converting server errors to proper client errors (#11184)

* a model for trapping client errors in Scala bindings shim and reporting correctly

* clean up some nesting with an alias

* filter out client-side command service errors

* fix flattening error propagation of CommandService errors in endpoints

* remove todo

* Daml evaluation triggers INVALID_ARGUMENT; handle this for creates/exercises

* clean up lookupResult

* remove stripLeft utility; it is unused

* proper error propagation for /parties endpoint

* map grpc status codes to HTTP error codes

* add a case to pass-through gRPC errors in Endpoints errors

* handle gRPC status in all explicit top-level catches

* pass through gRPC errors in CommandService as well

* treat a gRPC status anywhere in the causal chain as indicating participant-server error

* propagate ContractsService errors without assuming they will always be ServerErrors

* filter ServerErrors' contents when rendering errorful streams

* log errors from websocket output instead of rendering full messages

* hide message in ServerError case

* remove Aborted

* transfer with bad contract ID now returns 409

* mention new error codes

* add changelog

- [JSON API] Several kinds of gRPC server errors are now reported with
  associated HTTP statuses; for example, a Daml-LF interpreter error now
  returns a 400 instead of a 500, and an exercise on an archived contract
  returns a 409 Conflict instead of a 500.  Errors internal to JSON API
  (e.g. internal assertion failures) are no longer detailed in the HTTP
  response; their details are only logged.
  See `issue #11184 <>`__.

* remove unused Show and liftErr utility

* adapt daml-script to new error codes

* adapt typescript tests to new error codes

* adapt json-api failure tests to new error codes
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Compall 2021-10-19 13:54:29 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 525e4ceb5e
commit f4df1cc4d0
No known key found for this signature in database
15 changed files with 303 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -425,21 +425,28 @@ class JsonLedgerClient(
private[this] val SubmissionFailures: Set[StatusCode] = {
import StatusCodes._
Set(InternalServerError, BadRequest, Conflict)
def commandRequest[In, Out](endpoint: String, argument: In)(implicit
argumentWriter: JsonWriter[In],
outputReader: RootJsonReader[Out],
): Future[Either[StatusRuntimeException, Out]] = {
request[In, Out](uri.path./("v1")./(endpoint), argument).flatMap {
case ErrorResponse(errors, status) if status == StatusCodes.InternalServerError =>
case ErrorResponse(errors, status) if SubmissionFailures(status) =>
// TODO (MK) Using a grpc exception here doesnt make that much sense.
// We should refactor this to provide something more general.
Left(new StatusRuntimeException(Status.UNKNOWN.withDescription(errors.toString)))
case ErrorResponse(errors, status) =>
// A non-500 failure is something like invalid JSON or cannot resolve template ID.
// We dont want to treat that failures as ones that can be caught
// via `submitMustFail` so fail hard.
// XXX SC JSON API doesn't distinguish between
// 400s that mean something like invalid JSON or cannot resolve template ID
// and those that mean a submission error or assertion failure.
// Ideally, the former would go through this path rather than be treated
// as `submitMustFail` success
new FailedJsonApiRequest(

View File

@ -209,23 +209,27 @@ HTTP Status Codes
The **JSON API** reports errors using standard HTTP status codes. It divides HTTP status codes into 3 groups indicating:
1. success (200)
2. failure due to a client-side problem (400, 401, 404)
3. failure due to a server-side problem (500)
2. failure due to a client-side problem (400, 401, 403, 404, 409, 429)
3. failure due to a server-side problem (500, 503)
The **JSON API** can return one of the following HTTP status codes:
- 200 - OK
- 400 - Bad Request (Client Error)
- 401 - Unauthorized, authentication required
- 403 - Forbidden, insufficient permissions
- 404 - Not Found
- 409 - Conflict, contract ID or key missing or duplicated
- 429 - Too Many Requests, ledger server has hit configured limit of in-flight commands
- 500 - Internal Server Error
- 503 - Service Unavailable, ledger server is not running yet or has been shut down
If a client's HTTP GET or POST request reaches an API endpoint, the corresponding response will always contain a JSON object with a ``status`` field, either an ``errors`` or ``result`` field and an optional ``warnings``:
.. code-block:: none
"status": <400 | 401 | 404 | 500>,
"status": <400 | 401 | 403 | 404 | 409 | 429 | 500 | 503>,
"errors": <JSON array of strings>, | "result": <JSON object or array>,
["warnings": <JSON object> ]

View File

@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ test('package API', async () => {
await p;
} catch (exc) {
expect([400, 404]).toContain(exc.status);

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ final class FailureTests
_ = status shouldBe StatusCodes.InternalServerError
_ = status shouldBe StatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable
(status, out) <- getRequestEncoded(uri.withPath(Uri.Path("/readyz")))
_ = status shouldBe StatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable
_ = out shouldBe
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ final class FailureTests
|""".stripMargin.replace("\r\n", "\n")
_ <- inside(output) { case JsObject(fields) =>
inside(fields.get("status")) { case Some(JsNumber(code)) =>
code shouldBe 500
code shouldBe 503
_ = proxy.enable()

View File

@ -1138,8 +1138,8 @@ abstract class AbstractHttpServiceIntegrationTest
val exerciseJson: JsValue = encodeExercise(encoder)(iouExerciseTransferCommand(contractId))
postJsonRequest(uri.withPath(Uri.Path("/v1/exercise")), exerciseJson)
.flatMap { case (status, output) =>
status shouldBe StatusCodes.InternalServerError
assertStatus(output, StatusCodes.InternalServerError)
status shouldBe StatusCodes.Conflict
assertStatus(output, StatusCodes.Conflict)
expectedOneErrorMessage(output) should include(
s"Contract could not be found with id ContractId($contractIdString)"

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import com.daml.http.util.FutureUtil._
import com.daml.http.util.IdentifierConverters.refApiIdentifier
import com.daml.http.util.Logging.{InstanceUUID, RequestID}
import com.daml.http.util.{Commands, Transactions}
import LedgerClientJwt.Grpc
import com.daml.jwt.domain.Jwt
import com.daml.ledger.api.refinements.{ApiTypes => lar}
import com.daml.ledger.api.{v1 => lav1}
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ import scalaz.std.scalaFuture._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
import scalaz.{-\/, EitherT, Show, \/, \/-}
import scalaz.{-\/, EitherT, \/, \/-}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
@ -130,7 +131,10 @@ class CommandService(
private def logResult[A](op: Symbol, fa: Future[A])(implicit
private def logResult[A](
op: Symbol,
fa: Grpc.EFuture[Grpc.Category.SubmitError, A],
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID]
): ET[A] = {
val opName =
@ -138,8 +142,19 @@ class CommandService(
fa.transformWith {
case Failure(e) =>
logger.error(s"$opName failure", e)
Future.successful(-\/(Error(None, e.toString)))
case Success(a) =>
Future.successful(-\/(e match {
case Grpc.StatusEnvelope(status) => GrpcError(status)
case _ => InternalError(None, e.toString)
case Success(-\/(e)) =>
logger.error(s"$opName failure: ${e.e}: ${e.message}")
import Grpc.Category._
val tagged = e.e match {
case PermissionDenied => -\/(PermissionDenied)
case InvalidArgument => \/-(InvalidArgument)
Future.successful(-\/(ClientError(tagged, e.message)))
case Success(\/-(a)) =>
logger.debug(s"$opName success: $a")
@ -218,7 +233,7 @@ class CommandService(
case Seq(x) => \/-(x)
case xs @ _ =>
s"Expected exactly one active contract, got: $xs",
@ -230,7 +245,10 @@ class CommandService(
): Error \/ ImmArraySeq[ActiveContract[lav1.value.Value]] =
Error(Some(Symbol("activeContracts")), s"Received response without transaction: $response")
s"Received response without transaction: $response",
@ -240,7 +258,7 @@ class CommandService(
.leftMap(e => Error(Some(Symbol("activeContracts")), e.shows))
.leftMap(e => InternalError(Some(Symbol("activeContracts")), e.shows))
private def contracts(
@ -248,7 +266,10 @@ class CommandService(
): Error \/ List[Contract[lav1.value.Value]] =
Error(Some(Symbol("contracts")), s"Received response without transaction: $response")
s"Received response without transaction: $response",
@ -257,7 +278,7 @@ class CommandService(
): Error \/ List[Contract[lav1.value.Value]] =
.leftMap(e => Error(Some(Symbol("contracts")), e.shows))
.leftMap(e => InternalError(Some(Symbol("contracts")), e.shows))
private def exerciseResult(
@ -270,7 +291,7 @@ class CommandService(
} yield exResult
s"Cannot get exerciseResult from the first ExercisedEvent of gRPC response: ${a.toString}",
@ -287,16 +308,13 @@ class CommandService(
object CommandService {
final case class Error(id: Option[Symbol], message: String)
object Error {
implicit val errorShow: Show[Error] = Show shows {
case Error(None, message) =>
s"CommandService Error, $message"
case Error(Some(id), message) =>
s"CommandService Error, $id: $message"
sealed abstract class Error extends Product with Serializable
final case class ClientError(
id: Grpc.Category.PermissionDenied \/ Grpc.Category.InvalidArgument,
message: String,
) extends Error
final case class GrpcError(status: io.grpc.Status) extends Error
final case class InternalError(id: Option[Symbol], message: String) extends Error
private type ET[A] = EitherT[Future, Error, A]

View File

@ -222,9 +222,8 @@ class ContractsService(
private def lookupResult(
errorOrAc: Option[Error \/ domain.ActiveContract[LfValue]]
): Future[Option[domain.ActiveContract[LfValue]]] = {
errorOrAc.cata(x => toFuture(x).map(Some(_)), Future.successful(None))
): Future[Option[domain.ActiveContract[LfValue]]] =
errorOrAc traverse (toFuture(_))
private def isContractId(k: domain.ContractId)(a: domain.ActiveContract[LfValue]): Boolean =
(a.contractId: domain.ContractId) == k
@ -405,7 +404,7 @@ class ContractsService(
queryParams: InMemoryQuery,
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID]
): Source[Error \/ domain.ActiveContract[LfValue], NotUsed] = {
): Source[InternalError \/ domain.ActiveContract[LfValue], NotUsed] = {
s"Searching in memory, parties: $parties, templateIds: $templateIds, queryParms: $queryParams"
@ -423,7 +422,7 @@ class ContractsService(
val (errors, converted) = step.toInsertDelete.partitionMapPreservingIds { apiEvent =>
.leftMap(e => Error(Symbol("searchInMemory"), e.shows))
.leftMap(e => InternalError(Symbol("searchInMemory"), e.shows))
.flatMap(apiAcToLfAc): Error \/ Ac
val convertedInserts = converted.inserts filter { ac =>
@ -529,7 +528,7 @@ class ContractsService(
ac: domain.ActiveContract[ApiValue]
): Error \/ domain.ActiveContract[LfValue] =
.leftMap(e => Error(Symbol("apiAcToLfAc"), e.shows))
.leftMap(e => InternalError(Symbol("apiAcToLfAc"), e.shows))
private[http] def valuePredicate(
templateId: domain.TemplateId.RequiredPkg,
@ -539,7 +538,7 @@ class ContractsService(
private def lfValueToJsValue(a: LfValue): Error \/ JsValue =
\/.attempt(LfValueCodec.apiValueToJsValue(a))(e =>
Error(Symbol("lfValueToJsValue"), e.description)
InternalError(Symbol("lfValueToJsValue"), e.description)
private[http] def resolveTemplateIds[Tid <: domain.TemplateId.OptionalPkg](
@ -644,7 +643,9 @@ object ContractsService {
): Source[Error \/ domain.ActiveContract[LfV], NotUsed]
case class Error(id: Symbol, message: String)
final case class Error(id: Symbol, message: String)
private type InternalError = Error
private[http] val InternalError: Error.type = Error
object Error {
implicit val errorShow: Show[Error] = Show shows { e =>

View File

@ -41,12 +41,10 @@ import com.daml.http.util.{ProtobufByteStrings, toLedgerId}
import com.daml.jwt.domain.Jwt
import com.daml.ledger.api.{v1 => lav1}
import com.daml.logging.LoggingContextOf.withEnrichedLoggingContext
import com.daml.scalautil.ExceptionOps._
import scalaz.std.scalaFuture._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
import scalaz.{-\/, EitherT, NonEmptyList, Show, Traverse, \/, \/-}
import scalaz.{-\/, EitherT, NonEmptyList, Traverse, \/, \/-}
import spray.json._
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
@ -454,7 +452,8 @@ class Endpoints(
def allParties(req: HttpRequest)(implicit
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID]
): ET[domain.SyncResponse[List[domain.PartyDetails]]] =
proxyWithoutCommand((jwt, _) => partiesService.allParties(jwt))(req).map(domain.OkResponse(_))
proxyWithoutCommand((jwt, _) => partiesService.allParties(jwt))(req)
.flatMap(pd => either(pd map (domain.OkResponse(_))))
def parties(req: HttpRequest)(implicit
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID]
@ -522,31 +521,24 @@ class Endpoints(
} yield domain.OkResponse(())
private def handleFutureEitherFailure[A, B](fa: Future[A \/ B])(implicit
A: IntoServerError[A],
A: IntoEndpointsError[A],
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID],
): Future[Error \/ B] = leftMap { case NonFatal(e) =>
logger.error("Future failed", e)
} leftMap
.recover(logException("Future") andThen Error.fromThrowable andThen (-\/(_)))
private def handleFutureFailure[E >: ServerError, A](fa: Future[A])(implicit
private def handleFutureFailure[A](fa: Future[A])(implicit
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID]
): Future[E \/ A] = => \/-(a)).recover { case NonFatal(e) =>
logger.error("Future failed", e)
): Future[Error \/ A] = => \/-(a)).recover(logException("Future") andThen Error.fromThrowable andThen (-\/(_)))
private def handleSourceFailure[E: Show, A](implicit
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID]
private def handleSourceFailure[E, A](implicit
E: IntoEndpointsError[E],
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID],
): Flow[E \/ A, Error \/ A, NotUsed] =
.fromFunction((_: E \/ A).liftErr[Error](ServerError))
.recover { case NonFatal(e) =>
logger.error("Source failed", e)
.fromFunction((_: E \/ A).leftMap(
.recover(logException("Source") andThen Error.fromThrowable andThen (-\/(_)))
private def httpResponse(
output: Future[Error \/ SearchResult[Error \/ JsValue]]
@ -556,9 +548,14 @@ class Endpoints(
case -\/(e) => httpResponseError(e)
case \/-(searchResult) => httpResponse(searchResult)
.recover { case NonFatal(e) =>
.recover(Error.fromThrowable andThen (httpResponseError(_)))
private[this] def logException(fromWhat: String)(implicit
lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID with RequestID]
): Throwable PartialFunction Throwable = { case NonFatal(e) =>
logger.error(s"$fromWhat failed", e)
private def httpResponse(searchResult: SearchResult[Error \/ JsValue]): HttpResponse = {
import json.JsonProtocol._
@ -566,7 +563,7 @@ class Endpoints(
val response: Source[ByteString, NotUsed] = searchResult match {
case domain.OkResponse(result, warnings, _) =>
val warningsJsVal: Option[JsValue] =
ResponseFormats.resultJsObject(result, warningsJsVal)
ResponseFormats.resultJsObject(result via filterStreamErrors, warningsJsVal)
case error: domain.ErrorResponse =>
val jsVal: JsValue = SprayJson.encodeUnsafe(error)
@ -579,6 +576,12 @@ class Endpoints(
private[this] def filterStreamErrors[E, A]: Flow[Error \/ A, Error \/ A, NotUsed] =
Flow[Error \/ A].map {
case -\/(ServerError(_)) => -\/(ServerError("internal server error"))
case o => o
private def httpResponse[A: JsonWriter](
result: ET[domain.SyncResponse[A]]
)(implicit metrics: Metrics): Future[HttpResponse] = {
@ -598,9 +601,7 @@ class Endpoints(
status = status,
.recover { case NonFatal(e) =>
.recover(Error.fromThrowable andThen (httpResponseError(_))),
@ -747,12 +748,27 @@ object Endpoints {
private type LfValue = lf.value.Value
private final class IntoServerError[-A](val run: A => Error) extends AnyVal
private object IntoServerError extends IntoServerErrorLow {
implicit val id: IntoServerError[Error] = new IntoServerError(identity)
private sealed abstract class IntoServerErrorLow {
implicit def shown[A: Show]: IntoServerError[A] = new IntoServerError(a => ServerError(a.shows))
private final class IntoEndpointsError[-A](val run: A => Error) extends AnyVal
private object IntoEndpointsError {
import LedgerClientJwt.Grpc.Category
implicit val id: IntoEndpointsError[Error] = new IntoEndpointsError(identity)
implicit val fromCommands: IntoEndpointsError[CommandService.Error] = new IntoEndpointsError({
case CommandService.InternalError(id, message) =>
ServerError(s"command service error, ${id.cata(sym => s"${}: ", "")}$message")
case CommandService.GrpcError(status) =>
ParticipantServerError(status.getCode, Option(status.getDescription))
case CommandService.ClientError(-\/(Category.PermissionDenied), message) =>
case CommandService.ClientError(\/-(Category.InvalidArgument), message) =>
implicit val fromContracts: IntoEndpointsError[ContractsService.Error] =
new IntoEndpointsError({ case ContractsService.InternalError(id, msg) =>
ServerError(s"contracts service error, ${}: $msg")
private def lfValueToJsValue(a: LfValue): Error \/ JsValue =

View File

@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{RequestContext, Route}
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.daml.http.domain.{JwtPayload, JwtPayloadLedgerIdOnly, JwtWritePayload}
import com.daml.http.json.SprayJson
import util.GrpcHttpErrorCodes._
import com.daml.jwt.domain.{DecodedJwt, Jwt}
import com.daml.ledger.api.auth.AuthServiceJWTCodec
import com.daml.ledger.api.refinements.{ApiTypes => lar}
import com.daml.scalautil.ExceptionOps._
import io.grpc.Status.{Code => GrpcCode}
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.{-\/, NonEmptyList, Show, \/, \/-}
import spray.json.JsValue
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object EndpointsCompanion {
@ -30,15 +34,26 @@ object EndpointsCompanion {
final case class ServerError(message: String) extends Error
final case class ParticipantServerError(grpcStatus: GrpcCode, description: Option[String])
extends Error
final case class NotFound(message: String) extends Error
object Error {
implicit val ShowInstance: Show[Error] = Show shows {
case InvalidUserInput(e) => s"Endpoints.InvalidUserInput: ${e: String}"
case ParticipantServerError(s, d) =>
s"Endpoints.ParticipantServerError: ${s: GrpcCode}${d.cata((": " + _), "")}"
case ServerError(e) => s"Endpoints.ServerError: ${e: String}"
case Unauthorized(e) => s"Endpoints.Unauthorized: ${e: String}"
case NotFound(e) => s"Endpoints.NotFound: ${e: String}"
def fromThrowable: Throwable PartialFunction Error = {
case LedgerClientJwt.Grpc.StatusEnvelope(status) =>
ParticipantServerError(status.getCode, Option(status.getDescription))
case NonFatal(t) => ServerError(t.description)
trait ParsePayload[A] {
@ -142,7 +157,9 @@ object EndpointsCompanion {
private[http] def errorResponse(error: Error): domain.ErrorResponse = {
val (status, errorMsg): (StatusCode, String) = error match {
case InvalidUserInput(e) => StatusCodes.BadRequest -> e
case ServerError(e) => StatusCodes.InternalServerError -> e
case ParticipantServerError(grpcStatus, d) =>
grpcStatus.asAkkaHttpForJsonApi -> s"$grpcStatus${d.cata((": " + _), "")}"
case ServerError(_) => StatusCodes.InternalServerError -> "HTTP JSON API Server Error"
case Unauthorized(e) => StatusCodes.Unauthorized -> e
case NotFound(e) => StatusCodes.NotFound -> e

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package com.daml.http
import akka.NotUsed
import com.daml.http.util.Logging.{InstanceUUID, RequestID}
import util.Logging.{InstanceUUID, RequestID}
import com.daml.jwt.domain.Jwt
import com.daml.ledger.api
import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.package_service
@ -22,20 +22,33 @@ import com.daml.ledger.client.withoutledgerid.{LedgerClient => DamlLedgerClient}
import com.daml.logging.{ContextualizedLogger, LoggingContextOf}
import scalaz.OneAnd
import io.grpc.Status, Status.Code, Code.{values => _, _}
import scalaz.{OneAnd, \/, -\/}
import scalaz.syntax.std.boolean._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext => EC, Future}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.daml.ledger.api.{domain => LedgerApiDomain}
object LedgerClientJwt {
import Grpc.EFuture, Grpc.Category._
private[this] val logger = ContextualizedLogger.get(getClass)
// there are other error categories of interest if we wish to propagate
// different 5xx errors, but PermissionDenied and InvalidArgument are the only
// "client" errors here
type SubmitAndWaitForTransaction =
(Jwt, SubmitAndWaitRequest) => Future[SubmitAndWaitForTransactionResponse]
) => EFuture[SubmitError, SubmitAndWaitForTransactionResponse]
type SubmitAndWaitForTransactionTree =
(Jwt, SubmitAndWaitRequest) => Future[SubmitAndWaitForTransactionTreeResponse]
) => EFuture[SubmitError, SubmitAndWaitForTransactionTreeResponse]
type GetTermination =
(Jwt, LedgerApiDomain.LedgerId) => Future[Option[Terminates.AtAbsolute]]
@ -58,10 +71,13 @@ object LedgerClientJwt {
) => Source[Transaction, NotUsed]
type ListKnownParties =
Jwt => Future[List[api.domain.PartyDetails]]
Jwt => EFuture[PermissionDenied, List[api.domain.PartyDetails]]
type GetParties =
(Jwt, OneAnd[Set, Ref.Party]) => Future[List[api.domain.PartyDetails]]
OneAnd[Set, Ref.Party],
) => EFuture[PermissionDenied, List[api.domain.PartyDetails]]
type AllocateParty =
(Jwt, Option[Ref.Party], Option[String]) => Future[api.domain.PartyDetails]
@ -89,13 +105,23 @@ object LedgerClientJwt {
private def bearer(jwt: Jwt): Some[String] = Some(jwt.value: String)
def submitAndWaitForTransaction(client: DamlLedgerClient): SubmitAndWaitForTransaction =
(jwt, req) => client.commandServiceClient.submitAndWaitForTransaction(req, bearer(jwt))
def submitAndWaitForTransaction(
client: DamlLedgerClient
)(implicit ec: EC): SubmitAndWaitForTransaction =
(jwt, req) =>
.submitAndWaitForTransaction(req, bearer(jwt))
def submitAndWaitForTransactionTree(client: DamlLedgerClient): SubmitAndWaitForTransactionTree =
(jwt, req) => client.commandServiceClient.submitAndWaitForTransactionTree(req, bearer(jwt))
def submitAndWaitForTransactionTree(
client: DamlLedgerClient
)(implicit ec: EC): SubmitAndWaitForTransactionTree =
(jwt, req) =>
.submitAndWaitForTransactionTree(req, bearer(jwt))
def getTermination(client: DamlLedgerClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): GetTermination =
def getTermination(client: DamlLedgerClient)(implicit ec: EC): GetTermination =
(jwt, ledgerId) =>
client.transactionClient.getLedgerEnd(ledgerId, bearer(jwt)).map {
_.offset flatMap {
@ -161,11 +187,17 @@ object LedgerClientJwt {
def listKnownParties(client: DamlLedgerClient): ListKnownParties =
jwt => client.partyManagementClient.listKnownParties(bearer(jwt))
def listKnownParties(client: DamlLedgerClient)(implicit ec: EC): ListKnownParties =
jwt =>
client.partyManagementClient.listKnownParties(bearer(jwt)).requireHandling {
case PERMISSION_DENIED => PermissionDenied
def getParties(client: DamlLedgerClient): GetParties =
(jwt, partyIds) => client.partyManagementClient.getParties(partyIds, bearer(jwt))
def getParties(client: DamlLedgerClient)(implicit ec: EC): GetParties =
(jwt, partyIds) =>
client.partyManagementClient.getParties(partyIds, bearer(jwt)).requireHandling {
case PERMISSION_DENIED => PermissionDenied
def allocateParty(client: DamlLedgerClient): AllocateParty =
(jwt, identifierHint, displayName) =>
@ -195,4 +227,53 @@ object LedgerClientJwt {
logger.trace("sending upload dar request to ledger")
client.packageManagementClient.uploadDarFile(darFile = byteString, token = bearer(jwt))
// a shim error model to stand in for
object Grpc {
type EFuture[E, A] = Future[Error[E] \/ A]
final case class Error[+E](e: E, message: String)
private[http] object StatusEnvelope {
def unapply(t: Throwable): Option[Status] = t match {
case NonFatal(t) =>
val s = Status fromThrowable t
// fromThrowable uses UNKNOWN if it didn't find one
(s.getCode != UNKNOWN) option s
case _ => None
// like Code but with types
// only needs to contain types that may be reported to the json-api user;
// if it is an "internal error" there is no need to call it out for handling
// e.g. Unauthenticated never needs to be specially handled, because we should
// have caught that the jwt token was missing and reported that to client already
object Category {
sealed trait SubmitError
// XXX SC we might be able to assign singleton types to the Codes instead in 2.13+
type PermissionDenied = PermissionDenied.type
case object PermissionDenied extends SubmitError
type InvalidArgument = InvalidArgument.type
case object InvalidArgument extends SubmitError
// not *every* singleton here should be a subtype of SubmitError;
// think of it more like a Venn diagram
private[LedgerClientJwt] val submitErrors: Code PartialFunction SubmitError = {
case PERMISSION_DENIED => PermissionDenied
case INVALID_ARGUMENT => InvalidArgument
private[LedgerClientJwt] implicit final class `Future Status Category ops`[A](
private val fa: Future[A]
) extends AnyVal {
def requireHandling[E](c: Code PartialFunction E)(implicit ec: EC): EFuture[E, A] =
fa map \/.right[Error[E], A] recover Function.unlift {
case StatusEnvelope(status) =>
c.lift(status.getCode) map (e => -\/(Error(e, status.asRuntimeException.getMessage)))
case _ => None

View File

@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
package com.daml.http
import com.daml.http.EndpointsCompanion.{Error, InvalidUserInput}
import com.daml.http.EndpointsCompanion.{Error, InvalidUserInput, Unauthorized}
import com.daml.http.util.FutureUtil._
import com.daml.jwt.domain.Jwt
import com.daml.ledger.api
import LedgerClientJwt.Grpc
import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.std.scalaFuture._
import scalaz.std.string._
@ -44,9 +45,10 @@ class PartiesService(
def allParties(jwt: Jwt): Future[List[domain.PartyDetails]] = {
listAllParties(jwt).map(ps => => domain.PartyDetails.fromLedgerApi(p)))
def allParties(jwt: Jwt): Future[Error \/ List[domain.PartyDetails]] =
_ bimap (handleGrpcError, (_ map domain.PartyDetails.fromLedgerApi))
def parties(
jwt: Jwt,
@ -54,7 +56,8 @@ class PartiesService(
): Future[Error \/ (Set[domain.PartyDetails], Set[domain.Party])] = {
val et: ET[(Set[domain.PartyDetails], Set[domain.Party])] = for {
apiPartyIds <- either(toLedgerApiPartySet(identifiers)): ET[OneAnd[Set, Ref.Party]]
apiPartyDetails <- rightT(getParties(jwt, apiPartyIds)): ET[List[api.domain.PartyDetails]]
apiPartyDetails <- eitherT(getParties(jwt, apiPartyIds))
.leftMap(handleGrpcError): ET[List[api.domain.PartyDetails]]
domainPartyDetails = apiPartyDetails.iterator
.toSet: Set[domain.PartyDetails]
@ -82,6 +85,9 @@ object PartiesService {
private type ET[A] = EitherT[Future, Error, A]
private def handleGrpcError(e: Grpc.Error[Grpc.Category.PermissionDenied]): Error =
def toLedgerApiPartySet(
ps: OneAnd[Set, domain.Party]
): InvalidUserInput \/ OneAnd[Set, Ref.Party] = {

View File

@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ import com.daml.ledger.api.{domain => LedgerApiDomain}
object WebSocketService {
import util.ErrorOps._
private val logger = ContextualizedLogger.get(getClass)
private type CompiledQueries =
Map[domain.TemplateId.RequiredPkg, (ValuePredicate, LfV => Boolean)]
@ -97,6 +99,11 @@ object WebSocketService {
) {
import JsonProtocol._, spray.json._
def logHiddenErrors()(implicit lc: LoggingContextOf[InstanceUUID]): Unit =
errors foreach { case ServerError(message) =>
logger.error(s"while rendering contract: ${message: String}")
def render(implicit lfv: LfVT <~< JsValue, pos: Pos <~< Map[String, JsValue]): JsObject = {
def inj[V: JsonWriter](ctor: String, v: V) = JsObject(ctor -> v.toJson)
@ -111,7 +118,9 @@ object WebSocketService {
++ { case (ac, pos) =>
val acj = inj("created", ac)
acj copy (fields = acj.fields ++ pos)
} ++ => inj("error", e.message)))
} ++ => inj("error", "error rendering contract")))
// XXX SC ^ all useful information is now hidden;
// can replace with an error count in later API version
val offsetAfter =
@ -589,8 +598,6 @@ class WebSocketService(
wsConfig: Option[WebsocketConfig],
)(implicit mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext) {
private[this] val logger = ContextualizedLogger.get(getClass)
import WebSocketService._
import com.daml.scalautil.Statement.discard
import util.ErrorOps._
@ -835,7 +842,10 @@ class WebSocketService(
_.via(removePhantomArchives(remove = Q.removePhantomArchives(request)))
.map { sae =>
.map(jsv => \/-(wsMessage(jsv)))

View File

@ -27,8 +27,5 @@ object ErrorOps {
extends AnyRef {
def liftErr[M](f: String => M)(implicit L: Show[L]): EitherT[F, M, R] =
self leftMap (e => f(e.shows))
def liftErrS[M](msg: String)(f: String => M)(implicit L: Show[L]): EitherT[F, M, R] =
liftErr(x => f(msg + " " + x))

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
package com.daml.http.util
import scalaz.{-\/, Applicative, EitherT, Functor, Show, \/, \/-}
import scalaz.{Applicative, EitherT, Functor, Show, \/}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Try
object FutureUtil {
@ -40,12 +40,4 @@ object FutureUtil {
def leftT[A, B](fa: Future[A])(implicit ev: Functor[Future]): EitherT[Future, A, B] =
def stripLeft[A: Show, B](fa: Future[A \/ B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] =
fa.flatMap {
case -\/(e) =>
Future.failed(new IllegalStateException(e.shows))
case \/-(a) =>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.daml.http
package util
private[http] object GrpcHttpErrorCodes {
import io.grpc.Status.{Code => G}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{StatusCode, StatusCodes => A}
implicit final class `gRPC status as akka http`(private val self: G) extends AnyVal {
// some version of this mapping _should_ already exist somewhere, right? -SC
def asAkkaHttp: StatusCode = self match {
case G.OK => A.OK
case G.UNAUTHENTICATED => A.Unauthorized
case G.PERMISSION_DENIED => A.Forbidden
case G.NOT_FOUND => A.NotFound
case G.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED => A.TooManyRequests
case G.CANCELLED => ClientClosedRequest
case G.DATA_LOSS | G.UNKNOWN | G.INTERNAL => A.InternalServerError
case G.UNIMPLEMENTED => A.NotImplemented
case G.UNAVAILABLE => A.ServiceUnavailable
case G.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED => A.GatewayTimeout
def asAkkaHttpForJsonApi: StatusCode = self match {
case G.UNAUTHENTICATED | G.CANCELLED => A.InternalServerError
case _ => self.asAkkaHttp
private[this] val ClientClosedRequest =
"Client Closed Request",
"The client closed the request before the server could respond.",