Desugar interface implements declarations (#10895)

* Desugar interface implements declarations

This PR adds desugaring for tplImplements. This consists of the
corresponding typeclass instance (which we just ignore in LF for now,
we probably need it once we have pure functions) and a _implements_
top-level value.


* Address review feedback

This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2021-09-15 21:48:59 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent b5648c0e3d
commit f08ac5f65c
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 127 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -590,11 +590,11 @@ pPrintTemplateChoice lvl modName tpl (TemplateChoice mbLoc name isConsuming cont
pPrintTemplate ::
PrettyLevel -> ModuleName -> Template -> Doc ann
pPrintTemplate lvl modName (Template mbLoc tpl param precond signatories observers agreement choices mbKey _implements) = -- TODO interfaces
pPrintTemplate lvl modName (Template mbLoc tpl param precond signatories observers agreement choices mbKey implements) =
withSourceLoc lvl mbLoc $
keyword_ "template" <-> pPrint tpl <-> pPrint param
<-> keyword_ "where"
$$ nest 2 (vcat ([signatoriesDoc, observersDoc, precondDoc, agreementDoc] ++ mbKeyDoc ++ choiceDocs))
$$ nest 2 (vcat ([signatoriesDoc, observersDoc, precondDoc, agreementDoc] ++ mbImplementsDoc ++ mbKeyDoc ++ choiceDocs))
signatoriesDoc = keyword_ "signatory" <-> pPrintPrec lvl 0 signatories
observersDoc = keyword_ "observer" <-> pPrintPrec lvl 0 observers
@ -608,6 +608,10 @@ pPrintTemplate lvl modName (Template mbLoc tpl param precond signatories observe
, nest 2 (keyword_ "body" <-> pPrintPrec lvl 0 (tplKeyBody key))
, nest 2 (keyword_ "maintainers" <-> pPrintPrec lvl 0 (tplKeyMaintainers key))
| null implements = []
| otherwise = [keyword_ "implements" <-> hsep (map (pPrintPrec lvl 0) implements)]
pPrintFeatureFlags :: FeatureFlags -> Doc ann
pPrintFeatureFlags flags

View File

@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ data Env = Env
,envTemplateBinds :: MS.Map TypeConName TemplateBinds
,envExceptionBinds :: MS.Map TypeConName ExceptionBinds
,envChoiceData :: MS.Map TypeConName [ChoiceData]
,envImplements :: MS.Map TypeConName [GHC.Type]
,envInterfaces :: S.Set TypeConName
,envIsGenerated :: Bool
,envTypeVars :: !(MS.Map Var TypeVarName)
-- ^ Maps GHC type variables in scope to their LF type variable names
@ -408,18 +410,21 @@ modInstanceInfoFromDetails :: ModDetails -> ModInstanceInfo
modInstanceInfoFromDetails ModDetails{..} = MS.fromList
[ (is_dfun, overlapMode is_flag) | ClsInst{..} <- md_insts ]
interfaceNames :: LF.Version -> [TyThing] -> S.Set TypeConName
interfaceNames lfVersion tyThings
| lfVersion `supports` featureInterfaces =
S.fromList [ mkTypeCon [getOccText t] | ATyCon t <- tyThings, hasDamlInterfaceCtx t ]
| otherwise = S.empty
convertInterfaces :: Env -> [TyThing] -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertInterfaces env tyThings
| envLfVersion env `supports` featureInterfaces = interfaceClasses
| otherwise = pure []
convertInterfaces env tyThings = interfaceClasses
interfaceCons = S.fromList [ getOccText t | ATyCon t <- tyThings, hasDamlInterfaceCtx t ]
interfaceClasses = sequence
[ DInterface <$> convertInterface interface cls
| ATyCon t <- tyThings
, Just cls <- [tyConClass_maybe t]
, Just interface <- [T.stripPrefix "Is" (getOccText t)]
, interface `S.member` interfaceCons
, TypeConName [interface] `S.member` (envInterfaces env)
convertInterface :: T.Text -> Class -> ConvertM DefInterface
convertInterface name cls = do
@ -475,6 +480,13 @@ convertModule lfVersion pkgMap stablePackages isGenerated file x details = runCo
| otherwise -> [(name, body)]
Rec binds -> binds
interfaceCons = interfaceNames lfVersion (eltsUFM (cm_types x))
tplImplements = MS.fromListWith (++)
[ (mkTypeCon [getOccText tplTy], [ifaceTy])
| (name, _) <- binds
, "_implements_" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
, TypeCon _ [TypeCon tplTy [], ifaceTy] <- [varType name]
choiceData = MS.fromListWith (++)
[ (mkTypeCon [getOccText tplTy], [ChoiceData ty v])
| (name, v) <- binds
@ -496,8 +508,10 @@ convertModule lfVersion pkgMap stablePackages isGenerated file x details = runCo
, envPkgMap = pkgMap
, envStablePackages = stablePackages
, envLfVersion = lfVersion
, envInterfaces = interfaceCons
, envTemplateBinds = templateBinds
, envExceptionBinds = exceptionBinds
, envImplements = tplImplements
, envChoiceData = choiceData
, envIsGenerated = isGenerated
, envTypeVars = MS.empty
@ -518,9 +532,9 @@ convertTypeDef env o@(ATyCon t) = withRange (convNameLoc t) $ if
, n `elementOfUniqSet` internalTypes
-> pure []
| NameIn DA_Internal_Prelude "Optional" <- t -> pure []
-- Consumption marker types used to transfer information from template desugaring to LF conversion.
-- Types used only for desugaring are dropped during the LF conversion.
| NameIn DA_Internal_Desugar n <- t
, n `elementOfUniqSet` consumingTypes
, n `elementOfUniqSet` desugarTypes
-> pure []
| hasDamlInterfaceCtx t && envLfVersion env `supports` featureInterfaces
@ -743,8 +757,7 @@ convertTemplate env tplTypeCon tbinds@TemplateBinds{..}
tplAgreement <- useSingleMethodDict env fAgreement (`ETmApp` EVar this)
tplChoices <- convertChoices env tplTypeCon tbinds
tplKey <- convertTemplateKey env tplTypeCon tbinds
let tplImplements = []
tplImplements <- convertImplements env tplTypeCon
pure Template {..}
| otherwise =
@ -814,6 +827,16 @@ useSingleMethodDict env (Cast ghcExpr _) f = do
useSingleMethodDict env x _ =
unhandled "useSingleMethodDict: not a single method type class dictionary" x
convertImplements :: Env -> LF.TypeConName -> ConvertM [Qualified TypeConName]
convertImplements env tplTypeCon =
mapM convertInterfaceCon (MS.findWithDefault [] tplTypeCon (envImplements env))
convertInterfaceCon ty = do
ty' <- convertType env ty
case ty' of
TCon con -> pure con
_ -> unhandled "interface type" ty
convertChoices :: Env -> LF.TypeConName -> TemplateBinds -> ConvertM (NM.NameMap TemplateChoice)
convertChoices env tplTypeCon tbinds =
NM.fromList <$> traverse (convertChoice env tbinds)
@ -828,7 +851,7 @@ convertChoice env tbinds (ChoiceData ty expr)
, (_, action)
, _
, (_, optObservers)
] <- convertExpr env expr
] <- removeLocations <$> convertExpr env expr
mbObservers <-
case optObservers of
@ -876,11 +899,21 @@ convertBind env (name, x)
| "_choice_" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
= pure []
-- These are only used as markers for the LF conversion.
| "_implements_" `T.isPrefixOf` getOccText name
= pure []
-- Remove internal functions.
| Just internals <- lookupUFM internalFunctions (envGHCModuleName env)
, getOccFS name `elementOfUniqSet` internals
= pure []
-- Reconsider once we have a constructor for existential interfaces
-- in LF.
| Just iface <- T.stripPrefix "$W" (getOccText name)
, mkTypeCon [iface] `S.member` (envInterfaces env) = pure []
-- NOTE(MH): Our inline return type syntax produces a local letrec for
-- recursive functions. We currently don't support local letrecs.
-- However, we can work around this issue by rewriting
@ -963,8 +996,8 @@ internalTypes = mkUniqSet
, "Experimental"
consumingTypes :: UniqSet FastString
consumingTypes = mkUniqSet ["Consuming", "PreConsuming", "PostConsuming", "NonConsuming"]
desugarTypes :: UniqSet FastString
desugarTypes = mkUniqSet ["Consuming", "PreConsuming", "PostConsuming", "NonConsuming", "Implements"]
internalFunctions :: UniqFM (UniqSet FastString)
internalFunctions = listToUFM $ map (bimap mkModuleNameFS mkUniqSet)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ module DA.Internal.Desugar (
Bool(..), Text, Optional(..),
concat, magic,
Party, ContractId, Update, Any,
NonConsuming(..), PreConsuming(..), PostConsuming(..), Consuming(..)
NonConsuming(..), PreConsuming(..), PostConsuming(..), Consuming(..),
) where
import DA.Internal.Prelude
@ -33,3 +34,4 @@ data NonConsuming t = NonConsuming {}
data PreConsuming t = PreConsuming {}
data Consuming t = Consuming {}
data PostConsuming t = PostConsuming {}
data Implements t i = Implements

View File

@ -23,12 +23,83 @@ class
data GHC.Types.DamlInterface => Token = Token GHC.Types.Opaque
instance HasExercise Token Split (ContractId Token, ContractId Token) where
exercise = GHC.Types.primitive @"UExercise"
exercise = error "unimplemented"
-- Switch to this once the Haskell typechecker is fixed
-- GHC.Types.primitive @"UExercise"
instance HasExercise Token Transfer (ContractId Token) where
exercise = GHC.Types.primitive @"UExercise"
exercise = error "unimplemented"
-- Switch to this once the Haskell typechecker is fixed
-- GHC.Types.primitive @"UExercise"
instance IsToken Token where
-- enable once we support pure functions
-- getAmount = primitivInterface @"getAmount"
data Asset = Asset { amount : Decimal, issuer : Party, owner : Party }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance IsToken Asset where
-- enable once we support pure functions
-- getAmount Asset{..} = amount
_implements_AssetToken : DA.Internal.Desugar.Implements Asset Token
_implements_AssetToken = DA.Internal.Desugar.Implements
instance HasCreate Asset where
create = GHC.Types.primitive @"UCreate"
instance HasSignatory Asset where
signatory = error "unimplemented"
instance HasEnsure Asset where
ensure = error "unimplemented"
instance HasAgreement Asset where
agreement = error "agreement"
instance HasObserver Asset where
observer = error "unimplemented"
instance HasExercise Asset Transfer (ContractId Token) where
exercise = GHC.Types.primitive @"UExercise"
instance HasExercise Asset Archive () where
exercise = GHC.Types.primitive @"UExercise"
instance HasExercise Asset Split (ContractId Token, ContractId Token) where
exercise = GHC.Types.primitive @"UExercise"
instance HasArchive Asset where
archive cid = exercise cid Archive
_choice_AssetTransfer :
( Asset -> Transfer -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party]
, DA.Internal.Desugar.ContractId Asset -> Asset -> Transfer -> DA.Internal.Desugar.Update (ContractId Token)
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Consuming Asset
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Optional (Asset -> Transfer -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party])
_choice_AssetTransfer =
(error "abc", error "abc", error "abc", DA.Internal.Desugar.None)
_choice_AssetArchive :
( Asset -> Archive -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party]
, DA.Internal.Desugar.ContractId Asset -> Asset -> Archive -> DA.Internal.Desugar.Update ()
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Consuming Asset
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Optional (Asset -> Archive -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party])
_choice_AssetArchive =
(error "abc", error "abc", error "abc", DA.Internal.Desugar.None)
_choice_AssetSplit :
( Asset -> Split -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party]
, DA.Internal.Desugar.ContractId Asset -> Asset -> Split -> DA.Internal.Desugar.Update (ContractId Token, ContractId Token)
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Consuming Asset
, DA.Internal.Desugar.Optional (Asset -> Split -> [DA.Internal.Desugar.Party])
_choice_AssetSplit =
(error "abc", error "abc", error "abc", DA.Internal.Desugar.None)