Commit Graph

64 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Samir Talwar
sandbox: Fail to start if a time mode is not explicitly specified. (#5033)
* sandbox: Fail to start if a time mode is not explicitly specified.

- [Sandbox] Sandbox is switching from Static Time mode to Wall Clock
  Time mode as the default. To ensure that our users know about this,
  for one version, there will be no default time mode. Instead, users
  will have to explicitly select their preferred time mode by means of
  the `--static-time` or `--wall-clock-time` switches. In the next
  release, Wall Clock Time will become the default, and users who are
  happy with the defaults will no longer need to specify the time mode.

* daml-script|triggers: Specify time mode when testing against Sandbox.

* daml-assistant: Default the Sandbox to wall clock time.

- [DAML Assistant] Initializing a new DAML project adds a switch to
  ``daml.yaml`` to ensure Sandbox can continue to start with ``daml

        - --wall-clock-time

* docs: Update the DAML Script and Triggers docs to use Wall Clock time.

It's now what Sandbox will use by default when using `daml init`.

* docs: Change the Quickstart to run Sandbox in wall clock time.

This explains why the contract IDs may vary.

It also updates the manual release testing script to match.
2020-03-18 08:25:03 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
Move non-IO initialization out of trigger runner (#5042)
Previously parts of the initialization, in particular, the code for
finding the filter and the heartbeat were part of the Runner. This led
to an akward API and didn’t really make any sense.

Now all of this code is part of a pure `Trigger.fromIdentifier`
method and the runner only takes care of actually running the
ledger. This could also be useful for the trigger service where we
might want to synchronously call `getIdentifier` so users get some
indication if there request even points to a valid trigger
directly. However, this is not tackled by this PR.

2020-03-17 15:26:58 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Make trigger runner specific to a given trigger (#5038)
Previously the runner class was in a weird state where it was specific
to a DAR but not to an individual trigger. This meant that you had to
pass around a fair bit of state which got a bit awkward. This PR
addresses this by making the trigger class specific to the trigger.

It also now accepts `CompiledPackages` instead of a DAR which should
make it easier in the trigger service to support dynamic package

2020-03-17 11:51:06 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Fix detection of package ids for triggers (#5016)
Previously we assumed that the module name was globally unique in the
DAR which is definitely not guaranteed. Now we instead detect the
package id of the trigger library based on the type of the trigger we
are running which doesn’t fall apart if there are multiple versions of
the trigger library.

I’ve also removed the check for the package id of the trigger library
since I’d like the trigger runner to be backwarts compatible from now on (we
didn’t break that in a while).

This is slightly ugly since the Runner class is currently not specific
to a single trigger but only the individual methods are aware of the
specific trigger identifier. I’ll refactor this in a separate PR.

2020-03-16 16:13:42 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Share test certificates (#4982)
* Share test certificates

This is primarily an attempt at making sure my contribution stats
remain negative but I think it’s a nice cleanup. The only difference
in the certs used by daml-helper which are now used everywhere is that
they use a different CN for the CA and the server. This is required to
make openssl happy (which is used by the daml-helper).


* Fix script and trigger tests
2020-03-13 12:12:34 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Support TLS in DAML script and DAML triggers (#4971)
This adds CLI parametrs for connecting via TLS following the scheme
used by navigator, extractor and `daml ledger`.


- [DAML Script] Support TLS. Enable it by passing ``--tls``. You can
  set certificates for client authentication via ``--pem`` and
  ``-crt`` and a custom root CA for validating the server certificate
  via ``--cacrt``.

- [DAML Triggers - Experimental] Support TLS. Enable it by passing ``--tls``. You can
  set certificates for client authentication via ``--pem`` and
  ``-crt`` and a custom root CA for validating the server certificate
  via ``--cacrt``.

2020-03-13 09:54:44 +01:00
Shayne Fletcher
Remove pragma 'daml 1.2' (#4702)
- The pragma 'daml 1.2' is now optional.
2020-02-26 13:17:45 -05:00
Gary Verhaegen
introduce new release process (#4513)

After multiple discussions about our current release schedule and
process, we've come to the conclusion that we need to be able to make a
distinction between technical snapshots and marketing releases. In other
words, we need to be able to create a bundle for early adopters to test
without making it an officially-supported version, and without
necessarily implying everyone should go through the trouble of
upgrading. The underlying goal is to have less frequent but more stable
"official" releases.

This PR is a proposal for a new release process designed under the
following constraints:

- Reuse as much as possible of the existing infrastructure, to minimize
  effort but also chances of disruptions.
- Have the ability to create "snapshot"/"nightly"/... releases that are
  not meant for general public consumption, but can still be used by savvy
  users without jumping through too many extra hoops (ideally just
  swapping in a slightly-weirder version string).
- Have the ability to promote an existing snapshot release to "official"
  release status, with as few changes as possible in-between, so we can be
  confident that the official release is what we tested as a prerelease.
- Have as much of the release pipeline shared between the two types of
  releases, to avoid discovering non-transient problems while trying to
  promote a snapshot to an official release.
- Triggerring a release should still be done through a PR, so we can
  keep the same approval process for SOC2 auditability.

The gist of this proposal is to replace the current `VERSION` file with
a `LATEST` file, which would have the following format:

ef5d32b7438e481de0235c5538aedab419682388 0.13.53-alpha.20200214.3025.ef5d32b7

This file would be maintained with a script to reduce manual labor in
producing the version string. Other than that, the process will be
largely the same, with releases triggered by changes to this `LATEST`
and the release notes files.

Version numbers

Because one of the goals is to reduce the velocity of our published
version numbers, we need a different version scheme for our snapshot
releases. Fortunately, most version schemes have some support for that;
unfortunately, the SDK sits at the intersection of three different
version schemes that have made incompatible choices. Without going into
too much detail:

- Semantic versioning (which we chose as the version format for the SDK
  version number) allows for "prerelease" version numbers as well as
  "metadata"; an example of a complete version string would be
  `1.2.3-nightly.201+server12.43`. The "main" part of the version string
  always has to have 3 numbers separated by dots; the "prerelease"
  (after the `-` but before the `+`) and the "metadata" (after the `+`)
  parts are optional and, if present, must consist of one or more segments
  separated by dots, where a segment can be either a number or an
  alphanumeric string. In terms of ordering, metadata is irrelevant and
  any version with a prerelease string is before the corresponding "main"
  version string alone. Amongst prereleases, segments are compared in
  order with purely numeric ones compared as numbers and mixed ones
  compared lexicographically. So 1.2.3 is more recent than 1.2.3-1,
  which is itself less recent than 1.2.3-2.
- Maven version strings are any number of segments separated by a `.`, a
  `-`, or a transition between a number and a letter. Version strings
  are compared element-wise, with numeric segments being compared as
  numbers. Alphabetic segments are treated specially if they happen to be
  one of a handful of magic words (such as "alpha", "beta" or "snapshot"
  for example) which count as "qualifiers"; a version string with a
  qualifier is "before" its prefix (`1.2.3` is before `1.2.3-alpha.3`,
  which is the same as `1.2.3-alpha3` or `1.2.3-alpha-3`), and there is a
  special ordering amongst qualifiers. Other alphabetic segments are
  compared alphabetically and count as being "after" their prefix
  (`1.2.3-really-final-this-time` counts as being released after `1.2.3`).
- GHC package numbers are comprised of any number of numeric segments
  separated by `.`, plus an optional (though deprecated) alphanumeric
  "version tag" separated by a `-`. I could not find any official
  documentation on ordering for the version tag; numeric segments are
  compared as numbers.
- npm uses semantic versioning so that is covered already.

After much more investigation than I'd care to admit, I have come up
with the following compromise as the least-bad solution. First,
obviously, the version string for stable/marketing versions is going to
be "standard" semver, i.e. major.minor.patch, all numbers, which works,
and sorts as expected, for all three schemes. For snapshot releases, we
shall use the following (semver) format:


where the components are, respectively:

- `0.13.53`: the expected version string of the next "stable" release.
- `alpha`: a marker that hopefully scares people enough.
- `20200214`: the date of the release commit, which _MUST_ be on
- `3025`: the number of commits in master up to the release commit
  (included). Because we have a linear, append-only master branch, this
  uniquely identifies the commit.
- `ef5d32b7ù : the first 8 characters of the release commit sha. This is
  not strictly speaking necessary, but makes it a lot more convenient to
  identify the commit.

The main downsides of this format are:

1. It is not a valid format for GHC packages. We do not publish GHC
  packages from the SDK (so far we have instead opted to release our
  Haskell code as separate packages entirely), so this should not be an
  issue. However, our SDK version currently leaks to `ghc-pkg` as the
  version string for the stdlib (and prim) packages. This PR addresses
  that by tweaking the compiler to remove the offending bits, so `ghc-pkg`
  would see the above version number as ``, which
  should be enough to uniquely identify it. Note that, as far as I could
  find out, this number would never be exposed to users.
2. It is rather long, which I think is good from a human perspective as
  it makes it more scary. However, I have been told that this may be
  long enough to cause issues on Windows by pushing us past the max path
  size limitation of that "OS". I suggest we try it and see what

The upsides are:

- It clearly indicates it is an unstable release (`alpha`).
- It clearly indicates how old it is, by including the date.
- To humans, it is immediately obvious which version is "later" even if
  they have the same date, allowing us to release same-day patches if
  needed. (Note: that is, commits that were made on the same day; the
  release date itself is irrelevant here.)
- It contains the git sha so the commit built for that release is
  immediately obvious.
- It sorts correctly under all schemes (modulo the modification for

Alternatives I considered:

- Pander to GHC: 0.13.53-alpha-20200214-3025-ef5d32b7. This format would
  be accepted by all schemes, but will not sort as expected under semantic
  versioning (though Maven will be fine). I have no idea how it will sort
  under GHC.
- Not having any non-numeric component, e.g. ``.
  This is not valid semantic versioning and is therefore rejected by
- Not having detailed info: just go with `0.13.53-snapshot`. This is
  what is generally done in the Java world, but we then lose track of what
  version is actually in use and I'm concerned about bug reports. This
  would also not let us publish to the main Maven repo (at least not more
  than once), as artifacts there are supposed to be immutable.
- No having a qualifier: `0.13.53-3025` would be acceptable to all three
  version formats. However, it would not clearly indicate to humans that
  it is not meant as a stable version, and would sort differently under
  semantic versioning (which counts it as a prerelease, i.e. before
  `0.13.53`) than under maven (which counts it as a patch, so after
- Just counting releases: `0.13.53-alpha.1`, where we just count the
  number of prereleases in-between `0.13.52` and the next. This is
  currently the fallback plan if Windows path length causes issues. It
  would be less convenient to map releases to commits, but it could still
  be done via querying the history of the `LATEST` file.

Release notes

> Note: We have decided not to have release notes for snapshot releases.

Release notes are a bit tricky. Because we want the ability to make
snapshot releases, then later on promote them to stable releases, it
follows that we want to build commits from the past. However, if we
decide post-hoc that a commit is actually a good candidate for a
release, there is no way that commit can have the appropriate release
notes: it cannot know what version number it's getting, and, moreover,
we now track changes in commit messages. And I do not think anyone wants
to go back to the release notes file being a merge bottleneck.

But release notes need to be published to the releases blog upon
releasing a stable version, and the docs website needs to be updated and
include them.

The only sensible solution here is to pick up the release notes as of
the commit that triggers the release. As the docs cron runs
asynchronously, this means walking down the git history to find the
relevant commit.

> Note: We could probably do away with the asynchronicity at this point.
> It was originally included to cover for the possibility of a release
> failing. If we are releasing commits from the past after they have been
> tested, this should not be an issue anymore. If the docs generation were
> part of the synchronous release step, it would have direct access to the
> correct release notes without having to walk down the git history.
> However, I think it is more prudent to keep this change as a future step,
> after we're confident the new release scheme does indeed produce much more
> reliable "stable" releases.

New release process

Just like releases are currently controlled mostly by detecting
changes to the `VERSION` file, the new process will be controlled by
detecting changes to the `LATEST` file. The format of that file will
include both the version string and the corresponding SHA.

Upon detecting a change to the `LATEST` file, CI will run the entire
release process, just like it does now with the VERSION file. The main
differences are:

1. Before running the release step, CI will checkout the commit
  specified in the LATEST file. This requires separating the release
  step from the build step, which in my opinion is cleaner anyway.
2. The `//:VERSION` Bazel target is replaced by a repository rule
  that gets the version to build from an environment variable, with a
  default of `0.0.0` to remain consistent with the current `daml-head`

Some of the manual steps will need to be skipped for a snapshot release.
See amended `release/` in this commit for details.

The main caveat of this approach is that the official release will be a
different binary from the corresponding snapshot. It will have been
built from the same source, but with a different version string. This is
somewhat mitigated by Bazel caching, meaning any build step that does
not depend on the version string should use the cache and produce
identical results. I do not think this can be avoided when our artifact
includes its own version number.

I must note, though, that while going through the changes required after
removing the `VERSION` file, I have been quite surprised at the sheer number of
things that actually depend on the SDK version number. I believe we should
look into reducing that over time.

2020-02-25 17:01:23 +01:00
Gary Verhaegen
add copyright headers to yml files (#4407)
We seem to have forgotten about them in the copyright scripts.

2020-02-06 12:54:07 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Add first prototype of triggers as a service (TaaS) (#4287)
* Add first prototype of triggers as a service (TaaS)

This is an extremely basic version of the trigger as a service thingy.

Right now, it supports spawning triggers and stopping them but nothing

There is a very simple test to check that it’s not completely broken.


* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-Authored-By: Andreas Herrmann <>

* remove debugging output

* remove leftover import

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <>
2020-01-31 12:53:45 +01:00
Andreas Herrmann
Daml.Trigger.Assert for trigger testing API (#4264)
* Daml.Trigger.Assert for trigger testing API

Requires extracting part of Daml.Trigger into Daml.Trigger.Internal to
get access to internal data constructors and functionality

- [DAML Trigger - Experimental] Trigger testing functionality is now
available in the module Daml.Trigger.Assert.

* Set exposed-modules to hide Daml.Trigger.Internal

* API docs for Daml.Trigger.Assert

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <>
2020-01-29 16:57:00 +00:00
Andreas Herrmann
74984559e8 Test triggers in scenarios (#4233)
* Bazel test for trigger scenario

* daml-triggers: Allow testing trigger rules in scenarios

- [DAML Triggers - Experimental] DAML triggers can now be tested in
scenarios. Specifically, a trigger's ``rule`` can be executed in a
scenario and assertions performed on the emitted commands.

* Allow assertions on create commands

* [DAML stdlib] Add `CanAbort` instance for `Either Text`.

* Add convenience to construct ACS for testRule

* Add assertions for exercise and exerciseByKey

* fix assert message

* Test assertExercise(ByKey)Cmd

* unpackCommands --> flattenCommands

* Add API documentation

* Document that command ids start from "0"

* generalise command assertions to CanAbortm

* export ACSBuilder type

* Better haddocs for trigger command assertions

* explicit let

* ./

* Fix runfiles on Windows

* Add reference to Bazel issue

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <>
2020-01-28 11:50:46 +00:00
Andreas Herrmann
2b64ea3ca4 Implement DAML trigger heartbeat (#4011)
* Implement heartbeat messages in trigger runner.

* Add heartbeat to Daml.Trigger

- [DAML Triggers - Experimental] DAML triggers can now configure a heartbeat message to be sent at regular time interval.

* Add DAML trigger heartbeat test-case

* ./fmts.h

Co-authored-by: Andreas Herrmann <>
2020-01-10 16:04:47 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
27fd561af6 Fix trigger time tests (#4002)
These have failed quite a few times on Windows and occasionally also
on MacOS.

This test, first fixes a small issue where the tests were actually
using the times from completions instead of only the timings from
creations. (that technically shouldn’t be an issue but it’s at least
confusing since the error claims to test creations).

In addition to that, this PR changes the condition to allow for the
times to be equal since especially on Windows we don’t seem to have a
very high resolution and the tests are remarkably quick so sometimes
the times can be identical.

I’ve slightly rephrased the condition since I got confused by the fact
that we test for the negated condition.

2020-01-09 16:53:43 +00:00
Gary Verhaegen
update copyright notices to 2020 (#3939)
copyright update 2020

* update template
* run script: `dade-copyright-headers update .`
* update script
* manual adjustments
* exclude frozen proto files from further header checks (by adding NO_AUTO_COPYRIGHT files)
2020-01-02 21:21:13 +01:00
Brian Healey
9f13a2fb10 Upgrade to Akka 2.6.1, akka-http 10.1.11 and Scala 2.12.10 (#3903)
* Upgrade to Akka 2.6.1, akka-http 10.1.11 and Scala 2.12.10

Akka 2.6.1 Upgrade Changes
- Materializer in place of ActorMaterializer
- Source.future instead of Source.fromFuture
- The Scheduler.schedule method has been deprecated in favor of selecting scheduleWithFixedDelay or scheduleAtFixedRate
- onDownstreamFinish(cause: Throwable)
- ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy(...) in place of ActorMaterializerSettings.withSupervisionStrategy


* Akka 2.6.1 Upgrade Changes
- onDownstreamFinish(cause: Throwable)


* code review: remove unnecessary supervision strategy
2019-12-19 18:00:59 +00:00
Andreas Herrmann
Expose timestamp in DAML triggers (#3858)
* Add time to Trigger update function


- [DAML Triggers - Experimental] Expose timestamp in triggers.
  See `#3612 <>`__.


* Add triggers time test

* Update trigger docs
2019-12-17 11:12:05 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
022c60ccb3 Publish the thin trigger library instead of the fat jar (#3739)
This still contains the main class so you can use it like you would
use the fat jar but publishing fat jars to maven central is apparently
bad practise and some peple have asked for the library.

This includes some slight tweaks to the scala_docs rule to make it
capable of coping with the generated source file and a hack in the
release script to avoid it complaining about the scenario proto
library not being published to Maven even though it is included in the
transitive deps.
2019-12-05 13:04:20 +00:00
Stefano Baghino
5254520b80 Spin off TokenHolder into a new library (#3741)
* Spin off TokenHolder into a new library

Avoids having weird dependencies between different packages, makes TokenHolder available on Maven

* Fix auth-utils path
2019-12-05 12:31:14 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
Support authentication in DAML triggers (#3730)
* Support authentication in DAML triggers

fixes #3259


- [DAML Triggers - Experimental] DAML triggers can now be run against
an authenticated ledger.


* Remove debug printf

* Windows is bad
2019-12-04 13:57:44 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
5a3b5f498a Fix SDK versions in trigger and daml-script dars (#3706)
* Fix SDK versions in trigger and daml-script dars

* Fix SDK versions in tests
2019-12-03 07:28:49 +00:00
Martin Huschenbett
Ban usage of generic templates (#3631)
We don't drop full support from the compiler yet but rather ban their use by
adding a check to the preprocessor. We'll remove the actual support as we go
along with fixing the upgrading story.


- [DAML Compiler] Make the experimental feature "generic templates"
  unavailable. The current implementation is at odds with other, more important
  language features still under development.

2019-11-26 17:15:17 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Add template id filtering to triggers (#3577)
* Add template id filtering to triggers

- [Daml Triggers - Experimental] DAML triggers now allow you to specify which templates you want to listen for which can improve performance.

* Address review comments

* Fix list-triggers test
2019-11-21 16:50:40 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Refactor trigger runner in preparation for template id filtering (#3570)
This is a prepatory PR before introducing template id filtering in
DAML triggers. It does not change or introduce any new functionality.
2019-11-21 14:08:11 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
6d2ed90f29 Remove target flags in DAML triggers and DAML script (#3545)
1.7 is now the default so we no longer need those.
2019-11-20 10:54:16 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
5458053ea9 Add pending set to DAML triggers (#3502)
fixes #3360
2019-11-18 14:25:40 +00:00
Andreas Herrmann
712bc456ba Map CommandIds in MTransaction (#3501)
* Regression test for #3485

* Respect CommandId mapping for transactions

* triggers: Fix ExerciseByKey

Make choice nonconsuming, so that no second `T` is created later.
Only execute `dedupExerciseByKey` if `T_` doesn't exist, yet.

* Update list-triggers test

* triggers: Empty commandId on foreign TransactionM

95ccc59b45 (r347287514)
2019-11-18 14:34:48 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
Fix conversion from Ledger API to Speedy in DAML triggers (#3458)
Previously, we use SValue.fromValue for the conversion. However, this
breaks in cases like Numeric where the scale information is lost. By
using the ValueTranslator instead, we avoid this issue.

There is a similar problem in DAML script but I’ll fix that in a
separate PR.

Since the ValueTranslator is package private, this PR moves the
triggers in the engine package.
2019-11-14 09:26:36 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
[daml-triggers] Rename getTemplates to getContracts (#3430)
Given that this returns the contracts of a given template rather than
returning templates, this name makes a lot more sense.
2019-11-12 14:48:24 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
11044f3683 Add exerciseByKey to DAML triggers (#3413)
fixes #3317
2019-11-11 18:12:25 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
7db11ca427 Add toAnyContractKey and fromAnyContractKey (#3408)
* Add toAnyContractKey and fromAnyContractKey

This is necessary to add exerciseByKey to DAML triggers.

* Switch to proper ghc-lib release

* Remove unnecessary filter

* Bump timeout because macos is terrible

* bazel fmt
2019-11-11 17:35:53 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
Compile DAML trigger library with --target 1.7 (#3372) 2019-11-07 12:08:44 +01:00
Jussi Mäki
ca7bbacd6c Build rules for producing and verifying ledger dumps (#3290)
* Add client_server_build and integrity_test rules

And use them to implement ledger dump of the reference
server and to check it.

* Only build and test ledger dump on Linux. Only run tests relevant to dump.

* Make client_server_build quiet in happy path

* Reformat

* Remove unnecessary runfiles for client_server_build
2019-11-07 09:41:54 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
Use regular ContractIds in DAML triggers (#3337)
The only reason for having AbsoluteContractId was that we could get
some more instances in particular `Ord` and `MapKey` but given that
`ContractId` will be a valid key type for the new DAML-LF maps, we can
just use slower implementations for now and switch to Map-based
implementations once that has landed.

fixes #3336
2019-11-05 15:15:07 +01:00
Moritz Kiefer
e70bb007be Add a command to list the triggers in a DAR (#3268)
For now, this uses a somewhat adhoc format with one trigger identifier
per line but given that I expect that it won’t be particularly common
to want to do this mechanically this should be sufficient and it’s
trivial to parse.
2019-10-28 22:34:19 +00:00
Andreas Herrmann
Replace bazel-deps by rules_jvm_external (#3253)
* Update bazel-common to fix javadoc issues

Specifically, to fix the following error

ERROR: /home/aj/ in javadoc_library rule //ledger-api/rs-grpc-bridge:rs-grpc-bridge_javadoc:
Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/aj/", line 7
                javadoc_library(name = 'rs-grpc-bridge_javadoc')
        File "/home/aj/.cache/bazel/_bazel_aj/5f825ad28f8e070f999ba37395e46ee5/external/com_github_google_bazel_common/tools/javadoc/javadoc.bzl", line 27, in _javadoc_library
object of type 'JavaSkylarkApiProvider' has no field 'transitive_deps'

* Define Maven deps using rules_jvm_external

* Pin artifacts

* Remove bazel-deps generated targets

* Remove bazel-deps

* Switch to rules_jvm_external targets

* update bazel documentation

* pom_file: There are no more bazel-deps targets

* `maven_install` typo
2019-10-28 13:53:14 +01:00
Andreas Herrmann
dc2f10ebe6 Use TemplateTypeRep in DAML Trigger API (#3245)
* Add TemplateTypeRep to AnyContractId

* Define Trigger.ContractId t

* Use Trigger.ContractId t

* Implement fromCreated and fromArchived

* instance MapKey TemplateTypeRep

* More efficient ACS access using Map TemplateTypeRep

* ./

* toString and fromString for Identifier

* Replace Identifier by TemplateTypeRep

* TheContractId --> AbsoluteContractId
2019-10-23 13:56:59 +00:00
Andreas Herrmann
Detect high level trigger (#3239)
* capture high-level module in converter

* Factor out trigger discovery

* Support running high-level triggers directly

* Don't convert to low-level trigger in Retry

* ./

* Update CopyTrigger, docs, and changelog
2019-10-21 14:22:08 +02:00
Moritz Kiefer
f2618ec85b Run DAML trigger rule on failed completions (#3226)
fixes #3214
2019-10-18 13:04:31 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
e31526c35c Use the same CopyTrigger in the docs and the tests (#3213)
* Use the same CopyTrigger in the docs and the tests

That way, we actually test what we use in our docs which seem like a
much better idea than duplicating the code.

* Add debugging output on failures
2019-10-17 12:52:15 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
6d3ae219d1 Improve logging and debugging of DAML triggers (#3210)
- We now display `trace` messages so they can be used for debugging.
- I’ve removed the log message from the low-level API since it is
  confusing as it is not exposed via the high-level API and somewhat
  redundant since you can use `trace` for debugging. If there is a
  demand for proper logging support we might want to add it back at
  some point.
- We now display errors from speedy properly. This is mainly important
  for calls to `error` since we previously lost the error message.
- Logging messages go through a proper logging library now and the
  internal debugging stuff is only displayed at debug level so not by default.
- We log failed completions at warning level to ease debugging.
2019-10-17 10:21:56 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
Fix a race condition in the DAML trigger tests (#3199)
Previously, it could happen that the command flow used in the test was
started before the trigger queried the ACS on startup.

Now we wait for the ACS to be queried before starting the commands
flow which fixes this issue.
2019-10-16 16:51:06 +02:00
Moritz Kiefer
155302a247 [daml-triggers] Support wallclock time and make TTL configurable (#3186)
* [daml-triggers] Support wallclock time and make TTL configurable

fixes #3184

* Remove duplicate wall clock option
2019-10-15 15:43:55 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
Add a first draft of documentation for DAML triggers (#3181)
* Add a first draft of documentation for DAML triggers

The API will still change in a bunch of ways but I’d rather get some
docs in place now and update them as we change things than not have
any docs at all.

* Fix path to daml.yaml

* s/bot/trigger/

* fix source code markers

* Fix tests

* Update docs/source/triggers/index.rst

Co-Authored-By: Andreas Herrmann <>
2019-10-15 16:50:43 +02:00
e45b585307 daml-lf: repackage daml-lf archive proto (daml_lf -> daml_lf_dev) (#3169) 2019-10-15 09:36:11 +00:00
d64df4b5f7 daml-lf: clean achive bazel build (#3175)
* clean the mess in daml-lf achive bazel build

* add release note

* Address Moritz's comments

* more release notes
2019-10-15 08:36:46 +00:00
fc1a000090 daml-lf: rename daml_lf_archive_scala target to daml_lf_archive_reader (#3168)
* daml-lf: rename daml_lf_archive_scala target to daml_lf_archive_reader

* fix release
2019-10-14 14:53:50 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
1da742ec60 Use UUIDs for command ids emitted from DAML triggers (#3170)
fixes #3130
2019-10-14 14:49:01 +00:00
Moritz Kiefer
Allow emitting commands on trigger initialization (#3132)
fixes #3128

Also includes a small bug fix to reenable some tests that I
accidentally disabled in #3127 and fixes deserialization of command
ids in completions which I accidentaly broke when making fromCommandId
return an Optional since that’s what we need for transactions.
2019-10-09 09:24:34 +02:00
Moritz Kiefer
First draft of a high-level API for DAML triggers (#3127)
This PR adds a first draft of a high-level API for DAML
triggers. There is definitely more work to be done and the design is
absolutely not final. However it already allows expressing the copy
bot fairly cleanly so I would like to merge this in its current
state (or at least without bikeshedding the design too much) and then
iterate upon it.
2019-10-08 15:34:14 +02:00