# private configuration .envrc.private # local development ## these are sometimes defined as symlinks for local development, ## but should never be checked in because they break ## `git clone --recursive` for repos that have `daml` as a submodule. /daml-ghcide # Artifacts dist .interfaces *.log target *.tgz *.hi *.o # Daml .daml/ # dev-env /dev-env/jdk /dev-env/var/ # Bazel .bazel-cache /bazel-* !/bazel-haskell-deps.bzl !/bazel-java-deps.bzl /compatibility/bazel-* !/compatibility/bazel-haskell-deps.bzl /compatibility/head_sdk/ .bazelrc.local .bazelproject # node.js node_modules/ ### Operating Systems ### # macOS .DS_Store ._.DS_Store ### Editors ### # Eclipse .classpath .factorypath .project .settings # Emacs \#*\# .\#*\# *~ # Ensime .ensime .ensime_cache # IntelliJ IDEA .idea .ijwb *.iml *.ipr *.iws out # Vim *~ *.swo *.swp # Visual Studio Code .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json.default