Use TemplateTypeRep in DAML Trigger API (#3245)

* Add TemplateTypeRep to AnyContractId

* Define Trigger.ContractId t

* Use Trigger.ContractId t

* Implement fromCreated and fromArchived

* instance MapKey TemplateTypeRep

* More efficient ACS access using Map TemplateTypeRep

* ./

* toString and fromString for Identifier

* Replace Identifier by TemplateTypeRep

* TheContractId --> AbsoluteContractId
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Herrmann 2019-10-23 15:56:59 +02:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 6c36777a8e
commit dc2f10ebe6
9 changed files with 131 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -39,7 +39,10 @@ module DA.Internal.LF
, AnyTemplate
, AnyChoice
, TemplateTypeRep
, templateTypeRepToText
, templateTypeRepFromText
) where
import GHC.Types (Opaque, Symbol)
@ -221,3 +224,9 @@ newtype AnyChoice = AnyChoice { getAnyChoice : Any }
-- | Unique textual representation of a template Id.
newtype TemplateTypeRep = TemplateTypeRep { getTemplateTypeRep : Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
templateTypeRepToText : TemplateTypeRep -> Text
templateTypeRepToText = getTemplateTypeRep
templateTypeRepFromText : Text -> Optional TemplateTypeRep
templateTypeRepFromText = Some . TemplateTypeRep

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@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ instance MapKey Party where
keyToText = partyToText
keyFromText = fromSome . partyFromText
instance MapKey TemplateTypeRep where
keyToText = templateTypeRepToText
keyFromText = fromSome . templateTypeRepFromText
instance MapKey Int where
keyToText = show
keyFromText = fromSome . parseInt

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@ -141,7 +141,23 @@ object Ref {
/* A fully-qualified identifier pointing to a definition in the
* specified package. */
case class Identifier(packageId: PackageId, qualifiedName: QualifiedName)
case class Identifier(packageId: PackageId, qualifiedName: QualifiedName) {
override def toString: String = packageId.toString + ":" + qualifiedName.toString
object Identifier {
type T = Identifier
def fromString(s: String): Either[String, Identifier] = {
val segments = split(s, ':')
if (segments.length != 3)
Left(s"Expecting three segments in $s, but got ${segments.length}")
for {
packageId <- PackageId.fromString(segments(0))
qualifiedName <- QualifiedName.fromString(segments(1) + ":" + segments(2))
} yield Identifier(packageId, qualifiedName)
/* Choice name in a template. */
val ChoiceName: Name.type = Name

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@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ copyRule : Party -> ACS -> Map CommandId [Command] -> () -> TriggerA ()
copyRule party acs commandsInFlight () = do
let subscribers : [(AnyContractId, Subscriber)] = getTemplates @Subscriber acs
let originals : [(AnyContractId, Original)] = getTemplates @Original acs
let copies : [(AnyContractId, Copy)] = getTemplates @Copy acs
let subscribers : [(AbsoluteContractId Subscriber, Subscriber)] = getTemplates @Subscriber acs
let originals : [(AbsoluteContractId Original, Original)] = getTemplates @Original acs
let copies : [(AbsoluteContractId Copy, Copy)] = getTemplates @Copy acs
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ copyRule party acs commandsInFlight () = do
let groupedCopies : [[(AnyContractId, Copy)]]
let groupedCopies : [[(AbsoluteContractId Copy, Copy)]]
groupedCopies = groupOn snd $ sortOn snd $ ownedCopies
let copiesToKeep = map head groupedCopies
let archiveDuplicateCopies = concatMap tail groupedCopies

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@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ module Daml.Trigger
, CommandId
, Command(..)
, AnyContractId(..)
, AbsoluteContractId(..)
, toAnyContractId
, fromAnyContractId
, exerciseCmd
, createCmd
, Message(..)
@ -30,10 +33,12 @@ import qualified Daml.Trigger.LowLevel as LowLevel
-- public API
newtype ACS = ACS [(AnyContractId, AnyTemplate)]
newtype ACS = ACS (Map TemplateTypeRep [(AnyContractId, AnyTemplate)])
getTemplates : Template a => ACS -> [(AnyContractId, a)]
getTemplates (ACS tpls) = mapOptional (\(cid, tpl) -> (cid,) <$> fromAnyTemplate tpl) tpls
getTemplates : forall a. Template a => ACS -> [(AbsoluteContractId a, a)]
getTemplates (ACS tpls) = map fromAny $ fromOptional [] $ Map.lookup (templateTypeRep @a) tpls
fromAny (cid, tpl) = (fromSome (fromAnyContractId cid), fromSome (fromAnyTemplate tpl))
data Trigger s = Trigger
{ initialize : ACS -> s
@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ runTrigger userTrigger = LowLevel.Trigger
initialState party (ActiveContracts createdEvents) =
let acs = foldl (\acs created -> applyEvent (CreatedEvent created) acs) (ACS []) createdEvents
let acs = foldl (\acs created -> applyEvent (CreatedEvent created) acs) (ACS Map.empty) createdEvents
userState = userTrigger.initialize acs
(_, TriggerAState commands nextCommandId) = runTriggerA (userTrigger.rule party acs Map.empty userState) (TriggerAState [] 0)
commandsInFlight = foldl addCommands Map.empty commands
@ -102,14 +107,21 @@ addCommands : Map CommandId [Command] -> Commands -> Map CommandId [Command]
addCommands m (Commands cid cmds) = Map.insert cid cmds m
insertTpl : AnyContractId -> AnyTemplate -> ACS -> ACS
insertTpl cid tpl (ACS acs) = ACS ((cid, tpl) :: acs)
insertTpl cid tpl (ACS acs) =
case Map.lookup cid.templateId acs of
None -> ACS (Map.insert cid.templateId [(cid, tpl)] acs)
Some items -> ACS (Map.insert cid.templateId ((cid, tpl) :: items) acs)
deleteTpl : AnyContractId -> ACS -> ACS
deleteTpl cid (ACS acs) = ACS (filter (\(cid', _) -> cid /= cid') acs)
deleteTpl cid (ACS acs) =
case Map.lookup cid.templateId acs of
None -> ACS acs
Some items -> ACS (Map.insert cid.templateId (filter (\(cid', _) -> cid /= cid') items) acs)
lookupTpl : Template a => AnyContractId -> ACS -> Optional a
lookupTpl cid (ACS acs) = do
(_, tpl) <- find ((cid ==) . fst) acs
items <- Map.lookup cid.templateId acs
(_, tpl) <- find ((cid ==) . fst) items
fromAnyTemplate tpl
applyEvent : Event -> ACS -> ACS

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@ -7,14 +7,18 @@ module Daml.Trigger.LowLevel
, Completion(..)
, CompletionStatus(..)
, Transaction(..)
, Identifier(..)
, AnyContractId(..)
, AbsoluteContractId(..)
, toAnyContractId
, fromAnyContractId
, TransactionId(..)
, EventId(..)
, CommandId(..)
, Event(..)
, Created(..)
, fromCreated
, Archived(..)
, fromArchived
, Trigger(..)
, ActiveContracts(..)
, Commands(..)
@ -26,17 +30,25 @@ module Daml.Trigger.LowLevel
import DA.Next.Map (MapKey(..))
data Identifier = Identifier
{ packageId : Text
, moduleName : Text
, entityName : Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data AnyContractId = AnyContractId
{ templateId : Identifier
{ templateId : TemplateTypeRep
, contractId : Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype AbsoluteContractId t = AbsoluteContractId { contractId : Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
toAnyContractId : forall t. Template t => AbsoluteContractId t -> AnyContractId
toAnyContractId (AbsoluteContractId contractId) = AnyContractId
{ templateId = templateTypeRep @t
, contractId = contractId
fromAnyContractId : forall t. Template t => AnyContractId -> Optional (AbsoluteContractId t)
fromAnyContractId cid
| cid.templateId == templateTypeRep @t = Some (AbsoluteContractId cid.contractId)
| otherwise = None
newtype TransactionId = TransactionId Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -62,11 +74,26 @@ data Created = Created
, argument : AnyTemplate
fromCreated : Template t => Created -> Optional (EventId, AbsoluteContractId t, t)
fromCreated Created {eventId, contractId, argument}
| Some contractId' <- fromAnyContractId contractId
, Some argument' <- fromAnyTemplate argument
= Some (eventId, contractId', argument')
| otherwise
= None
data Archived = Archived
{ eventId : EventId
, contractId : AnyContractId
} deriving (Show, Eq)
fromArchived : Template t => Archived -> Optional (EventId, AbsoluteContractId t)
fromArchived Archived {eventId, contractId}
| Some contractId' <- fromAnyContractId contractId
= Some (eventId, contractId')
| otherwise
= None
data Message
= MTransaction Transaction
| MCompletion Completion
@ -111,9 +138,9 @@ createCmd : Template t => t -> Command
createCmd templateArg =
CreateCommand (toAnyTemplate templateArg)
exerciseCmd : forall t c r. Choice t c r => AnyContractId -> c -> Command
exerciseCmd : forall t c r. Choice t c r => AbsoluteContractId t -> c -> Command
exerciseCmd contractId choiceArg =
ExerciseCommand contractId (toAnyChoice @t choiceArg)
ExerciseCommand (toAnyContractId contractId) (toAnyChoice @t choiceArg)
data Commands = Commands
{ commandId : CommandId

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@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ object Converter {
private def fromIdentifier(triggerIds: TriggerIds, id: value.Identifier): SValue = {
val identifierTy = triggerIds.getId("Identifier")
("packageId", SText(id.packageId)),
("moduleName", SText(id.moduleName)),
("name", SText(id.entityName)))
private def fromIdentifier(id: value.Identifier): SValue = {
private def fromTransactionId(triggerIds: TriggerIds, transactionId: String): SValue = {
@ -143,6 +143,15 @@ object Converter {
private def fromTemplateTypeRep(triggerIds: TriggerIds, templateId: value.Identifier): SValue = {
val templateTypeRepTy = Identifier(
record(templateTypeRepTy, ("getTemplateTypeRep", fromIdentifier(templateId)))
private def fromAnyContractId(
triggerIds: TriggerIds,
templateId: value.Identifier,
@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ object Converter {
val contractIdTy = triggerIds.getId("AnyContractId")
("templateId", fromIdentifier(triggerIds, templateId)),
("templateId", fromTemplateTypeRep(triggerIds, templateId)),
("contractId", SText(contractId))
@ -276,14 +285,7 @@ object Converter {
private def toIdentifier(v: SValue): Either[String, Identifier] = {
v match {
case SRecord(_, _, vals) => {
assert(vals.size == 3)
for {
packageId <- toText(vals.get(0)).flatMap(PackageId.fromString)
moduleName <- toText(vals.get(1)).flatMap(DottedName.fromString)
entityName <- toText(vals.get(2)).flatMap(DottedName.fromString)
} yield Identifier(packageId, QualifiedName(moduleName, entityName))
case SText(s) => Identifier.fromString(s)
case _ => Left(s"Expected Identifier but got $v")
@ -295,12 +297,22 @@ object Converter {
private def toTemplateTypeRep(v: SValue): Either[String, Identifier] = {
v match {
case SRecord(_, _, vals) => {
assert(vals.size == 1)
case _ => Left(s"Expected TemplateTypeRep but got $v")
private def toAnyContractId(v: SValue): Either[String, AnyContractId] = {
v match {
case SRecord(_, _, vals) => {
assert(vals.size == 2)
for {
templateId <- toIdentifier(vals.get(0))
templateId <- toTemplateTypeRep(vals.get(0))
contractId <- toText(vals.get(1))
} yield AnyContractId(templateId, contractId)

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import qualified DA.TextMap as TM
import Daml.Trigger.LowLevel
data TriggerState = TriggerState
{ activeAssets : TextMap Identifier
{ activeAssets : TextMap TemplateTypeRep
, successfulCompletions : Int
, failedCompletions : Int
, nextCommandId : Int
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ initState party (ActiveContracts events) = TriggerState
, failedCompletions = 0
updateAcs : TextMap Identifier -> Created -> TextMap Identifier
updateAcs : TextMap TemplateTypeRep -> Created -> TextMap TemplateTypeRep
updateAcs acs (Created _ cId argument)
| Some Asset{} <- fromAnyTemplate @(Asset ()) argument = TM.insert cId.contractId cId.templateId acs
| otherwise = acs
@ -53,17 +53,16 @@ test = Trigger
, [Commands (CommandId $ "command_" <> show state.nextCommandId) cmds]
updateEvent : ([Command], TextMap Identifier) -> Event -> ([Command], TextMap Identifier)
updateEvent : ([Command], TextMap TemplateTypeRep) -> Event -> ([Command], TextMap TemplateTypeRep)
updateEvent (cmds, acs) ev = case ev of
CreatedEvent (Created _ cId argument)
| Some (Asset {issuer}) <- fromAnyTemplate @(Asset ()) argument ->
CreatedEvent (fromCreated -> Some (_, assetId, Asset {issuer} : Asset ())) ->
let proposeMirror : Command = createCmd (AssetMirrorProposal { issuer })
in (proposeMirror :: cmds, TM.insert cId.contractId cId.templateId acs)
| Some (AssetMirrorProposal {}) <- fromAnyTemplate argument ->
let accept : Command = exerciseCmd @AssetMirrorProposal cId Accept
in (proposeMirror :: cmds, TM.insert assetId.contractId (templateTypeRep @(Asset ())) acs)
CreatedEvent (fromCreated -> Some (_, proposalId, AssetMirrorProposal {})) ->
let accept : Command = exerciseCmd proposalId Accept
in (accept :: cmds, acs)
ArchivedEvent (Archived _ cId)
| cId.templateId.entityName == "AssetUnit" -> (cmds, TM.delete cId.contractId acs)
ArchivedEvent (fromArchived @(Asset ()) -> Some (_, assetId)) ->
(cmds, TM.delete assetId.contractId acs)
_ -> (cmds, acs)
-- This is only a generic template to test that we do the conversion properly.

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@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ toCreate : Template t => Command -> Optional t
toCreate (CreateCommand t) = fromAnyTemplate t
toCreate ExerciseCommand {} = None
toExercise : Command -> Optional (AnyContractId, C)
toExercise : Command -> Optional (AbsoluteContractId T, C)
toExercise CreateCommand {} = None
toExercise (ExerciseCommand cid choice) = fmap (cid,) $ fromAnyChoice @T choice
toExercise (ExerciseCommand cid choice) =
liftA2 (,) (fromAnyContractId cid) (fromAnyChoice @T choice)
template T