Use surface names for type variables, instead of uniques. (#3702)

* Use surface names instead of unique names

* Reviewer comments
This commit is contained in:
associahedron 2019-12-03 09:40:04 +00:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 5a3b5f498a
commit b275a5f40a

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@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Int
import Data.List.Extra hiding (for)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.NameMap as NM
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -162,6 +163,11 @@ data Env = Env
,envChoiceData :: MS.Map TypeConName [ChoiceData]
,envTemplateKeyData :: MS.Map TypeConName TemplateKeyData
,envIsGenerated :: Bool
,envTypeVars :: !(MS.Map Var TypeVarName)
-- ^ Maps GHC type variables in scope to their LF type variable names
,envTypeVarNames :: !(S.Set TypeVarName)
-- ^ The set of LF type variable names in scope (i.e. the set of
-- values of 'envTypeVars').
data ChoiceData = ChoiceData
@ -181,6 +187,38 @@ envInsertAlias v x env = env{envAliases = MS.insert v x (envAliases env)}
envLookupAlias :: Var -> Env -> Maybe LF.Expr
envLookupAlias x = MS.lookup x . envAliases
-- | Bind a type var without shadowing its LF name.
envBindTypeVar :: Var -> Env -> (TypeVarName, Env)
envBindTypeVar x env = try 1 (TypeVarName prefix)
prefix = getOccText x
nameFor i = TypeVarName (prefix <> T.pack (show i))
try :: Int -> TypeVarName -> (TypeVarName, Env)
try !i name =
if envHasTypeVarName name env
then try (i+1) (nameFor i)
else (name, envInsertTypeVar x name env)
-- | Bind multiple type vars without shadowing their LF names.
envBindTypeVars :: [Var] -> Env -> ([TypeVarName], Env)
envBindTypeVars xs env = foldr f ([], env) xs
f x (ys, env) =
let (y, env') = envBindTypeVar x env in (y:ys, env')
envInsertTypeVar :: Var -> TypeVarName -> Env -> Env
envInsertTypeVar x n env = env
{ envTypeVars = MS.insert x n (envTypeVars env)
, envTypeVarNames = S.insert n (envTypeVarNames env)
envLookupTypeVar :: Var -> Env -> Maybe TypeVarName
envLookupTypeVar x = MS.lookup x . envTypeVars
envHasTypeVarName :: TypeVarName -> Env -> Bool
envHasTypeVarName x = S.member x . envTypeVarNames
@ -319,6 +357,8 @@ convertModule lfVersion pkgMap isGenerated file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv f
, envChoiceData = choiceData
, envTemplateKeyData = templateKeyData
, envIsGenerated = isGenerated
, envTypeVars = MS.empty
, envTypeVarNames = S.empty
data Consuming = PreConsuming
@ -376,9 +416,14 @@ convertSimpleRecordDef env tycon = do
sanitize -- DICTIONARY SANITIZATION step (1)
| flavour == ClassFlavour = (TUnit :->)
| otherwise = id
tyVars <- mapM convTypeVar (tyConTyVars tycon)
fields <- convertRecordFields env con sanitize
let tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
labels = ctorLabels con
(_, theta, args, _) = dataConSig con
(env', tyVars) <- bindTypeVars env (tyConTyVars tycon)
fieldTypes <- mapM (convertType env') (theta ++ args)
let fields = zipExact labels (map sanitize fieldTypes)
tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
typeDef = defDataType tconName tyVars (DataRecord fields)
workerDef = defNewtypeWorker env tycon tconName con tyVars fields
pure $ typeDef : [workerDef | flavour == NewtypeFlavour]
@ -395,18 +440,11 @@ defNewtypeWorker env loc tconName con tyVars fields =
ERecCon tcon [(label, EVar (fieldToVar label)) | (label,_) <- fields]
in defValue loc (workerName, workerType) workerBody
convertRecordFields :: Env -> DataCon -> (LF.Type -> t) -> ConvertM [(FieldName, t)]
convertRecordFields env con wrap = do
let labels = ctorLabels con
(_, theta, args, _) = dataConSig con
types <- mapM (convertType env) (theta ++ args)
pure $ zipExact labels (map wrap types)
convertVariantDef :: Env -> TyCon -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertVariantDef env tycon = do
tyVars <- mapM convTypeVar (tyConTyVars tycon)
(env', tyVars) <- bindTypeVars env (tyConTyVars tycon)
(constrs, moreDefs) <- mapAndUnzipM
(convertVariantConDef env tycon tyVars)
(convertVariantConDef env' tycon tyVars)
(tyConDataCons tycon)
let tconName = mkTypeCon [getOccText tycon]
typeDef = defDataType tconName tyVars (DataVariant constrs)
@ -975,8 +1013,13 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
| otherwise = fmap (, args) $ pure $ EVar $ convVar x
go env (Lam name x) args
| isTyVar name = fmap (, args) $ ETyLam <$> convTypeVar name <*> convertExpr env x
| otherwise = fmap (, args) $ ETmLam <$> convVarWithType env name <*> convertExpr env x
| isTyVar name = fmap (, args) $ do
(env', name') <- bindTypeVar env name
ETyLam name' <$> convertExpr env' x
| otherwise = fmap (, args) $
<$> convVarWithType env name
<*> convertExpr env x
go env (Cast x co) args = fmap (, args) $ do
x' <- convertExpr env x
(to, _from) <- convertCoercion env co
@ -1012,7 +1055,7 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
TScenario{} -> asLet
TAny{} -> asLet
tcon | isSimpleRecordCon con -> do
fields <- convertRecordFields env con id
let fields = ctorLabels con
case zipExactMay vs fields of
Nothing -> unsupported "Pattern match with existential type" alt
Just vsFields -> convertLet env bind scrutinee $ \env -> do
@ -1260,8 +1303,8 @@ convertAlt env (TConApp tcon targs) alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x) = do
unhandled "unreachable case -- convertAlt with simple record constructor" ()
VariantRecordCon -> do
fields <- convertRecordFields env con id
let patBinder = vArg
let fields = ctorLabels con
patBinder = vArg
case zipExactMay vs fields of
Nothing -> unsupported "Pattern match with existential type" alt
Just vsFlds -> do
@ -1271,11 +1314,11 @@ convertAlt env (TConApp tcon targs) alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x) = do
convertAlt _ _ x = unsupported "Case alternative of this form" x
mkProjBindings :: Env -> LF.Expr -> TypeConApp -> [(Var, (FieldName, LF.Type))] -> LF.Expr -> ConvertM LF.Expr
mkProjBindings :: Env -> LF.Expr -> TypeConApp -> [(Var, FieldName)] -> LF.Expr -> ConvertM LF.Expr
mkProjBindings env recExpr recTyp vsFlds e =
fmap (\bindings -> mkELets bindings e) $ sequence
[ Binding <$> convVarWithType env v <*> pure (ERecProj recTyp fld recExpr)
| (v, (fld, _typ)) <- vsFlds
| (v, fld) <- vsFlds
, not (isDeadOcc (occInfo (idInfo v)))
@ -1451,40 +1494,57 @@ metadataTys :: UniqSet FastString
metadataTys = mkUniqSet ["MetaData", "MetaCons", "MetaSel"]
convertType :: Env -> GHC.Type -> ConvertM LF.Type
convertType env o@(TypeCon t ts)
| t == listTyCon, ts `eqTypes` [charTy] = pure TText
| NameIn DA_Generics n <- t, n `elementOfUniqSet` metadataTys, [_] <- ts = pure TUnit
| t == anyTyCon, [_] <- ts = pure TUnit -- used for type-zonking
| t == funTyCon, _:_:ts' <- ts =
foldl TApp TArrow <$> mapM (convertType env) ts'
| NameIn DA_Internal_LF "Pair" <- t
, [StrLitTy f1, StrLitTy f2, t1, t2] <- ts = do
t1 <- convertType env t1
t2 <- convertType env t2
pure $ TStruct [(mkField f1, t1), (mkField f2, t2)]
| tyConFlavour t == TypeSynonymFlavour = convertType env $ expandTypeSynonyms o
| isConstraintTupleTyCon t = do
fieldTys <- mapM (convertType env) ts
let fieldNames = map mkIndexedField [1..]
pure $ TStruct (zip fieldNames fieldTys)
convertType env = go env
go :: Env -> GHC.Type -> ConvertM LF.Type
go env o@(TypeCon t ts)
| t == listTyCon, ts `eqTypes` [charTy] =
pure TText
| NameIn DA_Generics n <- t
, n `elementOfUniqSet` metadataTys
, [_] <- ts =
pure TUnit
| t == anyTyCon, [_] <- ts =
pure TUnit -- used for type-zonking
| t == funTyCon, _:_:ts' <- ts =
foldl TApp TArrow <$> mapM (go env) ts'
| NameIn DA_Internal_LF "Pair" <- t
, [StrLitTy f1, StrLitTy f2, t1, t2] <- ts = do
t1 <- go env t1
t2 <- go env t2
pure $ TStruct [(mkField f1, t1), (mkField f2, t2)]
| tyConFlavour t == TypeSynonymFlavour =
go env (expandTypeSynonyms o)
| isConstraintTupleTyCon t = do
fieldTys <- mapM (go env) ts
let fieldNames = map mkIndexedField [1..]
pure $ TStruct (zip fieldNames fieldTys)
| otherwise =
mkTApps <$> convertTyCon env t <*> mapM (go env) ts
| otherwise = mkTApps <$> convertTyCon env t <*> mapM (convertType env) ts
convertType env t | Just (v, t') <- splitForAllTy_maybe t
= TForall <$> convTypeVar v <*> convertType env t'
convertType env t | Just t' <- getTyVar_maybe t
= TVar . fst <$> convTypeVar t'
convertType env t | Just s <- isStrLitTy t
= pure TUnit
convertType env t | Just m <- isNumLitTy t
= case typeLevelNatE m of
Left TLNEOutOfBounds ->
unsupported "type-level natural outside of supported range [0, 37]" m
Right n ->
pure (TNat n)
convertType env t | Just (a,b) <- splitAppTy_maybe t
= TApp <$> convertType env a <*> convertType env b
convertType env x
= unhandled "Type" x
go env t
| Just (v, t') <- splitForAllTy_maybe t
= do
(env', v') <- bindTypeVar env v
TForall v' <$> go env' t'
go env t | Just v <- getTyVar_maybe t
= TVar . fst <$> convTypeVar env v
go _ t | Just s <- isStrLitTy t
= pure TUnit
go env t | Just m <- isNumLitTy t
= case typeLevelNatE m of
Left TLNEOutOfBounds ->
unsupported "type-level natural outside of supported range [0, 37]" m
Right n ->
pure (TNat n)
go env t | Just (a,b) <- splitAppTy_maybe t
= TApp <$> go env a <*> go env b
go _ t = unhandled "Type" t
convertKind :: GHC.Kind -> ConvertM LF.Kind
@ -1781,13 +1841,30 @@ anyTpl = mkVar "anyTpl"
convFieldName :: FieldLbl a -> FieldName
convFieldName = mkField . fsToText . flLabel
convTypeVar :: Var -> ConvertM (TypeVarName, LF.Kind)
convTypeVar t = do
k <- convertKind $ tyVarKind t
pure (convTypeVarName t, k)
bindTypeVar :: Env -> Var -> ConvertM (Env, (TypeVarName, LF.Kind))
bindTypeVar env v = do
let (n, env') = envBindTypeVar v env
k <- convertKind (tyVarKind v)
pure (env', (n, k))
convTypeVarName :: Var -> TypeVarName
convTypeVarName = mkTypeVar . T.pack . show . varUnique
bindTypeVars :: Env -> [Var] -> ConvertM (Env, [(TypeVarName, LF.Kind)])
bindTypeVars env vs = do
let (ns, env') = envBindTypeVars vs env
ks <- mapM (convertKind . tyVarKind) vs
pure (env', (zipExact ns ks))
convTypeVar :: Env -> Var -> ConvertM (TypeVarName, LF.Kind)
convTypeVar env v = do
n <- convTypeVarName env v
k <- convertKind $ tyVarKind v
pure (n, k)
convTypeVarName :: Env -> Var -> ConvertM TypeVarName
convTypeVarName env v = do
case envLookupTypeVar v env of
Nothing ->
unhandled "Type variable not bound in conversion environment" v
Just tv -> pure tv
convVar :: Var -> ExprVarName
convVar = mkVar . varPrettyPrint