Add documentation for upgrading using DAML script and triggers (#5465)

* Add documentation for upgrading using DAML script and triggers

This PR adds documentation for how you can automate the upgrade
process from the Coin example using DAML Script and DAML Triggers.

Having written this, I think we might want to add some integration
tests for this but it’s rather complex to setup since it ties together
so many pieces so I’d like to leave it out for now. We do at least
test that the code compiles and we all knows that code that compiles
never has bugs.


* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-Authored-By: associahedron <>

Co-authored-by: associahedron <>
This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2020-04-07 14:36:40 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 945057b0a0
commit ccacddbbc6
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 347 additions and 6 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -91,3 +91,4 @@ compiler/damlc/output
language-support/hs/bindings/gen language-support/hs/bindings/gen
language-support/hs/bindings/*.cabal language-support/hs/bindings/*.cabal
language-support/hs/bindings/examples/nim/*.cabal language-support/hs/bindings/examples/nim/*.cabal

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@ -651,6 +651,28 @@ daml_build_test(
project_dir = "source/upgrade/example/coin-upgrade", project_dir = "source/upgrade/example/coin-upgrade",
) )
name = "daml-upgrade-example-upgrade-script",
dar_dict = {
":daml-upgrade-example-v1": "path/to/coin-1.0.0.dar",
":daml-upgrade-example-v2": "path/to/coin-2.0.0.dar",
":daml-upgrade-example-upgrade": "path/to/coin-upgrade-1.0.0.dar",
"//daml-script/daml:daml-script.dar": "path/to/daml-script.dar",
project_dir = "source/upgrade/example/coin-initiate-upgrade",
name = "daml-upgrade-example-upgrade-trigger",
dar_dict = {
":daml-upgrade-example-v1": "path/to/coin-1.0.0.dar",
":daml-upgrade-example-v2": "path/to/coin-2.0.0.dar",
":daml-upgrade-example-upgrade": "path/to/coin-upgrade-1.0.0.dar",
"//triggers/daml:daml-trigger.dar": "path/to/daml-trigger.dar",
project_dir = "source/upgrade/example/coin-upgrade-trigger",
filegroup( filegroup(
name = "daml-intro-1", name = "daml-intro-1",
srcs = glob( srcs = glob(

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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
.. Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.. _upgrade-automation:
Automating the Upgrade Process
In this section, we are going to automate the upgrade of our coin
process using :doc:`DAML Script</daml-script/index>` and :doc:`DAML
Triggers </triggers/index>`. Note that automation for upgrades is
specific to an individual application, just like the upgrade models.
Nevertheless, we have found that the pattern shown here
occurs frequently.
Structuring the Upgrade
There are three kinds of actions performed during the upgrade:
#. Alice creates ``UpgradeCoinProposal`` contracts. We assume here,
that Alice wants to upgrade all ``Coin`` contracts she has
issued. Since the ``UpgradeCoinProposal`` proposal is specific to
each owner, Alice has to create one ``UpgradeCoinProposal`` per
owner. There can be potentially many owners but this step only has
to be performed once assuming Alice will not issue more ``Coin``
contracts after this point.
#. Bob and other owners accept the ``UpgradeCoinProposal``. To keep
this example simple, we assume that there are only coins issued by
Alice. Therefore, each owner has to accept at most one proposal.
#. As owners accept upgrade proposals, Alice has to upgrade each
coin. This means that she has to execute the upgrade choice once
for each coin. Owners will not all accept the upgrade at the same
time and some might never accept it. Therefore, this should be a
long-running process that upgrades all coins of a given owner as
soon as they accept the upgrade.
Given those constraints, we are going to use the following tools for
the upgrade:
#. A DAML script that will be executed once by Alice and creates an
``UpgradeCoinProposal`` contract for each owner.
#. Navigator to accept the ``UpgradeCoinProposal`` as Bob. While we
could also use a DAML script to accept the proposal, this step will
often be exposed as part of a web UI so doing it interactively in
Navigator resembles that workflow more closely.
#. A long-running DAML trigger that upgrades all ``Coin`` contracts
for which there is a corresponding ``UpgradeCoinAgreement``.
Implementation of the DAML Script
In our DAML Script, we are first going to query the ACS (Active Contract Set) to find all
``Coin`` contracts issued by us. Next, we are going to extract the
owner of each of those contracts and remove any duplicates coming from
multiple coins issued to the same owner. Finally, we iterate over the
owners and create an ``UpgradeCoinAgreement`` contract for each owner.
.. literalinclude:: example/coin-initiate-upgrade/daml/InitiateUpgrade.daml
:language: daml
:end-before: -- INITIATE_UPGRADE_END
Implementation of the DAML Trigger
Our trigger does not need any custom user state and no heartbeat so
the only interesting field in its definition is the rule.
.. literalinclude:: example/coin-upgrade-trigger/daml/UpgradeTrigger.daml
:language: daml
In our rule, we first filter out all agreements and coins issued by
us. Next, we iterate over all agreements. For each agreement we filter
the coins by the owner of the agreement and finally upgrade the coin
by exercising the ``Upgrade`` choice. We mark the coin as pending
which temporarily removes it from the ACS and therefore stops the
trigger from trying to upgrade the same coin multiple times if the
rule is triggered in quick succession.
.. literalinclude:: example/coin-upgrade-trigger/daml/UpgradeTrigger.daml
:language: daml
:start-after: -- TRIGGER_RULE_BEGIN
:end-before: -- TRIGGER_RULE_END
The trigger is a long-running process and the rule will be executed
whenever the state of the ledger changes. So whenever an owner accepts
an upgrade proposal, the trigger will run the rule and upgrade all
coins of that owner.
Deploying and Executing the Upgrade
Now that we defined our DAML script and our trigger, it is time to use
them! If you still have Sandbox running from the previous section,
stop it to clear out all data before continuing.
First, we start sandbox passing in the ``coin-upgrade`` DAR. Since a
DAR includes all transitive dependencies, this includes ``coin-1.0.0``
and ``coin-2.0.0``.
.. code-block:: none
$ cd example/coin-upgrade
$ daml sandbox .daml/dist/coin-upgrade-1.0.0.dar
To simplify the setup here, we use a DAML script to create 3 parties
Alice, Bob and Charlie and two ``Coin`` contracts issues by Alice, one
owned by Bob and one owned by Charlie.
.. literalinclude:: example/coin-initiate-upgrade/daml/InitiateUpgrade.daml
:language: daml
:start-after: -- SETUP_SCRIPT_BEGIN
:end-before: -- SETUP_SCRIPT_END
Run the script as follows:
.. code-block:: none
$ cd example/coin-initiate-upgrade
$ daml build
$ daml script --dar=.daml/dist/coin-initiate-upgrade-1.0.0.dar --script-name=InitiateUpgrade:setup --ledger-host=localhost --ledger-port=6865 --wall-clock-time
If you now start Navigator from the ``coin-initiate-upgrade``
directory and log in as Alice, you can see the two ``Coin`` contracts.
Next, we run the trigger for Alice. The trigger will keep running throughout the
rest of this example.
.. code-block:: none
$ cd example/coin-upgrade-trigger
$ daml build
$ daml trigger --dar=.daml/dist/coin-upgrade-trigger-1.0.0.dar --trigger-name=UpgradeTrigger:upgradeTrigger --ledger-host=localhost --ledger-port=6865 --ledger-party=Alice --wall-clock-time
With the trigger running, we can now run the script to create the
``UpgradeCoinProposal`` contracts (we could also have done that before
starting the trigger). The script takes an argument of type
``Party``. We can pass this in via the ``--input-file`` argument which
we will point to a file ``party.json`` containing ``"Alice"``. This allows us to
change the party without having to change the code of the script.
.. code-block:: none
$ cd example/coin-initiate-upgrade
$ daml build
$ daml script --dar=.daml/dist/coin-initiate-upgrade-1.0.0.dar --script-name=InitiateUpgrade:initiateUpgrade --ledger-host=localhost --ledger-port=6865 --wall-clock-time --input-file=party.json
At this point, our trigger is running and the ``UpgradeCoinProposal``
contracts for Bob and Charlie have been created. What is left to do is
to accept the proposals. Our trigger will then automatically pick them
up and upgrade the ``Coin`` contracts.
First, start Navigator and log in as Bob. Click on the
``UpgradeCoinProposal`` and accept it. If you now go back to the
contracts tab, you can see that the ``Coin`` contract has been
archived and instead there is a new ``CoinWithAmount`` upgrade. Our
trigger has successfully upgraded the ``Coin``!
Next, log in as Charlie and accept the ``UpgradeCoinProposal``. Just
like for Bob, you can see that the ``Coin`` contract has been archived
and instead there is a new ``CoinWithAmount`` contract.
Since we upgraded all ``Coin`` contracts issued by Alice, we can now stop the
trigger and declare the update successful.

View File

@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ dependencies:
parties: [Alice, Bob] parties: [Alice, Bob]
source: . source: .
build-options: [--target=1.8]

View File

@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ dependencies:
parties: [Alice, Bob] parties: [Alice, Bob]
source: . source: .
build-options: [--target=1.8]

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
sdk-version: 0.0.0
name: coin-initiate-upgrade
version: 1.0.0
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
- path/to/daml-script.dar
- path/to/coin-upgrade-1.0.0.dar
- path/to/coin-1.0.0.dar
- path/to/coin-2.0.0.dar
parties: [Alice, Bob, Charlie]
source: .

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module InitiateUpgrade where
import DA.Foldable
import DA.List
import Daml.Script
import CoinV1
import UpgradeFromCoinV1
initiateUpgrade : Party -> Script ()
initiateUpgrade issuer = do
coins <- query @Coin issuer
let myCoins = filter (\(_cid, c) -> c.issuer == issuer) coins
let owners = dedup $ map (\(_cid, c) -> c.owner) myCoins
forA_ owners $ \owner -> do
debug ("Creating upgrade proposal for: " <> show owner)
submit issuer $ createCmd (UpgradeCoinProposal issuer owner)
setup : Script ()
setup = do
alice <- allocatePartyWithHint "Alice" (PartyIdHint "Alice")
bob <- allocatePartyWithHint "Bob" (PartyIdHint "Bob")
charlie <- allocatePartyWithHint "Charlie" (PartyIdHint "Charlie")
bobProposal <- submit alice $ createCmd (CoinProposal alice bob)
submit bob $ exerciseCmd bobProposal CoinProposal_Accept
charlieProposal <- submit alice $ createCmd (CoinProposal alice charlie)
submit charlie $ exerciseCmd charlieProposal CoinProposal_Accept
pure ()

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
sdk-version: 0.0.0
name: coin-upgrade-trigger
version: 1.0.0
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
- path/to/daml-trigger.dar
- path/to/coin-upgrade-1.0.0.dar
- path/to/coin-1.0.0.dar
- path/to/coin-2.0.0.dar
parties: [Alice, Bob]
source: .

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module UpgradeTrigger where
import DA.Assert
import DA.Foldable
import qualified DA.Next.Map as Map
import DA.Next.Map (Map)
import Daml.Trigger
import Daml.Trigger.Assert
import CoinV1
import UpgradeFromCoinV1
upgradeTrigger : Trigger ()
upgradeTrigger = Trigger with
initialize = \_acs -> ()
updateState = \_acs _msg () -> ()
registeredTemplates = AllInDar
heartbeat = None
rule = triggerRule
triggerRule : Party -> ACS -> Time -> Map CommandId [Command] -> () -> TriggerA ()
triggerRule issuer acs _ _ _ = do
let agreements =
filter (\(_cid, agreement) -> agreement.issuer == issuer) $
getContracts @UpgradeCoinAgreement acs
let allCoins =
filter (\(_cid, coin) -> coin.issuer == issuer) $
getContracts @Coin acs
forA_ agreements $ \(agreementCid, agreement) -> do
let coinsForOwner = filter (\(_cid, coin) -> coin.owner == agreement.owner) allCoins
forA_ coinsForOwner $ \(coinCid, _) ->
[exerciseCmd agreementCid (Upgrade coinCid)]
[toAnyContractId coinCid]
-- TODO (MK) The Bazel rule atm doesnt run this scenario, we should fix that.
test = scenario do
alice <- getParty "Alice"
bob <- getParty "Bob"
coinProposal <- submit alice $ create (CoinProposal alice bob)
coin <- submit bob $ exercise coinProposal CoinProposal_Accept
upgradeProposal <- submit alice $ create (UpgradeCoinProposal alice bob)
upgradeAgreement <- submit bob $ exercise upgradeProposal Accept
let acs = toACS coin <> toACS upgradeAgreement
commands <- testRule upgradeTrigger alice acs Map.empty ()
let flatCommands = flattenCommands commands
assertExerciseCmd flatCommands $ \(cid, choiceArg) -> do
cid === upgradeAgreement
choiceArg === Upgrade coin
-- TODO (MK) It would be nice to test for the absence of certain commands as well
-- or ideally just assert that the list of emitted commands matches an expected
-- list of commands.

View File

@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ data-dependencies:
parties: [Alice, Bob] parties: [Alice, Bob]
source: . source: .
build-options: [--target=1.8]

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ template UpgradeCoinProposal
where where
signatory issuer signatory issuer
observer owner observer owner
key (issuer, owner) : (Party, Party)
maintainer key._1
choice Accept : ContractId UpgradeCoinAgreement choice Accept : ContractId UpgradeCoinAgreement
controller owner controller owner
do create UpgradeCoinAgreement with .. do create UpgradeCoinAgreement with ..
@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ template UpgradeCoinAgreement
owner : Party owner : Party
where where
signatory issuer, owner signatory issuer, owner
key (issuer, owner) : (Party, Party)
maintainer key._1
nonconsuming choice Upgrade : ContractId CoinWithAmount nonconsuming choice Upgrade : ContractId CoinWithAmount
with with
coinId : ContractId Coin coinId : ContractId Coin

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@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
Upgrading and extending DAML applications Upgrading and extending DAML applications
######################################### #########################################
.. toctree::
**Note:** Cross-SDK upgrades require DAML-LF 1.8 or newer. **Note:** Cross-SDK upgrades require DAML-LF 1.8 or newer.
This is the default starting from SDK 1.0. For older releases add This is the default starting from SDK 1.0. For older releases add
``build-options: ["--target=1.8"]`` to your ``daml.yaml`` to select ``build-options: ["--target=1.8"]`` to your ``daml.yaml`` to select
@ -225,8 +230,17 @@ Finally, we point a browser to http://localhost:4000 and can effect the coin upg
#. Login as Alice #. Login as Alice
#. Select Templates tab. #. Select Templates tab.
#. Create an `UpgradeCoinProposal` with Alice as issuer and Bob as owner. #. Create an ``UpgradeCoinProposal`` with Alice as issuer and Bob as owner.
#. Login as Bob #. Login as Bob
#. Exercise the `Accept` choice of the upgrade proposal, creating an `UpgradeCoinAgreement`. #. Exercise the ``Accept`` choice of the upgrade proposal, creating an ``UpgradeCoinAgreement``.
#. Login again as Alice #. Login again as Alice
#. Use the `UpgradeCoinAgreement` repeatedly to upgrade any coin for which Alice is issuer and Bob is owner. #. Use the ``UpgradeCoinAgreement`` repeatedly to upgrade any coin for which Alice is issuer and Bob is owner.
Further Steps
For the upgrade of our coin model above, we performed all steps
manually via Navigator. However, if Alice had issued millions of
coins, performing all upgrading steps manually becomes infeasible. It
thus becomes necessary to automate these steps. We will go through a
potential implementation of an automated upgrade in the :ref:`next section <upgrade-automation>`.

View File

@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ _daml_build = rule(
), ),
"dar_dict": attr.label_keyed_string_dict( "dar_dict": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
mandatory = True, mandatory = True,
allow_files = True,
doc = "Other DAML projects referenced by this DAML project.", doc = "Other DAML projects referenced by this DAML project.",
), ),
"dar": attr.output( "dar": attr.output(