# Running tests against an Oracle database Certain integration tests use Oracle as a DBMS for certain components (e.g. the Trigger Service). These tests are executed separately on CI and you can see an up-to-date list of them in the [CI configuration](./ci/build.yml). In order to execute them locally, the repository has a couple of conveniences: - `dev-env` automatically sets up the environment variables - `ORACLE_USERNAME` to `system` - `ORACLE_PWD` to `hunter2` - `ORACLE_PORT` to `1521` - `bazel.rc` includes the `oracle` configuration key that leverages the environment variables mentioned above This means that _once you have an Oracle database running locally with the proper credentials and using the proper port_, you can run tests that require Oracle as in the following example: bazel test --config=oracle //trigger/service/... ## Running an Oracle database locally _If_ you have the necessary authorization, you can use the same process followed on CI to run Oracle. Find the Oracle test job on the [CI configuration](./ci/build.yml) and run the commands that pull and run the Oracle database Docker image.