Refactor deployment tests: (#5342)

- Move deployment tests (deployTest, fetchTest) out of integration-tests.
- Use DA.Test.Sandbox where appropriate.
- Split out code for useful test patterns: i.e. calling commands quietly, getFreePort.

This commit is contained in:
nickchapman-da 2020-04-02 10:17:21 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent a11a2c72b0
commit ddc11a7063
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 263 additions and 200 deletions

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@ -271,10 +271,14 @@ da_haskell_repl(

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Data.Traversable
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Extra
import DA.Test.Util
import DA.Test.Process
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
import DA.Daml.LF.Reader (readDalfManifest, readDalfs, packageName, Dalfs(..), DalfManifest(DalfManifest), mainDalfPath, dalfPaths)
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.Archive as LFArchive
import DA.Test.Process
import DA.Test.Util
import Data.Conduit.Tar.Extra (dropDirectory1)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL (pack)
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
import DA.Test.Process
import DA.Test.Util
import SdkVersion

View File

@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ da_haskell_library(
name = "daml-lib",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
hackage_deps = [

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ package_app(
name = "ledger-tls",
name = "test-tls",
srcs = ["test/DA/Daml/Helper/Test/Tls.hs"],
data = [
@ -92,3 +92,36 @@ da_haskell_test(
name = "test-deployment",
srcs = glob(["test/DA/Daml/Helper/Test/Deployment.hs"]),
data = [
hackage_deps = [
main_function = "DA.Daml.Helper.Test.Deployment.main",
src_strip_prefix = "test",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Daml.Helper.Test.Deployment (main) where
import Data.List.Extra (isInfixOf,splitOn)
import System.Directory.Extra (withCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment.Blank (setEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir,writeFileUTF8)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree,defaultMain,testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCaseSteps)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles (mainWorkspace,locateRunfiles,exe)
import DA.Test.Sandbox (mbSharedSecret,withSandbox,defaultSandboxConf)
import DA.Test.Process (callProcessSilent,callProcessForStdout)
import SdkVersion (sdkVersion)
data Tools = Tools { damlc :: FilePath, damlHelper :: FilePath }
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- We manipulate global state via the working directory
-- so running tests in parallel will cause trouble.
setEnv "TASTY_NUM_THREADS" "1" True
damlc <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler" </> "damlc" </> exe "damlc")
damlHelper <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "daml-assistant" </> "daml-helper" </> exe "daml-helper")
let tools = Tools {..}
defaultMain $ testGroup "Deployment"
[ authenticatedUploadTest tools
, fetchTest tools
-- | Test `daml ledger upload-dar --access-token-file`
authenticatedUploadTest :: Tools -> TestTree
authenticatedUploadTest Tools{..} = do
let sharedSecret = "TheSharedSecret"
withSandbox defaultSandboxConf { mbSharedSecret = Just sharedSecret } $ \getSandboxPort ->
testCaseSteps "authenticatedUploadTest" $ \step -> do
port <- getSandboxPort
withTempDir $ \deployDir -> do
withCurrentDirectory deployDir $ do
step "build"
callProcessSilent damlc ["build"]
let dar = ".daml/dist/proj1-0.0.1.dar"
let tokenFile = deployDir </> "secretToken.jwt"
step "upload"
-- The trailing newline is not required but we want to test that it is supported.
writeFileUTF8 tokenFile ("Bearer " <> makeSignedJwt sharedSecret <> "\n")
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "upload-dar"
, "--access-token-file", tokenFile
, "--host", "localhost", "--port", show port
, dar
makeSignedJwt :: String -> String
makeSignedJwt sharedSecret = do
let urc = JWT.ClaimsMap $ Map.fromList [ ("admin", Aeson.Bool True)]
let cs = mempty { JWT.unregisteredClaims = urc }
let key = JWT.hmacSecret $ T.pack sharedSecret
let text = JWT.encodeSigned key mempty cs
T.unpack text
-- | Test `daml ledger fetch-dar`
fetchTest :: Tools -> TestTree
fetchTest tools@Tools{..} = do
withSandbox defaultSandboxConf $ \getSandboxPort ->
testCaseSteps "fetchTest" $ \step -> do
port <- getSandboxPort
withTempDir $ \fetchDir -> do
withCurrentDirectory fetchDir $ do
let origDar = ".daml/dist/proj1-0.0.1.dar"
step "build/upload"
callProcessSilent damlc ["build"]
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "upload-dar"
, "--host", "localhost" , "--port" , show port
, origDar
pid <- getMainPidByInspecingDar tools origDar "proj1"
step "fetch/validate"
let fetchedDar = "fetched.dar"
callProcessSilent damlHelper
[ "ledger", "fetch-dar"
, "--host", "localhost" , "--port", show port
, "--main-package-id", pid
, "-o", fetchedDar
callProcessSilent damlc ["validate-dar", fetchedDar]
-- | Using `daml inspect-dar`, discover the main package-identifier of a dar.
getMainPidByInspecingDar :: Tools -> FilePath -> String -> IO String
getMainPidByInspecingDar Tools{damlc} dar projName = do
stdout <- callProcessForStdout damlc ["inspect-dar", dar]
[grepped] <- pure $
[ line
| line <- lines stdout
-- expect a single line containing double quotes and the projName
, "\"" `isInfixOf` line
, projName `isInfixOf` line
-- and the main pid is found between the 1st and 2nd double-quotes
[_,pid,_] <- pure $ splitOn "\"" grepped
return pid
-- | Write `daml.yaml` and `Main.daml` files in the current directory.
writeMinimalProject :: IO ()
writeMinimalProject = do
writeFileUTF8 "daml.yaml" $ unlines
[ "sdk-version: " <> sdkVersion
, "name: proj1"
, "version: 0.0.1"
, "source: ."
, "dependencies:"
, " - daml-prim"
, " - daml-stdlib"
writeFileUTF8 "Main.daml" $ unlines
[ "daml 1.2"
, "module Main where"
, "template T with p : Party where signatory p"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Daml.Assistant.FreePort (getFreePort,socketHints) where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Network.Socket
-- This is slightly hacky: we need to find a free port but pass it to an
-- external process. Technically this port could be reused between us
-- getting it from the kernel and the external process listening
-- on that port but ports are usually not reused aggressively so this should
-- be fine and is certainly better than hardcoding the port.
getFreePort :: IO PortNumber
getFreePort = do
addr : _ <- getAddrInfo
(Just socketHints)
(Just "")
(Just "0")
(socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr))
(\s -> do bind s (addrAddress addr)
name <- getSocketName s
case name of
SockAddrInet p _ -> pure p
_ -> fail $ "Expected a SockAddrInet but got " <> show name)
socketHints :: AddrInfo
socketHints = defaultHints { addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICHOST, AI_NUMERICSERV], addrSocketType = Stream }

View File

@ -17,25 +17,27 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Socket
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Environment.Blank
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Info.Extra
import System.Process
import Test.Main hiding (withEnv)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
import DA.Directory
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
import DA.Daml.Helper.Run
import DA.Test.Daml2TsUtils
import DA.Daml.Assistant.FreePort (getFreePort,socketHints)
import DA.Daml.Helper.Run (waitForHttpServer,waitForConnectionOnPort)
import DA.Test.Daml2TsUtils (writeRootPackageJson)
import DA.Test.Process (callCommandQuiet,callProcessSilent)
import DA.Test.Util
import SdkVersion
@ -70,14 +72,11 @@ tests tmpDir damlTypesDir = withSdkResource $ \_ -> testGroup "Integration tests
, quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir
, cleanTests cleanDir
, templateTests
, deployTest deployDir
, fetchTest tmpDir
, codegenTests codegenDir damlTypesDir
where quickstartDir = tmpDir </> "q-u-i-c-k-s-t-a-r-t"
cleanDir = tmpDir </> "clean"
mvnDir = tmpDir </> "m2"
deployDir = tmpDir </> "deploy"
codegenDir = tmpDir </> "codegen"
-- | Install the SDK in a temporary directory and provide the path to the SDK directory.
@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ withSdkResource f =
.| Tar.Conduit.Extra.untar (Tar.Conduit.Extra.restoreFile throwError extractDir)
setEnv "DAML_HOME" targetDir True
if isWindows
then callProcessQuiet
then callProcessSilent
(extractDir </> "daml" </> damlInstallerName)
["install", "--install-assistant=yes", "--set-path=no", extractDir]
else callCommandQuiet $ extractDir </> ""
@ -552,179 +551,18 @@ codegenTests codegenDir damlTypes = testGroup "daml codegen" (
contents <- listDirectory outDir
assertBool "bindings were written" (not $ null contents)
-- | Start a sandbox on any free port
withSandboxOnFreePort :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withSandboxOnFreePort f = do
port :: Int <- fromIntegral <$> getFreePort
withDevNull $ \devNull -> do
let sandboxProc =
(shell $ unwords
, "sandbox"
, "--wall-clock-time"
, "--port", show port
]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull, std_in = CreatePipe }
withCreateProcess sandboxProc $ \_ _ _ ph -> do
race_ (waitForProcess' sandboxProc ph) $ do
waitForConnectionOnPort (threadDelay 100000) port
f port
-- waitForProcess' will block on Windows so we explicitly kill the process.
terminateProcess ph
-- | Using `daml inspect-dar`, discover the main package-identifier of a dar.
getMainPidByInspecingDar :: FilePath -> String -> IO String
getMainPidByInspecingDar dar projName = do
stdout <- callCommandForStdout $ unwords ["daml damlc inspect-dar", dar ]
[grepped] <- pure $
[ line
| line <- lines stdout
-- expect a single line containing double quotes and the projName
, "\"" `isInfixOf` line
, projName `isInfixOf` line
-- and the main pid is found between the 1st and 2nd double-quotes
[_,pid,_] <- pure $ splitOn "\"" grepped
return pid
-- | Tests for the `daml ledger fetch-dar` command
fetchTest :: FilePath -> TestTree
fetchTest tmpDir = testCaseSteps "daml ledger fetch-dar" $ \step -> do
let fetchDir = tmpDir </> "fetchTest"
withSandboxOnFreePort $ \port -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True fetchDir
withCurrentDirectory fetchDir $ do
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml new", "proj1"]
withCurrentDirectory "proj1" $ do
let origDar = ".daml/dist/proj1-0.0.1.dar"
step "build/upload"
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml ledger upload-dar --port", show port]
pid <- getMainPidByInspecingDar origDar "proj1"
step "fetch/validate"
let fetchedDar = "fetched.dar"
callCommandQuiet $ unwords [ "daml ledger fetch-dar"
, "--port", show port
, "--main-package-id", pid
, "-o", fetchedDar
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml damlc validate-dar", fetchedDar]
deployTest :: FilePath -> TestTree
deployTest deployDir = testCase "daml deploy" $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True deployDir
withCurrentDirectory deployDir $ do
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml new", deployDir </> "proj1"]
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml new", deployDir </> "proj2", "quickstart-java"]
withCurrentDirectory (deployDir </> "proj1") $ do
callCommandQuiet "daml build"
withDevNull $ \devNull -> do
port :: Int <- fromIntegral <$> getFreePort
let sharedSecret = "TheSharedSecret"
let sandboxProc =
(shell $ unwords
, "sandbox"
, "--wall-clock-time"
, "--auth-jwt-hs256-unsafe=" <> sharedSecret
, "--port", show port
, ".daml/dist/proj1-0.0.1.dar"
]) { std_out = UseHandle devNull, std_in = CreatePipe }
let tokenFile = deployDir </> "secretToken.jwt"
-- The trailing newline is not required but we want to test that it is supported.
writeFileUTF8 tokenFile ("Bearer " <> makeSignedJwt sharedSecret <> "\n")
withCreateProcess sandboxProc $ \_ _ _ ph ->
race_ (waitForProcess' sandboxProc ph) $ do
waitForConnectionOnPort (threadDelay 100000) port
withCurrentDirectory (deployDir </> "proj2") $ do
callCommandQuiet $ unwords
[ "daml deploy"
, "--access-token-file " <> tokenFile
, "--port", show port
, "--host localhost"
-- waitForProcess' will block on Windows so we explicitly kill the process.
terminateProcess ph
makeSignedJwt :: String -> String
makeSignedJwt sharedSecret = do
let urc = JWT.ClaimsMap $ Map.fromList [ ("admin", Aeson.Bool True)]
let cs = mempty { JWT.unregisteredClaims = urc }
let key = JWT.hmacSecret $ T.pack sharedSecret
let text = JWT.encodeSigned key mempty cs
T.unpack text
damlInstallerName :: String
| isWindows = "daml.exe"
| otherwise = "daml"
-- | Like call process but returning stdout.
runCreateProcessForStdout :: CreateProcess -> IO String
runCreateProcessForStdout createProcess = do
-- We use `repeat ' '` to keep stdin open. Really we would just
-- like to inherit stdin but readCreateProcessWithExitCode does
-- not allow us to overwrite just that and I dont want to
-- reimplement everything.
(exit, out, err) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode createProcess (repeat ' ')
hPutStr stderr err
unless (exit == ExitSuccess) $ throwIO $ ProcessExitFailure exit createProcess
return out
callCommandForStdout :: String -> IO String
callCommandForStdout cmd =
runCreateProcessForStdout (shell cmd)
-- | Like call process but hiding stdout.
runCreateProcessQuiet :: CreateProcess -> IO ()
runCreateProcessQuiet createProcess = do
_ <- runCreateProcessForStdout createProcess
return ()
-- | Like callProcess but hides stdout.
callProcessQuiet :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
callProcessQuiet cmd args =
runCreateProcessQuiet (proc cmd args)
-- | Like callCommand but hides stdout.
callCommandQuiet :: String -> IO ()
callCommandQuiet cmd =
runCreateProcessQuiet (shell cmd)
data ProcessExitFailure = ProcessExitFailure !ExitCode !CreateProcess
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ProcessExitFailure
-- This is slightly hacky: we need to find a free port but pass it to an
-- external process. Technically this port could be reused between us
-- getting it from the kernel and the external process listening
-- on that port but ports are usually not reused aggressively so this should
-- be fine and is certainly better than hardcoding the port.
getFreePort :: IO PortNumber
getFreePort = do
addr : _ <- getAddrInfo
(Just socketHints)
(Just "")
(Just "0")
(socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr))
(\s -> do bind s (addrAddress addr)
name <- getSocketName s
case name of
SockAddrInet p _ -> pure p
_ -> fail $ "Expected a SockAddrInet but got " <> show name)
socketHints :: AddrInfo
socketHints = defaultHints { addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICHOST, AI_NUMERICSERV], addrSocketType = Stream }
-- | Like waitForProcess' but throws ProcessExitFailure if the process fails to start.
-- | Like `waitForProcess` but throws ProcessExitFailure if the process fails to start.
waitForProcess' :: CreateProcess -> ProcessHandle -> IO ()
waitForProcess' cp ph = do
e <- waitForProcess ph
unless (e == ExitSuccess) $ throwIO $ ProcessExitFailure e cp
-- | Getting a dev-null handle in a cross-platform way seems to be somewhat tricky so we instead
-- use a temporary file.
withDevNull :: (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withDevNull a = withTempFile $ \f -> withFile f WriteMode a
data ProcessExitFailure = ProcessExitFailure !ExitCode !CreateProcess
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ProcessExitFailure

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Aeson
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import DA.Test.Process
import DA.Test.Util
-- Version of eslint we use for linting the generated code.

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ da_haskell_library(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Test.Process
( ShouldSucceed(..)
, callProcessSilent
, callProcessSilentError
, callProcessForStdout
, callCommandQuiet
) where
import Control.Monad (unless,void)
import System.IO.Extra (hPutStrLn,stderr)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess),exitFailure)
import System.Process (CreateProcess,proc,shell,readCreateProcessWithExitCode)
newtype ShouldSucceed = ShouldSucceed Bool
callProcessSilent :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
callProcessSilent cmd args =
void $ run (ShouldSucceed True) (proc cmd args)
callProcessSilentError :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
callProcessSilentError cmd args =
void $ run (ShouldSucceed False) (proc cmd args)
callProcessForStdout :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
callProcessForStdout cmd args =
run (ShouldSucceed True) (proc cmd args)
callCommandQuiet :: String -> IO ()
callCommandQuiet cmd =
void $ run (ShouldSucceed True) (shell cmd)
run :: ShouldSucceed -> CreateProcess -> IO String
run (ShouldSucceed shouldSucceed) cp = do
(exitCode, out, err) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode cp ""
unless (shouldSucceed == (exitCode == ExitSuccess)) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failure: Command \"" <> show cp <> "\" exited with " <> show exitCode
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines ["stdout: ", out]
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines ["stderr: ", err]
return out

View File

@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ module DA.Test.Util (
) where
import Control.Monad
@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Info.Extra
import System.Environment.Blank
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
@ -53,6 +49,11 @@ nullDevice
| isWindows = "\\\\.\\NUL"
| otherwise = "/dev/null"
-- | Getting a dev-null handle in a cross-platform way seems to be somewhat tricky so we instead
-- use a temporary file.
withDevNull :: (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withDevNull a = withTempFile $ \f -> withFile f WriteMode a
-- | Replace all environment variables for test action, then restore them.
-- Avoids System.Environment.setEnv because it treats empty strings as
-- "delete environment variable", unlike main-tester's withEnv which
@ -74,18 +75,3 @@ withEnv vs m = bracket pushEnv popEnv (const m)
Nothing -> unsetEnv key
Just val -> setEnv key val True
pure (key, oldVal)
newtype ShouldSucceed = ShouldSucceed Bool
callProcessSilent, callProcessSilentError :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
callProcessSilent = callProcessSilent' (ShouldSucceed True)
callProcessSilentError = callProcessSilent' (ShouldSucceed False)
callProcessSilent' :: ShouldSucceed -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
callProcessSilent' (ShouldSucceed shouldSucceed) cmd args = do
(exitCode, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
unless (shouldSucceed == (exitCode == ExitSuccess)) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failure: Command \"" <> cmd <> " " <> unwords args <> "\" exited with " <> show exitCode
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines ["stdout: ", out]
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines ["stderr: ", err]