Fix SDK integration tests on Windows (#1125)

* Fix SDK integration tests on Windows

* Switch to Haskell-based tar extraction
This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2019-05-14 21:55:45 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 41697cecbd
commit ad10f98020
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 218 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ build --define=grpc_no_ares=true
build --action_env=GIT_SSL_CAINFO
# Pass through locale archive to ensure that we can get a UTF-8 locale.
build:linux --action_env=LOCALE_ARCHIVE
build:windows --action_env=JAVA_HOME
# Pass workspace status for stamped actions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@

View File

@ -136,6 +136,22 @@ dev_env_tool(
win_tool = "msys2",
name = "mvn_dev_env",
nix_include = ["bin/mvn"],
nix_label = "@mvn_nix",
nix_path = "bin/mvn",
tool = "mvn",
win_include = [
win_path = "bin/mvn",
win_tool = "maven-3.6.1",
name = "awk_nix",
attribute_path = "gawk",
@ -268,6 +284,7 @@ nixpkgs_package(
name = "mvn_nix",
attribute_path = "mvn",
fail_not_supported = False,
nix_file = "//nix:bazel.nix",
nix_file_deps = common_nix_file_deps,
repositories = dev_env_nix_repos,

View File

@ -67,4 +67,5 @@ bazel test `-`-experimental_execution_log_file ${ARTIFACT_DIRS}/test_execution_w
//ledger/ledger-api-client/... `
//ledger/ledger-api-common/... `
//ledger-api/... `
//navigator/backend/... `

View File

@ -153,7 +153,12 @@ start opts@Options{..} = do
port <- managed $ \resume -> withCheckedProcessCleanup cp $ \(stdinHdl :: System.IO.Handle) stdoutSrc stderrSrc ->
flip finally (System.IO.hClose stdinHdl) $ do
let splitOutput = C.T.decode C.T.utf8 .| C.T.lines
let printStderr line = liftIO (optLogError (T.unpack ("SCENARIO SERVICE STDERR: " <> line)))
let printStderr line
-- The last line should not be treated as an error.
| T.strip line == "ScenarioService: stdin closed, terminating server." =
liftIO (optLogInfo (T.unpack ("SCENARIO SERVICE STDERR: " <> line)))
| otherwise =
liftIO (optLogError (T.unpack ("SCENARIO SERVICE STDERR: " <> line)))
let printStdout line = liftIO (optLogInfo (T.unpack ("SCENARIO SERVICE STDOUT: " <> line)))
-- stick the error in the mvar so that we know we won't get an BlockedIndefinitedlyOnMvar exception
portMVar <- newEmptyMVar

View File

@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ da_haskell_library(
] + (["Win32"] if is_windows else []),
src_strip_prefix = "src",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [":daml-project-config"],
deps = [

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("//bazel_tools:haskell.bzl", "da_haskell_test")
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
name = "integration-tests-mvn",
srcs = [
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ genrule(
VERSION=$$(cat $(location //:component-version))
install_mvn() {
$(location @mvn_nix//:bin/mvn) -q install:install-file \
$(location @mvn_dev_env//:mvn) -q install:install-file \
-Dmaven.repo.local=$$MVN_DB \
"-DgroupId=$$1" \
"-DartifactId=$$2" \
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ genrule(
"com.digitalasset.ledger-api" "rs-grpc-bridge" \
$(location //ledger-api/rs-grpc-bridge:librs-grpc-bridge.jar) \
$(location //ledger-api/rs-grpc-bridge:rs-grpc-bridge_pom.xml)
$(location @mvn_nix//:bin/mvn) -q -Dmaven.repo.local=$$MVN_DB -f "$$TMP_DIR/quickstart-java/pom.xml" dependency:resolve dependency:resolve-plugins
$(location @mvn_dev_env//:mvn) -q -Dmaven.repo.local=$$MVN_DB -f "$$TMP_DIR/quickstart-java/pom.xml" dependency:resolve dependency:resolve-plugins
tar cf $(location integration-tests-mvn.tar) -C $$(dirname $$MVN_DB) $$(basename $$MVN_DB)
@ -68,8 +69,9 @@ da_haskell_test(
data = [
"@local_jdk//:bin/java.exe" if is_windows else "@local_jdk//:bin/java",
# Im sure the mvn stuff will be flaky.
flaky = True,
@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ da_haskell_test(
@ -84,8 +88,10 @@ da_haskell_test(
@ -95,5 +101,6 @@ da_haskell_test(

View File

@ -5,11 +5,16 @@ module Main (main) where
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
import Conduit hiding (connect)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as Zlib
import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar.Extra as Tar.Conduit
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Types
@ -17,6 +22,7 @@ import Network.Socket
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Environment.Blank
import System.FilePath
import System.Info.Extra
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Process
import Test.Main
@ -33,13 +39,14 @@ main =
-- We manipulate global state via the working directory and
-- the environment so running tests in parallel will cause trouble.
setEnv "TASTY_NUM_THREADS" "1" True
oldPath <- getEnv "PATH"
oldPath <- getSearchPath
javaPath <- locateRunfiles "local_jdk/bin"
mvnPath <- locateRunfiles "mvn_nix/bin"
mvnPath <- locateRunfiles "mvn_dev_env/bin"
tarPath <- locateRunfiles "tar_dev_env/bin"
let damlDir = tmpDir </> "daml"
[ ("DAML_HOME", Just damlDir)
, ("PATH", Just $ (damlDir </> "bin") <> ":" <> javaPath <> ":" <> mvnPath <> maybe "" (":" <>) oldPath)
, ("PATH", Just $ intercalate [searchPathSeparator] ((damlDir </> "bin") : tarPath : javaPath : mvnPath : oldPath))
] $ defaultMain (tests tmpDir)
tests :: FilePath -> TestTree
@ -47,18 +54,21 @@ tests tmpDir = testGroup "Integration tests"
[ testCase "install" $ do
releaseTarball <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "release" </> "sdk-release-tarball.tar.gz")
createDirectory tarballDir
callProcessQuiet "tar" ["xf", releaseTarball, "--strip-components=1", "-C", tarballDir]
callProcessQuiet (tarballDir </> "") []
, testCase "daml version" $ callProcessQuiet "daml" ["version"]
, testCase "daml --help" $ callProcessQuiet "daml" ["--help"]
, testCase "daml new --list" $ callProcessQuiet "daml" ["new", "--list"]
$ sourceFileBS releaseTarball
.| Zlib.ungzip
.| Tar.Conduit.untar (Tar.Conduit.restoreFile throwError tarballDir)
callProcessQuiet (tarballDir </> "daml" </> "daml") ["install", "--activate", "--set-path=no", tarballDir]
, testCase "daml version" $ callProcessQuiet damlName ["version"]
, testCase "daml --help" $ callProcessQuiet damlName ["--help"]
, testCase "daml new --list" $ callProcessQuiet damlName ["new", "--list"]
, packagingTests tmpDir
, quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir
where quickstartDir = tmpDir </> "quickstart"
mvnDir = tmpDir </> "m2"
tarballDir = tmpDir </> "tarball"
throwError msg e = fail (T.unpack $ msg <> " " <> e)
packagingTests :: FilePath -> TestTree
packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
@ -85,7 +95,7 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
, " - daml-prim"
, " - daml-stdlib"
withCurrentDirectory projectA $ callProcessQuiet "daml" ["build"]
withCurrentDirectory projectA $ callProcessQuiet damlName ["build"]
assertBool "a.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist aDar
step "Creating project b..."
createDirectoryIfMissing True (projectB </> "daml")
@ -107,7 +117,7 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
, " - daml-stdlib"
, " - " <> aDar
withCurrentDirectory projectB $ callProcessQuiet "daml" ["build"]
withCurrentDirectory projectB $ callProcessQuiet damlName ["build"]
assertBool "b.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist bDar
, testCase "Top-level source files" $ do
-- Test that a source file in the project root will be included in the
@ -130,26 +140,28 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
, " - daml-prim"
, " - daml-stdlib"
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callProcessQuiet "daml" ["build"]
withCurrentDirectory projDir $ callProcessQuiet damlName ["build"]
let dar = projDir </> "dist" </> "proj.dar"
assertBool "proj.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist dar
darFiles <- Zip.filesInArchive . Zip.toArchive <$> BSL.readFile dar
assertBool "A.daml is missing" (("proj" </> "A.daml") `elem` darFiles)
-- Note that we really want a forward slash here instead of </> since filepaths in
-- zip files use forward slashes.
assertBool "A.daml is missing" ("proj/A.daml" `elem` darFiles)
quickstartTests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir = testGroup "quickstart"
quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir = testGroup "quickstart" $
[ testCase "daml new" $
callProcessQuiet "daml" ["new", quickstartDir, "quickstart-java"]
callProcessQuiet damlName ["new", quickstartDir, "quickstart-java"]
, testCase "daml build " $ withCurrentDirectory quickstartDir $
callProcessQuiet "daml" ["build", "-o", "target/daml/iou.dar"]
callProcessQuiet damlName ["build", "-o", "target/daml/iou.dar"]
, testCase "daml damlc test" $ withCurrentDirectory quickstartDir $
callProcessQuiet "daml" ["damlc", "test", "daml/Main.daml"]
callProcessQuiet damlName ["damlc", "test", "daml/Main.daml"]
, testCase "sandbox startup" $
withCurrentDirectory quickstartDir $
withDevNull $ \devNull -> do
p :: Int <- fromIntegral <$> getFreePort
withCreateProcess ((proc "daml" ["sandbox", "--port", show p, "dist/quickstart.dar"]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull }) $
withCreateProcess (adjustCP (proc damlName ["sandbox", "--port", show p, "dist/quickstart.dar"]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull }) $
\_ _ _ ph -> race_ (waitForProcess' "sandbox" [] ph) $ do
waitForConnectionOnPort (threadDelay 100000) p
addr : _ <- getAddrInfo
@ -160,7 +172,13 @@ quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir = testGroup "quickstart"
(socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr))
(\s -> connect s (addrAddress addr))
, testCase "mvn compile" $
] <>
-- The mvn tests seem to fail on Windows for some reason so for now we disable them.
-- mvn itself does seem to work fine outside of this test so it seems to be some
-- setup issue.
-- See
if isWindows then [] else
[ testCase "mvn compile" $
withCurrentDirectory quickstartDir $ do
mvnDbTarball <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "daml-assistant" </> "integration-tests" </> "integration-tests-mvn.tar")
Tar.extract (takeDirectory mvnDir) mvnDbTarball
@ -170,11 +188,11 @@ quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir = testGroup "quickstart"
withDevNull $ \devNull1 ->
withDevNull $ \devNull2 -> do
sandboxPort :: Int <- fromIntegral <$> getFreePort
withCreateProcess ((proc "daml" ["sandbox", "--", "--port", show sandboxPort, "--", "--scenario", "Main:setup", "target/daml/iou.dar"]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull1 }) $
withCreateProcess (adjustCP (proc damlName ["sandbox", "--", "--port", show sandboxPort, "--", "--scenario", "Main:setup", "target/daml/iou.dar"]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull1 }) $
\_ _ _ ph -> race_ (waitForProcess' "sandbox" [] ph) $ do
waitForConnectionOnPort (threadDelay 500000) sandboxPort
restPort :: Int <- fromIntegral <$> getFreePort
withCreateProcess ((proc "mvn" [mvnRepoFlag, "-Dledgerport=" <> show sandboxPort, "-Drestport=" <> show restPort, "exec:java@run-quickstart"]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull2 }) $
withCreateProcess (adjustCP (proc "mvn" [mvnRepoFlag, "-Dledgerport=" <> show sandboxPort, "-Drestport=" <> show restPort, "exec:java@run-quickstart"]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull2 }) $
\_ _ _ ph -> race_ (waitForProcess' "mvn" [] ph) $ do
let url = "http://localhost:" <> show restPort <> "/iou"
waitForHttpServer (threadDelay 1000000) url
@ -189,10 +207,28 @@ quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir = testGroup "quickstart"
mvnRepoFlag = "-Dmaven.repo.local=" <> mvnDir
-- | Bazel tests are run in a bash environment with cmd.exe not in PATH. This results in ShellCommand
-- failing so instead we patch ShellCommand and RawCommand to call bash directly.
adjustCP :: CreateProcess -> CreateProcess
adjustCP cp = cp { cmdspec = cmdspec' }
cmdspec' = if isWindows
then case cmdspec cp of
RawCommand cmd args -> RawCommand "bash" ["-c", unwords $ map (\s -> "'" <> s <> "'") $ cmd : args]
ShellCommand cmd -> RawCommand "bash" ["-c", cmd]
else cmdspec cp
-- | Since we run in bash and not in cmd.exe "daml" wont look for "daml.cmd"
-- so we use "daml.cmd" directly. Also look at the docs for `adjustCP`.
damlName :: String
| isWindows = "daml.cmd"
| otherwise = "daml"
-- | Like call process but hides stdout.
callProcessQuiet :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
callProcessQuiet cmd args = do
(exit, _out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
(exit, _out, err) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (adjustCP $ proc cmd args) ""
hPutStr stderr err
unless (exit == ExitSuccess) $ throwIO $ ProcessExitFailure exit cmd args

View File

@ -21,12 +21,11 @@ import DAML.Project.Util
import Safe
import Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as List
import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar as Tar
import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar.Extra as Tar
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as Zlib
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS.UTF8
import Data.List.Extra
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Exception.Safe
import System.ProgressBar
import System.Info.Extra (isWindows)
import Data.Maybe
-- unix specific
import System.PosixCompat.Types ( FileMode )
@ -258,61 +256,9 @@ extractAndInstall env source =
$ source
.| Zlib.ungzip
.| Tar.untar (restoreFile extractPath)
.| Tar.untar (Tar.restoreFile throwError extractPath)
installExtracted env (SdkPath extractPath)
restoreFile :: MonadResource m => FilePath -> Tar.FileInfo
-> ConduitT BS.ByteString Void m ()
restoreFile extractPath info = do
let oldPath = Tar.decodeFilePath (Tar.filePath info)
newPath = dropDirectory1 oldPath
targetPath = extractPath </> dropTrailingPathSeparator newPath
parentPath = takeDirectory targetPath
when (pathEscapes newPath) $ do
liftIO $ throwIO $ assistantErrorBecause
"Invalid SDK release: file path escapes tarball."
("path = " <> pack oldPath)
when (notNull newPath) $ do
case Tar.fileType info of
Tar.FTNormal -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True parentPath
sinkFileBS targetPath
liftIO $ setFileMode targetPath (Tar.fileMode info)
Tar.FTDirectory -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True targetPath
Tar.FTSymbolicLink bs | not isWindows -> do
let path = Tar.decodeFilePath bs
unless (isRelative path) $
liftIO $ throwIO $ assistantErrorBecause
"Invalid SDK release: symbolic link target is absolute."
("target = " <> pack path <> ", path = " <> pack oldPath)
when (pathEscapes (takeDirectory newPath </> path)) $
liftIO $ throwIO $ assistantErrorBecause
"Invalid SDK release: symbolic link target escapes tarball."
("target = " <> pack path <> ", path = " <> pack oldPath)
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True parentPath
liftIO $ createSymbolicLink path targetPath
unsupported ->
liftIO $ throwIO $ assistantErrorBecause
"Invalid SDK release: unsupported file type."
("type = " <> pack (show unsupported) <> ", path = " <> pack oldPath)
-- | Check whether a relative path escapes its root.
pathEscapes :: FilePath -> Bool
pathEscapes path = isNothing $ foldM step "" (splitDirectories path)
step acc "." = Just acc
step "" ".." = Nothing
step acc ".." = Just (takeDirectory acc)
step acc name = Just (acc </> name)
-- | Drop first component from path
dropDirectory1 :: FilePath -> FilePath
dropDirectory1 = joinPath . tail . splitPath
where throwError msg e = liftIO $ throwIO $ assistantErrorBecause ("Invalid SDK release: " <> msg) e
-- | Download an sdk tarball and install it.
httpInstall :: InstallEnv -> InstallURL -> IO ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"homepage": "",
"version": "3.6.1",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"url": "",
"hash": "7e6cfe98dc9c16ae6aa267db277860594695144d719c99d1fc519e89346a8edf",
"extract_dir": "apache-maven-3.6.1",
"env_add_path": "bin",
"suggest": {
"JDK": [
"checkver": {
"url": "",
"re": "<b>([\\d.]+)</b>"
"autoupdate": {
"url": "$majorVersion/$version/binaries/apache-maven-$",
"extract_dir": "apache-maven-$version",
"hash": {
"url": "$url.sha1"
"persist": "conf"

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ da_haskell_library(
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ da_haskell_library(
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ da_haskell_library(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.Conduit.Tar.Extra
( module Data.Conduit.Tar
, restoreFile
) where
import Conduit
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Conduit.Tar hiding (restoreFile)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar as Tar
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Info.Extra
import System.PosixCompat.Files (createSymbolicLink, setFileMode)
-- | This is intended to be used in combination with `Data.Conduit.Tar.untar`.
-- It writes the given file to the given directory stripping the first component
-- thereby emulating tars --strip-components=1 option.
:: MonadResource m
=> (Text -> Text -> m ())
-> FilePath
-> Tar.FileInfo
-> ConduitT BS.ByteString Void m ()
restoreFile throwError extractPath info = do
let oldPath = Tar.decodeFilePath (Tar.filePath info)
newPath = dropDirectory1 oldPath
targetPath = extractPath </> dropTrailingPathSeparator newPath
parentPath = takeDirectory targetPath
when (pathEscapes newPath) $ do
lift $ throwError
"file path escapes tarball."
("path = " <> pack oldPath)
when (notNull newPath) $ do
case Tar.fileType info of
Tar.FTNormal -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True parentPath
sinkFileBS targetPath
liftIO $ setFileMode targetPath (Tar.fileMode info)
Tar.FTDirectory -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True targetPath
Tar.FTSymbolicLink bs | not isWindows -> do
let path = Tar.decodeFilePath bs
unless (isRelative path) $
lift $ throwError
"symbolic link target is absolute."
("target = " <> pack path <> ", path = " <> pack oldPath)
when (pathEscapes (takeDirectory newPath </> path)) $
lift $ throwError
"symbolic link target escapes tarball."
("target = " <> pack path <> ", path = " <> pack oldPath)
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True parentPath
liftIO $ createSymbolicLink path targetPath
unsupported ->
lift $ throwError
"unsupported file type."
("type = " <> pack (show unsupported) <> ", path = " <> pack oldPath)
-- | Check whether a relative path escapes its root.
pathEscapes :: FilePath -> Bool
pathEscapes path = isNothing $ foldM step "" (splitDirectories path)
step acc "." = Just acc
step "" ".." = Nothing
step acc ".." = Just (takeDirectory acc)
step acc name = Just (acc </> name)
-- | Drop first component from path
dropDirectory1 :: FilePath -> FilePath
dropDirectory1 = joinPath . tail . splitPath