Prevent crash when .daml/sdk is missing. (#312)

This commit is contained in:
Fran 2019-04-09 11:52:13 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9d6c7af0fc
commit bd671336d0
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 20 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ getLatestInstalledSdkVersion :: DamlPath -> IO (Maybe SdkVersion)
getLatestInstalledSdkVersion (DamlPath path) = do
let dpath = path </> "sdk"
wrapErr "Determining latest installed sdk version." $ do
versionMM <- whenMaybeM (doesDirectoryExist path) $ do
dirlistE <- tryIO $ listDirectory dpath
dirlist <- requiredE ("Failed to list daml home sdk directory " <> pack dpath) dirlistE
subdirs <- filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (dpath </>)) dirlist
-- TODO (FAFM): warn if subdirs /= dirlist
-- (i.e. $DAML_HOME/sdk is polluted with non-dirs).
let versions = filter ("nightly-" `isPrefixOf`) subdirs
-- TODO (FAFM): configurable channels
pure $ fmap (SdkVersion . pack) (maximumMay versions)
pure (join versionMM)
dirlistE <- tryIO $ listDirectory dpath
case dirlistE of
Left _ -> pure Nothing
Right dirlist -> do
subdirs <- filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (dpath </>)) dirlist
-- TODO (FAFM): warn if subdirs /= dirlist
-- (i.e. $DAML_HOME/sdk is polluted with non-dirs).
let versions = filter ("nightly-" `isPrefixOf`) subdirs
-- TODO (FAFM): configurable channels
pure $ fmap (SdkVersion . pack) (maximumMay versions)
-- | Calculate the environment for dispatched commands (i.e. the environment
-- with updated DAML_HOME, DAML_PROJECT, DAML_SDK, etc).

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@ -240,7 +240,16 @@ testGetSdk = Tasty.testGroup "DAML.Assistant.Env.getSdk"
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk version" expected1 (unpack got1)
Tasty.assertEqual "sdk path" expected2 got2
-- TODO (FAFM): Add test cases for using latest available version.
, Tasty.testCase "getSdk: Returns Nothings if .daml/sdk is missing." $ do
withSystemTempDirectory "test-getSdk" $ \base -> do
let damlPath = DamlPath (base </> "daml")
projPath = Nothing
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> "daml")
(Nothing, Nothing) <- withEnv
[ (sdkVersionEnvVar, Nothing)
, (sdkPathEnvVar, Nothing)
] (getSdk damlPath projPath)
pure ()