json-api: in-memory comparison query (#3405)

* comparison query parser given scalar parser

- written in half-error-propagation style to better suit other potential
  error features

* factor dupes in RangeExpr

* text range parsing

* interpreting Range into in-memory predicate; points out bad dedupe from earlier

* make reuse of the scalar extractors much nicer

* express date, time, int64 as factored-out range exprs

* express numeric as factored-out range expr

* factor \&/ usage

* refactor LF value extractors for reuse in range queries

* factor mkRange usage

* totally deconstruct the int64 and text cases

* totally deconstruct the date and timestamp cases

* totally deconstruct the numeric case

* document comparison queries

* use Utf8.Ordering for text comparison queries

* int64 range query tests

* more int64 range query tests

* date, string, numeric range query tests

* include line # in query test successes table

* timestamp range query tests

* add release note

* remove duplicate changelog entry from #3425
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Compall 2019-11-12 18:02:33 -05:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent f3f6f3b678
commit c36696f3a7
5 changed files with 217 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
package com.digitalasset.daml.lf.data
import scalaz.Order
import scalaz.std.anyVal._
import scalaz.syntax.order._
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField
import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate, ZoneId}
@ -68,6 +72,12 @@ object Time {
def assertFromDaysSinceEpoch(days: Int): Date =
implicit val `Time.Date Order`: Order[Date] = new Order[Date] {
override def equalIsNatural = true
override def equal(x: Date, y: Date) = x == y
override def order(x: Date, y: Date) = x.days ?|? y.days
case class Timestamp private (micros: Long) extends Ordered[Timestamp] {
@ -144,6 +154,11 @@ object Time {
def assertFromInstant(i: Instant): Timestamp =
implicit val `Time.Timestamp Order`: Order[Timestamp] = new Order[Timestamp] {
override def equalIsNatural = true
override def equal(x: Timestamp, y: Timestamp) = x == y
override def order(x: Timestamp, y: Timestamp) = x.micros ?|? y.micros

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@ -42,8 +42,32 @@ Example: ``{ favorites: ["vanilla", "chocolate"] }``
A JSON object, when considered with a record type, is always interpreted
as a field equality query. Its type context is thus mutually exclusive
with `the forthcoming comparison queries
with comparison queries.
Comparison query
Match values on comparison operators for int64, numeric, text, date, and
time values. Instead of a value, a key can be an object with one or more
operators: ``{ <op>: value }`` where ``<op>`` can be:
- ``"%lt"`` for less than
- ``"%gt"`` for greater than
- ``"%lte"`` for less than or equal to
- ``"%gte"`` for greater than or equal to
``"%lt"`` and ``"%lte"`` may not be used at the same time, and likewise
with ``"%lt"`` and ``"%lte"``, but all other combinations are allowed.
Example: ``{ "person" { "dob": { "%lt": "2000-01-01", "%gte": "1980-01-01" } } }``
- Match: ``{ person: { dob: "1986-06-21" } }``
- No match: ``{ person: { dob: "1976-06-21" } }``
- No match: ``{ person: { dob: "2006-06-21" } }``
These operators cannot occur in objects interpreted in a record context,
nor may other keys than these four operators occur where they are legal,
so there is no ambiguity with field equality.
Appendix: Type-aware queries

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@ -6,13 +6,19 @@ package query
import util.IdentifierConverters.lfIdentifier
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.data.{ImmArray, Numeric, Ref, SortedLookupList, Time}
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.data.{ImmArray, Numeric, Ref, SortedLookupList, Time, Utf8}
import ImmArray.ImmArraySeq
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.data.ScalazEqual._
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.iface
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.value.{Value => V}
import iface.{Type => Ty}
import scalaz.\&/
import scalaz.{Order, \&/, \/, \/-}
import scalaz.Tags.Conjunction
import scalaz.std.anyVal._
import scalaz.syntax.apply._
import scalaz.syntax.order._
import scalaz.syntax.tag._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.std.string._
import spray.json._
@ -67,7 +73,13 @@ sealed abstract class ValuePredicate extends Product with Serializable {
oq map go cata (csq => { case V.ValueOptional(Some(v)) => csq(v); case _ => false },
{ case V.ValueOptional(None) => true; case _ => false })
case Range(_, _) => predicateParseError("range not supported yet")
case range: Range[a] =>
implicit val ord: Order[a] = range.ord
range.project andThen { a =>
range.ltgt.bifoldMap {
case (incl, ceil) => Conjunction(if (incl) a <= ceil else a < ceil)
} { case (incl, floor) => Conjunction(if (incl) a >= floor else a > floor) }.unwrap
} orElse { case _ => false }
@ -84,8 +96,8 @@ object ValuePredicate {
final case class ListMatch(elems: Vector[ValuePredicate]) extends ValuePredicate
final case class VariantMatch(elem: (Ref.Name, ValuePredicate)) extends ValuePredicate
final case class OptionalMatch(elem: Option[ValuePredicate]) extends ValuePredicate
// boolean is whether inclusive (lte vs lt)
final case class Range(ltgt: (Boolean, LfV) \&/ (Boolean, LfV), typ: Ty) extends ValuePredicate
final case class Range[A](ltgt: Boundaries[A], ord: Order[A], project: LfV PartialFunction A)
extends ValuePredicate
private[http] def fromTemplateJsObject(
it: Map[String, JsValue],
@ -104,14 +116,8 @@ object ValuePredicate {
val ddt = defs(id).getOrElse(predicateParseError(s"Type $id not found"))
fromCon(it, id, tc instantiate ddt)
case iface.TypeNumeric(scale) => {
case JsString(q) =>
val nq = Numeric checkWithinBoundsAndRound (scale, BigDecimal(q)) fold (predicateParseError, identity)
Literal { case V.ValueNumeric(v) if nq == (v setScale scale) => }
case JsNumber(q) =>
val nq = Numeric checkWithinBoundsAndRound (scale, q) fold (predicateParseError, identity)
Literal { case V.ValueNumeric(v) if nq == (v setScale scale) => }
case iface.TypeNumeric(scale) =>
case iface.TypeVar(_) => predicateParseError("no vars allowed!")
}(fallback = illTypedQuery(it, typ))
@ -188,25 +194,10 @@ object ValuePredicate {
(typ.typ, it).match2 {
case Bool => { case JsBoolean(q) => Literal { case V.ValueBool(v) if q == v => } }
case Int64 => {
case JsNumber(q) if q.isValidLong =>
val lq = q.toLongExact
Literal { case V.ValueInt64(v) if lq == (v: Long) => }
case JsString(q) =>
val lq: Long = q.parseLong.fold(e => throw e, identity)
Literal { case V.ValueInt64(v) if lq == (v: Long) => }
case Text => { case JsString(q) => Literal { case V.ValueText(v) if q == v => } }
case Date => {
case JsString(q) =>
val dq = Time.Date fromString q fold (predicateParseError(_), identity)
Literal { case V.ValueDate(v) if dq == v => }
case Timestamp => {
case JsString(q) =>
val tq = Time.Timestamp fromString q fold (predicateParseError(_), identity)
Literal { case V.ValueTimestamp(v) if tq == v => }
case Int64 => Int64RangeExpr.toQueryParser
case Text => TextRangeExpr.toQueryParser(Order fromScalaOrdering Utf8.Ordering)
case Date => DateRangeExpr.toQueryParser
case Timestamp => TimestampRangeExpr.toQueryParser
case Party => {
case JsString(q) => Literal { case V.ValueParty(v) if q == (v: String) => }
@ -242,9 +233,111 @@ object ValuePredicate {
}) getOrElse predicateParseError(s"No record type found for $typ")
private[this] def illTypedQuery(it: JsValue, typ: Any): Nothing =
private[this] val Int64RangeExpr = RangeExpr({
case JsNumber(q) if q.isValidLong =>
case JsString(q) =>
q.parseLong.fold(e => throw e, identity)
}, { case V.ValueInt64(v) => v })
private[this] val TextRangeExpr = RangeExpr({ case JsString(s) => s }, {
case V.ValueText(v) => v
private[this] val DateRangeExpr = RangeExpr({
case JsString(q) =>
Time.Date fromString q fold (predicateParseError(_), identity)
}, { case V.ValueDate(v) => v })
private[this] val TimestampRangeExpr = RangeExpr({
case JsString(q) =>
Time.Timestamp fromString q fold (predicateParseError(_), identity)
}, { case V.ValueTimestamp(v) => v })
private[this] def numericRangeExpr(scale: Numeric.Scale) =
case JsString(q) =>
Numeric checkWithinBoundsAndRound (scale, BigDecimal(q)) fold (predicateParseError, identity)
case JsNumber(q) =>
Numeric checkWithinBoundsAndRound (scale, q) fold (predicateParseError, identity)
}, { case V.ValueNumeric(v) => v setScale scale }
private[this] implicit val `jBD order`: Order[java.math.BigDecimal] =
private[this] type Inclusive = Boolean
private[this] final val Inclusive = true
private[this] final val Exclusive = false
type Boundaries[+A] = (Inclusive, A) \&/ (Inclusive, A)
private[this] final case class RangeExpr[A](
scalar: JsValue PartialFunction A,
lfvScalar: LfV PartialFunction A) {
import RangeExpr._
private def scalarE(it: JsValue): PredicateParseError \/ A =
scalar.lift(it) \/> predicateParseError(s"invalid boundary $it")
object Scalar {
@inline def unapply(it: JsValue): Option[A] = scalar.lift(it)
def unapply(it: JsValue): Option[PredicateParseError \/ Boundaries[A]] =
it match {
case JsObject(fields) if fields.keySet exists keys =>
def badRangeSyntax(s: String): PredicateParseError \/ Nothing =
predicateParseError(s"Invalid range query, as $s: $it")
def side(exK: String, inK: String) = {
assert(keys(exK) && keys(inK)) // forgot to update 'keys' when changing the keys
(fields get exK, fields get inK) match {
case (Some(excl), None) => scalarE(excl) map (a => Some((Exclusive, a)))
case (None, Some(incl)) => scalarE(incl) map (a => Some((Inclusive, a)))
case (None, None) => \/-(None)
case (Some(_), Some(_)) => badRangeSyntax(s"only one of $exK, $inK may be used")
val strays = fields.keySet diff keys
if (strays.nonEmpty) badRangeSyntax(s"extra invalid keys $strays included")
else {
val left = side("%lt", "%lte")
val right = side("%gt", "%gte")
import \&/._
^(left, right) {
case (Some(l), Some(r)) => Both(l, r)
case (Some(l), None) => This(l)
case (None, Some(r)) => That(r)
case (None, None) => sys.error("impossible; denied by 'fields.keySet exists keys'")
case _ => None
def toLiteral(q: A) = Literal { case v if lfvScalar.lift(v) contains q => }
def toRange(ltgt: Boundaries[A])(implicit A: Order[A]) = Range(ltgt, A, lfvScalar)
/** Match both the literal and range query cases. */
def toQueryParser(implicit A: Order[A]): JsValue PartialFunction ValuePredicate = {
val Self = this;
case Scalar(q) => toLiteral(q)
case Self(eoIor) => eoIor.map(toRange).merge
private[this] object RangeExpr {
private val keys = Set("%lt", "%lte", "%gt", "%gte")
private type PredicateParseError = Nothing
private[this] def illTypedQuery(it: JsValue, typ: Any): PredicateParseError =
predicateParseError(s"$it is not a query that can match type $typ")
private def predicateParseError(s: String): Nothing =
private def predicateParseError(s: String): PredicateParseError =

View File

@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ package com.digitalasset.http
package query
import json.JsonProtocol.LfValueCodec.{apiValueToJsValue, jsValueToApiValue}
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.data.{ImmArray, Numeric, Ref, SortedLookupList}
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.data.{Decimal, ImmArray, Numeric, Ref, SortedLookupList, Time}
import ImmArray.ImmArraySeq
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.iface
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.value.{Value => V}
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.value.TypedValueGenerators.{genAddend, ValueAddend => VA}
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalactic.source
import org.scalatest.prop.{GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, TableDrivenPropertyChecks}
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import spray.json._
@ -42,8 +43,9 @@ class ValuePredicateTest
.DefDataType(ImmArraySeq.empty, iface.Record(ImmArraySeq((dummyFieldName, ty))))).lift)
"fromJsObject" should {
def c(query: String, ty: VA)(expected: ty.Inj[Cid], shouldMatch: Boolean) =
(query.parseJson, ty, ty.inj(expected), shouldMatch)
def c(query: String, ty: VA)(expected: ty.Inj[Cid], shouldMatch: Boolean)(
implicit pos: source.Position) =
(pos.lineNumber, query.parseJson, ty, ty.inj(expected), shouldMatch)
object VAs {
val oi = VA.optional(VA.int64)
@ -68,12 +70,43 @@ class ValuePredicateTest
("[[42]]", VAs.oooi),
val excl4143 = """{"%gt": 41, "%lt": 43}"""
val incl42 = """{"%gte": 42, "%lte": 42}"""
val VAtestNumeric = VA.numeric(Decimal.scale)
val successes = Table(
("query", "type", "expected", "should match?"),
("line#", "query", "type", "expected", "should match?"),
c("\"foo\"", VA.text)("foo", true),
c("\"foo\"", VA.text)("bar", false),
c("42", VA.int64)(42, true),
c("42", VA.int64)(43, false),
c(excl4143, VA.int64)(42, true),
c(excl4143, VA.int64)(41, false),
c(excl4143, VA.int64)(43, false),
c(incl42, VA.int64)(42, true),
c(incl42, VA.int64)(41, false),
c(incl42, VA.int64)(43, false),
c(excl4143, VAtestNumeric)(Numeric assertFromString "42.", true),
c(excl4143, VAtestNumeric)(Numeric assertFromString "41.", false),
c(excl4143, VAtestNumeric)(Numeric assertFromString "43.", false),
c(incl42, VAtestNumeric)(Numeric assertFromString "42.", true),
c(incl42, VAtestNumeric)(Numeric assertFromString "41.", false),
c(incl42, VAtestNumeric)(Numeric assertFromString "43.", false),
c("""{"%lte": 42}""", VA.int64)(42, true),
c("""{"%lte": 42}""", VA.int64)(43, false),
c("""{"%gte": 42}""", VA.int64)(42, true),
c("""{"%gte": 42}""", VA.int64)(41, false),
c("""{"%lt": 42}""", VA.int64)(41, true),
c("""{"%lt": 42}""", VA.int64)(42, false),
c("""{"%gt": 42}""", VA.int64)(43, true),
c("""{"%gt": 42}""", VA.int64)(42, false),
c("""{"%gt": "bar", "%lt": "foo"}""", VA.text)("baz", true),
c("""{"%gte": "1980-01-01", "%lt": "2000-01-01"}""", VA.date)(
Time.Date assertFromString "1986-06-21",
c("""{"%gte": "1980-01-01T00:00:00Z", "%lt": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z"}""", VA.timestamp)(
Time.Timestamp assertFromString "1986-06-21T00:00:00Z",
c("""{"a": 1, "b": 2}""", VA.map(VA.int64))(SortedLookupList(Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2)), true),
c("""{"a": 1, "b": 2}""", VA.map(VA.int64))(SortedLookupList(Map("a" -> 1, "c" -> 2)), false),
c("""{"a": 1, "b": 2}""", VA.map(VA.int64))(SortedLookupList(Map()), false),
@ -89,14 +122,15 @@ class ValuePredicateTest
vp.toFunPredicate(wrappedExpected) shouldBe true
"examine simple fields literally" in forAll(successes) { (query, va, expected, shouldMatch) =>
val (wrappedExpected, defs) = valueAndTypeInObject(expected, va.t)
val vp = ValuePredicate.fromJsObject(
Map((dummyFieldName: String) -> query),
vp.toFunPredicate(wrappedExpected) shouldBe shouldMatch
"examine simple fields literally" in forAll(successes) {
(_, query, va, expected, shouldMatch) =>
val (wrappedExpected, defs) = valueAndTypeInObject(expected, va.t)
val vp = ValuePredicate.fromJsObject(
Map((dummyFieldName: String) -> query),
vp.toFunPredicate(wrappedExpected) shouldBe shouldMatch
"examine all sorts of primitives literally" in forAll(genAddend, minSuccessful(100)) { va =>

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@ -31,5 +31,6 @@ HEAD — ongoing
instead of the contract id.
- [DAML Triggers] ``getTemplates`` has been renamed to ``getContracts`` to describe its behavior more accurately.
``getTemplates`` still exists as a compatiblity helper but it is deprecated and will be removed in a future SDK release.
- [JSON API - Experimental] Fix to support Archive choice. See issue #3219.
- [JSON API - Experimental] Implement replay on database consistency violation, See issue #3387.
- [JSON API - Experimental] Implement replay on database consistency violation, See issue #3387.
- [JSON API - Experimental] Comparison/range queries supported.
See `issue #2780 <https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/issues/2780>`__.