# Making a Release 1. Make a PR that only bumps the version number in the VERSION file. It is important that the PR only changes the VERSION file. 2. Merge the PR using a rebase merge. 3. Once CI has passed for the merged PR, the release should be available on bintray. 4. Activate the new version with `da use VERSION`. Note that it will not be picked up by `da upgrade` at this point. 5. Run through the manual test plan described in https://docs.google.com/document/d/16amcy7bQodXSHjEmKhAUiaPf6O92gUbch1OyixDEvSM/edit?ts=5ca5be00. 6. If it passes the release should be made public. This currently consists of three steps. 1. Tag the release as `visible-external` on Bintray. This step can only be done by someone with permissions to set tags on Bintray. After this step the release will be picked up by `da upgrade`. 2. Trigger the CircleCI jobs to create the Docker images. To do so, go to https://circleci.com/gh/DACH-NY/workflows/damlc-docker/tree/master and click "rerun" on "master / Main Variant" and on "master / CircleCI Variant". Once the jobs have passed, you should see two new images on https://hub.docker.com/r/digitalasset/daml-sdk/tags. 3. Tag the commit and push the tag: ``` git checkout master # Checkout the release commit, you can use the following to # find it assuming the commit message contains "release". git log --grep=release -i git checkout SHA_OF_RELEASE_COMMIT git tag -a v0.11.31 -m "SDK 0.11.31" # Change the version number git push origin v0.11.31 ``` Verify that you see the tag at https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/releases.