Fix location of interface files in created dars (#3137)

fixes #3135
This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2019-10-09 10:39:50 +02:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 3b1d8dfe33
commit f18c393866
3 changed files with 69 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -345,4 +345,6 @@ breakAt72Bytes s =
makeRelative' :: NormalizedFilePath -> NormalizedFilePath -> NormalizedFilePath
makeRelative' a b =
toNormalizedFilePath $
makeRelative (fromNormalizedFilePath a) (fromNormalizedFilePath b)
-- Note that NormalizedFilePath only takes care of normalizing slashes.
-- Here we also want to normalise things like ./a to a
makeRelative (normalise $ fromNormalizedFilePath a) (normalise $ fromNormalizedFilePath b)

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@ -87,6 +87,16 @@ tests damlDir tmpDir = testGroup "Integration tests"
throwError :: MonadFail m => T.Text -> T.Text -> m ()
throwError msg e = fail (T.unpack $ msg <> " " <> e)
-- | Check that the given file exists in the dar in the given directory.
-- This function automatically strips away the root directory e.g.
-- foobar-0.0.1-b2d63d90f3cb73434ae005ee1c9762166bb84563ac9d108a606c8384803f09f2
-- so to check that foobar-0.0.1-b2d63d90f3cb73434ae005ee1c9762166bb84563ac9d108a606c8384803f09f2/A/B.daml
-- exists use checkDarFile darFiles "A" "B.daml"
checkDarFile :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkDarFile darFiles dir file = assertBool (dir </> file <> " not in " <> show darFiles) $
any (\f -> normalise (dropDirectory1 f) == normalise (dir </> file)) darFiles
-- | These tests check that it is possible to invoke (a subset) of damlc
-- commands outside of the assistant.
noassistantTests :: FilePath -> TestTree
@ -187,6 +197,47 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
withCurrentDirectory projectB $ callCommandQuiet "daml build"
assertBool "b.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist bDar
, testCaseSteps "Dependency on a package with source: A.daml" $ \step -> do
let projectA = tmpDir </> "a"
let projectB = tmpDir </> "b"
let aDar = projectA </> ".daml" </> "dist" </> "a-1.0.dar"
let bDar = projectB </> ".daml" </> "dist" </> "b-1.0.dar"
step "Creating project a..."
createDirectoryIfMissing True projectA
writeFileUTF8 (projectA </> "A.daml") $ unlines
[ "daml 1.2"
, "module A () where"
writeFileUTF8 (projectA </> "daml.yaml") $ unlines
[ "sdk-version: " <> sdkVersion
, "name: a"
, "version: \"1.0\""
, "source: A.daml"
, "dependencies:"
, " - daml-prim"
, " - daml-stdlib"
withCurrentDirectory projectA $ callCommandQuiet "daml build"
assertBool "a-1.0.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist aDar
step "Creating project b..."
createDirectoryIfMissing True projectB
writeFileUTF8 (projectB </> "B.daml") $ unlines
[ "daml 1.2"
, "module B where"
, "import A ()"
writeFileUTF8 (projectB </> "daml.yaml") $ unlines
[ "sdk-version: " <> sdkVersion
, "version: \"1.0\""
, "name: b"
, "source: B.daml"
, "dependencies:"
, " - daml-prim"
, " - daml-stdlib"
, " - " <> aDar
withCurrentDirectory projectB $ callCommandQuiet "daml build"
assertBool "b.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist bDar
, testCase "Build package with SDK dependency" $ do
let project = tmpDir </> "project"
let dar = project </> ".daml" </> "dist" </> "project-1.0.dar"
@ -242,7 +293,7 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
writeFileUTF8 (projDir </> "A.daml") $ unlines
[ "daml 1.2"
, "module A where"
, "import B"
, "import B ()"
writeFileUTF8 (projDir </> "B.daml") $ unlines
[ "daml 1.2"
@ -259,12 +310,7 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
let dar = projDir </> ".daml/dist/proj-0.1.0.dar"
assertBool "proj-0.1.0.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist dar
darFiles <- Zip.filesInArchive . Zip.toArchive <$> BSL.readFile dar
assertBool "A.daml missing" (any (\f -> takeFileName f == "A.daml") darFiles)
assertBool "A.hi missing" (any (\f -> takeFileName f == "A.hi") darFiles)
assertBool "A.hie missing" (any (\f -> takeFileName f == "A.hie") darFiles)
assertBool "B.daml missing" (any (\f -> takeFileName f == "B.daml") darFiles)
assertBool "B.hi missing" (any (\f -> takeFileName f == "B.hi") darFiles)
assertBool "B.hie missing" (any (\f -> takeFileName f == "B.hie") darFiles)
forM_ ["A.daml", "A.hi", "A.hie", "B.daml", "B.hi", "B.hie"] $ checkDarFile darFiles "."
, testCase "Root source file in subdir" $ withTempDir $ \projDir -> do
-- Test that the daml source files get included properly if "source" points to a file
@ -291,15 +337,12 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
let dar = projDir </> ".daml/dist/proj-0.1.0.dar"
assertBool "proj-0.1.0.dar was not created." =<< doesFileExist dar
darFiles <- Zip.filesInArchive . Zip.toArchive <$> BSL.readFile dar
let checkSource dir file =
assertBool (dir </> file <> " missing") $
any (\f -> normalise (dropDirectory1 f) == dir </> file) darFiles
checkSource "A" "B.daml"
checkSource "A" "B.hi"
checkSource "A" "B.hie"
checkSource "B" "C.daml"
checkSource "B" "C.hi"
checkSource "B" "C.hie"
checkDarFile darFiles "A" "B.daml"
checkDarFile darFiles "A" "B.hi"
checkDarFile darFiles "A" "B.hie"
checkDarFile darFiles "B" "C.daml"
checkDarFile darFiles "B" "C.hi"
checkDarFile darFiles "B" "C.hie"
, testCase "Imports from differen directories" $ withTempDir $ \projDir -> do
-- Regression test for #2929
@ -416,11 +459,11 @@ packagingTests tmpDir = testGroup "packaging"
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml", "migrate", projectRollback, bDar, aDar]
step "Build migration project"
withCurrentDirectory projectUpgrade $
callCommand "daml build"
callCommandQuiet "daml build"
assertBool "upgrade-0.0.1.dar was not created" =<< doesFileExist upgradeDar
step "Build rollback project"
withCurrentDirectory projectRollback $
callCommand "daml build"
callCommandQuiet "daml build"
assertBool "rollback-0.0.1.dar was not created" =<< doesFileExist rollbackDar
step "Merging upgrade dar"
callCommandQuiet $

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@ -13,3 +13,8 @@ HEAD — ongoing
[Ledger] The ledger api index server starts only after the indexer has finished initializing the database.
+ [DAML Standard Library] Add ``DA.Action.State`` module containing a ``State`` action that
can be used for computations that modify a state variable.
+ [DAML Compiler] Fixed the location of interface files when the
``source`` field in ``daml.yaml`` points to a file. This is mainly
important for when you want to use the created ``.dar`` in the
``dependencies`` field of another package.
See `issue #3135 <>`_.