ci/cron: use proc instead of shell (#8384)

As suggested by @cocreature in #8382.

This commit is contained in:
Gary Verhaegen 2021-01-04 19:47:13 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 355fa9dc63
commit b506393dc8
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -34,42 +34,50 @@ import qualified Network.URI
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import Safe (headMay)
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import qualified System.Environment
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.IO.Extra as IO
import qualified System.Process as System
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as Regex
shell_exit_code :: String -> IO (Exit.ExitCode, String, String)
shell_exit_code cmd = do
System.readCreateProcessWithExitCode ( cmd) ""
die :: String -> Int -> String -> String -> IO a
die cmd exit out err =
fail $ unlines ["Subprocess:",
"failed with exit code " <> show exit <> "; output:",
"failed with exit code " <> show exit <> "; output:",
shell :: String -> IO String
shell cmd = System.readCreateProcess ( cmd) ""
proc :: [String] -> IO String
proc args = System.readCreateProcess (System.proc (head args) (tail args)) ""
shell_ :: String -> IO ()
shell_ cmd = do
Control.void $ shell cmd
proc_ :: [String] -> IO ()
proc_ args = Control.void $ proc args
shell_env_ :: [(String, String)] -> String -> IO ()
shell_env_ env cmd = do
parent_env <- System.Environment.getEnvironment
Control.void $ System.readCreateProcess (( cmd) {System.env = Just (parent_env ++ env)}) ""
robustly_download_nix_packages :: IO ()
robustly_download_nix_packages = do
h (10 :: Integer)
cmd = "nix-build nix -A tools -A ci-cached"
h n = do
(exit, out, err) <- shell_exit_code cmd
(exit, out, err) <- System.readCreateProcessWithExitCode ( cmd) ""
case (exit, n) of
(Exit.ExitSuccess, _) -> return ()
(Exit.ExitFailure exit, 0) -> die cmd exit out err
@ -108,20 +116,20 @@ build_and_push opts@DocOptions{build} temp versions = do
restore_sha io =
bracket (init <$> shell "git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse HEAD")
(\cur_sha -> shell_ $ "git checkout " <> cur_sha)
(const io)
(\cur_sha -> proc_ ["git", "checkout", cur_sha])
(const io)
push version =
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <>
(temp </> show version) <> " " <>
s3Path opts (show version) <>
" --recursive --acl public-read"
proc_ ["aws", "s3", "cp",
temp </> show version,
s3Path opts (show version),
"--recursive", "--acl", "public-read"]
fetch_if_missing :: DocOptions -> FilePath -> Version -> IO ()
fetch_if_missing opts temp v = do
missing <- not <$> Directory.doesDirectoryExist (temp </> show v)
if missing then do
putStrLn $ "Downloading " <> show v <> "..."
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> s3Path opts (show v) <> " " <> temp </> show v <> " --recursive"
proc_ ["aws", "s3", "cp", s3Path opts (show v), temp </> show v, "--recursive"]
putStrLn "Done."
else do
putStrLn $ show v <> " already present."
@ -132,7 +140,7 @@ update_s3 opts temp vs = do
create_versions_json (dropdown vs) (temp </> "versions.json")
let hidden = Data.List.sortOn Data.Ord.Down $ Set.toList $ all_versions vs `Set.difference` (Set.fromList $ dropdown vs)
create_versions_json hidden (temp </> "hidden.json")
let push f = shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> f <> " " <> s3Path opts f <> " --acl public-read"
let push f = proc_ ["aws", "s3", "cp", temp </> f, s3Path opts f, "--acl", "public-read"]
push "versions.json"
push "hidden.json"
Control.Monad.Extra.whenJust (top vs) $ \latest -> do
@ -160,19 +168,17 @@ update_top_level opts temp new mayOld = do
Control.when (not $ null to_delete) $ do
putStrLn $ "Deleting top-level files: " <> show to_delete
Data.Foldable.for_ to_delete (\f -> do
shell_ $ "aws s3 rm " <> s3Path opts f <> " --recursive")
proc_ ["aws", "s3", "rm", s3Path opts f, "--recursive"])
putStrLn "Done."
putStrLn $ "Pushing " <> show new <> " to top-level..."
let path = s3Path opts "" <> "/"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> temp </> show new </> " " <> path <> " --recursive --acl public-read"
proc_ ["aws", "s3", "cp", temp </> show new, path, "--recursive", "--acl", "public-read"]
putStrLn "Done."
reset_cloudfront :: IO ()
reset_cloudfront = do
putStrLn "Refreshing CloudFront cache..."
shell_ $ "aws cloudfront create-invalidation"
<> " --distribution-id E1U753I56ERH55"
<> " --paths '/*'"
shell_ "aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E1U753I56ERH55 --paths '/*'"
fetch_gh_paginated :: String -> IO [GitHubRelease]
fetch_gh_paginated url = do
@ -245,8 +251,8 @@ fetch_s3_versions opts = do
return $ versions $ dropdown <> hidden
where fetch file prerelease = do
temp <- shell "mktemp"
shell_ $ "aws s3 cp " <> s3Path opts file <> " " <> temp
s3_raw <- shell $ "cat " <> temp
proc_ ["aws", "s3", "cp", s3Path opts file, temp]
s3_raw <- proc ["cat", temp]
let type_annotated_value :: Maybe JSON.Object
type_annotated_value = JSON.decode $ LBS.fromString s3_raw
case type_annotated_value of
@ -267,11 +273,11 @@ sdkDocOpts = DocOptions
-- the repo.
, includedVersion = \v -> v >= version "0.13.10"
, build = \temp version -> do
shell_ $ "git checkout v" <> show version
proc_ ["git", "checkout", "v" <> show version]
shell_ $ "DAML_SDK_RELEASE_VERSION=" <> show version <> " bazel build //docs:docs"
shell_ $ "mkdir -p " <> temp </> show version
shell_ $ "tar xzf bazel-bin/docs/html.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C" <> temp </> show version
shell_env_ [("DAML_SDK_RELEASE_VERSION", show version)] "bazel build //docs:docs"
proc_ ["mkdir", "-p", temp </> show version]
proc_ ["tar", "xzf", "bazel-bin/docs/html.tar.gz", "--strip-components=1", "-C", temp </> show version]
damlOnSqlDocOpts :: DocOptions
@ -279,11 +285,11 @@ damlOnSqlDocOpts = DocOptions
{ s3Subdir = Just "daml-driver-for-postgresql"
, includedVersion = \v -> v > version "1.8.0-snapshot.20201201.5776.0.4b91f2a6"
, build = \temp version -> do
shell_ $ "git checkout v" <> show version
proc_ ["git", "checkout", "v", show version]
shell_ $ "DAML_SDK_RELEASE_VERSION=" <> show version <> " bazel build //ledger/daml-on-sql:docs"
shell_ $ "mkdir -p " <> temp </> show version
shell_ $ "tar xzf bazel-bin/ledger/daml-on-sql/html.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C" <> temp </> show version
shell_env_ [("DAML_SDK_RELEASE_VERSION", show version)] "bazel build //ledger/daml-on-sql:docs"
proc_ ["mkdir", "-p", temp </> show version]
proc_ ["tar", "xzf", "bazel-bin/ledger/daml-on-sql/html.tar.gz", "--strip-components=1", "-C", temp </> show version]
docs :: DocOptions -> IO ()