ExecutionContext[EC] phantom for control, Future[EC, A] (#7347)

* add phantom-tagged ExecutionContext and Future to scala-utils concurrent package

* many new operations for Futures

* Future, ExecutionContext combinators from porting ledger-on-sql

- picked from 546b84ab9cdf4de2d93ec5682bdee6cfd6b385f8

* move Future, ExecutionContext companions into normal package

* lots of new docs

* many new Future utilities

* working zipWith

* tests for ExecutionContext resolution, showing what will be picked under different scenarios

* even more tests for ExecutionContext resolution

* tests showing some well-typed and ill-typed Future combinator usage

* no changelog


* missed scalafmt

* one more doc note

* split concurrent package to concurrent library

Co-authored-by: Samir Talwar <samir.talwar@digitalasset.com>
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Compall 2020-09-17 03:36:50 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0e31e33df3
commit d48e9d251d
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 541 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
scalacopts = lf_scalacopts + [
name = "concurrent",
srcs = glob(["src/main/scala/**/*.scala"]),
plugins = [
scalacopts = scalacopts,
tags = ["maven_coordinates=com.daml:concurrent:__VERSION__"],
visibility = [
deps = [
name = "test",
srcs = glob(["src/test/scala/**/*.scala"]),
plugins = [
scalacopts = scalacopts + ["-P:silencer:checkUnused"],
deps = [

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.daml.concurrent
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.{concurrent => sc}
sealed abstract class ExecutionContextOf {
type T[+P] <: sc.ExecutionContext
private[concurrent] def subst[F[_], P](fe: F[sc.ExecutionContext]): F[T[P]]
object ExecutionContextOf {
val Instance: ExecutionContextOf = new ExecutionContextOf {
type T[+P] = sc.ExecutionContext
override private[concurrent] def subst[F[_], P](fe: F[sc.ExecutionContext]) = fe

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.daml.concurrent
import scala.language.{higherKinds, implicitConversions}
import scala.{concurrent => sc}
import scala.util.Try
import scalaz.{Catchable, Cobind, Isomorphism, Leibniz, MonadError, Nondeterminism, Semigroup}
import Isomorphism.<~>
import Leibniz.===
import scalaz.std.scalaFuture._
sealed abstract class FutureOf {
/** We don't use [[sc.Future]] as the upper bound because it has methods that
* collide with the versions we want to use, i.e. those that preserve the
* phantom `EC` type parameter. By contrast, [[sc.Awaitable]] has only the
* `ready` and `result` methods, which are mostly useless.
type T[-EC, +A] <: sc.Awaitable[A]
private[concurrent] def subst[F[_[+ _]], EC](ff: F[sc.Future]): F[T[EC, +?]]
/** Instances and methods for `FutureOf`. You should not import these; instead,
* enable `-Xsource:2.13` and they will always be available without import.
object FutureOf {
val Instance: FutureOf = new FutureOf {
type T[-EC, +A] = sc.Future[A]
override private[concurrent] def subst[F[_[+ _]], EC](ff: F[sc.Future]) = ff
type ScalazF[F[+ _]] = Nondeterminism[F]
with Cobind[F]
with MonadError[F, Throwable]
with Catchable[F]
implicit def `future Instance`[EC: ExecutionContext]: ScalazF[Future[EC, +?]] =
Instance subst [ScalazF, EC] implicitly
implicit def `future Semigroup`[A: Semigroup, EC: ExecutionContext]: Semigroup[Future[EC, A]] = {
type K[T[+ _]] = Semigroup[T[A]]
Instance subst [K, EC] implicitly
implicit def `future is any type`[A]: sc.Future[A] === Future[Any, A] =
Instance subst [Lambda[`t[+_]` => sc.Future[A] === t[A]], Any] Leibniz.refl
/** A [[sc.Future]] converts to our [[Future]] with any choice of EC type. */
implicit def `future is any`[A](sf: sc.Future[A]): Future[Any, A] =
`future is any type`(sf)
private[this] def unsubstF[Arr[_, + _], A, B](f: A Arr Future[Nothing, B]): A Arr sc.Future[B] = {
type K[T[+ _]] = (A Arr T[B]) => A Arr sc.Future[B]
(Instance subst [K, Nothing] identity)(f)
def swapExecutionContext[L, R]: Future[L, ?] <~> Future[R, ?] =
Instance.subst[Lambda[`t[+_]` => t <~> Future[R, ?]], L](
Instance.subst[Lambda[`t[+_]` => sc.Future <~> t], R](implicitly[sc.Future <~> sc.Future]))
/** Common methods like `map` and `flatMap` are not provided directly; instead,
* import the appropriate Scalaz syntax for these; `scalaz.syntax.bind._`
* will give you `map`, `flatMap`, and most other common choices. Only
* exotic Future-specific combinators are provided here.
implicit final class Ops[-EC, +A](private val self: Future[EC, A]) extends AnyVal {
/** `.require[NEC]` is a friendly alias for `: Future[NEC, A]`. */
def require[NEC <: EC]: Future[NEC, A] = self
def transform[B](f: Try[A] => Try[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, B] =
self.removeExecutionContext transform f
// The rule of thumb is "EC determines what happens next". So `recoverWith`
// doesn't let the Future returned by pf control what EC it uses to *call* pf,
// because that happens "before". Same with `transformWith`. By contrast,
// zipWith's f gets called "after" the two futures feeding it arguments, so
// we allow both futures control over the EC used to invoke f.
def transformWith[LEC <: EC, B](f: Try[A] => Future[LEC, B])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[LEC, B] =
self.removeExecutionContext transformWith unsubstF(f)
def collect[B](pf: A PartialFunction B)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, B] =
self.removeExecutionContext collect pf
def failed: Future[EC, Throwable] = self.removeExecutionContext.failed
def fallbackTo[LEC <: EC, B >: A](that: Future[LEC, B]): Future[LEC, B] =
self.removeExecutionContext fallbackTo that.removeExecutionContext
def filter(p: A => Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, A] =
self.removeExecutionContext filter p
def withFilter(p: A => Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, A] =
self.removeExecutionContext withFilter p
def recover[B >: A](pf: Throwable PartialFunction B)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, B] =
self.removeExecutionContext recover pf
def recoverWith[LEC <: EC, B >: A](pf: Throwable PartialFunction Future[LEC, B])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, B] =
self.removeExecutionContext recoverWith unsubstF(pf)
def transform[B](s: A => B, f: Throwable => Throwable)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, B] =
self.removeExecutionContext transform (s, f)
def foreach[U](f: A => U)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Unit =
self.removeExecutionContext foreach f
def andThen[U](pf: Try[A] PartialFunction U)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, A] =
self.removeExecutionContext andThen pf
def onComplete[U](f: Try[A] => U)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Unit =
self.removeExecutionContext onComplete f
def zip[LEC <: EC, B](that: Future[LEC, B]): Future[LEC, (A, B)] = {
type K[T[+ _]] = (T[A], T[B]) => T[(A, B)]
Instance.subst[K, LEC](_ zip _)(self, that)
def zipWith[LEC <: EC, B, C](that: Future[LEC, B])(f: (A, B) => C)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext[LEC]): Future[LEC, C] = {
type K[T[+ _]] = (T[A], T[B]) => T[C]
Instance.subst[K, LEC](_.zipWith(_)(f))(self, that)
/** Operations that don't refer to an ExecutionContext. */
implicit final class NonEcOps[+A](private val self: Future[Nothing, A]) extends AnyVal {
/** Switch execution contexts for later operations. This is not necessary if
* `NEC <: EC`, as the future will simply widen in those cases, or you can
* use `require` instead, which implies more safety.
def changeExecutionContext[NEC]: Future[NEC, A] =
swapExecutionContext[Nothing, NEC].to(self)
/** The "unsafe" conversion to Future. Does nothing itself, but removes
* the control on which [[sc.ExecutionContext]] is used for later
* operations.
def removeExecutionContext: sc.Future[A] =
def isCompleted: Boolean = self.removeExecutionContext.isCompleted
def value: Option[Try[A]] = self.removeExecutionContext.value
/** Operations safe if the Future is set to any ExecutionContext. */
implicit final class AnyOps[+A](private val self: Future[Any, A]) extends AnyVal {
/** The "safe" conversion to Future. `EC = Any` already means "use any
* ExecutionContext", so there is little harm in restating that by
* referring directly to [[sc.Future]].
def asScala: sc.Future[A] = `future is any type`[A].flip(self)

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.daml
import scala.util.Try
import scala.{concurrent => sc}
import scalaz.Id.Id
/** A compatible layer for `scala.concurrent` with extra type parameters to
* control `ExecutionContext`s. Deliberately uses the same names as the
* equivalent concepts in `scala.concurrent`.
* The trouble with [[sc.ExecutionContext]] is that it is used incoherently.
* This leads to the problems described in
* https://failex.blogspot.com/2020/05/global-typeclass-coherence-principles-3.html
* . The extension layer in this package adds a phantom type parameter to
* `ExecutionContext` and related types, so that types can be used to
* discriminate between ExecutionContexts at compile-time, and so Futures can
* declare which ExecutionContext their operations are in.
* For Scala 2.12, you must pass `-Xsource:2.13` to scalac for methods and
* conversions to be automatically found. You must also `import
* scalaz.syntax.bind._` or similar for Future methods like `map`, `flatMap`,
* and so on.
* There are no constraints on the `EC` type variable; you need only declare
* types you wish to use for it that are sufficient for describing the domains
* in which you want ExecutionContexts to be discriminated. These types will
* never be instantiated, so you can simply declare that they exist. They can
* be totally separate, or have subtyping relationships; any subtyping
* relationships they have will be reflected in equivalent subtyping
* relationships between the resulting `ExecutionContext`s; if you declare
* `sealed trait Elephant extends Animal`, then automatically
* `ExecutionContext[Elephant] <: ExecutionContext[Animal]` with scalac
* preferring the former when available (because it is "more specific"). They
* can even be singleton types, so you might use `x.type` to suggest that the
* context is associated with the exact value of the `x` variable.
* If you want to, say, refer to both [[sc.Future]] and [[concurrent.Future]]
* in the same file, we recommend importing *the containing package* with an
* alias rather than renaming each individual class you import. For example,
* {{{
* import com.daml.concurrent._
* import scala.{concurrent => sc}
* // OR
* import scala.concurrent._
* import com.daml.{concurrent => dc}
* }}}
* The exact name isn't important, but you should pick a short one that is
* sufficiently suggestive for you.
* You should always be able to remove the substring `Of.Instance.T` from any
* inferred type; we strongly suggest doing this for clarity.
* Demonstrations of the typing behavior can be found in FutureSpec and
* ExecutionContextSpec. This library has no interesting runtime
* characteristics; you should think of it as exactly like `scala.concurrent`
* in that regard.
package object concurrent {
/** Like [[scala.concurrent.Future]] but with an extra type parameter indicating
* which [[ExecutionContext]] should be used for `map`, `flatMap` and other
* operations.
type Future[-EC, +A] = FutureOf.Instance.T[EC, A]
/** A subtype of [[sc.ExecutionContext]], more specific as `P` gets more
* specific.
type ExecutionContext[+P] = ExecutionContextOf.Instance.T[P]
// keeping the companions with the same-named type aliases in same file
package concurrent {
object Future {
/** {{{
* Future[MyECTag] { expr }
* }}}
* returns `Future[MyECTag, E]` where `E` is `expr`'s inferred type and
* `ExecutionContext[MyECTag]` is required implicitly.
def apply[EC]: apply[EC] =
new apply(())
final class apply[EC](private val ignore: Unit) extends AnyVal {
def apply[A](body: => A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): Future[EC, A] =
def fromTry[EC, A](result: Try[A]): Future[EC, A] =
object ExecutionContext {
/** Explicitly tag an [[sc.ExecutionContext]], or replace the tag on an
* [[ExecutionContext]].
def apply[EC](ec: sc.ExecutionContext): ExecutionContext[EC] =
ExecutionContextOf.Instance.subst[Id, EC](ec)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.daml.concurrent
import scala.{concurrent => sc}
import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
import org.scalatest.{WordSpec, Matchers}
import shapeless.test.illTyped
@silent("Unused import")
class ExecutionContextSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
import ExecutionContextSpec._
// In these tests, you can think of the type argument to `theEC` as being like
// the EC on a Future whose ExecutionContext lookup behavior you are wondering
// about; the implicit resolution behaves the same.
"importing only untyped" should {
import TestImplicits.untyped
"disallow lookup" in {
illTyped("theEC[Animal]", "could not find implicit value.*")
"disallow lookup, even of Any" in {
illTyped("theEC[Any]", "could not find implicit value.*")
"allow lookup only for untyped" in {
implicitly[sc.ExecutionContext] should ===(untyped)
"importing supertype and subtype" should {
import TestImplicits.{animal1, Elephant}
"always prefer the subtype" in {
theEC[Any] should ===(Elephant)
theEC[Animal] should ===(Elephant)
theEC[Elephant] should ===(Elephant)
"refuse to resolve a separate subtype" in {
illTyped("theEC[Cat]", "could not find implicit value.*")
"importing everything" should {
import TestImplicits._
"always prefer Nothing" in {
theEC[Any] should ===(nothing)
theEC[Animal] should ===(nothing)
"importing two types with LUB, one lower in hierarchy" should {
import TestImplicits.{Elephant, Tabby}
"consider neither more specific" in {
illTyped("theEC[Animal]", "ambiguous implicit values.*")
"importing a type and a related singleton type" should {
import TestImplicits.{Tabby, chiefMouserEC}
"prefer the singleton" in {
theEC[Tabby] should ===(chiefMouserEC)
theEC[ChiefMouser.type] should ===(chiefMouserEC)
"using intersections" should {
import TestImplicits.{Elephant, Cat, cryptozoology}
"prefer the intersection" in {
theEC[Elephant] should ===(cryptozoology)
theEC[Cat] should ===(cryptozoology)
"be symmetric" in {
theEC[Elephant with Cat] should ===(cryptozoology)
theEC[Cat with Elephant] should ===(cryptozoology)
object ExecutionContextSpec {
def theEC[EC](implicit ec: ExecutionContext[EC]): ec.type = ec
def fakeEC[EC](name: String): ExecutionContext[EC] =
ExecutionContext(new sc.ExecutionContext {
override def toString = s"<the $name fakeEC>"
override def execute(runnable: Runnable) = sys.error("never use this")
override def reportFailure(cause: Throwable) = sys.error("could never have failed")
sealed trait Animal
sealed trait Elephant extends Animal
sealed trait Cat extends Animal
sealed trait Tabby extends Cat
val ChiefMouser: Tabby = new Tabby {}
object TestImplicits {
implicit val untyped: sc.ExecutionContext = fakeEC[Any]("untyped")
implicit val any: ExecutionContext[Any] = fakeEC[Any]("any")
implicit val animal1: ExecutionContext[Animal] = fakeEC("animal1")
implicit val animal2: ExecutionContext[Animal] = fakeEC("animal2")
implicit val Elephant: ExecutionContext[Elephant] = fakeEC("Elephant")
implicit val Cat: ExecutionContext[Cat] = fakeEC("Cat")
implicit val cryptozoology: ExecutionContext[Elephant with Cat] = fakeEC("cryptozoology")
implicit val Tabby: ExecutionContext[Tabby] = fakeEC("Tabby")
implicit val chiefMouserEC: ExecutionContext[ChiefMouser.type] = fakeEC("chiefMouserEC")
implicit val nothing: ExecutionContext[Nothing] = fakeEC("Nothing")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.daml.concurrent
import scala.{concurrent => sc}
import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
import org.scalatest.{WordSpec, Matchers}
import shapeless.test.illTyped
@silent("local method example")
class FutureSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
import ExecutionContextSpec._
val elephantVal = 3000
val catVal = 9
val untypedVal = -1
val someElephantFuture: Future[Elephant, Int] = sc.Future successful elephantVal
val someCatFuture: Future[Cat, Int] = sc.Future successful catVal
val someUntypedFuture: sc.Future[Int] = sc.Future successful untypedVal
// we repeat imports below to show exactly what imports are needed for a given
// scenario. Naturally, in real code, you would not be so repetitive.
"an untyped future" can {
"be flatmapped to by any future" in {
import scalaz.syntax.bind._, TestImplicits.Elephant
def example = someElephantFuture flatMap (_ => someUntypedFuture)
"simply become a typed future" in {
def example: Future[Cat, Int] = someUntypedFuture
"a well-typed future" should {
"not lose its type to conversion" in {
"someCatFuture: sc.Future[Int]",
"type mismatch.*found.*daml.concurrent.Future.*required: scala.concurrent.Future.*")
"two unrelated futures" should {
"mix their types if zipped" in {
// putting in Set (an invariant context) lets us check the inferred type
def example = Set(someElephantFuture zip someCatFuture)
example: Set[Future[Elephant with Cat, (Int, Int)]]
"disallow mixing in flatMap" in {
import scalaz.syntax.bind._, TestImplicits.Elephant
"someElephantFuture flatMap (_ => someCatFuture)",
"type mismatch.*found.*Cat.*required.*Elephant.*")
"allow mixing in flatMap if requirement changed first" in {
import scalaz.syntax.bind._, TestImplicits.Cat
def example =
.flatMap(_ => someCatFuture)
"continue a chain after requirements tightened" in {
import scalaz.syntax.bind._, TestImplicits.cryptozoology
def example =
.require[Elephant with Cat]
.flatMap(_ => someCatFuture)
"disallow require on unrelated types" in {
illTyped("someElephantFuture.require[Cat]", "type arguments.*do not conform.*")

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@ -153,3 +153,5 @@
type: jar-scala
- target: //libs-scala/scala-utils:scala-utils
type: jar-scala
- target: //libs-scala/concurrent:concurrent
type: jar-scala