#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 set -eou pipefail if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Expected exactly one argument." echo "Usage: ./build_packages.sh TARGET_DIR" exit 1 fi TARGET_DIR=$PWD/$1 cd "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/.." mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR # This version needs to be adapted in all cabal files, too # The script below will fail on the `cp` command otherwise. LIB_VERSION="" package_from_dir() { local dir=$1 if [ ! -d $dir ]; then echo "Directory $dir does not exist!" exit 1 fi pushd $dir cabal v2-sdist cp dist-newstyle/sdist/*${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz "$TARGET_DIR/" rm -rf cabal.tix dist-newstyle/ popd } package_from_dir libs-haskell/da-hs-base # removed the GCP logger from the exposed modules to avoid SdkVersion.hs package_from_dir compiler/daml-lf-ast package_from_dir compiler/daml-lf-proto package_from_dir compiler/daml-lf-reader DIR=$(mktemp -d) mkdir -p "$DIR/protobuf/com/daml" cp -RL "daml-lf/archive/src/main/protobuf/com/daml/daml_lf_dev" "$DIR/protobuf/com/daml/" # generate code from protobuf using the matching tool, as a configure script cat <"$DIR/Setup.hs" -- Copyright (c) 2021 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -- -- Parts of this code were adapted from -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/proto-lens-setup- -- which is (c) 2016 Google Inc. with a BSD-style license that can be found at -- https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd {-# Language RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (autogenPackageModulesDir) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose , installOrdinaryFile ) import Distribution.PackageDescription import System.FilePath -- filepath package import System.Directory import System.Process main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks $ generateHooks where generateHooks :: UserHooks generateHooks = simple { buildHook = \p l h f -> generate l >> buildHook simple p l h f , haddockHook = \p l h f -> generate l >> haddockHook simple p l h f , replHook = \p l h f args -> generate l >> replHook simple p l h f args } simple = simpleUserHooks generate :: LocalBuildInfo -> IO () generate locInfo = generateFromProtos locInfo "protobuf" (autogenPackageModulesDir locInfo) -- generates Haskell from all proto files from extra-source-files which are -- under a given srcDir path (used as include directory) generateFromProtos :: LocalBuildInfo -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () generateFromProtos locInfo srcDir outDir = do let protos = collectProtos srcDir mapM_ (generateProto srcDir outDir) protos where collectProtos :: FilePath -> [FilePath] collectProtos path = map (makeRelative path) . filter ((== ".proto") . takeExtension) . filter (isInside path) $ (extraSrcFiles $ localPkgDescr locInfo) isInside :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool isInside path file = isRelative file && equalFilePath file (path makeRelative path file) -- | runs @compile-proto-file@ for the given path @proto@, assumed relative to -- @imports@, output in @output@ path. generateProto :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () generateProto imports output proto = do putStrLn $ "generate from proto file " ++ proto createDirectoryIfMissing True output callProcess "compile-proto-file" ["--includeDir", imports, "--out", output, "--proto", proto] EOF cat < "$DIR/daml-lf-proto-types.cabal" cabal-version: 2.4 name: daml-lf-proto-types version: ${LIB_VERSION} extra-source-files: protobuf/com/daml/daml_lf_dev/daml_lf.proto protobuf/com/daml/daml_lf_dev/daml_lf_1.proto build-type: Custom custom-setup setup-depends: base, Cabal, directory, filepath, process, proto3-suite library default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, proto3-suite, proto3-wire, text, vector, exposed-modules: Com.Daml.DamlLfDev.DamlLf Com.Daml.DamlLfDev.DamlLf1 autogen-modules: Com.Daml.DamlLfDev.DamlLf Com.Daml.DamlLfDev.DamlLf1 EOF package_from_dir "$DIR" rm -rf "$DIR" if [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/cabal.project" ]; then cat < "$TARGET_DIR/cabal.project" packages: -- ./. -- add this if the top project is cabalised ./da-hs-base-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz ./daml-lf-ast-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz ./daml-lf-proto-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz ./daml-lf-proto-types-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz ./daml-lf-reader-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz EOF echo "Wrote $TARGET_DIR/cabal.project" else echo "not overwriting existing cabal.project file" fi if [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/stack.yaml" ]; then cat < "$TARGET_DIR/stack.yaml" resolver: lts-17.11 packages: - . # adding proto3 libraries (not on stackage) for daml-lf-proto-types extra-deps: - proto3-suite-0.4.2 - proto3-wire-1.2.2 - ./da-hs-base-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz - ./daml-lf-ast-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz - ./daml-lf-proto-types-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz - ./daml-lf-proto-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz - ./daml-lf-reader-${LIB_VERSION}.tar.gz EOF echo "Wrote $TARGET_DIR/stack.yaml" else echo "not overwriting existing stack.yaml file" fi # add a dummy cabal file so one can compile the libraries for a test cat < $TARGET_DIR/test-lib-lf.cabal cabal-version: 2.4 name: test-lib-lf description: Dummy package to test compilation of the extracted LF libraries version: ${LIB_VERSION} build-type: Simple library hs-source-dirs: . build-depends: da-hs-base, daml-lf-ast, daml-lf-proto, daml-lf-proto-types, daml-lf-reader default-language: Haskell2010 EOF