daml-assistant: Install bash completion scripts on Linux and Mac. (#3946)

* Improve bash completions for daml-assistant.

* Install bash completion script automatically

* Better default logic for bash completions

* specifically -> explicitly

* Copyright headers

* Better hook logic and refactoring

* Handle non-standard installations more robustly.

* Handle CI env & add changelog note.


- [DAML Assistant] Bash completions for the DAML assistant are now
available via ``daml install``. These will be installed automatically
on Linux and Mac. If you use bash and have bash completions installed,
these bash completions let you use the tab key to autocomplete
many DAML Assistant commands, such as ``daml install`` and
``daml version``.


* Mention bash completion in assistant docs

* Remove promises
This commit is contained in:
associahedron 2020-01-06 15:51:32 +00:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 4e5b967a96
commit e055ad8038
8 changed files with 132 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ main = displayErrors $ do
versionChecks env
sdkConfig <- readSdkConfig (fromJust envSdkPath)
sdkCommands <- fromRightM throwIO (listSdkCommands sdkConfig)
userCommand <- getCommand sdkCommands
versionChecks env
handleCommand env userCommand
-- | Perform version checks, i.e. warn user if project SDK version or assistant SDK
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ autoInstall env@Env{..} = do
, iActivate = ActivateInstall False
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath True
, iBashCompletions = BashCompletions Auto
installEnv = InstallEnv
{ options = options

View File

@ -83,12 +83,13 @@ versionParser = VersionOptions
installParser :: Parser InstallOptions
installParser = InstallOptions
<$> optional (RawInstallTarget <$> argument str (metavar "TARGET" <> help "The SDK version to install. Use 'latest' to download and install the latest stable SDK version available. Run 'daml install' to see the full set of options."))
<$> optional (RawInstallTarget <$> argument str (metavar "TARGET" <> completeWith ["latest"] <> help "The SDK version to install. Use 'latest' to download and install the latest stable SDK version available. Run 'daml install' to see the full set of options."))
<*> (InstallAssistant <$> flagYesNoAuto' "install-assistant" "Install associated DAML assistant version. Can be set to \"yes\" (always installs), \"no\" (never installs), or \"auto\" (installs if newer). Default is \"auto\"." idm)
<*> iflag ActivateInstall "activate" hidden "Activate installed version of daml"
<*> iflag ForceInstall "force" (short 'f') "Overwrite existing installation"
<*> iflag QuietInstall "quiet" (short 'q') "Don't display installation messages"
<*> fmap SetPath (flagYesNoAuto "set-path" True "Adjust PATH automatically. This option only has an effect on Windows." idm)
<*> fmap BashCompletions (flagYesNoAuto' "bash-completions" "Install bash completions for DAML assistant. Default is yes for linux and mac, no for windows." idm)
iflag p name opts desc = fmap p (switch (long name <> help desc <> opts))
@ -99,5 +100,3 @@ uninstallParser =
readSdkVersion :: ReadM SdkVersion
readSdkVersion =
eitherReader (mapLeft displayException . parseVersion . pack)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import DA.Daml.Assistant.Types
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Util
import qualified DA.Daml.Assistant.Install.Github as Github
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Install.Path
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Install.BashCompletion
import DA.Daml.Project.Consts
import DA.Daml.Project.Config
import DA.Daml.Project.Util
@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ activateDaml env@InstallEnv{..} targetPath = do
else createSymbolicLink damlBinarySourcePath damlBinaryTargetPath
updatePath options (\s -> unlessQuiet env (output s)) damlBinaryTargetDir
installBashCompletions options damlPath (\s -> unlessQuiet env (output s))
data WalkCallbacks = WalkCallbacks
{ walkOnFile :: FilePath -> IO ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- | Installation of bash completions. The completion script is
-- installed in @~/.daml/bash_completion.sh@ and a hook is added
-- in @~/.bash_completion@ to invoke it if available.
module DA.Daml.Assistant.Install.BashCompletion
( installBashCompletions
) where
import DA.Daml.Assistant.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Control.Exception.Safe (tryIO, catchIO, displayException)
import Control.Monad.Extra (unless, andM, whenM)
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory, getAppUserDataDirectory, doesFileExist, removePathForcibly)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Info.Extra (isWindows)
import System.Process.Typed (proc, readProcessStdout_)
import System.IO.Extra (readFileUTF8, writeFileUTF8)
-- | Install bash completion script if we should.
installBashCompletions :: InstallOptions -> DamlPath -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
installBashCompletions options damlPath output =
whenM (shouldInstallBashCompletions options damlPath) $
doInstallBashCompletions damlPath output
-- | Should we install bash completions? By default, yes, but only if the
-- we're not on Windows and the completion script hasn't yet been generated.
shouldInstallBashCompletions :: InstallOptions -> DamlPath -> IO Bool
shouldInstallBashCompletions options damlPath =
case iBashCompletions options of
BashCompletions Yes -> pure True
BashCompletions No -> pure False
BashCompletions Auto -> andM
[ pure (not isWindows)
, not <$> doesFileExist (completionScriptPath damlPath)
, isDefaultDamlPath damlPath
-- | Generate the bash completion script, and add a hook.
doInstallBashCompletions :: DamlPath -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
doInstallBashCompletions damlPath output = do
let scriptPath = completionScriptPath damlPath
script <- getCompletionScript damlPath
BSL.writeFile scriptPath script
unitE <- tryIO $ addCompletionHook scriptPath
case unitE of
Left e -> do
output ("Bash completions not installed: " <> displayException e)
catchIO (removePathForcibly scriptPath) (const $ pure ())
Right () -> output "Bash completions installed for DAML assistant."
-- | Read the bash completion script from optparse-applicative's
-- built-in @--bash-completion-script@ routine. Please read
-- https://github.com/pcapriotti/optparse-applicative/wiki/Bash-Completion
-- for more details. Note that the bash completion script doesn't
-- in general contain any daml-assistant specific information, it's only
-- specific to the path, so we don't need to regenerate it every version.
getCompletionScript :: DamlPath -> IO BSL.ByteString
getCompletionScript damlPath = do
let assistant = assistantPath damlPath
readProcessStdout_ (proc assistant ["--bash-completion-script", assistant])
-- | Add a completion hook in ~/.bash_completion
-- Does nothing if the hook is already there
addCompletionHook :: FilePath -> IO ()
addCompletionHook scriptPath = do
let newHook = makeHook scriptPath
hookPath <- getHookPath
hooks <- readHooks hookPath
unless (newHook `elem` hooks) $ do
writeHooks hookPath (hooks ++ [newHook])
-- | Check the daml path is default. We don't want to install completions
-- for non-standard paths by default.
isDefaultDamlPath :: DamlPath -> IO Bool
isDefaultDamlPath (DamlPath damlPath) = do
rawDamlPath <- tryIO (getAppUserDataDirectory "daml")
pure $ Right damlPath == rawDamlPath
newtype HookPath = HookPath FilePath
newtype Hook = Hook { unHook :: String } deriving Eq
makeHook :: FilePath -> Hook
makeHook scriptPath = Hook $ concat
[ "[ -f "
, show scriptPath
, " ] && source "
, show scriptPath
getHookPath :: IO HookPath
getHookPath = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
pure (HookPath $ home </> ".bash_completion")
readHooks :: HookPath -> IO [Hook]
readHooks (HookPath p) = catchIO
(map Hook . lines <$> readFileUTF8 p)
(const $ pure [])
writeHooks :: HookPath -> [Hook] -> IO ()
writeHooks (HookPath p) = writeFileUTF8 p . unlines . map unHook
assistantPath :: DamlPath -> FilePath
assistantPath (DamlPath p) = p </> "bin" </> "daml"
completionScriptPath :: DamlPath -> FilePath
completionScriptPath (DamlPath p) = p </> "bash_completions.sh"

View File

@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ data InstallOptions = InstallOptions
, iForce :: ForceInstall -- ^ force reinstall if already installed
, iQuiet :: QuietInstall -- ^ don't print messages
, iSetPath :: SetPath -- ^ set the user's PATH (on Windows)
, iBashCompletions :: BashCompletions -- ^ install bash completions for the daml assistant
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | An install URL is a fully qualified HTTP[S] URL to an SDK release tarball. For example:
@ -102,5 +103,4 @@ newtype QuietInstall = QuietInstall { unQuietInstall :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Sho
newtype ActivateInstall = ActivateInstall { unActivateInstall :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype SetPath = SetPath Bool deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype InstallAssistant = InstallAssistant { unwrapInstallAssistant :: YesNoAuto } deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype BashCompletions = BashCompletions { unwrapBashCompletions :: YesNoAuto } deriving (Eq, Show)

View File

@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ testInstall = Tasty.testGroup "DA.Daml.Assistant.Install"
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
, iBashCompletions = BashCompletions No
setCurrentDirectory base
@ -411,6 +412,7 @@ testInstallUnix = Tasty.testGroup "unix-specific tests"
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
, iBashCompletions = BashCompletions No
setCurrentDirectory base
@ -439,6 +441,7 @@ testInstallUnix = Tasty.testGroup "unix-specific tests"
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
, iBashCompletions = BashCompletions No
setCurrentDirectory base
@ -467,6 +470,7 @@ testInstallUnix = Tasty.testGroup "unix-specific tests"
, iQuiet = QuietInstall True
, iForce = ForceInstall False
, iSetPath = SetPath False
, iBashCompletions = BashCompletions No
setCurrentDirectory base

View File

@ -184,3 +184,10 @@ Rarely, you might need to install an SDK release from a downloaded SDK release t
daml install path-to-tarball.tar.gz
Terminal Command Completion
The ``daml`` assistant comes with support for ``bash`` completions. These will be installed automatically on Linux and Mac when you install or upgrade the DAML assistant. If you use the ``bash`` shell, and your ``bash`` supports completions, you can use the TAB key to complete many ``daml`` commands, such as ``daml install`` and ``daml version``.
You can override whether bash completions are installed for ``daml`` by
passing ``--bash-completions=yes`` or ``--bash-completions=no`` to ``daml install``.

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ determineAuto b = \case
-- This maps yes to "Just true", no to "Just False" and auto to "Nothing"
flagYesNoAuto' :: String -> String -> Mod OptionFields YesNoAuto -> Parser YesNoAuto
flagYesNoAuto' flagName helpText mods =
option reader (long flagName <> value Auto <> help helpText <> mods)
option reader (long flagName <> value Auto <> help helpText <> completeWith ["yes", "no", "auto"] <> mods)
where reader = eitherReader $ \case
"yes" -> Right Yes
"no" -> Right No
@ -43,4 +43,3 @@ flagYesNoAuto flagName defaultValue helpText mods =
determineAuto defaultValue <$> flagYesNoAuto' flagName (helpText <> commonHelp) mods
commonHelp = " Can be set to \"yes\", \"no\" or \"auto\" to select the default (" <> show defaultValue <> ")"