Remove the old template resugaring from the GHC Core -> DAML-LF conversion (#2400)

Since we changed how the parser desugares templates, this code path won't be
hit anymore.
This commit is contained in:
Martin Huschenbett 2019-08-05 18:38:11 +02:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent a967b872e2
commit f669d7e572

View File

@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ module DA.Daml.LFConversion
, sourceLocToRange
) where
import DA.Daml.LF.Simplifier (freeVarsStep)
import DA.Daml.LFConversion.Primitives
import DA.Daml.LFConversion.UtilGHC
import DA.Daml.LFConversion.UtilLF
@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Extra
@ -98,7 +96,6 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
import Data.Data hiding (TyCon)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Int
import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS
@ -156,9 +153,6 @@ data Env = Env
{envLFModuleName :: LF.ModuleName
,envGHCModuleName :: GHC.ModuleName
,envModuleUnitId :: GHC.UnitId
,envBindings :: MS.Map Var (GHC.Expr Var)
,envChoices :: MS.Map String [GHC.Expr Var]
,envKeys :: MS.Map String [GHC.Expr Var]
,envDefaultMethods :: Set.Set Name
,envAliases :: MS.Map Var LF.Expr
,envPkgMap :: MS.Map GHC.UnitId T.Text
@ -166,19 +160,6 @@ data Env = Env
,envNewtypes :: [(GHC.Type, (TyCon, Coercion))]
envFindBind :: Env -> Var -> ConvertM (GHC.Expr Var)
envFindBind Env{..} var =
case MS.lookup var envBindings of
Nothing -> conversionError errMsg
Just v -> pure v
where errMsg = "Looking for local binding failed when looking up " ++ prettyPrint var ++ ", available " ++ prettyPrint (MS.keys envBindings)
envFindChoices :: Env -> String -> [GHC.Expr Var]
envFindChoices Env{..} x = fromMaybe [] $ MS.lookup x envChoices
envFindKeys :: Env -> String -> [GHC.Expr Var]
envFindKeys Env{..} x = fromMaybe [] $ MS.lookup x envKeys
-- v is an alias for x
envInsertAlias :: Var -> LF.Expr -> Env -> Env
envInsertAlias v x env = env{envAliases = MS.insert v x (envAliases env)}
@ -259,20 +240,6 @@ convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv file Nothing)
thisUnitId = GHC.moduleUnitId $ cm_module x
lfModName = convertModuleName ghcModName
flags = LF.daml12FeatureFlags
binds = concat [case x' of NonRec a b -> [(a,b)]; Rec xs -> xs | x' <- cm_binds x]
bindings = MS.fromList binds
choices = MS.fromListWith (++)
[(is x', [b])
| (a,b) <- binds
, DFunId _ <- [idDetails a]
, TypeCon (QIsTpl "Choice") [TypeCon x' [],_,_] <- [varType a]
keys = MS.fromListWith (++)
[(is x', [b])
| (a,b) <- binds
, DFunId _ <- [idDetails a]
, TypeCon (QIsTpl "TemplateKey") [TypeCon x' [],_] <- [varType a]
newtypes =
[ (wrappedT, (t, mkUnbranchedAxInstCo Representational co [] []))
| ATyCon t <- eltsUFM (cm_types x)
@ -283,9 +250,6 @@ convertModule lfVersion pkgMap file x = runConvertM (ConversionEnv file Nothing)
{ envLFModuleName = lfModName
, envGHCModuleName = ghcModName
, envModuleUnitId = thisUnitId
, envBindings = bindings
, envChoices = choices
, envKeys = keys
, envDefaultMethods = defMeths
, envAliases = MS.empty
, envPkgMap = pkgMap
@ -299,29 +263,6 @@ isTypeableInfo (NonRec name _) = any (`isPrefixOf` getOccString name) ["$krep",
isTypeableInfo _ = False
convertTemplate :: Env -> GHC.Expr Var -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertTemplate env (Var (QIsTpl "C:Template") `App` Type (TypeCon ty [])
`App` ensure `App` signatories `App` observer `App` agreement `App` _create `App` _fetch `App` _archive)
= do
tplSignatories <- applyTplParam <$> convertExpr env signatories
tplChoices <- fmap (\cs -> NM.fromList (archiveChoice tplSignatories : cs)) (choices tplSignatories)
tplObservers <- applyTplParam <$> convertExpr env observer
tplPrecondition <- applyTplParam <$> convertExpr env ensure
tplAgreement <- applyTplParam <$> convertExpr env agreement
tplKey <- keys >>= \case
[] -> return Nothing
[x] -> return (Just x)
_:_ -> conversionError ("multiple keys found for template " ++ prettyPrint ty)
pure [DTemplate Template{..}]
applyTplParam e = e `ETmApp` EVar tplParam
choices signatories = mapM (convertChoice env signatories) $ envFindChoices env $ is ty
keys = mapM (convertKey env) $ envFindKeys env $ is ty
tplLocation = Nothing
tplTypeCon = mkTypeCon [is ty]
tplParam = mkVar "this"
convertTemplate _ x = unsupported "Template definition with unexpected form" x
convertGenericTemplate :: Env -> GHC.Expr Var -> ConvertM (Template, LF.Expr)
convertGenericTemplate env x
| (dictCon, args) <- collectArgs x
@ -438,92 +379,11 @@ convertGenericTemplate env x
res = mkVar "res"
convertGenericTemplate env x = unhandled "generic template" x
archiveChoice :: LF.Expr -> TemplateChoice
archiveChoice signatories = TemplateChoice{..}
chcLocation = Nothing
chcName = mkChoiceName "Archive"
chcReturnType = TUnit
chcConsuming = True
chcControllers = signatories
chcUpdate = EUpdate $ UPure TUnit EUnit
chcSelfBinder = mkVar "self"
chcArgBinder = (mkVar "arg", TUnit)
data Consuming = PreConsuming
| NonConsuming
| PostConsuming
deriving (Eq)
convertChoice :: Env -> LF.Expr -> GHC.Expr Var -> ConvertM TemplateChoice
convertChoice env signatories
(Var (QIsTpl "C:Choice") `App`
Type tmpl@(TypeCon tmplTyCon []) `App`
Type (TypeCon chc []) `App`
Type result `App`
_templateDict `App`
consuming `App`
Var controller `App`
choice `App` _exercise) = do
consumption <- f (10 :: Int) consuming
let chcConsuming = consumption == PreConsuming -- Runtime should auto-archive?
argType <- convertType env $ TypeCon chc []
let chcArgBinder = (mkVar "arg", argType)
tmplType <- convertType env tmpl
tmplTyCon' <- convertQualified env tmplTyCon
chcReturnType <- convertType env result
controllerExpr <- envFindBind env controller >>= convertExpr env
let chcControllers = case controllerExpr of
-- NOTE(MH): We drop the second argument to `controllerExpr` when
-- it is unused. This is necessary to make sure that a
-- non-flexible controller expression does not mention the choice
-- argument `argVar`.
ETmLam thisBndr (ETmLam argBndr body)
| fst argBndr `Set.notMember` cata freeVarsStep body ->
ETmLam thisBndr body `ETmApp` thisVar
_ -> controllerExpr `ETmApp` thisVar `ETmApp` argVar
expr <- fmap (\u -> u `ETmApp` thisVar `ETmApp` selfVar `ETmApp` argVar) (convertExpr env choice)
let chcUpdate =
if consumption /= PostConsuming then expr
-- NOTE(SF): Support for 'postconsuming' choices. The idea
-- is to evaluate the user provided choice body and
-- following that, archive. That is, in pseduo-code, we are
-- going for an expression like this:
-- expr this self arg >>= \res ->
-- archive signatories self >>= \_ ->
-- return res
let archive = EUpdate $ UExercise tmplTyCon' (mkChoiceName "Archive") selfVar (Just signatories) EUnit
in EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "res", chcReturnType) expr) $
EUpdate $ UBind (Binding (mkVar "_", TUnit) archive) $
EUpdate $ UPure chcReturnType (EVar $ mkVar "res")
pure TemplateChoice{..}
chcLocation = Nothing
chcName = mkChoiceName $ occNameString $ nameOccName $ getName chc
chcSelfBinder = mkVar "self"
thisVar = EVar (mkVar "this")
selfVar = EVar (mkVar "self")
argVar = EVar (mkVar "arg")
f i (App a _) = f i a
f i (Tick _ e) = f i e
f i (VarIs "$dmconsuming") = pure PreConsuming
f i (Var (QIsTpl "preconsuming")) = pure PreConsuming
f i (Var (QIsTpl "nonconsuming")) = pure NonConsuming
f i (Var (QIsTpl "postconsuming")) = pure PostConsuming
f i (Var x) | i > 0 = f (i-1) =<< envFindBind env x -- only required to see through the automatic default
f _ x = unsupported "Unexpected definition of 'consuming'. Expected either absent, 'preconsuming', 'postconsuming' or 'nonconsuming'" x
convertChoice _ _ x = unhandled "Choice body" x
convertKey :: Env -> GHC.Expr Var -> ConvertM TemplateKey
convertKey env o@(Var (QIsTpl "C:TemplateKey") `App` Type tmpl `App` Type keyType `App` _templateDict `App` Var key `App` Var maintainer `App` _fetch `App` _lookup) = do
keyType <- convertType env keyType
key <- envFindBind env key >>= convertExpr env
maintainer <- envFindBind env maintainer >>= convertExpr env
pure $ TemplateKey keyType (key `ETmApp` EVar (mkVar "this")) maintainer
convertKey _ o = unhandled "Template key definition" o
convertTypeDef :: Env -> TyThing -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertTypeDef env (ATyCon t)
| GHC.moduleNameString (GHC.moduleName (nameModule (getName t))) == "DA.Internal.LF"
@ -589,9 +449,6 @@ convertCtors env (Ctors name tys cs) = do
convertBind :: Env -> CoreBind -> ConvertM [Definition]
convertBind env (NonRec name x)
| DFunId _ <- idDetails name
, TypeCon (QIsTpl "Template") [t] <- varType name
= withRange (convNameLoc name) $ liftA2 (++) (convertTemplate env x) (convertBind2 env (NonRec name x))
| DFunId _ <- idDetails name
, TypeCon (Is tplInst) _ <- varType name
, "Instance" `isSuffixOf` tplInst
@ -1429,6 +1286,3 @@ mkPure env monad dict t x = do
`ETmApp` dict'
`ETyApp` t
`ETmApp` x
pattern QIsTpl :: NamedThing a => String -> a
pattern QIsTpl x <- QIs "DA.Internal.Template" x