# Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 load("@build_environment//:configuration.bzl", "ghc_version", "sdk_version") load("//bazel_tools/sh:sh.bzl", "sh_inline_test") _damlc = attr.label( allow_single_file = True, default = Label("//compiler/damlc"), executable = True, cfg = "host", doc = "The DAML compiler.", ) _zipper = attr.label( allow_single_file = True, default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"), executable = True, cfg = "host", ) ghc_opts = ["--ghc-option=-Werror"] def _daml_configure_impl(ctx): project_name = ctx.attr.project_name project_version = ctx.attr.project_version daml_yaml = ctx.outputs.daml_yaml target = ctx.attr.target opts = ghc_opts + ["--target={}".format(target)] if target else ghc_opts ctx.actions.write( output = daml_yaml, content = """ sdk-version: {sdk} name: {name} version: {version} source: . dependencies: [] build-options: [{opts} ] """.format( sdk = sdk_version, name = project_name, version = project_version, opts = ", ".join(opts), ), ) _daml_configure = rule( implementation = _daml_configure_impl, attrs = { "project_name": attr.string( mandatory = True, doc = "Name of the DAML project.", ), "project_version": attr.string( mandatory = True, doc = "Version of the DAML project.", ), "daml_yaml": attr.output( mandatory = True, doc = "The generated daml.yaml config file.", ), "target": attr.string( doc = "DAML-LF version to output.", ), }, ) def file_of_target(k): [file] = k.files.to_list() return file def make_cp_command(src, dest): return "mkdir -p $(dirname {dest}); cp -f {src} {dest}".format( src = src, dest = dest, ) def _daml_build_impl(ctx): name = ctx.label.name daml_yaml = ctx.file.daml_yaml srcs = ctx.files.srcs dar_dict = ctx.attr.dar_dict damlc = ctx.file._damlc input_dars = [file_of_target(k) for k in dar_dict.keys()] output_dar = ctx.outputs.dar posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"] ctx.actions.run_shell( tools = [damlc], inputs = [daml_yaml] + srcs + input_dars, outputs = [output_dar], progress_message = "Building DAML project %s" % name, command = """ set -eou pipefail tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT cp -f {config} $tmpdir/daml.yaml # Having to produce all the daml.yaml files via a genrule is annoying # so we allow hardcoded version numbers and patch them here. {sed} -i 's/^sdk-version:.*$/sdk-version: {sdk_version}/' $tmpdir/daml.yaml {cp_srcs} {cp_dars} {damlc} build --project-root $tmpdir {ghc_opts} -o $PWD/{output_dar} """.format( config = daml_yaml.path, cp_srcs = "\n".join([ make_cp_command( src = src.path, dest = "$tmpdir/" + src.path, ) for src in srcs ]), cp_dars = "\n".join([ make_cp_command( src = file_of_target(k).path, dest = "$tmpdir/" + v, ) for k, v in dar_dict.items() ]), sed = posix.commands["sed"], damlc = damlc.path, output_dar = output_dar.path, sdk_version = sdk_version, ghc_opts = " ".join(ghc_opts), ), ) _daml_build = rule( implementation = _daml_build_impl, attrs = { "daml_yaml": attr.label( allow_single_file = True, mandatory = True, doc = "The daml.yaml config file.", ), "srcs": attr.label_list( allow_files = [".daml"], mandatory = True, doc = "DAML files in this DAML project.", ), "dar_dict": attr.label_keyed_string_dict( mandatory = True, allow_files = True, doc = "Other DAML projects referenced by this DAML project.", ), "dar": attr.output( mandatory = True, doc = "The generated DAR file.", ), "_damlc": _damlc, }, toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"], ) def _extract_main_dalf_impl(ctx): project_name = ctx.attr.project_name project_version = ctx.attr.project_version input_dar = ctx.file.dar output_dalf = ctx.outputs.dalf zipper = ctx.file._zipper posix = ctx.toolchains["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"] ctx.actions.run_shell( tools = [zipper], inputs = [input_dar], outputs = [output_dalf], progress_message = "Extract DALF from DAR (%s)" % project_name, command = """ set -eoux pipefail TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR" EXIT # While zipper has a -d option, it insists on it # being a relative path so we don't use it. ZIPPER=$PWD/{zipper} DAR=$PWD/{input_dar} (cd $TMPDIR && $ZIPPER x $DAR) main_dalf=$({find} $TMPDIR/ -name '{project_name}-{project_version}-[a-z0-9]*.dalf') cp $main_dalf {output_dalf} """.format( zipper = zipper.path, find = posix.commands["find"], project_name = project_name, project_version = project_version, input_dar = input_dar.path, output_dalf = output_dalf.path, ), ) _extract_main_dalf = rule( implementation = _extract_main_dalf_impl, attrs = { "project_name": attr.string( mandatory = True, doc = "Name of the DAML project.", ), "project_version": attr.string( mandatory = True, doc = "Version of the DAML project.", ), "dar": attr.label( allow_single_file = [".dar"], mandatory = True, doc = "The DAR from which the DALF will be extracted.", ), "dalf": attr.output( mandatory = True, doc = "The extracted DALF.", ), "_zipper": _zipper, }, toolchains = ["@rules_sh//sh/posix:toolchain_type"], ) def _daml_validate_test( name, dar, **kwargs): damlc = "//compiler/damlc" sh_inline_test( name = name, data = [damlc, dar], cmd = """\ DAMLC=$$(canonicalize_rlocation $(rootpath {damlc})) $$DAMLC validate-dar $$(canonicalize_rlocation $(rootpath {dar})) """.format( damlc = damlc, dar = dar, ), **kwargs ) def _inspect_dar(base): name = base + "-inspect" dar = base + ".dar" pp = base + ".dar.pp" native.genrule( name = name, srcs = [ dar, "//compiler/damlc", ], outs = [pp], cmd = "$(location //compiler/damlc) inspect $(location :" + dar + ") > $@", ) _default_project_version = "1.0.0" def daml_compile( name, srcs, version = _default_project_version, target = None, project_name = None, **kwargs): "Build a DAML project, with a generated daml.yaml." if len(srcs) == 0: fail("daml_compile: Expected `srcs' to be non-empty.") daml_yaml = name + ".yaml" _daml_configure( name = name + ".configure", project_name = project_name or name, project_version = version, daml_yaml = daml_yaml, target = target, **kwargs ) _daml_build( name = name + ".build", daml_yaml = daml_yaml, srcs = srcs, dar_dict = {}, dar = name + ".dar", **kwargs ) _inspect_dar( base = name, ) def daml_compile_with_dalf( name, version = _default_project_version, **kwargs): "Build a DAML project, with a generated daml.yaml, and extract the main DALF." daml_compile( name = name, version = version, **kwargs ) _extract_main_dalf( name = name + ".extract", project_name = name, project_version = version, dar = name + ".dar", dalf = name + ".dalf", ) def daml_build_test( name, project_dir, daml_config_basename = "daml.yaml", daml_subdir_basename = "daml", daml_yaml = None, dar_dict = {}, **kwargs): "Build a DAML project and validate the resulting .dar file." if not daml_yaml: daml_yaml = project_dir + "/" + daml_config_basename srcs = native.glob([project_dir + "/" + daml_subdir_basename + "/**/*.daml"]) _daml_build( name = name, daml_yaml = daml_yaml, srcs = srcs, dar_dict = dar_dict, dar = name + ".dar", **kwargs ) _daml_validate_test( name = name + ".test", dar = name + ".dar", ) def daml_test( name, srcs = [], deps = [], data_deps = [], damlc = "//compiler/damlc", target = None, **kwargs): sh_inline_test( name = name, data = [damlc] + srcs + deps + data_deps, cmd = """\ set -eoux pipefail tmpdir=$$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -rf $$tmpdir" EXIT DAMLC=$$(canonicalize_rlocation $(rootpath {damlc})) rlocations () {{ for i in $$@; do echo $$(canonicalize_rlocation $$i); done; }} DEPS=($$(rlocations {deps})) DATA_DEPS=($$(rlocations {data_deps})) JOINED_DATA_DEPS="$$(printf ',"%s"' $${{DATA_DEPS[@]}})" echo "$$JOINED_DATA_DEPS" cat << EOF > $$tmpdir/daml.yaml build-options: [{target}] sdk-version: {sdk_version} name: test version: 0.0.1 source: . dependencies: [daml-stdlib, daml-prim $$([ $${{#DEPS[@]}} -gt 0 ] && printf ',"%s"' $${{DEPS[@]}})] data-dependencies: [$$([ $${{#DATA_DEPS[@]}} -gt 0 ] && printf '%s' $${{JOINED_DATA_DEPS:1}})] EOF cat $$tmpdir/daml.yaml {cp_srcs} cd $$tmpdir $$DAMLC test --files {files} """.format( damlc = damlc, files = " ".join(["$(rootpaths %s)" % src for src in srcs]), sdk_version = sdk_version, deps = " ".join(["$(rootpaths %s)" % dep for dep in deps]), data_deps = " ".join(["$(rootpaths %s)" % dep for dep in data_deps]), cp_srcs = "\n".join([ "mkdir -p $$(dirname {dest}); cp -f {src} {dest}".format( src = "$$(canonicalize_rlocation $(rootpath {}))".format(src), dest = "$$tmpdir/$(rootpath {})".format(src), ) for src in srcs ]), target = "--target=" + target if (target) else "", ), **kwargs ) def daml_doc_test( name, package_name, srcs = [], ignored_srcs = [], flags = [], cpp = "@stackage-exe//hpp", damlc = "//compiler/damlc", **kwargs): sh_inline_test( name = name, data = [cpp, damlc] + srcs, cmd = """\ CPP=$$(canonicalize_rlocation $(rootpath {cpp})) DAMLC=$$(canonicalize_rlocation $(rootpath {damlc})) FILES=($$( for file in {files}; do for pattern in {ignored}; do if [[ $$file = *$$pattern ]]; then continue fi echo $$(canonicalize_rlocation $$i) done done )) $$DAMLC doctest {flags} --cpp $$CPP --package-name {package_name}-{version} "$${{FILES[@]}}" """.format( cpp = cpp, damlc = damlc, package_name = package_name, flags = " ".join(flags), version = ghc_version, files = " ".join(["$(rootpaths %s)" % src for src in srcs]), ignored = " ".join(ignored_srcs), ), **kwargs )