* windows: root build
* windows: fixed haskell bindings tests
* windows: disable client_server_test test
* windows: marking daml_test flaky due to #1907
* windows: removing da-hs-damlc-app run from build.ps1
* windows: disable hie-core alias of currently disabled target
Extra command line arguments to the client_server_test target are passed
to the ledger-api-test-tool instead of the arguments defined in the
bazel target.
For example:
`bazel run //ledger/sandbox:conformance-test-static-time --list` will
pass the --list parameter to the ledger-api-test-tool (to print all
available tests), instead of actually running the tests in static-time mode.
The Ledger API Test Tool takes the flag --all-tests to run all defaul
and optional tests
The tool also allows multiple occurrences of the --include and --exclude
Also removes StandaloneSemanticTestRunner.
* Delete an entirely unused module
* Delete an entirely unused module
* Switch the compiler to use EUnit over mkEUnit
* Delete an unused module
* Whitespace only
* Clean up the API for World, don't expose the internals, better creation functions
* Clean up the type checker environment, don't expose the internals of Gamma, add a few helper functions
* Delete unused functions
* Explicit module export lists
* Fix the nub replacement hints
* Turn on the warning that we require module export lists
* Add an explicit export list
* Add semantic test for the reference server
Currently the semantic test is failing. Likely due to the
location annotation changes.
* Do not compare location annotations in isReplayedBy
The location annotations may not, and do not need to, match due to the
fact that the reconstructed update expression may not exactly match
the original one, and since the interpreter currently picks the closest
location annotation we cannot guarantee that they exactly match.
* scalafmt.
* buildifier.
* client_server_test: Increase timeout to 60s
Spawning a JVM-based server can easily take a long time on a very
loaded system (e.g. when running `bazel test //ledger/...` with enough
parallelism), so better have a high default timeout.
* ledger/api-server-damlonx: Address code review
* Fix client_server_test runner compilation. Bump timeout.
* Mark the reference server semantic test exclusive
* fmt reference/BUILD.bazel
* Add buildifier targets.
The tool allows to check and format BUILD files in the repo.
To check if files are well formatted, run:
bazel run //:buildifier
To fix badly-formatted files run:
bazel run //:buildifier-fix
* Cleanup dade-copyright-headers formatting.
* Fix dade-copyright-headers on files with just the copyright.
* Run buildifier automatically on CI via 'fmt.sh'.
* Reformat all BUILD files with buildifier.
Excludes autogenerated Bazel files.
* Add client_server_test bazel rule
This adds a generic mechanism for constructing a test that launches
a TCP server and runs a test-suite against it. The rule orchestrates
passing the port number from the server to the client via a temporary
file and takes care of killing the server when the client process exits.
Still to be done is figuring out a good way to pass additional arguments
to the server and client programs (where these arguments could be other
bazel rules).
* Add missing copyright headers
* Add support for arguments to client_server_test
Note that this does not support passing in labels (":my_data_file"),
nor does it support "$(location :my_data_file)" string macros.
* Add data attribute to client_server_test
* Add support for location expansion in client_server_test args
* client_server_test: Address code review
* client_server_test: Bump waiting for port file write to 5s