use nix PATH_add bin [[ -f .envrc.private ]] && source_env .envrc.private ## LEGACY echo "[dev-env] Setting up DA Development Environment" eval "$(dev-env/bin/dade assist)" DADE_PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_TYPE=pre-push # always start from a clean slate to ensure that the install phase produces the scenario described by `DADE_NO_PRE_COMMIT` and `DADE_PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_TYPE` # this is a bit unfortunate but it doesn't look like pre-commit currently supports uninstalling all hooks in one go as of version 2.20.0 HOOK_TYPES=(pre-commit pre-merge-commit pre-push prepare-commit-msg commit-msg post-checkout post-commit post-merge post-rewrite) for HOOK_TYPE in ${HOOK_TYPES[@]}; do pre-commit uninstall -t "$HOOK_TYPE" > /dev/null; done # install pre-commit hook (opt-out by setting `DADE_NO_PRE_COMMIT`, set the hook type with `DADE_PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_TYPE` -- defaults to 'pre-push') if [[ -z "${DADE_NO_PRE_COMMIT:-}" ]]; then pre-commit install -t "$DADE_PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_TYPE" > /dev/null fi if [ -z "${RUN_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENCE_CHECK:-}" ]; then echo "Warning: platform-independence-checks will be skipped." echo "To silence this warning, please set 'RUN_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENCE_CHECK'" echo "by running the following line:" echo " echo export RUN_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENCE_CHECK=no >> $(pwd)/.envrc.private" echo "if you usually work on the compiler, run the following line instead:" echo " echo export RUN_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENCE_CHECK=yes >> $(pwd)/.envrc.private" export RUN_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENCE_CHECK=no fi