIdePrefix T.Text
| ClientPrefix
progressTokenPrefixToText :: ProgressTokenPrefix -> T.Text
progressTokenPrefixToText (SubIDEPrefix t) = t
progressTokenPrefixToText (SubIdePrefix t) = t
progressTokenPrefixToText ClientPrefix = "client"
progressTokenPrefixFromMaybe :: Maybe T.Text -> ProgressTokenPrefix
progressTokenPrefixFromMaybe = maybe ClientPrefix SubIDEPrefix
progressTokenPrefixFromMaybe = maybe ClientPrefix SubIdePrefix
-- | Reversible ProgressToken prefixing
-- Given ProgressTokens can be int or text, we encode them as text as well as a tag to say if the original was an int
@ -74,7 +68,7 @@ addProgressTokenPrefix prefix (LSP.ProgressTextToken t) = LSP.ProgressTextToken
progressTokenSplitPrefix :: T.Text -> (T.Text, Maybe T.Text)
progressTokenSplitPrefix = bimap T.tail (mfilter (/="client") . Just) . swap . T.breakOn "-"
-- Removes prefix, returns the subIDE prefix if the token was created by a subIDE
-- Removes prefix, returns the subIde prefix if the token was created by a subIde
stripProgressTokenPrefix :: LSP.ProgressToken -> (LSP.ProgressToken, Maybe ProgressTokenPrefix)
stripProgressTokenPrefix (LSP.ProgressTextToken (T.uncons -> Just ('i', rest))) =
bimap (LSP.ProgressNumericToken . read . T.unpack) (Just . progressTokenPrefixFromMaybe) $ progressTokenSplitPrefix rest
@ -82,19 +76,19 @@ stripProgressTokenPrefix (LSP.ProgressTextToken (T.uncons -> Just ('t', rest)))
bimap LSP.ProgressTextToken (Just . progressTokenPrefixFromMaybe) $ progressTokenSplitPrefix rest
stripProgressTokenPrefix t = (t, Nothing)
-- Prefixes the SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate and SProgress messages from subIDE. Rest are unchanged.
-- Prefixes the SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate and SProgress messages from subIde. Rest are unchanged.
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage :: T.Text -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> LSP.FromServerMessage
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage prefix (LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate req) =
LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate $ req & LSP.params . LSP.token %~ addProgressTokenPrefix (SubIDEPrefix prefix)
LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate $ req & LSP.params . LSP.token %~ addProgressTokenPrefix (SubIdePrefix prefix)
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage prefix (LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SProgress notif) =
case stripProgressTokenPrefix $ notif ^. LSP.params . LSP.token of
-- ProgressToken was created by this subIDE, add its usual prefix
-- ProgressToken was created by this subIde, add its usual prefix
(unprefixedToken, Nothing) ->
let prefixedToken = addProgressTokenPrefix (SubIDEPrefix prefix) unprefixedToken
let prefixedToken = addProgressTokenPrefix (SubIdePrefix prefix) unprefixedToken
in LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SProgress $ notif & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ prefixedToken
-- ProgressToken was created by client, send back the unprefixed token
(unprefixedToken, Just ClientPrefix) -> LSP.FromServerMess LSP.SProgress $ notif & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ unprefixedToken
(_, Just (SubIDEPrefix t)) -> error $ "SubIDE with prefix " <> T.unpack t <> " is somehow aware of its own prefixing. Something is very wrong."
(_, Just (SubIdePrefix t)) -> error $ "SubIde with prefix " <> T.unpack t <> " is somehow aware of its own prefixing. Something is very wrong."
addProgressTokenPrefixToServerMessage _ msg = msg
-- Prefixes client created progress tokens for all requests that can create them.
@ -168,23 +162,23 @@ getProgressLenses = \case
=> ProgressLenses m
both = ProgressLenses (Just $ Lens $ LSP.params . LSP.workDoneToken) (Just $ Lens $ LSP.params . LSP.partialResultToken)
-- strips and returns the subIDE prefix from cancel messages. Gives Nothing for client created tokens
-- strips and returns the subIde prefix from cancel messages. Gives Nothing for client created tokens
:: LSP.NotificationMessage 'LSP.WindowWorkDoneProgressCancel
-> (LSP.NotificationMessage 'LSP.WindowWorkDoneProgressCancel, Maybe T.Text)
stripWorkDoneProgressCancelTokenPrefix notif =
case stripProgressTokenPrefix $ notif ^. LSP.params . LSP.token of
-- Token was created by the client, add the client prefix and broadcast to all subIDEs
-- Token was created by the client, add the client prefix and broadcast to all subIdes
(unprefixedToken, Nothing) ->
let prefixedToken = addProgressTokenPrefix ClientPrefix unprefixedToken
in (notif & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ prefixedToken, Nothing)
-- Created by subIDE, strip the prefix and send to the specific subIDE that created it.
(unprefixedToken, Just (SubIDEPrefix prefix)) -> (notif & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ unprefixedToken, Just prefix)
-- Created by subIde, strip the prefix and send to the specific subIde that created it.
(unprefixedToken, Just (SubIdePrefix prefix)) -> (notif & LSP.params . LSP.token .~ unprefixedToken, Just prefix)
(_, Just ClientPrefix) -> error "Client attempted to cancel a ProgressToken with the client prefix, which it should not be aware of. Something went wrong."
-- LspId Prefixing
-- We need to ensure all IDs from different subIDEs are unique to the client, so we prefix them.
-- We need to ensure all IDs from different subIdes are unique to the client, so we prefix them.
-- Given IDs can be int or text, we encode them as text as well as a tag to say if the original was an int
-- Such that IdInt 10 -> IdString "iPREFIX-10"
-- and IdString "hello" -> IdString "tPREFIX-hello"
@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ stripLspPrefix (LSP.IdString (T.uncons -> Just ('t', rest))) = LSP.IdString $ T.
stripLspPrefix t = t
-- Prefixes applied to builtin and custom requests. Notifications do not have ids, responses do not need this logic.
addLspPrefixToServerMessage :: SubIDEInstance -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> LSP.FromServerMessage
addLspPrefixToServerMessage :: SubIdeInstance -> LSP.FromServerMessage -> LSP.FromServerMessage
addLspPrefixToServerMessage _ res@(LSP.FromServerRsp _ _) = res
addLspPrefixToServerMessage ide res@(LSP.FromServerMess method params) =
case LSP.splitServerMethod method of

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeCommunication (
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeCommunication
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory, (</>))
disableIdeDiagnosticMessages :: SubIdeData -> [LSP.FromServerMessage]
disableIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData =
( "Daml IDE environment failed to start with the following error:\n"
<> fromMaybe "No information" (ideDataLastError ideData)
<$> ((unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData) </> "daml.yaml") : fmap unDamlFile (Set.toList $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData))
clearIdeDiagnosticMessages :: SubIdeData -> [LSP.FromServerMessage]
clearIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData =
clearDiagnostics <$> ((unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData) </> "daml.yaml") : fmap unDamlFile (Set.toList $ ideDataOpenFiles ideData))
-- Communication logic
-- Dangerous as does not hold the misSubIdesVar lock. If a shutdown is called whiled this is running, the message may not be sent.
unsafeSendSubIde :: SubIdeInstance -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
unsafeSendSubIde ide = atomically . unsafeSendSubIdeSTM ide
unsafeSendSubIdeSTM :: SubIdeInstance -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> STM ()
unsafeSendSubIdeSTM ide = writeTChan (ideInHandleChannel ide) . Aeson.encode
sendAllSubIdes :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO [PackageHome]
sendAllSubIdes miState msg = holdingIDEsAtomic miState $ \ides ->
let ideInstances = mapMaybe ideDataMain $ Map.elems ides
in forM ideInstances $ \ide -> ideHome ide <$ unsafeSendSubIdeSTM ide msg
sendAllSubIdes_ :: MultiIdeState -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendAllSubIdes_ miState = void . sendAllSubIdes miState
getDirectoryIfFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getDirectoryIfFile path = do
isFile <- doesFileExist path
pure $ if isFile then takeDirectory path else path
getSourceFileHome :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> STM PackageHome
getSourceFileHome miState path = do
-- If the path is a file, we only care about the directory, as all files in the same directory share the same home
dirPath <- unsafeIOToSTM $ getDirectoryIfFile path
sourceFileHomes <- takeTMVar (misSourceFileHomesVar miState)
case Map.lookup dirPath sourceFileHomes of
Just home -> do
putTMVar (misSourceFileHomesVar miState) sourceFileHomes
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "Found cached home for " <> path
pure home
Nothing -> do
-- Safe as repeat prints are acceptable
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "No cached home for " <> path
-- Read only operation, so safe within STM
home <- unsafeIOToSTM $ fromMaybe (misDefaultPackagePath miState) <$> findHome dirPath
unsafeIOToSTM $ logDebug miState $ "File system yielded " <> unPackageHome home
putTMVar (misSourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.insert dirPath home sourceFileHomes
pure home
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> STM ()
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlFileDeleted miState path = do
dirPath <- unsafeIOToSTM $ getDirectoryIfFile path
modifyTMVar (misSourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.delete dirPath
-- When a daml.yaml changes, all files pointing to it are invalidated in the cache
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> STM ()
sourceFileHomeHandleDamlYamlChanged miState home = modifyTMVar (misSourceFileHomesVar miState) $ Map.filter (/=home)

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@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeManagement (
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeManagement,
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeCommunication,
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.ClientCommunication
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Parsing
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types
import DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.SubIdeCommunication
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as TE
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import System.Environment (getEnv, getEnvironment)
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Info.Extra (isWindows)
import System.Process (getPid, terminateProcess)
import System.Process.Typed (
-- Spin-up logic
-- add IDE, send initialize, do not send further messages until we get the initialize response and have sent initialized
-- we can do this by locking the sending thread, but still allowing the channel to be pushed
-- we also atomically send a message to the channel, without dropping the lock on the subIdes var
-- Note that messages sent here should _already_ be in the fromClientMessage tracker
:: MultiIdeState
-> PackageHome
-> Maybe LSP.FromClientMessage
-> IO ()
addNewSubIdeAndSend miState home mMsg =
withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> unsafeAddNewSubIdeAndSend miState ides home mMsg
-- Unsafe as does not acquire SubIdesVar, instead simply transforms it
:: MultiIdeState
-> SubIdes
-> PackageHome
-> Maybe LSP.FromClientMessage
-> IO SubIdes
unsafeAddNewSubIdeAndSend miState ides home mMsg = do
logDebug miState "Trying to make a SubIde"
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
Just ide -> do
logDebug miState "SubIde already exists"
forM_ mMsg $ unsafeSendSubIde ide
pure ides
Nothing | ideShouldDisable ideData || ideDataDisabled ideData -> do
when (ideShouldDisable ideData) $ logDebug miState $ "SubIde failed twice within " <> show ideShouldDisableTimeout <> ", disabling SubIde"
responses <- getUnrespondedRequestsFallbackResponses miState ideData home
logDebug miState $ "Found " <> show (length responses) <> " unresponded messages, sending empty replies."
-- Doesn't include mMsg, as if it was request, it'll already be in the tracker, so a reply for it will be in `responses`
-- As such, we cannot send this on every failed message,
let ideData' = ideData {ideDataDisabled = True, ideDataFailTimes = []}
-- Only add diagnostic messages for first fail to start.
-- Diagnostic messages trigger the client to send a codeAction request, which would create an infinite loop if we sent
-- diagnostics with its reply
messages = responses <> if ideShouldDisable ideData then disableIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData else []
atomically $ traverse_ (sendClientSTM miState) messages
pure $ Map.insert home ideData' ides
Nothing -> do
logInfo miState $ "Creating new SubIde for " <> unPackageHome home
traverse_ (sendClient miState) $ clearIdeDiagnosticMessages ideData
unitId <- either (\cErr -> error $ "Failed to get unit ID from daml.yaml: " <> show cErr) fst <$> unitIdAndDepsFromDamlYaml home
subIdeProcess <- runSubProc miState home
let inHandle = getStdin subIdeProcess
outHandle = getStdout subIdeProcess
errHandle = getStderr subIdeProcess
ideErrText <- newTVarIO @T.Text ""
-- Handles blocking the sender thread until the IDE is initialized.
(onceUnblocked, unblock) <- makeIOBlocker
-- ***** -> SubIde
toSubIdeChan <- atomically newTChan
let pushMessageToSubIde :: IO ()
pushMessageToSubIde = do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan toSubIdeChan
logDebug miState "Pushing message to subIde"
putChunk inHandle msg
toSubIde <- async $ do
-- Allow first message (init) to be sent before unblocked
onceUnblocked $ forever pushMessageToSubIde
-- Coord <- SubIde
subIdeToCoord <- async $ do
-- Wait until our own IDE exists then pass it forward
ide <- atomically $ fromMaybe (error "Failed to get own IDE") . ideDataMain . lookupSubIde home <$> readTMVar (misSubIdesVar miState)
onChunks outHandle $ misSubIdeMessageHandler miState unblock ide
pid <- fromMaybe (error "SubIde has no PID") <$> getPid (unsafeProcessHandle subIdeProcess)
ideErrTextAsync <- async $
let go = do
text <- T.hGetChunk errHandle
unless (text == "") $ do
atomically $ modifyTVar' ideErrText (<> text)
logDebug miState $ "[SubIde " <> show pid <> "] " <> T.unpack text
in go
mInitParams <- tryReadMVar (misInitParamsVar miState)
let ide =
{ ideInhandleAsync = toSubIde
, ideInHandle = inHandle
, ideInHandleChannel = toSubIdeChan
, ideOutHandle = outHandle
, ideOutHandleAsync = subIdeToCoord
, ideErrHandle = errHandle
, ideErrText = ideErrText
, ideErrTextAsync = ideErrTextAsync
, ideProcess = subIdeProcess
, ideHome = home
, ideMessageIdPrefix = T.pack $ show pid
, ideUnitId = unitId
ideData' = ideData {ideDataMain = Just ide}
!initParams = fromMaybe (error "Attempted to create a SubIde before initialization!") mInitParams
initMsg = initializeRequest initParams ide
-- Must happen before the initialize message is added, else it'll delete that
unrespondedRequests <- getUnrespondedRequestsToResend miState ideData home
logDebug miState "Sending init message to SubIde"
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home initMsg
unsafeSendSubIde ide initMsg
-- Dangerous calls are okay here because we're already holding the misSubIdesVar lock
-- Send the open file notifications
logDebug miState "Sending open files messages to SubIde"
forM_ (ideDataOpenFiles ideData') $ \path -> do
content <- TE.readFileUtf8 $ unDamlFile path
unsafeSendSubIde ide $ openFileNotification path content
-- Resend all pending requests
-- No need for re-prefixing or anything like that, messages are stored with the prefixes they need
-- Note that we want to remove the message we're sending from this list, to not send it twice
let mMsgLspId = mMsg >>= fromClientRequestLspId
requestsToResend = filter (\req -> fromClientRequestLspId req /= mMsgLspId) unrespondedRequests
logDebug miState $ "Found " <> show (length requestsToResend) <> " unresponded messages, resending:\n"
<> show (fmap (\r -> (fromClientRequestMethod r, fromClientRequestLspId r)) requestsToResend)
traverse_ (unsafeSendSubIde ide) requestsToResend
logDebug miState $ "Sending intended message to SubIde: " <> show ((\r -> (fromClientRequestMethod r, fromClientRequestLspId r)) <$> mMsg)
-- Send the intended message
forM_ mMsg $ unsafeSendSubIde ide
pure $ Map.insert home ideData' ides
runSubProc :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO (Process Handle Handle Handle)
runSubProc miState home = do
assistantPath <- getEnv "DAML_ASSISTANT"
-- Need to remove some variables so the sub-assistant will pick them up from the working dir/daml.yaml
assistantEnv <- filter (flip notElem ["DAML_PROJECT", "DAML_SDK_VERSION", "DAML_SDK"] . fst) <$> getEnvironment
startProcess $
proc assistantPath ("ide" : misSubIdeArgs miState) &
setStdin createPipeNoClose &
setStdout createPipeNoClose &
setStderr createPipeNoClose &
setWorkingDir (unPackageHome home) &
setEnv assistantEnv
createPipeNoClose :: StreamSpec streamType Handle
createPipeNoClose = mkPipeStreamSpec $ \_ h -> pure (h, pure ())
-- Spin-down logic
rebootIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
rebootIdeByHome miState home = withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
ides' <- unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home
unsafeAddNewSubIdeAndSend miState ides' home Nothing
-- Version of rebootIdeByHome that only spins up IDEs that were either active, or disabled.
-- Does not spin up IDEs that were naturally shutdown/never started
lenientRebootIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
lenientRebootIdeByHome miState home = withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
shouldBoot = isJust (ideDataMain ideData) || ideDataDisabled ideData
ides' <- unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home
if shouldBoot
then unsafeAddNewSubIdeAndSend miState ides' home Nothing
else pure ides'
-- Checks if a shutdown message LspId originated from the multi-ide coordinator
isCoordinatorShutdownLspId :: LSP.LspId 'LSP.Shutdown -> Bool
isCoordinatorShutdownLspId (LSP.IdString str) = "-shutdown" `T.isSuffixOf` str
isCoordinatorShutdownLspId _ = False
-- Sends a shutdown message and moves SubIdeInstance to `ideDataClosing`, disallowing any further client messages to be sent to the subIde
-- given queue nature of TChan, all other pending messages will be sent first before handling shutdown
shutdownIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> PackageHome -> IO ()
shutdownIdeByHome miState home = withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home
-- Unsafe as does not acquire SubIdesVar, instead simply transforms it
unsafeShutdownIdeByHome :: MultiIdeState -> SubIdes -> PackageHome -> IO SubIdes
unsafeShutdownIdeByHome miState ides home = do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
Just ide -> do
let shutdownId = LSP.IdString $ ideMessageIdPrefix ide <> "-shutdown"
shutdownMsg :: LSP.FromClientMessage
shutdownMsg = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SShutdown LSP.RequestMessage
{ _id = shutdownId
, _method = LSP.SShutdown
, _params = LSP.Empty
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
logDebug miState $ "Sending shutdown message to " <> unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData)
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home shutdownMsg
unsafeSendSubIde ide shutdownMsg
pure $ Map.adjust (\ideData' -> ideData'
{ ideDataMain = Nothing
, ideDataClosing = Set.insert ide $ ideDataClosing ideData
, ideDataFailTimes = []
, ideDataDisabled = False
}) home ides
Nothing ->
pure $ Map.adjust (\ideData -> ideData {ideDataFailTimes = [], ideDataDisabled = False}) home ides
-- To be called once we receive the Shutdown response
-- Safe to assume that the sending channel is empty, so we can end the thread and send the final notification directly on the handle
handleExit :: MultiIdeState -> SubIdeInstance -> IO ()
handleExit miState ide =
if isWindows
then do
-- On windows, ghc-ide doesn't close correctly on exit messages (even terminating the process leaves subprocesses behind)
-- Instead, we close the handle its listening on, and terminate the process.
logDebug miState $ "(windows) Closing handle and terminating " <> unPackageHome (ideHome ide)
hTryClose $ ideInHandle ide
terminateProcess $ unsafeProcessHandle $ ideProcess ide
else do
let (exitMsg :: LSP.FromClientMessage) = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SExit LSP.NotificationMessage
{ _method = LSP.SExit
, _params = LSP.Empty
, _jsonrpc = "2.0"
logDebug miState $ "Sending exit message to " <> unPackageHome (ideHome ide)
-- This will cause the subIde process to exit
-- Able to be unsafe as no other messages can use this IDE once it has been shutdown
unsafeSendSubIde ide exitMsg
-- This function lives here instead of SubIdeCommunication because it can spin up new subIDEs
sendSubIdeByPath :: MultiIdeState -> FilePath -> LSP.FromClientMessage -> IO ()
sendSubIdeByPath miState path msg = do
home <- atomically $ getSourceFileHome miState path
putSingleFromClientMessage miState home msg
withIDEs_ miState $ \ides -> do
let ideData = lookupSubIde home ides
case ideDataMain ideData of
-- Here we already have a subIde, so we forward our message to it before dropping the lock
Just ide -> do
unsafeSendSubIde ide msg
logDebug miState $ "Found relevant SubIde: " <> unPackageHome (ideDataHome ideData)
pure ides
-- This path will create a new subIde at the given home
Nothing -> do
unsafeAddNewSubIdeAndSend miState ides home $ Just msg

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@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Types (
@ -21,6 +18,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.STM
import DA.Daml.Project.Types (ProjectPath (..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.IxMap as IM
@ -49,8 +47,8 @@ data TrackedMethod (m :: LSP.Method from 'LSP.Request) where
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromClient 'LSP.Request)
. LSP.SMethod m
-> LSP.FromClientMessage -- | Store the whole message for re-transmission on subIDE restart
-> PackageHome -- | Store the recipient subIDE for this message
-> LSP.FromClientMessage -- | Store the whole message for re-transmission on subIde restart
-> PackageHome -- | Store the recipient subIde for this message
-> TrackedMethod m
:: forall (m :: LSP.Method 'LSP.FromServer 'LSP.Request)
@ -62,7 +60,7 @@ data TrackedMethod (m :: LSP.Method from 'LSP.Request) where
-- ^ The method of the initial request
, tamLspId :: LSP.LspId m
, tamClientMessage :: LSP.FromClientMessage
-- ^ Store the whole message for re-transmission on subIDE restart
-- ^ Store the whole message for re-transmission on subIde restart
, tamCombiner :: ResponseCombiner m
-- ^ How to combine the results from each IDE
, tamRemainingResponsePackageHomes :: [PackageHome]
@ -88,97 +86,97 @@ tmClientMessage (TrackedAllMethod {tamClientMessage}) = tamClientMessage
type MethodTracker (from :: LSP.From) = IM.IxMap @(LSP.Method from 'LSP.Request) LSP.LspId TrackedMethod
type MethodTrackerVar (from :: LSP.From) = TVar (MethodTracker from)
data SubIDEInstance = SubIDEInstance
data SubIdeInstance = SubIdeInstance
{ ideInhandleAsync :: Async ()
, ideInHandle :: Handle
, ideInHandleChannel :: TChan BSL.ByteString
, ideOutHandle :: Handle
, ideOutHandleAsync :: Async ()
-- ^ For sending messages to that SubIDE
-- ^ For sending messages to that SubIde
, ideErrHandle :: Handle
, ideErrText :: TVar T.Text
, ideErrTextAsync :: Async ()
, ideProcess :: Process Handle Handle Handle
, ideHome :: PackageHome
, ideMessageIdPrefix :: T.Text
-- ^ Some unique string used to prefix message ids created by the SubIDE, to avoid collisions with other SubIDEs
-- ^ Some unique string used to prefix message ids created by the SubIde, to avoid collisions with other SubIdes
-- We use the stringified process ID
-- TODO[SW]: This isn't strictly safe since this data exists for a short time after subIDE shutdown, duplicates could be created.
-- TODO[SW]: This isn't strictly safe since this data exists for a short time after subIde shutdown, duplicates could be created.
, ideUnitId :: UnitId
-- ^ Unit ID of the package this SubIDE handles
-- ^ Unit ID of the package this SubIde handles
-- Of the form "daml-script-0.0.1"
instance Eq SubIDEInstance where
instance Eq SubIdeInstance where
-- ideMessageIdPrefix is derived from process id, so this equality is of the process.
(==) = (==) `on` ideMessageIdPrefix
instance Ord SubIDEInstance where
instance Ord SubIdeInstance where
-- ideMessageIdPrefix is derived from process id, so this ordering is of the process.
compare = compare `on` ideMessageIdPrefix
-- We store an optional main ide, the currently closing ides (kept only so they can reply to their shutdowns), and open files
-- open files must outlive the main subide so we can re-send the TextDocumentDidOpen messages on new ide startup
data SubIDEData = SubIDEData
data SubIdeData = SubIdeData
{ ideDataHome :: PackageHome
, ideDataMain :: Maybe SubIDEInstance
, ideDataClosing :: Set.Set SubIDEInstance
, ideDataMain :: Maybe SubIdeInstance
, ideDataClosing :: Set.Set SubIdeInstance
, ideDataOpenFiles :: Set.Set DamlFile
, ideDataFailTimes :: [UTCTime]
, ideDataDisabled :: Bool
, ideDataLastError :: Maybe String
defaultSubIDEData :: PackageHome -> SubIDEData
defaultSubIDEData home = SubIDEData home Nothing Set.empty Set.empty [] False Nothing
defaultSubIdeData :: PackageHome -> SubIdeData
defaultSubIdeData home = SubIdeData home Nothing Set.empty Set.empty [] False Nothing
lookupSubIde :: PackageHome -> SubIDEs -> SubIDEData
lookupSubIde home ides = fromMaybe (defaultSubIDEData home) $ Map.lookup home ides
lookupSubIde :: PackageHome -> SubIdes -> SubIdeData
lookupSubIde home ides = fromMaybe (defaultSubIdeData home) $ Map.lookup home ides
ideShouldDisableTimeout :: NominalDiffTime
ideShouldDisableTimeout = 5
ideShouldDisable :: SubIDEData -> Bool
ideShouldDisable :: SubIdeData -> Bool
ideShouldDisable (ideDataFailTimes -> (t1:t2:_)) = t1 `diffUTCTime` t2 < ideShouldDisableTimeout
ideShouldDisable _ = False
-- SubIDEs placed in a TMVar. The emptyness representents a modification lock.
-- SubIdes placed in a TMVar. The emptyness representents a modification lock.
-- The lock unsures the following properties:
-- If multiple messages are sent to a new IDE at the same time, the first will create and hold a lock, while the rest wait on that lock (avoid multiple create)
-- We never attempt to send messages on a stale IDE. If we ever read SubIDEsVar with the intent to send a message on a SubIDE, we must hold the so a shutdown
-- We never attempt to send messages on a stale IDE. If we ever read SubIdesVar with the intent to send a message on a SubIde, we must hold the so a shutdown
-- cannot be sent on that IDE until we are done. This ensures that when a shutdown does occur, it is impossible for non-shutdown messages to be added to the
-- queue after the shutdown.
type SubIDEs = Map.Map PackageHome SubIDEData
type SubIDEsVar = TMVar SubIDEs
type SubIdes = Map.Map PackageHome SubIdeData
type SubIdesVar = TMVar SubIdes
-- Helper functions for holding the subIDEs var
withIDEsAtomic :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> STM (SubIDEs, a)) -> IO a
-- Helper functions for holding the subIdes var
withIDEsAtomic :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIdes -> STM (SubIdes, a)) -> IO a
withIDEsAtomic miState f = atomically $ do
ides <- takeTMVar $ subIDEsVar miState
ides <- takeTMVar $ misSubIdesVar miState
(ides', res) <- f ides
putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) ides'
putTMVar (misSubIdesVar miState) ides'
pure res
holdingIDEsAtomic :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> STM a) -> IO a
holdingIDEsAtomic :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIdes -> STM a) -> IO a
holdingIDEsAtomic miState f = withIDEsAtomic miState $ \ides -> (ides,) <$> f ides
withIDEsAtomic_ :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> STM SubIDEs) -> IO ()
withIDEsAtomic_ :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIdes -> STM SubIdes) -> IO ()
withIDEsAtomic_ miState f = void $ withIDEsAtomic miState $ fmap (, ()) . f
withIDEs :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> IO (SubIDEs, a)) -> IO a
withIDEs :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIdes -> IO (SubIdes, a)) -> IO a
withIDEs miState f = do
ides <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ subIDEsVar miState
ides <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ misSubIdesVar miState
(ides', res) <- f ides
atomically $ putTMVar (subIDEsVar miState) ides'
atomically $ putTMVar (misSubIdesVar miState) ides'
pure res
holdingIDEs :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> IO a) -> IO a
holdingIDEs :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIdes -> IO a) -> IO a
holdingIDEs miState f = withIDEs miState $ \ides -> (ides,) <$> f ides
withIDEs_ :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIDEs -> IO SubIDEs) -> IO ()
withIDEs_ :: MultiIdeState -> (SubIdes -> IO SubIdes) -> IO ()
withIDEs_ miState f = void $ withIDEs miState $ fmap (, ()) . f
-- Stores the initialize messages sent by the client to be forwarded to SubIDEs when they are created.
-- Stores the initialize messages sent by the client to be forwarded to SubIdes when they are created.
type InitParams = LSP.InitializeParams
type InitParamsVar = MVar InitParams
@ -197,47 +195,53 @@ type DarDependentPackagesVar = TMVar DarDependentPackages
type SourceFileHomes = Map.Map FilePath PackageHome
type SourceFileHomesVar = TMVar SourceFileHomes
-- Takes unblock messages IO, subIde itself and message bytestring
-- Extracted to types to resolve cycles in dependencies
type SubIdeMessageHandler = IO () -> SubIdeInstance -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
data MultiIdeState = MultiIdeState
{ fromClientMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient
{ misFromClientMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient
-- ^ The client will track its own IDs to ensure they're unique, so no worries about collisions
, fromServerMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer
-- ^ We will prefix LspIds before they get here based on their SubIDE messageIdPrefix, to avoid collisions
, subIDEsVar :: SubIDEsVar
, initParamsVar :: InitParamsVar
, toClientChan :: TChan BSL.ByteString
, multiPackageMappingVar :: MultiPackageYamlMappingVar
, darDependentPackagesVar :: DarDependentPackagesVar
, logger :: Logger.Handle IO
, multiPackageHome :: FilePath
, defaultPackagePath :: PackageHome
, sourceFileHomesVar :: SourceFileHomesVar
, subIdeArgs :: [String]
, misFromServerMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer
-- ^ We will prefix LspIds before they get here based on their SubIde messageIdPrefix, to avoid collisions
, misSubIdesVar :: SubIdesVar
, misInitParamsVar :: InitParamsVar
, misToClientChan :: TChan BSL.ByteString
, misMultiPackageMappingVar :: MultiPackageYamlMappingVar
, misDarDependentPackagesVar :: DarDependentPackagesVar
, misLogger :: Logger.Handle IO
, misMultiPackageHome :: FilePath
, misDefaultPackagePath :: PackageHome
, misSourceFileHomesVar :: SourceFileHomesVar
, misSubIdeArgs :: [String]
, misSubIdeMessageHandler :: SubIdeMessageHandler
logError :: MultiIdeState -> String -> IO ()
logError miState msg = Logger.logError (logger miState) (T.pack msg)
logError miState msg = Logger.logError (misLogger miState) (T.pack msg)
logWarning :: MultiIdeState -> String -> IO ()
logWarning miState msg = Logger.logWarning (logger miState) (T.pack msg)
logWarning miState msg = Logger.logWarning (misLogger miState) (T.pack msg)
logInfo :: MultiIdeState -> String -> IO ()
logInfo miState msg = Logger.logInfo (logger miState) (T.pack msg)
logInfo miState msg = Logger.logInfo (misLogger miState) (T.pack msg)
logDebug :: MultiIdeState -> String -> IO ()
logDebug miState msg = Logger.logDebug (logger miState) (T.pack msg)
logDebug miState msg = Logger.logDebug (misLogger miState) (T.pack msg)
newMultiIdeState :: FilePath -> PackageHome -> Logger.Priority -> [String] -> IO MultiIdeState
newMultiIdeState multiPackageHome defaultPackagePath logThreshold subIdeArgs = do
(fromClientMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient) <- newTVarIO IM.emptyIxMap
(fromServerMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer) <- newTVarIO IM.emptyIxMap
subIDEsVar <- newTMVarIO @SubIDEs mempty
initParamsVar <- newEmptyMVar @InitParams
toClientChan <- atomically newTChan
multiPackageMappingVar <- newTMVarIO @MultiPackageYamlMapping mempty
darDependentPackagesVar <- newTMVarIO @DarDependentPackages mempty
sourceFileHomesVar <- newTMVarIO @SourceFileHomes mempty
logger <- Logger.newStderrLogger logThreshold "Multi-IDE"
pure MultiIdeState {..}
newMultiIdeState :: FilePath -> PackageHome -> Logger.Priority -> [String] -> (MultiIdeState -> SubIdeMessageHandler) -> IO MultiIdeState
newMultiIdeState misMultiPackageHome misDefaultPackagePath logThreshold misSubIdeArgs subIdeMessageHandler = do
(misFromClientMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromClient) <- newTVarIO IM.emptyIxMap
(misFromServerMethodTrackerVar :: MethodTrackerVar 'LSP.FromServer) <- newTVarIO IM.emptyIxMap
misSubIdesVar <- newTMVarIO @SubIdes mempty
misInitParamsVar <- newEmptyMVar @InitParams
misToClientChan <- atomically newTChan
misMultiPackageMappingVar <- newTMVarIO @MultiPackageYamlMapping mempty
misDarDependentPackagesVar <- newTMVarIO @DarDependentPackages mempty
misSourceFileHomesVar <- newTMVarIO @SourceFileHomes mempty
misLogger <- Logger.newStderrLogger logThreshold "Multi-IDE"
let miState = MultiIdeState {misSubIdeMessageHandler = subIdeMessageHandler miState, ..}
pure miState
-- Forwarding

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@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Command.MultiIde.Util (
@ -154,7 +150,7 @@ initializeResult = LSP.InitializeResult
true = Just (LSP.InL True)
false = Just (LSP.InL False)
initializeRequest :: InitParams -> SubIDEInstance -> LSP.FromClientMessage
initializeRequest :: InitParams -> SubIdeInstance -> LSP.FromClientMessage
initializeRequest initParams ide = LSP.FromClientMess LSP.SInitialize LSP.RequestMessage
{ _id = LSP.IdString $ ideMessageIdPrefix ide <> "-init"
, _method = LSP.SInitialize