damlc: Avoid immediately invoked closures (#6274)

* damlc: Avoid immediately invoked closures

We add rules to the simplifier which rewrite expressions of the form
(\x1 ... xn -> E) A1 ... An
let x1 = A1 in ... let xn = An in E
provided that `xi` is not free in `Aj` for any `i < j`.

In cases where `E` is _not_ a lambda, this rewriting is beneficial
since it removes a costly closure allocation and the immediate entering
of the closure. If `E` is a closure itself, this rewriting is not
detrimental since the only difference it makes is that the values for
`A1, ..., An` end up in the list of captured variables rather than in
the list of already applied variables.

Even though users might not write expressions like the one we're
simplifying here themselves, various desugarings produce them
nevertheless. A common pattern is to define multiple auxiliary
functions that a only used once in a where cluase. For instance, with
the help these new rewriting rules the function
f: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y = g (h x) y
    g x y = x+y
    h x = 2*x
gets translated to
def f : Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 =
  \(x : Int64) (y : Int64).
    let x2 : Int64 =
          let x2 : Int64 = x
          in MUL_INT64 2 x2
        y2 : Int64 = y
    in ADD_INT64 x2 y2
Without the simplification, `g` and `h` would each allocate a closure:
def f : Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 =
  \(x : Int64) (y : Int64).
    (\(x2 : Int64) (y2 : Int64). ADD_INT64 x2 y2)
      ((\(x2 : Int64). MUL_INT64 2 x2) x)

The `collect-authority` benchmarck is sped up by 1.03x by this change.
This is not a huge improvement but the change is simple enough to
merge it nevertheless.


* Let code speak not comments


* Improve explanations

This commit is contained in:
Martin Huschenbett 2020-06-09 20:07:33 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9f165b2196
commit d75afebb8a
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 59 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -247,6 +247,27 @@ infoStep world e = Info
(safetyStep (fmap safety e))
(typeclassStep world (fmap tcinfo e))
-- | Take the free variables and safety of a let-expression `let x = e1 in e2`
-- and compute over-approximations of the free variables and
-- under-approximations of the safe of `e1` and `e2`. The reasoning behind the
-- choice of `s1` and `s2` is as follows:
-- * If `fv(let x = e1 in e2) ⊆ V`, then `fv(e1) ⊆ V` and `fv(e2) ⊆ V {x}`.
-- * If `let x = e1 in e2` is k-safe, then `e1` is 0-safe and `e2` is k-safe.
infoUnstepELet :: ExprVarName -> Info -> (Info, Info)
infoUnstepELet x (Info fv sf _) = (s1, s2)
s1 = Info fv (sf `min` Safe 0) TCNeither
s2 = Info (freeExprVar x <> fv) sf TCNeither
-- | Take the free variables and safety of a lambda-expression `λx. e1` and
-- compute an over-approximation of the free variables and an
-- under-approximation of the safety of `e1`. The reasoning behind the result
-- is as follows:
-- * If `fv(λx. e1) ⊆ V`, then `fv(e1) ⊆ V {x}`.
-- * If `λx. e1` is k-safe, then `e1` is (k-1)-safe.
infoUnstepETmapp :: ExprVarName -> Info -> Info
infoUnstepETmapp x (Info fv sf _) = Info (freeExprVar x <> fv) (decrSafety sf) TCNeither
-- | Try to get the actual field value from the body of
-- a typeclass projection function, after substitution of the
-- dictionary function inside.
@ -347,16 +368,32 @@ simplifyExpr world = fst . cata go
, not (isFreeExprVar x (freeVars (snd e2))) -> e2
-- (let x = e1 in e2).f ==> let x = e1 in e2.f
-- NOTE(MH): The reason for the choice of `s1` and `s2` is as follows:
-- - If `fv(let x = e1 in e2) ⊆ V`, then `fv(e1) ⊆ V` and
-- `fv(e2) ⊆ V {x}`.
-- - If `let x = e1 in e2` is k-safe, then `e1` is 0-safe and `e2` is
-- k-safe.
EStructProjF f (ELet (Binding (x, t) e1) e2, Info fv sf _) ->
EStructProjF f (ELet (Binding (x, t) e1) e2, s0) ->
go $ ELetF (BindingF (x, t) (e1, s1)) (go $ EStructProjF f (e2, s2))
s1 = Info fv (sf `min` Safe 0) TCNeither
s2 = Info (freeExprVar x <> fv) sf TCNeither
(s1, s2) = infoUnstepELet x s0
-- (λx1 ... xn. e0) e1 ... en ==> let x1 = e2 in ... let xn = en in e0,
-- if `xi` is not free in `ej` for any `i < j`
-- This rule is achieved by combining the rules for `(λx. e1) e2` and
-- `(let x = e1 in e2) e3` repeatedly.
-- (λx. e1) e2 ==> let x = e2 in e1
-- NOTE(MH): This also works when `x` is free in `e2` since let-bindings
-- are _not_ recursive.
ETmAppF (ETmLam (x, t) e1, s0) (e2, s2) ->
go $ ELetF (BindingF (x, t) (e2, s2)) (e1, s1)
s1 = infoUnstepETmapp x s0
-- (let x = e1 in e2) e3 ==> let x = e1 in e2 e3, if x is not free in e3
ETmAppF (ELet (Binding (x, t) e1) e2, s0) e3
| not (isFreeExprVar x (freeVars (snd e3))) ->
go $ ELetF (BindingF (x, t) (e1, s1)) (go $ ETmAppF (e2, s2) e3)
(s1, s2) = infoUnstepELet x s0
-- e ==> e
e -> (embed (fmap fst e), infoStep world (fmap snd e))

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- Check that immediately applied lambdas get rewritten into a expressions
-- without lambdas.
-- @QUERY-LF .modules[] | .values[] | select(.name_with_type | lf::get_value_name($pkg) == ["f"]) | isempty(.expr.abs.body | .. | .abs? | values)
module SimplifyAppliedLambda where
f: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y = g (h x) y
g x y = x+y
h x = 2*x