IDE cleanups and progress towards external usability (#930)

* Remove the requirement for Binary on Shake rules (was not used)

* Add a deriving Show on Event, easier for external integrations

* Rename GeneratePackageState to LoadPackageState and move its fields to the rule, rather than the key

* Inline getPackageState away

* Change to passing a ModRenaming to the package loader. Two reasons:
1) When loading non-DAML things we might want to omit the renaming
2) The type ModRenaming has documentation of semantics, unlike [(String, String)]
This commit is contained in:
Neil Mitchell 2019-05-06 10:57:17 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 990a8ea5db
commit c3a8a4d02a
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 41 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ data CompileOpts = CompileOpts
, optPackageDbs :: [FilePath]
, optHideAllPkgs :: Bool
, optPackageImports :: [(String, [(String, String)])]
, optPackageImports :: [(String, ModRenaming)]
, optThreads :: Int
, optShakeProfiling :: Maybe FilePath
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ parsePragmasIntoDynFlags fp contents = catchSrcErrors $ do
(dflags, _, _) <- parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 opts
return dflags
generatePackageState :: [FilePath] -> Bool -> [(String, [(String, String)])] -> IO PackageState
generatePackageState :: [FilePath] -> Bool -> [(String, ModRenaming)] -> IO PackageState
generatePackageState paths hideAllPkgs pkgImports = do
let dflags = setPackageImports hideAllPkgs pkgImports $ setPackageDbs paths (defaultDynFlags fakeSettings fakeLlvmConfig)
(newDynFlags, _) <- initPackages dflags

View File

@ -54,19 +54,16 @@ type instance RuleResult GetFileExists = Bool
data GetFileExists = GetFileExists
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Binary GetFileExists
instance Hashable GetFileExists
instance NFData GetFileExists
data GetModificationTime = GetModificationTime
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Binary GetModificationTime
instance Hashable GetModificationTime
instance NFData GetModificationTime
data GetFileContents = GetFileContents
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Binary GetFileContents
instance Hashable GetFileContents
instance NFData GetFileContents

View File

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import Development.IDE.Functions.Compile (TcModuleResult,
import qualified Development.IDE.Functions.Compile as Compile
import Development.IDE.Functions.FindImports (Import(..))
import Development.IDE.Functions.DependencyInformation
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Typeable
import Development.Shake hiding (Env, newCache)
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ type instance RuleResult GenerateCore = GhcModule
-- | We capture the subset of `DynFlags` that is computed by package initialization in a rule to
-- make session initialization cheaper by reusing it.
type instance RuleResult GeneratePackageState = Compile.PackageState
type instance RuleResult LoadPackageState = Compile.PackageState
-- | Resolve the imports in a module to the list of either external packages or absolute file paths
-- for modules in the same package.
@ -77,69 +75,58 @@ type instance RuleResult ReportImportCycles = ()
data OfInterest = OfInterest
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary OfInterest
instance Hashable OfInterest
instance NFData OfInterest
data GetParsedModule = GetParsedModule
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary GetParsedModule
instance Hashable GetParsedModule
instance NFData GetParsedModule
data GetLocatedImports = GetLocatedImports
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary GetLocatedImports
instance Hashable GetLocatedImports
instance NFData GetLocatedImports
data GetDependencyInformation = GetDependencyInformation
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary GetDependencyInformation
instance Hashable GetDependencyInformation
instance NFData GetDependencyInformation
data ReportImportCycles = ReportImportCycles
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary ReportImportCycles
instance Hashable ReportImportCycles
instance NFData ReportImportCycles
data GetDependencies = GetDependencies
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary GetDependencies
instance Hashable GetDependencies
instance NFData GetDependencies
data TypeCheck = TypeCheck
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary TypeCheck
instance Hashable TypeCheck
instance NFData TypeCheck
data LoadPackage = LoadPackage InstalledUnitId
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary LoadPackage
instance Hashable LoadPackage
instance NFData LoadPackage
data GetSpanInfo = GetSpanInfo
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary GetSpanInfo
instance Hashable GetSpanInfo
instance NFData GetSpanInfo
data GenerateCore = GenerateCore
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary GenerateCore
instance Hashable GenerateCore
instance NFData GenerateCore
data GeneratePackageState = GeneratePackageState [FilePath] Bool [(String, [(String, String)])]
data LoadPackageState = LoadPackageState
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary GeneratePackageState
instance Hashable GeneratePackageState
instance NFData GeneratePackageState
instance Hashable LoadPackageState
instance NFData LoadPackageState
-- Orphan Instances
@ -171,10 +158,6 @@ instance NFData SpanInfo where
instance NFData Import where
rnf = rwhnf
instance Binary InstalledUnitId where
get = fmap stringToInstalledUnitId Binary.get
put = Binary.put . installedUnitIdString
instance Hashable InstalledUnitId where
hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . installedUnitIdString

View File

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ getParsedModuleRule :: Rules ()
getParsedModuleRule =
define $ \GetParsedModule file -> do
contents <- getFileContents file
packageState <- getPackageState
packageState <- use_ LoadPackageState ""
opt <- getOpts
liftIO $ Compile.parseModule opt packageState file contents
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ getLocatedImportsRule =
pm <- use_ GetParsedModule file
let ms = pm_mod_summary pm
let imports = ms_textual_imps ms
packageState <- getPackageState
packageState <- use_ LoadPackageState ""
opt <- getOpts
dflags <- liftIO $ Compile.getGhcDynFlags opt pm packageState
xs <- forM imports $ \(mbPkgName, modName) ->
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ rawDependencyInformation f = go (Set.singleton f) Map.empty Map.empty
let modGraph' = Map.insert f (Left ModuleParseError) modGraph
in go fs modGraph' pkgs
Just imports -> do
packageState <- lift getPackageState
packageState <- lift $ use_ LoadPackageState ""
opt <- lift getOpts
modOrPkgImports <- forM imports $ \imp -> do
case imp of
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ getSpanInfoRule =
pm <- use_ GetParsedModule file
tc <- use_ TypeCheck file
imports <- use_ GetLocatedImports file
packageState <- getPackageState
packageState <- use_ LoadPackageState ""
opt <- getOpts
x <- liftIO $ Compile.getSrcSpanInfos opt pm packageState (fileImports imports) tc
return ([], Just x)
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ typeCheckRule =
tms <- uses_ TypeCheck (transitiveModuleDeps deps)
setPriority PriorityTypeCheck
us <- getUniqSupply
packageState <- getPackageState
packageState <- use_ LoadPackageState ""
opt <- getOpts
liftIO $ Compile.typecheckModule opt pm packageState us tms lps pm
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ typeCheckRule =
loadPackageRule :: Rules ()
loadPackageRule =
defineNoFile $ \(LoadPackage pkg) -> do
packageState <- getPackageState
packageState <- use_ LoadPackageState ""
opt <- getOpts
pkgs <- liftIO $ Compile.computePackageDeps opt packageState pkg
case pkgs of
@ -319,14 +319,16 @@ generateCoreRule =
let pm = tm_parsed_module . Compile.tmrModule $ tm
setPriority PriorityGenerateDalf
us <- getUniqSupply
packageState <- getPackageState
packageState <- use_ LoadPackageState ""
opt <- getOpts
liftIO $ Compile.compileModule opt pm packageState us tms lps tm
generatePackageStateRule :: Rules ()
generatePackageStateRule =
defineNoFile $ \(GeneratePackageState paths hideAllPkgs pkgImports) -> do
liftIO $ Compile.generatePackageState paths hideAllPkgs pkgImports
loadPackageStateRule :: Rules ()
loadPackageStateRule =
defineNoFile $ \LoadPackageState -> do
opts <- envOptions <$> getServiceEnv
liftIO $ Compile.generatePackageState
(Compile.optPackageDbs opts) (Compile.optHideAllPkgs opts) (Compile.optPackageImports opts)
-- | A rule that wires per-file rules together
mainRule :: Rules ()
@ -339,7 +341,7 @@ mainRule = do
@ -347,11 +349,6 @@ mainRule = do
fileFromParsedModule :: ParsedModule -> IO FilePath
fileFromParsedModule = pure . ms_hspp_file . pm_mod_summary
getPackageState :: Action PackageState
getPackageState = do
opts <- envOptions <$> getServiceEnv
use_ (GeneratePackageState (Compile.optPackageDbs opts) (Compile.optHideAllPkgs opts) (Compile.optPackageImports opts)) ""
fileImports ::
[(Located ModuleName, Maybe Import)]
-> [(Located ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)]

View File

@ -152,7 +152,11 @@ type IdeResult v = ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe v)
type IdeRule k v =
( Shake.RuleResult k ~ v
, Shake.ShakeValue k
, Show k
, Typeable k
, NFData k
, Hashable k
, Eq k
, Show v
, Typeable v
, NFData v
@ -320,7 +324,12 @@ isBadDependency x
newtype Q k = Q (k, FilePath)
deriving (Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)
deriving (Eq,Hashable,NFData)
-- Using Database we don't need Binary instances for keys
instance Binary (Q k) where
put _ = return ()
get = fail "Binary.get not defined for type Development.IDE.State.Shake.Q"
instance Show k => Show (Q k) where
show (Q (k, file)) = show k ++ "; " ++ file

View File

@ -58,3 +58,4 @@ data Event
| EventFatalError !T.Text
-- ^ @EventFatalError reason@: A fatal error occurred in the compiler and
-- the compiler cannot continue.
deriving Show

View File

@ -156,12 +156,11 @@ setPackageDbs paths dflags =
setPackageImports :: Bool -> [(String, [(String, String)])] -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
setPackageImports :: Bool -> [(String, ModRenaming)] -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
setPackageImports hideAllPkgs pkgImports dflags = dflags {
packageFlags = packageFlags dflags ++
[ExposePackage pkgName (UnitIdArg $ stringToUnitId pkgName)
(ModRenaming False [(mkModuleName mod, mkModuleName alias) | (mod, alias) <- aliases])
| (pkgName, aliases) <- pkgImports
[ExposePackage pkgName (UnitIdArg $ stringToUnitId pkgName) renaming
| (pkgName, renaming) <- pkgImports
, generalFlags = if hideAllPkgs
then Opt_HideAllPackages `EnumSet.insert` generalFlags dflags

View File

@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ import DA.Daml.GHC.Compiler.Preprocessor
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.List.Extra as List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import "ghc-lib-parser" DynFlags
import qualified "ghc-lib" GHC
import "ghc-lib-parser" Module (moduleNameSlashes)
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
@ -71,10 +73,12 @@ toCompileOpts Options{..} =
, optMbPackageName = optMbPackageName
, optPackageDbs = optPackageDbs
, optHideAllPkgs = optHideAllPkgs
, optPackageImports = optPackageImports
, optPackageImports = map (second toRenaming) optPackageImports
, optThreads = optThreads
, optShakeProfiling = optShakeProfiling
toRenaming aliases = ModRenaming False [(GHC.mkModuleName mod, GHC.mkModuleName alias) | (mod, alias) <- aliases]
moduleImportPaths :: GHC.ParsedModule -> [FilePath]
moduleImportPaths pm =