. "$PSScriptRoot\..\libexec\test-utils.ps1" function clean { Remove-Item $env:DADEW -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore $env:DADEW_USE_COLORS = $null da_clear_random_dadew_home } function dadew() { $env:DADEW_USE_COLORS = "false" . $PSScriptRoot/../bin/dadew.ps1 @args } Describe "DADEW - DA DevEnv Windows" { BeforeEach { da_random_dadew_home . "$PSScriptRoot\..\libexec\dadew.ps1" da_reset_path } AfterEach { clean } It "java is installed with unlimited cryptography enabled" { dadew "install" dadew "enable" dadew "sync" "$PSScriptRoot\envs\java" da_is_installed "java" | Should -Be True da_is_installed "jps" | Should -Be True da_is_installed "groovy" | Should -Be True (groovy -e 'println(javax.crypto.Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(\"AES\"))') | Out-String | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape("2147483647")) } It "bazel is installed and responds with version" { dadew "install" dadew "enable" dadew "sync" "$PSScriptRoot\envs\bazel" da_is_installed "bazel" | Should -Be True (bazel version) | Out-String | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape("Build label: ")) } }