New command: daml ledger fetch-dar (#5225)

* New comamnd: daml ledger fetch-dar

`daml ledger fetch-dar [PID] [PATH]`

Download a `Package` and it's dependencies from a ledger, given a root `packageId`, and re-construct a valid `.dar` file. Addresses issue #5037.

The original package names are not reconstructed.


* address some comments

* fix spello

* attempt: recoverPackageName

* recover main package name & version

* Try to fix integration tests on Windows

Co-authored-by: Moritz Kiefer <>
This commit is contained in:
nickchapman-da 2020-03-27 18:04:14 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent e42111b31f
commit aa53c30de1
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 252 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
-- | Utilities for working with DAML-LF protobuf archives
module DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.Archive
( decodeArchive
, decodeArchivePayload
, decodeArchivePackageId
, decodePackage
, encodeArchive
, encodeArchiveLazy
, encodeArchiveAndHash
@ -49,21 +49,26 @@ data DecodingMode
-- the id of the package being decoded.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Decode a LF archive header, returing the hash and the payload
-- | Decode an LF archive, returning the package-id and the package
decodeArchive :: DecodingMode -> BS.ByteString -> Either ArchiveError (LF.PackageId, LF.Package)
decodeArchive mode bytes = do
(packageId, payloadBytes) <- decodeArchivePayload bytes
(packageId, payloadBytes) <- decodeArchiveHeader bytes
package <- decodePackage mode packageId payloadBytes
return (packageId, package)
-- | Decode an LF archive payload, returning the package
-- Used to decode a BS returned from the PackageService ledger API
decodePackage :: DecodingMode -> LF.PackageId -> BS.ByteString -> Either ArchiveError LF.Package
decodePackage mode packageId payloadBytes = do
let selfPackageRef = case mode of
DecodeAsMain -> LF.PRSelf
DecodeAsDependency -> LF.PRImport packageId
payload <- over _Left (ProtobufError . show) $ Proto.fromByteString payloadBytes
package <- over _Left (ProtobufError. show) $ Decode.decodePayload selfPackageRef payload
return (packageId, package)
over _Left (ProtobufError. show) $ Decode.decodePayload selfPackageRef payload
decodeArchivePayload :: BS.ByteString -> Either ArchiveError (LF.PackageId, BS.ByteString)
decodeArchivePayload bytes = do
-- | Decode an LF archive header, returning the package-id and the payload
decodeArchiveHeader :: BS.ByteString -> Either ArchiveError (LF.PackageId, BS.ByteString)
decodeArchiveHeader bytes = do
archive <- over _Left (ProtobufError . show) $ Proto.fromByteString bytes
let payloadBytes = ProtoLF.archivePayload archive
let archiveHash = TL.toStrict (ProtoLF.archiveHash archive)
@ -79,18 +84,19 @@ decodeArchivePayload bytes = do
let packageId = LF.PackageId archiveHash
pure (packageId, payloadBytes)
-- | Decode an LF archive, returning the package-id
decodeArchivePackageId :: BS.ByteString -> Either ArchiveError LF.PackageId
decodeArchivePackageId = fmap fst . decodeArchivePayload
decodeArchivePackageId = fmap fst . decodeArchiveHeader
-- | Encode a LFv1 package payload into a DAML-LF archive using the default
-- hash function.
encodeArchiveLazy :: LF.Package -> BSL.ByteString
encodeArchiveLazy = fst . encodeArchiveAndHash
encodePackageHash :: LF.Package -> T.Text
encodePackageHash :: LF.Package -> LF.PackageId
encodePackageHash = snd . encodeArchiveAndHash
encodeArchiveAndHash :: LF.Package -> (BSL.ByteString, T.Text)
encodeArchiveAndHash :: LF.Package -> (BSL.ByteString, LF.PackageId)
encodeArchiveAndHash package =
let payload = BSL.toStrict $ Proto.toLazyByteString $ Encode.encodePayload package
hash = encodeHash (BA.convert (Crypto.hash @_ @Crypto.SHA256 payload) :: BS.ByteString)
@ -100,7 +106,7 @@ encodeArchiveAndHash package =
, ProtoLF.archiveHash = TL.fromStrict hash
, ProtoLF.archiveHashFunction = Proto.Enumerated (Right ProtoLF.HashFunctionSHA256)
in (Proto.toLazyByteString archive, hash)
in (Proto.toLazyByteString archive, LF.PackageId hash)
encodeArchive :: LF.Package -> BS.ByteString
encodeArchive = BSL.toStrict . encodeArchiveLazy

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ da_haskell_library(

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Daml.Compiler.Dar
( buildDar
( createDarFile
, buildDar
, createArchive
, FromDalf(..)
, breakAt72Bytes
, PackageSdkVersion(..)
@ -61,6 +63,13 @@ import MkIface
import Module
import HscTypes
-- | Create a DAR file by running a ZipArchive action.
createDarFile :: FilePath -> Zip.ZipArchive () -> IO ()
createDarFile fp dar = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory fp
Zip.createArchive fp dar
putStrLn $ "Created " <> fp
{- | Builds a dar file.
@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ buildDar service pkgConf@PackageConfigFields {..} ifDir dalfInput = do
bytes <- BSL.readFile pSrc
-- in the dalfInput case we interpret pSrc as the filepath pointing to the dalf.
-- Note that the package id is obviously wrong but this feature is not something we expose to users.
pure $ Just $ createArchive pkgConf (LF.PackageId "") bytes [] (toNormalizedFilePath' ".") [] [] []
pure $ Just $ createArchive pName pVersion pSdkVersion (LF.PackageId "") bytes [] (toNormalizedFilePath' ".") [] [] []
-- We need runActionSync here to ensure that diagnostics are printed to the terminal.
-- Otherwise runAction can return before the diagnostics have been printed and we might die
-- without ever seeing diagnostics.
@ -147,7 +156,7 @@ buildDar service pkgConf@PackageConfigFields {..} ifDir dalfInput = do
error $
"The following modules are declared in exposed-modules but are not part of the DALF: " <>
show (S.toList missingExposed)
let (dalf, LF.PackageId -> pkgId) = encodeArchiveAndHash pkg
let (dalf,pkgId) = encodeArchiveAndHash pkg
-- For now, we dont include ifaces and hie files in incremental mode.
-- The main reason for this is that writeIfacesAndHie is not yet ported to incremental mode
-- but it also makes creation of the archive slightly faster and those files are only required
@ -167,7 +176,7 @@ buildDar service pkgConf@PackageConfigFields {..} ifDir dalfInput = do
srcRoot <- getSrcRoot pSrc
pure $
pName pVersion pSdkVersion
@ -318,8 +327,10 @@ sinkEntryDeterministic compression sink sel = do
where fixedTime = UTCTime (fromGregorian 1980 1 1) 0
-- | Helper to bundle up all files into a DAR.
createArchive ::
:: LF.PackageName
-> Maybe LF.PackageVersion
-> PackageSdkVersion
-> LF.PackageId
-> BSL.ByteString -- ^ DALF
-> [(T.Text, BS.ByteString, LF.PackageId)] -- ^ DALF dependencies
@ -328,7 +339,7 @@ createArchive ::
-> [(String, BS.ByteString)] -- ^ Data files
-> [NormalizedFilePath] -- ^ Interface files
-> Zip.ZipArchive ()
createArchive PackageConfigFields {..} pkgId dalf dalfDependencies srcRoot fileDependencies dataFiles ifaces
createArchive pName pVersion pSdkVersion pkgId dalf dalfDependencies srcRoot fileDependencies dataFiles ifaces
= do
-- Reads all module source files, and pairs paths (with changed prefix)
-- with contents as BS. The path must be within the module root path, and

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Daml.Compiler.Fetch (
LedgerArgs(..), runWithLedgerArgs,
) where
import Control.Lens (toListOf)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.String (fromString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import DA.Daml.Compiler.Dar (PackageSdkVersion(..),createDarFile,createArchive)
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Optics as LF (packageRefs)
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.Archive as LFArchive
import qualified DA.Ledger as L
import qualified SdkVersion
data LedgerArgs = LedgerArgs
{ host :: String
, port :: Int
, tokM :: Maybe L.Token
, sslConfigM :: Maybe L.ClientSSLConfig
instance Show LedgerArgs where
show LedgerArgs{host,port} = host <> ":" <> show port
-- | Reconstruct a DAR file by downloading packages from a ledger. Returns how many packages fetched.
fetchDar :: LedgerArgs -> LF.PackageId -> FilePath -> IO Int
fetchDar ledgerArgs rootPid saveAs = do
xs <- downloadAllReachablePackages ledgerArgs rootPid
[pkg] <- pure [ pkg | (pid,pkg) <- xs, pid == rootPid ]
let (dalf,pkgId) = LFArchive.encodeArchiveAndHash pkg
let dalfDependencies :: [(T.Text,BS.ByteString,LF.PackageId)] =
[ (txt,bs,pkgId)
| (pid,pkg) <- xs, pid /= rootPid
, let txt = recoverPackageName pkg ("dep",pid)
, let (bsl,pkgId) = LFArchive.encodeArchiveAndHash pkg
, let bs = BSL.toStrict bsl
let (pName,pVersion) = do
let LF.Package {packageMetadata} = pkg
case packageMetadata of
Nothing -> (LF.PackageName $ T.pack "reconstructed",Nothing)
Just LF.PackageMetadata{packageName,packageVersion} -> (packageName,Just packageVersion)
let pSdkVersion = PackageSdkVersion SdkVersion.sdkVersion
let srcRoot = error "unexpected use of srcRoot when there are no sources"
let za = createArchive pName pVersion pSdkVersion pkgId dalf dalfDependencies srcRoot [] [] []
createDarFile saveAs za
return $ length xs
recoverPackageName :: LF.Package -> (String,LF.PackageId) -> T.Text
recoverPackageName pkg (tag,pid)= do
let LF.Package {packageMetadata} = pkg
case packageMetadata of
Just LF.PackageMetadata{packageName} -> LF.unPackageName packageName
-- fallback, manufacture a name from the pid
Nothing -> T.pack (tag <> "-" <> T.unpack (LF.unPackageId pid))
-- | Download all Packages reachable from a PackageId; fail if any don't exist or can't be decoded.
downloadAllReachablePackages :: LedgerArgs -> LF.PackageId -> IO [(LF.PackageId,LF.Package)]
downloadAllReachablePackages ledgerArgs pid = loop [] [pid]
loop :: [(LF.PackageId,LF.Package)] -> [LF.PackageId] -> IO [(LF.PackageId,LF.Package)]
loop acc = \case
[] -> return acc
pid:morePids ->
if pid `elem` [ pid | (pid,_) <- acc ]
then loop acc morePids
else do
pkg <- downloadPackage ledgerArgs pid
loop ((pid,pkg):acc) (packageRefs pkg ++ morePids)
packageRefs :: LF.Package -> [LF.PackageId]
packageRefs pkg = nubSort [ pid | LF.PRImport pid <- toListOf LF.packageRefs pkg ]
-- | Download the Package identified by a PackageId; fail if it doesn't exist or can't be decoded.
downloadPackage :: LedgerArgs -> LF.PackageId -> IO LF.Package
downloadPackage ledgerArgs pid = do
let ls :: L.LedgerService (Maybe L.Package) = do
lid <- L.getLedgerIdentity
L.getPackage lid $ convPid pid
runWithLedgerArgs ledgerArgs ls >>= \case
Nothing -> fail $ "Unable to download package with identity: " <> show pid
Just (L.Package bs) -> do
let mode = LFArchive.DecodeAsMain
case LFArchive.decodePackage mode pid bs of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right pkg -> return pkg
convPid :: LF.PackageId -> L.PackageId
convPid (LF.PackageId text) = L.PackageId $ TL.fromStrict text
runWithLedgerArgs :: LedgerArgs -> L.LedgerService a -> IO a
runWithLedgerArgs args ls = do
let LedgerArgs{host,port,tokM} = args
let ls' = case tokM of Nothing -> ls; Just tok -> L.setToken tok ls
let timeout = 30 :: L.TimeoutSeconds
let ledgerClientConfig =
(L.Host $ fromString host)
(L.Port port)
(sslConfigM args)
L.runLedgerService ls' timeout ledgerClientConfig

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
module DA.Cli.Damlc (main) where
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as ZipArchive
import qualified "zip" Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
import Control.Exception
import Control.Exception.Safe (catchIO)
import Control.Monad.Except
@ -574,12 +573,6 @@ initPackageDb opts (InitPkgDb shouldInit) =
withPackageConfig defaultProjectPath $ \PackageConfigFields {..} ->
createProjectPackageDb (toNormalizedFilePath' projRoot) opts pSdkVersion pDependencies pDataDependencies
createDarFile :: FilePath -> Zip.ZipArchive () -> IO ()
createDarFile fp dar = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory fp
Zip.createArchive fp dar
putStrLn $ "Created " <> fp
execBuild :: ProjectOpts -> Options -> Maybe FilePath -> IncrementalBuild -> InitPkgDb -> Command
execBuild projectOpts opts mbOutFile incrementalBuild initPkgDb =
Command Build (Just projectOpts) effect

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ main = do
ModuleName ["DA", "Logic", "Types"] ->
writePackage daLogicTypes optOutputPath
ModuleName ["DA", "Validation", "Types"] ->
writePackage (daValidationTypes (PackageId $ encodePackageHash daNonEmptyTypes)) optOutputPath
writePackage (daValidationTypes (encodePackageHash daNonEmptyTypes)) optOutputPath
ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "Down"] ->
writePackage daInternalDown optOutputPath
ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "Erased"] ->

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ main = do
, packageModules = NM.fromList [mod]
, packageMetadata = Nothing
let (bytes, hash) = encodeArchiveAndHash pkg
let (bytes, PackageId hash) = encodeArchiveAndHash pkg
BSL.writeFile file bytes
T.putStrLn hash
pure ()

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@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ da_haskell_library(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [

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@ -11,20 +11,14 @@ module DA.Daml.Helper.Ledger (
import DA.Ledger(LedgerService,PartyDetails(..),Party(..),Token)
import Data.List.Extra as List
import Data.String(fromString)
import qualified DA.Ledger as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text(pack)
data LedgerArgs = LedgerArgs
{ host :: String
, port :: Int
, tokM :: Maybe Token
, sslConfigM :: Maybe L.ClientSSLConfig
import DA.Daml.Compiler.Fetch (LedgerArgs(..),runWithLedgerArgs)
instance Show LedgerArgs where
show LedgerArgs{host,port} = host <> ":" <> show port
run :: LedgerArgs -> LedgerService a -> IO a
run = runWithLedgerArgs
listParties :: LedgerArgs -> IO [PartyDetails]
listParties hp = run hp L.listKnownParties
@ -48,15 +42,3 @@ allocateParty hp name = run hp $ do
uploadDarFile :: LedgerArgs -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
uploadDarFile hp bytes = run hp $ do
L.uploadDarFile bytes >>= either fail return
run :: LedgerArgs -> LedgerService a -> IO a
run hp ls = do
let LedgerArgs{host,port,tokM} = hp
let ls' = case tokM of Nothing -> ls; Just tok -> L.setToken tok ls
let timeout = 30 :: L.TimeoutSeconds
let ledgerClientConfig =
(L.Host $ fromString host)
(L.Port port)
(sslConfigM hp)
L.runLedgerService ls' timeout ledgerClientConfig

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ data Command
| LedgerListParties { flags :: LedgerFlags, json :: JsonFlag }
| LedgerAllocateParties { flags :: LedgerFlags, parties :: [String] }
| LedgerUploadDar { flags :: LedgerFlags, darPathM :: Maybe FilePath }
| LedgerFetchDar { flags :: LedgerFlags, pid :: String, saveAs :: FilePath }
| LedgerNavigator { flags :: LedgerFlags, remainingArguments :: [String] }
| Codegen { lang :: Lang, remainingArguments :: [String] }
@ -217,6 +218,9 @@ commandParser = subparser $ fold
, command "upload-dar" $ info
(ledgerUploadDarCmd <**> helper)
(progDesc "Upload DAR file to ledger")
, command "fetch-dar" $ info
(ledgerFetchDarCmd <**> helper)
(progDesc "Fetch DAR from ledger into file")
, command "navigator" $ info
(ledgerNavigatorCmd <**> helper)
(forwardOptions <> progDesc "Launch Navigator on ledger")
@ -245,6 +249,11 @@ commandParser = subparser $ fold
<$> ledgerFlags
<*> optional (argument str (metavar "PATH" <> help "DAR file to upload (defaults to project DAR)"))
ledgerFetchDarCmd = LedgerFetchDar
<$> ledgerFlags
<*> option str (long "main-package-id" <> metavar "PKGID" <> help "Fetch DAR for this package identifier.")
<*> option str (short 'o' <> long "output" <> metavar "PATH" <> help "Save fetched DAR into this file.")
ledgerNavigatorCmd = LedgerNavigator
<$> ledgerFlags
<*> many (argument str (metavar "ARG" <> help "Extra arguments to navigator."))
@ -331,6 +340,7 @@ runCommand = \case
LedgerListParties {..} -> runLedgerListParties flags json
LedgerAllocateParties {..} -> runLedgerAllocateParties flags parties
LedgerUploadDar {..} -> runLedgerUploadDar flags darPathM
LedgerFetchDar {..} -> runLedgerFetchDar flags pid saveAs
LedgerNavigator {..} -> runLedgerNavigator flags remainingArguments
Codegen {..} ->
case lang of

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module DA.Daml.Helper.Run
, runLedgerAllocateParties
, runLedgerListParties
, runLedgerUploadDar
, runLedgerFetchDar
, runLedgerNavigator
, withJar
@ -97,6 +98,9 @@ import DA.Daml.Project.Consts
import DA.Daml.Project.Types
import DA.Daml.Project.Util
import DA.Daml.Compiler.Fetch (fetchDar)
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
data DamlHelperError = DamlHelperError
{ errMessage :: T.Text
, errInternal :: Maybe T.Text
@ -990,6 +994,15 @@ runLedgerUploadDar flags darPathM = do
Ledger.uploadDarFile hp bytes
putStrLn "DAR upload succeeded."
-- | Fetch the packages reachable from a main package-id, and reconstruct a DAR file.
runLedgerFetchDar :: LedgerFlags -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
runLedgerFetchDar flags pidString saveAs = do
let pid = LF.PackageId $ T.pack pidString
hp <- getHostAndPortDefaults flags
putStrLn $ "Fetching " <> show (LF.unPackageId pid) <> " from " <> show hp <> " into " <> saveAs
n <- fetchDar hp pid saveAs
putStrLn $ "DAR fetch succeeded; contains " <> show n <> " packages."
-- | Run navigator against configured ledger. We supply Navigator with
-- the list of parties from the ledger, but in the future Navigator
-- should fetch the list of parties itself.

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@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ tests tmpDir damlTypesDir = withSdkResource $ \_ -> testGroup "Integration tests
, quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir
, cleanTests cleanDir
, deployTest deployDir
, fetchTest tmpDir
, codegenTests codegenDir damlTypesDir
where quickstartDir = tmpDir </> "q-u-i-c-k-s-t-a-r-t"
@ -502,6 +503,62 @@ codegenTests codegenDir damlTypes = testGroup "daml codegen" (
contents <- listDirectory outDir
assertBool "bindings were written" (not $ null contents)
-- | Start a sandbox on any free port
withSandboxOnFreePort :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withSandboxOnFreePort f = do
port :: Int <- fromIntegral <$> getFreePort
withDevNull $ \devNull -> do
let sandboxProc =
(shell $ unwords
, "sandbox"
, "--wall-clock-time"
, "--port", show port
]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull, std_in = CreatePipe }
withCreateProcess sandboxProc $ \_ _ _ ph -> do
race_ (waitForProcess' sandboxProc ph) $ do
waitForConnectionOnPort (threadDelay 100000) port
f port
-- waitForProcess' will block on Windows so we explicitly kill the process.
terminateProcess ph
-- | Using `daml inspect-dar`, discover the main package-identifier of a dar.
getMainPidByInspecingDar :: FilePath -> String -> IO String
getMainPidByInspecingDar dar projName = do
stdout <- callCommandForStdout $ unwords ["daml damlc inspect-dar", dar ]
[grepped] <- pure $
[ line
| line <- lines stdout
-- expect a single line containing double quotes and the projName
, "\"" `isInfixOf` line
, projName `isInfixOf` line
-- and the main pid is found between the 1st and 2nd double-quotes
[_,pid,_] <- pure $ splitOn "\"" grepped
return pid
-- | Tests for the `daml ledger fetch-dar` command
fetchTest :: FilePath -> TestTree
fetchTest tmpDir = testCaseSteps "daml ledger fetch-dar" $ \step -> do
let fetchDir = tmpDir </> "fetchTest"
withSandboxOnFreePort $ \port -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True fetchDir
withCurrentDirectory fetchDir $ do
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml new", "proj1"]
withCurrentDirectory "proj1" $ do
let origDar = ".daml/dist/proj1-0.0.1.dar"
step "build/upload"
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml ledger upload-dar --port", show port]
pid <- getMainPidByInspecingDar origDar "proj1"
step "fetch/validate"
let fetchedDar = "fetched.dar"
callCommandQuiet $ unwords [ "daml ledger fetch-dar"
, "--port", show port
, "--main-package-id", pid
, "-o", fetchedDar
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml damlc validate-dar", fetchedDar]
deployTest :: FilePath -> TestTree
deployTest deployDir = testCase "daml deploy" $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True deployDir
@ -552,16 +609,27 @@ damlInstallerName
| isWindows = "daml.exe"
| otherwise = "daml"
-- | Like call process but hides stdout.
runCreateProcessQuiet :: CreateProcess -> IO ()
runCreateProcessQuiet createProcess = do
-- | Like call process but returning stdout.
runCreateProcessForStdout :: CreateProcess -> IO String
runCreateProcessForStdout createProcess = do
-- We use `repeat ' '` to keep stdin open. Really we would just
-- like to inherit stdin but readCreateProcessWithExitCode does
-- not allow us to overwrite just that and I dont want to
-- reimplement everything.
(exit, _out, err) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode createProcess (repeat ' ')
(exit, out, err) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode createProcess (repeat ' ')
hPutStr stderr err
unless (exit == ExitSuccess) $ throwIO $ ProcessExitFailure exit createProcess
return out
callCommandForStdout :: String -> IO String
callCommandForStdout cmd =
runCreateProcessForStdout (shell cmd)
-- | Like call process but hiding stdout.
runCreateProcessQuiet :: CreateProcess -> IO ()
runCreateProcessQuiet createProcess = do
_ <- runCreateProcessForStdout createProcess
return ()
-- | Like callProcess but hides stdout.
callProcessQuiet :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()